8 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 12, 1921. WANTED SALE OR RENT The Pallin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boost a Fact. Be Conduced, Try 'Em ONE-CENT -A WORD FOR LOST FOUND t i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this stylo and type one cent per word each insertion. STYLE SET THIS STYLE AMP TYPES, TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C Set this style and type, three cents per word each Insertion. Any style "riuirirexr either top or Hut tam. or between lines, t double the ehnv rafts. Clanslfled advertising Is sold CAh with ord'.'r fcntf or convenience of Charlotte patrons, who are listed in the telephone dretory, or knum In the newspaper ftfllre. a memorandum chare trill hr made with the expectation that the bV he paid when presented. Retrnlar Classlflcatlon of ads cannot he rnaranteed after 1? o'clock for Dally Kdition or after 10 p. m. Saturday for Snnrfar Fdltfon. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. t RAILWAY mail and postal clerk ex animations. Ape. 18 upward. $13 monthly. Experience unnecessary For free particulars, write R. Terr; (former civil service examiner). 22 Continental Bldg., Washington, D. C 9-4t MEN AVANTED To learn the automo bile mechanics trade . W e teach you by actual gai-age work on real auto mobiles. Positions secured. Free book let. Write Automobile College of Nashville. Term., Tept. CN. 10-3t WANTED Good house servant, to liv on lot. Call between 12 and 1 p. in or after 6 p. m.; 537 Lamar Av 10-t WANTED Stenographer and typist. Must have initiative ability. Apply Scott Charnley Co., Charlotte, N. C. 10-t WANTED A cook. Apply Franklin' studio: 302 N. Tryon St. 12-2 WANTED Two successful, experienc ed industrial insurance men. I wan only men with good clean and pro gressive records. Chance to makf v from $35 to 560 per week for th right men. Apply at' Room 5, 21 W Trade St., Charlotte, N. C, in per son. 12-2 1 WANTED For two hours service cae morning, chauffeur, preferably color ed. who can handle Studebaker. Ap piy to Mrs. itoss, lJiedmont Hotel. 12-lT WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To make your mattress? and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated. box springs repaired, feath-v mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co. 250 N. McDowell St. Phone 1127-L2. 22-tf WANTED Curtains to launder o0c pr pair. Phone 16S4-W. 6-7t WANTED To buy $2000 worth of lur niture and stoves. Feidmont Furr;i ture Co. Phone 4344. ll-18-30t WANTED To put your furnace m good order. inspect your flues and prevent fires. Strange & Brady. Phone 3149. 31-tf WANTED Your painting, ealsomir. ing, reflnishing floors. J. S. McCall Phone 40C9. un wanted Used furniture. Phone 44.; 605 W. Eleventh St. 13-r MONEY WANTED Four thousand dollars at ten per cent secured b first, mortgage on improved city rea' estate. Phone 339. 9-tf ANTED To do your pressing. W guarantee satisfaction. First clasf experienced pressea. Work cailed fo: and delivered anywhere in city. Serv ice our motto. Church Street Press ing Club. Phone 5026. 10-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, goo.1 as new. Phone 1588-J. Lawing's Mattress Factory. 10-3 WANTED Carpenter work; large or small. Call 4340.. job ll-3t WANTED AUTOMOBILE OWNERS TO KNOW THAT IF YOUR LIZZIE. BETSY. JANE OK SALLY IS TO DRESSED UP PROPERLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS YOU HAD BET TER HURRY. THEY ARE GOING AST DICKINSON STORM AND GLARE SHIELDS. DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT BUT ASK ANY USER IS OUR RECOMMEN DATION. DON'T YOU THINK YOU WILL. EVENTUALLY OWN ONE?