THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 13, 1921. 0 i 1 SOCIETY NEWS I Sf I ' "CHARLOTTES shopping center- ' r'. I 1 I 6 ' V S OLIi 1 I fl I P- I II I III UMJLi Tl I "A RnXT MAPPTTR STORF' i II ' i : , . 1 MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL Social Editor, Phone 277 Miss Roth Jenkins of Gaston County and Frank O. SherrUl to Wed. The marriage of Miss Ruth Jenkins, of Gaston county, and Frenk Odell Sherrill, of Charlotte, will take place Wednesday at the home of the bride near Mount Holly, Rev. H. C. Hardin. oaFtor of the Tryon Street Methodist shurch, will perform the ceremony. The marriage will be attended with the cordial interest of a host of friends, both Miss Jenkins and Mr. Sherrill be ing: prominent and popular young peo ple. After the ceremony. Mr. Sherrill and brldo will leave for New Tork. After spending several days there, they will take !xit for Miami, Fla. They exDeet to be gone on their bridal trip three weeks. The bride-to-be is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Waller L. Jenkins of Gaston county, and is a young woman of excep tional beauts' and charm. In type she is a blonde, with lovely hair and color ing, and is popular and widely-known in Charlotte. Mr. Sherrill is a son of Rev. C. F. Sherrill cf Madison, in Guilford county, who s at present pastor o a Methodist church in Greensboro. He is a great nephew of the late James M. Odell of Concord, one- of Cabarrus county's wealthiest and most influential citizens. Mr. Sherrill has made Charlotte his home for the past ten years. For seven years he was assistant manager of J. B. Ivey and Corfipany. For the past two years he has been half-owner of the S. and W. cafeteria, and is also half owner of the branch cafeteria recently opened in Winston-Salem. Mr. Sherrill is n young man of splendid business ability, genial manners and strong per sonality, and commands a wide circle of friends. Play To Be Presented At C. II. S. In the high school auditorium, "The Arrival of Kitty" will be staged by a talented cast of high school boys and giris under the auspices of the Girls High School Club of the Young Wo in. n's Christian Association Friday night. The cast is as follows: William Wir.klei, in search of ten thousand dollars James Bunnell. Hohbv Baxter, in love with Jane Will Orr. P.enjamin Moore, who gets tangled in matrimony Byrd Crayton. Ting, a bell-boy LeGrande Hunter. Jane who must get married Mar garet Henderson. Aunt Jane, who wants to get mar ried Marie Hagood. Sussette, a French Maid Charlotte Milstead. Mandy, a colored maid who is on to everything Jean Crowell. K. A. Bowling Party. An interesting event of the week is the bowling party to be given by the Charlotte alumni chapter of the Kappa Alpha fraternity Wednesday evening at 9:30 o'clock in the building on the corner of West Trade and Graham streets. The hall has been leased for the occasion. Teams will be ormcd of the members of the fra ternity and their partners. whose will take Mrs Young Entertains , . Mrs. Dolph M. Young was hostess to the Young Matrons' Card Club Tuesday afternoon at the Charlotte Country . ji i111ntira. PQ ? T IP Club. Mrs. uasion vj. v.uia r . c i yo m-psent. At the conclusion . of the game, a two-course luncheon was served. The personnel ot trie ciuu as follows: Mrs. Young, Mrs. David Clark, Mrs. James P. Harris. Mrs. Lben Nye Hutchinson, Mrs. Hamilton Jones, Jr,. Mrs. George Wfrth. Mrs. George E. Wilson. Jr.. Mrs. Louis Brown McKoy, Mrs. Charles Lambeth, and Mrs. Walter Lambeth. Shower For Miss McWhirtcr, Bride-Elect. . , Mrs. Van Austin and Mrs. ,d. Rigler were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower Monday evening, compliment ing Miss Mamie McWhirter TnarHace to X. C. Stegall place Wednesday. Miss MeWhirter's friends presented her with manv useful and attractive gifts During the evening, punch and cake were served. Twenty guests en joyed the hospitality of Mrs. Rigler and Mrs. Austin. Markel Date Changed from Saturday to Thursday. In a wire received by Richard H. Stitt. Markels orchestra of New York, which was to have- played here Salur has changed the evening. The dance will be given Thursday night. at the Mvers Park Club, ana dinner wiu be served from 7 to 8 o'clock. Markels will play during dinner and for the dance to follow. Dolly Madison RnnU Phil Th.i rllv ATadisnn honk club will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock with at.