CHARLOTTE NEWS MONDAY DECEMBER 12 10,, THE BLIND SOLDIER IS MAKING GOOD is Not Only Blind, But Lost Both Hands; Can Write on Typewriter. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 12. Blind in both eyes, and both hands blown off by a grenade, a trainee of the U. S. him that he sent the letter to the Sec retary of the Navy, who; in turn, sub mitted it to me for my reading. I can not tell you how tremendously I was I pleased to read an expression of your undaunted resolutio and your cheerful hopefulness. It is a mighty blow to suffer the loss of one's vision and one's hands, and to have such gratifying evi dence of your ability to express your self through typewriter has brought to me a real spirit of helpfulness when there are problems to face which seem exceedingly difficult. I should rejoice to know that any service man who had T i 1U1 1 i -J nrn n . .,,1.1 ITALIAN SHOOTS I! AS HE EXPLAINS Gives Pedestrians Reasons as He Shoots Man to Veterans' Bureau is still "Carrying ( progresa toward real accomplishment On." In addition to letters of praise and encouragement from the Director of the Bureau, Colonel Charles R. Forbes and Secretary of the Navy Denby, he has received a letter from President Harding complimenting him on his "cheerful hopefulness," and his in spite of excessive disability, but it is so exceedingly good to know that one so excessively impaired as you has found a way to a state of self-help and self-expression as you make it manifest in your letter to your old commander. If my good wishes ad- progress toward rcai accompnsn-; rlressed to vou personally are of any ment. The letter to this iveteran. Carl encouragement, please know that you Bronner, of Hamilton, Ohio, who is have lhem in all the sincerity which now in the Evergreen Hospital here, : x can command. Very truly yours, ''My Dear Mr. Bronner: , "Admiral Andrews was so much im pressed by a letter which you wrote to DYED HER DRESS, COAT AND SKIRT Package of "Diamond Dyes makes Garments or Dra peries like New. Any woman can dlamond-dyo or tint her worn, shbahy dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, cov erings, draperies, hangings, everything even if she has never dyed before. Just buy "Diamond Dyes" no .ther kind and follow the simple directions In package. Then perfect home dyeing Is sure because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye :s wool or silk, or whether it is linen,, cotton o mixed goods. Bronner was a seaman on a U. S. vessel stationed in Italian waters dur ing he World war. While at the front, with his buddy, a cruel 2 hand grenade, left behind by the enemy, ex ploded, killing his chum and wounding him so seriously as to result in the loss of both eyes and both hands. Through the co-operation of the In stitute for Crippled and Disabled Men in New York city, the services of a special instructor were secured. Artifi cial hands camp into being and he has mastered the typewriter. Bronner is today a happy, self-reliant young fellow with abundant confidence in himself. He goes about constantly without a guide, dances, writes on both the Braille writer and typewriter, has finished his preliminary education and is planning to take up the study of law next year. A special attachment of the tvpe- Independence, La., Dec. 12. Pausing between shots to explain his action and with pedestrians looking on, Anglo Giurlando, of Rockford, Ills., yesterday shot Andrea Anato to death in one of the principal streets of this city. Five shots were fired into Anato's body and between each shot Giurlando hesitated to exclaim to the crowd of witnesses a. word or two in explana tion of the act which he was carrying out slowly and determinedly. "I wanted everybody to know I kill ed him and why it was necessary. ' Giurlando shouted at the top of 'its voice and went on to say that Analo had ruined his home. . The two men married sisteu, G;ir lando told Dr. J. H. McDendon, cor oner and other , officials that, two months after his marriage, his wife told him that Anato had attacked her a week before the ceremony. Giurland j said he was so infuriated at the time that only a shortage of money stopped him from coming here from Rockford sooner. Dast weke, he said, he- r a :e the trip and 'immediately set out to find Anato, carrying with him a knife, with which he charged Anato hal threatened Mrs. Giurlando at the time of the attack. This knife he carried when the two men started down the street together Sunday morning, but it was not brought into play in che execution of his plan. Giurlando, held in the parish jail here on a murder charge, said his onlv re,gret was that he did not kill Anato sooner. UNION NATIONAL BANK. