( ft TAB CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 9, 1921 fi8 ; 1 1, i ? 1 i. . vi ;! i 'I a if ' 1 I ( 00,000 POUNDS OF FRUIT CAKE Local Concern is Turning Out Popular Christmas Delicacy by the Ton. A distinctive Carolina product, manu factured at Charlotte, Gastonia and Greensboro, is being1 put on the market for the pre-Chrlstmas season as a spe cial holiday delicacy in such shape that it is expected to do for the three cjties named what beer did for the fame of Milwaukee, what the Annheuscher brand of that beverage did for St. Louis, what, rice did for the fame of Charles ton and what beans did for the fame of Boston. More succinctly expressed, the Caroli na Baking Company, which has for three years been winning fame or a popular fruit cake of its own making and from its own recipe, has taken the forward step of selling all cakes in a handsome brown-painted, highly-attrac live tin box that holds' a five-pound box of the rare fruit cake which the makers are so proud of. The tin. box really and truly looks 'ike a work of fart, so white and spiok and span Js it within and so artistically embellished with eppropriate designs on the outside. Even after the cake is used the box will serve handsomely as re ceptacle for articles in the kitchen or in the house. Thirty thousand pounds of the cake have been made this year and the new steps for popularizing the product are expected to greatly increase the de mand. It is specially designed as an appropriate Christmas gift. A description of the goodies" that go into the making of the delicacy is calculated to make the mouth, of any Epicure water. Among the listed con stituents ere cherries imported from France, Hawaiian luscius raisins, nuts of every kind, eggs, sugar and other dainties. OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COPvmaMT mr coca allam moss. TftAOC MARK REGISTER CO O. S. RAT. OFf. MOTHER! Open Child's Bowels with: "California Fig Syrup" HUH! The cheerful grin and a lifted chin May help as you suggest, But a couple o' sips from your ruby lips Adds zest, my girl, adds zest. You have to take things as they come in this life unless you are an expert dodger. THESE DAYS, THAT'S RIGHT. Sophie "What do you think of a fel low who makes a girl blush?" Sopnia "I think he's a wonder." When the men take to wearing knee breeches, the girls will have a chance to get even snickering at lean or bulg ing shanks. THE WRONG WAITER. Fatron at crowded soda fountain "Oh, say waiter, how long have you been employed here?" Waiter "Only six weeks, sir." Patron "Oh. then it isn't you I or dered a sandwich and a cup of coffee from." About the only thing some men want in know about vour vacation motor trip is how many miles you got to the gallon. IX FALL. The leaves are red and yellow in the Fall. The grapes are red and yellow on the will, The verse is red and yellow, so 'tis said; The verse is mostly yellow, seldom read. blow and that confounded express was 20 minutes late last Sunday. . CLASS WILL TELL. Friday seems to be hog day, as there were several loads passed this way for Milton Junction. Luke Crandall - being among the number. Edgerton (Wis.) Eagle. At ihe present price of bacon, Luke must have felt like a poor relation at a family reunion. RELIEF. He went to see the dentist Thfi nicture of desoair. But came back smiling broadly The dentist wasn t there. RUBAIYAT OF THE HAS-BEENS. GETTING WHAT HE WANTS. "My car neds to be overhauled very badly." "Very badly, eh? In that case I should take it to Doolittle and Poor." "Why to them particularly?" "Because w:th their bum mechanics, they will do it as badly as possible." OLD NEGRESS VIEWS "SWINE CONVENTION" That "Pigs is Pigs" is undoubtedly the belief of an old negro woman who sought to enlighten her mind by prob ing into the Shriner's convention here Wednesday, according to Jake Newell, of this city. Mr. Newell was standing by the Southern railroad station when his at tention was first caled to the old wom an. She had a negro girl by the hand who appeared to be her daughter, and seemed to be anxious for the next train to pull in. Finally it did, and the old