THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. CHARLOTTE, N. C., i LIVESTOCK COTTON GRAIN M KET QUOTATIONS; FINANCIAL NEW UTILE TRADING IN THE MARKETS No ( .ancc 'liangc m Sentiment Indication That Ad- Has Reached Top. ( nl'1 iilil. " ii n r v. m i:s i ni roiMinilcnt of The riT. liV.-l.hy c.v Piiblinhine Co . . l New York. Dec -'0 ' litlo fresh interes't 'j ,-:rUet today. Superficial idling activity on all si les ,- xcii st down to te anl ,:u holidays and the di i i-uriaii new enterprise u-.-01 the year. Hut : "",'TV; maVk in the of December of other .-ippeared at best a verv '.i nation. The truth is th-'t :md most of the foreign ;nr , :ia-' enough of an -ut t.' last two months o- ..u s-omemin? uf a slow-io-s nol mean that sentl or that there is a-,. 'uat th rise has outrun ,'.,'p;,t lisinosH conditions ".ii. ate a feelitisr that it ' ""-l cautiously until the ;. re. overy becomes less a i -noiv an a.tuaiitv . part siocks.' wh-le -- siontly strong. Railway neglected and were in - a bit. There was more I ic copper and metal 'vne ircsh weakness in 'i', sugar compa re I'ccted anxiety over the . :.u ivpi wnen the 0 ,,f 1 ! Cuban rii i been withdrawn. i. ins for the rise " . -pei-iany m ' an oil shares vie s.'oe and leather stocks j'c-ia Hies. iiffures On r-.i Vl-,'',1 ,th Svernn,nt ' bales as the nnal too libera!. At taken in the ion .,, vis "ith this the ad UiKlish cotton manu nave become tno-e ' prospect of a better "Mile domestic condi mend. has helped tne :nc shock occasioned .'iumon or over .vi urn crop. ;i s pear two months CURB BONDS . 0TOCK3 Live Stock Features j STILL STRONG. "P. riKnt, 191, hy aeiv rub,l9hInB c o 'ru . m from CdaPv S0nI dC, not a out !nt,.J,?"5. Public slav! r- - . . v urj irf i r in t b : i at all anvinn. . '. . 'nuustriais ' are i r . ' a "i ineir nronts SO. I no win De post whether the COTTON MARKET GAINS STRENGTH I WaU Street anxionc mu it or not t unity to inay during the "-iue mey are there is som which Th3 well- sup- lance But Kepi some in the ODDOC- CODDers liavo laSt dlJV Or tnrn K mc tine group in ontQiflk ; ,w , knoo; lJ""V .we ror the dips off T?ii easily each time it advances w.,' ".i, N" .?.f..the. fact. mnt uunai. m w- v.- 'oin were smart "-o hip graauaj j iuct-ss mat was Net Advances of 30 to Joints; Recovery of $10 . from Low Figure. st? STUART P. WEST. 37 New dence i York, n a increase appeared ot the creeping impressive. But it forward tlv l It ago. Curb 4- 1 1 Iv !!fl infi l errrvnondeot of The twi 1'ubliKhIt... r -". F'rices were avail- vcnapge today. Motor weak, whilo nn ti. f the mining shares I h features in the oil - JVaroieum and .Rav "noi.g uie mining Montana made a present movement. (:' "t I'anada developed pro ''!Cl'!, at ti'c start but after '..:; iy tiiere was a reaction i.-;f. nfttr early firmness. was shown in Mara. h i. Imperial Oil of Dela Vldrfc Lol.o.s. Klk BasiUi ! :. r: a tional rcaroleurn were or the low priced issues r nit showed only small i previous close. " prominent among the :-u.-. imrns Brothers Ii .y' ".'!i nun mere was .1 Tor i-arrell. The supply. Peerless y iie sale and a low r.?'i in .ocomobile a:-o cak. There AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE. iin0rinaV,r,OCi.nlOtive sot weU abve par "1 today's trarlino- u i the lin,, more wrUneVT , ihe SHl pint., . uefii urawmg SKSS!KS o? ,h"Sl, 25," i.iner. n win i eremembered fwo r,year'? CRr.aml Sundry paVd onlv tJtu PGr u'?nt an1 later ft"- Per cent ZnJlZJ:11? H 8rreat deal more. Then suddenly it became known that a three Seserve fund had been set up for, dividends at the rate of 12 per cent Ex amination of the a morion t .Jr.; It... saeet. bearinir iti rtiiiii Plan Of morlprufn rl ...i.n ... - - v . . v mviuriiuft Willie mlmg up undivided surplus has been fol stand why many people see in American .vWmuine common a second Car 1-oundry common. balance same and .V na I'll 111 lah l n - ci " , lowing confi graaual i m rr--m, trade. mmWti.j ,su ports that n u J wilii ine re- ent bspn, c :..' '.,le:. a-pyar- it'ess nf i ' i ' e continued stead- ket todav i u!"e '? the cotton mar. di.P lf i." J-erpool was lower than a an advance of 3 to 22 noints wit'i fsVo T,,oi-"a f;lrr"(J Januarv up to very near v ! " V." T uaie iron lOW figures nnolm.1 i .7 1. J're was """""em nectge selling best, but the undertonePoVmtShefr0m1arkht SS,ll,e abSenCe r We The census report showing 7 'Qo bales "inno.i t- '""'"s i.iS3,i),s fl rt n " l V . 