-... Tniin "t Marrv at her home on Queen's road, Myers Park. . Citizenship Class to Have Luncheon Dr. Odum to be Guest The Citizenship class of the oman s Club will have a luncheon at tue wo man's club Friday at 1:30 o'clock. An interesting guest will be Dr. Howard W. Odum, director of public welfare at the University of North Carolina, who will deliver an address in the city that evening. Dr. Odum will be introduced bv Mrs. Charles C. Hook, president of the State federation of Woman's clubs. SANTA CLAUS SLIT. This pattern consists of a coat, two styles of trousers, cap and leggings. Dark red cambric or calico are inex-1 pensive materials to use for this suit 1 and cotton batting may serve for the fur trimming. The Santa Claus suit M-ll is cut in ne size ana requires o i-t jarus oo- Inch material with b-incn handing ior coat trousers and can. . Leggings tane 1 3-8 yards 30-inch leatherette. ince 15 cents. M-II The FALL and WINTER issue of the FASHION MAGAZINE is now ready. It contains over S00 styles, several dressmaking lessons, &c, and is un doubtedly a book which every woman who wants to dress well and wants to see her family well dressed should have Price 10 cents a copy. Order patterns from The Pattern De partment The Charlotte News. Char lotte, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Ethercdge and Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Bethea returned home Monday from New York where they spent a week Miss Edith Roe spent the week-end in Greensboro with Mrs. Anna Bendi. Julia Jackson Chapter To Hold Bazaar. A bazaar will be held Thursday and iTiaay oi mis ween, at n? vuccuuo tQ vjsjt Hall in the City ttau. Dy ine Juua.jJones ut their home in the Blandwood .lapksnn tlhanter. Children of the Con- t Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Breese, of Raleigh, will arrive in the city Friday Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. D. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. will be served from federacy. Hours, A salad luncheon 12 to 2:30 o'clock. The proceeds of the bazaar will go to the Mecklenburg Camp of Confed erate Veterans. ; apartments. fr. and Mrs. Jones To Entertain. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. I). Jones will give a dinner-party at the Char lotte Country Club Saturday evening at. 7:30 o'clock in honor of their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Breese, of Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Breese are expected to arrive in the city Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jones at their home in the Blandwood, and they will remain until the 22nd or 23rd. A number of informal entertainments in honor of Mrs. Breese have already been planned. Mrs. MeCiintock to Kntertain. Mrs. J. Latimer McClintock will en tertain at her home on Queens roacl, Myers Park, next Tuesray evening at S:G0 o'clock in honor of her sister, Miss Armide Blake, who will arrive home on Friday from Washington, where she attends the Colonial School, to spend the holidays with her father, John S Blake. Mrs. McClintock will have as her guests about 30 members of the younsi society set of the city. 3Iiss Scott to Attend Dance. Miss Julia Baxter Scott expects to go to Winston-Salem Friday to attend the dance to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hanes, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Hanes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanes and James Hanes, and Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Chatham at the new Robert L. Lee Hotel Friday evening. v hue in A ins- ton-Salem. Miss Scott will be the guest of Miss Do Witt Chatham. Card Parties at Woman's Club Discontinued. The subscription card parties, which have been held weekly at the Woman's Club during the Fall, have been discon tinued until after the Christmas holidays. Birth Announement. Born to Mr. and Mrs. N. Kline at the Charlotte Sanatorium, a daughter, Evelyn. Woman's Club To Pack Box For Oten. The Woman's Club will pack a Christmas box for the soldiers and nurses at the Oteen Hospital. Con tributions of all sorts, money and cig arettes, will be gratefully received. Mrs. E. R. Preston is in charge. Mrs. John Lindsay Morehead returned hame Sunday after spending the past three weeks visiting her father, Dr. George