THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBEk 8, 1921. f0A TERS cular Play at Broadway. V , fnr woman," an Associated First ,oi rrodiiction, which V, - S3tl0ljtv urn at the Broadway theater 'frree ,vninff. is a thrilling story based fr:f , ' Kir-rich revolution, produced in f,;l manner ana enaciea Dy a .' , ,t inordinary brillancy. ai': i ;r.i in by George Jacques Dan- who fa:iu rr.i- for nis cnaraciei jzauon or Allied at the start with &r11 , i iiobospierre, the head of i.'i.f ivsponMble for the "Reign of i union becomes sickened by t!r',Vnct ait blood-letting and deserts denouncing it as an enemy " .u , mile. t. l .pit-rre attempts to turn the peo- ' . n.ntnii hut iYip latter la ,,;';av idol that he fails in the Paiuon, however, not im- . , .11. i , ;!',:' wiles ot me oiner sex, oe ,, . v,. -d with a number of pret- , M1 f whom is eventually I ,.' , y liis downfall. , or, with an rye for dra lia produced a picture !.!' -'rabidly and moves forward '.y..,.,.;.,..iHir.g speed to a climax . no of the most spectacular, in , , f ii'c motion picture. But, that, be has selected a , i, is t . pecially noteworthy and "Lvtiintrs which are sumptuous nnu in ineir pi upuniuns. might some day be able to parade into them ost expensive shops and choose whatever our heart desires. Clara Kim ball Young as Julia Lawrence, wife of a wealthy broker, attains her fond dream. By the simple device so often abused the use of the words 'Charge -t" Julia is master of all she surveys. Jewels, furs, robes and extravagances are hers, and her password is "Charge It." All things are limited in this life. Julia finds to her sorrow, and among them 13 money. Even her desire for luxury grows stale, till our careless spendthrift is obliged to confess that happiness does not lie in a bank-roll but in the heart. pi- ":- 31.!' :! - ' i) v'" . '' w- ' ' ': :,i ";! pi'-;v aji'i i Clara Ki 1 , W i dr tj ' a :. to'i-:; lull Venn!; at Imperial Today Only. . i iiny things that money i liapiness is not among the irresistible conclus is forced to. after seeing pimtoplay of modern life ;- t i u greatest effort of kill Young's screen career t-liown for the last time 'imperial theater. One of - ot our youth is that we SURPRISES SPRUNG ON BURCH DEFENSE Los Angeles, Calf., Dec. S. Interest in the trial of Arthur C. Burch, charg ed with the murder of J. Belton Kenne dy, was increased today with publica tion of the testimony of Mrs. Mary A. Bailiff, Mrs. M. L. Wilson and F. W. Cummings, termed "surprise" witness es. Their testimons, it was predicted by the prosecution, opened the way to pos sibly even more "surprising" evidence. Mrs?. Bailiff declared that, shortly before Kennedy was slain, she bad met Mrs. Madalynne Obenchain, indicted with Burch, in a "beauty parlor" and "was told by Mrs. Obenchain that "Bel ton would soon pass out". Mrs. Wilson, proprietor of the "beau ty parlor", identified postcards she said Mrs. Obenchain had sent her. One of them bore a reference to Kennedy and the phrase "this is his last chance-" Cummings, a realty operator, told of having seen in Beverly Glen, the night Kennedy was killed, a parked automo bile with dimmed headlights. The State contends this was a car rented bv Burch and that he lay in wait for Kennedy in it. DEMOCRATS ARE (Continued from Page One.) '- S;-i .';0 ms Bring the children when you come to select their toys for Christmas. We have a large stock of toys, the real favorites and many mote arriving almost every day. MATHESON Hdw. & Paint Co. The Good Service Store 30 West Trade St. Ul Til. fr v ' CRAVER'S OADWA THREE DAYS STARTING TODAY 3 None can forget the force of mob-hate, mob-love, mob-passion that leaps from this man-moth production; nor the art the wonderful, indescrib able pantomime of Europe's greatest artists. V- A Stupendous Drama of the Loves of the Mighty A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION. V Moty i f a lily that bloomed in the mud of violence and hate; of mob "cans twisted and torn; of a man lost and glad to be lost in nis lov a i;r a Woman. Added Attraction A Comedy. THE BROADWAY A Charlotte Institution. W.