THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 8, 1921. rREATY DEBATED IV DAILCABINET Talk of a Possible Split in f-ibinet Increasing; Some Will Resign. (uhlin. Dec . (By the Associated v !t ihc military headquarters that, 1 if tin' ii"l)-Iris.'.-. agreement is rati- 11 i (Ik (Town forces would be remov j fn.m Ireland within a month. WfcMIEB CKMG TO LONDON. Dec. S. (By the Associated rr tne "'V ,o, nicnt at a meeting this : wrenco ('inner masse. lr ,..u ,.- Ai'icr two hours of private "fpr'ence it was announced that Sir ;f3 Craig, the Premier, would leave Leiden tonight. YH T IS VALERA'S ATTITUDE? M'i-in 1 '. 8. (By the Associated .)'--Tle fail Eireann Cabinet as 1 Mh- J l",re today to consider the '.'Vv fisncd in London by the. Sinn ;l-,'iM"-iiui''British delegates, creating an re' State, its action is iraugnt ,T, piernificance, as it is ex- rn di vrlop for the first time the , .,t.jtiule of Kamonn de Valera and i ' ((uns'.,ll'rs toward the treaty, on :!'hj,'!i tl) Republican leader has thus I ir;1.!t':i stly refused to comment. n'V r'utinucii silence has been inter .'V,l in many quarters as indicating Ilia'isuution with the terms. ! Ti'k of a possible split in the Dail .-..i.hwi over tru terms is increasing, l'l'SlSliaiUMlB Ol KUUlf UL IJUO ,, i members are predicted, among I.l t llil:i l-rusha (Charles Burgess), nf Defense. Some ot the lead- ' v. inViors of the Cabinet are ..' ,. object to the form of the alle.suini.. una uunn in in llcgardless of possible differ 'h.iwevcr, it is believed the agree wi'.l be approved, in principle at j V" pisWic maintains the same sent- I ; :.,,'.;., of indifference toward the , , , ;.;,Mit n itieeable when the news 1 :;is; tweived. The people seem ! .'..'.., rallv satisfied, but refrain from "v Lfnc th?ir feelings in any out : u iiV ..-lTionPtration. appearing to be 1 v.;, : for somebody to give the lead. , if not quite certain what attitude j ili'iniMienns of the rank and file .;,! no secret of their dislike of the ,.',';!) i-ivolving fidelity to the British : .,.r. is n and criticise, among other -, -.tiiiY'S ft the treaty, the appoint-! ;, v cf a Governor General and the ''nar.Hul clauses. Women's republican ,.r5arih:ati'np are especially antagonis ; toward what they call a "surren to l-'ngland."' ristfi-'s att'tude on the plan is v, with interest here. The Ul : r Cabinet if considering the treaty, ' ,i cepv of which was sent to Premier ; sir James Craig immediately after its : -isnature in London and Prime Min ' !.r Uoyd-Grorge's secretary is in (V.t'ast waiting to take back the reply. " l isiir. it is thought, will not enter the i i .-iiiam-nt of the Irish Free State at inception, but will wait to see if it sives promise of being satisfactory ; in her point of vieyr. S ELECTION WOULD RESULT. I.r.'i inn. Dec. 8. A general election Kna'anil may be expected simultan tniisly with the creation of the Irish t J'-Mlianient, in consequence of the al i t' ration of the constitution of the Im- l"!':a! House of Commons, through the v iii'ival of the Irish members of West I ir.i'irtor. itccording to the Parliamen tary oon-pspondent of The London ? Times. In the event of Ulster's ac ' nniescence in the settlement, there i win bo a reduction in the number of j tv.mebrrs of the House of Commons or ' 105, otherwise 73 TURKEY LEAGUE AT Y IN FULL SWING The Turkey League, conducted by jymnnsium classes of the T. M. C. A. is now in full swing and the events uh week are being run off w-ith the nt'-st sort nf competition. Points scor- in !, b asm. are based on attendance ; : r ;ym (.'lasses, Bible classes, and posi- i lion in athletic events. The standing of the teams is as fol- lows: Pi-fps Klephants 191: Tigers 174: S -'-us 14; Linus 133: Kangaroos 125: ! "fs S2: Lawrence Miller 1 72: Ralph i' i'hey 131; David McCachren 14D. j Juniors Cherokees 144:- Sioux 115; ratawba 73; Iroquois 65; David Neiman 145: Thomas Adams 138; Todd Lindgren i V 'A. Intprniodiates Princeton 116: Har- ;id IIP.: Yale S6: Ponn 76: Farl Red fern '''k Phillip Gallagher 122; John Galla- :hc.r 117, j lounger EmDloved Bovs Pirates 98: hubs 79:. Reds 79: Yanks 57; Thomas -nlible 127: