if I if THE CHARLUriE WUiWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 13, 1921. 'I 'I ICS Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boasts Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'E m -ONE-CENT -A . WORD The Pullin 'est tt 8 FOUND uyt MT&n FHR SALE FOR R 'J i : a HI Vi - I ' i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES FOR STYLE nne cent A" per Set this style and type word each Insertion. STYLF "W SET THI3 TYPE. TWO CENTS EACH INSERTION. STYLE ANT per word stvtp. "P." Sflt this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. a .-. M.t-ut" cUhfT ton or h it f - - k. Hkm nt double n 1.1 Mil Ijr l TT l T.I1 '-' V - r1or rat. e t ia.i1 la mnlfl f!h wUb ...j,.. k nr 'i enlencV of Charlotte litHl in the teleph ,i:,a .,r knnwn In the newspaper . ' .l..!nM phor; tlll ,in-i fhnt the Oil1 rrna rn in- i - he pnM wnen printed. . t!f.r nf aria ennnot rwxriimr i raw"' n - . . v , r-nteed ?fter.l? o'clorK tot or mer FilHIon. in n in . :a iui uuj v- v - MINIMIS! CHARGE 23 CENTS WANTED HELP iV ANTED Linotype Apply Foreman, Nevs. onerator Charlotte tf NVAXTl'O flood house servant, to livi on lot. Ca hetwoen VJ ana 1 v r.i. m.: Lamar AVi 1 o-ti IV ANTED Stenographer ana tvnht Alnsl have initiative a'hilitv. Annlv Scott Charnley Co., Charlotte. N. C. 10 antj:d studio: 3 cook. Apply N. Tryon St. Frankliv 2 0: AVANTEO Two successful, experiei ed industrial insurance men. I wa -.nil- m.-i '::h e-nod clean and pro- or.--ie record. Chance to ma from SS5 to ?t30 p;r week for t.ic 1 H ht mwi. Avpiv at Room o, W Trade ft. son . Chalott?. N. C, in no l: WANTED Efficient male bookkeepe and stenographer, one familiar v.'if in,-ii-,r business rreferreo. IvOPiV ir cv.t handwriting, stating salary want ed. Good position for right party Addr-ss ,-T." care News. 13-?' WANTED Man with baler to ban ha v. Phone 250t. 1 3-2' THE SOUTHERN BRANCH of a New York corporation requires the im mediate services of a thoroughly competent, accurate and experience stenographer. P. O. Box 937. 13-2 W A NTE D Yoi ! n g aeent on P. & N. Union News Co., man for new. Ask for Mr. vininr Southern station. 13-P WANTED Experienced Dodge Brothers mechanic. Apply Shop Foreman, Chas. E. Lam beth Motor Company. 13-lt WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To make your mattresse? and pads to order. Mattresses renc vated. box springs repaired, feath"1! mattresses made. Hailev-Howard Co. 250 N. McDowell St. Phone 1127-L2. 22-tf WANTED To buy $2000 worth of fur niture and stoves. Poidmont Furr.i- tm-p Co. Phone 4344. ll-18-30t WANTED To put your furnace in good order. inspect your flues and prevent fires. Strange & Brady. Phone 3149. 31-tf NV ANTED Your ing, refinishing Phone 40f9. painting, floors. J. calacmiri: S. McCatl WANTED Used furniture. Phone 443- 505 W. Eleventh St. 13-t? MONEY WANTED Four thousand dollars at ten ner cont secured by first mortgage on improved city rea' estate. Phone 339. 9-tf WANTED To do your pressing. .r guarantee satisfaction. I-irst class pxnerienccd nresrea. Work cailed for and delivered anywhere in city. Serv ice our motto. Church Street I'ress- inc Club. Phone 5026. I'M: WANTED Carpenter large or small. Call work; job 5 4340. 1 l-3t WF REPAIR TYPEWRITERS AND PHONOGRAPHS PHONE 376i 1 1 l'f til i tun iva-i-ha .nijh, i.u- PANY, 231 S. TRTroN ST. lu-tf WANTED To do your carpenter work and repair work. Phone 3124-J. WANTED Men's clothing you've lai aside. Call 1371. 12-4: WANTED sale list If you have property for it with J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eed 1 WANTED Several boarders, men :. ladies, at No. 2 West Tenth St. Phone 2298-W, or call II. C. Gibion. 