THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 15, 1921. WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT LOST FOUNlT The Pnllin'est "Want" Ad Page Punished. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE -CENT-A . WORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set thia style and type one rent per word each Insertion. FOR RENT STYLF 'TV SET THIS TYPE, TWO CENTS EACH INSERTION. STYLE AND PER WORD STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each mrertion. Arw stv!s "lnffE-r" either ton or hot torn, or between lines, at dole the nlov rate. C!afistnrt advertwini: is sold ch with nrd'r hntl or convenient of Charlotte ' patrons, who nre I'sted in the telephone nreorv. or hnnvn In the newspaper offlre. it mpmnranflnm chare wtH be made with the TDecatkn that the h) he paid rrflen presenten. Rirnlr rinsslfirstlon of ads cannot be fmamntf after 12 oYIork for Daily Edition or after 30 p. m. Saturday for Sunrtav Kditfon. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Linotype operator Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. tf .i.Mt,u .ooc; imuse servant, to i:e on (lot. Call between 11: and 1 p. ra. or after G p. in.; 337 Lamar Aw;. 10-tf WANTED 200 school boys and girls To compete for prizes For-Get-Me-Not IVty. Apply to Norman L. Tucker, Mint Hldcr.. Wednesday and Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock. 14-2t WANTED A N. Tryon. house girl at once; 223 14-3t WANTED An experienced cook. Ap ply 325 N. Tryon. 14-3t V..VM hi.) Lady for cashier; dayhgnt work. Apply in person. John S Itiako Drue- Co. 15-tf CMAULOTTK concern will soon have openings for two. possibly three, 'iifrgftie responsible men for work in Charlotte. Previous training not fssential &h our representative will train accepted applicants. Salary or r-urnmisiiion. Effective immediately. Currespondence confidential. Address Box 9S, care News. 15-lt ANTED EXTRA SALESLADIES. APPLY F. W. WOOL WORTH CO. 15-2t WANTED Salesman and District Man a per willing to work hard and show he i worth $150 per week. We want io establish lowest priced guaranteed rord tiro in this locality. Crescent Cord Tire Company, Plymouth, Ind. 15-lt A ANTED Competent file clerk and typist: well established local firm. Permanent position. Write, stating experience and salary expected. "Ju dicial." care News. 13-2t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To make your mattresses and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co., 250 N. McDowell St. Phone 1127-L2. . 22-tf WANTED To buy $2000 worth of fur niture and stoves. Peidmont Furni ture Co. Phone 4344. ll-18-30t WANTED To put your furnace in good order, inspect your flues and prevent fires. Strange & Brady. Phone 3149. 31-tf WANTED Your irg, refinishing Pi one 406.9. painting,' calsomim fioors. J. S. McCall. 12-tf MOVEY WANTED Four thousand dollars at ten per cent secured by first mortgage on improved city rel estate. Phone 339. 9-tf WANTED To do your carpenter work and repair work. Phone 3124-J. . 12-4t WANTED Men's ciothinj aside. Call 1371. you've laid 12-4t WA NTED Several ladies, at No. 2 Phone 229S-W, or boarders, men o. West Tenth St call H. C. Gibson 13-6t FOR RENT Three rooms apartment, partly furnished, 1600 S. Boulevard. Phone 2416. 6-tf FOR RENT One furnished room, 1600 S. Boulevard. Phone 2416. 6-tf FOR RENT Heated room to traveling man. Will care for mail; 8 W. Sev enth St. 4-tf FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping to couple. Phone 4014-W. 3-tf FOR RENT Office building, SO oihees. well located. J. H. McAden. Phone S60. 3-tf FOR RENT OfFce room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT t'eman or Poplar St. Furnished room business woman; to gen 608 N. 9-tf FOR RENT Large light ground floor steam heated office. Phone, clerk, furniture, if de sired. Morris E. Trotter. 