Charlie "Walters 112 1-2; ; wry I'linoe 107. I ' 'Ir Employed "Boys Stars 123: 1 f''r.ts 104: Superbas 91; Monarchs i -: tfiward fJallasrher 130; John Reid I ) Andy Turner 120. if Ei 1 1 1 W I A PHONOGRAPH FOR $11.95 TV 1 if I I ! The Model E Garf ord table machine. We bought 'em at bargain prices and sell 'em to you same way. Only a few of them, if you want one better be quick, they won't last long at this price. -V! ELEVEN NINETY-FIVE CASH We will accept them in trade at full value, within 6 months on any phono graph we have in stock. . AT Triangle Music Co.! m is PlANOS-PHONOfiDADHS - MUSIC ROLLS-R ECO RDS GUATEMALAN SOLONS ARE CALED TO MEET Guatemala City, Guatemala, Dec. 3. (By the Associated Press). The Guate malan Congress, which was dissolved during the revolution of September, 1920, has been called to meet tomorrow to receive the resignotion of Carlos Her- era. whose Presidential regime was overthrown in the revolt of last Monday night and to elect a provisional President. CIVITANS MERGE MEETING. Regular luncheon of the Civitan club will not be held at the usual time, Fri day at noon, but the club members will attend the Older Boys Conference ban quet Friday night at 6:30 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce. This action was voted upon at the last meeting- and the Civitans will be present at the con- Brother is a great deal like Father in as much as he has a great deai of pride in the home, and nothing he likes better than to have a room he can call his own, filled with those things which j are to his liking. Give him furniture and you have given him the last ing gift. One good piece of furniture is better than a hundred gifts he may get that will soon be forgotten. The list be low will suggest some thing he needs and wants Come in and ask us to show it to you. You will find the varieties large and the prices very low. This is the time of all times to buy furniture it will never be lower in price than it is right now. . . Royal Easy Chairs Comfortable Rockers Reading Lamp Bookcases Smoke Stands Mirrors Chifforettes Dresserobes Erskine R. Smith, Inc. Charlotte, N. C. n m Store Opens at 9. Closes at 6 Joilet Qoods Mavis Sets, combination of Soaps Perfumes and Powders $1.75 to $6 Djer-Kiss Sets Combination of this popular toilet ware, $3.00 to $7.50. Hudnuts Sets Combinations of this popular perfumers ware, $1.50 to $3.50. Jergens Sets, Powders, Creams and Lotions in sets for Men $2.50 Separate Bottled Perfumes in fan cy cartons, 50c, 75c, $125. Silk covered Dorines, rouge and powders, 50c to 1.75. TELEPHONE COVERS Silk - dressed doll effects, were $19.50 for $9.50 Were $29.50 for $15.00 DRESSER DOLL LAMPS FOR BOUDOIR Were $9.50 for $5.00 Were $12.50 for $6.00 for Children, for Misses and for Women. Children's Knit Wool Gloves or Mittens 59c and 89c Children's Chamoisette Gloves, Brown or Beaver 75c Children's Kid Gloves, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves, 12 to 16-button lengths $1.00 to $2.00 LADIES' KID GLOVES 2-Clasp Gauntlet 12-Button 16-Button White, black, brown and tan. hosiery FOR INFANTS, CHILDREN, BOYS' MISSES AND WOMEN ' Boys' Ribbed jHose, an extra good grade for . . .. 25c Ladies' fufll fashioned Silk. Black only, our regular $2.50 quality at $1.95 Wool Sport Hose with or without clocks, 'browns and heather shades at $r.25 to $5.00 Notions, Sic, Men's Tourist Cases, rubber lined it 25c to $2.00 Fashionable Hair Nets, 1 dozen in a Christmas package ...... $1.25 Needle Cases, fully equipped, 25c and 50c. FANCY BOXED STATIONERY, $1.25 to $3.50 White and colors Paper, Envel opes and Correspondence Cards. Fancy Garter Elastic, all colors and styles 35c to 75c yard. Ivory Comb and Brush Cases from $10.00 to $25.00. Folding Manicure Sets, completely filled . $4.00 to $13.50 Ivory Clocks, a number of styles at $1.00 to $3.00 JUST SIX LAMP SHADES TO CLOSE OUT FRIDAY Gold or Rose, were $9.50. Any for $4.50 Sweaters Fancy Knit Wool, Black, Navy or Brown with white $4.75 FANCY WOOL SWEATERS Tuxedo styles, many fancy knit and color combinations $6.50 to $15-00. BRUSHED WOOL SCARFS Every pretty color and color com bination $4.50 to $10.00 CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER' r (tin? A BON MARCHE STORE' Jtore Js Just Jeeming With Christmas Suggestions Many items in most departments suited for gift giving, will be offered for this day's selling only. . JPadies9 JYeckmar for $1.00 that are Samples, ranging in val ues to $3.00 Sets, Vests, separate pieces of fillet or Venice lace, a wonderful neckwear opportunity. SATIN BEDROOM SLIPPERS $1.50 Regular prices to $2.50. Colors blue, Rose, Pink or Black. BOUDOIR CAPS $1.00 Lace and Ribbon creations. 