F. Xickerson, at his home in Easton, Md. Alex Davis, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Davis, will arrive home Monday from Tarrytown-on-theJHudsort, where he attens the . Haekley School to spend the Christmas vacation with his parents, at their home on Garland court. Dr. Addison G. Brenizer, Dr. R. L. Gib bon and Dr. A. J. Crowell are attending the medical convention at Pinehurst. Miss Susie Sterne has returned home from Ogdensburg, N. Y.. where she has spent the past six months with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Augusbury, the latter her sister. While away. Miss Sterne made trips from Ogdensburg into Can ada, and visited many points of inter est in the New England states. O Capt Edward Roseborough, of At lanta, who has been visiting James W. Van Ness, has returned to his home. Gus Travis returned home Tuesday morning after spending the week-end in Atlanta. Personals Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cover will leave Mrs. Ham Honors on tne -otn for Brewtou. Ala., where 3Iiss Mahler. they win spend Christmas with Mr. and Miss Ann Mahler, of New York l:,Irs- A,ex McGowin, Mrs. Covers par- gurst of her cousin. Mrs. George C lents- Spending Christmas there also Hall, was honored by Mrs. J. H. Ham ;win be Mr- and Mrs- McGowin's other at an attractive luncheon at the Char- j daughters. Mrs. W. H. Bethea and Mrs. lotto Country Club Tuesday at 1:30 !F c- Winter, with Mr Bethea and Mr. o'clock. j Winter. The Winters have been in Mrs. Ham's guests included Miss Brewton for several weeks past, Mr. and Mahler, Mrs. George C. Hall, Miss Sara Mellon and Miss Helen Parker. Mrs. Barkalnw To Entertain At Cards. Mr. J. R. Barkalow will give a bridge party of four tables at the My ers Park Club Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. DANCING """"" Lucky Spot Dance Tnesday night. Tl. L. Fox Dancing School. Phone 32,9. i3.1t (Mrs. Bethea going down Monday Mrs. Springs Alexander has gone to San Antonio, Texas, for an extended visit' to her brother, Harry Kerr. She will return about the middle of January. To Stop a Cough Quick take HAYES' HEALING HONEY. It Stops the Tickle, Heals the Throat and Cures the Cough. Price 35c. A free bo Of GROVES O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle. ftues-fri) USEFUL INEXPENSIVE GIFTS MAY BE HAD IN BOOKS GAMES GIFT STATIONERY LEATHER GOODS And in the HUNDREDS OF INDIVIDUAL GIFT ITEMS With Which Our Store Abounds PICTURES A BOOK STORE OF RAKE EXCELLENCE .BRvTJffirtM'S, OFFICE SUPPLIERS AND FURNISHERS Mrs. Charles M. Carson will leave Wednesday for Buydton, Va., where she will spend several days visiting relatives. Mrs. J. M. Odell and Mrs. Brevard Harris are Concord visitors in the city ,Tuesday, coming over to do their Christmas shopping. Mrs. Odell has just returned from New York, whei-e she visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Odell at their home on Long Island. Dr. Robert H. Lafferty has return ed from Chicago, where he attended the meeting of the American Radiolog ical Socictv. O Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Payne and little daughter, of Rockingham, will spend Christmas in the city with Mrs. Payne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brockenbrough, on South Tryon streets. Miss Elizabeth Harris, who is a stu dent at Mary Baldwin Seminary, will arrive home on the 14th for the holidays. Mrs. William Stitt has - returned to the city after an extended absence spent at Lenoir and Lincoln Lithla. Springs, and is a guest at the Central Hotel. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Olive and sons. Wade, Jr., and John, of Durham, will arrive in the city on the 21st to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Harry on, Queens road, Myers Park. Mrs. Harry is a sister of Dr. Olive. A STIEFF PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS Pay a small amount down. We tag tho Piano. Pay remainder of down payment Christmas, and we deliver. Balance easy payments. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Inc.. Charlotte. N. C. Please send catalogue and prices of Pianos. Name Address Robert Basiijger, tester of the Meck lenburg Cow Testing Association, ha returned from Washington, where he spent the week-end on business and pleasure. Mis3 Bennie Withers has returned home after a several days visit to Miss Hannah Jane Blair in Monroe. Miss Blair visited Miss Withers, and they went to Monroe by automobile to at tend the ovation accorded Marsha Foch. Miss Blair will come to Charlotte the latter part of the week to spend a clay or so with Miss Withers- at her home on East avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Thomas re turned home Tuesday afternoon from Pinehurst, where they spent the weekend. THE GIFT WITH A LIFT 365 days of satisfaction to giver and boy. A Y. M. C. A. member ship. Under 15 years, $5. Over 15 years. $7. Physical, educa tional and Bible training. Enter tainments, meetings, swiftis, etc. Ask the boy. Phone 159. 13-10t Promptly Relieves "SORE THROAT" w?tson P radical $ very loo r glove Silk Underwear mil Make J4er Jtappy for Christmas because she has always wanted more than she has ever had. Because it's the foundation of her beautiful fitting gowns. Because many washings fail to dim its beauty. Because it wears and wears, and Because it's less expensive in the long run than cotton. Glove Silk Vests 2.95 and 3.50 Glove Silk Bloomers $4.50 to S6.00 Glove Silk Teddys $8.00 Glove Silk Union Suits $7.50 A Unique Gift that every woman will ap preciate and that is out of the ordinary. imported Jtutomizers They are made in France and show" quality and style from every angle. Decorated Frosted Glass . $1.75 Decorated Clear Glass $2.95 Hand-cut Glass, small $2.95 Hand-cut Glass, Medium . . . $350 Colored frosted Glass, large $2.95 Gold trimmed Glass S4.50, $7.50, $9.00 and $12.50. IF arcissus Bulbs jn jtfrt Pottery Bowls ' They'll bloom by Christ mas come packed in an at tractive gift box. With 3 bulbs ......... 75c With 4 bulbs $1.25 With 5 bulbs $1.75 With 6 bulbs $2.25 A Xmas Thought In Powder Vanities These fancy covered compact Powder Vanities possess just the element essential it seines so suitable to acquire or present one. Silk covered Powder or Rouge small 50c and 59c Silk covered Powder or Rouge medium 89c to $1.19 Silk covered "Powder and Rouge combined" $1.25 to $2.00 Silk covered Powder only, extra size $2.00 Silk Vanity Bags 59c to $1-2.1 Silk covered Powder Jars with puff $3.00 to $ 1.50 Flower trimmed Puff in all colors at 50c fiere jtire Qags Jo tSuit &very Woman s Jastes French Beaded Bags to carry to afternoon teas. Bags of Silk Velvet to match one's costume in col or or material. Sturdy leather Bkgs that don't lack smartness. All these kind and many others are here in the leath er section to aid gift-givers in their selection. Leather Bags and Vanity Boxes for .$1.00 that are values to $2.00. Beaded Bags for children 50c LADIES' BEADED BAGS. All import models, original prices range from $25.00 to $40.00, priced $15.00 to $25.00. LEATHER BAGS FOR $2-95. Hundreds of them that are t'ven from lines selling for $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. Vanity Boxes, Pouch bags or swag ger styles. Pin Seal or grain leather, black and colors. To fit every woman fashionably comfortably and as reasonably as our exacting standard of qual ity allocs.. This is the aim of our Shoe Ser vice. As always we are showing foot wear designed only in the latest style and characterized by the highest, material and workman ship of particular interest are: Bronze two-strap Baby Louis heel Pump $12.00 Patent leather Sandal with Span ish heel $11.00 A new brown calfskin Oxford at $12.00 Satin Mules and Comfy Slippers. - - 41 Many gift Suggestions In Brassieres and Bandeaux Boyshform, De Bevois, H. & W. and other popular makes. Indeed a rare combination of famous models the kind "that would make delightful intimate gifts to any woman. Boyshform, mercerized .... $2.00 Boyshform, satin $3 50 De Bevois 59c to $5.00 Bandeauxa of Treco or Mercerized at 59C B. and J. Bandeauxs of Jersey at $2.00 Christmas gibbons for Oyino Packages Plenty of them to tie your holiday gift. Plain and fancy styles in 3, 5 and 10 yard pieces. 3-yard bolts of Lingerie, Pink, white or blue, 10c to 15c a bolt. Red, Green or Holly Ribbon, !ld 5 yard- bolts 10c and 15c boll Hairbow Ribbons: plain or fancies 40c to 75c. Ribbon Novelties, Flowers, Lingerie Clasps, Puffs, Cap Bows, Garters, Carriage Straps, Carriage Bows. Underwear Festoons, etc. BOUDOIR CAPS. Dahtfy creations of Lace, Ribbon and Ribbon Flowers, Pink, Blue, Or chid, Maize, Nile, etc., $1.00 to SS.30 All neatly boxed for gift giving. 7F