9-tf FOR RENT Furnished room all mod ern. Phono 729 or call at 120S South Tryon St. 10-7t FOR RENT Six-room brick house, 204 North Church. W. J. Harty. 12-tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment, three rooms and private bath, Eliza beth section, no children. Phono 1S25-W. - 12-7t FOUR Ave. ROOMS to Phone 673-J. rent. 1S32 Dallas 13-3t FOR RENT Store room, 317 East Trade St. Apply Morrison Vulcaniz ing Co.. or E. C. Griffith Co. 13-3t FOR RENT with meals. girls Phone 2973-W Room to business private family, close m 13-3i FOR SALE REAL ESTATiS ROOMS, near Southern station. House in excellent condition. Large lot with garage. Fine Investment for S8S50. Terms easy. Queen City Realty - Co. Call 535. 13-5t ROOMS practically new, in Dil worth. Large lot with fruit. Garage .rrice rerms. immediate pos session. Queen City Realty Co. Phone 535. 13-3t ROOMS, new. in Elizabeth, hard wood floors, breakfast room. Large lot, double garage, on shady side Price $7000. Very easy terms. Imme diate possession. Queen City Realty Co. Phone 533. 13-ot FOR SALE Beautiful six-room bunga low. Lot oOxloO feet on Worthignton Ave. Bargain. Price $6500. Phone 4208 or 877. E. C. Griffith Co., 214 S Tryon. 14-5t FOR SALE Home in Myers Park, seven large rooms, sleeping porch, hot air heat. Phone 87 or 4208 E. C. Griffith Co., 214 S. Tryon St 14-5t FOR SALE Six-room bungalow. Polk Ave. Large lot; $5000. Excellent buv Phone 877. or 420S. E. C. Griffith Co. 214 S. Tryon St. 14-ot F'OR SALE Lovely bungalow in Eliza beth section. Six large rooms; $1000 will swing deal. Phone 877 or 4208. E. C. Griffith Co., 214 S. Tryon St. 14-5t FOR SALE Good building lots on Statesville Ave. Sewerage, water, electric lignts, p?:v-ecl walks, hard- surfaced street. Price 5700 to $1100 with terms. J. E. Murphy & Co. lOUNO MAN wants room mate, com fortable room. Phone 4972. 1 3-tf FOR RENT Well furnished room with use of kitchen and dining room, furnace heat. Phone 1899-W. 14-3t FOR RENT One room with hfat, centrally located. Phone 2155-W. 14-tf FOR RENT January 1, six-room apartment. Phone 2775-W. 3 4-3t YOUNG LADY will share five-room steam - heated apartment with con genial married couple. All modern conveniences. Phone 4502-J. 14-2t FOR RENT Six-room bungalow, Park way Drive. Possession 17th; $55 per month. W. C. Harris & Co., 104-106 Garibaldi Bruns Bldg. Phone 936. 14-3t FOR RENT To gentleman, nicely furnished room: 603 N. Pine St. 13-3t FOR RENT Poplar St. -Garage, close, in; 305 N. 15-3t FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms, 311V2 N. Tryon. Phone 2433-J. 16-2t FOR RENT Close in furnished rooms; 303 N. Church. 15-L't UNFURNISHED two-room apartment, private bath, lights included up stairs. Phone 2042-W, 516 S. Tryon. 15-tf FOR RENT Two nicely front bed rooms, close in; 225 South Cedar St. furnished 15-lt UNFURNISHED apartment of either three or four rooms, all conven iences, ground floor, Dilworth. Apply 403 Worthington Ave. 15-lt FOR RENT Desirable furnished cot tage, Elizabeth. Six rooms, bath, heat, large lot, garage, $90 month. Lease to October, 1922. Adults only. E. C. Griffith Co. Phone 4208. 15-lt FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms upstairs, private bath. Water, lights and phone furnished. Between South ern and Postofnce. Phone 3194-J. 15-3t FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms; 13 West Vance. Phone 829. 15-3t FOR RENT Room to oriQ or two gentlemen, convenient to bath, board next door, four blocks from square. Phone 2469. 