THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 15, 1921. r . i .. U. S. Department ef Agriculture, Weather Bureau. CHARLES F. MARVIN, Chief. DAILY WEATHER MAP, i w Si i 5, 1 12 I itlons Ukea it 8 a. m., 73tb meridian time. Air pr ersure reduced to sea lev:l. T.sobars (continuous lines'! pass through points ir pressure. Isotlierms (dotted lines) pass tiirou;,'!) points of equal temperature. O clear: Q pari'ycioucJy; cloudy, V stun, i iiuii uujoiui. -iiiunan) uuiuBmu. r-u.-iueu areas snow precip.'iauon 01 o.ui nice or more m past ncur". ruin: WEATHT5R CONDITIONS- COURT SERVICE FEES CAN BE CALLED FOR ' The Ohio depression has moved north eastward to the vicinity of Nova Scotia, having cuused light rain or snow around the' lower Lakes, the upper Ohio and the Potomac valleys. Another depression has advanced to the middle Rocky fountain states, causing- unsettled conditions in the west Gulf states, rams navmg- set in in nor- tions of Texas. There have been lieht rain or snow in the northern boundary states from North Dakota to the Pacific coast. The northwestern "high" is now cen tered over Kentucky, its movement hav ing caused colder weather in Arkansas, Tennessee, tho Ohio valley and the east Gulf states, and somewhat colder in Missouri, Montana, the Dakotas, and most of the Atlantic states. The cold est reported weather continues in the 'upper Lake region and thence eastward to the coast, with a minimum of 6 above zero in upper Michigan. Temper atures have risen in Texas. Fair weather will continue in this t1 cinity tonight, with slightly colder, but the eastward movement of the western depression is likely to cause unsettled conditions to set in Friday, probably fol lowed by rain in the afternoon or night. OI NTV SCHOOLS TO MAKE MOVE TO MERGE . .. :. i. irryingr out the consoli , r, four rural schools of com- .;. covering around the cross .... r..?cl by Beatty's Ford road t ,- Al.r-.nftthy road in Long Creek . ar to be taken up again and i. i-o:ic!usion. Chairman Plum ; r---vwir;. oi the county board of ,r ,.r;o:i an'.l Joe M. Matthews, county ....-::itndent of schools, went tp . ;.. .v. :: sliboihood Thursday to vit:i a committee representing , : rf th rural communities about , r building: a new modern . : '. nur-.- near the cross roads. of the business depression ;, ! v.-r.rrl some months ago and . HzA con of building materials ;.nei la ,: o. the i!uns for erecting1 the building; were temporarily aban-,cv-. The bonds for erecting the w s I'.ool buiiding were voted last Summer and will !e advert! sod for sah- sunn time in the near fulure, according to present plans. The new school house will cost $35,000 or $40,000 and will be one of the most complete and modern houses in the county'. The four rural school communities are Hopewell, Beech Cliff Abern.uthy and Trinity schools. HAD PLANS TO SEIZE COPENHAGEN CASTLE Copenhagen, Dec. 15. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The police have dis covered plans showing that the home less unemployed in Copenhagen con templated seizure fo the Christiansborg castle, which is the King's official resi dence and the meeting place of the Danish Parliament, intending to use it as a sleeping place. The plans were taken from the per sona of men leading the unemployed workmen's organizations, who also car ried copies of a resolution addressed to the American Minister, Dr. J. 13. Prince, threatening reprisals for the conviction of murder in Massachusetts of the Italians, Sacco and VanZetti. j Meeting Calendar j THURSDAY. 7 p. m. Blue Ridge Club, T. W. C. A. 7:30 p. m. Boy Scout court fo honor, Chamber of Commerce. FRIDAY. 30 a. m.-5 p. m. Bazaar. Veterans hall by Children of Confederacy. 1 p. m. Luncheon, Woman's Club, Citizenship class. lxp. m. Civitans, Chamber of Com merce. 3:S9 p. m. Research Club, Mrs. J. Renwick Wilkes, Lamar avenue. 3:30 p. m. Dolly Madison Book Club, Mrs. John M. Harry. Myers Park. 3:30 p. m. American War Mothers, Chamber of Commerce. 4 p. m. Chelidon Book Club, Mrs. W. M. Failor, Myers Park. 4 p. m. Athenae Book Club, Mr?. Charles F. Dalton. North Tryon street. 6 p. m. Odd Fellows, Chamber of Commerce. 7:30 p. m. Bautists, eastern suburbs, Elizabeth school. 