THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, UHAKLOTTK, X. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON DECEMBER 16, 19,1. UVESTOCK COTTON GRAIN TiT ARKET OUOTATTnw. PiMAivrn at mz. mr r JBJ J W IHt If T: IN THE KCttar ff Kew York. Gom, CURB BONDS STOCKS ' f i ! STOCK MARKET j SLOWING DOWN I Smaller Volume of Trading i nut Rise m Those Stocks i Traded In. It. l l MM' r. Vb l', i n (rrrwioittl-iit of The ev s. mi n; V. to .Yews I'lililinbinc- .-. i l He principal n i tic v ail St et il turn oi vestenlAi in 1:121. iv v. rv. ...;i a : ' s-:arp curtailuis of the ,.: ,.;;-.ness. i ins shows plain i u.i Miuucii m '.-i.kU nol I'O ascribed to ti;c v !:' pi:, 'lie upon i lie set no. --gn hied professional nppra , !:i. .is were redoubling their T.My tnese operators- wcrt' i ;:! rt-,i mure can; lull c r. no I - ssc n i ii , in itiiy ouarte c list s.ii-.l; I,,,,. rai ions for the ; j-: in a large numb. -piav.-J .f ivi' In -1 ct c; i.) :e t : n s of ; "vv c opened mi the nav ,.,f nee the nia rle-L cit li-i-' s '"' -IK i il tied t lie prhv,.' : ne movement was "T speculative U.uV laiie :" a bright vv" year and f'n,it . ' .',y P'-icos of bo; h ' ..ii'.-d is hkely or come i; - verv far a Ions. Y,... : poors was held up a- ';i !'i! h' profit -taking sab a- uuae tu be expelled. i:d 'a';' any cnungo in , : i 1 1 1 ii.'pper trade vvhiYi i.-; ".i steady impro.e 1 'rod .:c:s v mi r..i . ; : nakui- a rather lardy e te marked turn to- i . v ..;aue over their in.-liis.ri.-. There was a sudden motor accessory char in meir trade ivmor - "rsiiiriiiis 10 come in. impressive feature of i:.e strength of the site': uipuionts. some which I : previous high point for the ' -' " n'as ;t notewovthy accom- l r :'-''. in, view, of the- fact tnu m i,ave been talking- reac- :or :.,e last few weeks have been ; v-::: -" ::iat what they fancied was f ".:!::on of important lioidis"' ; " - dcne in the :. : ':vii '"'1 tOv'ks. "r.rin.taiioit of what ystenlav had ; .'".';!'...a P-ess report, that Germany "- J jaaouity to meet te ,...''-r5S??f P'ment in full had ' , y little effect on the market 1 francs sold down to 7.S9. ilat 1" "1 quarter cent was slight ! -''I. "ii,i riro rise of near-test 111 t!ie three weeks pr" u '"ould not be said there- . in u.c iiiianer wnere ur.eac!- . . . iiencu exenane .i.-, , uncern was reit over th:--stening- eased off in rhe e. !!.' 1 .it- uay out later rai;i i "i.y in taiy .section of the yre obviously held up to aw ct:on on the treaty. i-iiuitiiifin s endorsement r.".r?e. been fullv exno.-tor) T ll P cottnn ats,U ' . . V" i i ,-lV"l"se accounts ot a . .rade demand served to outweigh .-v . . W111..11 MaiiHiics nave lone- - .... ,.r'.. , ....... ,. T" vv . . vl mrj uuiiv in men noldinps vvIkmi ,-,wer,, around the L'f) cent level two v. tr.rec months ago. Consequently thev re not seriously concerned with the ver five cent decline. It now appear rar while tne wheat farmers had no such .ui.Mf prx'p? to unload upon. ,-"l'''i of an unusuallv la I -mubs ,f tv,.;r crop hoth old and j ? k;mH.-: n-pec-t today disclosed j. 1 .. .!. per c-;.t of the wheat s ' . ? r:niains ;n tanners hands 11 Per cent r vr Features J5 STlAKr p- WEST. ;ifJT rSPondnt of rhe Acs. or -Tri I'uMlshinj; I MARKET OPENS -op. v right, 15)H. Co. They loaders. Th TK HEADERS. .hi nil Vaa noth'-1-;- whatever new ".r, ie oil situation lodav tu account fo-' Ihe cont nuo.i r,n, if. . " I0, ill 1 1 1 m v m ri"n .- were, however, en iu- Uti one after nii,. ... un fui the first time sot up to and Passed i,s former hiKii mark of 47 V-s Manaard Oil of California Kot thi'oiuO; ' . H figure at last. Mexican Pe t oleum and Pa n-A merica ns sold A qVVtVry dividends but were not ThSely afre,t'te'i hi oircumstance. ,J' 1oS- any talk about .. 1 a' " 011 Prices. iliere v uciuite or opinion, on the a to whether or not oil iii-.ei tu nave a furthet l:l,n; llat limitations will ninrked up asaia after ihe tirt tneeai-: orhera .o.- .... :.. . if toe afternoon Uta v v prom I he talvins' much other hand, prices are rise. be o In I Wall Street south on Ue- oil slocks ran into lloavy srr.irar on cut in the tin an llPV this t hs new sugar mar ine i.uftan pvoduc- a selling: came into Ameii t ilA '...n - auilUI III t'M PT ' OI on.-.. k"ll 01 icnneu siicai- amoiinlins- t,. in ,.,1 i.. ..uir-u piumas. i.s means iuiv ipei 1 or the refined 1 ei. 1 ne stocks of :.,- '""u"15 were scarcely affected they are waiting to see what eff,--. :be dissolution of the Cuban commis sion is s-oin;? to have upon the , a w -yi niciiivei. assuming- that the ummission ;s i:ot 10 be ocyond the first of the year l ot f.,. ,1. . . ; ,1 l l'e S,U,(;KS 18 1,ein"' sustained ... uupt- mar nesotiations '"iu susar oan. a u.n . ujjyci loan last sprin si successful. . " life extend i 'he mar lookin:. the mode wil 01- :i etc the Km BOSCH MAti.XK'IO. T he automobile accessory stocks cot live today ami m..v.i r...