15-3t FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close in. Phone house 1715-Wr. or 15-2t FOR RENT To gentlemen or couple without children, one nicely furnish ed front room, furnace heat, hot and cold water, adjoining bath. Meals near; 611. S. Tryon. Phone 930-J. 15-2t FOR RENT TO COUPLE, FURNISH ED FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT, STEAM HEAT. PHONE 741-J. 15-lt FOR SALE Splendid 7-room residence near Southern depot, on paved street. House in splendid condition. Nicely papered. Conveniently arranged. Good garage. Price $8600. Easy terms. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod F O R SALE Nice 6-roorn bungalow on Worthington Ave., Dilworth. Paved street. House in good condition. Good location. Nicely arranged. Has heating plant. Price $6250. J. E. Murphy & Co. 11-St-eod FOR SALE Five-room bungalow in fine condition. Good location. Nice neighborhood. Nic& home with mod ern conveniences. Price $5250. J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod FOR SALE Nine-room residence on Kingston Ave. House in splendid condition. Fine neighborhood. Modern conveniences. HartVwood floors. Walla in good condition. Nice sleeping porch. Garage. Good lot. Price $9500. . J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod FOR SALE Five-room house. Lights, water and sewerage. Part cash bal ance B. & L. Phone 423-W. 7-6t-eod IMPROVED MECKLENBURG FARMS You will find what you want in our detailed list of choice farm offerings. H. H. THOMAS COMPANY 102 Trust Bldg. 15-tf FOR SALE Lot, two. blocks from carline; $275, $50 cash balance easy terms. D. V. Mason, 231 S. Tryon St. 14-3t FOR SALE Lakewood Park, one block car line. 7-room house, largo lot, practically new, electric lights, good water, very convenient; See Mrs Maynor. R. F. D. 5 .Box 12. 15-4t WE HAVE in 7-room house the Fourth Ward a with heat on Isrco lot very desirable location, bargain price. You will have to take quick action on this Queen City Realtv Co. Call 535. 15.3t FOR SALE By owner, modern conveniences. o-room house, Call 2428. 15-3t I OR SALE Cottage, 813 East Ninth St. for colored people. Bargain for quick sale. Also nice four-room house 1001 East Second street, $1200. Easy terms. Home Real Estate & Guar a.nyt Co. Phone 589. it m. bOK SALE If you want to buy a home phone me. I have a number of nice lots located in Myers Park Hermitage Court, Crescent Ave. and rast liouievara. V. 1, Rnn,i.i Bldg. Phone 12 77. 13-3t-tue-thur-eun FOR SALE BLUE GEM COAL $10.50 PER TON This Coal is screened and forked, and is absolutely free from slate or slack. Our Coal is weighed on HOWIE SCALES, delivered on Pneumatic Tired Trucks, by courteous white dri vers. We handle the very best grades of Domestic and Steam Coals, retail or carload lots. Phone 4813. COCHRAN COAL COMPANY 7-tf BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 9-12t FOR SALE One typewriter desk, one Royal typewriter, one large desk, two swivel office chairs, two other office chairs. Apply 907 Commercial Bank Bldg. 4-tf BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 10-12t For Sale Oak and Pine Wood Also Good Lump Coal Vance's Wood Yard Corner Johnson & Eleventh Phone 4815 10-7t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Maxwell touring car, A-l shape New paint and top, practi tically new tires, best offer gets it. Cash or terms. Phone 437S. 6-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE One ton Ford truck, two other light delivery trucks. Going cheap. Motor Supply Co. Phone 1270. 20-tf E'OR SALE One new one and half ton Seldon truck; one new ton and half Velie truck; one new 7-passnger Cole 8 touring car, 1922 model; one new 5-passenger Velle. Big bargains for quick sale. Phone 232. P. O. Box 496. Charlotte. 4-tf FOR SALE Cadillac. Good cord tiref, $550; private owner; 206 W. Seventn St. Phone 2087-W. l2-4t FOR SALE Ford 16 -valve racer. 