13-61 WANTED To buy a metal gange. B. F. Wellons. Phone 2755. Offices Lawyers' Bldg. 13-3t WANTED Gas 4162. stove or range. Phone l?-2t WANTED POSITION WANTED Position; mechanical grad uate with experience in machinery erecting and construction work, de sires position in Charlotte or vi cinity. Address "Mechanical Appli cant," care News. 9-4s-eod WANTED Job as auto driver, expe rienced young white man. Phou; 882-J. 13-4t WANTED When in need of a compe tent stenographer or bookkeeper, you to call on us. Brown s Business Col- lege. Phone 2566. 13-2t-eod WANTED Position as stenographer or bookkeeper by young man. Phone 1285-W. 13-2t A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE, ag' 20. wants to get in touch with some reliable firm or corporation who has a good trade to offer to a young man lust srtartinsr out In life where hard work counts. Prefer office work. 13-lt YOUNG MAN now employed is open for an engagement January' 1. Is first class stenographer and has two years experience in selling cotton to Carolina mills. Address "Lesco." care News. 13-3t WANTED Position as billing cierK, bookkepeer or any clerical work. Am available immediately. Pho"e FOR RENT RENT Furnished room, noi an- cold water and ail conveniences, W. Eighth St. Phone 1931 -J. 7-tf FOR RENT Three rooms apartment. Boulevard 6-t. partly furnished, 1600 b. Phone 2416 . 'OK RENT One furnished room, i60" S. Boulevard. Phone 2416. 6-tf POR RENT Heatea room to vrave.m.: man. will care for man: s v . &av enth St. 4-ti priR rent Two rooms lunusncu iui c i J " . light nnttpkeenin? to coupie. rnone 401 4-W. 3-tf FOR RENT Utnce Dunaing, u oricc-Phon-3-tf well located. J. H. MCAaen. 860. FOR RENT Office room, wen mcaicu. ' i l Annlv Merton C. frops:. w - r St. 5-5-tf VOll RENT Two turnisnea rwnu fnr lio-ht honsekeenmsr. close in- FOR RENT Furmsiaea room vo avu t'cm,in nr business woman: bus n Pf.ntar Ht 9-lf FOR RENT Large light ground stp.am heated omce Phnnp. clerk, furniture, if de cVorl ATm-ris E. Trotter. 9-tf 'OR RENT Furnished room all mod rn Phonp 729 or call at 120S South Trvmi St 10-it 'OUNCi business may m renneu yi v!if h.ime would like contrenirtl rooi: mate, ol Mose in. Phone Jm-w. 11-Ut " ivTRD Ponenial couple 10 snare nioely furnished home with garage wi-n'hPtii section. All modern con mnipnc t. Phone lf78-J. 11-3 i'"OR RENT Suite or two omces. -veij light, all conveniences. Lee Kinney. Pbone 3783. 1 !-?- 'OR RENT- Close 303 N. Church. in furnished roomtv. 11 -3t OR RENT Three-story brick ware house on railroad and corner. Good KtvPAt. F,le valor, sprinkler system. 15,000 feet floor space. P. 552. O. Pox 1 o. 1 -o k "OR RENT .Six-room brick house. 204 North Church. W. J. Party. 12-tf -ttr; Tt RT To erentlemen. well fur nished room m private home, rm- -,iace heat. Phone 199-W. 12-2t "OR RENT Large unfurnisneo. iour room flat, lights, water and furnace heat: $45 per month; 1315 East !ui levard 12 -3 1 'OR RENT One unfurmsneci stear" el s?T 243l'-J 12-5: heated room next to bath with two blocks from square, rnone COM AND BOARD IN rluv A 1 1 FAMILY FOR TWO OR THEE I GENTLEMEN. CALL 3631. 1Z-3T "OR RENT -Furnished apartmer.5 three rooms and private bath, Eliza beth section, no children. Phon' 1825-W. 1. i'OR RENT Three desirable omces i- Trust buildiner. E. C. Griffith Co Phone 4208. Et FOR RENT To couple, nicely tur nislied room with privilege kitchen, livin groom and ammg room Price $25. Phone a23-W . l-i' FOR RENT One lar je furnished room Reapona.ble. 12-3i !03 N. College St. OR RENT Four unfurnished ruon; and bath, second floor. References r quired: 11 T. Vance St. 12-: 'OUR. ROOMS to Phone 673-1. rent 1832 DaUa.s 13-31 Ave. "OR RENT Store room. 31 lasi Trade St. Apply Morrison Vuk-aniz ing Co.. or C. riffith Co. "'OR RENT -Room to' business girh private family, close in with meals, Phone 2573-W 13-3t -MALL unfurnished apartment witl- private bath and hall lights included upstairs, large spacious honv: wit! grounds, $35 month. Phoii' 2042-W; 51 S. lx-yon St. 13-t . OP. RENT FURNISH EI l'lv r. ROOM BirNGALOW FOR SHORT TIME AT " ATTRACTIVE RATE. PHONE 4432. 