- THEN WHY NOT NOW AND FOR YOUR XMAS PRESENT OR GIVE TO SOME ONE ELSE FOR THEIH v.,u.n.a rnftoiiAT? TOW SEE THEM PASSING OFTEN NOW. DON'T YOU? SAFETY FIRST AND THEN THE PLEASURE: DERIVKT) : SOME CLAIM FOR OUR SHIELD i L.T WE CLAIM IT. ORDER NOW AND WE WILL GLADLY SEND BY PARCEL POST TO ANY POR TION OF THE CAROLINAS. PRICE FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT THOROUGH LY SATISFACTORY AFTER ONE WEEK'S TRIAL. RELIABLE DIS TRICT AND COUNTY REPRESEN TATIVES WANTED. TERRITORY GOING FAST SO WILL ADVISE YOU TO GET BUSY. AGENTS FOR THE CAROLINAS, 33 W. FOURTH STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. U-2t U'F REPAIR TYPEWRITERS AND PHONOGRAPHS. - PHONE 3767 TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE COJL PANY, 231 S. TRY ON ST. to-rf WANTED To do your carpenter work and repair work. Phone S124-J. 12-4t iVANTED Men's clothing you 've laid aside. Call .1371 12-4t HOUSES WANTED ROOMS tV. M. BELL. Notary Public, front of fice Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to g p. m. 9-tf W ANTED Three or four rooms or small apartment. Pnone 458. ll-2t N'ICE young business girl wants room in private home close in with steam heat and all conveniences. Call after 6 o'clock. Phone 2108-J.. 12-lt FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room, hot a cold water and all conveniences; 2 W. Eighth St. Phone 1931-J. 7-. FOR RE XT Three unfurnished roorr upstairs, no children. Phone 1363-J 7-t FOR RENT Three rooms apartment, partly furnished, 1600 S. Boulevard. Phone 2416. 6-tf FOR RENT One furnished room, 1600 S. Boulevard. Phone 2416. 6-tf FOR RENT Heated room to traveling man. Will care for mail; 8 W. Sev enth St. 4-tf FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping to couple. Phone 4014-W. 3-tf i"OR RENT Office building, "0 office?, well located. J. H. McAden. Phone 860. 3-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst. 28 w. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Two furnished rooms and kitchenette; 17 E. Seventh. S-tf FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, close in. Phone 3614-J. 9-tf FOR RENT Furnished room to gen feman or business woman; 60S N. Poplar St. 9-tf OR RENT Large light ground floor steam heated office. Phone, clerk, furniture, if de sired. Morris E. Trotter. 9-tf FOR RE N'T One nicoly' furnisht-d front room, 214 N. Caldwell. Phone 3630-W. 9-tf NEAR SOUTHERN, furnished flat two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath conveniently arranged fcv two couples, $45. Phone 1483-J. 10-3 r-'OR RENT Furnished room all mo.' ern. Phone 729 or call at 1208 Sour Tryon St. 10-7 'OR RENT Two rooms furnished fo light housekeeping to couple, 811 W Trade St. Phone 2S06-J. 10-tf p OR RENT Four rooms un furnisher1 in "healthy location: $15 per month Apply "To The House for Rent.' Route 4. Box 12. 10-3t pvjk ti&jii: -our uniurnisnea room: upstairs with private bath. Water lights and phone. Between Souther: station and postofflce. Phone 3194-J ll-3t FOR RENT Three connecting office:; and hxtures for sale. Possession giv en January 1. Apply to Lehman Stern & Co., Rooms 709-10-11 Com merial National Bank Bldg. il-2t YOUNG business lady in refined pH vate Home would like congenial roor mate, close in. Phone 2777-W. 11-31 WANTED Congenial couple to share nicely furnished home with garagt Elizabeth section. All modern con vemences. Phone 1678-.T. ll-3t 1 KJi.M unrurnisned apartmen' for light housekeeping, two room ind bath. Price Sic? per month i advance. 1202 S. Tryon. H--? "OR RENT Suite or two offices, very h'ght. all conveniences. Lee Kinney Fhone 3783. 11-3- ":ENTLEMEN BOARDERS wanted ft 402 E. Ninth St. Phone 3631. 11-2: r'OR RENT Close in furnished roorru. 