t THE CHAKLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 8, 1921. lb i V i 'CTT.F.R T.TITF.Q jjKi'rl BROW SONG lanilaus Zbyszko, Cham- njO" 1 f i luj .1.1.110 the Cosmic Urge. i;V H O T. HEATLEY. flti,.ual f' Staff Correspondent. Y.v k 1 H i., o. 'i I into I(Jl (V. .1 , i rt'i t inn 11 nwrvitie. cf!,.r ' pif-denial and hard -work." ni't ' .-.-.Milrr. it is not Charlps 'i. - .. ,h pivine aavice to ms em is" it Klbcrt 11. Gary, of the '.'.vn ;i lion: neither is the above ,i-, C1u-h-phrasc f a "school ' ';:'"'c""1'ni.iaus Zbyszko. a wrestling 1: wi'h ideals and a taste for : rbi .'v'i'sve Pole, with muscles and . i'.pppeniev ft eel. is a grand ''i "' ' as confirmed a first T? .r a anv patroness of the Metro r:T ,' 'jriiamonded horseshoe. r0,;'fl ..,.r little brother. Wladek. 1 !l own private concerts, the singins to Wladek s violin f iit. To gaze on the great i,i c nroincrs, juu wuuiu nev- FTS From A Man's Store For A Man Von will find many use ful things for a man's i i v j "bristmas at tins store vifts of Quality ana jbx- ellence. a ppvopriate suggestions : Suit? Overcoat? Gloves Handkerchiefs Mufflers Pajamas Silk Shirts Hath Robes Smoking Jackets Belt Buckles Collar Bags Neckties Sox '' Underwear Umbrellas Tuxedo Vests Full Dress Vests Choose early shop comfort and avoid i , t North Carolina Is On Yale Schedule New Haven, Conn., Dec. 8. Uni versity of North Carolina has not been dropped from the Yale football schedule but will play the Blue in the Yale bowl on October 7. This date previously had been reported as set aside for a game with Tufts. Thf other eight teams which, Yale will play next season are: Bates, Iowa, Williams, Army, Brorn, Maryland, .Princeton and Harvard. All games are to be plaved in the bowl except the Princeton contest. 1 IS' TEE . FAUSiIk in the W01TV. 34 W So. Tryon er suspect them of being addicted to music. From the contour of their heads and the great outlines of their bodies, anyone would conclude that the movies were the height of their aes thetic taste. ! "Opera helps me wrestle," explained Stanislaus. '"Music is beautiful, and every man, no matter what he is or does, must have something beautiful to help him through life. Music is my help. It gives me high ideals. Perhaps you think wrestlers do not need high ideals. But you are wrong. "Both my little brother. W'ladek, and myself have made a study of various branches of music and harmony. We number amng our friends quite a few grand opera stars. The late Enrico Ca ruso used often to enjoy a quiet game of chess with me. "Wladek and I have many hot argu ments about musical technique. "When I was a little boy, I began to have a liking for the better kind of music. I said then, 'I will never be old,' ar.d in 60 years from now I shall still be young. "My rules for succes, if you want to know, are determination, self-denial, unswerving purpose and hard work. I cannot eat all the food I would like to; I don't smo'ke, and I don't dissipate. I must keep regular hours, and I must cling io my unswerving resolution to Be What 1 Planned. ' "I was educated to be a lawyer, but wrestling was in the blood of the men of my family." The wrestling champion was warm ing to his subject, and the reporter thought this was a good time to get in the all-important questions: "Hov do you pronounce your name and what does it mean?" "Ah-ha!" answered the Great One. "So that is what you want to know? Well, I will tell you. My name rhymes with the name of a famous sweet American cracker, 'Nabisco'. It means strength and was bestowed by. the King of Poland upon one of my ancestors years ago. "There is a tradition in our family that no defeat is ever defeat if one has played the game fairly and done his best. It is no disgrace to be beaten if one has tried The disgrace is not to try not to give one's best "And music, beautiful, soul-stirring music, representing beauty that, too, must have a part in any kind of suc