THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 15, 1921. SOCIETY NEWS MISS ADELAIDE PKARSON CAIJnVEIA, Sod! Editor. Phone 277 4L StejjaH-McWhirter Nuptials. "Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock a pretty home wedding was solemnized when Miss Mamie Watt McWhirter and Nathaniel C. Stegall were married at the home cf the bride's parents on East Tenth street. Rev. L. D. Thomp son, pastor of the Hawthorne Lane Methodist church, officiating. The home was beautifully decorated, the Christmas decorations being used, and the ceremony was performed un der an arch of cedar and holly between the living room and the dining room. The wedding music was played by Miss Cora Le.? Sykes, and prior to the ceremony Miss Mary Alice Van Der berg, cousin of the bride, sweetly sang "At Dawning." To the strains of Men delssohn's Wedding March, the bridal party entered from the parlor. Miss Louise McWhirter, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She was gowned in pink tulle over blue satin and wore a corsage of pink roses and sweetpeas. Little Miss Jessie Colon Shelby, the pretty little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Shelbv dresspd in a rl;iintv frock of pink crepe de chine with tulle trimmings, was ring bearer, and car ried the ring in a white rose. The bride entered on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage, and was met at the arch by the groom and his bes man, Howard L. Beatty, who entered from the hall. Miss Sykes rendered "Melody of "Love" during tho ceremony. The bride was charming in her wed ding gown of duchess satin trimmed in seed pearls, with court train falling from the shoulders. Her veil was cap fashion and held in place by a wreath 01 orange oiossoms. She carried a Christmas Service at Y. W. C. A. An impressive service for the Y. W. C. A. is being planned for Sunday after noon at 5 o'clock, this being the occa sion of the visit of "The Spirit of Christmas" to the Association family. There will be a processional, led ay the "Spirit of Christmas" and her atten dants, who are girls from the v-inoui groups in the Association, dressed in white robes and veils. The beautiful old Nativity hymns and carols v:i'! h? sung; the Bible-story of Chrise s birth will be read; a Christmas-tale will be told; a Christmas-poem will be read: and lastly will come the ceremony of "The Hanging of the Greens", which takes place at the close of the recession il. The audience takes part in this recessional, falling in behind the leaders, marching through the house, taking the Christ mas greens and hanging them with old time impressiveness. Miss Jeanne MacMillan acts as te Spirit of Christmas", Miss Mary Bre vard Alexander ioacls the Christmas poem. Miss Julia Hagood tells a Christmas-story and gives the story of Christ's birth as related in the Gospels. The music is in charge of Miss Kuth Hanna. The hour has been set at 5 o'clock in order that the service may not interfere with the Christmas con cert of the Ivey Choral Club at 3:30. Wakins-AusHn Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. George Crosby enter tained at their home in Newell Mon day evening, announcing the engage ment of Miss Bertha Austin and J. W. Watkins. The dining-room was artistically decorated, the color scheme being pink and green. In the center of the table shower hour-mot nf PtHrto-Q -.., stoocl a miniature oncte and groom, asparagus ferns surrounded by a garland of ferns and Mr ariri AirV ot,n -m 1, ' Tink. chrysanthemums. At each cor- houekeng'inmTedla ely n j tab,e cle" own home, HOC East Tenth street? 8 v?01 hghted ca,TV?le' -KV The bride is tho onw Each guest drew a white ribbon Mr and Mrs V ATowiffJ -J?lfrom the hand of a little Cuid- to was born a nJ 'rol'rof i ' 12 'nich was attached a card bearing the ngbdlv, iss Bertha clous, and is admired by a wide circle j "X ii iV J- U "alRins' Jan" of friends. ua? 19-- Mr. Steea.ll is the ne w ! eiresnmems were served alter the r. and Mrs. v. P swa i tV i announcement was made. B. F. Duncan, of Atlanta, formerly of Charlotte, is visiting friends in the city. -0- John D. Shaw, who is studying law at Harvard University, will arrive home next Wednesday to spend Christ mas with his mother, Mrs. J. D. Shaw, at her home in Myers Park. He will ti-avel from Boston to Norfolk by boat. Dr. W. J. Martin, of Davidson Col lege is a visitor in the city Thursday. Misses Laura Tillet, Marion Propst, j Margaret McLaughlin and Martha Davis, who attend Salem College at Winston-Salem, arrived home Thurs