- 18 f WIFE OF PRESIDENT IS VERY GOOD MIXER THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 16, 1921. Washington, Dec. 16. Mis. Harding is the best '-'mixer" who ever presided as mistress of the White House, accord ing to the oldest attaches there. They cannot recall a first lady who was so democratic. Many visitors going through 1he Kast Room and other public parts of the White House have been given an unexpected thrill by the sudden appear ance of Mrs. Harding on the scene. She takes great delight in coming downstairs unexpectedly and dropping in on sightseers wandering curiously about. Although they usually recognize her in advance, she always walks up and extending her hand announces that "I Triangle Music Co. ' o wui a ia . pmomc aa "i Hi u 3$ :Vt ft t ft am Irs. Harding and I'm giaa to see you here." She usually asks what State the vis itor is from and many times they dis cover mutual acquaintances. There is nothing formal about these little meet ings and if she is busy, she says so ami oes on. If she has time, often she shows them through other rooms. Despite the heavy drain on her en- t,.o Tinyiin?- thoroughly eniovs I her lifo in the White House. Her only difficulty is in adhering to me rest schedule which Dr. Sawyer insists upon. Ho cr.lls every morning and watcher her closely becausa in his yea's as the Harding family physician, he has learned that Mrs. Harding is too active for her own good, and his hardest job is to get her to take suffi cient rest. Mrs. Harding is fond of motoring and -rides about Washington a great deal, much of the time alone. Twice a we't- she sroes out to see Mrs. George B. Christian, Jr.. wife of the President's secretary. They were next door neighbors in Marion and Mrs. Tiorz-iirxr iii.-f lii cer away u om lor lrKiiitk'.-; and in Marion. fflsBSSiSB3affl!W!wra A WHOLESALER. talk ibout the home folks FURNITURE The Most Useful Of Gifts Jill 7 r.jt1 r m PERIOD STYLE HUMIDORS A Humidor for a man that adds charm and beauty to the home. These are in period de sign and are well made through out. A most useful gift for any man. SMOKING STANDS Here is a gift that every man will appreciate. And from the variety of styles, which we are showing you are sure to find here the Smoking Stand that will please him most. Er Charlotte, N.' C. Smith. lac. A lady in Waukegan had twelve hus bands in the war. TRe uniforms intrigued her, she mar ried every one. Allotments from the government, she signed the A'ouchers for Until the secret service said her work was overdone. She is the champion war bride of the universe today, To send a dozen husbands to the gory battlefield. The only one in record in this land who made it pay Four hundred hard and shiny plunks, that was the monthly yield. And then arrived the armistice, and finally, the peace. She lost her opportunity to turn an honest dime. If she had kept on marrying and war had failed to cease. She would have been the richest wom an in the world, in time. The western lady who drew govern, ment allotments on twelve husbands who were, she claimed, in the war, will probably not be found among those who strongly favor disarmament. Bank clerk stole $29,000 to go into the bootlegging business. He must have planned a very modest business. Oriental harems are being cut down. In other words, they are now bobbed harems. Uplifter says men. as well as women should wear wedding rings. But what's the use? You can always tell a mar ried man without looking to see if he is wearing one. Seattle, according to figures, now out ranks Reno as a divorce center. West ward the course of vampires takes its way. The highest form of gratitude has just been exhibited bv a New Yorker. He left in his will $100,000 to a woman who refused to marry him. RESOLUTIONS OF AN ACTOR. I will look not on the ink when it ?s red. They don't serve it any more. I will not, during the year, take more than seven curtain calls. This is the surest resolution I ever made. I will not offer to get complimentary tickets for any of my friends. I will not accept a contract calling for less than $1,000 a week which car ries an actual salary of less ..than $50 a week. ' . I will not go in the pictures, I have been tried out by nine companies here and I have no way of getting to the coast. I will not go on the road this win ter. I have tried every company tha; has left New York since Setember. I will not be married more than three times during the present season unless the prospects are particularly promis ing. I will not eat in the Automat more than three times a day. Prohibition note: Peter Feltman of Grand Rapids, walked into an under taker's shop, carrying a satchel, declar ed he was a corpse, and asked to be laid out. A wife cooks your dinner. An affini ty cooks your goose. Pretty women get the praise. Clever women get the husbands. COLDS THAT DEVELOP INTO PNEUMONIA