-i sl.arulv for a. im 'n-it-- PU. iicuiarlv to American Tf,ii.h r.. - and Mi-ombprS. in the case of lormer company ir. w.ij r.m.i known todav that it i offi i releases from manufacturers. Opera tions are not quite what thev should Oe. but With;in oMllff for a aood year in 1Q i, exnected that Bosch will begin to leilect this optimism. ft is known that important selling orders which were in the markei fr. cf.i- 1 1 . ... k - 11a'. t' , . cancel iea ana Tins vas one of thing-s which made it-siMf fcit ia,i,, tht ha n they that grow n as corn- ago. This melting in the jv,. 1 - - -. iv k r , 5 'iii extent to whir-Vi tii .'redits lias proceeded " -aris did rather better to " '. "- day following r....- v. L'eiaware. Lackawana and ' -v conspicuous strength in At. rails has to the re market for the 1 cn;cL on the one hand, -of J.s favorablo gross traffic oxen-ioc- ami on the olhe ! mnv. "otationM of rail in.., wm lie cotmntr rmt montns. The irenera to on , FISK RUBBER. . .uwuvi expected to issue .1 ";J wicnin tne nex't ten days whicl v,,i i-uier operations to mi quarters wnicn are it is the belief that very good." the into fisk yesterday was based on the AfoL'4- nn c-i 1 1 xAci xuins oieaav on l-ight Private Ginning Re- lurns, Kegaming Losses. ";r STl AR'' ". west. V- 11 , J, JU- Yesterday's raliv U as nl invar . 1 .. .. - ..v. .... uiuuei aie J eactions at the opening: of the cotton market this ...wn.mj; ,.1UL pnees soon showed renewed rjT'.!ef- ow.iS- to a belief that trade Julian improving: and that the ' .-"IV"5 cuougn to hold its cotton chncs. Tli.-. ..v..: ... -..v. v,,., a.v OMc ))0iut higher to one point lower, and the active months sold about five to eijrM points below last w" -'o'iiS nsnres risht after the call. ..... ""v . iMi-uun ot aoout points . . . , s level touelied on yesterday a rtuu mere was some scattered se'l- raaers wiio were unfavorab! :-. "-" l"c 'jfinun news on repara tions. Otherwise international affairs ap- ' ue oeveiomns- along- satisfactory nowe-ver, while there was nothing- m .ne atiion or iiverpooi or hoiirion indicate much nervousness over the Oil VS1 f it.ti o .-....-1-.... .1 1 J . a 1 in me maiKet soon iiu'Hi .i.i...-ii.- i .i 1 . . . v....., iauu-i on ngiii private ginning let urns. reports of better pro-specti c.Miui 1 uiiBiness in spot cotton. .Cefore ioirIil.'i- .1 n -a 01. 1 ... 1 . v ., oviu up l.u v 1..U1111S irom tne early low ami into . '"Sii sroiniti lor the movemeiu- ""1U"S a recovery ot about 93 points i-ompareu witn low prices toucbsd on luesuay mominsr. This attracted sonic ieau;ing out tile otlerilng-s wore well taken 011 comparatively slight receessions virn ine market sIiowuir- a good under tone uuring- tne middle of the day. Xew York. Dec. of interest were opening- of today's seneral list displa: day s unusual activity especially tne uuu-h iieavy, pan -American Petr!u. lueiais reac eii etii,n.. " .-"'O'lllJ .-vjiacoiiua-.Miierican deal o navins .Stetl was I Grain Market 0 1 I (few features Presented at the amen, market. rhe CU It U Of oils. we oieum also tiie J1 oreign roup. i-' Ac i- - .oeen uiscouiited. RetHloVi,.,. 1 uf oui nmniMiii f.-..i. Vetroleuiri. Davison Chenhcal'. Seais- uemicK. Lorn i-rouucis and Coca Cola . .-.v i,. r oreuan e.-. ruaniips ovveu J.U1I i.poni.i,.ii,. German reparations sif natif..-. ' the on ifiiueu l lie IISIUOI' e:i nou r.e , , n.iu-ses.sioii. .'vuiei lean l obai eo Kiuia-caromia 1. nem.cai. Central Leatii cr preferred and South Pvt,. r;.. , - .. v 1 . u I O i.khi iosi one I l I'VO nn nle t!l.. --.j, -a ......... . . -v.'"'-'-- fii 01 laiuiHTua. -Mexican l3i -tioleuiu. General Asphalt common ar.d ijieie.ieu. .iinericHi; a no Baldwin I.oco- ii.-. iiNv.s. L.iiit.u lius ana n n M-,.vf : 1 i- 1 1 o points. The closing" was irrearular . . . C ncag:o. Dec. 16. Wheat prices had an errtic trend today .Small trade and cros tSt.hi th0 MW etoar"dwiVi'ch ceused the nervous fluctuations. Dunn? the fore part ot the session the movement was mainly in lower territory bCt'laVer prices held, well around the preious clr!sin ?r.r- ,1 ,s, povvel However seemed me uieaatn to maintain hisher any lensth of time 0 Before the opening: unsettled weather southwest and final Kansas crop report estimating- winter wheat at U's.000 000 ;JlI?le,13,' fa reserves for that state were tn i , , tf snowing- only 27.33y.000 bu to leveis strong in the movement offered in i'?r the to (!