THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER y, 1921. II I . . 1 - - - - , . 11 ' ' 1 ' 1 1 11 ' u I TT BAPTIST COACH CHUCKSTHE JOB Resignation is Thought to je Due to Disastrous j Football Season. i W;k Forest, Dec. 9. James L. v ! l"r two years coaeh of football, ., V.VmH rnd baseball, has tendered i. -signal On f.k min iur m uiniuncs t V i' Forest Colleae, which has been Vrt " ti1-' by the athletie council and fac ' Tin1 'resignation was made Known '! ' nl.iv and it vas stated that it was , , ,;o i-fftet. immediately. It seems . , "tiv resignation of Mr White was ,. i nuich ot a surprise throughout i K.-..-K of liirr tVtopii holnff .1. ' 'fU'rl'L f.U'VtJ i.'vin6 , 'lnr in circulation for sometime !tV;i: ino coach was contemplating re- IV- -1- .l.:iHf lf n -it- l-0-J hum inn f IHJ vw. uvv II ! r-v',, ou't regarding the causs of the I r'v ( n leaving Wake Forest, it is gen i ''''''I.'v believed that Mr. White came ! vivm hi- decision to resign following an ? ' .'KU.Vcssi't'l season in football. Ex- ! i White came to Wake Forest in !! ", V-i; '' l!1-0 aru was or a time as j 'Ct:'iv coach at the University of Vir- ' vrt me athletic council has not ( , , , i a coach for basketball but duiv i V, . .Vn-Hiico of a director. Professor ! ' "r, " Carroll, of the department of I ;,! "ii t ics is coaching the varsity t I'l ' .it. I 11 I ; j Will iit-'l 11 Jll r lid 1.x; 1UI oi ; he season in January. Pro- l i i i I IT' " , , , . a T t - - . , 1 Carnal nas cuaencu iuskciouii :ir."t-,i v.nrs In secondary schools and ,.., d to train the quintet in the ,-ury practice. , nueetion with the above dis r imors have been afloat in local , in ks lor many weeks io the : .it Marvin Kitch. former North i;, d ti .-"-1 get own football star ;;iuT member of the North Caro is';etball souad. wil be the next ". .,; the Baptist institution. These J.,V.' ,V.-s 1.0 further and state that Mr. ,.'!;..!.' hoing corsidered seriously for -in voluntarily vacateu oy White and that he will be ten . vear contract as athletic su it Wak.? Forest. It is. of .impossible to verify thesM ru-.,- th,y s?em not without founda- l.iri. ii.t.1 ,ff. r t"i.VO Cv. ' ' do:' i hti'i : fr. I'--' tie)i i ! (FNTKE-T. C. V. GAME OFF. i I r . ; Worth. Texas. Dec. 9 The foot j ,3;; u.i:!i' I'Ctween Centre College, j t ;.-. v.:'' Ky.. and Texas Christian I ',';v, v:-.y. Fort AS'orth. scheduled for I -.':::,' :'v 'Jud. was cancelled yesterday i-'V vi the local school. Have You Piles? I Tli' ii Yop Have Something to Learn. i Th'V.isan'ls who have piles have nor I learned that quick and permanent r S lief can only be accomplished with I internal medicine. Neither cutting nor t amount of treatment with oim i merits a:ul suppositories will remove 1 the oau."'1 j Bad circulation causes piles. There j's a comp'eie stagnation of blood in the lower bowel and a weakening of j the parts. Dr. J. S. Leonhardt was I first to find he remedy. His pre scription is HEM-ROID, a tablet merii Uir.e. tak' ii internally, that is now sold i by lirugp.sts erenerally. Dr. Leonhardt i tried it in 1000 cases with the marve lous record of .success in 98 per cent and then decided it should be sold un der a rigid money-back guarantee. Don't waste any more time with ' outside applications. Get a package of ; HEM-ROID from J. P. Stowe & Co. hoday. It has given safe" and lasting Ire'.itf to thousands of people, and should ! do th sine for you it seldom fails. Notre Dame Eleven Will Meet Centre Danville, Ky., Dec. 9 Announce ment that the Centre College Col onel will meet the Notre Dame eleven at San Diego, Calif., Decem ber 26, was enthusiastically receiv ed here today by members of the team and students. The 22 letter-men. Coaches Mo ran. Myers and Thornhill and rep resentatives of the faculty will leave here December 16 for the West. They are . soheduled to arrive in San Diego, December 23, and will remain there one week. ANNOUNCE CENTRE'S FOOTBALL SCHEDULE I -"-he corporations named were losinar , I money, he said, and the receivership xiy lur me protection or nis MEN! ,0010 TEN! RECEIVERS FOR RICK ARD NAMED, Broker Declares Promoter is Indebted to Him and Also is Insolvent. New York, Dec. 9.