r I 14 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 14, 1921. Bob"!! byCarlysle RDolcomb " THE WORKERS ARE IJl SI ALONG THE RIVER. "Wh.it kind of a noise was that I heard?" whispered Silky, the Monkey. "That was a noise in the river," replied the King in a whisper. While they were listening for an other noise who should come along but Major Pole Cat. He had been out with Mrs. Tole Cat for an afternoon walk through the forest, lie was a fellow with great leisure. Tt didn't make any difference to him whether it rained or snowed. If he took a. silly notion in his head to go out for a walk he went. And it didrft make any difference about the daylight or th; lirk. He would just as soon walk !orth in the day time as in the night. "Well of all things." said the Chief of the Forest, "I supposed you wer:; in your house taking a sleep." spoke to Major in a low tone of voice. "What are all of you doing here?" ir.auired Major. "It seems to me I have seen that follow before." pointin.',' his flnerer at Silky the Monkey, and beginning to laugh. "Well, laugh you foolish thing'. It i no matter to laugh at. I wish yiu would get scared at yourself some time and just cover your coat with that dreadful fluid." Major was laugh ing for this was the first time he had seen Silky since the monkey thought hr? was catching Jack, the Rabbit, by the side of the path. Instead he had jumped out on Major and had been covered with poison fluid. "I haven't gotten away from the smell yet. Just laugh if you want to." Major couldn't help it he just had to laugh. "I wouldn't have done tha for anything had I known it was you. -fter this you want to say something about it before you. jump." "Oh you just think you're smart that's all," said Silky in disgust. "Slash, slap " again they heard the sound that had puzzled Silky as they stood at the bend in the river. All the forest was alive. Down the river a little way there could be seen Three Legs, the Muskrat. busy work ing about his house. Every now an.l than he would stop and stand upon his N SPUR & MOMENT 333 . 54 . Ev He was a great fellow to take care that no one ever saw linn while at worn hind feet to look about for he was a e-reat. fellow to take care that no one ever saw him while at work. Billv Mink was seen to come out o thp river and wander off into the for est. He was without doubt going on the hunt of food. "I'll bet it was that old crank that von heard." said Chief Porky as he looked again in the direction of Mr Mink. "Slap, slap." The noise was. heard aerain. "It's down there behind those trees," said the King. 4 "Oh, i.i that what you are all inter ested in?" asked Major. "Well I can tell you what that is." Thev all moved down the river a bit. Next The Broad "Splash, Flat Tail Slap." Went STAY OUT. ' I went into a Barber Shop To have them trim my hair; I looked around, then picked my man, And sat down in his chair. "Now, make it snappy, please," I said "I have to catch a train." The snail was fast compared with him. His talking gave me pain: I fell for his long line of talk; Tried everything he had. When he had finished with me, boy,. I sure was mighty glad. He boldly handed me his bill; Believe me, I was sore I went in to spend sixty cents- It cost me three bucks more. We are about to arrange with Tex Rickard for the best boxing bout seen in the Garden in many a day. It will be held under the auspices of this col umn and the proceeds will go to the Fund for Decrep t Leather Pushers, and if there is any left over we will buv noekties for the starving Siamese. The' contestants will be James J. Jef fries and Jawn Arthur Johnson. A very sad accident happened to the trap-drummer of a cafe jazz orchestra the other night. The chef came in and stole four of his skillets and his wash boiler and the music was ruined for the entire evening. MARCELLETTES. The urmanvnt conference is taking place :n Washington. The French have a proverb: "Men do not understand one anoth er. There are fewer madmen than we think." England has a proverb: "It is no good hen that cackles in your nouse and lays in another." Italy has a proverb: "Oil and truth will get uppermost at last." Japan has a proverb: "Ke;i a shtrp edge on your sword and your honor." China has a proverb: "When the melon is ripe it will drop itself." Marcel Steinbrugge. - Marshal Foch went out to see the woolly west," but found that it has been shaved. The Prince of Wales may marry a Hindu lady in order to restore peace in India. Restoring peace by marriage is something that a lot of American divorce court judges will never believe in. There is a certain youth