THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAV AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 8, 1921. 16 i . . M . ink 1 rank.. - f Storie fcyCarlysle H. Holcomb m SILKY CATCHES TH E WRONG FELLOW. "O King of the Forest," said Silky, the monkey, "I saw the fellow who made the tracks, but I can't under stand him at all." "What is there ahout him that you cannot understand?" asked Tinker. "Why if it was Ja-k, the Rabbit, he would not have run away when I call ed to him for Jack is a friend of 'mine and he knows my voice and I have carried him across streams and played with his children. He never would have gone away into the busnes if it had been him who came out of the water." "What did this fellow look like anvwav?" asked Tinker Bob. He wa'nted to know if Silky really had seer, somebody or just thought he had had seen the creature. "I say, O King, he looked like Jack, the rabbit only his fur was wet and I never knew Jack, the rabbit, to have wet fur. But what surprises me is to think that he ran nwnv and hid when I called." Siiky was so nervous that he shoox ah over. It might have been a creature he never had seen before and ij.' it was he probably would never see him again for he went away to hide. "Just wait a moment and we'll see what will happen." raid the King. They were silent for a moment or two and Silky listened as he never listened before. He was hoping that the fejlow might cme back. Presently there was a sound, "Thump thump," and Silky's heart went pitty pat. for he was sure that he would see this frightened creature again. "Thump, thump" this time it was closer. Silky thought to himself that if the creature came close enough he would take no . chances on losing him again he would Jump out and grab him by the ears nnd make sure of knowing exactly who it was. "Thump, thump," the sound came closer than ever: It was right near him, just the other side of a clump . of bushes. Silky loosed through them . and saw a movement that set his ECZEMA 1 YEAR IN PIMPLES On Face and Arms. Itched and Burned. Face Disfig ured. Cuticura Heals. "Eczema broke out in pimples on my face and arm. The itching and burning were ao severe that I scratched and irritated the affected parts, and I could not sleep at night. My face was disfigured and my cloth ing aggravated the breaking out on my arms. "The trouble lasted about a year. A friend advised Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after I had used two cakes of Soap and four boxes of Ointment I was healed, in about four weeks." (Signed) Mrs. Carrie Gr igsby ,6 1 0 Pearl St. .Huntsville, Ala. Cutioura Soap, Ointment and Tal cum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. Simp! Bach ? Mill. Add.: "CatUartL&b ratorlw, Dpt. H. M&Uen 4(1, Hiu " Sold avery whereSoap 25e. OintaeBt26and0e Talcom2Sc. SWi- Cuticura Soap . hares without mm. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE Passenger Tratn nmt9ulem. Arrival and departure of Passenge: trains, cnarioue, in. u. "Well iaf all things, so you are lite fellow." heart beating for all it was worth. He said to himself, "I'll jump over that bush and get him, and hold him tight then I will see if I can' find out who made those tracks." Tinker Bob knew what was in Sil ky's mind and he watched with inter est his every move. lie made ready to spring as there came another "Thorn n. thumn." He was sure then and he did jump over the bushes right on to the back or the creature wno was doine the thumping. "Now I have you," he cried and when he came to examine this fellow he found that he had jumped on to thr hack of Jack, tne Rabbit. "Well of all things, so you are the fellow who made these tracks. "Is my coat wet?" asked Jack as he stood by. "I haven't been in the water." Silky looked him oyer and then sat down "to scratch his head. "There is something very strange about this I see" he said. "But I know now that you are not the fellow. Where do you suppose he can be?" Next More Tracks Cause Silky to Scratch His Head. OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COrvKMHT STY CCOAIt ALLAN MOSS. TRADE MAKK REGISTERED U. 3. PAT. OFF. J POME. I take no comfort in my home, I am completely quashed, I cannot smoke my good old pipe, Wife's had the curtains washed. THE CHAMP MONTH. Oh, how I love December, The best month of the twelve. Into my treasure casket I never have to delve. I cannot spend a nickel, My bank account: Jroks brave. I sit around in December, And save :in.l save and save. The outgo a so trifling. And: dough grows on the trees, And all I have to car 3 for Are little dabs like