woman rushed forward with a shout, literally drrgging her daughter along. As the red turbaned individuals de scended from the cars, she exclaimed to her daughter, "Chile, dem is de Swine! Dey sho is swell lookin'. Dis here is gwineter cer tainlv be a scrumptuous Swine coven-tion!" TURKEY FOR FOCH. Greenwood, S. C, Dec. 9. An im mense turkey, weighing thirty pounds has been sent to the local legion post by Mrs. B. W. Wat kins of Chappels. to be prepared and presented to Marshal Foch when he stops here for a half hour today. To one loss we indite a doleful tune, They said that we would see it very soon, Oh, what can have become of that triumph That rocket that was going to the mooh? The voice of, recollection vainly calls For one and pages him ?n pits and stalls. What has befallen, will some spirit tell ' The Broadwayite who ' wore the over alls? Once justly we cheered upon his way, A-warrior of France, come for a fray With Monsieur J. D'Empsey for the belt What has become of Georges Carpen-tier? as quiet as ;i One wsnt about mouse And on all conversation put the douse Mysterious the power behind the throne. Say, what can have become of Col. House? . A vice crusader started out at night To set the evils of the city right A minister who notd around here and there. . Where can the reverend have flown his kite? A man who kept a family of five On forty cents a day and stayed alive Has not been interviewed in quite a spell. Into what dark deep river did he dive? Mamoun and Zubeideh owned a little shop and they worked very hard. When the customers came they could not help laughing at them, because Ma moun and Zubeideh were really funny. They argued and fought nearly all the time; but they kept on working, ,1'heir little shop was open to the street and One reason we l'ke the movies is be cause we can't hear the actors talk. Even a sick child loves the "frulty' taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours yuo can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the constipa tion poison, sour bile and waste out .? the bowels and you have a well, . playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Pit', Syrup" handy. They know , leasponful today saves a sick child 1 1 morrow. Ask your druggist for gen uine ''California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of ail n-es printed on. bottle. Mother! You j must say "California, or you may get nn imitation fig syrup. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE Paasengcr Train -rufes. Arrival and departure of Passenger (rains, unanotte, :m. j. The railroad official invited the stern citizen to communicate his troubles. "I want you to give orders." demand ed the visitor, "that the engineer of the express which passes through Elm Grove at about 11:55 be restrained from blowing his whistle on Sunday morn ings." "Impossible!" exploded the official. "What prompts you to make such a ridicule us request?" "Well, you see," explained the cit izfn, in an undertone, "our pastor preaches until he hears the whistle Lv. No. Between No. i 6 9 IC: a 4 O 1 8 10 9 10 4 U: 95r :40al :00pl r0p 10p lOpi 30p :02p :4oa :20a :30p :00p :20a :20a :12a :25a :37a :25a :80a 29'Atlanta-B'gham .. 30 Wash.-New York.. 32 Wash-New York. . 15 Atlanta-Danville TColumbia 12Taylorsvlle 3SiWash-New York.. 13&Wash-New York.. 12! Richmond-Norfolk. 35!B'gham-N. Orleans HSColumbia-Chals n 10 Winston-Salem ... 45 G'ville-Wminster . 4 6 G'boro-Danville ... 31 Columbia-Augusta. 16 Taylorsville 36 New York-Wash. . 137 Atlanta 37Atlanta-N. Orleans 44 G'boro-Danville . 14Sallsbury, Winston tsarDer, jvioores vllle Norfolk-Richmond Atlanta 30 29 31 43 36 11 37 137 11 36 114 9 46 45 32 15 35 138 38 13 11 16 Ar. 12: 3; 7: 11: 9: x8: 10 9 10: 10: 12: 12: 1: 4: 7: 9 8: 9 8 4: 10: 5: 55a 15a 10a 20p 10a 0-a 30a 20a 15a 05a 35p 4op 20p 10p 20p OOn 55p i 05p 05p 58p 15a 30p x Daily except Sunday. Through Pullman sleeping car serv ice to Washington, Philadelphia. New York. Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta, Bir mingham, Mobile, New Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient sched ules and direct connections to all points. Schedules published as Information md are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 207 West Trade St. Phone 20. PASSlSXfiER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. II. H. GRAHAM Division Passenger Agent Phone Seo, Branch 7. Approved Winter Styles In Footwear BLACK SLIPPERS OF KID This slipper is very attractive, hav ing three strap-fastenings by bright steel buckles. The buckle fastening models are becoming very popular this year, and this model is highly desirable at $5.00 STRAP PUMPS Two new numbers in women's fine strap Pumps one of Patent leather, French covered heel, two-strap but ton fastening. Just a little pinking, the pair S11.00 The other in a Satin Pump. The pair $10.00 36 East Trade Street Eat 4p YEASIfor cult Builds up system, acts on intestines. Makes you fit and keeps you fit. Eat two to three cakes daily. Fleischmann's Yeast is a food not a medicine. Avoid the nse of so-called yeast preparations. Many of these contain only a small amount of yeast as little as one-tenth of a yeast cake mixed with drugs or medicines. The familiar tin-foil package with the yellow label is the only form in which yon can get Fleisch mann's Yeast for Health. Be sure it's Fleischmann's fresh Yeast. Do not be misled by yeast-substitutes. 35 Hfc-ftTlfcFaTI a crowd would collect when they made a sale. The customer would enter into the humor of the situation and he would buy. One day Mamoun said to Zubeideh: "Let ts give up our little shop and amuse the public." . "By my life," pnswered Zubeideh, "seest thou naught? Thou are a fool. Why should me amuse the public?" - An argument followed and they were funnier th;n ever. Finally Zubeideh understood that which Mamoun meant. .With their savirgs thc-y built a thea ter and tl en another theater and all the time they amused the public. There with they became rich end famous. By Allah, the lighter, side of life pays well when properly played. , LADY NICOTINE. Flapper, you're an awful curse. When I feel well you make me ill. If I am sick you make me worse, And, given time, you're apt to kill. The doctors say you hurt the sight And put our nerves upon the blink. You surely scrap my appetite . And ma'je my spirits rise &oJ sink. You make me blue; you get ray goat. You make me fume and fret. You dry the lining of my throat. (Who's got a cigaret?) Lester Lamb. I WOULDN'T DESCRIBE IT Dear Roy: Would you describe "Three Soldiers" as a book of uncritical ro mance? No! Well, how about this: . "Fuselli ate hissouD silently " from chapter 4, part 2. Raaalr promptly don. All ctrletfy guaranteed. QVEUN CITY CyCL QO. -THE ROD FRONT 42 N. Codes. PtWfM 17 FHIST TIME EVER OFFERED Choice Improved Lots in Wesley Heights "One Mile From the Square." Special reduction of 25 on limited number of lots fi . . - J, 4 - T Avv. n Vi1,t11TC! V7" Cl O Cilj- 1. with .liberal nnanciai aiu iu uuUv.0. rm,?. ; an nnnortunitv to secure a home in vnese juih. j. section within walking distance of your business, rst sola OU in.... E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY Telephones 87:M,5 214 South Tryon St. SALE! M yers Park Home s We have for sale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room 1 we can make very attractive prices on, and also unusually good t to the man who desires terms. If you are interested in buying a s horns in Myers Park let us show you. Thies-Smith Realty Company REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes 200 Commercial. Bldg. Thones 32:84515 Attractive home on Worthington ave nue, has seven rooms and two baths, good heating system, nice, large, dry basement, lot 50x150 hardwood floors, located on shady side of street, no street paving assessments. A very attractive price and reason able terms. M. B. ROSE ELEGANT HOME FOR SALE On Central Avenue Piedmont large corner lot 8-room 2-story (rj (5 bed rooms) dandy bargain jij No. 704 Sunnyside Avenue large lot brand new 6 rooms and hardwood finish, elegant bath and electrical fixtures .... Large lot new home ; s;,;: What about a vacant lot have some very attractive bargains noc- in Myers Park $2,500 to $2,750 in very best of