attached to one of the foreign missions at Wash ington whose habit is, nhortly after in troduction to some fair lady, imme diately to turn the conversation into channels favorable for the discussion of the tender passion. "I ""observe." said he on one occasion when he had just been presented to a charming young woman, 'that you wear a most attractive locket. Tell me, does it contain the token of some past affair of the heart?" "Yes," smiled the lady, who had been warned cf the diplomatist's weak ness and who thought to have a bit of fun with him. "It, does contain a love token a lock of my husband's hair." "A widow'" exclaimed the susceptible foreigner as he edged closer. "Why, some one told me your husband was alive." "He is," answered the young wo man, "but his hair is gone.' Scientists say w are just entering a period of seventeen years- of bad weath er. Thought we were just finishing 17 years cf it. QUEHOLD HlNTrfT Footwear For Young Women LOW HEEL BOOT The nature-shaped toe, heavy flexible welt sole and extra low heel are features of this exvel lent boot. It has an 8 inch top and absolutely no tacks or nails. Trice LIGHT TAN SHOES Misses' light tan calf Shoes now so much in demand. A splendid school shoe at .50 $5; BROWN BOOTS Calfskin is the material used ' in making this comfortable and . attrac tive shoe for young wo men, plani toe, with 9 inch top increase its de sirability. Priced only COVERED 2,511,000 MILES. Washinctno. Dec. 14. Naval and Marine aircraft, during flights in the past fiscal year, covered 2.51 1 000 miles, according to the annual report of the Naval Bureau of Aeronautics, issued ; esterday. The accomplishments of both land and sea units were declared to have been "gratifying " the flying squadrons attached to the fleets hav ing participated in several long flights. Coffee Attractive home on Worthington ave nue, has seven rooms and two baths, good heating system, nice, large. dxy ' basement, lot 50x150 hardwood floors, j located on shady side of street, no ; street paving assessments. ' A very attractive price and reason- ;ible terms. I ! M. B. ROSE MENU HINT. Breakfast. Grapefruit Marmalade Goldenrod Eggs Sauasli Kools Noon Dinner. Roast Fowl Onion Celery Dressing Stuffed Onions Mashed Potato (niixed with Egg White) Rice Glace with Pineapple Supper. Chicken Salad. Mayonnaise Cheese Sandwiches. Bunny Gookies Cocoa. Marshmallow Cream. CHRISTMAS PUDDING. Christmas Pudding Soak j one-half pound stale bread crumbs 'in one cupj scalded milk one hour. Add two-thirds cup sugar, the yolks of five eggs beaten until thick, one and one-half cups rai sins (seeded, cut in pieces and dredged with two tablespoons flour), two-thirds cup currants, one-half cup shopped English walun tmeats, one one-half cup citron cut in small strips. Chop one-half pound suet and work until creamy, us ing the .hand. Add to first mixture and when thoroughly blended, add one fourth cup brany, one-half grated nut meg, three-fourths teaspoon connamon, one-third teaspoon clove, one-third teas poon mace, and one and one-half tea spoons salt; then add the whites of five eggs beaten until stiff. Turn into butter ed mold and steam six hours. Remove from mold and garnish with holly bright with red beries. Serve with foamy sauce. I . .Foamy i butter and add very gradually while I car and, when thev met this morn- i beating constantly, one cup powdered in.tr. ooth besran !:. sugar. Put over hot water, add the whites of two eggs beaten until stiff and beat .until well blended, using a wire whisk. Cool and add a few grains salt, one-half cup heavy cream beaten until stiff and two and one-half table spoons brandy. English Fig Pudding Chop one-tliird pound beef suet, and work, using the hands, until creamy: then add one-half pound figs, finely chopped, and continue working with the hands until well blen ded. Soak two and one-third cups stale bread crumbs in one-half cup milk, one half hour. Add two eggs, well beaten, one cup sugar, and one teaspoon salt. Combine mivtures, turn in to buttered mold, cover, and steam three hours. Wine Sauce Beat the yolks of two eggs until thick and lemon-colored and add gradually, while beating constantly, one-half cup powedered sugar. Beat the whites of two eggs until stiff and add gradually, whil cheating constantly, one half cup powdered sugar. Combine the mixtures and add three and one-half tablespoons sherry wine' and: a few grains salt. TWO MEN ARE DEAD AS RESULT OF DUEL ARE PRESENTING STATE EVIDENCE Jury to Try Roger D. East- lake Composed of Nine Farmers, 3 Merchants. Mon:ross, Va., Dec. 1- The prosecm tion was prepared to