7:30 p. m. Entertainment, Nevin Community House. ssassss s i - if ..1 .44c ,4(i( 11 The Qhristmas Piano Let it be this Beautiful Why not delight your family this year with the Baby Grand they have long hoped to possess? The allowance on your old present piano taken in exchange and our liberal terms of payment make the possession of this delightful instrument perfectly possible for the moderate purse. The unquestioned superiority of the Chickering, its great reputation for excellence, insure for the prospective purchaser enduring satisfaction The new models of Chickering pianos, both Grands and Uprights, are exquisite in design. THE WEATHER. Weather Bureau Office. Charlotte, Dec. 15, 1921. Sunrise 7;24 Sunset 5:13 Moonrise ... 6:14 p. m. Moonset ... 7:36 a. m. Moon phase, last quarter on the 21st. TEMPERATURE. A list of all persons who are en titled to fees for' court service of one kind and another in Mecklenburg county Superior court has been made out in the clerk of the. court's office apd placed in the front corridor of the court house for the inspection of the public. The list purports to be a complete one of the unclaimed fees of the court for court service. It contains both the name of the preson and the amount due him. It is made out in accordance with the law requiring the clerk of the court to make such an annual list for the information of the public. The list as made out this year is quite a formidable one and is believed to be the most complete and accurate that has ever been made. Miss Daisy Moore of the clerk's office has been busy on the task for some time. It is typewritten, with the list of all per sons entitled to fees arranged alpha betically, with the' amount due the person annexed. The list has about 500 names upon it which means that such a number of persons in Charlotte and Meck lenburg county have performed court service during the past year, or per haps in years prior to this, and have not called at the clerk's office for the fees. It may have been witness serv ice, or jury service, or special venire service, or some other service at court demanded by the State of its citizens. In any case, the law requires the clerk's office to keep an accurate rec ord of all service rendered, to post the names of those who are due court fees and who have not returned to claim them. HEAD OF JAPANESE OPPOSITION PARTY WATCHING PARLEY i S a 10 a. m. T -n..-n m r: . . 39 iFARMER FINED FOR Noon .4s ' , DAMAGING NEW ROAD S a. m. Noon . Wet KuJb. .24 .39 Highest yesterday 65 Lowest last night , ,.3S Mean yesterday 52 Normal 43 Mean same date last year .. .. ....54 Kxcess for month . . , ..74 Excess for year SSI Highest of record for December, 76 in 1889 Lowest of record for December, 5 in 1SS0 The first case in which the county highway commission has moved for the protection of its newiy-built. hard-surfaced thoroughfares was heard Wednes day afternoon when Sam Biggers, young farmer of Crab Orchard, plead guilty to running his tractor over the Law yer's road and was taxed with the costs I by the magistrate hearing the evidence. unairman uninth ot tne board indi cated to the court that he had no desire to see the defendant heavily fined, or fined at all. that his purpose in having the warrant sworn out against him Kotaro MocMzuki. Kotsro Mochizuki, head of tie Opposition party in Japan, is one sof the interesting foreign notables at the armament conference in Washington. He has his own headquarters and a staff of secre taries and clerks. Mochizuki came to the United States several years ago as a member of a Japanese mission. A satisfactory purchase every tim ou order a food article of us. Our prompt deliveries will show you that wo are in earnest about your patron j;i;e. Quality first. 2016 -PHONE -1768 IK lbs. best, sugar .. "J 1 lbs. Melrose flour .SIM .. ..$1. 21 Tbs. Sunflower self-rising .. lit lbs. pure lard , ..$1.90 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour $1.0."i 100 lb., sack Edan chicken feed $2.50 Pure Ga. cane syrup, gallon $1.00 Xo. 1 Irish potatoes, peck ......50c Yellow yam sweet potatoes ......50c Libby's choice asparagus tips ...A'ic Sugar cured hams, lb 29c Breakfast bacon, lb 28c 33c Sweet and sour and dili pickles. , THE GOOD SERVICE STORE PRECIPITATION. Total lor 24 hours ending 8 Total for month to 8 a. m. Normal for December . . Dt-ticiency for year , . m. 0 .. 0.83 .. 