Chronic Coughs and Persist ent Coids Lead to Serious Lung Trouble. You Can Stop Them Now With Creomulsion, an Emulsi fied Creosote That Pleasant to Take. ! OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS eovmoHT 13 i, av iooak At. lam mom. TRAOC MANN MiaiSTCRED U. S. PAT. WP. GAWD BLESS 'UM. How dear to my heart If the friend of the column When hunches are scarce, And the outlook is blue. And grinding out copy 'S a task sad and solemn The contrib who kicks in With a live hunch or two. 50,000 SQUARE FEET For Lease We offer for lease the Camp Greene Laundry building, containing f).. thousand square feet of floor space as a whole or in part. This builds s , .j i hq nf Rrmthorn Railway and the Dowd n, i"s is located on main line or ouiiim "" ttoafl cit water and electric lignts avanawe. . a vc aiCUUUOCuiaii ua.n make hi. money by utilizing this building because we are prepared to leas? space at a very low figure. As us for particulars Splendid building at 22 North Tryon street with. 7o00 square fst f space electric elevator, steam heat, spacious rear entrance. Warehouse on Southern Railway near passenger station containing 8i proximately 20,000 square feet. Immediate possession, long- ieas-e aJ low rent. E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY Telephones 8774208. IS SALE! A New Medical Discovery With Twofold Action. Soothes and Heals the In flamed Surface and Kills the Germ. Endorsed By Highest Authorities. Money Refunded If Any Cough or Cold, No Matter of How Long Standing, is Not Relieved After Tak ing According to Directions. V iim.iTm mini inn iTi tfir-ii iiin Give Mother A Carving Set for Christmas Any housewife will be proud to own a CARVING SET, such as the ones we are showing. Handsome sets of Steel Knives with Stag Handles, they will make a gift that will last a lifetime, and be appreciated as long as they last. Priced up from J. N. McCauslan "IN THE BUSINESS 37 YEARS' 221 South Tryon St. $2 Phone 314 Attractive home on Worthington ave nue, has seven rooms and two baths, good heating system, nice, large, dry basement, lot 50x150 hardwood floors, located on shady side of street, no street paving1 assessments. A very attractive price and reason able terms. M. B. ROSE Basement Trust Bids. Phone 796 FINE FOR BUILDING UP THE SYSTEM AFTER I COLDS. Of all known drugs Oeosote is recognized by the medical fraternity as the greatest healing agency for the treatment of chronic coushs and colds and other forms of tnroac and lung troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the in flamed membrane and stop the irrita tion and inflammation while the creo sote goes on to the stomach, is ab sorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble, and destroys the germs that lead to consumption. Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfac tory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other forms of throat and lung diseases, and is excellent lor building up the system after colds or i the flu. Increases appetite and nedy- weight. Ask your druggist. (Adv.) . When a hospital patient is "doing as well as can be expected," he may be in any sort of condition from convalescent to one jump ahead of notice informing the world that his interment will be private. SOME HELP. "The girls don't seem to be wearing any more as Winter gets colder." "Oh, they put on an extra coat of powder or two." They say the blonde type is rapidly disappearing, but the only thing dis appearing we saw about a healthy looking blonde at the cafteria yester day was the food on her plate. Charles B. Ferren, of Colorado Springs, died the other day and left $5,000 worth of bonded hootch to the Y. M. C. A., and the Y. W. C. A. and the Salvation Army, and none of them will accept it. The court is puzzled what to do with It. We are anxious to help out the court. Send it to tile Office Cat care of The New.-?. SOUND ADVICE. Bear this in mind when'er you can, And you will never fall; You'll find nobody likes the man Who thinks he knows it all. WE HATE GOLDENKOD. "The bride wore a single sprig of goldenrod." Des Moines, Iowa, Regis ter.. We're glad we were not there. We have hay fever. M vers Park Homes We have for aale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room houses tji; we can make very attractive" prices on, and also unusually good terrr.s to the man who desires terms. If you are interested in buying a home in Myers Park let us show you. Thies-Smith Realty Company REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes 200 Commercial Bldff. Phones 3278-j ELEGANT HOMEFOR SALE On Central Avenue Piedmont large corner lot 8-room 2-story fc& (5 bed rooms) dandy bargain No. 704 Sunnyside Avenue large lot brand new 6 rooms and bas.. hardwood finish, elegant bath and electrical fixtures .... ... 