(( i ment and other active bonds easea a!ts api.Tuxima; She moo era te dea 1 in ;r,s. S'M'.iii;.) share.- 01! 1 -E millK STUCK l.IST. .Mis-L hal iners American Beet Suga"r . . . . I'an Cet & Foundry . . . .' Hide S: Leather vfrf iCTiipany Iiad a as facing a. tne yeai apt to be conee tne report will be buying- which came and again today teeling that the got. out of the period of better rut am. tinier. The MIXES TO OPEV. latest word is that most 1 he Guggenheim copper mines expe- to be running at least 50 per " cenc of capacity by April 1. The Gugger- 11 ciiitriLers aireaay- are " worK down stocks of and to prepare for the the mines which will not ... . .. . v. . . 111U11L115 aiier tnev a: started up. operating ore on hau-i re-openins;- o be producir.- MAKTIX PABBV. Indcations are that the Martin P'arrv ompany which makes automobile truei.- es w,a earn its SL rticirion.i r..- ow m.arkiu. This wil! the face of a delioit Xet profits last vear a share and in 13 Hi share. The comiiiii-v pricnipal manufacturing a-ssenioiy oranches. and " ,i-dVS, '""a.' '"".I'.-r 0" n at lla'dwin n-'comot: ve and btL;f. prices the same abilitv S that it had" ': net fo-.v a i'st showed r aib:i:;g- sab uiij, nespitc the charge tha operations were not atfret outside followinsr. Such Locomotive, Arneri Oeneral Asphalt in tne late alter I Dry Goods Market! 1 ,J "1 of The APWS. 1 -.; .V'K; .Vc- 16. dullness coi, 1.,..,.' . V l lb JSray goods markci I v4- "7-use ot lack of demanJ cu.-.rr c:uxn nuyers ai-f: 1 nnccssions which tlu- . if Ol;t ''':uSiil!l P) i he; for 1 1 our-; 0:- P I ; - aim mills are tin rices remained Mm if 'iiii rnuts fn-,-,1 ;n r;u.: on tracts for deliveries 1. ric-r of nevt year. Seller J.'Ilt ''ift I r. a Mam., .,.-1 V.' TTI" I ..... 1 'J IIKU1'1 U II -,p V,,. J.: :,. ;-nPv'emcnl especially , Y, , .. ?taP'e holds '.ia . ' "is. me past 1C.V . o n domestics and LI". tAe V-teins of bleached """'"i; LTices namen on fg- lines Of hrnrf.J sed aner it became evi- j,oons would not ho'd. Vifi: Tr- !0?.d;ng IK. EVERYTHING J High Quality V if riding Materials never That's fi''iic.v (eJ! us it's V 'm 'ate to mend. H rue out ,t'8 mighty T' 'Mnsive if you've wait " Repairs are your ( :.f;s n.surance against th..',. s,,oner you make 'r7inisW,n,.es 10 repairs nro" "id money. tiiiic CITIZENS dumber GoniDany South Boulevard rhones 3472-3473 ioo i: .ear oy a nan e accomplished in for the first quarter were equal to $3.11 they were $2.44 a now lias two nlants and 11 auoui to open four more nf fho intr,.. One of the large makers of trucks is re commending to purchasers of its trucks chasis that they get Martin Parry oodies Ine companies is reported to be in good financial position, not owiner anvNim-r at the banks and aniDlv nrovided w-ir'n cash. L Bond Marks XEW TORIf COTTOX. bw T. oi k, juee. lt. The cotton uoiKet snon-ed relieved hesitation ca i toaay. fcentiment here still showed .lie lniiiience ot the oeiicr spot from the goods trade v.-eje a little more optimistic. The German news, with itieieiice to reparations, made rather ai. umavorauie impression, however. mcie was scattered realizing or uquiaation and after opening- one point nigner to one point lower th" market soon sold about 5 to S points vv.uvv itoi nigiit s closing. 1 his ca neu January oft to 17.4:: or about I'O points trom the iia-i level nf v-un,. day. Xew Orleans was a. seller bei- Ji uaiance ana tnere was srstrsviMi soutnern selunc- with the nU. , J i . . omcui uca oy traae and com mi so on ucuse Duying. J he market turned firmer after tin. v-cw,.- ucu'iie, owing to itsnt private fa""""B icporis. ana reiterated report ol prospects for a better spot busi- '"f- u.'.mg was not general, but v .fliers rovertd and there vva. rt.fco ouing- tor Western and Wall outer account on the advance, which v-uiiieu January up to 17.79, or S7 points from the low level of the morning, and 1':) points net higher" .-idvues receh ed here from Galv stor. wvu ii ii"i.,iu .ooni ,ias oeeu ificu jor large shipments of cot! me car mast. Ianll'inn. .--. , 1 ... , ..wi...i..a oaics were aosoroed on reactions of a few points and the f'1"1 t.noweu increasing firmness dur . if tariy arternoon on prospects :y. .-w eeii-ena ngures and iur- cMei-ms-, particularly for the .,' -lanuary selling up to 17. S). jI points net higher. G'l,0E NEW YORK Pi'Tltnrc biirely Inter-national Locomotvie Smelting & ftef. Sugar Snmaira Tobacco T. & T. .... Tobacco Sec Woolen Copper . . ton York. steady. Dec. 16. Cotton close 1 Pec. Jan. Marc May j u 1 y Open 17.60 17.00 17.30 17..10 10.83 is.o.-. 