these: Income tax. Ninety-nine Christmas presents. Insurance premiums. , Interest on mortgage. Installment on furniture. Tax on real estate. Stray bills of old year. Safety box rental. Instalment on player -piano. Automobile tax for coming year. Rent for January. Club dues. And.perhaps has gayly hit on Our American shore. What with George and Wells and others Posine: as our elder brothers coir ntf -foater .mothers Merry England has the floor! Perley A. Child. Wherever we read of one of those "quiet home weddings," we wonder if it is customary to pull off a boiler ex plosion, a sham baftle or an earthquake at the other ones. ; . Many a man who started out on a career of crime is now leading a blame less life in Sing Sing. THE CLEVER EDITOR. A Virginia editor threatened to pub lish the name of a certain young man who was seen hugging and kissing a girl in the park unless his subscription to the paper was paid up in a week. Fifty-nine young men called and paid up the next day, while two even paid a year in advance. Even a sleeping beauty may awake in an ugly mood if her nap is disturbed. I wish God had made me a She boy." - He "He did. I'm he." Princess Bibesco, daughter of Margot Asquith, has shocked Washington diplo matic circles with a new sex novel. Probably it shocked diplomatic circles because it speaks in plain English with out any whispering behind the hand. CONFIDENTIAL. Oh, we think it really charming -Thus to talk of all disarming, Though the rumors are alarming From the sunny isle of Yap; And we feel, without aspersion, . This may be a mild diversion An alarum and excursion Of the snappy little Jap. And we love the Bolsheviki, Though we think them rather sneaky, And their ship of state too leaky For a confidential tour. Still, we have the joyous Prooshian, We notice a glaring headline in a magazine advertisement: "Do You Want More Money?" No. That is one thing we are glad: to say we do not want. There are many other things, of course, that we would like, but if we had any more money we wouldn't know what to do with it. Money is a great burden, so all the moneyed men tell us. They hate it. ft is the bane of their lives. "Money is not everything." they say. They should know, and we are willing to their word for it. Money means nothing what ever to us and it never has. FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED Choice Improved Lots in Wesley Heights "One Iile From the Square." Special reduction of 25 on limited number of lots first with liberal financial aia to fiumo uuvo. JOu nsi these lots." This is an opportunity iu suie . uume m a de?ir section within" walking distance of your business. E. G. GRIFFITH COMPANY Telephones 877 214 South Tryon St. When the soviet government does fall, it will not have 'far to fall. To arm is human; to disarm, divine.. A man entered a drug store during Persian, Slovak, Karagheusian, RAILROAD EARNINGS CONTINUE TO CLIMB Washington, Dec. 8 Net railroad earnings for October amounted to $105, 196,283, the largest figure in many months, according to figures compiled yesterday from Interstate Commerce Commission reports by the Association of Railway Executives. The earning rate thus demonstrated, the association said, however, would be but 5.4 per cent on the railroad property involved, and was accompanied by a "reduction of maintenance to the lowest standards consistent with safety". . in i.m ii'k irrtiwnh"! f- -. Lv. 3:22a 1:05a ; 7:25p 7:40a 5:00p x2:"0p , 8:10p 9:10p 6:30p 9:02p ,10:45a 5:?0a 4:30p , 3:00p 7:20a 8:20a 10:12a 9:25a 10:37a 4:25a ll:30a No 29 30 32 15 5 12 38 138 12 35 Between INo. Atlanta-B'gham . Wash.-New York. Wash-New York. a tianta-uanvme Columbia Taylorsville . . Wash-New York. Wash-New Xork . Richmond-NoVolk B'gham-N. Orleans 11 SColumbia-Chals'n... 10 45 46 31 Winston -Salem G'ville-Wminster . G'boro-Danville ... Columbia-Augusta. 16ITavlorsville 3filNew York-Wash 137lAtlanta 37Atlanta-N. Orleans 44IG'boro-Danville 143alisbury, Winston- uaroer, MooreS' ville Norfolk-Richmond Atlanta Ar. 30 29 31 43 36 11 37 137 11 36 1141 9 46 45 32 15 35 138 38 13 11 16 12: 3: 7: 11: 9: x8: 10 9 10: 10 12:35 x Daily except Sunday. 4: 10: 5: 55a 15a 10a 20p 10a 00 a 30a 20a 15a 05a 35p 45p 20p lOp 20p OOrj 55p 05p 05p 58p 15a 30p Through Pullman sleeping car perv-i-e to Washington, Philadelphia, New York. Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta, Bir mingham, Mobile, New Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient sched ules and direct connections to all points. . Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 207 West Trade St. Phone 20. PASS.3NGER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. R. H. GRAHAM Division Passenger Agent Plione 3S60. Branch 7. Approved Winter Styles In Footwear BLACK SLIPPERS OF KID This slipper is very attractive, hav ing three strap-fastenings by bright steel buckles. The buckle fastening model are becoming very popular this year, and this model is highly desirable at S5.00 . lunch hour at which time the drug gist was upstairs, partaking of his noon-day meal. His wife was relieving him in the store. The customer ap proached the wife, threw 50 cents on the counter, and said (as she under stood it) "I owe the firm 50 cents." She asked him what for, and he simply re peated what he had said, "I owe de firm 50 cents." She told him she would give him a receipt, and her hus-1 band would credit it to him, but he said ho-didn't want a receipt. "I- owe de firm 50 cents," he reiterated. She called her husband down. He, of course, understood immediately. "Io dofoam" 50 cents worth, that's what he wants." If we don't take on the Rooshian Which is quite enough, for sure? And we think the noble Briton Needs a hemisphere to sit on, EXPERIENCE. From Chicago Tribune. I've eaten from the ice box Until it's darn near bare; I've got the sink piled up so high No dishes can go there. There ain't a button on my shirts; My socks ain't got no feet; The parrot has the chicken-pox, The cat has prickly heat. The beft ain't made, The floor ain't swept; My wife ain't home And I ain't slept. They aiways say that women frail Have quite an easy life. Although it may be easy, I'm glad I ain't my wife. SAYS CALOMEL SALIVATES AND LOOSENS TEETH The Very Next Dose of Thi; Treacherous Drug May Start Trouble. Colds carit make me quit work fI USED to lay off many a day with my winter colds, but no more of that for me." Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey, with ts balsamic, healing qualities gets right down to work at the first sign of a cold. Loosens up the phlegm, eases the irritation and stops the cough. Get a bdttle from your druggist's today, SOc. fir Coughs and Colas Myers 5ark Homes TVe have for sale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room hoy?es we can make very attractive prices on, and also unusually good tprms to the man who desires terms. If you are- interested in buying a sma home in Myers Park let us show you. Thies-Smith Realty Company 200 Commercial Bids:. REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes Phones 3278-441 13 ELEGANT HOME FOR SALE On Central Avenue Piedmont large corner lot 8-room 2 -story ,r:-, (5 bed rooms) dandy bargain Xo. 704 Sunnyside Avenue large lot brand new 6 rooms and lv;?rT; hardwood finish, elegant bath and electrical fixtures SSj Large lot new home . What about a vacant lot have some very attractive bargain nnV-a iii Myers Park $2,500 to $2,750 in very best of neighborhoods. Have four dandy pieces of business property for sale the kind yoj : a chance to buy once in a lifetime. If interested see me for parti.'u:aV; JONES THE REAL. ESTATE MAN Phone 272 (Frank F . Jones) "-Office, 200 Realty K John T. Smith Salesman. JUST SO. "All the world's a stage." "And there's only room for a few end men." You know what calomel is. It's mer cury; quicksilver. Calomel is dnageroua. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones ana should never be put into your system. If you feel bilious, headachy, consti pated and all knocked out, just go to j your druggist and get a Dottle of Dod i son's Liver Tone iur a few cents j which is a harmless vegetable substi tute tor dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and with out making you sick, you just go back and get your money. Don't take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day's work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens you right up and you feel great. No salts necessary. Give it to the ch'ildren because it is perfectly harm- less and can not salivate. We are rapidly approaching the time when every section of land will have to have to support a public official in addition to the farmer. Apartment FOR RENT 5-rooms and bath, hot water heat, tile bath. Just painted and papered, ab solutely modern in every way. C7r PER ! MONTH Reference required, both financially and : morally. j M. B. ROSE Basement Trust Bids. Phone 796 Some speakers hash up a talk that there isn't any meat in. A lot of girls have little trouble climbing the ladder of success, because so many fellows stand around and i stare. ) If your business is degenerating, why not try monkey glands? Nobody can see a