THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 14, 192L mu. Kiu'.fjwfwiMsmtw , - Charlotte. X. C, Dec. 12, 1921. Dear Santa: Please bring me an elec tric train, a tricycle, apples, oranges and nuts. Thank you so much. Your little friend, Graham Robinson. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 12. 1921 Dear Santa: Please bring me a little moving picture machine and a nice pair of gloves and some caps for my ca pistol. Thank you so much. Your friend, Craig Robinson. 3& ffiD HoYrY A IT If 'SlHVil i 8 a car , .ip Charlotte, X. C. December 8, 1921. iinia Clans 1 am a little girl s old ami I have got no papa, u win oe so good, I want von bring me a sweater and nd a baby doll and a little set an sonic candy, nuts and or- nos. Aiy aauress is 917 North Charlotte, X. C. my name is Duncan, and please dont for Ul sraidmama. i Belmont. X. C. ;:i!i!n (Tans I want you to .! mo 'hristmas and bring me ,i"ges and apples, also a horn, :.vd a tricycle, if you please . boy. LEROY KINLEY. Charlotte, X. C. December S. 1921. .ciia flaus I am a little boy old and I ha vent got no papa ..-t you to please bring me, a , i i a pair of little boots. I wear : i r want a big express wa ti'us. oranges and stopper ...!iire.s is 917 Xorth.B. street, X. '.. my name is Paul Dun- ; picase dont forget deal old My ilolV Charlotte. X. C. December 8.1921. S.uua Claus i am a little ::J years old an if you please. :o bring me a sweater and a 1 room slippers. I wear Xo. 4 nuts, candy, oranges. My ad harlotte, X. C, 917 North B. name is Xellie Lawing, and forget dear old grandmama. Blacksburg, S. C. December 11, 1921 Santa Claus I am a little girl ,.'-s old. I am in the fifth grade, I you ta bring me a wrist watch i ims: and some story books and a:-roidering outfit and some fuits, s and nuts. Tour friend. ANNA MAE RODGERS. uei-ita, X. C. R. F. D. 9. Dear Mr. Sandy 1 will write you tins morning hoping you are well. Please send me a drum and a cap pistol and a pair of boots Xo. 1. I am a little orphan boy eight years old, my name is Roy McKay, I live with my grand papa and grandmama Benfield Your fnend ROY McKAY. 'f CO ar i. ' n ; c Charlotte. X. C. December 12, 1921. r Santa Claus I want a crown '? fountain pen, a silver eversharp .. a dog, and you can bring me one T want an electric train, a track. Jon and switches and all that go it. I want a pair of gloves and a ure set too. and I wouldn't mind ; would give me a wrist watch, use I can't get all of these thinsrs hristmas but I want as many aks an spare, u ith love. ALICE HOUSTON QUARLES. T4 v Charlotte, X. C. Dear Sanla I will write Sou a short leter to let you know what I want want a Pair of skates, a baby doll a carriage, a bracelet, a sweater and oranges, apples and candy and nuts. -07 West Second street. Age 9, fourth grade. JULIA McGARTH. Charlotte. X. C. K. December 11. 1921. Dear - Santa Claus I am a little bov seven years old. I have never had a regular boy suit, so I want you to bring me a pretty suit and cap, a pair of "star gloves" and a set of -'Braze! Novelty fireworks. If you can find one bring me an Alabama coonjigger Ml kinds of fruit, nuts and candies, a candy walking stick and a horn. Yours truly. 1013 Aest Trade st. JOE THOMPSON. Charlotte, X. C. December 11.1921. Dear Santa Claus T am u nnio m years old. I don's want to ask you to iiis me a ciou Decause I have two nice ones. I want vrm ir .i.-o . -v' v. i v vine i t:I lor me. Please bring me a nice writing desk, a little pair of doll boots, a good POOK anc! Fl"e Little Peppers Midway." All kinds nf fruit.. j candy also a candy walkinsr' stick nH a horn. Your little friend, 1013 West Trade St. HARRIETT WEARX THOMPSON. Fort Mill, S. C. Dear Santa: I want you to please bring me a piano, doll dresser full of clothes and a story book, some candy, fruits and nuts. Don't forget KIT; little sister twn wars nli? Tia I si re and bring mama and daddy something nice. Your little girl, LY'DIA BO I'D. Dear .Santa: I am a small boy and am longing to see you Xmas. Santa, please bring me a little auto mobile with a horn on it, a new cap and A pair of gloves, some fruit, candy and nuts and please Santa bring me a music book. Your little frion-1, F1LLIE DELL1XGER. Dear Santa: T am a little boy. Pease bring me a. rubber stamp with the alphabet. on it, a kiddy kar, some Cindy, nuts and fruits. Your lov'.ig hille friend, JOE Mc.CALL. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy nine years old. 1 want you to bring me a raincoat and some candy and nuts. CLAUDE LACKEY. P. S. I have two little sisters. T! ey vant some candy and apples and manges Dear Santa: 1 am a little girl six years old and my name is Ruby E. Parker. I want you to bring me 'a big sleepy doll and some, candy and oranges and nuts and a little range stove and little bed for my doll and I will be a good little girl. I am six years old and go to school. My ad dress is Xorth Church street, Char lotte, N. C. RUBY PARKER. Dear Santa Claus drum and a horn. Charlotte, N. C. I want a wagon, NOEL YANCEY. Dear Santa: Please bring me a football and a bicycle. 