day for Christmas vacation. Mrs. Archibald Brady, of Chicago, will spend Christmas here with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Mellon, and she will ateo visit her mother, Mrs. J. H. Craig, in Gastonia. James Shannonhouse, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Shannonhouse, will arrive home Friday from Charles ton, S. C, where he, attends Porter Military Academy. ' Accompanying him home to be his guest throughout the holidays will be a class-mate, Francis Osborne, of Sewaneo, Tenn. Ensign Frank M. Shannonhouse, Jr., of the U. S. S. Delaware, will not be able to get home for Christmas, as he was here on furlough for Thanksgiv ing. Miss Ray Vera Rippey will arrive home Saturday from the Shenandoah Institute, where she is specializing in piano and voice, to spend the Christ mas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hardin, the latter her sister. Miss Rippey makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hayner, of Roch ester, N. Y., will arrive in the city Friday morning to spend the Christ mas season with their daughter, Mrs. Coral Hayner Baker, at her home on North Tryon street. Mrs. W. R. Huffstettler, of Gastonia, is a visitor in the city Thursday. Wallace Howell has returned from Overhill, in the Eastern part of the State, where he has spent the past few days. Coming to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George A. Howell at their home on South Tryon street will be their t,on, Harvey Howell, who is- attending- Georjria Tech in Atlanta and Messrs. J. W. Wntkins. .T "VT Wroua showers have been given ! XK,V&- S for Miss McWhirter since her an-i nouncement. and nrinr tn the wdi;nr ! - ci.vG i wcumiiK cu;)i5ei in ner nonor at t j ...... ... . . i 111 lJrl l . Teonarrl A unne-v Erin rf "TVc- T r d Tillie Helms and Marion Jr-- "'tha and Elizabeth, of Atlanta; jii. ami George a. xiowen, jr., who are at oresent livintr in Minnea polis, Alinn.. and who -will arrive in the . city next Tuesday. Archibald S. j Perry, of Summerville, S. C, will ar-1 rive in Charlotte a day or so before ! Christmas to join Mrs. Ferry and lit nrViiu ( u j,- , Jieonara lancev. son of Mr; Tj Ti "iLuiiis iu .tun jus. xerry ana iu- SlSff9 krtiiett who, for some pres her most intimate friends bein ent. Plans for Midnight Dance Changed. The Christma.4 dance, planned for Monday morning, December 26th, from J--OU it. m. lO D a. TTl. Jl lioon nnct J t t 1. ... 1 . at the Presbvterian Ifnsnital Verin.-. day night, is reported as doing very nicely. Miss Doxey To Entertain. A delightful event, of the holidays win De tne oridge party to be given time, have been with Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Perry's parents. Mrs. W. R. Odell, of Concord, is a visitor in Charlotte Thursday. Mrs. C. C. Coddington and son, Dab- nr-V. li.ive returnerl 1-inmo aftop cnati. poned until Monday eveninrr. fmm in! by Miss Eloise Doxev at the AT vers ' inS th.-ee weeks at. Hot Springs, Ark., to 4 o'clock. The dance will take iiI.opp : Park Club Tuesday afternoon. Decern- i vhere Master Coddington underwent ai me flyers Jr-arlc C uh. a 1-TtTet oun. oer zi. at 3:30 o'clock. i u-eaimsnc. per will be served 'at midnight. Tho ' dance is to be a subscription affair. Birth , Music will bo furnished by the Serena-' Announcement. ders' orchestra. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Aus tin Wednesday, a son, Fred Lee Aus tin, Jr. . Diners at Myers Markels Dance Thursday Evening. Ine interest Of SOCietv is rentorn i-n T1r . - . . v v 4 . w 111 m. Ul 1J tlUU tho MveSrTpark S th,,6" .Amone those 'having reservations for 12 ,, u C ub rhurKlay even- dinner at the Myers Park club for Stftt Prior thtS ?TmCntv f DiC, Thsday evening are and hp ;;.-2r n ? iM e f mner wlU Wlllara E- Thomas, Mr. and ' Mrs ui",,c' Jiuuia siu irom u to s the dance to begin at 8 and last till after 12. Music will be furnished by Markels orchestra of New York. Markels will play during dinner, and for the dance afterward. Saturday Evening Dance At Myers Park Club. The regular Saturday evening din-ner-dance at the Myers Park Club will uo given isaturclay evening, with din- Rev. Grier Pressley and family, of Hickory Grove, S. C, were visitors in the city "Wednesday. O Mrs. Albert Sidney Goss and two j children, Ruth Dowd and A. S. Goss, I Jr.. ot Albany. Ga., are visitinsr Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Dowd, Mrs. Goss par ents, tn Park avenue. Dilworth. They will remain here i-.ntil after Christmas, and it is expected that Mr. Goss will join thorn here shortly before Christ- ! mas. Mr. and Mrs. Thomnsnn in Keep House. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clayton Thomp son, who are at present visiting Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Dowd, at their home on Park avenue, Dilworth, expect to begin house keeping in the Dowd apartments about tho first of January. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thompson arrived in me city last week to make their l.e me ner from 7 to 9, and dancing from atte' living in Boston, Mass., ever since ft tn 19 1Tiic?irt -mill V. : . -i t tHiaiT rci rrin crc to 12. Music will be furnished by Lajoie's orchestra. Dance and Buffet Supper At Country' Club. The week-end dance at the Charlotte Sherrill-Jenkin s Wedding Wednesday. Miss Ruth Jenkins niirl Front- evii J Sherrill, both prominent and popular Country Club will take place as usual XS Vg pJeoPle of the city were married Saturday evening, dinner preceding the i edneday morning at 11 o'clock at dance from 6:30 to 8, with dancintr Tryon Street Methodist church, the from 9 to 12. During the intennisison fastor- Rev- H. G. Hardin, performing at 11 o'clock a buffet a suoner will " "".y- in& wedding was very Joel Yarbrough, Louis C. Watts rmd Beverly Gresham. students at Fish burne Military Academy at Waynes boro, Va., will arrive home Saturday night to spend the Christmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yarbrough, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Watts and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gresham, respectively. Miss Garnett Brown returned to her home in Grovania, Ga., Tuesday, after spending ihe past two weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Watts, the latter her j rtuiit, cil tntsir nuiiie on .cast .tsouievaru Dilworth. be served in th cluh Music for the dance will be furnished by the Southern Melody sextette. Miss Beauchamp Celebrates Birthday. Miss Stewart Beauchamp, the attrac tive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beauchamp, entered a number of her friends at her home, 306 North Brevard street Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 in celebration of the hos tess' 12th birthelay. The home was beautifully decorated , iime. ,jna tnere were no attendant a Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill went to New York, from where they will take boat for Miami, Fla. After an absence of three weeks, they will return to Char lotte, where they will make their home in future. Personals MlSS Alice Rliolrcn an On1 HTJ T " v"""" u J.II5& iJUCV and Miss Beauchamrentrtained w h ' fnary 'at StaiStoS x7 ?Uw? iSem" rames and contests. Refresh ment. ' " ' iTu.L taun.ton-. a- arrived home Llyod Staten. only son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Staten, will arrive home Sat urday from ths.Tome School at Port Deposit, Md., to spend the Christmas vacation with his parents at their home on Hawthoren Lane. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Murray and daughters. Misses Sarah and Mary Mur ray, will leave Thursday night for New York where they will spend several days. Enroue home, they will stop over in Washington and Baltimore. Mrs. Word H. Wood and daughter, Miss Louisiana, and Mrs. B. B. Gos sett and daughter, Miss Katherine, of Anderson, S. C, returned to the citv Wednesday mcrnirg after spending a wees m iew iorK. Mr. Wood and Mr. Gossett. who accompanied t.h om tr Xew York, will remain there several days loncer. were served. Each guest at the party remembered the little hostess with a well selected ?ift. and Mrs. E. O. "RnVmnan ., t... . D. Heath, Sr., respectively. Thomas A. Little is in Raleigh. USEFUL INEXPENSIVE GIFTS MAY BE HAD IN BOOKS GAMES GIFT STATIONERY LEATHER GOODS PICTURES And in the HUNDREDS OF INDIVIDUAL GIFT ITEMS With Which Our Store Abounds OFFICE SUPPLIERS AND FURNISHERS A BOOK STORE OF RARE EXCELLENCE AMERICAN VESSELS ON SEAS INCREASE Washington, Dec. 15. The tonnage of American vessels registered in for eign trade at the end of the last fiscal year was almost eleven times greater than in 1914, according to the annual report of the Commissioner of Naviga tion, made public today, which showed a total of 28,012 vessels of all kinds to talling 18,282,136. gross tons under American registry on June 30, last. This was an increase of 1.958,114 gross tons, or 12 per cent over the nrnceHin:? fiscal year.. Vessels built during the fiscal year numuerea i.rfbi or l',L'Go,115 gross tons. American ships lost during the yar totalled 183,209 tons and those sold to foreign flags 116,572 tons. The report showed that 48.3 per cent of the seamen and officers below ihe grade of master shipped and re-shipp-M on American vessels by shipping com missioners were American citizens. The delicate shades of linen can be ! wept 11 om lading by using plenty of powdered borax in the water in which they aro washed and rinsed. A STIEFF PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS Pay a small amount down. We tag the Piano. Pay remainder of down payment Christmas, and we deliver. Balance easy payments. CHAS. M. STIEPF, Inc.. Charlotte. N. C. Please send catalogue and prices of Pianos. Name .... Address . . . 