THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 13, 1921. Wax haw, X. C, Dec. 8. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl in the third Rrado. My teacher is Miss Faye Blak. We are poing to hnve a Christmas tiee. You come if vou can and ltrinp nc a bahy doll and a doll chair, some candy, apples and a pineapple. Ytrtir friend. MAG GIE SMITH. Matthews. Dec. S. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy going to school at Wedington. I ant eleven vears old and I am in the fifth grade. I like r..y teacher fine. Her name is Miss Faye Black. We are goinx to have Christmas tr?e in our room. I want you to bring m? a nuts. knife. some rruit and some ALLEN McMURRAY. Matthews. Dee. S. Claus; I am a litt'.e old and I am in the. I go to school" at I want you to please Dear Santa girl ten years fourth grade. Weddington bring me a sleeping doll and a ball, candy, oranges, apples. My teacher is Miss Faye Black. i like her fine. AAV are going to have a Christmas tree in our froom. GRACE MORRIS. Matthews. Dec. 8. Dear Santa Claus. I want you to bring me a basketball, a twenty-two rifle, nuts, candy, apples, oranges anu a. pair of gloves. 1 am in the fifth grade and am eleven years old. My teacher is Miss Faye Black. She is a good teacher. AVe are going to have a JAMES Christmas tree m our room. CROWELL. Matthews, Dec. S. Dear Santa Claus: I am a big boy eleven years lort. I am in the j fifth grade. ' My teacher is Miss Fayo , Biack. I want a twenty-two rifle j and some fire cracKers and a crate : of oranges a box of candy and a box j of sparkler?. Your friend. ARNOLD DALTON. I I Matthews. Dec. 8. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to hiing me some apples, candy and orr.nges, a horn, cap pistol and a football. This is just about all. Please take my things to 1416 North Main St.., Salisbury. N. C. I am in school at AA'eddington now, will be at home Xmas. Your little boy, RAY MOND DALTOX. Waxhaw, Dec. . Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl thirteen vears old. I am in the Mfth grade. I am gorng to school at j W'cddington and I have a good teach- i m Her name is Miss j- aye Blade. want you to bring me a kodak, a watch bracelet and a ring. AYe are soing to have a Christmas tree on .he 23rd. I want you to come. Your friend, AYILMA ADAMS. Waxhaw, Dear Santa Claus: I am aid I go to AA'edclngton and am in third grade. I Dec. S. ten years to school want you io bring me a rifle, some Are md sparklers. ALLIE STEPHENS. crackers GRAY Charlotte. Dec. 10. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl five years old. I am very good and hcln-mama keep house. want you to bring me a lot of good things for Christmas. I have several dolls and a carriage and dolt bed so I want cand3 oranges, apples, bananas, nuts and candy this year. I also want a story book. Your little friend, MARY MARGARET PRIDGEX. YOU CAN'T WORK WELL WITH A COLD NOBODY likes to be around a person suffering from a heavy i Cl?' lt exPses them need lessly. You can take care of your job and keep business and social engage ments shortly after you begin using Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. For it is prompt in helping Nature expel phlegm. ' allay inflammation, ease breathing, and drive away irritating coughs. i Use it-give it to the kiddies. Don't , suffer a minute longer than you have to. man druggists. 6)c. T.DeiiS Bne-Tar-Honli Tor Coughs and Co. imr -if At Waxhaw. Dec. S. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl ten years old nd in the third grade. I am going: to school at WcJ dington and I love jty teacher ve y much. Her name is r.iiss Faye BlaiJc I want you to brinf? me a doll that vt-in hii.- and walu and open her eyes, a doll oranges and my brother a are going to carriage, some apples, candy. Please bring harp. AYe think we have a Christmas tr:e . . . j ,i-.... in our room tins jvar. urn- icacnv. said we. could if we would be good. I have been on the honor roll every month since school siarted. Your little girl, JEAN HUDSON. 'Matthews. N. C, Dec. S. 1921. Dear Santa Glaus: I am a little girl 12 years old. I im in the fourth grade. My teacher is Miss Fay Black. We ars sroinsr to have a Christmas tree in our , room. I want you to come anc want 'ou to bring me a sleeping doll and some nuts, candy, apples, oranges. Your little friend, Ruby Lee Hemby. Matthews. N. C. Dec. 8. 