THE CHARLOTTE NEWS .DECEMBER H, 192 WEDNESDAY I! arrested and deported during the year as rigorous deportation to the country of origin has been thought the only effective means of breaking this prac tice." . . . Aliens filing petitions for citizenship during the year number 198.530, while the number of declaration of intention was 304,481, an increase of 4,375 over the number in the previous year. Citizenship training activities of the department, have been extended to 8.B26 communities over the country, Mr. Davis says, but "industrial unrest resulted in a reduction in the number who availed themselves of these bene fits the total this year being 117,073." Despite the cost of handling the aliens, Mr. Davis says his department was more than self-sustaining during the year. The total expenses, covering ap propriations by Congress, amounted to $6,660,888. while balanced against this were receipts as follows: Immigration head tax, $5,712,763; naturalization fees 1912.303: fines for attempted evasion of the immigration laws, $352,411 and for- NEARLY MILLION ALIENSARRIVE Tide of Immigration at Flood When Restrictive Law Became Effective. TTashinrton, Dec. 14. The tide of im migation which was approaching its flood when the restriction law went into effect brought 805.228 aliens into the United States in the fiscal year enaeer last June 30, according to the annual report today of Secretary Davis of the Department of Labor. This number compared with 430,001 in the previous fiscal year and Is more than twice the estimate of 350,000 which Mr. Davis makes for this fiscal year under the operation of the restriction act. More than one-fourth of the aliens w. Jfi t-A laof voai irorA Italians, t Vi A number being 222,260 as compared withjfeiture of bonds $41,000 95,145 in this fiscal year of 1920. Num bered by race, apart from nationality, the report says, the Jews arriving num bered 119,036. Chinese admitted numbered 4,017, an increase over the preceding year, but the admissions of Japanese de creased from 12,868 in 1920 to 10,675 in 1921. In Hawaii the Japanese arrivals showed a slight increase, with a total of 3,599. The number of aliens in general de ported, the report says showed a con siderable increase, with a total of 4,517 as against 2,762 for 1920. It cost nearly $4,000,000 to pass upon and admit the immigrant tide for the last fiscal year, Mr. Davis says. To en force the laws against alien anarchists cost an additional $590,000, while the deportation of undesirables added $127, 000 to the total. SMUGGLING MANY "The Bureau of Immigration," says the report, "raises complaint as to smuggling and surrepitious entry of alieVis. The 'seamen route' is a favorite device. That is they arrive as sailors and manage to disappear in the depths of the country. Many others arrive at Mexican ports and sneak across the DEPARTMENT SELF-SUSTAINING. Reviewing the activities of th6 Divi sion of Conciliatien, the labor secretary notes that during the year department conciliators were asked to adjust 4o7 in dustrial disputes, ranging from the strikes in the packing and shipping in dustries to minor diffierences, involv ing only a score of men. These disputes it is stated, affected 420,745 workers, directly and 172,261 workers indirectly and in only 48 cases were the concilia tors unable to reach a settlement. Secretary Davis asks Congress for means and authority to add additional conciliators. He also urges that addit ional funds be appropriated for the United States Employment service, de claring that "the government has al ready organized within itself, a means of meeting that problem of unemploy ment which could be made available at once with an appropriation of $1,000,-000." In the interest o f economy, it is stat "BIG BROTHERS" TELL OF EFFORT! Banquet Given at Which j Experiences Are Related by Members. I Experience with "Little Brothers" i during the year were related by pub- lie-spirited men of the city, who have j acted as "Big Brothers" to the boys under the supervision of the juvenile court at a dinner in the Chamber of j Commerce assembly room Tuesday i night. i V. J. Guthery, chairman of ' the i county board of welfare, who started ! the "Big Brother" movement a year : ago, presided and called on the men to relate their experiences with the boys j under their care. ; During the year the men, according ; to their reports, have been able to ; establish the friendliest of relation ships with the boys and officials of the juvenile point to the success of move ment by stating that only five of the boys who had "Big Brothers" were