303 N. Church. H-3; uk RiiM r urnisned bedroom and kitchenette in renned, congenial nome. to couple. Phone 945-W, SOI u. Mraae. n-tf 'WO light housekeeping rooms. Phone 1364-J: 20s Mint fet. ii-2t 'OR RENT Three-story brick war." house on railroad and corner. Goo?" Street. Elevator, sprinkler i-'ystem 15,000 feet floor space. P. O. Bey 552. jo.0 "OR RENT Six-room brick house, 20 North Church. W. J. Harty. 12-t 'OR RENT To gentlemen, well fu nished room in private home. Fu nace heat. Phone 1S99-VV. 12-? OR RENT Two large rooms, ha and bath, furnished for housekeep ing, to a couple or two men; 7" East Ave. A. W. Young. Phone 2167 12-1 "OR RENT Large unfurnished fou? room fiat, lights, water and furnac heat; $45 per month; 1315 East Bju leva rd 12-3; "OR RENT One unfurnished steurr heated room next to bath with clsjt. two blocks from square. Phone 2495-J ' 12-31 ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE 'AMIL FOR TWO OR THREE GENTLEMEN. CALL 3631. 12-3t FOR RPJNT Furnished anartm.-rt three rooms and private bath, Eliza beth section, no children. Phone 1825-W. 12.7t FOR RENT Three desirable office Trust building. E. C. Griffith Co. Phone 4208. 12-Lt FOR RENT To couple, nicely, fur- nisnea room with privilege of kitchen, livingroom and dining room Price $25. Phone 523-W. 12-3' FOR RENT One large furnished room 6V4 j. college St. Reasonable. 12-3t LOST OR FOUND LOST In waiting .room Southern 1 an way passenger station December 7th, light gray overcoat. Suitable reward if returned to Superintend ent's office, Southern Railway Com pany, Greenville. S. C. S-7t LOST, DOGLlewellyn setter, aDout lb months old, white and black. Reward, J. P. Lit tle, Jr. Phone 3465 or 3991. 10-3t LOST Brown fur neckpiece. Reward u returned to Mrs. J. C. Montgom ery. . li.2t j-.wji. jarge leather collecting bag. T r i - - --i j-.merai reward, call Lee Kinney. 12-3t LOST Sunday morning on fo o'clock rourtn ward car silver "Eversharp" pencil. Initials S. K. M. Finder please phone 446. LOST Monday, one hundred dollars. xvewarq n iert at News of . 1 12-2t " W,J-J way to sa'- you money TJT TXT T" A on your house paints, flat wall paints, shingle stains, floor and woodwork varnishes barn, Vagon and siio pauits, through buying direct from manufacturer Liberal terms. Address Paint," 304 East Sixth St., Charlotte. 12-4t LOST Between 500 South Trvon st . and J. J. Grier's Store Providence Church, 1 Goodrich 30x30 1-2 Tire and Tube mounted on rim. Reward if re turned to Burwell & Dunn Co . 205 South St City. 12-2t. " SALE REAL EST AT "SW 5-room bungalow in Elizabetl Yard graded and hedge set out Price $5750. Queen City Realty Co Phone 535. 7-5 'OR SALE By owner, five rooms and bath, hot and cold water, two blocks from car line, three blocks from school. Address "House," care News, 8-7t lOUSES FOR SALE: Seven-room, four room, close in; 26 acre farm; would trade for house and lot. Phone 261 9-W. J. H. Bennett. 8-5t FOR SALE Two lots, colored proper ty, $350 each. Small payment, bal ance can be carried building loan. D. V. Mason, P. O. Box 932, city. 10-it FOR SALE Four-room cottage, $1350. D. V. Mason, 231 S. Tryon St. 10-4- FOR SALE Four lots, $300 each Good terms. D. V. Mason, P, O. T : 932. city. 10-41 IF YOU APvE INTERESTED in Ileal Estate call on us. We have from four-room houses ro business prop erty on square. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 10-jf FOR SALE Brand new six-room bun galow, veKy best section. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. ' 10-5t t OR SALE Twelve-room apartment, cheap. Close in. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. 10-5t FOR SALE Vail avenue lot, $350 cash balance $600 can be carried. "Vail." care News. 10-5 1 l' OR SALE Kingston avenue, Dil- worth lot. Shady side. Street assess ment paid; $100 cash, balance month ly. "Kingston." care News. 10-5t j FOR SALE Myers Park lot, $1650 j cash. "Court " care News. 10-5t FOR SALE: Five-room, walking dis tance of the square'.