17.S5 77.79 17. IS 17.05 JOW 17.70 17.4.' 17.4:: 17.20 10.81 Close is. no ic.y; XEW VORlt SPOT COTTON. .New York Dec. IB Spot cotton stcaciy; middling IS. 30. railway section a repetition of Wfc By STUART P. WEST. Staff CorreapoadeBt of The Xevrs. Copyright. J931, by .ws Publishing Co. New York, Doc. 12. Bond trading today was less active and prices as a " ''me were steady. ...Liberty bond were sngntty reactionarywhile foreig x'jvenimnets neia firm. Kingdom of itai;. b i-js made a new high price fo me , ear nt o. The dealings in tiie were littH more than tnose early in the week. There . vim 3u.JM.anui sains, especially m aie new .Missouri. Kansas & Texas is sues. at. jfaui bonds were' irregular i-u-. sumeo a on irom tne g-round recently. inuustriais were generally strong yiiLii advances m the tireii, telephoi 1 l' f ! I A . ' . , . . . . T , . . . . . i.--uc3 uii Liic copjjris. i;erro oe t-iisco went aoove n i--'. n. frpi, :rn xiie .ew lorK J elephone 6s of 1 got up to joj tor the first time. Tiie cuinie ot railroad financing authorised o- applied lor is increasing from d u uay and includes comnanies lar.. ciiio .-Mimii. ine fctreet had anticipated this fim.rt v. iic i ail'r?s. l ne ifll-l l nat Mia trunoine- mil was not nasserf a,,i mat maturities falling" due must 1. met. if not with 2-ovevnmenlal viicvl uuugaiiuns to tne puonc. has caused many lines to resort to the k'-Uer means for help. Accordingly I'm Southern Railway Comnanv has annHert iui auinoiny to sell 5uO.iJ00.000 de- vciupmeiiL an:i gen?ra! mortgage 4 per ct-nt goiu oonus. ine proceeds from this sale will be used to pav Si'2.000.000 or its three year 6 ner cent Kpem-.i uia uoies maturing: jjarcn l. in pay err a demand note of S owed to the War finance Corporation a no. to reirnmtrse its treasury for rani tat expenditures already made. Per- iim.--.himi nas aireauy oeen granted 1. v tiie Interstate Commerce Commissi'-, I l- 1 . . 1 . . . ' - T T , . .- ine uuiuiii, iMesaoe At .nr er:i i.anway to sell 51,174, OoO ceneral men gage per cent gold bonds for eiunoing purposes. Among otii prospective ortermgs to be announced n the near future is the Louisville &z Aasnvii'ft issue. Ihe late of this oao s application still rests in whe.r the matter of the comp-.tny's capitali .ai ion is unuer l n vestlgration. ihe ankers for the Louisville. & Xa'-hvi'.le have no definite informatic?i i-erardiitr tne time tne loan will ue lloated. Interest in external loans of forest overaments was attracted by the an uncement that the Dutch Colon Minister had introduced in Parliament in Amsterdam a, bill authorizing: ihe : in the United States ot $100,000 000 bonds for the Dutch East Indies t t -z per cent. Approval is await ed for tne issuance ot the first $40.-OCf.OOO. A Xew York firm bidding- for $20- 000 five per cent lwenty-5'ear Kansaa City bonds have falied to sret the ward. A Kansas City house cot the bonds. The long and short term portions of the new $7,360,000 offering of Citv Ruffalo 4 1-2 per cent bonds were rose o reaeiuy sold this morning but the syndicate managers reported a part of the intermediate bonds remained unsold. XEW y6rk pkovisioxs. Xew York, Dec. 16. Butter steadier; creamery higher tian extras 45 to 45 1-2; creamery extras 44 1-2; creamery firsts 37 to 43 1-2. Eggs steady; fresh gathered extra firsts 56 to 58; do, firsts 51 to 55. Cheese firm; average-run 20 1-2 o 21. Xew York, silver 65 5-S. Mtxican dol SILVER. ' Dec. 116. 'Foreign la is 43 3- 1. 3 XEW ORLEAXS COTTOX. . Xe Orleans, Dec. 16. Declines- of to S points under scattered sollin-j were made on the nneninp- ..f nntu.i, tcday but. the market soon ran into rumors of a private hm-Mii ronnrt 7.SOO.O0O bales ginned to the 13th of December, pointing to production for uie period of only 1G0.000 bale ao-j;,,. 365.000 during: :he rireeedinc i-wm-w. .- V buyina- movement set in qh.i at nY end of the first half hour of trading prices were 16 to 20 points higher than the close of yesterday. January insi icu to lb.ei and then 16. 87. Li tiie trading up to noon adyntce was widened to IS to poMiis. January rose to 1 6 !S i I-O: Lb oi a. continued good spot helped values. iimi jsun taKings or 360.000 bales for tne weeK were not considered favor c...,-ic tney compared with 566, 000 last week, but after recessions o aoout iv points the market commence to strengthen in the decrease in tn cuppi.v ano tne lact that tiie .l-sioie. lor me nrst time, in manv iiionuis.