13-1 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 10-12t SWEATERS, four to eighteen dollars Carolina Sporting Goods Co. 13-t'. CANARY BIRDS for Christmas gilts Phone 3044. Mrs. N. W. Lumpkinv 139 N. McDowell St. 11-3: 'OR SALE Pony with cart, harnes? bridle and saddle. Can bo seen a? Warren Transfer Co., 207 W, Fourtl. Fhone 1166. 11-3- IFLES, four to thirty dollars. Cart Goods Co. 13-t :jna Sportin; ,VE HAVE TOYS, DOLLS AND ELECTRIC EYED TEDDY BEARS. THE PRICES ARE LOW AND YOU SAVE MON EY. MORE MERCHANDISE FOR THE SAME MONEY SAME MERCHANDISE FOR LESS MONEY. AMERICAN JEWELRY CO. 328 EAST TRADE ST. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. ll-3t eod FOR SALE Christmas plants, Cycla men, Begonias, Geraniums, Ferns and Palms. Phone 661-W, 407 Tenth Ave. 13-5t RED POINSETTAS on stem, 3c, 5c, Fifth. 10c. Smith Novotoy, 24 W 13-3t BICYCLES, thirty-five to sixty-fivt- dollars. Carolina Sporting Goods Co. 1 3-tf MARTHA WASHINGTON . CANDIES Made Fresh Daily in Charlotte at 225 South Tryon Street, Opposite Keith's Theatre. Packed to your order. 13-3t no Wed BUSINESS OFORTUNITY WANTED Someone who wishes to in vest $1000 In a beautiful valuable diamond ring. One of the safest aid most useful investments. Address A. B. C, care News. 2-tf LiUjX aia ifc.L,ju ruu now t600 jn- vested made $70,000 together with I $14,000 In dividends. Similar oppor tunity waits you. Write A. J. Kis eelburgtj. 226 Pacific Finance Bldg. Los Arueles, Calif. 10-7 1 O?? SALE REAL EST AT "OR SALE By owner, five roo;.. and bath, hot and cold water. Un blocks from ear line, three block from school. Address "House," car News. J 'OR SALE Two lots, colored prope. ty, $350 each. Small payment, ba ance can be carried buildin? loar. D. V. Mason, P. o. Box 932, city 10-4' FOR SALE Four-room cottage, $1350 Tryon St. D..V Mason. 231 S. FOR SALE- -Four lots, $300 each D. V. Mason, P. O. Box 10-4t Good terms. 932, city. IF YOU ARE INTEU:s'iJ in iuuh Estate call on us. A e have from four-room houses co business prop erty on square. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. 10-5t FOR SALE Brand new six-room galow. very bes't section. Queen Realty Co., Inc. bun City 10-31 'OR SALE Twelve-room apartment ohean. Close in. Queen City Realty Pn Tne. 10-51 vnii SAT,K Vail avenue lot, $350 cash: balance $600 can be carried. "Vail." nnv TNTpws. 10-51 FOR SALE Kingston avenue, Dil worth lot. Shady fide. Street afsess- mnt n.-vid: 5100 cash, balance mcnui- ly. 'Kingston, " cure News. 10-5t -'OR SALE Myers Park lot. $1650 cash. "Court" care News. 10-5t FOR SALE Five-room walking dis tance of the square. Price $450') ti-rpom house walking distance of tlv square. Price $5250. Call YelvinRton W. C. Harris & Co. 12 South Tryo St., over Garibaldi & Bruns. Phon or 2749-W. H-ot "OR SALE Fourteen Heights. Price from each. Bargain. Phone lots in Villa S200 to $500 2269-W. Davi.. ''OR SALE Several Dilworth homes $3350 up. Easy terms. Cal.' YelvinR ton. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone ?Zt or 2749-W. .H'31 FOR SALE Myers Pari terms. Call -Vacant lots, Elis; and Dilworth, on Yelvington. W. C. .both Har-11-31 ris & Co. 