- Price $4500 G-room house walking distance of the square. Price $525(j. Call Y'elvington W. C. Harris & Co. 12 South Tryon St.. over Garibaldi 936 or 2749-W. & Bmns.- Phom OR SALE Big fine looking house on East Seventh street. Hot water heat, garage, big lot, nine rooms and breakfast roor-.. Beautiful floor? and woodwork. This is a bargain at $13,000. Easy term. F. C. Abbott. Co. Phone 3022. ll-2t FOR SALE Five bungalows in Colon ial Heights, edge or Myers Park. Call 3022 for information. F. C. Ah bott & Co. ll-2t HiLt bALE Monday morning at 3:30 we are going to seil two lots on i West Park avenue. $850 each. Come early and avoid the rush. Phone 3022. F. C. Ahhott K- CV. 1 ' f FOR SALE Eight lots near the en trance of Myers Park. These lots must be sold. Call 3022 for informa tion. F. C. Abbott & Co. ll-2t FOR SALE Fourteen lots in Vill.- Heights. Price from $200 to $500 each. Bargain. Phone 2369-W, Davk ll-3t vOR SALE Several Dilworth homes $3350 up. Easy terms. Call Yelvinr ton. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 3. or 2749-W. 11-3 ''OR SALE Vacant lots, Elizabetr Myers Park and Dilworth, on ea; terms. Call Yeivington. W. C. Hav ria & Co. 11- OR SALE 12-room nouse, slate roof Fourth ward. For information c-: ielvington. W. C. Harris & Co Phone 936 or 2749-W. OR SALE 10-room house, walking distance of the square. All conven iences, furnace heat, garage, new!; painted outside and inside. Fric SS2o0. Call Yelvington. W. C Harris & Co., 12 S. Tryon St., over Garibald & Br tins. 11 -St "OR SALE New five-room bungalow ust comp'etecl. Lot 150x150. Price S3500. Will accept auto, vacant lo ns nrst payment. Balance B. & L Call 96S-J after 7 p. m. 12-1 nR SALE Cottage. 813 East Nini" St. for colored people. Bargain fc quick sale. Home Real Estate ar Guaranty Co. Phone 589. l?-: OR SALE Nice five-room bungalow 407 N. Brevard. House newly pr i . . . "eu. ah -conveniences, uiose in Bargain. Home Real Estate and O-uv anty uo. Rhone SS9. i-?.". CHRISTMAS GIFTS 3UY Mirrors for Christ-1 mas presents. Ezell- Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 10-12t CANARY BIRDS for Christmas iHfta t none JU44. jirs. 1ST. W. Lumpkins 16i S. Aicuoweii St. 11-3L FOR SALE Pony with cart, harness bridle and saddle. Can be seen at warren Transfer Co., 207 W. Fourth. i none jibe. j sjriciALi Amas box of 2fi phnt cigars sent postpaid and insured to any address for $2. Satisfaction guar anteed or money returned. Ask fo our price list. You can save, money uy gemng cigars lrect from tht manufacturer. Odelfa Cigar Co., Box i6Li. Tampa Fla. - -5t-eort FOR CHRISTMAS FANCY BOXES BASKETS NOVELTTF.S MAKTHA WASHINGTON CANDY SHOP 225 So. Tryorj St. . 12-3t-eod P'OR SALE Christmas plants, Cycla- incii, rnmrose, ueraniums, Ferr.s 1 and Palms. Phone 661-W. l2-5t I V.trDcr?veKflU3 uuuiurs ana nurses. W inchester Sur-1 gicai supply uo., 32 w. Fifth st. 12-1 1 1 BUSINESS OFORTUNITY WANTED TiSJtifS1 vjsi uuu in a beautiful valuable diamond ring. One of the safest aid most useiui investments. Ad.lrPRQ A. B. C. cafe" News. --tf LET MR T17.T.T. vmr k, ; vesiea maae $70,100 toe-pther ,iti, tir '5lv,a saniiar opptr. "O'W JtKJU. write A. J. selburgh, 226 Pacific Finance Bldg Los Angelas, Calif. - io-7t FOR SALE FOR SALE: Large size "Crown" giri' bicycle, good as new. Phone 27 S5-J 3-tf FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Leading varieties, ready for ship ment; post paid: 100, 25c; 500, $1.00; 1,000, $1.60. Government inspected F. E. Hull, Rock Hill, S. C. 11-26-301 FOR SALE BLUE GEM COAL $10.50 PER TON This Coal is screened and forked, and is absolutely free from slate or slack. Our Coal is weighed on HOWIE SCALES, delivered on Pneumatic Tired Trucks, by courteous white dri vers. We handle the verv best grades of Domestic and Steam Coals, retail or carload lots. Phone 4813. COCHRAN COAL COMPANY . . H f-P for bALE One 15 h. p. Westing- nouse motor. 