cess, even wrestling. "Ea?h night before I retire I ask my self the question: Although the wrestler did not go further, it was: unnecessary. The real secret of his success was apparent in that question which he puts to him self each night. He has the Cosmic Urge. BALFOUR, THE PATIENT PUPIL. Annus j. 3alour, British diplomat, now in America for President Hard ing's Conference on the Limitation of Armaments, has one of the greatest of golf distinctions. H.e will take his place ih golf history, I believe, as the vrtrld's most patient golf pupil. We have heard now and then of great golf instructors, and great players i;re legion, but the story of how Mr. Bal four learned to play the game is an ob ject lesson for those newly taking up the sport, and for many who have play ed for years. Mr. Balfour took un thf in Jife, but he was a good player wnen SIX TEAMS GAIN LAP IN 6-DAY BIKE RACE New York, Dec. 8. Six teams in the six-day bicycle race at Madison Square Garden early today stole a lap on the field in a series of sprints. The leaders at 8 a. m. the eightieth hour, were Lawrence and Thomas: Brocco and Goullet; McNamara and Madden; Ruttand Coburn; Deruyter and VanKempen, and Buysse and Van Hev- el. They naa coverea i,nv nme auu five laps. The record for this hour is 1,604 miles and six laps, made by Goul let and Grenda in 1914. Four other teams were one lap be hind the leaders; four others trailed along another lap to the rear and the Billard-Alavoine pair was last, four laps to the rear. KIWAMSCLUB TO BE ORGANIZEDAT HAMLET Hamlet, Dec. 8. A large and en thusiastic meeting was held at the. Chamber of Commerce rooms Monday evening for the purpose of consid ering the organization of a Kiwanis Club in Hamlet. The necessary ma chinery was put in motion for tne oi sanitation to be put over at a meeting on the 14th at which W. 1 Marrimon. District Governor of the Carolinas, will be present. Hamlet business men are looking for oppor tunities to correlate their energies an ways that will capitalize the Hamlet pririt and get things uo.il-. he stepped up to the first tee for his first round of match play! He is a good senior golfer today. Like Napoleon in battle, Mr. Batfour, kflfrninjr golf, reversed all the usual ro-ceedure-. Perhaps he took a tip from ms compatriot. Che9terton. the para doxist, for he turned everything upsirs down. Mr. Balfour engaged Tom Dunn, the British professional, and for three months think of it, almost one whole playing season he labored with his clubs, his grips, stances, to master ihe rudiments of the game without ever set ting a foot on a course for pleasurable play. The first two weeks of .Mr. Balfour's golfing life were spent in sand half up to his knees spent in the worst condi tions the game offers the player. His first fortnight found him, with his in structor at his side, clouting the bail from bunkers and traps. His first ef forts, thus, were all to the end of ".earn ing how to get out of sand traps from any possible lie. Three months of this sort or piav! Imagine such patience! Job, with boils, had no more. But imagine, also the benefits derived from it whea the right honorable gentleman stepped forth ready for his first trip over the full course. And when so .ible a golfer as Harry Vardon pronounces the states man a good senior golfer, we see the reward of effort. There must be thousands of golfers who have never observed that a sand trap ceases to be a trap, or even much difficulty, if the player soles his club before making his shot from the trap lie, I observe, with surprising frequen cy, players who are, apparently, una ware of the rule prohibiting touching the ground with a club in a sand trap. To get out of the sand trap guarding the green is one of the most trying of shots, and Mr. Balfour's instructor started well in starting his distinguish ed learner in such work. Each club was given some two weeks special attention by Mr. Balfour, 1' un