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Do what you are paid to do and then some. It's the then some that gets salaries raised. It's the then some that makes the service of the Union National valuable. H. M. VICTOR, President F. D. ALEXANDER, Vice Fres, D. P. TILLETT, Cashier A. G. TROTTER, Asst. Cashier WELL LIGHTED MANUFACTURING ROOM OR RENT Near the square; 11,500 feet floor space, vator service. Low insurance rate. Sprinkler sj'stem. Stea SfmtriArn Rp1 F.fnfA Trum & Tract P.. "I0XE 4 SOUTH TRTON STREET. WE ARE PREPARED AS USUAL. There are many people in Charlotte vho depend on WALKER'S to supply their seasonal wants as well as their emergency needs for medicines and surgical supplies, etc. Walker's ia ready for the Christmas shoppers. In our holiday displays are many choice articles which will, as Christmas gifts make many people very happy. It will be a pleasure to have you inspect our offerings. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Walker's Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets NORRIS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR KLfti Drug Store erans' Bureau He can now write an MACHINE TURNS OVER I Tkz iONE DEAD, TWO HURT I "Th? gun that wasn't loaded" does not kill as many as "The dice that wasn't loaded." a 0 D D D KJWTj:VWnB4WUBJHJltkMMU.U'i ft i Saving Does Not Mean Self-Denial To save money you need not be miserly or deny yourself a reasonable share of the pleasures of life. Scientific saving is simply Thrift. It means arranging your expenses according to i definite schedule, so that the amount you spend is a little less than the amount you earn. ' am mm &- m r mi r dm mtt w r NATIONAL SOUTH TRyON AND FOURTH y on D n D n D 0 ,n D n 3 D P Wilson, Dec. 12. Mike Whitnev. Wil son county farmer, was instantly kill-! ed and Robert Raper and Gillie Daniel j were severely injured Sunday afternoon when the machine in which the thrc j I men were riding1 skidded over an erri-! I bankment and turned over three tidies ! ' at Five Points, npnr hwo "WViitn . ti-.-.o ' thrown twenty feet and Raper and j Daniel were hurled into a ditch. It j 1 was said the machine was traveling ' sixty-five miles an hour when Whitney, . at the wheel, attempted to take a ! i enarp curve. INGROWN TOE NAIL TURNS OUT ITSELF The Art Of Savings Saving is not a Science; it is an Art. A science is something that can be taught from a book, an Art is something you can learn through practice. There is only one way to master this Art. Begin to Save, and keep it up. Open a Sav ings Account in this Bank. MEMBE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTE avin 6 STS. P nited States D Depository h A noted authority says that a fev? drops of "Outgro" upon the skin sur rouridingr the ingrowing nail rt-duces in flammation and pain, and ssu toubor.: the tender, sensitive skin undernoaih the toe nail, that it can not yenetrate the flesh, and the nail turns r.aturally j outward almost over night. ! "Outgro" is a harmless, antiseptic manufactured for chiropodists. How ever, anyone can buy from tne drug store a tiny bottle containing directions. ecuruy. javmgs Bank 4 South Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. The extensive service facilities of this company, supplemented In effectiveness by a full stock of parts, assures the owner of a NASH truck practically uninterrupted operation of his economical hauling equipment. Carol in as Nash Motors Company Distributors f 500 N. Tryon St. Phones 3200-3201 1 SmZSA Service .Vr F?r,eman and Mechanics have had years of experience anfl Lt the factory on Studebake carr: thev ZT? "1U ciui;ient. vve. merefnrp. vavt. vm, . " . xllli inuiiey on repairs. A. E. Cameron, A Bia Dollar'3 worth fnr jn. ... j e Manaefir; n. T. rav'nr c? i, xr. J Service Manager; C- L,. Taylor, Shop Foreman. RUST MOTOR COMPANY 614-516 S. Tryon Distributor- 'THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" Phones 218-219 For Sale but not for drinking only to keep your radiator from freezing. Alcohol is much cheaper than repairing radiators. Stop at our service station and fill up. Foreman - King Motor Company The Home of Good Used Cars. 1921 Christmas Club Checks will be ready for delivery Decem ber 8th, 1921. Those desiring to avoid the rush will please leave receipted card with us before the 8th, so that check can be mailed. ndence 1110606 Trast Company NEW CLUB OPENS DEC. 10TH Savings Department Tryon Street Entrance OFFICERS E. O. Anoerson, Vice President W. A. Watson, Vice President IV. M. Long, Vice President J. H. Wearn, Chairman of Board J. II. Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier TIios. P. Moore. Asst. Cashier A. K. Surratt, Assistant Cashier Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. It. B. Caddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt BIdg, 202 Y2 N. Tryon St. rnone zi6 m mmMmmMmwMWMMMmmmmmmmmmmMmmmMmmMMmmmMmMmwmmmmmMMMmmimmmMmMMMmMmMmm ii 1 succ M W. n. WOOD. President T. K. Ilemby, Vice Pres. George Stephens, Vice Pres. VV. S. Lee, Vice Pres. John C. Nichols, Vice Pres. J. E. Davis, Sec. and Treas. H. L. Davenport, Asst Sec. & Treas. ANY MEN and many women date their success from the day their SAVINGS helped them to take advantage of an opportunity. Start to build today towards that time when OPPORTUNITY knocks at your door. 4 Per Cent Compounded Quarterly Paid on Savings Accounts. R. D. Hawkins, Asst. and Treas. Sec. American Trust Co. P. C. Whitlock, Trust Officer. John Fox, Asst Trust Officer. Walter Lambeth & Bro., Mgr. Insurance Department Member Federal Reserve System CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $1,800,000.00 Resources $10,000,000.00 New Homes For Sale On Reasonable Terms If you are Interested in a new home at from $3300 to $6500 let us show you. "We build our own and buy all our material in large quan tities. , If we do not have just what you want we will build a house of your selection, on your lot or one you may select. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company REALTORS Phone 589. 219 North Tryon St. Red Johnson Charlotte's own, was the bis star in Chapel Hill game, and the Va. boy? were r 4n 1 I, . 1 , . u, i - , . . . j-uuio iwiew lu uiuwa uus meieor rrom start to nnisn, otnerwise N. C.'s victory would have been written in bigger figures. Hurrah for Johnson! I THE MUTUAL BILLY MALONE Davs out over n. hundrpd thonsnnd rillnra o mAntv t-n mo-irt j ; invn hi m viicu iulic, cLiiu. nu L a , loan at more than 6. That's a nut hard to crack by any other financial j agency in America. Eastern capitalists take notice. We pause for rerjlv j WOMEN, BAD WOMEN V ' destroy thousands of happy homes annually, but the dirty mole the beastly scoundrels who aid, abet and lead them on and downward, ought to be nunc--i do you get me? ' . & THE FELLER NOT SAVING TODAY Us a fool. How does he expect ever to be happy? Homes, honestly earned are i essential. The Mutual champions the horned champions happiness, and is the shining Southern star leading young men and women to legitimte satisfvine success. Where else do you find such service? I said service do you catch the ! ' THE fiRth KTCRTTpcs tg rTT TT?rk ?FlllZm0ne?- Llste" me: fn 25 days more we offer shares back to Oct. 1st without extra charge, that is at $3.75, which includes Dec flArt ' . WE ALSO OFFER 200 shares, 5 up, from 6 to 18 months old ,at sum paid in.' Save entrance fees and accrued interest. e enirance YOU CAN ALSO BUY January Shares today by, paying entrance fees, leaving off dues until Tami You may pay ahead and get discount. Can buy shares and set vour ln? J twice a year. Fine for lump sums. All taxes on slwes paS Lb? w T Talk ahoS Savings Accounts! My! My! My! Dis am sure some bird! ab - ' MutuaIBuilding& Loan Association JNa R' """1U l''""UU"1 E. L. KEESLEE. ScovTrca. "Our Own Home 9 ' Home-ownership is a world-wide incentive to thrift. Attainment of the object is rich reward. This bank appreciates no trust mow deeply than to be guardian of savings deposits which will some day mean a new hearth in the community. We invite the Savings Ac counts of "home lengers" who wish to be "home owners." The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C. CAPITAL, SURPLUS & PROFITS $600,000.00 Wilmoore me Home e s ge; !aadl 'mdei abark impoj finy i tb h one t usual f'Ult houpf Pany Uni NAM! vted r ' ftre r t a ' 7 o: Ing f-U in i ces f Jiendc f house, i consif ' do i ! V The ? rted f:-' jral ( I Labor On fine corner lot, 82x200 in size. Good story m ??h half house. For quick sale at S4600.00 smi nn eaV c terms. I I F. C. Abbott v& CompanfS f i Trust Buildinff.