back in court. j Judge W. F. Harding spoke in j hearty endorsement of the movement and expressed the wish that the move ment which has started here will spread rapidly over the State. In the discussion of plans of im provement in the work of the "Big Brothers" it was decided to authorize the chairman to appoint a commit tee charged with this duty. Mr. Guth ery will select this committee. Following is a list of the "Big Broth ers": F. C. Abbott, IJ S. Alexander, D. H. Anderson, B. Scott Blanton, J. H. Bostick, Edwin Bridges, W. L. Brooks, R. E. Buck, Henry Benoit, Dr. A. A. Barron. McAlister Carson. ' Francis UNION NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE. N. C. j t Do what you are paid to do and then some. It's the then some that gets salaries raised. It's the then some that makes the service of the Union National valuable. H. M. VICTOR, President " ' F. D. ALEXANDER, Vice Pre) D. P. TILLETT, Cashier A. O. TROTTER, Asst. Cashier WELL LIGHTED MANUFACTURING ROOM FOR RENT v. Near the square; 11,500 feet floor space. Sprinkler system. Steam heat vator service. Low Insurance rate. Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust C 4 SOUTH TRYON STREET. ompanj ed, Mr. Davis wrote the shortest Labor .gTfS' TJrA.rtm! WW 11) wu ' w - - r John Durham, A. J. Draper, K. W, Department report of record, the docu ment covering only 43 printed pages. Copies of it were not isued for general distribution to the newspapers of the country as heretofore, the department border. Several hundred of these were giving out only an abstract p - a D 0 I 1 1 S D J At this tank personal p Jjj 0 service is considered a p j Q privilege not an obli- j I j gation. Give us an op- pi'?" J portunity to prove it. ? j a NATIONAL BANKj ' I H I Q -'0 Savings MSES Depository h Doolin, T. S. Franklin, Thomas Glas gow, V. J. Guthery, A. O. Garrison, Thorn 4S Hayes, F O. Hawley, H. P. Harding, T. E. Hemby, Horace O. Hovis, Frank Hovis, Dr. J. S. Hoffman.. Howari L. Hopkins, J. E. Huneycutt, Frederick Jackson, Rev. J. L. Jackson, Frank Jones, Rufus Johnson, E. L. Keesler, M. G. Kirkpatrick, B. Rush Lee, Dr. R. Z. Linney, Dr. Luther Little, Norman Lynch, E. J. Matthews, R. M. Mauldir, J. P. Mullis, Dr. Alon zo Myers, Rev. A A. McGeachy, Ev erett Nisbit, G. A. Newman, Jesse Oldham, Rev. W. W. Orr, Frank W. Orr, George N. Page, Theodore A. Peck, John R. Pharr, N. V. Porter, W. H. Prkchard, J. R. Purser, J. H. Ross, W. R. Robertson, R. L. Sing, Dr. Ray mond Thompson, J. O. "Walker, L. H. Wilkinson, George E. Wilson, Robert "Winchester, L. C. Withers, Flynn Wolfe, A. H. Wearn. a ervice Our Foreman and Mechanics have had years of experience and ipecial training at the factory on Studebaker carr: they are capable tnd efficient. We, therefore, save you time and money on repairs. A Big Dollar's worth for j-our dollar every day. Service Manager; C L. Taylor, Shop Foreman. A. E. Cameron, RUST MOTOR COMPANY 614-516 S. Tryon. Distributer 'THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" Phones 218-219 PRINCE IS LAW STUDENT. Geneva, Dec. 14. Prince George, former Crown Prince of Serbia, is i law student at Lausane University. He asserts that he will, lfever re turn to Belgrade unless he is recalled by the people. He is living on a modest pension. Prince George re nounced his rights to accession to th throne of Serbia in 1909, when he vr -accused of having murdered a servant. uyirig Used Cars Is Dangerous Unless you buy from a repu table concern and get a guar antee on the car or truck. When you buy from us you get a 30-day guarantee on all Reo Cars and Speedwagon. Prices right, too. Drop in. Foreman - King Motor Company The Home of Good Used Cars. The extensive service facilities of this company, supplemented In effectiveness by a full stock of parts, assures the owner of a NASH truck practically uninterrupted operation of his economical hauling equipment. Carolinas Nash Motors Company Distributors 500 N. Tryon St. Phones 3200-3201 ine Art ur rnrrn oak savings Saving is not a Science; it is an Art. A science is something that can be taught from a book, an Art is something you can learn through practice. There is only one way to master this Art. Begin to Save, and keep it up. Open a Sav ings Account in this Bank. Security Savings Bank 4 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Caddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt Bldg. 202 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 y 8 Jlcrnl lull Think Before You Spend W. n. WOOD. President T. E. Hemby, Vice Pres. George Stephens, Vice Pres. VV. S. Lee, Vice Pres. John O. Nichols, Vice Pres. J. E. Davis, Sec. and Treas. II. L. Davenport, Asst Sec. & Treas. R. D. Hawkins, Asst. and Treas. See. P. C. Whitlock, Trnst Officer. John Fox, Asst Trust Offiesr. Walter Lambeth & Bro., Mgr. Insurance Department Ask yourself if it would not be better to forego the trifling luxury, NOW, in order to be able to LATER use your money for something really worth while. , If you decide to be a saver, you could find no better personal service than our savings de partment offers you. American Trust Co. Member Federal Reserve System CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $1,800,000.00 Resources $10,000,000.00 gfg.T'.