-Allen Lexow and John Eingling were named by Supremo Court Justice Guy late yesterday as re- j ceivers for "Tex" Rickard, the Iviadi son Square Garden Cornnrition anri the ' Madison Square SDortinsr Club J Inc. They deposited bond of $100T000. Frank Armstrong, broker, who re Quested the receivership, declared ne had sued Rickard for money loaned hjm in various sporting enterprises dating from the Johnson-Jeffries cham- lioTa tnn Koii " vT , , centre Col- iwio, to the procuring in 1920 of the I?8. foo.bali schedule for the 1922 Madison Square Garden lMRp. Ki4u viiti ri i i a vvm i - iVl nine ana possioiy ten au,eB- inciuaes Harvard, Auburn v irginia Polytechnic t - - - ""w a. t- t.o .ivv-C Colonel diirin thV Too, y x"e i:iresst. Pending action on the suit. ?t?itint- K 21 season- Ne' RiCkard announced he would tt-ht weXnnurU8?tverf(?Iai: rPX?Th-he receivership, declaring Xt at S ThankLivin? Dav S here TZ ,since hfc ss management of Th : ,,?aL , , iMadsino Square Garcen had Armstrong athleti. auritieT th."4 JS i? ed in ii tne decision stands, any Iegiti- MississiDoi at Danville October 14-Virginia Polytechnic In stitute at Richmond. October 21 Harvard at Cambridge. October 23 Transylvania at Dan ville. November 4 University of Kentucky at Lexington, Ky November 11 University of Louis ville t Louisville. November 18 Auburn at Birming ham. November 25 Tulane at Danville. fOE TINKER SIGNED TO LEAD CHARLESTON Charleston, S. C, Dec. 9. Joe Tin ker, former biff leaguer, who last yeav managed Orlando and won the Florida State League pennant, has been signed to pilot the Charleston Pals next Sum mer. He succeeds Larry Cheney, his former teammate on the Chicago Cubs. The announcement of the signing of Tinker was made known last night by a telegram from L. D. Long, the new president of the Charleston club, who attended the minor leagues meetings at Buffalo. The only clubs which have not yet announced their managers for the coming season in the Sallv league so far are Greenville and Augusta. It is rummored, however, that Emil Huhn will return to Augusta. lows September ft n. x ... J L l" uecision stands, any Iegiti- ffiTJJ11!! Win business can be placed in . ....ODIOOlU Ji fl L. I ill I V I I I M 1 l 1 , a ..... "ro nanus ui. a receiversmp, ne de clared. "It is ridiculous to think of such an action regarding the Garden, Offer Bo McMillin Five-Year Contract Dallas, Texas, Dec. 9. What is believed to be the highest-priced contract ever ofl'ered an athletic coach is now on the way to "Bo" McMillin, Centre College football star, at Danville, Ky., from the ath letic council of the Vniversitv of Dallas. The contract offers McMillin 33,000 for five years service as head coach of the University. In tendering the contract, the Univer sity authorities are said to have met the terms held out for by McMillin in his recent conference with them her;. The original proposition was a $7,000 contract for one year of coachius. FOOTBALL TO ENJOY A GREATER SEASON SIX TEAMS TIED IN BICYCLE RACE for I have made it pay from the sUirt. It. is solvent . in every respect and T will post a bond of $1,000,000 to prove that the finanei-s ' institution are in a healthy condition." He added uiac i.iv.- appointment of receivers was a surprise to him '"be cause there i3 not an outstanding dtbt o any kind." SCHAEFEK DEFEATS COXTI. New York, Dec. 9. Jake Schaefer, world's 18.2 balkiine billiard champion, yesterday won the two linal blocks of las 3,200-poin.t match with Roger Conti, of France, 400 to 219 and 400 to 142. Schafer's ' grand total for the eight blocks was 3,017 and Contios 2,100. New York, pec 9. (By the Associa ted Prass) Intercollegiate football, the greatest of oil varsity sports, reached unprecedented heights of popularity during the season just closed. Yet, with the 1922 season virtually ten months away, there is every indication that noxt year football will surpass. in attendance, popularity and gate re ceipts the record-breaking figures of 1921.