derstand until the professional told him he would do. I hesitate to write the prescription, "R X How to Learn to Play Golf," but in the final analysis the right way to do it is the way Mr. Balfour did it. The beginner will progress best if he will turn himself over to a professional and practice the clubs, one or two at a time, as the instructor directs. I was talking about Mr. Balfour's method just recently with Jock Hutchinson, the great golfer who now holds the British Open " Champsionship. Jcck mentioned some of the new ideas his fertile brain has hatched for bettering his pupil's play. Then he added: "We have concerned ourselves with spreading the popularity of the g-ime in America. The time has now come when we should devote our attention to estab lishing a higher standard of play. The more skill the greater the pleasure is a proved golf axiom." Jock is right. There is a distinct pleasure that goes with doing every thing well. The underlying importance of Mr. Balfour's manner of learning is this: He sought to be a golfer, not just a duffer at the game. If it was worth doing, it was worth doing well. In his three months of solid practice Mr. Bai four actual played more tjolf. made more shots, met more golf problems than the average beginner plays in per haps three whole seasons. Mr. Balfcur concentrated. He got a lot done in a short time always .the way with the big fellows. Copyright John F. Dille Co. WAKE FOREST TO PLAY GAME HERE BODIES OF AMUNDSEN PARTY ARERECOVERED London, Dei. S. A dispatch to The London Times from Christiania quotes a radio dispatch received from Mos cow saying that a Russian expedition, which is exploring Siberia, has found the bodies of Knudsen and Tessen. two members of the Amundsen North Polar expedition, who were lost during explorations in the Arctic in the Win ter of 1919. The place where the bodies were found is vaguely described as "near the mouth of the Jenesey." The river referred to possibly is the Yenesei, which rises in northwestern Mongolia and the flows northward through-Siberia, where it empties into the Arctic Ocean. Ask Your Sohiier Boy How "Cooties" - Got Such a Hold. He'll tell you that the battlefronts of Europe were swarming with rats, which carried the dangerous vermin and caused our men misery. Don't let rats bring disease into your home. When you see the first one get RAT SNAP. That will finish them quick. Thi-ee sizes, 35c," 65c, $1.25. Sold and guar anteed by Wohlford-Porter Drug Co.. Charlotte Drug Co., Tryon Drug Co., Southern Hardware Co., John S. Blake Drug Co.. and Charlotte Hardware Co. Baptists' 1S22 Basketball Team to Play College Teams of State. Wake Forest, Dec. 8. Manager of basketball, C. C. Carpenter, announces that the Wake Forest basketball sched ule for the approaching season is prac tically completed and the first game of the collegiate season will be play ed January 19 with Carolina in Wake Forest. The outstanding feature of improve ment of this gear's schedule over those of the past is the fact that there are three games which are slated to be played before Christmas, thus affording the team better condition and preparation for the opening of the college games in January. Every college in North Carolina is included on the schedule and two games, are arranged with every one. This is also a decided improvement over the schedule of past. years when two of three schools were omitted. The three ganv?s that Wake Forest will plfy before Christmas are Raleigh "Y" two games and Durham "Y" one game. There is also a practice game directly after Christmas with Durham "Y" at' Durham in order to get the team in shape for the collegiate sea son. This year the trip will be taken through South Carolina instead of Vir ginia as was the case formerly. The schedule is as follows: December 6 Raleigh Y at Wake Forest. December 10 Raleigh Y at Raleigh. December 12 Durham Y at Durham. January 12 Durham Y at Durham. January 