THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 9, 1921. 12 MUSICAL EARTH LECTURE TOPIC Noted Scientist, Dr. John Tyndall, Gives Vivid Ad dress to Small Crowd. The "music of the spheres" which the ancient philosphers and poets sang about and the "morning1 stars singing together " as referred to in the Book Df Job, are not poetic fancies but facts Df the physical universe, according to Dr. John Tyndall, noted scientist! of Mount Vernon. X. Y., and for many years a noted Presbyterian minister, who delivered his famous lecture, "The Wonders of Kther AVaves", Thursday night before a small audience at Haw thorne Lane Methodist church. The lecture, intended to give the amateur scientist end I ho inquiring lay mind, a comprehensive grasp of some of the wonders which science has re vealed in th- last lew years in the way of discovering th? secrets of ether, last ed from 8 to 10:''0 o'clock and held the rapt attention of an audience, most of vhos' members had only a mild and (.usual intorrst before in things scien tific. Dr. Tyndall, who is Williams College was science at ' 3 year.-; of uraduate of Columbia one .'f the recognized ;he sub.i-.'ct of jther waves, wireless telegraphy, telephony and allied sub iects. is related to Tyndall. the famous British scientist and a member of the -a me family as Tyndall, translator of he Scriptures. For many years he was . ngaced in the ministry but has always been ;i scientist. Latterly, he has given up tho active ministry to delve farther into the mysteries of science. The un devout scientist in any field as well as the nndevout astronomer is mad, aac ording to Dr. Tyndall's opinion. I ltimately seience and the Bible must a graduate of a teacher of age, is a post I'nivcrsity and authorities on agree, according to Dr. Tyndall, who did not dwell upon this theme during his lecture, but afterward elucidated it to a group of persona Interested in the subject. Dr. Tyndall had with him charts, wireless receivers and transmitters and other paraphernalia with which to de monstrate the assertions about ether waves and other scientific facts. He began by reviewing the accepted facts about etlier wav'es pervading all space and of their power to penetrate any thing in the physical world, even the world-sphere itself and the human 1 ody. Ho showed by charts with intelligi ble indications thereon that vibrations of sound waves constitute musical sounds, ranging from about 16 vibra tions per second for the lowest note up to such a number of billions and tentrillions per second that they are Quite beyond the power of the human ear to detect. He also indicated how, in the higher vibrations-per-second, colors are formed for the observation of the eye as low vibrations-per-second constitute musical sounds for th.-? car. t Tvn drill proved by chart and oth er evidence that everything has a key note and showed with a miniature wire less outfit which he erected on the stage that the ether wave vibrations which travel 1S6.000 miles 'a. second, go through wcrd. or iron or other physical s-ubstanc:--. inclucung the lu.maii body, as readily as th-.y go through. air and that their traveling from point to point on the earth or tl. tough the earth is in stantaneous so far as distances on the earth arc concerned, the earth being onlv approximately 8.000 miles in di ameter instead of the 186,000 miles that the waves travel per second. With everyday incidents of routine l;fe, Dr. Tyndall proved that ether waves are all-pervasive and that won ders can be accomplished when their laws are understood. For. example, he cited the fact, referred to by Dr. Floyd in a recent magazine story about the late Enrico Caruso that vi brations from the tenor's voice had once r twice shattered into smith ereens dishes, glass, crockery or other 0 io Set the Original and genuine YEAST fffa rvn TABLETS Now Used By Millions As A Simple Easy Way To Help Increase Weight and Enersrv. Clear The Skin and Correct Indigestion and Constipation If You Are Not Entirely . fASTINB THE ORIGINAL AND CENUINE YEAST VITAMINE TABLET Satisfied With The Results In Your Own Case, Your Money Will Be Promptly Refunded. P'ay Shop Shop of the Carolinas T rf W v: 9 S , y o p ; , jk P - : 1 This Edwin Clapp Oxford in Tan and Black .Calf