'OR SALE U-room nouse. slate roof. Fourth ward. For information call Velvington. w. C. Harris & 'J.o. Phone OP.o or 2740-W ll-3t 'OR SALE 10-room house, waikinr distance of the square. All conven iences, furnace heat, garage, nevl painted outside and inside. Pric ?250. Call Yelvington. W. C Harris & Co.. 12 S. Tryon St.. over Garibald A'. Unins. il-.il 'OR SALE Cottage. 813 St. for colored people, ouick sale. Home Real East Ninth Bargain fo-, Estate and Guaranty Co. Phone 589. 12-2' "OR SALE Nice five-room bungalow 407 N. Brevard. House newly p; pered. All conveniences. Close in Bargain. Home Real Estate and C-u.v r:ntv Co. Phone 589. 12-21 OR SALE Good building lots or Statesville Ave. Sewerage, watei. electric lights, paved walks, hard surfaced street. Price $700 to $1100 with terms. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eo' . 'OR SALE Splendid 7-room residenc near Southern depot, on paved street House in splendid condition.. Nicely papered. Conveniently arranged. Good garage. Price SS600. Easj terms. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t eoo FOR SALE Nice 6-room bungalow on Worthington Ave., Dilworth. Paved street. House in good condition Good location. Nicely arranged. Has heating plant. Price $6250. J. E Murphy & Co. ll-St-eoc1 "R SALE Five-room bungalow ii; fine condition. Good location. Nict neighborhood. Nice home with mod prn conveniences. Price $5250. J I E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eo' t-'DR SAT.R Xine-rnnm residence on Kingston Ave- House in splendi condition. Fire neighborhood. Moder conveniences. HarOswood floors. Wall ir. good condition. Nice sleeph- -norch. Garage. Good lot. Price $9500 J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-ec " ''OR SALE Five-rcom house. Lighi.; water and sewerage. Part cash, ',: ance B. & L. Thone 423-W. 7-6t-e- 'OR SALE By owner, cottage in fir. class condition. Extra large lot Splendid home or rental proposition Price $3500. ' Address "Elizabeth." care News. 13-21 SOME REAL ESTATE VALUES? iose in four-family apartment, hous in very best location. Areola heater Earning 10 per cent. Nearly nev. room East Boulevard home, lary lot, every convenience and a re; value for $14,000. '""room two-family house near Sout': rn station, fair location and a go : y, $5000. '"om Elizabeth home, near the r high school, $4000. room Elizabeth home, brick venet . hot water heat, hardwood floors an tile bath, $11,000. -ft. two-story business house o, Tryon St., in second block from tlv square. A real value. 100x200 feet in the block of the new hotel. Very attractive figure. I Two 2-story buildings oh East Trade- street and one a corner, second block. Now is the time to pick up business property, let us talk it over with you. MORETZ 10 E. Fourth St. REALTY CO Phone 13-lt HOMES FOR SALE. MYERS PARK, 7 rooms, house in splendid condition, at $11,000. PIEDMONT, 6-room bungalow, corner lot, $8000. PIEDMONT, G rooms, new bungalow. $6350. PIEDMONT, 9 rooms, 2 baths, on paved street; paving fully "paid. House in first class condition $7750. CRAIG-LITTLE REALTY & INSUR ANCE CO. Phone 1436. 13-2t FOR SALE If you want to buy a home, phone me. I have a number for nice lots located in Myers Park, Hermitage Court, Crescent Ave. and Fast Boulevard. W. L. Burroughs. 918 Commercial Bldg. Phone 1277. 13-3t-tue-thur-sun ROOMS, near Southern station. House in excellent condition. Large lot with garage. Fine investment" for $8650. Terms easy. Queen City Realty Co. Call 535. 13-5t o Kuu.vis practically new, in Dil worth. Large lot with fruit. Garage. Price $4750. Terms. Immediate pos session. Queen City Realty Co. Phone 535. 