1921 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl i in the nun graae. i go to scnooi at AA'eddington. My teacher is Miss Faye Black. I want some oranges, apples, candy, nuts, raisins and other things. Please bring me a ring and a kodak, also a watch bracelet. AYe are going- to have a Christmas tree. I want you to come to it. Bring me some story books. Lovingly, Martha Mae Mat thews. Matthews. N. C, Dec. 8. 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl in the fifth grade. I go to school at AA'eddington. My teacher is Miss Faye Black. Please bring her a pretty present. "We are going to have a Christmas tree in our room. You be sure and come. Please bring me a watch bracelet and a kodak. Lovingly, Pauline Deal. - AA'axhaw. N. C. Dec. 8. 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am going to tell you what I want for Christmas. E want a rifle and plenty shot and a knife. My teacher is Miss Faye Black. I go to school at AYeddington. I am in the third grade and I am ten years 'old. I want you to bring me some nuts, candy and fruit. Your friend. i Pearl Smith. Cramerton. X. C. Dec. S. lf21 Dear Santa Claus. I ' want you bring me a pair kid gloves. And to 1 want you to bring me a big willard carriage and a big doll, and a hieboh for it. And mother wants an umbrella., and we all want you to bring us a I'.-t of fruit and six boxes of sparklers. I will close for this Christmas. Mozell Pendleton. Waxhaw. N. C Dec. S. 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 13 years old and am in the fifth grade. I am going to AA'eddington school. My teacher is Miss Faye Black. I want. you to bring me an air rifie, some candy, watch. oranges, fire crackers and a I will close, Bartlet Braswell. AVaxhaw. X'. C, Dec. S, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am going to try to write a good letter to you and tell vou whut T want for Phrktmas T will , ten yeu where I am going to school. I am going to sehool at a church school every day and Miss Faye Black. I please bring me an air shot to shoot rabbits, my teacher is want you to rifle and plenty so I can sell them and bring me some I am 11 years old, and fire crackers, in the fifth grade. Y'our friend, Brown Howey. Matthews. N. C, Dec. S. 1021. Dear Santa Claus: T am a little boy : 12 years old and T go to school at AYed dington. I am in the fifth grade and iny teacher's name is Miss Faye Black. ' I want you to bring me some candy, i nuts, apples and oranges and an air i rifle. Your little friend, James Har- j key. ) AVaxhaw, N. C. Dec. 8. 1P21. Dear Sata: I am going to sehool at Wtddington. I m a little girl and am in the fifth grade. I am eleven years old. I am going to school and am learning fast. I have a good teacher. I want you to bring me an umbrella, doll and a wt.tch bracelet, candy and oranges. Eva Adams. Charlotte N. C Tn a io: Dear Santa Claus. I wood like for 1 you to bring me for Christmas a sew ing machine, some cloth, a lantern full or" candy, a. walking cane of candy. Home eloijies for some poor children and some toys for them, some lanterns full of candy, a walking cane of candy, some fruit for them and some fruit for me. I wil cose. Your loving friend, Catherine Crowell, 204 AVest Ninth street. HOLIDAY GREETING CARDS Thefyery latest designs just re ceived. We have a large assort ment and priced very reason ra. Be sure to see our stock bsfore you buy. Call 1530 and ask to see sam ples. News Printing House The Quality Shop CHARLOTTE, N. C. Moving, Packing and Storage Our service Is unsurpassed. TRUCKS TOR PICNICS OR STRAVVRIDES New pneumatic tired trucks, care ful drivers. Phone us for estimates. COCHRAN&ROSSCO. PHONE 52 Charlotte, N. C. December 1, 1921 Dear Santa Claus Please bring meifruit a nice baby doll with real baby hair and some fruit and nuts, and candy from a good little girl. 1414 North Bre vard street. LOUISE COURTNEY". Dec. 5 1921. Matthews, X. C. R. F. D. 27. Dear Santa We are twin brothers md we want vou to bring us a little wagon and some fruit and nuts. From jvour little friends. I BILLIE and BENNIE ALEXANDER. Pineville, N. C. November 1, 1921. Dear Santa Claus I am a little boy J 7 years old. Christmas is nearly here' land 1 want to tell you what to bring ;me. 1 want a train that runs on a track, a