- This forecast is based on the num ber of intersi-etional games already arranged, as well as others, the nego tiations for which have not reached the stage permitting of a definite an nouncement. International or intersec tional sport contests have long been recognized as the index or keynote to the popularity of any given sport. The number of games will surpass those of any past season. In 1921, some 15 inter sectional games were play ed in the East alone. Already an i equal number have been scheduled for 1922, and only a few Eastern colleges have completed their lists. The climax will be reached in 1922 if one or more Pacific Coast college combinations decide to follow in the footsteps of their crew and track teams and come East. Such an invasion is far from being improbable, although negotiations have not reached the point where such a contest can be scheduled. New York, Dec. 9. Six teams were tied for the leadership in the annual six day bicycle race in Madison Square Garden at 8 a. m. today, the one hun dred and fourth hour. There was no change in the relative and four laps. The record for thi3 hour s 2,051 miles and five laps, made seven years ago by Fogler and Hill. ONE-YEAR RULE DEBATED Birmingham, Ala., Dec ' 9. Consid eration of the one-year rule, which prevents an athlete from participating in varsity athletics during his first year in college, is expected to precipi- positions of the seven other remain-1 tate a lively debate today at a meeting ing teams after a night of fast riding. I here of the Southern Inter-Collegiato Tb" lowers hd covered 1.808 mi'es AthWc Association. Our Hock Bottom Prices on 1S--TAMKS--EE8NES COLUMBUS SELECTS MACON. Macon, Ga., Dec. 9. The Columbus baseball team, of the American Asso ciation has selected Macon as its S'nrincr training pamn. it was annnnnr pt ' here yesterday. Every Southerner knows the Schofieid line and the fine mer chandise that we put out under our name. We are now quoting the very lowest figurea on all of our products and there i3 no reason to put off buying. If you are in the market for tubular or vertical boilers, for engines, for water towers or tanks, write us and get our Quotation. Our eneineerine department is at your service to aid you in deciding on the material you need. This service will cost you nothing. Write us today for information on the equipment you require. Our prices are right. We can save you money. J. S. SCHOFIELD'S SONS COMPANY MACON GEORGIA KINGS MOUNTAIN HIGH BEAT PIEDMONT PREP Kings Mountain, Dec. 9. Kings Mountain High school's basketball team defeated the Piedmont Prep school five here by a score. of 38 to 21 in a hotly contested t ame. It was the first of a series of games for the county cham pionship. Weir and Matthews were the high scorers of the game. Kings Mt. (38). Piedmont Prep (21) Weir (14) LF Beam (8) Matthews (14).. RF Ulmer (6) McGill (6) C Heavener (5) Saunders (4) RG Wesriar Stowe LG Warlick (2) Substitution Woodward for Stowe. WAXHAW DEFEATED BY WING ATE QUINT Come ia tomorrow and take ad vantage or this remarkable offer. think: of it, a good pair of shoes for the ridiculous, price of $5.00 and whf.n wo say a good pair of shoes. wr- moan a good pair, for they are s-w. that look well and wear well anrt you will be well satisfied with 'o need to wait anv lonsrer io that nw pair of shoes for we offi-ring Men's high grade shoes tnat v''f; formerly sold from $7.00 to a pair for the remarkably low gf r'f" $5.00. They are all the id -f'.