13-5t 7 ROOMS, new, in Elizabeth, hard wood floors, breakfast room. Large lot, double, garage, on shady side. Price $7000. Very easy terms. Imme diate possession, Queen City Reaitv Pbxih 533L - 13.ol FOR SALE BLUE GEM COAL $10.50 PER TON This Coal is screened and xrked, and is absolutely free rom slate or -slack. Our Coal if veighed on HOWIE SCALES lellvered on Pneumatic Tired Trucks, by courteous white dn- vers, we nandio tne very Desi erades of Domestic and Steam Coals, retail or carload lots. Phone 4813. COCHRAN COAL COMPANY 7-tf FOR SALE One typewriter desk, one Royal typewriter, one large deck, two swival office chairs, two other office chairs. Apply 907 Commercial Bank Bldg. 4-tf FOR SAIvE One Phone 790. walnut folding bed. 7-tf FOR SALE One base size, fins condition. burner, medium 525. H. F. Ray. 9-.:f BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St, 9-12t THREE-BURNER range top oil stove new oven, eheao. Phone 1053. li-3t "OR SALE Cedar chest, or exchange for wardrobe trunk; 502 N. Poplar Phone 21 OS-AY. 12-2t BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. ' Ezell- Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 10-12t For Sale Oak and Pine Wood Also Good Lump Coal Vance's Wood Yard Corner Johnson & Eleventh Phone 4815 10-7t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED . PHONE 2271 ll-7t "OR. SALE- Edison Aberola phono graph. Record cabinet and 125 rec ords in first class condition. Bargain for stuck buyer. "Eaison, care News. li-3- FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters Also to paint them. Satisfaction uarar.teed. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 i-ia STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! . . . I C l'I U lift III. U U- l. w iuv, v J.w.v. . Selling at cost plus hauling inFord touring, cheap. our great sale on new p-a5 o an -anges, combination ranges ill the heaters in our store. During this sale we will take your old stove m exchange. You can't afford to miss this .pportunity if money means nvthing to vou. CHARLOTTE STOVE CO 233 East. Trade Phone 477 St. 9-7i B HORSE and delivery wage : cheap- 804 N. Brevard St. Phon 79. 1 7 : VE SAVE YOU MONEY ON Jewelry, and every piece guar anteed as represented, 18 yrs in same block proves it. En graving free. AMERICAN JEWELRY CO. 328 East Trade St. Expert Watch Repairing. ll-3t-eo .1 FUL-O-PEP r just arrived. il-o-pep Scratch il-o-pep Laying Mash ul-o-pep Growing Mash, chumacher's Feed for hogs, orses, mules and dry cattle. lest feed on market for old stock arro Feed the only feed for airy cows. A guaranteed feed Melrose flour in stock. SOUTHERN FEED CO. Phone 1677 43-45 S. College St. 2-tf Tu Fri Sun! MONUMENTS See us before placing your order. We will save you money. PIEDMONT MARBLE CO. 301 East Second St. 4-tf-Sun Tu Fri uas range for sale (Bucks), call 6 P. M., 90S W. Second St. 13-3t FOR SALE Ives' electric train and boys' standard make bicycle in ood condition. Phone 2208-J. 13-2t-eod FOR SALE Christmas trees, any size, holly, mistletoe, cedar branches. Baxter Wilson. Phone County 2120 13-3t FOR SALE Harley-Davidson with side car. Good condition. Almost new, 1921 model. Bargain for quick sale. Phone 1S95. 13-lt FOR SALE American suction sweep er. Good as new. Phone 2563. l3-2t FOR SALE Ivory baby carriage. Phone 4128-J. 13-2t I FOR BALE Gilbert new wheel toy in first class condition. Would make nice Xraas gift for a boy. For par ticulars call 1529. 13-lt FOR SALE Special Dollar Dolls, but buy them now. Smith Novelty. 24 West Fifth. 13-31 FOR SALE Large size bicycle, good as new. "Crown" girl' Phone 27S5-J. . U-tf AUTOMOBILES "OR SALE Maxwell touring car, A-3 shape New paint and top, practi ticallv new tires, best offer gets 't Phone 4378. 