550 volt. One 5 h. r. motor, zj;u volt. Three type S 5 K. V. A. Transformers. All new, oeen run very little. Good nrice Covington Supply Co., Laurinbur-r, IN- 6-7t I'tut foAEE Dry stove wood', and heater blocks. Phone. 38S0. 'Frod 4-tf 1 "auc, une typewriter aesK. one Royal typewriter, one large deik. two swivel office chairs, two other omce chairs. Apply 907 Commercial jjanit uiflg. 4-tf GERMANY'S MOST POWERFUL WEAPON. e orfer you for less than half pric. tne new uerman z.iauser revolvers uiue Bicei, iu snor, zo caliber at 12.a. worth $4.0.00. Thirty-two cali ber, $15.75. Buy .vhile they last Euber automatic, 10 shot S27.70. Price sold before. 90. C-iobe Army Salvage Co., 152 W. Sixth St., Philadelphia. Prs-, 3-iot FOR SALE One walnut folding bed" Jr-none vau. 7-tt FOR SALE One base burner, medium size, line condition, $25. H. F. Ray 9-f. BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 9-12t AUOraorsi SALE BY ORDER OF COURT. DECEMBER 13TH. 1921. ENTIRE STOCK Ol GARDEN AND I-ARM SEED; OFFICE FIXTURES. CONSISTING OF TYPEWRITER, ADDING MACHINE. ADDRESSO- GRAPH, DESKS AND FILING CABINETS. ALSO. SEED BINS. SEED CABINETS. CLEANING MA CHINE AND F.TG STOCK OF SPRING MATERIAL OF . ALL ivlJDS. ALL. SOLD TO THE HIGH-1 EST BIDDER FOR CASH. SALE PROMPTLY AT 10 O'CLOCK, DE CEMBER 13TH, 1921. AT 311 EAST TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N C. J. LEE PHILLIPS, AUCTION EER. INDEPENDENCE TRUST COMPANY. -RECEIVER FOR AM ERICAN SEED CO. 12-6-5 t-tues-wed-sat-sun-mon V ANTED To sell tiaily in bulk from -- to 30 gallons ot good sweet mill: Will make the price right. Phon Zioo-J. H-2t "HREE-BURNER range top oil stove new oven, cneao. Phone 10.t3. ii.h ""OR SALE English folding cot, prac ticaliy new. Phone 831-J. 1 2-1 1 OR SALE Cedar chest, or excham for wardrobe trunk; 502 N. Poplar. Phone 2108-W. l2-2t V(R SALE Cadillac. Good cord tiref $550; private owner; 206 W. Seventb sst. none 20S7-W. 12-41 BUY Mirrors for Christ- mas presents. Ezell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 10-12t For Sale Oak and Pine Wood Also Good Lump Coal Vance's Wood Yard Corner Johnson & Eleventh Fhone 4815 10-7 !ET YOUR MATRES3ES and bo springs renovated, made over, goor .- xic. rnune -toea-j. iawii-- Mattres. Factory. 10-3' .YON hot water heater, $16. Good a: new: gui yy. nth St. . H.2t R SALE A term lease in busines' section Tryon street, good store room modern front, all modern equipment throughout, good heat and baspmAnt Must be responsible party and hicrl class business. Address reply Box ftta, v;nariotte. IN,. C. 10 ;?t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED FHONE 2271 H-7t T'VM 1 . T . . i graph. Record cabinet and 125 rec- oras in nrst- class condition. Bargain uuyer. jiaison, care jewa. ,. li-3t FOR shl,cj inna s automobile siv I yez i.-i apmnaia. conaition. Call I 2326-W. ll-2t I ! UK SALE Remington automatic five-1 snot i-gauge, 26-inch barrel shot-1 gun, in original rase. Cost $75. Win I sell at a bargain. R. P. Conley, City I Hall. ll-2t FOR SALE OUR SERVICES rePair your roof or gutters. ytimi ineill. OHUSiaCTlOn guaranteed STPANrrLTT" JR. -P-DATYV Phone 3149 7-tf STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! Selling at cost plus hauling in luui ietb Sale On m-mm a a 4. I new gas naiiKCSS. comDinarion rano-PS nnrU an tne fteaters in our store. During, this sale we will take your old stove in exchange. You can't afford to miss this opportunity if money means anything to you. CHARLOTTE STOVE CO. 233 East Trade St. Phone 477 9-7t ONE HORSE anrl riflivprv woo-.n, I chean- S04 v PrvrV ot i CiieaiJ. 