stopper gun and a meccano. No. 49. Yours truly. JAY HINSOX. Dear Santa Christmas is near. I want you to bring me a 22 val rifle, and a farming: wagon. Fruits and nuts. i House No. 49. I JACK HINSOX. j Matthews, N. C. i Dear Santa Please bring me a big ! doll that will go to sleep. Some gloves and lots of candy, nuts, oranges and apples. I am your little friend. SARAH ORR. Much Rheumatism Local DriiKSsist1 Attracts i o-C ure-Xo-Pay Offer 11 any Sufferers. Be fair to yourself, you sufferer from rheumatism, no matter what form. Get. from your druggist a. package of Rheuma. the guaranteed prescription I'se the entire bottle, and if you don't ! think it has given you quick and sure relief, say so, and you can have your money hack. Isn't that a fair offer? Can you sec any dereit about it? AVhat chance do you take? Absolutely none. Then get a bottle of I Rheuma today. It's a reputable physician's prescrip tion, altogether different from remedies usually prescribed, free from narcotics md perfectly harmless. Rheuma acts on the kidneys and helps to force the uric acid from tne .swollen joints and other lodging places, ft pleases you in a day; it makes vou I-opeful and happy in a week. It lias reieaseu ironi oonaacre rneumatic sul ferers who thought nothing would give! i t lief. It should do as much for you I it seldom fails. Jas. P. Siowe & Co. ; wjii supply you ann guiraiuee money back if not satisfied. A HERE IS ; ' ) ktj ) SB I'-- - AUG 39 EAST TRADE SECOND FLOOR Women's and Children Ready-to-Wear Department Operated by the Wise Ready-to-Wear Co.. Mooresville, X. C. -Dear Santy Claus I am a little grirl 3 years old and I love dady and mother very much and Santy too, so I want you to bring me a sleepy doll and a carriage and a tricycle and lots of nuts and candy and apples and oranges, I close by wishing you a merry Christ mas and a happy New Year. I am your little friend 29 South Main street. SARAH LUANA SHEKRILL. , Charlotte, N. C. December, 5, 1921. Dear Santa. Claus Please bring me a sleepy doll and a doll carriage and some and nuts. Your little friend. MARY SUE SNELL. Charlotte, N. C. December 5, 1921. Dear Santa Claus Please bring me a doll coat, a sleepy doll and: a doll car riage and a wheel and some fuit and nuts. Your little friend. RUTH SNELL. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 10.. 1911. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl five years . old. Please bring me a muff and furr, bureau, telephone, candy and fruit. Your little friend, Clara Parks Pope. . Charlotte, N. C Dec. 6, 1921. Dear Santa I am a little boy in th second grade. I want you to bring a typewriter, anything else you think J would like. Please don't forget to put some goodies in my stocking and don't forget my sister, Dorothy. I thank you very much. Your little friend. j Emery AA'ister. Dear Mr. Santa Clause T am a new friend you will find this Christmas on your route, as I ?m five months old, sc won't you please bring me a pretty rattler and an orange. Thank you, Jean Elizabeth Griffin. Dear Santa Claus. I want you to 1 ring' me a large doll and a pair of bed room slippers and some fruit. Thank you. Sarah Grifhn. My Dear Old Friend. Please do bring me a pair of bed room slippers, a pair of kid gloves and a music roil. You have neve- failed me in the ixst 11 years, so I thank you. Frances Grif fin. ' i Dear Santa Claus Please bring me-a doll, carriage and a stove and some fruit. Thank you. Dorothy Griffin. Dear Santa. Please, bring carriage and rav daddy a me a doll. big apple. Thank you. Maiy "Bill" Griffin. Matthews, Xr. C, Dec. 6. 1921. Dear Santa Claus I wish you would broing me a bicycle and a pump and a little bit of fruit. From your friend. Herbert Alexander. Waxhaw. N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I Dec. :i ma 8. 1921. little girl. 1 I go to school at AYeddington. Faye Black. I Mv tcacher is Miss Faye Black. I love her. I want you to bring me a big bahy doll that will open and shut her eyes and candy, fruit and a carriage. Lucy Moore. REAL SALE NOW A FINE CHANCE MY Matthews, Dec. 8. , Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl ten years old. I am in the fourtn grade. Miss Faye Black is my teacher. 