-t StVU s and nf '-. Vac laatVcrc "14 you vein look a long time to find -n a shoe value as this. it i rime 303 West Trade St. Clothing T?i i f 5 aV I n era Shoes Wingate, Dec. 9. The Wingate High basketball quintet defeated Wax haw High's fast five on the local floor by a score of 14 to 5. The game was cleanly played but rather slow. Carroll was the big point scorer for the win ners and Gamble starred for the losers. Wingate (14) Position Waxhaw (5) Nance (4) LF .. Neilly (5) Helms (2) RF Plyler Carroll (8) .. .. C Gamble Hargett KG McCain Peal LG Wolf Substitutions: Parker for Peal, H. Carroll for Nance. PLAN SOUTHERN TlllP. Easton, Pa., Dec. 9. Plans for a southern trip' during the Easter vaca tion are being made by the Lafayette College baseball team. Games with several Virginia institutions are in cluded in the tentative program. Mecklenburg Bills Raleigh. Dec. 9. Among the bills introduced yesterday in the Legisla ture were: , . Matthews,-Mecklenburg, and Glover Authorizing the Governor to remove certain appointees . . Matrhews, Mecklenburg Authorizing City -if Charlotte to condemn property for school sitt-K. Delaney, Mecklenburg Authorize Mecklenburg to borrow money m u- rf Vnnfls. Delaney, Mecklenburg Amend Mecklenburg Highway Commission. ! DISTILLERY ROBBED BY ARMED, BANDITS K-v.. Dec. 9. Whiskey valued at more than $80,000 was removed from the T. B. Ripy distillery, near here last nieht by a band of twenty armed men, who held up the superintendent and three guards. i Ten barrels and 194 cases of bottled-in-bond whiskey were removed by the "bandits who used three touring cars and three trucks to haul the liquor away. Police of all central Kentucky towns have been notified to be on the lookout fo rthe party. For Itching Eczema, Old Sores and Piles "I guarantee my ointment," says Peterson of Buffalo, "to cure eczema; to stop the itcmng a. " - reliable druggist will cheermlly refund rename UI ues , rr,TT-,c,rN-NT.c: rvrisTT. I your money u " Y I jieST doesn't do everything I say f . . i it it Will UO. , ,v TT William A. Carey of Franklin, Y;, i i surely a wise man. He writes: I used PETERSON'S OINTMENT on a little boy -suffering terribly with ecze ma. It did the work." Then there is Alex. Louttel, a brave fireman of Buffalo, who is glad to write as follows: "I had an old sore n-i mv leg for many years. The best dooSSi felled. PETERSON'S OINT MENT entirely healed the sore quick iv " And from over in Canada comes a letter from A. Blockeby, stating: tvip best thing I ever hit for itch lZ piles fS PETERSON'S OINTMENT." A. big box for 60 cents. Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co., Inc., Buffalo? N. T. .Sold by J. P. Stowe St. C- r -w -v.jr t.-- . - --yap's .sdr- r-yt- rr - - mm ti .ir rr iPTf m u---- prs!w?-.i J H0S OF OUR GREAT CHAI Every dollar's worth of this fine stock must be sold. Thousands upon thousands of dollars' worth of new merchandise will go in this great sacrifice. Just think, $500,000 worth of the choicest and most dependable Suits and Overcoats, Raincoats, Pants. To turn this mammoth stock into cash at once re quires drastic price cutting notwithstanding the initial cost. We have priced same so low as to make this sale irresistible to you. The Mercantile adjustment forces us to adjust our stock at this time and to take our loss like men, so as to adjust ourselves to present conditions. , SUIT or OVERCOAT SUIT or OVERCOAT i ' i to Up to $30 : ' ' Valul Up t$35 Up to Q j! W Hundreds of TROUS- " I " . JfK 2J?Jc,higl;"gade I 1 ERS thrown in this $0.90 B 1 IT Qfi 318 1 great adjustment. Val- Y &Ui i llfiS " Csfmeres Series - 0 6 ues up to $5.50 " H t Ji ill cassimeres, oerges j ca uF V j4 3M values up to $8.50.. W ' Er V "11 Values . r;' Thousands of PANTS, OR ff RAINCOATS. Adjust- I up to 42 waist measure . Q fa Til jafa RH bottoms J 31 West Trade St. Opposite Selwyn Hotel V - " .,

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