begin its presen tation of evidence today at the trial here in the Westmoreland County Cir cuit court of Roger D. Eastlake, na val peity officer, charged jointly With Miss barah F. Knox, Baltimore train ed nurse, with killing his wife, Mar garet, on the morning cf September 30 at their home at Colonial Beach, Va. Selection of a jury, composed of nine farmers and three merchants, of this county, and opening arguments for the State md trfe defense were completed at the first day of the trial yester day. Outlining the State's case to the jury yesterday. Commonwealth Attorney AVatt P. Mayo declared it would be l shown that Mrs. Eastlake was murder-1 ed at 5:50 o'clock on the morning of! September SO and that Eastlake was in the house at the time with Miss Knox. . While the prosecution would not be able to prove, Mr. Mayo said, that Eastlake actually held the hatch et witn which it is alleged his wife was killed, it would show that he stood by and was splattered with her blood. It would further show, he said, that Miss Knox had brought a hatchet to Colonial Beach. W. W. Butzner of defense counsel, in his opening statement said he would undertake to prove that the Baltimore nurse was the actual slayer - of Mrs. Eastlake. He said he would show that Miss Knox was infatuated with the petty officer; that be lived happily with his wifo; that he had breakfasted with her, kissed her good-bye and left the house on the morning of the murder. He would produce a bundle of letters, he said, from Miss Knox to Eastlake to show that she had hounded him against his wll. The court allowed a motion to have a number of these let ters exchanged between the two pre sented at the trial after inspecting their contents. FBRST TIME EVER OFFERED Choice Improved - Lots in Wesley Heights "One Mile From the Square." t Special reduction of 25 on limited number of lots fim soi with liberal financial aid to home builders. We ask that you inspect these lots. This is an opportunity to secure a home in a desiray.0 section within walking distance of your business, E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY 214 South Trycn St. Telephones 877- an Dyc-rsburg, Tenn., Dec. 13. George Ryan, superintendent of the Dyersburg Milling Company, and Lonnie Tisdale, participants in a pistol duel near the Illinois Central station here this morn ing, are both dead, each having killed the other instantly. Thei? has been trouble between the two over the alleged attentions of Tis- Sauce Cream one-half cup dale to Mrs. Ryan while riding in his 36-East Trade Street. Basement Trust Bldg. Phone 796 R to air promptly don. All word trtctfy guaranteed. QUEEN CITY CyCLE QQ. "THE RED FRONT 42 N. Coites. Phona 917 t : rrai1 ' - ... GIVE A SCHOLARSHIP for a business or stenographic course to your boy or girl as a Christ mas remembrance. Such a gift will be useful and valuable. The training given will bring your child independence very shortly. In af ter years you will, be glad and your child grateful if you do this NOW. Winter term begins January 2, 1922. Send for catalog. Charlotte, N. C. "An Accredited School" Kalelgh, N. C. For Constipated Bowels- Bilious Liver The nicest cathartio-laxative to physic your boweis when you have Headache Biliousness CfsVds Indigestion Diiness Sour Stomach Is candy-like Cascarets. One or tonight will empty your bowels com. pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They -svork while you sleep." Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts. Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. two Children love Cascarets too. cSSSiSr A Woman Owning Even a COMMQNITy SILVER. will not le happy until she has a full set of this beautiful plated ware. This fact evi dences the pride she feels in possessing Com munity Silver. We have a full line in the "Adam," "Grosve nor," "Patrician," "Vernon" and "Exeter" pat terns. Every piece of Community Silver Is plated heavier than triple and will wear a lifetime. Charlotte Hardware Company 30 East Trade Street. YOUR WIFE'S IDEA OF A REAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT Perhaps she hasn't told you so the little wife, mother, or sister who still bends over an ancient cook stove, kindling fires, sifting ashes, lifting heavy coal bucketsbut she'd like a bright, shiny new cabinet Gas Range for her Christmas present. Prices Are Down! 550.00 and up Southern Public Utilities Co. Phone 2700 R ANSON ELECTED CHURCH SECRETARY Myers Park omes We have for sale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room houses that we can make very attractive prices on, and also unusually good :eSR.s to