was particularly de-. signed for the large number of wo men who want a quietly elegant ren dering of the popular "Brogue" style. A splendid all-round service Oxford. Widths AAA to C at $12.75 Mail Orders Given Special Attention. Melon's Third Floor. t-m 111 1 kinds, that came within vibratory focus with , his voice. RELATES EXPERIENCE. "Mv own daughter, Dorothy, got a surprise of this kind one day," related Dr. Tyndall, "when she was in the din ing room. We noticed that when she spoke in a certain high key one of the glass dishes on a shelf gave forth a musical sound. I asked her to step farther away and make the same sound. She failed to speak in the same key that time, however, and there was no resnonse from the dish. I urged her to think for a moment and see if she could recall the key she had spoken in first. She tried again and succeed ed, the dish giving out the musical sound in tune with her voice. This was the . same principle on which the dish broke at the vibration of Caruso's voice. "One day the Mauretania. the big ocean liner, while in mid-ocean, suffer ed a breaking of one of its blades. The assistant engineer was standing by and heard the blade snap: The chief en gineer also heard it and called to tne assistant to change the speed of one of the ship's engines as they were pulsing in unison and the resultant vi bration might cause other blades to break. A scientist a few months ago was writing about an incident that happened in a Fall River cotton mill. When the engines driving the machin ery were pulsing in key they would cause such a vibration of the building that a bucket of water on the floor j would sway to such an extent that j nearly all the water was spilled out. J When the engines were changed so that their rate of speed and. therefore, tlioii. viVivntinna irprp not in linisntl the bucket swayed so inue no water , 5j was -spineo. out, aitnougn it was nneu to the brim." ILLUSTRATES POINT. Illustrating these principals. Dr. Tyndall took a key of C tuning fork having 261 vibrations per second and ! while it was vibrating hold it over an uprigni. glass '.uoe 01 i ne same imlcu. j The tones of the vibrating tork were taken up by the glass tube and so am plified they could he heard to all parts of the hall. The speaker then filled the glass tube half full of water. This threw it out of key with the C fork by lessening the column of air, and the tube failed to amplify . the sound at all. The entire universe, or cosmos, is musical. Dr. Tyndall said, and the hu man body, being a part of the phy sical universe, is musical also. Xot only radium but nearly all physical substances give off heat and light to a degree, though in radium the radio activity is infinitely more intense than in ordinary substances. To prove the point Dr. Tyndall held up a glass tube with a glass bulb on each end contain ing water tinctured with red. 'coloring matter. Even the small heat in each of his hands, in a hall far from being over-heated, drove the liquid at once from the bulb under his hand to the bulb in the opposite end. The quick change was explained by the speaker as due to the fact that the heat from the hand instantly caused the bit of air in the butts to expand, driving the liquid to the other end of the tube.) He elucidated the subject by showing i how the telephone bell rings and how a wireless or other telegraph instru ment leceives the wave-impressions from across space by the upsetting in the receiver of the careful balance or equilibrium which Nature maintains everywhere. Dr. Tyndall left Friday morning for Spartanburg, S. C, where he will lec ture Friday night. He is makings the trip on his Southern lectures by auto mobile. He came to Charlotte to annpar at Hawthorne Lane church as a benefit I r&q ior tne isoy bcout organization of that church. Mrs. Tyndall is also an accom plished scientist and shares her hus band's enthusiasm for the subject. The human race. Dr. Tyndall thinks, has only touched the outer edges of the possibilities of scientific knowl edge and accomplishment. He believes Newton had the right viewpoint when ; IS ne said or himself, after a life spent ! in scientific research, that he was only j as a child which had picked up a few i pebbles off the beach of knowledge. j