10 Carolina at Wake For est. January 19 Carolina at Wake For est. January 21 Elon at Wake Forest. January 31 Trinity at Wrake For est. February 3 Wrofford at Wake For est (pending). February 4 Trinity at Durham. February 9 Davidson at Wake For est.. February 11 Guilford at Wrake For est. February 14 Carolina at Chapel Hill. February 22 State at Wake Forest. February 24 Elon at Elon. February 2a Guilford at Guilford. February 27 Davidson at Davidson. February 28 Charlotte Y at Char- lotto. March 1 Wofford at Spartanburg. Mar;h" 2 Furman at Greenville. Marrh 4 University of South Caro lina at Columbia. Ping Pong Title Is Won By Bill Tilden Philadelphia, Dec. S. William T. Til den, 2nd, world's tennis champion, has added .mother title to his list by de feating the junior champion of the Germantown Y. M. C. A. at ping pong. The tennis star was comparatively un familiar with the gamfcand lost the first, set 6-2. After that, however, he brought some of his tennis strokes in to play and won the next tw sets and the match. LANDIS' WARNING BEFORE JV1EETING Baseball Magnates Are Ex pected to Close 1921 Ses sions Today. Buffalo, N. Y.. Dec. S. The dele gates at the annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Lviseball Leagues went into what may be the closing session today, with the admonitions of Commissioner K. M. Landis still ringing in their ears. Baseball he told them 'at the annual dinner last night, must be better in its morality than any other business, 'because it serves a great, overwhelming, influencing public opin ion and because "the ideals of fan dom are the highest ideals." He warned against any undue optimism "ever the return from the slough into which we were precipitated in the Fall of 1920," adding that "baseball is still on trial in America and will continue on trial as long as baseball is played." He spokely plainly on the unsat isfactory interpretation and applica tion of the waiver rule and the optional agreement adopted at New York last year to replace the draft and urged organized baseball to get together on a fundamental law that will eliminate "this thing that some day surely will rise to plague you." Speaking on the broad plane that organized baseball is to facilitate the development of skill among ball play ers, he concluded. "It cannot be a good thing for some thing calling itself sport that it is within the power of any individual in that sport to place a stone wall in the. path of the advancement of a ball player." Charles H. Ebbets, of Brooklyn, sneaking for the majors, also urged a return of the draft system. O'BRIEN TO COACH CITADEL. Charleston, S. C. Dec. S. Har J. O'Brien, former Swarthmore' star, will coach the Citadel football team in 1922, athletic authorities announced last night.. He has been at the Citadel for several shears. DUNCAN TO LEAD FLORIDA Gainesville, Fla., Dee. 8. F. N. Dun can, of Pensacola, halfback and end on this year's University of Florida foot ball squad, was elected captain of the 1S22 eleven at a meeting 'of members of the team last night. Ill New iDme Oil of rass Goods Fire ANDIRONS FENDERS SCREENS Fire Sets (tongs, poker and shovel with stand.) Several hundred dollars worth of stunningly handsome Brass Things for fireplaces massive Pieces, plain and decorated effects, very supe rior and beautiful designs superb for Gifts. See them in our Home Furnishings Department. ALsu a fine line of Wrought Iron Fire Goods. SM1TH-WADSWORTH Hardware Company "The Quality Hardware Store" 2 East Trade Street Phones 64-65 LLS IT FOR LESS Buy Where Your IMoisey Goes Farthest Toilet Creams 75c Ayerjstocrat - 68c 85c Pompie n Massage . .73c 85c Pompiean Night ......75c 50c Stillman's Freckle 38c $1.15 Othine Double St. ..91c COc Pond's Vanishing 47c 60c Daggett & Rams. ..42c 50c Orchard White 4ic 35c Frostilla 24 c 50c Woodbury's 43c 50c Egyptian 43c 50c Black and White ....43c Toilet Waters Houbigant's Vegetole .... $3.30 Djer Kiss Vegetole 1.05 Djer Kiss ToUet W $1.60 Mary Garden' SUO Mary Garden ..