6-tf OR SALE One ton Ford truck, two other light delivery trucks. Gomjr cheap. Motor Supply Co. Phone 12 0 20-tf "OT? SAT,"E One new one and half ton Seldon truck, one new ton and half Velie truck; one new T-paKS-Miger ' Pnlo R touriner ir. 1922 model: one new 5-passenger Velle. Big bargains for quick sale. Phone 232. P. O. Lox 49g, Charlotte. 4-tf FOR SALE Cadillac. Good cord tires; $550; private owner; 206 W. Seventh St. Phone 2087-W. 12-4t FOR SALE Ford 16-valve racer, 3 to 1 pnrinsr. Strombers: carburetor. Call 3C5-W. 3-tf BARGAINS We have several very good used cars that can be bought right and cn easy terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf E.NT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf STORAGE cars wanted. Store your carl for the winter. Monthly rates. Phone 4175; 9 N. Brevard St. 9-7t i A KG A I MS LN USED CARS IviOj than 20 used automobiles differen models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipp. 211 N. College St. Phone 4or,o. 7-tf SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE nnr tipw building is rapidly nearin;r completion. In order to quickly closr nnr stock of T-sed uars we arc offering special values all this week Investigate the following REAL VALUES IN USED CAP.S r HUPMOBILES Hupp Coupe, reconditioned. Ideal fam ily car. Hupp Model N, new yaint, mechanica.-, lv right. nVin Model R touring, good all 'roujid ' condition. OTHER MAKES Chandler nassen.ger. practically new. Bargain. hTMnlst tonrmsr. Barsrain. Port, in model touring. Stephens Salient Six brand new. CHARLOTTE 209 S. Church St. MOTOR CAR CO. Phono 961 ll-rt fi'OR SALE 1-ton Clydesdale truck absolutely new. A big bargain. Aist Ford and Reo trucks and a Ford roadster and touring car. Priced tt sell quick with easy terms. J. M fiark. Inc., corner Church and Thirr-1 Sts. 11-ot BARGAINS IN USED FORDS. Late model sedan $42 ' " ate model coupe ri?.te model touring rj&te model runabout ".ate- model runabout 'jate model runbauot Cash orterms. PYRAMID MOTOR COMPANY 375 21F 27 17F 165 ll-4t '""OR SALE One Ford coupe, one r or.-, touring, one Chancier club roadster all in good condition. W. E. Bailey Bailey Bros. Market, 519 W. Trad. St 11-tf j " ' FOR SALE, "ne two-ton traffic truck, "'odge roadster. Hudson Super-Six. T"wo Ford sedans late models. Two Ford coupes. One Ford roadster. One 5-passenger Buick. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS. ll-3t FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1917 model, one Ford lignt delivery truck chear- Phone 346. 11-tf FOR SALE Briscoe touring car, 19 model. Best offer gets it. A bargain cash or terms, or will trade for fur niture or house decorating. Phone 3426 or 2597-J. 13-7t OVERLAND 90, 5-passenger, for sale or trade. New tires, new battery, in good running condition. A rare bargain. Telephone 4461. 13-3t FOR SALE F ROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Leading varieties, ready for ship ment; post paid: 100, 25c; 500, $1.00; 1,000. $1.60. Government inspected F. E. Hull. Rock Hill. S. C. M ll-26-30t FOR SALE DRY OAK AND PINE WOOD. COAL BLUE GEM LUMP. FRED N. HALL PHONE 3880. 13-4t-eod CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all who were so kind to us in the loss of our darling girl, and especially those who sent such levely designs. Her heartbroken par ents and husband, sisters and brothers. MR. & MRS ROSS BLACKWOOD and family. MR. WILLIAM RUSSELL. 13-lt MISCELLANEOUS EVY'S EYEGLASSES lit all eyes. Nothing better; 7 East Trade. 11-23-tf VATCH THE KIDDIES FEET. They want frequent repairing; keeps them looking- neat and cost less. We repair shoes by factory methods. A. P Hill Quick Repair Shop, 209 N. Col lege. 25-tf JIANO TUNING W. E. lotte, N. C. Phone 2335 senn. Char L-3. 