THfi CliAKLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 9, 1921. 1 o RliTHERFOI !LARGE GINNING uyc Cotton Ginned This !yc:v Than Last; Negro I h Whiskey Arrested. ill on. Pec. it. Rural Po- . A. Tkninason captured frson. colored, near Rook .ii:,! hurch Tuesday with whiskey in his possesion. :ir a ill which was de was brought here in jail. lie will ho given a : : "i" c. y ,-onnty mned 7,457 hales lo Nov enilx-r 21, past, as (;.!);' hales for the same ;r i'he report will pos- a ,kr Cod-liver oil is the ( t;i v, world for rickets. f Scott's Emulsion I contains richest -cod-liver j 0il,' abundant in th T" I that every rickety child needs. !AT ALU D?UG STORES PRICE. $1.20 and 60c icnt &. Bowne. BloomfiU, N.J. S -ALSO MAKERS OF i ' "I . . -. I( JSDit3 or wamnnv) 1 fod5GESTION ? sibly show a deficiency over last year. Tayjor Burke, who was implicated i ft' f!.-Liles in shoting at Deputy feiierift Yayne Bridges last spring be tween here and the Polk county line was captured- near Chesnee, s. C ' Thursday and . placed in Spartanburg jail to await his fate by the criminal court of that county. He has been dodging the officers all this time. Daily Goforth. who lives six miles east ot here was accidentally shot re cently by his 13-year-old bov. Th-v were out hunting when the gun went off. Mr. Goforth was not seriously hurt. One shot hit him above the eye one in the arm and one in the left leg Nighi Watchman M. 'J. Shotweil"" re signed last week after serving three years and eiht months as night po liceman. The town council elected Kcuben Ley to take his place The Rutherfordton Chamber of Com merce met Friday night. The hall was rented for another year. It was de cided o hold the annual meeting early in January and in addition to the elec tion of officers, hold a banquet and in vite some noied out of the county speakers to attend. Many things are in store for Rutherfordton next year and the Chamber wants to get lined up for a great year. RcvA Joseph Burwell Thorn, of Bo tic. a noted H Tuesday from a stroke of paralysis and was buried Wednesday. He leaves a wiow, six sons and two daughters mm OCCUPATION ARMY TO BE KEPT BUSY ' Coblenz, Dec- 9. Winter training plans for the American forces in Ger many as announced recently at army ueaaq uarters in Coblenz call for at least three hours daily military exer cises for officers and men in addition to the opening of schools for instruc tion. Training will consist of drills, marches, tactical walks and rides, ter rain exercises, map problems, lectures, conferences and schools for officers, non commissioned officers and selected enlisted men. One course of instruction is in a school of languages for the study of either French or German. It is not an uncommon sight in Coh lcnz to see majors and colonels and generals too. sometimes, with school books m their hands, when going to and from billets to their offices. Many an American, who reached the Rhine SAMUEL C. HART POST NAMES ITS OFFICERS Salisbury, Dec. 9. The Samuel C. Dart :"ost of the American Legion, at Us last meeting of the vear. elected officers as follows: W. H. Hardin ,Tr commander; W. M. Pickens, vice-commander; -J. H McKenzie, .finance offi cer; C. O. Floyd, adjutant; Lindsev Taylor, chaplain; B. P. Beard,, historian, and Georg-e Peeler, scrgeant-af-arms. James Lyons, one of the oldest and best Known machinists at the Southern shops here, is in the Lawrence Hos pital it Winston-Salem, where, several days ago, he underwent an. operation. wn.nout knowing more than two or three words of German, has learned enough "to get by," as they 'say over here, while others, particularly those of German descent, now speak the lan guage fluently. The training program, which is to continue unti' March 31 next includes chemical warfare service designed to teach proficiency in the use of gas masks and in giving gas alarms. 1 , 'SCOTTS HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING IS BURNED Statesville, Dec. 9. The new $25,000 high school building at Scotts, nine!, miles northwest irom btatesville, was destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. Fire started about 11:30 a. m. in the basement near the furnace, and it had made such headway when discovered that it was impossible to extinguish it with the school's limited fire fight ing equipment. One of Statesville's fire trucks answered the call, but it could do nothing as there was no pres sure. At 2 o'clock there was nothing left standing but the two end walls. Everything was lost except a few desks. The teachers' home nearby was saved by heroic work. The building was modernly equipped and appointed being the best of Ire dell'3 high svhools outside Statesville and Mooresville. It was only recently competed and was justly the pride of the people of Scotts and vicinity. Supt. J. A. Steele, of tne county schools, an nounces that arrangements will be made for the school to continue in temporary quarters until a new build- can be erected, .mere was insur MORRIS JOHNSON HELD BY COURT EXPLOSION SUSPECT ARRESTED. Omaha, Neb., Dec. 9. Police last night 'arrested a man whose name was given as Mike Stine, as a suspect in connection with the Wall Street: ex plosion, September 15, 1920. when- a large number of persons . were killed. An unsigned communication to the po lice led to the arrest. "Jack Frost" Salt is pure, ask for it. Always a nee on .