- wr ft ctd n n i L MWmM 9 (mMMUSMIv "THE STANDARD AMUSEMENT" LTU J MATIXEE DAILY :0 I. M. 20c and 30c TWO EVENING SHOWS 7:1$ and P. M. 40c and 60c ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY! POLLY AND ZO In "Syncopated Comedy." ADDED FEATURE M'COCL & RARICK 'n Hii CSasslcal Comedy Skit, "Atta Boy McCormack" SPECIAL ATTRACTION! MILLER & BRADFORD Present a Musical Comedy Novelty "Typical, Topical Tales" SIECIAL FEATURE HART & FRANCIS "A'ioi)i;:ne Hoopsters" ADDED ATTRACTION! SOPHIE & HARVEY EVERETT In "Money." PA THE NEWS Sees All Knows All , A PLEASING COMEDY The Right Srt this bill ani it was killed in the House. Debate on this matter took up con siderable time, for the opposition to the bill developed opposition from all the counties in piedmont and western Carolina. The down-easternsrs voted for thp measure to a large extent, for the sffegestion that the cotton mill and other factory workers should not have to pay taxes if they were not worth more than $300-did not appeal to them. They thought the small farmer and others who got the benefit of free schools and other things should be willing to pay a small amount for this. Senator Hartsell declared that he would always be opposed to putting a tax on a man who did not even own more than $300 worth of property when this property consisted of his household and kitchen furniture end what mechanic's tools he needed in his trade. The wealthy man can conceal his property, he told the Senate, but. the fellow who owns only a pig, a cow and a sorry horse has mighty lit tle chance of getting this hid away from Ihe tax-lister. Some years ago an investigation was made in Roanoke. Va., of the number of watches liiled for taxation, and it was found that in this city of 50,000 there were only 4.D00 watches listed. The same test was ap plied to Charlotte that year and :t was found that only 28 Charlotte peo ple had listed their watches. "That being the case," Sumner Bur gwyn said, "it is evident that the peo ple of Charlotte need being watched." Senator Lambeth entered his protest to the passage of the bill, making an effective speech for the retention of the $300 property tax exemption, and ex pressing the belief that the Constitu tion should be amended so as to in crease the constitutional limit of .ex emption to $500. AS TO ADJOURNMENT. As usual when the Senate tries to conserve time it wastes hours in the process. It spent an hour on Wednes day trying to fix the date for adjourn ment. After much discussion of the resolution offered by Senator Menden hall to fix December 9 as the time limit for the introdxiction of roll n-all bills, this measure passed final reid- ing, but the Elmer Long amendment for adjournment on or before Decem ber 16, got by second reading and was objected to on third reading on the j same day. i THE HOUSE Dissatisfaction with the State-wide stock law, passed at the 1921 session of the legislature following stiff opposi-, tion, was manifested In the lower nouse of the Legislature Wednesday when two bills were introduced seeking to ex empt certain counties from the opera tion of the law until January 1, 1923. Advocates of the stock law at the reg plar session Tuesday saw in the move of certain counties to stay the hand of the 1921 Legislature an effort to de feat the provisions of the bill placing all North Carolina under a stock law. Rep resentatives Bell of Hyde and Swain of