3 to 1 gearing, Stromberg carburetor. Call 365-W. 3-tf BARGAINS We have several very good used cars that can be bought right and on easy terms. t USED CAR EXCHANGE, 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf STORAGE cars wanted. Store your car for the winter. Monthly rates. Phone 4175; 9 N, Brevard St. 9-7t BARGAINS IN than 20 used models $200.00 and Hipp, 211 4050- USED CARS More automobiles different and up.' Apply Sehorn N. College St. Phone 7-tf "WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Local Distance Hauling Moving Packing Storing WE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO. 207 W. Fourth St. DAY PHONE 1166 NIGHT PHONE 5074 LEVY'S EYEGLASSES tit all eyes. Nothing better; 7 East Trade. 11-23-tf WATCH THE KIDDIES' FEET. They want frequent repairing; keeps thorn looking neat and cost less. We repair shoes by factory methods. A. P. Hill' Quick Repair Shop, 209 N. Col lege. 25-tf PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn, Char lotte. N. C. Phon 2335-L-8. 16-12-t WALL PAPER HANGINU, house painting. Call J.. M. Muse. Phone 423-L2. 9-tf NEW MATTRESSES mads out of your old ones. Renovated. New ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. Cal! 1588-J for particulars. Lawlng's Mattress Factory. U2 North Long St. 2S-tf ll-7t FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof or gutters. Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 7-tf STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES! Selling at cost plus hauling in our great sale on new gas ranges, combination ranges and all the heaters in our store. During this sale we will take your old stove in exchange. You can't afford to miss this opportunity if money means anything to you,. CHARLOTTE STOVE CO. 233 East Trade St. Phone 477 9-7t SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE Our new building is rapidly nearin,; completion. In order to quickly close out our stock of trsed Cars we are offering special Investigate the values all following this week. ONE HORSE and riplivprv ttq crrvT-5 w . ,7 UhVU cheap; 804 N. Brevard St. Phone 79. GAS RANGE for sale (Buck's). Call 6 f. M., 908 W. Second St. 13 5t T T nil yl , r unrisrmas trees, anv siz. nony, mistletoe, cedar branches Baxter Wilson. Phone County 2120 13-ot 9 IS Commercial I' OR SALE By owner, four-room oot tage. Villa Heights, $1500; $600 cash balance in B. & L. Will rent for -;i per month; 16 per cent ment. call at 1741 N. Pe of Belmont car line. m vest- ram, end 15-3t FOR SALE iUK KALE Special Dollar Dolls, but buy them now. Smith Novelty. 24 West Fifth. i3-3t T7 f T C A T" T-1 ... x uii. c.iui, one iiDrary tame, one chiffonier, one triple mirror dressin table, one double iron bed complete, all m splendid condition. Phone 436-J. i5-2t WANTED To buv B. F. Wellons. Lawyers' Bldg. a metal Phone 2755. garige Offices 13-3t wrf.Mtu-u you have property for saie list it with J. E. Murphy & Co. ll-3t-eod WANTED Used furniture. Phone 443S. nvr w. Kieventh St. 13-tf vit,u two flat ton desks. Must be bargain. Phone 2306. 15-lt WANTED Nice dog or puppy and Kitten, suitable as pets for children n. i,. late. Phone 481. 15-tf rura vvamau i rappers send me mink, coon, muskrat and all other rurs. mgnest price paid. Satisfaction guaranteed, snip direct from thia adv. Joseph McClamrock, Kannapolia WANTED To buy hemstitch- mg machine. Must be in good condition, jfnone 2265-J. 15-3t WANTED POSITION WANTED Job rienced younj S82-J. YOUNG MAN as auto ; white driver, expe man. Phono 13-4t nOW emdoved ia rmor, for an engagement January 1. Is ilrst class stenographer and has two years experience in selling cotton to Carolina mills. Address "Lesco." care News. LN1ERT STENOGRAPHER: WITH INITIATIVE WISHES POSITION CALL STENOGRAPHER. TELE PHONE 2979. 14.2t W ANTED Position by experienced ste- 14-tf nographer. Phone -1081-W, vvaa ted When in need of a compe tent stenographer or bookkeeper, you to call on us. Brown's RiiKinosc rv.t. lege. Phone 2566. 