3 Extraordinary &oll Specials 15-inch Dolls that were $5.95 for ...$2.50 20-inch Dolls that were $7.95 for $3.50 25-inch Dolls that were $10.95 for $3.00 hundreds of Opportunities IN THIS nunc Of Suit$, oais and urs Street Dresses for $49.50. Original prices to $100.00. Dinner Mid Dance Dresses $25.00 ; original prices to Jt3y.DU. Mk Umbrellas All colors with Ivory ring handles at . . . '$6.50 Fancy Silk Umbrellas, novelty handles $10.00, $12.50, $16-50 and $19.50. - , j Kimono Silks A wonderful range of designs and colorings, $1.25, $1.95 and to $2.50 BEADED AND IRIDESCENT SCARFS White and black exquisitely bead ed $4.95 - Hott (Eo. epariment in the I handkerchiefs FOR CHILDREN, FOR BOYS, FOR MEN OR FOR WOMEN Children's Handkerchiefs, 10c, 19c and to 50c. Men's Handkerchiefs, white or with colors, 19c, 25c, 50c and to $1.25. Women's Handkerchiefs, thousands of them 15c to $5.00. glankets and Comforts Beacon Baby Blankets, $1.25, $1.75 and $2.25. Beacon Robe Blankets $5.95 and $7.50. All Wool Blankets, light plaids, size 70x80 $8.95 SILK COMFORTS Wool or Eiderdown filled $18.00, $32.50 and to $37-50. ,t jfirt Qoods Worked Models to close out. Fancy Pillows, now $6.00 for $3.00 Fency Center, now $5.00 for $2.50 Fancy Doll, now $5.00 for . . S2.50 Catch all Bags, now 85c for . .50c Qolden guying THREE-DAY ALL SUITS ONE-HALF MARK- ED PRICE. Fox Furs, beautiful head and tails, an less o pei um. Madeira Jinens A SALE OF MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES. at what would be about original - cost. Scarfs, Pillow Cases. Towels, Centers, Ovals Napkins, Carriage Covers, Etc., Etc. TURKISH TOWELS AND BATH MATS Fancy bordered Towels, all colors, at 50c Others 59c, 65c, 89c, $1.00 and to Oft V . Bath Mats, Pinks, Blues, Helio, Gold, etc, $1.25, $1.50 and to $2.75 Wash Cloths, plain and fancy, I212C, 15c and 18c. Jaie Where possible please take small packages with you snk Petticoats Plain Taffetas $2.95 Silk Jerseys $5.00 to $15 Black and all colors. SILK UNDERWEAR Crepe de Chine, Wash Satin and Jersey. V Camisoles, Teddies, Step-ins, Vests and Gowns. White, Flesh, Orchid, Navy, etc. aby Wear Hand-made Baby Dresses $2.75 to $15.00. Hand-made Capes, $3.50, $6.50 and to $8.50 NEW BABY SHOES with hard sole for baby's first steps $2.50 BABY MOCCASINS, $1.25 All colors. Fur Sets for little kiddies $3-93 to $15.00, white and colors. MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S gath Robes Blanket Designs. Children's for $3.93 Sizes 2 to 6. Men or Women's Styles $6 50 to $12.50. JAPANESE SILK ROBES $12.50 Pretty colors and black, beau tifully embroidered. Flannelette Bath Robes $4.50, $6-50 and to $12.50, light and dark colors. Shirtwaists New Wirthmor's for Christmas giving $1.00 and $2.00 Hand-made Voile Blouses $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. ' 1 1 1 i J lanorea or reai iace inmmea, in many clever styles. Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists. Very special $6.00 Many in the lot sold for $7.50 and $8.00, white, flesh and suit shades. footwear f fashion in this daylight shoe shop Among the newest novelties we are showing are: Black Suede three-strap high heel Pump $12.50 Black Satin one-strap, Louis heel Pump $10-00 Patent leather two-strap Pump, with brown trimming .... $11.00 feather $ags $1.00 Swagger and Vanity styles, black and colors. BEADED BAGS, 59c Black, White and colors. j Chiffon Velvet Bags. Ivory tops. The most beautifully trimmed and fitted bags made. Half price for Friday only. Were $13.50 to $40.00. Friday, $6.75 to $20.0Q. Silvered Vanities, 59c, 89c an to $2.00. -JO WEST S Ti2 ST. . PHONE 3I-S