8& Large lot new home V,Zt What about a vacant lot have some very attractive bargains rwv-2 in Myers Park $2,500 to $2,750 in very best of neighborhoods. Have four dandy pieces of business property for sale the kind you a chance to buy once in a lifetime. If interested see me for particulars. JONES THE REAL ESTATE MAN Phone 2772 (Frank F. Jones) John T. Smith Salesman. Office, 200 Really GIVE A SCHOLARSHIP for a business or stenographic course to your boy or girl as a Christ mas remembrance. Such a gift will be useful' and valuable. The training given will bring your child independence very shortly. In af ter years you will be glad and your child grateful if you do this NOW. Winter term begins January 2, 1922. Send for catalog. Charlotte, N. C. "An Accredited School" Raleigh, N. C. Moving, Packing and Storage Our service is unsurpassed. TRUCKS FOR PICNICS OR STRAWR1DES New pneumatic tired trucks, care ful drivers. Phone us for estimates. C0CHRAN&R0SSC0. PHONE 52 THE COST OF MIDDLEMEN. Up in New Jersey, truckers can get only nine cents for a crate of lettuce containing 24 heads. As that will not pay freight to market, they are plowing under their lettuce crop. How much do you pay per head for lettuce and why? POLICE! I'll hitch the cow up to the plow, and use her till my work is through.'' But Son said: "Father, don't Jo that! The cow has udder work to do." PROFANITY BY PROXY. "Have 3'ou seen the latest attach ment for automobiles?" "I've seen thousands, what about this one?" "You press a button on the steering wheel and a concealed phonograph furnishes a choice variety of curses loud and deep." "Good idea, saves breath when one meets up with roadhogs." Frvrc fefii "I understand the Laplanders eat j candles." "Must be a big todo over a birthdav cake." GAME ALWAYS. Preacher (solemnly) "Rastus, do yo' -j : . . . i j i a. iciivt; uia wuuictn nere 101 ijener or icr worse?" Rastus (from force of habit) "Pah son, Ah shoots it all!" K S ? 1 1 There is a great array of practical gift suggestions in our Christmas displays. iWe know our prices will prove most satisfactory, and there is something for every mem ber of the family and your friends which you will like. Charlotte Hardware Co. 30 East Trade St. lOii YOUR WIFE'S IDEA OF A REAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT Perhaps she hasn't told you so the little wife, mother,, or sister who still bends over an ancient cook stove, kindling fires, sifting ashes, lifting heavy coal buckets but she'd like a bright, shiny new cabinet Gas Range for her Christmas present. Prices Are Down! $50.00 and up Southern Public Utilities Co. Phone 2700 Two corn crops that never fail whiskey and those on your feet. After all, Brother Ziegfield ia the first man to succeed in making money on his follies. B uy A Home STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fine shade, , 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly 54,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly $6,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly $10,759 4 rooms, 1501 Setele avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, S50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance monthly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $4,739 Phone Me For Appointment. mm 4 200 South Cedar St. McAeteii Phone 350 1 i s c : tl R ll V (1 ii a o P ii If Ci IT M DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST 21 W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Torke & Rogers Next to YVoolworth's. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE j f We have an eight-room furnace heated house in one of the very best sections ir. Charlotte for sale or exchange for smaller place. This is an elegant place and offers a goot! opportunity for some one to get a very de sirable home. he Carolina Company ' t: ; tc l. i h, 1 c, : w in ' vj fi If! I P' -: "si" if i ? th f'O i W I dt 328 S. Tryon St. Phones: 609-1430-t Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS OVER 7000 SHARES Kew shares may still be secured in this series by paying back to September 3rd. We know of many "p:3' pects" who have not yet signed up and we urge them to come in before the accumulated payments bc.W too heavy. For the benefit of those who have not yet absorbed the B. & L. idea we say that each share rep resents $100.00 at maturity. The payments are twenty-five cents per share per week until the payments plus the. profit equal $100.00. This is usually 333 weeks, and the profits represents 'per cent on the ver age amount invested. OUR SEMI-ANN LAL STATEMENT i i Ts ready for distribution, and is very complete. We realize that our shareholders are entitled to all the formation about their Association that can be secured, and we show complete statements of recti' and disbursements, and income and expenses. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ! E.J.CAFFFREY, Sec'y and Trea J. H. WEARN, President 207 N Tryon St.