the man who desires terms. If you are interested in buying a small home in Myers Park .let us show you. Thies-Smith Realty Company 200 Commercial. Bldg. REAL. ESTATE RENtS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes Phones 4iij Lloyd Eanson , of Charlotte, has been selected as executive secretary to assist the castor. Rev. H. O. Hardin. of Tryon Street Methodist church, bv the Men's Club of that church. Such a decision was reached at a meeting of the club Monday night, at which time the club raised $1,400 toward the ex penses of obtaining a secretary. i Mr. Ranson is the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ranson, of this city. He is a native of Hun tersville. He is married and has two children. ! Before the war he was connected 1 with the Ford Motor Company, of this place, but resigned this position at the outbreak of hostilities to engage in "Y" work. Since his release from ser vice he has continued his "Y" work and was recently promoted to the post of State representative of the Y. M. C. A. schools. He has attended many ! of the conferences of religious work- : ers at Blue PJdge and Lake Junaluska. j With his long experience in such work he is expected to prove efficient in his new work from the start. j Mr. Ranson is a brother of Rev. A. ! J. Ranson, A. R. P. missionary to In- J uia, and Ira P. Ranson, of the South-1 ern Hardware Company, of this city, j MERCER COMPANY IS TO STAGE CONCERT ELEGANT HOME FOR SALE On Central Avenue Piedmont large corner lot S-room 2-story fcr;; (5 bed rooms)-r-dandy bargain S5,ii Xo. 704 Sunnyside Avenue large lot brand new 6 rooms and bas-mr hardwood finish, elegant bath and electrical fixtures 6.350 Large lot new home s" .I.Vi ; - What about a vacant lot have soma very attractive bargains now-a!j j in Myers Park $2,500 to $2,750 in very best of neighborhoods. Have four dandy pieces of business property for sale the kind ynUj. a chance to buy once in a lifetime. If interested see me for particulars. JONES THE REAL ESTATE MAN Phone 2772 (Frank F.Jones) Office, 200 Realty Bldg, John T. Smith Salesman. ; Music lovers of Charlotte are expect ing a treat at Queens College Wednes- day evtning i t 815 o'clock when the Mercer Company appears there for a j concert under the auspices of the staff I of "The Queens Blues," weekly pub-! lication- of the- student body. i The Mercer Company, which is a Redparh Lyceum attraction, is com- posed cf Charles Yeager Mercer, tenor; Miss Gretchen Cox, violinist, and a 1 pianist. i Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Soap. Ointment, Talcum. 2te. PTerywher. Sample free of Catlcmra Lakoratoritt, Dpt. Z, Kaidta, Mu. Buy A Home STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly $4,830 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly $6,000 ' 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomv house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month 2,5."0 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $4,750 Phone Me For Appointment. H. M cAden 200 South Cedar St. Phone R. L S. FOX DENTIST 21 Vz W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke ft Rogers Next to Woolworth'i. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE have an eight-room furnace heated house in one of the very best sections in Charlotte for sale or exchange for smaller place. This is an elegant place and offers a good opportunity for some one to get a very de sirable home. The Carolina Company 328 S. Tryon SU Phones: 609-1430-4396 2s: Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS OVER 7000 SHARES Kew shares may still be secured In this series by paying back to Se-ptomber 3rd. We know of many "l'ro1' pects" who have not yet signed up and we urge them to come in before the accumulated payments befor too heavy. For the benefit of those who have not yet absorbed the B. & X,. idea we say that each share rep resents $100.00 at maturity. The payments are twenty-five cents per share per week, until the payments plus the profit equal $100.00. This is usually 333 weeks, and the profits represents 64, per cent on tbo aver age amount invested. OUR SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT Ts ready for distribution, and Is very complete. We realize that our shareholders are entitled to all the in formation about their Association that can be secured, and we show complete statements of recepia and disbursements, and income and expenses. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION J. H. WEARN, President 207 N Tryon St. E. J. CAFFFREY, Sec'y and Trea

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