-ya W-IJWI!HmjLlllWjHW New Homes For Sale On Reasonable Terms " I you are Interested in a new home at from $3300 to $6500 let us show you. We build our own and buy all our material in large quan tities. If we do not have just what you want we will build a house of your selection, on your lot or one you may select., Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company REALTORS Phone 589. 219 North Tryon St. SI Red Johnson Charlotte's own, was the big star in Chapel Hill game, and the Va. beg were no fools they knew to crowd this meteor from start to finish, otherwise N. C.'s victory would have been written in bigger figures. Hurrah for Johnson! THE MUTUAL, BILLY MALONE pays out over a hundred thousand dollars a month in Charlotte, and not a loan at more than 6. That's a nut hard to crack by any other financial agency in America. Eastern capitalists take notice. We pause for reply. WOMEN, BAD WOMEN destroy thousands of happy homes annually, but the dirty mole, the beastly scoundrels who aid, abet and lead them on and downward, ought to be hung do you get me? THE FELLER NOT SAVING TOD AT Is a fool. How does he expect ever to be happy? Homes, honestly earned are essential. The Mutual champions the home, champions happiness, and, la the shining Southern star leading young men and women to legitimte, Batlsfyins success. Where else do you find such service? I said service do you catch the vision? THE 68th SERIES IS MATURED Come for your money. Listen to me: For 25 days more we offer shares back to. Oct, 1st without extra charge, that is at $3.75, which Includes Deo. WE ALSO OFFER 200 shares, 5 up, from 6 to 18 months old .at sum paid In. Savo entrance fees and accrued interest. YOU CAN ALSO BUY January Shares today by paying entrance fees, leaving off dues until January You may pay ahead and get discount;. Can buy shares and get your Interest Mutual Biiilding & Loan Association SAY IT WITH CANDY The line of Candy we have NOR RIS' is so delicious it always carries a message of delight to the recipient. Remember, No Christmas is really Christmas wtihout Candy. Telephone us. Walker's Service will again prove Its value to you. Walker's Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets NORRIS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR KL& V CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB You May Join One or More of the Follow ing Classes CLASS 5 First week 5c, second week 10c. increase? each weekly payment 5c and receive in 50 (9,73 1 weeks $00 CLASS 5-A First week $2.50, second week $2.45. De crease each weekly payment 5c and receive in 50 weeks CLASS 25 Pay 25c straight each week for 50 weeks and receive CLASS 50 Pay 50c straight each week for 50 weeks and receive CLASS 100 Pay $1.00 straight each week 50 weeks and receive CLASS 200 Pay $2.00 straight each week for 50 weeks and receive CLASS 500 Pay $5.00 straight each week for 50 weeks and receive $63!! $121. 251 $501;'; lOOlf-.: $25011; Plus 4 Per Cent Interest for Prompt Payment. epenaence iras CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1 tCo.j "Our Own Home Home-ownership is a world-wide incentive to thrift. Attainment I o of the object is rich reward. This bank appreciates no trust mr,f j deeply than to be guardian of savings deposits which will some W mean a new hearth in the community. We invite the Savings At ; counts of "home lengers" who wish to be "home owners," The Merchants and Farmers National Bank S WEST TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C, CAPITAL, SURPLCS & PROFITS $608,000.06 i( ? . e i a P c ; ti jf r h T I 3S FECIAL I a! I n 1 h w t 41 I T ARGAiNSf I i Of I te: I Hi p'J be ho ( an LSI IN REAL ESTATE 1 Plaze Lot at ; 1 half-acra Mvavq Povlr 1 Wilmore Drive Home, larger corner lot, S Also Velie Automobile, 5-passenger, trade-?250 cash will buy It, F. CAbboto&Cm , att in I ter I ha; 0m z JXO. E. PHARR. President , E., L. KEESLER. Soey.-Treaj, S3 or 3033 J