3.86 . .10.19 was to make an example and have the incident serve as a warning to the pub lic which, he said, is disposed to be unconcerned about the damage wrought upon newly-s ur faced roads. Mr. Biggers admitted that he ran his truck over the road when it had just been freshly laid, his tractor having sharp cleats in it which made holes in the surface, but told the court that he was ignorant of the law against it and ! did not believe that he was dai the road materially. He did not res the verdict of the court, however. HUMIDITY. 8 a. m Noon ... ... G. S. LINDGREN, Meteorologist. .58 .42 For Christmas Miller's Fruit Cakes The Finest The Higher Grade The cake that will please discriminating people. Sizes 2 or 5 It). AT ALL GROCERS Carolina Baking Company 2016 PHONES 1768 THE RED FRONT STORE Corner Church and Fourth Sts. NEW CROP California Walnuts 30c lb. Large washed Brazil nuts, lb .!?." Paper shell almonds, lb -40 Georgia pecans, lb. 30o, 60c and Tor Shelled walnuts. pecans, almonds, c'.tron, pineapple orange and lemon pee', currants, seeded raisins, seedless rfiisins. Californie prunes, lb. 12Jc, 15c, California peach,es, Tb Fresh country eggs, dozen .. . Mooresville creamery butter, lb. . 3! lbs. sugar . 20c .6.1c . .55 $1,011 A Suggestion Let your Christmas presents be some thing to eat. Send your friends a box of apples or oranges. Phone 3052 GULP BROS. 1806 PHONES 1807 or TSS3 fruits, for the best prices on quality nuts, raisins and candies. R. M. K 201 N. Graham St. 1420 S. Boulevard 3052 PHONES 2883 WE DELIVER FRESH COUNTRY 40c and 50c lb. T'resh country eggs, dozen 63c 3 coops nice hens, lb 28c Why not buy a big fat hen Christmas? Fresh shipment of raisins, nuts, candy apples, oranges and grapefruit. Temple Garden, thf good flour, plain and self-rising. Every bag guaran- teed to please you or money refunded. CRAIG FITE Th Cut Price Cash Grocer. Red Front 39 S. College 187.1 PHONES 1876 We Deliver All Over the City. Too Many People arc hard pressed today and refuse to accept a remedy. WE HAVE IT If you have the nerve to try it. The very best brands groceries for 20 per cent less than you are now paying elsewhere and we deliver them. Open Evenings Til 9 P. M. Andrews' Music Store, Inc. The Oldest Music Store in the Carolinas. 211-213 N. Tryon St. Phone 3626 Seaboard Air Line Railway ANNOUNCES Reduced rates of fare and half for round trip tickets account of Christmas Holidays. Tickets to be sold December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, with final return limit January 4th. For further information apply Ticket Agent or W. E. Long, D. P. A. Thohe 180 Charlotte, N. C. We have all kinds stimulants to assist you. BE A MAN TRY IS BROTHER! Economy Grocery 37 W. Fourth. Phone 4380 Phone 4090 24 lbf. Elizabeth flour 4S lbs. Elizabeth flour 24 lbs. Sunflower self-rising ... 48 ibs. Sunflower self-rising ... No. 5 Snowdrdif t lard .... .... Xo. 1 0 Snowdrift lard Pint Wesson oil Quart Wesson oil , No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck Our best chicken feed, peck 100 lb. bags our best chicken feed 7 rolls 10c toilet paper .... ... 7 bars 10c Octagon soap 7 packages 10c Argo starch PHONE US YOUR WANTS. WI3 DELIVER. . . .$1.05 ...$2.10 ...$1.10 ...$2.15 . . .66r . . .$1.30 ,....28c 55c 50c i5r .$2.50 ..50c . .59c ..50c ''Xhi CASH CROCER Corner Eleventh and Graham Street Phone 4090. SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE NEW GOODS COMTNG IN EVERT D4T. Canned goods of all kinds, nice largr ju'cy prunes, pancake and buckwheat flour. Log Cabin syrup, pure honey, home-made sorgum, fresh celery, let tuce, tomatoes mustard and turnip greens, snap beans, sweet and Irish potatoes, Ward's and Corby's cakes, apples, oranges, bananas, grrapefruit. Brookfield creamery butter, fresh coun try butter, fresn eggs and chickens. In fact everything In fresh troceries at all times. PHONE 4431. Watts Grocery Co. 813 E. Seventh St. Phone R. M. KIDD For Country Produce Fresh country sausage, lb .33c Table butter, lb. 50c Nice friera, lb 35c Large fat hens, lb .30c Fresh country eggs, dozen . . . .65c Kingan's sliced bacon, Tb 10c 24 lbs. Melrose flour $1.00 10 lbs. corn meal 30c 6 lbs. medium . grits 25c 4 lbs. bucket lard .. .. .. .. ..65c 3 lbs. white beans 25c 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 Seal Sweet oranges, dozen . .40c 50c Seeded raisins, currants, figs shelled nuts and crystallized cherries for fruit cakes. Ali sizes in fruit cakes. No order too small to be appreciated. 3052 PHONES 2883 WE DELIVER. Watch For Our Important Announcement World Tire Stores A Chain of Stores Fromi Coast to Coast