6U4 o. Brevard St. Phnnp AUTOMOBILES TOR SALE Maxwell touring car, A-l shape New paint and top, practi tically new tires, best offer gets 't Cash or terms. Phone 4378. 6-tf FOR SALE One ton Ford truck, two other light delivery trucks. Going cheap. Motor Supply Co. Phone 1270. 20-tf FOR SALE One new one and half ton Seldon ttuck; one new ton and half Velie truck; one new 7-passnger Cole 8 touring car, 1922 model; one new 5-passenger Velie. Big bargains for quick sale. Phone 232. P. O. Box 496. Charlotte. 4-tf FOR SALE Ford 16-valve racer, 3 to ' 1 gearing, Stromberg carburetor. Call 365-AV. 3-tf BARGAINS We have several very srood used cars that can be bought right and on easy terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf IE. N'T A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 127Q 15-tf STORAGE cars wanted. Store your car tor the winter. Monthly rates. Phone 41 o; 9 N. Brevard St. ' 9-7t iiARGAl MS IN USED CARS More than 20 used automobiles differen models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorr. and Hipp. 211 N. College St, Phone 4050. 7-tf FOR SALE Barsrain to ciuick buver or will consider trade, one 1921 model Chalmers car fully equipped. Been driven 5000 miles. Phone 3768. 1 0-2t FOR SALE Hudson 7-passenger. Must sacrifice. Make offer. Day and Night Garage, 720 S. Mint St. 10-2t FOR SALE One new Ford sedan body at a bargain. Phone 4926 or 3093-J. SPECIAL "REMOVAL SALE Our new building is raoidly nearm,? completion. In order to quickly close-: out our stock of t-sed Cars we are offering special values all this week. Investigate the following REAL VALUES IN USED CARS HUPMOBILES Tfupp Coupe, reconditioned. Ideal fam ily car. Hupp Model N, new paint, mechanical ly right. Hupp Model R touring, good all 'round condition. OTHER MAKES Chandler 7-passenger, practically new. Bargain. hevrolet touring. - Bargain. Port, 1919 model touring. Stephens Salient Six brand new, IS3 L?uJust overha CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. 09 S. Church St. Phone SfiJ ll-6t "OR SALE 1-ton Clydesdale truck, absolutely new. A big bargain. AIsh Ford and Reo trucks and a Ford roadster and touring car. Priced t sell quick with easy terms. J. M. Clark, Inc., corner Church and Thin Sts. n-6t BARGAINS IN USED FORDS. Lr.te model sedan , S42S ate model coupe 375 Late model touring 215 iauc uiuutji i uiiituuui ............ 2: 401 rjate model runabout 175 Late model runbauot 165 Cash or terms. PYRAMID MOTOR COMPANY. . Il-4t SPECIAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS: ONE DODGE BROS. TOURING. ONE OVERLAND SEDAN, ONI FORD COUPE. ONE FORD TOUR ING ONE REO SPEEDWAGON. ONE FORD PANEL DELIVERY. T. S. TREDENICK, 8 West First St. Phone 724. H-2t FOR SALE One Ford coupe, one Ford touring, one Chancier club roadster, all in good condition. W. E. Bailey, isauey ros. ..Market, 519 W. Trade t. 11-tf FOR SALE. no .i, Dodee rnaflstpr Hudson SuDer-Six. Two Ford sedans, late models. Two Ford coupes, One Ford roadster. One 5-passenger Buick. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS. ll-3t ut.. SALJi t ora touring car, 1917 moaei, one .ford lignt delivery truck. cneaii, i-none 348. 11-tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Two young I norses. Fhone 2542. Baltimore Furniture Co. 10-3ti FOR SALE One setter hirri ,w w iramea two pointers, fmaie one year old. Phone 1470. 10-3t F.?escT "q? riiizapem Ave. Jnone 846-W. 12-4t FOR SALE Good gentle horse, hack ana narness. Also good cow. Phone 1949-J. 12-2t WANTEDPOSITION BOOKKEEPER - with general offirp. steno and clerical experience, wishes position January 1. Address A. B. 45, care News. st.Rt.aA ur a mtpti u.. t..