- was under the visible ol year ago, the figures being 4,246.66 oaies against i,o2.5S5. The visible jcvitaaeu .ja oaies against an in crease tnis week last vear of 11- -or. .it i.ou o ciock prices rere IS to '"! points over yesterday's finals with Jai uary at 17.00. CLOSR Xew steadv points. l.i. I ie inquiry XEW ORIiKAXS MTTFRFR, Orlean at net Dec. 16. Cotton advance of 11 closed to Onn High Dec 16.62 16.94 Ja" 15.67 17.00 March 16.Sn 17.12 May j. 16.70 J6.!8 Jv.iy . 1 6.37 1 6.38 jt. iu,i;a. sr.;? roiTO. -fv eM-ieans, lb. spot cotton ;---:o cents rngiier; sales on the epot oii oaies; to arrive 613. Low middline 15.00: middlin Low 16:67 16.64 16.7S 1 6.65 1 6.33 Close 16.: 1 .!5 .1 7...I it.s i 16.51 ;-ood middlins: IS. 00. Receipts 2,060: stock 17.00 S 3 , 6 i 7 . LIVERPOOL, 0'-TCX. Liverpool. Dec. 16. Cotton: q net, prices easier: good middlins- 11... 1: fullv middlina- "10 01- mirii-no- xi'.oo. tow middling 9.36; good ordi nary i.Sl: ordinarv 7.06. v-saies ty.ouu Dales. incln.l no- r Siifi iAinerican. neceits i.i.noo haios eluding 14,600 American inures Closed verv stead v. r... ceiriber 10.64: .lanuarV 10.67:" at a' .-.: 10.6-3; May 10.55: 10.4."!- rT.i cr.-, uc., uctooer iu.iju. COTTOX "STATISTICS. uec. ib. weekly cotton WEEKLY Liverpool. statistics: Total forwarded to mills 41 nnn hiia,- of which American 35.fifin. Stock Sa2,000 bales. American 362.000 Imports 74,000, American 41.000 Exports 6,000, American 1.00O. EXCHANGE. 1 6. Foreign 5-8 4.16 on FOREIGX Xew York. Dec change irregular. Great Britain (oar 14. RS pound sterling): Demand cables 4.17. Sixty-dav bills 13 1-2. l- ranee mar 19.3 wits Demand ..84; cables 7.S4 1 Italy (par 19.3 cents ner iiri marid 4.0-1 CaDteS 4.0o. Belgium (par 19.3 cents nr fvanr. Demand 7.50 1-12: cables 7.51. uermany (par 23.8 cent? ner marH. ex-1-2: banks per franc). Da- cables .51 40.2 cents per , cables 36.36. 26.8 cents per bar Demand .50 1-2 Holland (par Demand 36.30; Norway (par Demand 15.20. Sweden (par Demand 24.50. Denmark T" - , in jLe-ina.uo if. oi. Switzerland (par franc): Demand 19.42 Spain (par 19.3 cents Demand 14.70. Greece (par 19.3 cents rjr Demand 4.22. Argentina (par 42.44 cents per online paper oonars): Demand 33.37. Krazil (par 32.45 cents Dei- ranr milreis): Demand 13.12. Montreal (par 100 cents per Canadian dollar): 92 3-16. uilder, krone): 26.8 cents per krone); (par 26.8 cents per krone): 19.3 cents par per pesota): drachma). At American American American American Ar.serican Anieiican American American American American American Anaconda Atchison At!., Gulf & W. Indies . . Ba'dwin Locomotive- .. Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel "B" .. .. Canadian Paefic Central Leather Chandler Motors Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul Chicago. R. I. & Pac. . . . Chino Copper Colorado Fuel & Iron .. .. Corn Products Crucible Stel Cuba Cane Sugar .. .. Erie General Electric General Motors Goodrich Co Great Northern pfd . . Great Northern Ore ctfs . . fHinois Central Inspiration Corner . . Int. Mer. Marine pfd .. .. internatinoal Paper ."" . . Kennecott Conner . . . . . Louisville & Nashville .. .. Maxwell Motors Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Middle States Oil Mid vale Steel Missouri Pacific New York Cenfal . . . X. Y." N. H. & llartfor.l Norfolk & Western . . Northern Pacific Oklahoma Prol. & Ref. Pan Avneri'V.n Petroleum .. Pennsylvania . . . .' People's Gas . . .... Pittsburgh & w. Ya. . . Ray Consolidated Copper . . Reading Rep. Iron &. Steel . . .'. Royal Dutch. N. Yr Shell Trans. & Trad .. .. Sinclair Con. Oil Southern Pacific Southern Railway . . Standard Oii of X. J.. pfd Studebaker Corporation . . Tennessee Copper Texas Co. Texas Sc. Pacific Tobacco Products rranscontinental Oil . . Union Pacific . . .... U. S. Food Products United Retail Stores . . S. Ind. Tnd. Alcohol .. U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel - Utah CoTpfer ". . . Wcstingliouse Electric .. H illys Overland . . Pure Oil Atlantic Coast Line .. .. Coca Cola Gulf States Steel .. Seaboard Air Line Sioss. Shof. Steel &. IrOn . . United Fruit Virginia Caro. Chem. .. American Tobacco . . American Zinc Invinible Oil . . . . International Harvester orp . 3S -X ' 34 14 3 6 1 9S i-i 1-: 1-4 -8 4 -S :-i i -s 117 S I 49 91. sh- -JjUllish factor. Receinis mv h- -uuinwest and spring wheat m the northwest also was wuine. uemann- for milling wheat re mams slow and little activity was re poited in export circles. Minneapolis wheat! tion ovv,va mcieaseu bo.tunj bushels week. Ihe feature m corn was the resting orders to buy December at 46 1-2 cents these orders were said to have been puc into the pit bv a leadins- o-,.;,, ;t,. est. There was ?niw i..,,! .-v...,. vi. lycvciliuei ains-t purchases of July at R .