THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 9, 1921. 16 I N !: j.'f 1 1 i .. 1 i i 4- t r s 1:1 "3 j DEBT IN FRANCE WAS FULLY PAID But Lender Suffered Conse quences of Continued Lowering in Values. "When is a fact not a fact? Let Ger ald S. Weller of Tarboro, who was in Charlotte "Wednesday morning, answer that riddle in ' a startling way. Mr. Weller has an amusing story to tell of how a friend paid him a debt in full and yet lacked $200 of paying the debt in full. "It happened in France in the Fall of 1917," explained Mr. Weller. "I was a member of the United States air ser vice and had gone over early to com plete my training in France. "In the same squadron with me was a fellow who would have been a prince but for his shrewd business head. This fellow got on pretty good terms with What is 'A Blessing on Your Head ED. PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC of course! me after I had known him a few weeks. One day he came to me and declared that he was in dire necessity and simply had to have 2,400 francs I had brought over a little money with me which I had turned into franc- and I loaned him the amount. He promised to repay me in about a month. At that time francs wre worth about six to the dollar, and the francs I loaned him set me back for 400. "Being certain that fellow would pay me back, I promptly dismissed the matter trom my mind. Only for a short time, however. To my sur prise, in a week or so francs went down to about seven to the doHar. Then I thought of that debt. I prayed that the blooming French dough woutd hold its own for at least a month. "When the end of the monta came, however, my friend came to me .vnd put me off for a week or ?o longer This was just what my jinx had been looking for. Then the franc began tj go down in earnest. I saw my money literally shrinking before my eyes. First, a dollar would buy eight francs. In a few days a fellow could get nine francs for a dollar It wasn't long be fore" the iron wheel would rake in ten francs. " 'Heavens above!' I exclaimed to my self. If this keeps up this guy can settle his debt for about $3.50!' "And you may bet my kind friend used his head. The faster the franc would fall, the longer he would put off the debt, assuring me that 'as sure as the sun shone he would repay every franc of it.' "Well, to make a long story short, when the franc got down to 12 for one buck the scoundrel accosted me one day and with the air of one who is about to bestow a great favor on a fellow and said in a voice that chilled me to the girzard- " 'Oli top. here's your 2,400 francs! I told vou I'd repay you.' "I left France a few days later and cashed them in for $200. It is needless to say I never heard of that kind friend since, but I've come to the con clusion that i' you're going to invest in foreign lucre you'd better do it on somebody else's cash." NEW HAIRDRE SSING STYLES. : I should like to be able to say that hairdressing styles are becoming sim pler, but unfortunately It .. isn't so. More and more young girls and women are adopting the bobbed hair fashion so that most of the beauty parlors which do permanent waving now make a specialty for permanent waving short hair. The- unfortunate part of this is that short hair has to be cut about once a month so that the wave is con stantly being clpiped off. Otherwise the tendency is toward a very sophisticated type of hairdressing; for instance, the hair pulled back from the face as much as is becoming and drawn to a knot that is quite high in back. This is a style that looks very well on young girls and is almost the only style that looks well on the wom en with a weak or undeveloped chin. Unfortunately it is a style that maices a woman look a little older. Hair is being waved more this season than ever before. This too is unfor tunate because waved hair makes a woman look older than straight hair. But the waving this year is done verv lightly, that is, instead of short, stiff and artificial waves, the hair is done very loosely indeed. It is far more becoming and far more natural than the old method. If a woman wants to imitate this at home, she can do so by moistening the hair and rolling strands of it around very soft, thick kid curlers. Fortunately no artificial hair is usal. Hairdressers tell me it is the position t f the knot, rather than its size, which makes it fashionable? Mary At 24 years any lines you may have should only be temporary, fcuiid up your health and nourish the WN ' i - '- ' , " v" . way? AnrVi wppk until the muscles of the face become firm, when these lines will disappear.' Shorty If you choose a shoe with a long vamp, it will make your "foot appear to be larger and more in pro portion with your size. Darkie Tour colors will be all of those found in the Autumn shades. Buttermilk, or the juice from cucum bers will bleach the skin. Pinkie It is possible to grow taller after 18 years of age. At that age with height of five reet one inch you have the correct weight at -115 pounds. All inquiries addressed to Miss Forbes in care of the "Beauty Chats" department will be answered in these columns in their turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. The Editor. THE IDEAL ARCOLA SEE US FOR SPECIAL CLUB OFFER We are going to sell , a rather large number of IDEAL- Wrr Heating Outfits. We receive special discounts for volue sales ami discounts will be passed on to those taking advantage of our spie SALES PROPOSITION, WHICH HAS MANY ATTRACT I v 3 TURES. iF4 McAuley, Garrison & Hopkins Co 313 East Trade St. ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. n ' Ph oison rwve 1- ities MEAD COLDS Will your hair look well this tissues with a good cream and use a3 astringent on the skin about twice Melt in spoon; inhale vapors; apply treery up nostrils. - V V A F0 RUD Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly Easy la Take-Qtnck t Refere CATARRH of the BLADDER Safe, Sscctssfil RachCansule fMIIWI bears name t3P v y Beware of counterfeits !p Am- M M A Few ') Suggestions &g?U VllnT T!ti ore jnyj Gloves i Cravats Hosiery I M- Mufflers j'j':: Garters Sweaters Pajamas rfj Silk Shirts I Kj Hats i iij CaPs- j ftrh Hose Robes Wl Bath Robes Smoking Jackets &v9 Auto Gloves m Fancy Belt Buckles ijjl Full Dress Vests : WR Tuxedo Vests Traveling Sets Box of Collars Shirt Jewelry Wf Handkerchiefs jvM Scarf Pins Hair Brushes - . 13 Christmas Gloves ' rmnihe M A gift from this store is the unforgetable gift, selected by experts, long in advance, and with care. Our name on an. article of men's apparel will win favor with men who like quality, and betokens the good taste and judgment of the giver. Has He A Good Housecoat? If Not, Give Him One of These. A carefully tailored, com fortable and attractive coat. Made from handsome double-faced cheviots in shades of brown, green, gray, ma roon and blue. Some in shawl collar styles with corded islk frogs; some trimmed vith brocaded satin collars, cuffs and pockets. A BATH ROBE IS A. GIFT THAT ANY MAN, WILL APPRECIATE A Bath Robe selected from our offerings will be sure to please the most exacting. Coat style Bath Robes in figured designs. Finished with a heavy girdle. Comfort able and handsome. Slippers to match .00 up NECKWEAR A display offering for your choice only such patterns and colors that men would choose for themselves. Each in a special gift box, if de sired. Silk Four-in-Hands and Silk Knit 50c up HOSIERY FOR GIFTS By the box or in sin gle pairs, it is diffi cult to choose a gift more to a man's lik ing. We have an excel lent assortment of Gift Hosiery at the right prices. MEN'S HATS They make good gifts and with our assistance and the very complete stock at your command, choosing a Hat for his gift is an easy task. He will be well pleased with a hat that comes from this store, for he knows he will get quality. NO MAN HAS ENOUGH HANDKERCHIEFS A special in pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 3 for $.00 If you are in doubt what to give a man, give him handkerchiefs for he can not have too many. Our showing of Holiday. Handkerchiefs contains all the latest novelties in both the plain and init ialed, packed in appro priate gift boxes. A Suit Or Overcoat Makes An Ideal Gift These are gifts that will be in fashion this Christmas. Any man would rather money would be spent for some thing useful. And a gift of a Suit or an Over coat would certainly be the height of good sense. Our Suits and Over coats are superb in style and color and tailored to perfection and priced right, and you will be able to find just what you want in' either Suit or Overcoat if selected from our large stock. , SHIRTS THAT WILL WIN THE INSTANT APPROVAL OF EVERY MAN. Most men need a new pair of Gloves, so why not give them for Christmas? We have a large selection to choose from that are moder ately priced $1 .50 up South Tryon Our selection of Men's Shirts embraces an ample va riety of all the new shades ' from which you may choose with the absolute assurance your choice will be correct. SHOE TREES COAT HANGERS BOOK MARKS . DESK SETS BELLS TALLIES BRIDGE SETS POKER SETS And other novelties, too numerous to mention, including the most fascinating of Water Toys and other things for very tiny tots. Each Nov. elty attractively boxed and complete with an ap. propriate verse card. . You'll find Pholson Novelties on display and sale in our Home Furnishings department, second floor. SMITH-WADSWORTH Hardware Company "The Quality Hardware Store" 29 East Trade, Street Phones 64-63 One Minute At The Phone AND A WEEK'S WORRIES GONE Call us for your next washing:. Such a convenience. So satisfactory. THE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY 444 PHONES 445 rl flJ53 Roving. If Moving, Packing acd Storage Our service is unsurpassed. TRUCKS FOR PICNICS OS STRAWRIDES New pneumatic tired trucks, car? ful drivers. Phone us for estimates. COCHRAN&ROSSCO. PHONE 52 n Our entire stock of ready-built Monuments be ing sold at greatly reduced prices. Make your se lections early. Phone 691 1 r team 301 East Second St. 0 MM W f nrmaroi R A CI N G ! ! Trotting Running Hurdle Pinehurst, N. C. 2 :00 P. M. Saturday, December 10th. Special' Reduced Rates at Fare and Half . Via Seaboard Air Line Railway Tickets good on all trains Dec. 10th, limited Dec. 12th. For rates and schedules apply to nearest Seaboard Ticket Agent or write E. W. LONG, Division Passenger Agent. CHARLOTTE. N. C. ,4 J A