10-12-t WALL PAPER HANGING. house r.oit',Tsr. CalJ J. M. Muse. Phone NEW MATTRESSES mad.s out ot your old ones. Renovated. New ticks. It nava t rids vou of vormiii. Cal' issr-'t for particulars. Lawing's Mattrnrs Factory. 212 North Long St. !S-tf LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 b. ropiar 2a-tt rairVi onri fork every ton of our Pnal V7bat is fl. dOlla.1 a ton on i,udi biiv nf the dealer who has scales We Guarantee Weight, Quality and Service. COAL OF QUALITY. WIGGINS FUEL CO. East Bland and R. R. Phone Cor. 121S 26-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, good as new. Phone 1588-J. Lawing's Mattress Factory. 10-tf MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Windsor. Atlanta, Ga. i-bt-oauv . LEE PHILLIPS, with J. W. Cobb. Auctioneer. Phone 3635. OfflCt 8-tf-eat SPECIAL NOTICES THE ANINA CO. will move their office from 5 S. Church, room. 18, to 41S-41R Rf-altv Bldg. 8-7t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 ll-7t NOTHING BETTER for Christmas present for father and mother than Dr. Levy's eyeglasses. Made to fit the eves and face; 7 E. Trade St., UDstairs. 22-33t BEN F. FAVELL The Best in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered. S-tf -thur-sat-mon-tu ? "OTICE) W. C. Harris & Co. office- have been moved from the Realt- buildiig to 12 S. Tryon St. over Garibaldi & Bruns. 13-6t WARREN TRANSFER COMPANY "oving, packing, storing, long distanc hauling. Office, 207 W. Fourth St Dav Phone 1166; Night Phone 5074 13-11 R. G. LEE Phone 3634 & SON, Pa per-Hangi n g. 13-6t LOST OR FOUND OST In waiting room Southerr railway passenger station Deeembf 7th, light gray overcoat. Suitabl' reward if returned to Superintend r-nt's office. Southern Railway Com . pany. Greenville, S. C. 8-7t OST Large leather collecting bag Liberal reward. Call Lee Kinney. 12-3t OST Monday, Reward if left one hundred at News office. dollars 12-2t "OUND A way to save you money on your house paints, flat wall paints, j shingle stains, floor and woodwork varnishes barn, wagon ana paints, through buying direct from manufacturer. Liberal terms. Address "Paint," 304 East Sixth St., Charlotte. 12-4t LOST Between 500 South Tryon St. and J. J. Grier's Store Providence Church, 1 Goodrich 30x30 1-2 Tire and Tube mounted on rim. Reward if re turned to Burwell & Dunn Co., South College St.. City. 12-2t. LOST On Monday, between postoffice and Tryon street, bunch of keys; 4 West Third St. 13-lt LOST Pink cameo brooch writh gold -mounting, Monday evening. Finder please phone Mrs. C. H. Goudelock. 3934'W ft 13-lt FOUND Noah's Ark with chocolate animals, 15c. Smith Novotoy, 24 W. Fifth. 13-2t ' ! TSES WANTED ROOMS W. 5l. BELL, Notary Public, front of fice Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to 8 p. m. 9-tf WANTED Jan 1, furnished three four room apartment. Must be good locality and nicely furnished. Steam heat preferred. "Apartment," care News. 13-4t ROOMS WANTED-Two or three furnished light housekeeping, adults. References furnished. Address "Per manent," care News. 13-3t FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Fresh cow Elizabeth Ave. Phone and calf; 846-W. FOR SALE Good gentle and harness. Also good 1949-J. horse, hack cow. Phone 12-2t MISKE WANTS TO SCRAP CHAMPIOK Has Met Dempsey in Thref Rings nnd Taken Count on One Occasion. New York, Dec. 13. After svera weeKS Ot mieiiKive iraiiung, irill;v V; - , . i j . 1 . . , : has rounded into perfect phvu ai iition and. is hot on the trail of vC, ."" 5ion Jack Dempsey for another !riat,.-' The St. Paul heavyweight dtriavt he must still be considered ;, s.H,.t contender for premier pugilisti.- ho,'. on his fight in St. Paul wlv:, 'a,. '..' feated Bill Brennan. of Chicago. V, hard-i'ought ten rounds. Brennan bucko who made so much. trouM. v Dempsey in their encounter i.