Dr. Tyndall sees no reason why many of the planets may not be in- I habited. He thinks it unreasonable an all-Wise and all-Powerful intelligence should place on the tiny atom called the Earth the only sentiment beings ; of the same kind in the isles and con tinents and oceans of space and leave ; the rest of them untenanted. ! COLLEGES WILL SEND AUDIENCE Walter Hampden Expected to Be Greeted by Great Crowd of Collegians. ..Delegations representing practically every college within reasonable train radius of Charlotte will come here for Walter Hampden's performance of Hamlet o nthe night of December 13th, the first reservation having been .set aside yesterday for Winthrop College. Meanwhile, of unusual interest is the announcement made two days ago that Mr. Hampden has accepted the vice presidency of the famous School of the Theater in New York. Elsie Ferguson. George Arliss. Margaret Anglin, Rachel Crothers, Arthur Hopkins, the produce : Frank Craven, the actor-playwright, and Robert E. Jones, the painter will serve with him as an advisory board. Mr. Hampden will teach at the school during his periods of residence in New York. Mr. Hampden, himself a Harvard man who leaped into fame almost overnight, has always been a figure of Intense in terest to the college men and women of this country. Believing that America was on the verge of a great revival of POTATO, POULTRY AND CORN SHOW NOW OPEN Asheville Dec. 9. Buncoirfce coun ty's garage has been transformed Into ala place wnere nuum jin, m off. the nnzo the Shakespearean cult. Mr. Hampden, then leading man in a current Broad way success risked his all in an inde pendent matinee porformance of Ham let at the Plymouth Theater. The yet. eran Towse happened to be in the first audience and immediately announced that the greatest living Hamlet was on the boards at the Plymouth. The effect was electric. Critics flocked to the theater and. after a few weeks of matinees, the 39th Street Theater had to be taken over for the ex-: ghow wag officialy launched Thursday ciusive use oi tne 8uuuc:n-i. I afternoon ius of poetic drama. Since then Mr., f th finest seed corn in Hampden holds a record run on Broad-. " ,h 'Carollna is bidding for way never approached 'since .Edwin C(j and from present indica Booth. , t: ... .,,, ho har(j -job for E. S. Mr. Hampden has been brought to the j inigapSf of statesville, farm agent for the Piedmont section, ana jui assistant director oi extension a ...lnil tn sons are aunumb exhibits of corn, potatoes and Poultry entered by members of agricultural I clubs and by farmers or xne The annual corn, poiutu Gray, Auditorium through the co-operation of the American Association of University Women in Charlotte. The public school teachers, and stude schools and - Queen .m-ir oi- T?'.io5r-Vi to nick the winners. nts of the High , . , h been entered. :tS Wm be ACHiver. Stat, poultry expert, ar- n tho Mtv "hiirsaav niuiiin.s t j fhars-p of iudsing tne E..rci imi.vD ,-tinnn-'. 'poultry. i ... i in ATf. cr.n win np n v en iwa.y aj Rome, Dec. 9. (By the Associated ! r -" ... ho as four chnpta i ;i Ja. ..... - thia ' awaras in iijosl .,0... Press) Serious earthquake have been reported throughout week from the regions, around the Lake of Bolsena. about 60 miles north west of this city. The ground in sev eral villages of that vicinity shows large fissures and most of the inhabi tants are camping in the fields. No deaths have been reported. MINORS SELECT LOUISVILLE. Buffalo, N. Y.. Dec. 9. Louisvine was selected today by the National As sociation of Professional Baseball Leagues as the meeting place for next year. Bad Colds WET, stormy weather sniffles, and the hanS Dr. King's New Discovery S quickly and pleasantlv. Head i'tl1' up, cough relieved and yon fed At yonr druggists, 60c. Dr. Kins New Discover For Colds and CouJ Bowels Begging for Ileho? King's Pills will bringTaJr happiness of regular, norma! hJ: and liver functioning. Mild j,,,? ways reliable. At all druggie i- -won t g4 , ' ' . "'N p a mm. mm whop ' ' -m" -mmmmm ' HSlUiiL'S) It'sValues V A 3 lf!