man who is all wrapped up in himself. ! The highest form of of spending is I spending self, for others. RMftlrt oromotly torn. All trletly guaranteed. QUEEN CITY CCLE 9a "THE RED FRONT 42 H. Coiles. Phone S17 STRAP PUMPS Two new numbers in women's fine strap Pumps one of Patent leather, French covered heel, two-strap but ton fastening. Just a little pinking, the pair 811.00 The other, in a Satin Pump. The pair S10.00 36 East Trade Street. There is a great array of practical gift suggestions in our Christmas displays. We know our prices will prove most satisfactory, and there is something for every mem ber of the family and your friends which you will like. Charlotte Hardware Co. 30 East Trade St. IT lFi UN Never say. "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting' genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over-21 years and proved safe by millions for. Colds Headache Rheumatism 1 Toothache . Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago . Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy tin boxes of 12 tabletsBottles of 24 and 100 All druggists. Aspirin ia the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid EDUCATION WEEK-Dec. 4 to 10 Every week is Education Week at our school. Every Veek we re ceive new students and every . week we send some to attractive and well paying positions as stenographers, bookkeepers and secretaries. Your education is not complete without a practical business train ing. A training such as we give will help you to meet the issues of life It will make ' you independent and successful. The necessary training time is short and the cost is small. Telephone, call or write for particulars. Charlotte, N. C. "An Accredited School" F. Li. RIGGSBEE, Mgr. Raleigh, N. C. . I. S. F0 DENTIST 21i2 W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth's. Buy A Heine STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fir.? shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly- $4,S30 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Secra-l Street, big lot, large porch, three living .rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, balance- monthly S6.C00 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new bis roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modem conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month S2.5"0 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance, monthly. Price , $4,750 Phone Me For Appointment. 11 Ho MeAden 200 South Cedar St. Phone .3" Seaboard Airline Railway Fasseaser Train Schedules. Arrival and departure oJ passenger trains, Charlotte. N. O. l.v. jNo.l Between INo. Ar. 5:00a 9:06a 9:55a V.VVI ... 14 34 20 Charlotte-WiL and Hamlet con- nections. I ISfMonroe-Ruth'ton .1 Ruther-ton - Wil mington nnd Kal- eish Charlotte-Wii t y , j. r auu nuuui con nections. 3;45pi 31iWilming:ton - Ral- i leign and iTuther- Ifordton 8:20dI 16!Monroe - Ruther- iiordton, Monroe connections for Norfolk. Rich mond and points lortn.- 1311 151 )l 341 9.4 13ill:40p 9.06a 341 9.40a 19112 :25p 311 3:35p 16 8:12p I All trains daily. Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. E. W. LONG, Division Pasaeneer Asremt. Shoae ISO. City TickH Office Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St. N. Tryon Street, Phone 20. Phone 1 I M Q I T T A M r V I1M U V il I NS ' ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Fire, Liability, Plate Glass, Boiler, Fly Wheel Health and Accident Bonding. The Carolina Co mpany 328 S. Tryon St. Phones: 609-1430-4396 Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS OVER 7000 SHARES New shares may still be secured In this series by paying back. to September 3rd. We know of many "Pr03' pects" who have not yet signed up and we urge them to come in before the accumulated payments lefor too heavy. For the benefit of those who have not yet absorbed the B. & !L. Idea we say that each share rep resents $100.00 at maturity. The payments are twenty-five cents per share per week until the payments plus the profit equal $100.00. This is usually 333 weeks, and the profits represents 6 per cent on the aver age amount invested. Hi i . OUR SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Ts ready for distribution, and is very complete. We realize that our shareholders are entitled to all the In formation about their Association that can be secured, and we. show complete statements of recepiu and disbursements, and income and expenses. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION E. J. CAFFFREY. Sec'y and Treas. J. H. WEARN, President s 207 N Tryon St. i i