Tyrell counties sponsored bills to exempt their counties for a period of 12 months. The action, said Representa tive Martin of Washington county, was an effort on the part of Bell and Swain to start the fight anew in the Eastern North Carolina counties over the stock law. Representative Martin served no tice that he would oppose any and every bill introduced at this session seeking to thwart the act passed at the regular session. The representative from AVashington was the leading proponent of the 1921 law. Development now under way in Hyde county representing hundreds of thou sands of dollars, said Representative Martin, will be stopped if either of the bills proposed by Bell and Swain is passed. He expected to obtain unfavora ble reports on them at the committee hearing Thursday. Representative R. O. Everett of Dur ham in a resolution introduced calls upon Commissioner of Revenue A. D. Watts to furnish the names of the counties which have made horizontal reductions since the 1919 property val uation and upon Stete Superintendent E. C. Brooks for a list of counties which have levied the 30 cents school tax which has been inadequate to operate the public schools for a period of six months. This is the first time official notice has been given the tax controversy which arose following the action of the State Board of equalisation in granting reductions to the Durham county to bacco companies. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weatber Bureau. CHARLES F, MARVIN; Chief. DAILY WEATHER MAP, J$ UA1L.Y WbAlnbK luAPV SO" ft EXPLANATORY NOTES: Observations taken at 8 m., 75th meridian time. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (continuous Hoes) pass through points of equal air pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pass through points of equal temperature. clear: partly cloudy; cloudy; rain: snow; (R) report missing. Arrows fly with the wind. Shaded areas show precipitation'of 0.01 inch or more In past 24 hours. GROCERIES S t IMAUDE MOORE IS ft a December 8, 1921. The Texas depression has moved northeastward to central Louisiana, at tended by moderate to heavy rains in Texas and light to moderate rains in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missis sippi, western Tennessee and Alabama. This "low" is followed by the north western "high", now central over Colo rado, which has been attended by colder weather in all sections between the Mis sissippi valley and: the Rocky Moun tains. Temperatures in this area are now generally slightly below normal, the lowest reported being 12 above zero in Montana and Wyoming. Warmer weather prevails in the east Gulf and south Atlantic states. The eastward movement on the Loui siana depression wilj cause colder weath er in this vicinity tonight and Friday, with rain, possibly turning to snow Friday. THE WEATHER. Weather Bureau Office. Sunrise 7:19 Sunset 5:11 Moonrise 1:07 p. m. Moonset 0:45 a. m. Moon phase Full on the 14th. 8 a. m.. 10 a. m. Noon . . TEMPERATURE Dry BuIL. 8 a. m. Noon . . Wet BuJfc. 47 52 55 44 48 Highest yesterday Lowest last night . . Mean yesterday Normal Mean same date last year Excess for month . . Excess for year 63 47 52 45 47 39 846 AGAIN ON STAND Slayer of Leroy D. Harth Tells of the Incidents Leading to Killing. 