13-2t-eud WANTED Position: mechanical grad uate -with experience in machinery erecting and construction work, de sires position iu Charlotte or vi cinity. Address "Mechanical Appli cant," care News. 9-4t-eod SINGLE MAN wants position in bank. Five years' expe rience. Can furnish gilt-edg references. Address "Bank " . i-5t care News. CHRISTMAS GIFTS BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 10-12t FOR SALE Christmas plants, Cycla men, Begonias, Geraniums, Ferns and Palms. Phone 661-W, 407 Tenth Ave. i3.5t 1 T r . T 1 T ' 1 1 1 1 rr. rr . . 7 - lil.u rui.vsriiiAs on stem, 6c, be, 10c. Smith Novotoy, 24 W. Fifth. . 13-3t WE HAVE TOYS, DOLLS AND ELECTRIC EYED TEDDY BEARS. THE PRICES ARE LOW AND YOU SAVE MON EY. MORE MERCHANDISE FOR THE SAME MONEY - SAME MERCHANDISE FOR LESS MONEY. AMERICAN JEWELRY CO. . 328 EAST TRADE ST. OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. ll-3t eod AUTOMOBILES RENEWED AUTOMOBILES Best to be found in the city. Willys-Knight, -passenger. Overland 90, 5-passenger Overland 4, 5 pass&iger. Prices right. Terms easv. D AIL-OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade. 14-3t FOR SALE My Nash sport model. Looks and runs like new. One of the best cars in town. Will sacrifice for cash. Address W. M. B., care News. 14-4! .WANTED To exchan rig for Ford. re beautiful nonv Phone 2396. 15-2t FOR CLOSED CARS CAT.r. smpo'c AUTO SERVICE. 5016, DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. 15-St-nosat FOR SALE At Court House, Saturday, Dec. 17th, noon, one Hupmobile 5 passenger. t5-2t r uk, ssalCj Uak wood fnn,--vw lengcns, so per cord F O. TV oo0 shipping point. B. L. Smith. SDifts. - hi 14 N. FOR SALE Arbor vuaes, shade trees. i LiiL U ries. rfOCiias. innmorc oKm.i, iiiueu sii oy &aturaay at a sacdific -fnone 1lo-W. H. E. Johnson, 307 N. -nurcn t. 14 FROST PROOF CABiSAGE PLANTS tectums varieties, ready for shin ment; 1,000, F. E. post paid: 100, 25c; 500, $1.00- inspected C. ll-26-30t $1.60. Government Hull, "Ttock Hill, S. rrnn ?AT.r. m, , A t ""-""T;11' ouuu aray norse m a-x condition. Also cut-under dray anu. Harness, .fnone 201 or 1712-W, 14-5t FOR SALE Dry oak and nino Blue Gem lump coal. Fred N Phone 3SS0. W. wood, Hall 14-7 1 M. BELL. Nota ixb vnanotie wewa. Can be found most any hour to 8 p. m. J.' OK SALE Dozen ucktuiuui iern.q t.-.i- olu nome; vwz East Avenue. Phone 1905-J. 8-tf-t.hiir.B,, bALE Ives FOR boys' electric train QTl-1 standard make bic condition. Phone S208-J. 13-2t-eod FOR SALE next week. Xmas trees Phone 105. for delivery 15-3t KOR SAT T- v. TTTr- ;t VJ,xo iTj5e, Kitcnen caoi- "or0 "mms woie and chairs. Phone f'Ci R :-5 A T.T''" OhiM'o . "'we, oest maive, large tires, ball bearing in new con dition. Phone 2238-J. i:,t FOR SALE Edison ambrola nhonn h.' u'cora caoinet and 125 re--. i co ords. First News Cost $160. In $75 gets them. good condition. "Edison," care 15-4t FOR SALE equipment, desk with CHEAP Complete office Cutler desk, typewriter chairs, typewriter n,o. v--uiiiti., uniue cnairs, used monins, good as new; Bldg, or phone 4139. only six 308 Trust 15-3t FOR SALE Limited number Bcian raspberry plants. "Red Cuthbert," 50c dozen delivered. Phone 893. 15-2t FOR SALE Larere siz Jjgycle, .new. "Crown'' girl's Phone-27S5-J. 3-tf WANTED Everybody to attend Fa-rris Bros. Sale of Odds and Ends, Chairs, Rockers and va rious other articles, Sat urday morning' at 9:30 o'clock in the vacant lot on East Trade Street just this side of the sub way. Remember, the sale starts promptly at 9:30 o'clock. It will pay you to be there. 15-2t Stonewall Meat Market Bailey Bros., Props. We can supply you with the best of meats, chickens and turkeys. Our Prices are Low as the Lowest Steaks Oysters Beef Roast Beef Stew Veal Cutlets Veal Roasts Veal Stew Pork Chops Sausage Cured Ham Fresh Ham Fresh Fish In fact, anything kept m a first class market. Phone us your orders. We deliver anywhere in city. Give us a trial. Phone 3540. Stonewall Meat Market Bailey Bros., Props. 