1 am a little boy seven years old. Please remember mama and papa, l'our little friend JACK TESH. Milk For Infants & Invalids NO COOKING Th. "Food -Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home, Office.and Fountiins. Atk for HORUC1CS. t3r Avoid Imitations & Substitutes Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a cap pistol and plenty of caps and apples and oranges and, candy. I am a little orphan boy three years old CHARLES B. FENNELL. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl ten years old and I want a big sleep doll that will go to sleep, and I want a fountain pen and a ring and a doll carriage and bring me some oranges and some apples, and nuts and raisins and don't forget mama and papa. Bring them something too and brign my grandmas some fruit too. Your little friend, ELVA STEWARD. Dear Old Santa: I am a little girl seven years old and am in the second grade. Won't you please bring me a tea set, doll bed, -telephone, and a muff, and fur, some oranges, apples, nuts , and a box of candy. That will be all for this time.- RUTH JOHN STON 203 South Poplar St. Charlotte, Dec. 10, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring me a pair of skates, drum, horn, B-B gun, blackboard. Santa, I hope you arc well and won't forget to come to see your little friend, Dick W. Mc- Broom. o32 East Fourth street. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 12 190! Dear Santa Claus: I am" a little or phan joy. I haven't any father this year to buy my Christmas things and I want you to bring me a cap pistol and four boxes of caps and apples oranges and nuts. I have three little brothers. Please remember them also Hall Fennell. Charlotte. X. C, Dec. 1 191 Dear Santa: I am a littie"g'irl most four years old. 1 want i me a baby doll that talks and walks and a babv doll cart anri intc and oranges, also a horn. That's all ! 1.1 for this time. I'll try to be good nextU? 9.?Vn- 01 J?ve- Jmthryfl Jaekson, 224 vv llkinson street. Charlotte. X. C, Dec. 11 191 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl two years old. I want you to bring me a httle red rider with pedals and a baby doll that says mama, and a lit tle "nigger do'l" too, some candy and fruit and a horn to wake daddy up with, also a little pair of overalls Don t forget daddy and mother Lots of love. Frances Garmon, 1602 Xorth Harrill street. Charlotte, X. C, Dec. 19V1 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little" girl six years old and I go to school I want you to bring me a pair of skates and a baby doHthat talks and walks and a pair of kid gloves and a story book and a horn and plenty of candy nuts and fruit. Don't forget mv daddy and mother. Love to you Frances Jackson, 224 Wilkinson street! Charlotte, Dec. 11. I9?i Dear Santa: I am a little boy one year old. I want a rubber-tired Kiddie Iar, a teddy bear and anything else you can give a little fellow like me Lots of love Paul A. Jackson, Jr 24 Wilkinson street. ' Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy seven years of age. I go to school and like my teacher fme. As it is most Xmas thought I would tell you what I would like to have. Please bring me a stopper gun,- horn, harp, a pair of gloves, a train and track. Hoping I haven't asked too much I re main, your little friend, HOWARD GULLEDGE. P. S. Please don't forget mama and daddy. Wishing you a Merry Xmas. Charlotte, Dec. 10. 1921. Dear Santa- I would like to have a tricycle, drum, gun arid horn. Don't forget my grandparents way down in Cuba. Hoping you won't forget any body. Your friend, E. C. McBroom, Jr., 532 East Fourth street. Charlotte, Dec. 12, 1921. Dear Santa: Please bring me a doll bed and a doll chair for her to sit in and a little trunk to keep her little dresses in. I will close, wishing you a merry Christmas and a hapny New Year. Your friend, Kathleen " Robinson. Kings Mountain, X. Dec. 12, 1921 Dear Santa I am a little boy eight years eld. I want you to please bring me a horn, cap pistol and four rolls of caps and a drum, some candy and nuts, lour friend, Jiles Cornwell. Lincolnton, N C, Dec. 6, 1921 Dear Santa:, I am a little girl four years old and I would like for you to bring me a little muff s.nn Kome kid gloves and a baby dol'l and . uluc Leiepnone ana a oed, some nuts and fruit. Y'our little girl, Rachel John ston, 203 South Poplar street. Charlotte, N. Q. Dec. 12 1921 Dear Santa: Please bring me a rain cape, kid gloves, blue bedroom slip pers, overshoes, candy, fruit and nuts. Your little friend, Lucile McWhirter. Charlotte, X. C. Dec. 10, 1921. Dear Santa: Please bring me' an auto mobile, harp, drum, candy, fruit and r,V'.Your little friend, Thomas McWhirter. Charlotte, X. C. Dec. 11, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 10 years old. 1 want you to bring me a raincoat and a pair of overshoes. I have two little brothers, one of them is five years old. He wants a cap pis tol anJ some caps and a harp and my other little brother is two years old. He wants a little Kiddie-Kar and we all want candy, nuts and fruit. Marie Lindsay, Ray Lindsay and Charles Lindsay. S3 What Could Be A f! Great er Gift Charlotte, X. C, Dec. 12, 1921 Dear Santa Claus: I am nine years old and I go to school and I want you to bring me a bicycle and if you can't bring me a bicycle, please bring me a little train that runs on a track also some fruit, nuts and candy. Wish ing you a merry Christmas. Your friend, Otto Nash. 505 West Eleventh street. . Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 12, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a littles boy five years old and I want you to please bring me a little tricycle and some lruit, nuts and candy. Don't forget mamma and daddy. Your devoted lit tj friend, Raymon Nash, 505 West Eleventh street. a Charlotte, X. C, Dec. 12. 1921. Dear Santa: 1 am a little girl and I go to school. I Want VOU to hrinp- mo j a pair of skatts and anything else you j will bring will be appreciated. Your I little friend, Magdalene Nash, 505 West Eleventh street. I! than Quality Luggage this Christmas a Traveling Case or a handsome Leather Bag one that will create a feeling of pride and satisfaction in the owner. Make your Christmas gift a practical one. A Mellon traveling bag or case will be more highly appreciated than some thing else that is ornate and pretty but of little utility. Surely there can be no greater gift than one that affords so many conveniences and lasts for a long time." Show your thoughtfulness by selecting a bag or case here as a gift to Mr. or Mrs. Trav eler. . m 1 1 Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 11. 1921.. j Dear Santa I am a little boy five Years old. T want vnn t- vvin H a train and a little wagon and a pop- , oumc v-o-jjo me uittciiers, some j nuts, oranges, apples and some candy, and don't forget my. mother and father. Your little friend, Dweley Reid. Charlotte, X. C, Dec. 11. 1921. Dear Santa- I am a little girl eight years old. I want you to bring me a doll that will open and shut her eyes with olack curly hair. I want a doll carriage and a doll bed and a tea set and a stove. Bring me some oranges, apples, nuts and candy. Don't forget my mother and father. Your little friend, Annie Reid. 11 Charlotte, X. C. December. 12, 1921. Dear Santa Clans Wp ; girls two and five years old. Now will j you please bring us lots of fruits, candy j and nuts. Now Santa please bring me j a kitchen cabinet a horn a rolling pin j dough board and biscuit cutter and that i is all I want this time, anfl I little sister a baby doll and a piano and stool ana a horn we will than you so much, 2 Columbia Ave. FRAXCES and VIVIAN KELLY. Charlotte, X. C. Dec. 11. 1921. ' Dear Santa Claus I am a little boy 7 years old. I eo to school PVPrv fllir jl love my teacher very much and try ! to obey her in every way. Will you j please bring me a writing desk, a drum, a raincoat, a. born. a. rain o-oo , , " OU111C nuts and candy if there is anything else 5rou wish to bring 1 will be very 1 thankful. Your little friend. j JACK McALPINE. R. F. D. 10. I Charlotte, X. C. Dec,' 12, 1921. Dear Santa Claus I am a little boy seven years old and I want you to bring me a wagon, a cap pistol and lour box of caps and some candy, oranges and nuts. Wishing you a happy Christmas. Your friend. DICK BARNES. i ME LION Second Floor Dear Santa Claus I want an Indian suit and hat, a black board and fire wagon with hook and ladder. ADDISON BRENIZER. 1 Charlotte, N. C. December 11, 1921. Dear Santa Claus I am a little boy 9 years old. T want, von t- v,-,- bicycle, a gun, and a cap pistol, one box caps and some apples and oranges and candy. I have no papa to buy my ! Christmas this year. MILLER FENNEL. Dowd Road. Scan Dear Santa Claus I want a pair of skates, cap pistol, six boxes of caps, gun and watch, nuts, candy and fruit J. B. CARPENTER, Jr. 13 Wilmore Drive. Dear Santa Claus Please bring me a little doll cradle, ham. trunk nnri w of nuts, candy and fruit. MARY JANE CARPENTER, 13 Wilmore Drive. Everyone Realizes that "No 1 Home Is Complete With out Music7 The "Pre-War Price Savins and Our Carload Sale Week Terms are Proving a Big Boom to the Home-lovers who want the Joy of Music in their Home for the Holidays. This handsome, large cabinet type instrument with full Three-Spring Motor and Non-Set Stop is now only 3t 1 !lii7i 4 There is nothing anywhere near its value to be had under $125.00.. Our convenient terms with out interest makes iteasy to own one of these fme machines. JK S'Sf-?th- 1 1 1 P 1 lfilfoaHI 1 $ghm4m I . I i 1 1 Pl. Columbia E-2 $1 Cash and $1 Per Week Buys This Genuine j oiumoi a No home need be without cheerful mu Columbia C-2 $45 sic this Christmas. With the popular Columbia Records you have all the music of all the world and most of the fun of it, too. Come in early i and select your machine and records. "Get It at McCoy's" J.J.JB.llJIJiJlJ.ISl

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