neighborhoods. Have four dandy pieces of business property for sale the kind you j a chance to buy once in a lifetime. If interested see me for particular: JONES THE REAL ESTATE MAN Phone 2772 , (Frank F.Jones) Office, 200 Realty Eli; ' John T. Smith Salesman. Basement Trust Bldg. Phone 796 When You Buy Scissors FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS BUY GOOD ONES HERE AT RIGHT PRICES THE FAMOUS WISS GUARANTEED SCISSORS Each pair is guaran teed to be absolutely perfect. The material is carefully selected and the workmanship is the very best assuring an entire ly satisfactory article and long service. ALL SIZES FOR ALL PURPOSES Charlotte Hardware Co. r.t 30 East Trade St. Phones 1505-1506 YREX WA (Fire Glass) Makes an ideal Christmas present to the housewife. Cas seroles, Baking Dishes, Pie Plates, Bread Pans, Pudding Dishes. J. N. McCausland & Co, "IN THE BUSINESS 37 YEARS" 221 South Tryon St. Phone 311 EDUCATION WEEK-Dec. 4 to 10 Every week is Education Week at our school. Every week we re ceive new students , and every week we send some to attractive and well paying positions as stenographers, bookkeepers and secretaries. Your education is not complete without a practical business train ing. A training such as we give will help you to meet the issues of life it will make you independent and successful. The necessary training time is short and the cost is small. Telephone, call or write for particulars. Charlotte, N. C. "An Accredited School" F. L. RIGGSBEE, Mgr. Raleigh, N. C. . L S. FOX DENTIST 212 W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth's. Buy A Home STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly :. 54,830 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly $6,008 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new bij roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,730 4 rooms, 1501 Sefele avenue, in Villa Heights, modem conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month S2,5"0 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $-1 .730 Phone Me For Appointment. McAden 200 South Cedar St. rrm Phone 350 SeaboardAirLineRailway Passes ser Txain Schedule. Arrival and departure ol passenger trains. Charlotte, N. C. Lv. jNo. Between 6:uual 9:06a a:55a 5:00p 3:45p S:20pl liNo.l Ar. 14jCharlotte-Wil land Hamlet con- Inectlons. 15fMonroe-Ruth'ton .1 34Ruther-ton - WI1 Imington and Ral zjiunariotte-wiL. ... land Hamlet con Inections. 3lfWilming:ton - Ral- leleh and Jluther Ifordton .... ..-.131 lbuvionroe - .ttutner Ifordton, Monroe Iconnectlons 1.16 nor worroiK. ucn- mond and point INortn. 13111:40p 9.06a I 34 9.40a lJ12:2Sp 3:35p S:13p 1.11 trains daily. Schedules published as information ani .-ire not guaranteed. E. W. LONG, Division Pasaengrer A seat. Saoae ISO. City Tickftt Office Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St N. Tryon Street, Phone 20. Phone 1 INS URANC ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Fire, Liability, Plate Glass, Boiler, Fly Wheel Health and Accident Bonding. The Carolina Compa ny 328 S. Tryon St. Phones: 609-1 130-1395 j Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS OVER 7000 SHARES New shares may still be secured In this series by paying back to September 3rd. We know of many pects" who have not yet signed up and we urge them to come in before the accumulated payments bcfor too heavy. For the benefit of those who have not yet absorbed the B. &' Ti. Idea we say that each share rep resents $100.00 at maturity. The payments are twenty-five cents per share per week until the payments plus the profit equal $100.00. This is usually 333 weeks, and the profits represents 6 'per cent on the aver age amount invested. OUR SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT ts ready for distribution, and is very complete. We realize that our shareholders are entitled to all the in formation about their Association that can be secured, and we show complete statements of recepiw and disbursements, and income and expenses. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION E. J. CAFFFREY, Sec'y and Treas. J. H. WEARN, President 207 N Tryon St. ft- j