15-2t REAL VALUES IN USED CARS HUPMOBILES Hupp Coupe, reconditioned. Ideal fare iiy car. Hupp Model N, new paint, mechanical ly right. Hupp Model R touring, good all 'round condition. OTHER MAKES Chandler 7-passenger, practically new, Bargain. Chevrolet touring. Bargain. Dort, 1919 model touring. Stephens Salient Six brand new. Ford light truck. Just overhauled. Ford touring, cheap. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 703. 5 S. Poplar 25-tf We weigh and fork every ton of our Coal. Vbat is a dollar a ton on Coal when you buy of the dealer who has scules THINK IT OVER We Guarantee Wreight, Quality and Service. COAL OF QUALITY. WIGGINS FUEL CO. Cor. East Bland and R. R. Phone 1218 26-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, good as new. Phone 15SS-J. Lawing's Mattress Factory. 10-tf SPECIAL NOTICES COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 11-7- NOTHING BETTER fcr IJICOCUI lUr a Ilfl l.lnrl.. T)r Lew's pvflatc- n. t.!- -v 0.uwjv-c:. .uayn me cje o-iiu; i upstairs. Chi-:, Trad? rV I I I'M H i I 1 llri 1 n have been moved from t'ic building to 12 S. Tryon s Garibaldi & Bruns. 0:. AUCTION SALE buggies, harness at 10 o'clock a. m December 17, 1921. at mv S. College St. M. F. Trou?r PEERLESS ORCHESTR3 Music furnished for rUn. receptions, etc. H. W. EDDY, Jr., Manar Phone 2782 P. O. Box 260. WE SAVE YOU MONKY t Jewelry, and every piece anteed as represented. 18 "J in same block proves it. E graving free. ' ' AMERICAN JEWELRY CO 328 East Trad f Expert Watch Repairing, j YES xou can save mo-i nai"t?. shin.-,! house paints, flat wall stains, noor and woodwork van barn, wagon-and silo pain; buying direct from m.-irn'a' Liberal terms. Address "Pain" East Sixth St., Charlou i tXIOX NATIONAL DAMi Charlotte, N. C, Dec: The Directors of this Rank hnv declared a dividend of 6 "j payabl' December 31, 1921, out of' profits of the past six nionihs. Checks will be mailed. ' CHARLOTTE MOTOR 209 S. Church St. CAR CO. Phone 961 11-Ct FOR SALE 1-ton Clydesdale truck, absolutely new. A big bargain. Also Ford and Reo trucks and a Ford roadster and touring car. Priced to sell quick with easy terms. J. M. Clark, Inc., corner Church and Third Sts. 11-St FOR SALE One Ford coupe, one Ford touring, one Chancier club roadster, all in good condition. W. E. Bailey, Bailey Bros. Market, 519 W. Trade St. u-tf FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1917 model, one Ford lig:u delivery truck, cheaii. Phone 346. 11-tf FOR SALE Briscoe touring car, 19 model. Best offer gets it. A bargain cash or terms, or will trade for fur niture or house decorating. Phone S426 or 2597-J. l3-?t OVERLAND 90, 5-nasseno-er. for sale or trade. New tires, new battery, in good running condition. A rare bargain. Telephone 4461. 13-3t $800.00 BUYS CADILLAC CAR, new tires, excellent condition. Must sell leaving city. Phone 2216. 14-3t BUICK Wouldn't you like to know Used Car you intend to from. wnero the buy came MATERNITY" SANITARIUM Private renned, homelike. Homes provided tor iniants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Windsor, Atlanta. Ga. 12-26t-dailv R. G. LEE Phone 3634. & SON, Paper-Hangin g, 13-6t BEN F. FAVELL The Best in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 ' 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered. S-tf-thur-sat-mon-tue J. LEE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer, with J. W. Cobb. Phone 3695. Office 8-tf-ead MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES Made Fresh Daily in Charlotte at 225 South Tryon Street, Opposite Keith's Theatre. Packed to your order. 