$12,500 the property amounting to BIBLE CLASS WILL PRESENT A COMEDY -The ' Wesley Bible - Class of Belmont Methodist church will present a black face comedy entitled the '"Ascension of Savannah" at the W. O. W. hall in Belmont Friday evening at 8 o'clock for the benefit of the night school that is conducted there under the direction of Miss Mary Matthews, superintendent of night schools of the county. A stringed orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. The members of the caste in the comedy have been giving much attention to rehearsal and will give it is promised, a very amusing performance. The went back m I I! a J -at ' - tW Ji V' evJ i, f V The Victrola is the greatest single Christmas gift. It is the Aladdin's Lamp that summons to your home the world's leading artists of the instrument and the voice. It is the "Open, Sesame" that lays before you all that is best, most lasting and desirable of the whole realm of music. Will there be a Victrola in your home this Christmas? It is, truly, the one gift that gives to the whole family. Come in and make your selection of Victrola and Victor Records now in time for Christmas delivery. ft n : i I H 1 f V : l A'fcir'V III PWm - - - I t 1 I il i . - l y h - f Music Department . : , 3rd Floor J 1 -' m yii feteiszr i . ii ss&ssipgg iiaife juMkU fei- Willi M 1 i'"! ' Charged With Trying to Marry 14-Year-Old Girl; Mother Willing. Statesville, Dec. 9. A unique case. was heard in junvenhe court here Wed nesday, Clerk of Superior Court J. A. Hartness, judge presiding. Morris Johnson, age 21, of Detroit, was charg ed with enticing and attempting to marry Cleo Karusos, 14-year-old daugh ter of A. Karusos, Syrian, proprietor o1: a local fruit and confectionery Kore. With the knowledge and consent of the girl's mothet-, the young man had gone to Newton where he tried to secure license to marry, fc-ther, learning of the affair, after the girl and brought her home. The matter involved in the juvenile court was with reference to the cus tody of the child. -The judgment ..f the- court was that the girl he com mitted to the care of her father, A. Karusos, until she is 21 years of age. that she be placed n an educational institution for giris, under the per sonal supervision of some dependable r.crson connected with the school. If the girl's mother interferes with the carrying out of the order of couH s-nr is to be punished for contempt of court. A warrant was issued for young Johnson cn a charge of enticing a' girl under age. He was placed under a SI. 000 bond for his appearance at the session of Iredell recorder's court which convenes next Monday. Not being able to give bond, he was remanded to jail. Mrs. Karusos was also required to appear before the recorder at the same time under the charge of aid ing and consenting to the unlawful act. It appears that Johnson met the girl when she and her mother weio in Detroit last "Summer. He came lo Statesville a few days ago. Special $3.00 About ISO pair ladies' black vici kid laced shoes low heel and good weight sole. $3.00 This is a good school shoe for "big misses" and young ladies On sale Friday and Saturday. Thompson's Phone 23. GEORGIA BANK ROBBED. Gray Ga., Dec. 9. The Bank of Gray was ransacked last night and nearly $2,000 in postage stamps and money orders, left there for safe keeping by the Gray postoffice, and Liberty bonds stolen. In addition lh-i burglars carried away more than $S,500 in commercial notes. SUDAN'S EASES PM ES THE ACI rTORMENTING, agonizing rheu- t4 mauc acuta aic iujijr -jiv,v by Sloan's Liniment. Apply it freely and enjoy a comforting sense of warmth. 1 lpenciralesy:iihou rubbing. Good ciso for sciati3, lumbago, neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, stiff joints, external aches and pains, back aches, strains and sprains. Don't let pain lay you up. Kep Sloan's Liniment handy and at the i first sign of an ache or pain, use it, it. ..rl.rrlnna nrnrliirf results. 1 III il Lti laiia y I ' - - - HOLIDAY GREETING CARDS The very latest designs just re ceived. We have a large assort ment and priced very reason able. Be sure to see our stock before you buy. Call 1530 and ask to see sam ples. ' ' : v News Printing House The Quality Shop CHARLOTTE, N.'C At all druggists 35c, 7Gc, Gift Suggestions Sensible of the peculiar ap propriateness and desirability of Jewelry for Christmas re membrances, B. F. ROARK has anticipated the wishes cf the Charlotte people and now is displaying a wide- range of choicest gifts. B. E ROARK Diamond Merchant, Silver smith, Jeweler. 10 X. Tryon St. New Shipment n 1 r 8 ,WL i i Recieved ; including all the preferred winter styles for men. Saddle straps and brogues in mahogany, tan and Norwegian grain leathers. - Everyone is solid leather. DOUGLAS SHOES ARE THE BEST KNOWN SHOES IN THE WORLD. NATHAN'S 38 East Trade Street. For Him p 'i k&rrhKi Hl JTA mmjA : i . u A Silk Shirt A Bath Robe Silk Hose . A Necktie . . Linen Handkerchief A Golf Jacket : Ours are fairly priced arid will merit genuine appreciation. Shriners Red Ties 50c r. C. Long Co. 33 East Trade Since 1S68 The Home of Good Shoes Pleasure is Yours! TO write a letter on distinctive station cry, or to receive one written on it, brings a pleasure that is missing when the stationery is " ordinary." To the eye the beauty and smartness of WHITE & WYCKOFFS DISTINCTIVE STATIONERY is an invitation to write or to read, as the case may be. And this paper is so smoothly receptive of your pen that it encourages spontaneous thought and helps the easy flow of words and phrases. Come in we'll be glad to thow our line to you. round & Moore Company Phone 4542" T ifN KcePins in ste wuh ihe styie in Wm Men's Footwear X is one of the most important features . of this store. IIP All the new ones, all the time. GILMER-MOORE CO. Shoes, Hosiery, Luggage, Lingerie 1 Wi. w 1 ...v. rr , t i ;:,;