-. i " wiuitj woman, situation as nm-oo n-iiii- . ,. MISCELLANEOUS "WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Long- Distance Hauling Moving: Packing Storing WE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE. YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO. 207 W. Fourth St. Day Phone 1166 Night Phone 5074 LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all eyes. Nothing better; 7 East Trade. 11-23-tf WATCH THE KIDDIES' FEET. They want frequent repairing; keeps them looking neat and cost less. We repair shoes by factory methods. A. P. Hill Quick Repair Shop, 209 N. Col lege. 25-tC ilANO TUNING W. E. aenn. Ch&r. lote, N. C. Phona 2335-L-3. 10-12-tf WALL PAPER HANGINGS, house painting. CaP J. M. Muse. Phone 423-L2- 9-tf "EW MATTRESSES maQ.3 out of 3'our old ones. Renovated. New ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. Ca-11 . 35S8-J for particulars. Lawing's MattreS3 Factory. '112 North Long St. 2S-tf LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S. Poplar 25-tf We weigh arid foi'k evprv ton nf our Coal. What is a dollar a ton on Coal tvhen you buy of the dealer who has scales . THINK IT OVER We Guarantee Weight, Quality and Service. COAL OF QUALITY. WIGGINS FUEL CO. Cor. East Bland and R. R. Phone 1216 - 26-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, good as new. Phone 158S-J. Lawing'3 Mattress Factory. 10-tf GORDON, the Jeweler, has moved to 319 E. Trade St. ll-2t Local and Lone: Distance MOVING and HAULING Bonded Warehouse, Storage Packiner Bradfield Moving Service Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts. Phone 980. 24-tf Mo We Sa MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell 22 Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 12-2t5t-daily CITY OF BULLETIN All automobiles found in the restricted district after 12 midnight will be towed in to police headquarters and sub ject to a fine. Effective Sat urday night. CHARLOTTE A Correction In the page advertisement of the Gatling Dry Goods Co., in Sunday Morning's Edition of The News, the price of AH Silk Taqeta, black, red and gray, appeared as 9c. THIS PRICE SHOULD HAVE BEEN PRINTED 98c, and was an error of The News and not The Gatling Dry Goods Co. 98c is a very low price on this article and will be made for the remainder of the week, or as many days of this week as the stock lasts. Th e Charlotte ADV. CANAL ZONE GIRL HOPES TO SWIM ENGLISH CHANNEl ' fAriW ft 7. - . - I' J zzzr Miss Florenctte Matter. Miss Florenette Matter, women's long distance swimming ckampioa of the Panama canal zone, is now training for an attempt to swim the English channel when condi tions permit. Miss Matter set i record for South American aquatic stars recently when she swam coa "tinuously for nine hours and one mirrute, covering nine and one eighth miles. The record wis made in a pool at Balboa, Miss Matter crossing the pool 736 times. SPECIAL NOTICES THE ANINA CO. will move their oEc!:. from 5 S. Church, room IS, t;i 416-418 Realty Bldg. V, JNUTICE Don't throw awny yr.;r safety razor blades. Bring or iri.f" them to me at . Iad's Place, is S Church. I sharpen them like r.ev. for half the price. Purdy. ll:fc GET TOUR MATTRESSES and bo, springs renovated, made over, goo: as new. Phone 1588-J. La win; i Mattress Factory. IK COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 ltft . ( l.h:a.hn TKLEGRA PHY AT MWil -SCHOOL. NOW OPEN 27 12 V FOURTH ST.. ON MONDAY. AVED NESDAY OR FRIDAY NIGHTS CALL OR PHONE 2968 OR 2468 f ( 5-tf-mon-wfd-frj NOTHING BETTER for Christim present for father and mother than Dr. Levy's eyeglasses. Made to ft . the eyes and face; 7 E. Trade M, upstairs. 22 BEN F. FAVELL Thp Rpst in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for r-i t- uRu-iycnveicu. 8-tf-thur-sat-mon- DEPT. News 17.if " Phono 3290.

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