1 4 Knoxville, Tenn., Dec. 8. Maude Moore, accused slayer of Leroy D. Harth, automobile dealer of Knoxville, who was shot to death September 8, 1919, continued on the stand when court convened this morning. The defendant was under the fire of State counsel for cross-examination, having related the incidents leading up to the killing of Harth at yesterday's session. Cross-examination of the woman as undertaken late in the evening had failed to break her testimony at any im portant point, her testimony, as it de viated from that given in the first trial, always being met with the response that she did not remember what she said at that time. The State played largely upon the as sociation of the defendant with Mar tin Hunter, to whose rooms she fled on the night of the killing and who ac companied her south of Knoxville prior J to ner suDsequeni surrender 10 me po lice. Maude Moore's recital of her life lead ing down" to tlrj night of Harth's mur der, subsequent trial, conviction, flight from Knoxville and arrest at Tacoma, Wash., was given for the most part in an even tone of voice, the defendant breaking down and sobbing only as she related the alleged struggle with Harth on Kingston pike, where she reiterated that he made an unmentionable pro posal, which she refused to counten ance, and this resulted, she said, in her being jerked from the car and thrown down on the ground. In the struggle, she said, a pistol fell to the ground and she seized it and fired at Harth. I was mortally afraid of him and FITE'S SPECIALS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for everything the season demands. Fresh nut's, shelled and in the shell, citron, orange and lemon peeling, crys tallized cherries and pineapple, ginger, figs, plum pudding, fig pudding, dales both plain and stuffed, mince meat, cccoanuts, cranberries. All kinds ot fruits and vegetables. MILLER-VAN X5S5 CO. Ferndeil Pure Food Distributors for Charlotte. DON'T BLAME US If you wait until the last minute to do your Xmas shopping and get dis appointed. We have an extra fine lot crystallized pineapple, cherries, Turkish raisins, figs, dates, stuffed dates, Span ish Malaga raisins all kinds nuts, shelled and in the shell, fancy pack ages imported fruits in jars, Gordon & Delworth's plum puddings and mince meat. Best fruit cake on the market. Let us prove it to you. S. H. LENTZ. W. M. Sigmon, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon. Phones 101 or 103. SUGAR! COFFEE! TEA! We are not giving it away but after you try it you will wonder how we can give such good coffee for so much less than anyone else. Kenny's high grade known all over the United Staler, per lb r. 35c Or 3 lbs. for $1.00 Trinity Blend, lb 4Dc Genuine Mocha & Java, lb 45c We have other grades. .. .18c to 3jc Pet Milk, small size 6c Or dozen .... ....70c Large size 13c Or dozen .... $1.40 Cocoa, lb 44c Or 1-2 lb Chocolate, It) ; 40c Of X2 ft) 20c v. u. Kicvxf no. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Grits. Bice, Ete. 23 S. Tryon St. Phono 1551-1551 We Deliver. . ,65c . .35c Fresh country eggs, dozen All pork sausage, lb. Kingan's sliced bacon, lb 45c Small hams, lb 30c 8 lbs. compound lard $1.30 4 lb. compound lard GOc California peaches and prunes lb 20c Country dried apples, lb 20c Porto Rico sweet potatoes, peck . .35c We carry the famous Temple Garden Flour, plain and self-rising, all size bags. Every bag guaranteed. Money refunded if not satisfied. ' CRAIG FITE The Cut-Price Cash Grocer. Red Front 39 S. College 1875 PHONES 1876 We Deliver All Over the City. Here is tlie Food Board's Endorsement. 2016 PHONES 1768. 1G lbs. best sugar , $1.00 Fat chickens, lb 35c No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck . . . . 50c Yellow yam sound and sweet peck 50c 24 lbs. Elizabeth flor $1.05 24 lbs. Sunflower self-rising flour $1.15 Fat white Norway mackerel ....25c Country dried apples, lb 20c California Peaches, lb 20c 6 oz. jars pure apple jelly 10c Fresh pork sausage, lb 35c Breakfact bacon, lb 28c 33c THE GOOD SERVICE STORE. Highest of record for December 76 in ' ftared he would force me to do his 1889 Lowest of record for December, 1S80 -5 in PItECIPITATTON. Total for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. .00 Total lor month to 8 a. m 0.82 Normal for December 3.8S Deficiency for year 9.38 bidding," the defendant said. Nervous fear and absolute lack of funds was given as her reason for fleeing the city just before her second trial in 1920. HUMIDITY. NOTICE. North Carolina Mecklenburg County. H. M. Blake having made an assign ment for the benefit of his creditors to the undersigned as trustee, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said H. M. Blake trading as Blake's Auto Service to file same with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklen burg County duly verified as provided by law or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said H. M. Blake will please make immediate settlement. This the 1st day of December 1921. L. L. HACKYEY, Trustee. 12-8-4t-oaw. 8 a. m. Noon . . 78 59 Gr. S. LINDGREN 7iteorologlit. BILL HART IS MARRIED Los Angeles, Calf., Dec. 8. William GOOD BOOKS AT LESS. I will send to any address, postpaid, "President Wilson As I Knew Him," by Joseph P. Tumulty, large volume, cloth $4.75; "Wells Outlines of His troy," one volume, cloth, $4.75; "Mir rors of Washington," $2.25; Peloubefs "International S. S. Lessons for 1922," $i.u; larDen s . o. xeacners ijruiue, ) 1922," $1.90; "Bible Pictures and What : They Teach Us," $2.70; "Pilgrim's Prog ress," (large pages, large print, fine , S. Hart, motion picture actor, was illustrations), $2.70; Foster's "Story of Ucr-c loot nio-Vlt tn ATisR Win- V. "RiKlo " Voat riiKliaViern 71V ! fred Westover who has been included j Kipling's "Inclusive Verse " cloth. ! in his supporting company for some ! $4,75, "Home Book of Verse," (best . time. The service was read at an Epis-; poems from 158O to 1918, inclusive, 1 copal church in Hollywood. most comprehensive book of poetry , published, large volume, thin paper). cloth $11.50, (publisher's price, $12.50). Write for free price list of Bibles and new books. I mail postpaid all fiction at 10 per cent less than publish er's prices. I supply any book publish ed, postpaid, at less than you can buy anywhere else. J. T. Norsworthy, The Book Man, Gastonia. N. C. 7-2t James & Norman Successors to Suggs and Norman MEAT MARKET 1106 S. Tryon St. Phone 3938 Phone in your orders. WTe deliver and handle the best wesern and native meats, fish and oysters. Choice beef steak, lb 25c-30c Choice pork chops, lb 30c Choice, nork roast, lb 25c 30c Choice beet roast, id lec nysc Mixed sausage, lb 20c I-'ure pork sausage, lb 3Cc Fat back, lb 15c Rib meat, lb 20c Breakfast bacon, lb 45c Veal, lamb, fish and oysters, chickens and eggs. We guarantee every ounce of meat we sell. Give us a trial. James & Norman Phone 3938 1106 S. Tryon HI TODAY AND TOMORROW ONLY Clara Kimball Young "Charge It" Sada Cowan's brilliant play dedi cated to American women. From a Dazzling Society queen to dishwashed in a cheap restaurant is. a far cry, yet truth is stranger than fiction and is proven so in this elaborate photodrama. Special Added Feature "SNOOKTS TWIN TROUBLES' A Famous Monkey Comedy. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Christmas Make your gift ELECTRIAL Something; Useful Ask Auten Electric Co. Anything Electrical 22 W. Fifth. Phone 4003 3-7t Phone 3052 or 2883 SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE less than you are paying. My stock is complete. . 24 lbs. Melrose flour 1.25 No. 5 Snowdrift lard 63c Good brooms WE HAVE a very nice assort ment of Gold and Silver Jew-1 if you want to buy your groceries for elry suitable for fine presents. Every piece is absolutely guar anteed for we sell only re liable manufacturers' mer chandise. Engraving free. AMERICAN JEWELRY COMPANY. -328 East Trade St. Est. 1900. 