-fnta eunerence by one of the. iviiY lmnaoa c-joh corn demand was moderate. Basis lor i.a?ii corn Has unchanged to half lower. Receipts were benw ami eaumaiea that there were 1 on IVQ.-l.- . ....... I ' - ' . iiu IIIUIIUII. Oats were featiirr-lf-ss LliiiL r of May by cash interests tended to sta OUiic the market .Receipts were of mod erate volume. Shinners iemini wn cir.- Provisions held steady. Locals and com mission lie-uses were rnodernte Imvprs Packers sold earl v. DEATHS FUNERALS n. L. McGOWAX. E. Li. JtcGowan, for manv years a resident of Charlotte, died at 5 o'clock .M-uiay morning at his home. 15 Gra ham avenue, following . an illnos oc ome duration, lie was 59 last September. Mr. McGowan came to from near SLitesviile many and has constantly re.eiriH MUf. ae is survived who was .Miss FHie Ptia -.t- Jiine children. The children mV it.v unice Moore of Gaffn-ir '. ' McGowan: Roe.i v "Mae 'aTqIh. t Pauhnc. jolm, Alaucle. James an! d oie; three brothers and one sntc- VI of Charlotte, also survive Tin-,.' ., "T Tr.--. . .lie uoc .ui.uuwan. uempsey AfcGowa i A Kammery McGowan and IJifes E jjcejowan. The funeral services wiil conduct ed at. .0 o'clock Saturday nio.-nirt; at the home on Graham avenue bv Rev C. O. Williams, pastor of Sfatville V"11"1 it i . church, nssistod r.e. Lr. . m. Hun I Meeting Calendar that wife. E AY. years oi. Cha-'otw yc-irs ago here sino Lottie hy FRIDAY. Odd Fellows. Chamber of - 6 p. ni. Commerce. 7:30 p. m. Raptis Klizabcth school. 7:30 p. m Entertainment, community house. S p-. m. Presentation of plav by school students, Y. AY. C. A. Eastern suburbs. Xevin high ter. MKS. L. .1. RIB EL IX. Salisbury. Deo. 16 Mrs. Louis J. Uioelm. wife of oiw of the best known larmers in the Dunn's Aimmto;,, of the county, died Wednestlav. nad been ill a lone time cnff.iU j " 9 1 e ii c l ". 1 1 ..ur1 .ancer The funeral took i nuisuay .irom the church Ribelin home place. place near the cent it is cars on 1DF. EARL JEROME GRIMES. Richmond. Va.. Dec. 16 Professor j-.av Jerome Grimes, associate profes sor in the department of biology of the college of William and Mary. YVilliams- ,JU5. eiieu oariv today News hospital. in a Newport -Wheat during r.-S l 1-4 .1 -8 1-1 1- 3-8 1-8 averaged the early market being bearishlv news of some rain in l 121 30 r. 56 19 3? 28 25 97 67 5 10 141 . 11 37 75 32 00 42 fi -r-tr-4 53 26 110 116 1-2 27 3-4 1"3-1 28 17 Chicago. Dec. in - lower in, price todav ue.Jings, the affectedly bv O..HJ. uttiauuina anu uv arcn- erai lain in other parts of the winter ClOp oell. Oneilin"- nmva-irme it-l,.,.:. varied fom the same as i-n,i-ri.jv' finish to 3-4 cent lower. xvtnY fniin,,r' by a moderate tt-enerai .ai i-..,.t.- Corn, ater ooenina- i-s rem , t. cent higher, hardened a. little started unchanged to 1-4 cent scored slight general then were easier in line with 7-8 5-8 1-2 1-4 1-4 3-N Oats higher gains. Provisions hogs. Market for wheat closed 1-2 rent ln-- to 1-8 cent higher; December' ? 1.07 3-4-May $112 7-8 to 3-4; July $1.02 3-4 to o-b. Corn 1-8 cent higher to 1-8 cent low er; December 46 5-S ; May 53 to 1-8 cent; July 06 1-2. Oats 1-4 to 1-2 cent hi 1-2 : ATav SS .Inlv . Pork closed five cents' lower : lard 2 i.- cents higher and ribs 2 1-2 to 7 1-2 cents higher. Wheat Closed unsettled lower to 1-4 cent advance Corn closed unsettled. 1-S cent err to 1-2 cent advance. NEVIN COMMUNITY PROGRAM OUTLINED DR. HOWARD ODUM TO OPEN LECTURE LIST Dr. Howard W. Odum. of the ciia'tr of sociology at the University .f Ncrth Carolina, will introduce a coui.m of six lectures to be given here k v University professors, at the Y. M. ;. A. Friday night. Dr. Odum wiil speak on the subject of "Democrat pnd Active Citizenship." Later oth V professors at the University will come here through the Winter for similur lectures. Dr. Odum is prominently know.t among ihe educational forces of ih.. State for his expertness as a sociolog ist and for numerous treatises he has written on such subjects. The course of lectures is being pro moted by th.e -Mecklenburg Alumni Association of the University in con junction with the T. M. C. A. An. entertainment given as a benefit nitv Tin, ml" of the Co- m House at Xevin will h li- Ihi. ll,l . .. " - Jiciij-uiie-Anotner Club community Friday night. The wnicn .urs. .Joseph AA'arden "ciii anei ot which Mrs. reiary. has built the ciini-eiy oy its own efforts a former school building. of thai club, of is presi- Slaton is sec- community house remodeling If s Nerve Force from Nuxated Iron ibat helps make STRONG. 5U, FORCEFLL MEN, wlio over-ma storms: presence felt ment they enter a room. MAGNET miike (heir Ihe ni'i- i-8 cent net CASH GPAIX. 