- v!.,; York. City iast December. Dm,,,,,... flattened Bill for the count in'.; twelfth round, but only after t encounter. Any fighter who t-:ta Brennan must be taken serio.v Miske figures. In addition to heath: g Bit;-.-. Miske, during the past six tr.oi: knocked out Farmer Lodge. H pounder, and. Tommy McCarthy, jv vvhinned JacK i-cenauit ana L-..e a Itliif;. son. Miske beat Anderson in round of a ten-round tilt in p battering the negro almost to a i,.a;a" Miske already has fought ijenip?: three times. Their first bout md-jjii a ten-round draw in St. Paul in 1918. They met next in a Mx-r' :crap in Pailadelphi?. in NoveaUr '918. Opinions of newi-papu- the ringside varied on the -.ut-o::. Some gave the oecision to L.n:!;v, others awarded the honors to jf;, and still others declared it a dra-. Miske then fought Derupyey at p-: ion Harbor, Mich., on Labor Day. He was stopped after taking a ,cc raiUllieilL L'L liuiniirs nun; Um- :i;r pion that no man could stand up der. Miske is still a young man. H: ; onlv Li ana ne ijeuevea uwi iwiear nany good fights left in hi physique. He weighs 196 pounds after trahfe. for several weeks and looks a.- jr. a, race norse. REALTY TRANSFERS C. S. Smith to C. E. B. Men, and D. E. Elliott, for $10 and otir ,a; siderations, a fifty-foot lot on St. Ot-orf; i street. W. L .Brooks and wife to Mi. T lula Lemmond, for $100 and oth- r cc: siderations, a lot oin Belwyn Avenue. F. B. Brown to Cora B. Berryhill. ::: $100 and other considerations, u tr.r I of land in Berryhill township. F. B. Brown to Irma B. Wi::r!it for $481.50, a tract of land in Dcnyiit township. $243,042,060 YET NEEDED. "Washington, Dec. 13. Final pay ments to rauroaas ny tne .iovunin:-r on claims ana aajustments an;.ne :: of wartime control are estimated : require $243,042,060, according t" : report sent by Director General of Rai roads Davis to the Senate ycsierai:-..' response to a resolution imrcniiKvi Senator LaFollette, Republican. Wi consm. ! THE A TERS Broadway Program A Bip Hit. The remarkable double propria t he Broadway made a great hit terday with Charlotte's photoplay e thuslasts, when a three-day run opened. This program include? Char! Raj-'s latest comedy. "R. s. . f probably the best play he ever jaw? and one which presented him in a n" -ole, that of a struggling young ars who is more of an adopt at lev?-: ing and fun-making than painting:" 'Future Movie Stars." the thrr production of the Southern M'1'--' Stars," the three-reel production o; e Southern Motion Picture l.xp:., which was made here a fortnislit v A number of Charlotte's waa- young voraen, as wen as pcm ' mous screen stars, appear in t- 'ure. .,. "Future Movie -Stars" is reajly er cent entertainment, and if r''. there was a picture that eiM r-t "different." this one is "difr.-rein. 'he elements of film cntert;iini;i-i;. deluded in the action, and 'npV'; a great many laugns in n. a " -. surprises galore. The scenes hi nore than 20 young women c u.. olinas "tried out" before tne ti.;; ire particularly interesting, nnd v v bring back scenes witnepei vposition. , vi This program will be presenter as iday and tomorrow. ESTATE WANTED REAL WANTED To rent small few acres land not owr out. K, care .News. WANTED To buy small fcou? neighborhood, modern convoy no inflated values, all or Prt cash. Address Spot Ca?h. earc 1 sno I POULTRY AND EGGS 'OR SALE Flock of leghorn chickens at al cost. Phone 4031 205 CITY OF BULLETIN or All automobiles found is l' restricted district after -midnight will be towed m police . headquarters and ject to a fine. Effective un 1509 12 - 4t urday night. pure ... ono-third