4-3t eod NEW GOODS COMING IN EVERY DAY. Canned goods of all kinds, nice large juicy prunes, paucake and buckwheat flour, Log Cabin syrup, pure honey, home-made sorgum, fresh celery, let tuce, tomatoes mustard and turnip . greens, snap beans, sweet and Irish j potatoes, Ward's and Corby's cakes, apples, orpiigtrs, uaiianas, gidiJaiuu, Brookfield creamery butter, fresh coun try butter, fresft eggs and chickens In fact everything in fresh groceries at all times. . PHONE 4431. Large size Octagon soap Old Dutch cleanser . . 3 lbs. cream cheese 2 cans large Carnation milk Fresh country eggs dozen 6 lbs. grits for 3 lbs. best rice Yellow sweet potatoes, peck . 12 y2c 31.00 ,. 25c . 60e , . 25c 2oc .. 40c AUDITORIUM SPECIAL TUESDAY, DEC. 13 mms uswwmw actcst fUl WALTER "HAMLET" 68 times on Broadway a world's record. 50c, $1, $1.50, ?2. Mail Orders Now IF YOU CARE TO SAVE money on Toys come to our toy shop. Out of the high rent district. AMERICAN JEWELRY COMPANY 328 East Trade St. Est. 1900. 4-3t eod HO USESr-W ANTED ROOMS WANTED To rent 10 or 12 room house suitable for boarders. Phone 3093-J. "-4t WANTED To rent 9 or 10-room house close in on or fore January 1. Phone 2532. 18-tt WANTED To rent 3 or 4 rooms furnished for light housekeeping. No children. Must be resonably close in. References if desired. Address Permanent, care News. 8-2 1 LODGE NOTICE SIR KNIGHTS, ATTENTION! The Stated Conclave of Charlotte Commandery, No. 2, Knights Tem plar, will be held 'on Thursday, De cember 8, at eight p. m. Drill re hearsal at 7:30. By order of the Eminent Comman der. F. WM. E. CDLLINGFORD, Captain-General. R. H. RAMSAY, Recorder. S-lt Counti-y sausage, Ib. i5c R. M. MOD 3052 PHONES 2883 201 N. Graham St. 1420 S. Boulevard 1000 lbs. NEW CROP California Prunes 12 12c Mr. 50 lb. lots lb California peaches, lb. Dried blackberries, lb. Sun-Maid seeded raisins Currants Candied pineapple, lb. Cherries, lb .... Sweet potatoes, peck . . 3 lbs." white peas ., ,. Red kidney beans, lb. . Cranberries, quart .... 25 lbs. Melrose flour .... 16 lbs. sugar lGc 0c ....20c ....25c ...,25c SOc 90c ....40c ... .25c jwC . .$1.30 ,..$1.00 Watts Grocery Co. 813 E. Seventh St. 2016 PHONES 1768 THE RED FRONT STORE Corner Church and Fourth Sts. one 409' 15 lbs. fine granulated sugar ....$1.00 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour $1.05 48 lbs. Elizabeth flour $2.10 24 lbs. Sunflower self-rising ....$1.10 48 lbs. Sunflower self-rising ....$2.1? No. 5 Snowdrift lard ....65c No. 10 Snowdrift lard $1.C0 Pint Wesson oil 28c Quart Wesson oil 55c No., 1 Irish potatoes, peck 50c Our best chicken feed, peck 45c 100 lb. bags our best chicken feed Many other specials. .$2.65 PHONE US TOUR WANTS. WE DELIVER. Corner Eleventh and Graham Streets. Phone 4090. ACT QUICK CULP BROS. DON'T MISS THESE SPECIALS. No. 5 Domino syrup .30c No. 10 Domino syrup 60c (33 1-3 per cent reduction on this syrup.) ' 4 cans Carnation milk for 25c; 10 cans Hebe milk for $1.00 2-lb. 11-oz. glass jar$ of pure jams , . . . .... ."Jc 1-lb. glass jars of pure jams .. ..33c 6 oz. glass jars of pure grape jelly .. 13c 6 oz. glass jars of pure apple jelly , 13c All other new packed preserves and jams at greatly reduced prices. Sweet mixed pickles, lb 35c Piain sour pickles, dozen .. .....20c AH other varieties of pickles. 3 lbs. fine Marigippie coffee for . .$1.00 6 lbs. medium grits for 25c j3 lbs. fancy head rice for 25c .Peck fresh ground meal 40o I Fresh pork hams lb ' .. ..21c Sliced breakfast bacon, lb. .. ..43c ; 4-string brooms 29c 5-string brooms .39c ; Fresh tomatoes, celery, lettuce, grapes, I cocoanuts, raisins, nuts, apples, or anges, grapefruit, bananas, chestnuts. Economy Grocery Watch For Our Important Announcement World Tire Stores 3? A Chain of Stores From Coast to Coast 37 West Fourth. 1806 PHONES 1807 Phone 4380 PhntiA 4380 V