13-3t no Wed FOR CLOSED CARS CALL SHARP'S AUTO SERVICE, 5016, DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. 15-3t-nosat LOST OR FOUND STRAYED from home, bay mare weisrh mg about thousand pounds. Party finding such animal please nhonp 1037. 15-tf STRAYED OR STOLEN 'Rln mtt hound. Name" Morton. Also black and white spotted dog, part hound and part cur. Name Drvman Re ward. Phone 2903. 'i-. i lo-tf-thur D. P. TILL! :;tt, Cac'nicr. FOR CLOSED CARS AUTO SERVICE. NIGHT SERVICE. CALL SHARP' 5016, DAV Al li-3t-.u- WANTEDREAL ESTATi WANTED To rent small house it few acres land not over four ra: out. "K," care News. , WAITED To buy email house, i neighborhood, modern omvtTiira no inflated values, all or parts cash. Address Spot Cash, care N: FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf; 15' Elizabeth Ave. Phono S-16-W. 1'- GROCERIES THE BEST IS ALWAYS Tilt CHEAPEST. Come in and see our crystal' fruits, candies, nuts, both h :ie? ;: in the shell, imported raisins, '' dates, mince meat, plum puddinfr " pudding, cranberries. eociam;ts fn cakes, home-made cakes, fitrii I? of all kind. MILLER-TAN NTSS CO. Ferndell Pure Food Distributor- I' Chaiiolte. GORDON & D1LWORTHS mince meat and plum puddings a been recognized for many yrars !. -good housekeepers as the ie.: market affords. In crder to inpur-. success of your Xmas dinner be : to order this brand. For sale on.;- S. Tt. LENTZ W. M. Sigmon, rjr. 315 N. TrjMn. Phones 101 or 192. Big line fresh vegetables toda COFFEE! w giving it away but a. P .IK' I N I, r . i . uu .Nunii royiar. south Mint oi west first St., leather case iainmg papers valuable to only. Phone 1574-W. Receive con owner reward. 15-Ct HOUSES WANTED ROOMS Who owned it in the first place Hew he did he give it use it and what care did These questions should be answered to YOUR SATISFACTION. COME IN and look over our stock of Used Buicks. Every one has a pedigree that GUARANTEES your SATISFACTION. i C C- CODDINGTON, INC. 432 W. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. . , 14-ot For Sale One Ford touring car, ?215.00. Two Briscoe touring cars at special prices. J. H. Ham 306 N. Tryon Phone 352 l5-8t W'ANTED Jan 1. furnishprt tho ' v-s- four room apartment. Must be goo locality and nicely furnished. Steam beat preferred. "Apartment," care News. I?,, KOOMS WANTED Two or three un furnished light housekeeping, adults References furnished. Address "Pe-1 roancnt." care News. 13-3 WANTED Two rooms for light house keeping in private home, furnished or partly furnished, prefer close in Phone 4394. 14 BUSINESS OPORTUNITY dl ieoneJ'ho wishes to in vest $1000 in a beautiful valuable diamond ring. One of the safest aid most useful investments. Address , a. ti. l care News. xr TELL YOU how $600 in- yf?ed macle 570,000 together with $14,000 in dividends. Similar oppor tunity vaits you. -Write A. J. Kis selburgh, 226 Pacific Finance Bldg Los Angeles, Calif. 1Q7jt SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Automobile Salesman. Require ref erence. Apply to Mr. Caldwell, 330 S. Tryon. 15-lt POULTRY AND EGGS leghorn chickens at one-third origir a I cost. Thone 4031-W. ij.j SUGAR! We are not you try it you will wonder can give such good coffee for so t- less than anyone else. K"iii s grade known all over the Ur.ittM per Tb ' Or 3 lbs. for ', Trinity Blend, lb ; Genuine Mocha & Java, Vi. '. We have other grades. .. -1 8c to Pet Milk, small size '., Or dozen 2 Large size J, Or dozen , Cocoa, lb Or 1-2 Tb Chocolate, lb ' Or 1-2 rb. C. D. KFN T f 0. Teas, Coffees. Sugars, C,ri Brftt ?3 S. Tryon St. Fhons bv We Deliver CITY OF CHARL OTTE BULLETIN All automobiles found in J restricted district after midnight will be towed in police headquarters and ject to a fine. Effective urday night. f.

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