- m w im 1 Jm mm mmm mmm P".mmm tVU'W'l VJ XSk. CI 77 ' t SS4J - m ii M- i-i n " m hXn ' j la Si ii i mn ik mil MiiiiiisiiMA ii m mill f 1 Starts km CAPTAIN CRAWFORD RELEASED ON BOND Salisbury. Dec. 9. Captain R. E. Crawford, western division Southern conductor, was yesterday required to '. give bond in the sum of S7.500 to an- ! swer at the next term of Superior ! Court for the killing of Sam Hinton. j engineer, at Spencer Monday. Th- j homicide was witnessed by a "number of railroad men. It happened in the ! 1. m. C. A. lunch stand and the weap on used was a catsup bottle. Accord. J fcsa I . 41 ;j l j, . , I k.'!3 nig lu me ev:uence neara Deiore Juage Furr. Hinton made uncomplimentai-y remarks about both Captain and Mrs. Crawford, not knowing that Crawford was m the room until the conductor advanced towards him to strike him with the bottle. The bond was given immediately. Medicated Smoke Drives Out Catarrh Dr. Blosser's Cigarettes! . Give Out a Healing - arid Rl feoothmg ; Smoke-Vapor That Clears the Head, Nose and Throat. Dr. Blosser i the originator of a certain combination ' of medicinal herbs, flcwers and berries to be smoked m a pipe or ready prepared cigarette which is meeting: with unusual : success in catarrhal troubles. As the disuse is carried, into the -head,' noae and throat with the air yon breathe, so the ami eeptic healing vapor of this remedy is carried -with the breath directly to the affected parts. This simple, practical method app7ies the medicine where sprays, douches ointments, etc., cannot possibly go. Its effect Is soothing and healing and Is entirely harmless, containing no cu bebs, tobacco or habit-forming drugs. It may be used by women and chil dren Am well as men. If you suffer from catarrh, asthma catarrhal deafness, or if oubjftct to frequent oolds. you should try this remedy. Satisfactory results guaran teed. Any well stocked drug store can supply Dr. Blosser's Remedy A trial package (containing eisrht cigarettes) will be mailed to any suf- ltKL. tor Un cent ooln or stamps) by The Blosser Co.. 2$ DL, Atlanta Ga., to prove their beneficial and pleas ant effect. m 1 mi DH. BL053ESVS Saturday Morning, December 10th and Continues for Ten Bays Every Pair Of Shoes In The House For Men, Women and Children WILL BE OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALLED ANYWHERE IN THE CITY STORE OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P. M. FOR BENEFIT OF CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS We are reorganizing the Burt Shoe Com pany and in order to do this we must re duce our stock to the lowest possible figure and we are offering every shoe in the house at great reductions that will enable the thrifty shopper to realize a saving of from 25 to 50 per cent on every pair of shoes bought at this store. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO EXCHANGES MADE IF NOT SATISFACTORY Our stock consists of the latest arrivals in Novelty Footwear for Men and Women, Shoes that are of the finest quality and of the latest styles. Women's three-strap Beaded Satin Pump with full Louis or Baby Louis heel, regular price $13.50, reduced t0 $8.85 Women's Patent Leather Oxfords, walking heel,- regular price $10.00, reduced to 6.85 Women's Patent Leather cut out two strap, Sally Pump with Military walk in2 heel S6.85 Men's Hunting Boots, 18" high, Chrome Leather, waterproof, double sole, Goodyear welt, stitched 8.85 and . . . ... . . . . . $9.85 Women's high top Black Kid Boot with French heel, regular price $10, reduced to $3.95 Women's high top black Kid Boot with military heel, regular price $12.50, reduced at $4 95 All Women's Brown Satin and Brown Suede one and two-strap PumDs. French and Baby Louis heel, going $5.85 at Women's Felt House Slippers, all col ors, regular price $2.00, reduced t0 $1.10 Growing Girls and Misses' three-strap patent leather Sandal, center buckles, regular price $10.00, reduced $5.85 to Low heel or walking heel as desired. Herman's Calfskin Army Shoe, rubber heel Officers $5.45 Men's Tan Calf. Frpnnh loct nr hill- cher Shoe, Wingfoot rubber heel f at . &4 oz , Men's black or tan Scotch grain Brogue Shoe, new French last, regu lar price $12.50, reduced to . . $7.85 FOR CHILDREN We are closing but all Buster Brown Shoes at one-half price. 9 1 6 EAST TRADE See Us Before Buying Your Next Pair of Shoes or Evening Slippers. rrmm :7TJ II . Ill I' "Hi 0

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