$2.85 Pinaud's Lilac 1...95c Coty's Lorigan 53.70 Roger & Gallette ........ .$1.43 Medicines 50c Phillip's Magnesia ..38c 40c Fletcher's Castoria 24c 60c Calif. Syr. Figs 44c 70c Sal Hepatica 46c $1.25 Pinkham's Comp. ..78c 60c Doan's Kidney Pills ..45c $1.10 Nuxated Iron 69c $1.00 Ironized Yeast 5c $1.10 Mastin's Yeast . . 96c $1.25 Creomulsion $1.05 $1.25 Bot Nujol 81c $1.00 Wampole's C. L. Oil 69c Cigars 5c Red' Stars, 6 for ....25c 7c Red Stars, 6 for 38c 7c Red Stars, box of 50 $3-25 5c Red Dot, 6 for 25c iy2c Red Dot, 6 for 38c 5c Option, 6 for 25c 7c El-rees-so, 6 for 40c 10c John T. Reese, 6 for 50c 7tc Cinco', box of 50.. $3.45 Face Powders $1.00 Mary Garden 81 50c Lady Mary 37c 50c Djcr Kiss 15c $1.00 Azurea ..87c $1.00 Coty's Lorigan 65c 50c Pompiean 38c 50c Nadine 43c 50c Mavis 37c 75c Lov'me 58c 50c Melba 42c 50c Java Riz 41c Tooth Pastes 50c Pebeco 34c 50c Pepsodent 34c 35c Senreco 25c 50c Listerine 41c 60c Forham's 43c 30c Kolynos 18c 25c Kal Pheno .....19c 50c Caulk's Denture 43c 50c Ioana 43c 25c S. S. Whites ........19c 50c Sanitol 33o 35c Arnica 29c Medicines $1.00 Usoline Oil 83c $1.00 SqmWs Oil 85c $1.00 American Oil 78c $1.10 S. S. S. Blood Rem... 83c $1.10 Miles' Nervine 85c $1.20 Scott's Emulsion 83c $1.20 Swamp Root 83c $1.50 Maltine's $1.08 $1.50 Vinotono $1.15 $1.50 Fellow's Hypo. .:..$1.15 $1.10 Tanlac 89c $1.20 Caldwell's Pepsin ...89c Parcel post orders should be accompanied by check or monev order for purchase price 'plus 4 per cent revenue tax and parcel post charges. Such orders will bo filled promptly- Talcums $1.00 Houbigant Ideal.'.. 50c Roger & Gallett 30c Cuticura . . 25c Williams 25c Lamay 30c Azurea 25c Mavis 25c Djer Kiss 25c Babcock's Ccrylopsis 25c Babcock's Butterfly 25c Mennen's 25c Johnson Baby ..89c ..41c ..23c . .16c . .21c ..17c ..21c ..17c ..18c . .19c ..16c Toilet Soaps Palmolivc, 3 cakes .... Ivory, 3 cakes Phys. & Surg.f 3 cakes Cuticura,, 3 cakes Resinol, 3 cakes . Life Buoy, 3 cakes Germicidal Pears unscented . . . 4711 t Wildroot ' Johnson's Carbolic 1 lb. Pure Castile .23c .23c .29c , .55c . 55o .23c ,.19o 14c 23c 18c .19c 53c Medicines 30c Groves Quinine Bayer's Aspirin. 100 tab. $1.20 Bromo Seltzer $1.00 Angier's Emulsion 30c Atwood's Bitters $1.00 Fhenolax Wafers . . $2.50 Dryco Milk ... $3.75 Horlicii's Milk .... 85c Mellin's Food 7.-c imperial uranum . $1.25 Absorbine Jr 60c Simmon's Regulator 20c 83c ..Kc . .87c . .24c . .83c .$2.20 $U 'JO ..62c . .63c .$1.05 ..49c Before you make your pur chase of Christmas gifts be sure -to see the many desir able suggestions we are dis playing Christmas goods ar riving daily. Friday and Saturday mm Perfume-Extract 1 oz. Coty's Lorigan 1 oz. Coty's Styx , 1 oz. Coty's Jacqueminot 1 oz. Coty's Jasmin-corse 1 oz. Houbigant's Ideal. 1 oz. Djer Kiss .... 1 oz. Mavis 1 oz. Mary Garden 1 oz. Floramye $2.70 $3.70 $2.30 $4.45 $3.10 $1.35 $1.30 $2.30 $1.10 Hair Tonics $1.25 Weslphails Aux. 75e Q-Ban Restorer $1.00 Ceshores '50c Mulsifled Oil $1.00 Wildroot $1.00 Danderine '$1.50 Goldman's Restorer S: .75c Wyeth's Sage $1.50 Brownalone $ $1.25 Ayer's Hair Vigor .. $1.00 Kotalko 55c . Nelson's . Dressing . . Home Ntfeds lb. Squibb Bicarb. Soda ..33c 4 oz. Castor Oil 20c 4 oz. Glycerine 20c 2 oz. Camphorated Oil ....25c 2 oz. Pure Vanila ........25c 2 oz. Tinct. Iodine 20c 2 oz. Spts. Nitre .... 20c 2 oz. Peppermint 30c 4 oz. Chloroform Lin 40c 60c Carbona 47c 25c Sani Flush 21c 50c Lysol Disinfect 39c Tobacco , Chesterfields, carton $1.60 Camels, carton $1.60 Piedmonts, c-rton $1.60 Fatimas, carton $2.10 111, cartony $1.30 Beechnut Scraps, 3 for ..25c Picnic Twist, 3 for 25c Climax Plug, Z for 25c . . r I? - jS, ?: " - ' 1 1 31 W. Trade Opposite Selwyn Hotel ' Wmmm -. . .- .'.' i ? .'Vavw;-." ?" Ut)fS3LU! r - "i- JX- .V'Ai ftV ... Is 1 J I- yjifxa YJ VTv- : -V U7 a mx & m a. i .A A S3 1 11 1 I J H ui. A L9 1 ' 7fi