16. Wheat; 13 97 .z79 i 35 i-4 3-4 S 1- 48. 1-2 iS 1- .-,; 51 3S 23 SO l : 114 SI 10 47 63 II 126 10 53 3i) 55 84 64 51 6 3f S! 10 I5! 3-4 1-4 3-S 1-4 1-2 o--S : - i 1- ! T-l a-S 1-4 1-S 1-1 3-S CHICAGO Chicago, Dec. reported. Corn, No. 2 mixed 4 No. 2 yellow 47 3-4 to Oats, No. 2 white 3fi vvnite 1-4 to 351-4. Rye, o. 2, 85 1-2. Barley 46 to 56. Timothy seed 5.00 to 6.10. Cloverseed 12.50 to 18.50. Rcrk nominal. Lard 8.55 to 8.60. Ribs 7.25 to 8.25. no sales 4 to 4 to ' 1-2; No. 3 CHICAGO Chicago, WHEAT Mav ... July ... CORN May ... .1 uly . ... OATS May . . . July . . . PORK Jan. LARD Jan. May . . . RIBS Jan. May . . . GRAE AXI Dec. 16. Open .1.12 .1.03 PROVISIOXS. 5 3 '.4 54?i 33 S.50 8.90 3i .1 High Low Clos 1-1SU 1.12 1.1J I.O314 1.02ii 1.02 55 54-!a vtii "S 37 38 11.70 8.53 S.4 7 S.55 8.97 8.90 S.'.i7 ..... ..... (.33 7 85 -1 HOW TO INVEST IN COTTON What you should know about Cotton is contained iu our reooktct No. 31,b KAMJOLPH ROSEJR. 2t by Free on Request ROSE & SON Cotton Storks Grain STONE ST. NEW York Wire Connection in CHARLOTTE, N. C. BROOME & BURKETT 219 W. Trade St. NUXATED IRON contains the principal chemical con stituent .of active -living- nerve force 1.1 a form which most nearly resembl-s that 111 the brain and nerve cells of man. It also contains organic iron like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach. lentils and apple-s Organic iron enriches the Mood aid plenty or rich red blood means tn..;. nerve Torre, so that Xuxated Iron not only feeds what might be termed ..;,i ficial nerve force 10 the nerve ceil--but it simulates the blood to manu facture a greutlv increased snni.i-.- ..r I new nerve force. if you are we.-l--; nervous or run-down, get a bottle .f I Nuxated Tron today, and if within 1 . o ! weeks time you do not feel that it li,:s j increased your nerve force and nt do you lcel better and stronger in ev'ci way. your money will be refund I hold by all druggists. ?s 1 14 11 84 General Asphalt 63 1-S 7-8 7-8 7-8 , st. Louis oimix. m.. houis. )ec IP. Vrt,..i -v-.. red 1.23 to 1.23 1-": X'n ! i'lt n.J ceniber 1.09 I -2: Mav tin 7.x ' Corn, No. 2. white t7 iV..,,.,1 . .. ii. 1 o. n -1 : ' ..... ici,viiiutr lb 1-2: Mav nl 5-R tn Z.1 ! December 34 1-8; Mav 38 3-4 JOHN AV, TODD, C. P. A. D. H. McCOLLOUnH O. T a AUDITS, EXAMINATIONS, INCOME TAX RETURNS, BUSINESS AND COST SYSTEMS. TODQ & McCOLLOUGH Certified Public Accountants (North Carolina) 1 1 Galloway Building. CHARLOTTE, N. C. I Livestock Curb Market f Rv STUART P. AVEST. Staff Correspondent of The IVews. Xev.s rtibliKhins,- Co -ev.- lork, Dec. 16. The feature of .lie euro market today was sudden development of interest in the pipe .me jsauts. me tone or ine general market was steady despite the faci. 1 nat n'gner prices for a. number of y-f.ues brought out profit-taking sah-r from the professionals. Among- the pipe line companies for which there as a setter demand at. advancing- 1... ices were .buckeye.- Eureka, Indiana -no houtherh. Standard Oil of X 1 01 w was more active and eitiite firci !:ur Standard Oil of Indiana was er ratic, a;t opening advance being follow er oy a reaction with a later rally from the lowest. Imperial Oil of Delaware was feature of th.e independent oil. stock sho-.ved pronounced strength rr-iivity on the announcement that Middle States Oil Cotooration. the enr organization. was planning frke over the company. Simms" tr oleum, Skelly and Internal inn a 1 trcieum lield about steadv iooos moved up a. traction- on short overing Din .uerriit 0:1 was heavy o ii.ouerate onermgs. linnevia nit -.f . ..naaa started uigner but ran in:o rrofit-taking sales later in the session. i he low priced motor stocks weiv ie leaders in' the mi?i.-cllaiipnnu o-,-..,,. Lincoln Motors was firm but Locomo- pyc fell sharply on urgent selling. Durant issues were ouie:. T.'ar.ii oal. was lower in the earlv rlAalin.- out rallied later. G-len Al.l Brothers held about unehanared Lim v iVIcXeil Libby was sliahtK- nio-n.-v and there was a fair "demand fo'r i-Iulhp Mori is. irregularity prevailed in the minin? -epa.rtment. xi to. declaration of the extra dividend Bonds v,-ere steady but price changes ere oonttned within fractional limit' he New York City 4 l-2s were.'liieii on the stock exchane-e nft-ai- mMin,. he bonds have been hr.m?n- t ,.r.-i 104 5-8 10 104 3-4. the nviee ,t which they are expected in he nfri...! to the public. the Tiie and the par to Pe- 1 e VORIv MOSEY. Dec. 16. Call money ; low 5; ruling rate 5; offered at 5 1-2; last XEW New York. firm; high 5 1 closing bid 5 lean 5 1-2. Call loans against acceptances 4 1--Time loans firmer: 60 rl.ivs an and 6 months 5 to 8 Id. t rime mercantile paper 5 to CHICAGO POULTRY. Chicago, Dec. 16. Ponitw unsettled; fowls 14 to 22 1-2 l; turkeys 38; roosters 15 1-2. 