4 THE GIFT ITH A I.TPT 365 days of satisfaction In 1 and boy. A Y. M. C. A. member ship. Under 15 years, $5. Over ;15 years, $7. Physical, educa- tional and Bible training. Enter j tainments, meetings, swims, etc. Ask the boy. Phone 159. 13-10t Promptly Relieves "SORE THROAT" "CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER" 'A BON MARCHE STORE ft ft 6 hrisima w Simply a Matter of )ays ffow Tremendous Christmas stocks here displayed where you can find them easily and quickly and an important point is that prices practically all sway decidedly your way try us. omens and Misses Coats m In dozens of smart models at $4-5.00 Every type of Coat worn by smart wsomen this season is inclu ded; semi-fitted coats and straight line models for the more slender figure loose back and wrappy models for both women and misses. The materials are Bolivia, Pollyanna and Normandy. Many have col lars of wolf, of Skunk, of Australian Opossum or of Nutria. The sizes range from 36 to 46. The colors are in the popular shades of brown, blues and black. Jf tfou're Jhinking jGbout Jewelry You make a mistake if you fail to take advantage of the SAMPLE SALE OF JEvLY. Just a few prices to give an idea of this sale's possibilities : Gold Rings, set with 3-4 kt. Reconstructed White Sap phire, $7.50 value $2.5( Genuine Hand Cut Shell Cameo Brooches $2.20 to $3.85. Others ask up to $14.50 for same. Gold Shell Thimble, 10-yr kind 85c Sterling Silver Bracelets for 85c Children's Rings, set with Genuine Chip 50c Over five hundred patterns of high grade Scarf Pins 35c, 45c, 65c Some Solid Gold worth up to $3.00. Solid Gold Lingerie Clasp at 85c Solid Gold Dress Pins 85c Solid Gold Birthday Rings at $2.00 Gold Top Pendant and Chain, worth up to $3.50, at 85c OVER ONE THOUSAND PATTERNS OF RINGS AND SCARF PINS SET WITH MEXICAN WHITE TOPAZ THEY DECEIVE EXPERTS SEE DISPLAY IN WINDOW Coheres a Reason is$hy Jhis Qalcontf Shoe tStore Sprang into instant favor. Here's a few of them: Shoes of Style ' Shoes of Quality Shoes of Comfort. Shoes that embrace all these at a reasonable price. Black Kid Beaded, one-strap, baby Louis heel n qq Brown Satin Sandal, full Louis heel at $10; $111 Evening Pumps in black, silver and gold. Children's dress shoes. THERE'S JUST 15 OF THESE Mens Silvered Comb and Brush Sets that are $8.50 for each m important Xmas Sale of The set consists of a beautiful mirror, comb and brush, all neatly packed in an upholstered box. 3 Sterling Silver Sets of Comb and Brush that Cr7 K(i were $10.00 for each $ Neatly packed in velvet covered case. 3 Sterling Silver Baby Sets Comb and Brush ?0 0 . in neat cases, were $3.50, for each . ., tj)4 In a Sale at One-Half Marked Price Oregon Mills Indian Robes, were $10.50 for $5.25 Were $14.75 for ... $7.50 Plush Motor Robes, were $13.50 for $6.75 Motor and St earner Hugs Steamer Blankets pretty designs and colorings were $10.00 for .... $5.00 Were $22.00 for . . $11.00 Scotch Plaid Blankets, all wool, size 68x80, double, in pretty colorings, were $19.50 for $9.75 IMPORTER'S SAMPLE SALE OF MADEIRA LINENS Beautifully embroidered in designs which only months of patient effort could produce. displayftS that thG hoaseholder wUl delight to prize and Round pieces from 18 inch to 72-inch. Scarfs in every length. Ovals or odd shapes. f Towels Pillow Cases Carriage Covers Glove or Handkerchief Cases Napkins or Table Covers. All priced from a third to a fourth under rcirulaf. A, SALE OF LACE TRIMMED SCARFS AT io ootiJ1Iy lace or with lace inserts, 18x36, 18x4o, 18x54. These were $1.25 and 1.50. HOLIDAY GIFT TOWELS !wv wdreC5. Bat5 Towels with iacquard borders 50c nriiter-d and Jac(uard weave Bath Towels in pretty colorings "ior to $1.39 All Linen Huck Towels for gift purposes. ....... $1-0 Otthoei"$2:00?n Ituk TWels with damask borders ?L5 I f

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