1 go to. school at Wed dington. We are going to have a Christmas tree. We want you to come. I Want you to bring me a baby doll, one that will open and shut its eyes. I want a carriage. MAP.Y BELLE HEMBY. ' Matthews, Dec. 8. Santa Claus: I am a littla years old. I am in the fourth My teacher is Miss Faye I like her just fine. We Dear girl ten grade. Black. are going to have a Christmas tree in our scnooi room tne lasi uay uj. m:huu.. I want you to bring me a slepeing doil and a doll carriage and a box of handkerchiefs, some candy and a'l kinds of fruit. JUANITA HIXSHAAV. Kings Mountain. N. C. Dear Santa: I am a little boy 21 months old and I want you to bring me some building blocks and a teddy bear. Y'our little boy, RICHARD BAKER. Charlotte, N. Dear Santa Claus: I am just ing you to let you know what I for Xmas. I am a good little C. writ want girl, 8 years old. Please bring me a pretty sleepy doll and a sweater and a pair skates and whatever you can bring me. Please bring my little brothers and sisters something. Y'our dear friend, SUSIE M'GRATH, 207 AVest Second street. Charlotte, X. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl eight years old. I' am in the second grade at school. As Christmas is drawing near, I thought I would white to tell you what I wanted ycu to bring me. I want a doll that will go to sleep and a teaset and a carriage for ' my doll. Some oranges, candy and nuts. MARGARET BARK LEY, 180S North Brevard street. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. G, 1921. Dear Santa Claus. Please bring me a candy walking stick, bugle, lantern full of" candy, timber toys,, oranges, nuts, raisins and a little garage. Bring something for mother, daddy and Kath erine. please. Thanking you, I am, vour' loving little friend, J. C. Crowell, jr. hi THE IDEAL ARCOLA SEE US FOR SPECIAL CLtt? OFFER AATe are going to sell a rather large number of IDEAL-ARCOLA Heating Outfits. We receive special discounts for volue sales, and these discounts will be passed on to those taking advantage of our SPECIAL SALES PROPOSITION, AVIIICH HAS MANY ATTRACTIVE FEATURES. 315 Eat Trade St. OF FINE ON One of the greatest pick-ups in fine furs by our buyers that has ever been shipped south. Extra Fine Genuine FOX SCARFS at FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Goods Co Charlotte, Dear Santa Claus: I am boy just nine years old and vou tp bring me a tricycle. ?, nf ia-.-tiv.onkers and a! N a I "a so C. little want horn, some n. i ,cj iik. .... v . r ...j i--... ..a v sure and not nuts aim huil .hj forget my little brother, Robert HENRY BOYD, Providence Ixoaci. Jr. Kings Mountain, X. C. Dear Old Santa: Please don't forge, me this year, and bring me a horn, a drum, and four crawling bugs ana a box of tools, and a skootmobile k vou have one to spare. Your little friend, ROBERT BAKER. Clover, S. C, Dec. 8. Dear Santa Claus: I am writing to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a drum, Avagon, tram, wheel barrow, horn and Jlso a pistol and automobile, fire crackers and some fruit. Your frined, JACK AVALLACb. Kings Mountain, X. C. Dear Santa: Be sure and stop at my house and bring me a knife and a drum, a sled, a farm wagon witn a seat and shaves and lots of nice things to eat. .Please aon t ioi, "O - . . i nXAW everywheio.: anv girl or Doy, xwy Your little friend, PHILIP BAKER. Renews Strength ! Where there is need for a building-up tonic after prostrating illness, SCOTT'S EMULSION taken regularly, usually spells renewed strength and vigor. Scott A Bewn, Bloomfield, N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF : (Tablets or Granules) for iMnimrcTinM RHitilDS Garrison 8c Hopkins Co. CHARLOTTE, X. C. Phone 143 1PANY PHONE 515 C. W WISE, Manager. 65'00 " SILK DRESSES MAKE NICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Buy Silks by the Yard From Us, All Silk taffeta, black red, grey, yard all this week 98c Heavy Satins, black, brown, navy, etc., Ex tra value, yard Crepe Satins, black and navy, 40 inche wide. Extra special value, yard $11 Silk Poplins, yard, special 79c colors,' Belding guaranteed Taffeta, black and; navy only. Special yd $1! Satin Radiants, brown, Japan and navy. Ex tra value, yard Charmeuse, linen bad Black, n a v y and brown. Extra specif ii the yard ! San Soie Channel black only, yard 95c SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDEKS WE PREPAY GATLlf DRY GOODS CO. 39E.Trade Phone5l5 (First Floor)