1-4. , alive, springs XEW YORK POULTRY Xew York. -Dec. 16.Liv nrm; chickens, 22 to : 0; turkeys, 40 ot 50 Dressed poultry, steady noultrv. 4; fowls. 24 to unchanged. SUGAR York. Dee. 16. Raw at 3.67 for centrifiie-ni . - - Kenned easier at a. 10 for fine ulated. New- steady Conyriffltt. lA.1l.hv Xn-. T.,i.ut.:... .... Union Stock Yards, Chicaco. Dee ik' uarga runs were rennrtri in v, .'. tie alleys but no e-nnd etoot-o -n.-.,... v Y 1,. . - . -V.3 T. cic unci cu. in the hog pens stmnir cicn ,r...- heavy, nearly 11,000 being held over from v. udui-e. w earner conditions were unfavorable for the. sheep trade and val ues dropped. Present prices for about all vuius 01 nvestocK show a decline for leveis, noted at tne close of last week. Leceipts of livestock at the local ysrd today were estimated at 7,000 cattle 47 -000 hogs, 9,000 sheep and lambs and S00 calves. CATTLE: Xo good cattle were in the pens today and the. trade was slow. Some deals were as much as 25 cents off from tne best levels of the day before, placing ine tnarivet at the low levels for the woek. I ouiue steers sold at $6 to 56.50. Cows i and heifers met with a weak demand and ' I puces were easy. Bulls sold steadv with good bolognas at $1 to ?4.23 but 'calves ! were again more tlian 2.. cents lower. Packers took most of the best vealers at S9 to $9.50. HOGS: Prices were generally 10 to 15 cents lower in the hog pens todav. Choice ligiit hogs made S7.20 fo 87 30 mit most of the good butchers sold below I $7. Rough packing were slow sellers manv i of these going- below S3. 50 while good lots 1 sold at $6 to $6.25. Pigs wore generally I 10 to lo cents lower. Some strictlv prima! Jots made ?7.2o to $7.35. SHEEP: Lambs were arain mnn-i- cents off from the low time today before which the trade fully 75 e-ents below the best time on that day. Prime lambs ' maue iu.a to 51U.0O for small lots but the bulk of good fat lambs went at $9 to 5S.10. Aged muttons were slow with a few on sale. 1 ' the 111 17 (b 1 I rJ&Vi "t .rfi.''7 VW 1 'V U CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago. Dec. 16. CATTLE: Receipts 7rt00: market eiul!; beef steers and fat she sto.'k v.oak to 23 cent's lower; quality plain; bulk beef steers 6.50 to 7.50; veal calves, canners and cutters weaki bulls, stockers and feeders steadv. HOGS: Receipts 47,000; lights and light butchers 15 to 20 lower; others lo to 15 lower than yesterdas-'s aver-r.-g-e: packing sows steady; big packers aoing very little: top 7.30 for light lights; bulk. 180-pound and up. 6.65 fo 7.00; pigs 10 to 15 lower: bulk dir. able 7.2- to 7.33. SHEEP: Receipts 9,000; fat lamb; steady to 25 cents lower than terday's low time; sheep and feeders s-aow, aoout steady; best far. Iambs to packers early 10.00 to 10.25; some held higher:- good light vearlins-s r.n- choice light ewes up to 5.00; heavies 3.00 to 3.25. You'll Smile Too When You Have Joined Our Christmas , Savings Club It's the one big thrift plan which makes everybody happy Mother, Sister Sue, Bobby and all the rest of th 'Dad, family. CLUB IS NOW FORMING. A PLAN TO FIT EVERY PURSE. A MEMBERSHIP FOR ALL. HERE'S HOW IT MOUNTS UP: $2.50 A WEEK MOUNTS UP $ 125 00 $2.00 A WEEK MOUNTS UP.V " 100 00 $1.00 A WEEK MOUNTS UP ' i0 00 .50 A WEEK MOUNTS UP 25 00 SAVAXXAH NAVAL STORES. Savannah. Ga.. Dec. 16. T firm, 94 1-2; sales 199; receipts 193; shipments 415: stock 12.642. Rcsm firm: sales 864: reeeint shipments 1,053; stcok- 78.657. Quote: B D E F G 4.05: T-T t K 4.80: M 5.20: N 5.35: Wft 3.7f- 5.90. . 22S; 4.10; WW gran- CHICAGO POTATOES. Chicago, Dec. 16. Potatoes steadv. AViseonsin sacked round white 'l fi to 1.80 cwt. Minnesota ditto 1.60 to 1. Sacked Red Rivers 1.60 to Idaho sacked Rurals 1.85 to i a cwt. 1.70 cwt. 1.95 cwt. JOIN TODAY Select your plan whatever you can pay weekly for 50 weeks; you won't even miss it. Get in the line of smiling, happy people at our club win dow. Pay in to yourself, these little driblets of small change. AND NEXT CHRISTMAS Have a tidy Roll of Cash when the man says: "Shall I tharge it?" Answer him "No." Tell him that $.3.00 and $10.00 Bills now are bet ter than shopping bills on January 1st. u ifrVs no. red tape or bother about joining. Just drop in the bank and get your passbook, or phone us. Hundreds ot your friends are calling every day and all -are smiling. It s your move, Charlotte Bank & Trust Co. 214 East Trade Street, M. A. Turner, Pres. J. II. Leech, Cashier. WT. R. Foreman, Vice Pres. V;-. ii