1 y - bales iVno VJL"'UJ" Period. curliMt .iii 1 e perioa in 1916. the ,;',St ',"ned. "1P Previously on -:: . r,r v Touuw bales were ginned Avere a shaHo r r' .. "UIt rtftaini,, j A.peciaiions i,,o. , 1 . 10 relieve anv apituension that the 'uSt week. ViSW V r f- L- Tiiar. A r. . . . " ri,X v . uonstructive side of tf"!:oc?. .market. at. the opening of ;7ir. Y,",5 w -ie investment shares ..,......Uvu ulcii ijieguiar or heavv burns Hromers and Stromber a,a;b'i?J;e': rfiSt.fr5d 'wo Point gams r o . , .L Electric rose one several ui ine prominent oils uppers ana cnemicais made frnr-t innai ieeis and equip- 1 1 Grain Market Re"? nts Yards' Chio. De io. i.eceipts were comparative! - lisrhi in the cattle allevS fn.1fi,7 ,T,S M-,J!iu ,n found conditions. we' was just as down. Much in character and Puil- Latest de- arms con- strength of also some which caused ror tne compared wiih advances, but ments eased. Pennsylvania. New Haven man were especially heavy, velopments bearing upon the ltrence contriouteo to the fcieign exchanges. -uiuor steeis, equipments and food ".-v.u.mco niuicu uiiLrarny during tiie ""u:miuh. '-rucjoie, fteploglc fE'f-l" ugar preferred -v ?.'",li'ci,', Aea rose .1 to l 1-2 points. Gulf States Steel. Chicaeo Pneumatic Tool, Ajax Rubber. Jewel i,,,l,r,, i o"" .Amrican Beet -i-ect. jcii i -i points. ; ' , -u8 . al ""regular. Heavi- w1 iucii.v Dunas teatured Uva '""i uunu HiarKei. sales 675,000 shares. Copyright, JR23, br New Publlfhin Co iiiuuain and it ditRcult to keep the price or the trading was local K-j u nit ina iiwn l. . dined to give ATmour credit ToTsuo" Pcrting the market. The news wis "a but th2re-ffvorable lo tne bulT sidt out tilS Wftaknoso in u.7: . . i.IUC r-ftween that "u?!-"1? pertly responsible rnr.rZ"0" s.iown in the Vannm t ,.J:c"e billed th o-h ,; 7,f' . "V?ui would i, wuu wnere ;t to at sheep local 7.000 anl approxmiated NEW STOCK Sale. and lingcr- total crop discounted TEXAS AND PACIFIC. th in Texas and Vacifir- ; nition of the nro- earnings for that Streng raicjiLij a Delated reeo; grcss SllOWn m the October statement. Xet operating income .A "as S11."00 against onlv $207 -000 in September. Continued at 'the Oc- rr. i ' 1,xas ana 1 an would show tor the fiscal yea rended June five vr Pont rt V 1 - v.,i siutu, even arter the deduc tion of a small sum for the government and the reserve fund. Texas and PacLic is noted, however, for sudden changes in monthly operating ratios. It had an Au gust operating income of $754,000. Then came the tumble in September to $207,000 followed by the remarkable rocoverv in October. In fact, October's net almost cquaueu me total net for the first months of 1021 combined. Xp w market fresh market of 3 to 1S.70 for or 30 to ceir.ber six 1Z-31 ft a motor broke record Lincoln was some lepuoiic Rubber which low mark. Amalgamated v. imi nrrncr. Hosf.n and Montana there -''fe to tiie milling depart- held about steady and ' priced shares were active ! ge in price. ( a,'iv and mall gains Uie Ikeublic of Argentine tA..eptp.,n, They wore verv LAKE EIIIE AND WESTERN. ' The recent advance in Lake Erie and western preferred from around 24 to 30 probably foreshadows an offer from the Xew York Central for the minoritv stock. oniuiar 10 mat. made to the minoritv holders of the Big Four. Certainly it has not been clue to the earnings situation of the company for Lake Erie and Western is earning only 25 per cent of its fixed charges. NEW YORK roTTOJf shl. cotton the rnr.i7.. 'c""""u sieaainesa at t, tuuaj. xwverpool was i? nV;i,an du,e' b th census figures Snnne5th;?JFlh rather less S H.v, secern oer period tall- of an!1 lnre was continued which 0fPr1"? Prospects m-,:r ","""-"""? . some vv.iiiiiisjuuh nouse buvine- Th "viiea sieaay at an advance fuiiiw, soon setting up to Jnjiuary ana JX.37 for Mawl, points net hisrhor t' was rpta t i i'oi r , r - Stcarlv ar icT "eia . VU! scattered southern t.:v Zt oarne more uc- " -"V morning with Januarv or i tf: 1S-3j ,and March to 18.23. n .r, i points net lower and T,i.r 1 , " pomis Deiow jcci. imports of small bank failures In aa-oumea tor some ivie.i seumg. but they ti,7 a maricet tactor and .S !n mostly attributed to - ""i. it-anzing. a local b,kfj:51r;!p?,rts. more. business with ,u """o uui-ing me last two .in pieviousiy tor two was not mod! YORK Lat Allis-Chalmers . . American Beet Sugar Can " Car & Roundrv .. . '. Hide & Leather pfd International Corp.. Locomotive . . . . Smelting & Ref. . " Sugar . . . Sumartia Tobacco . T. & T ; Tobacco Sec. . . Woolen . . .".'...! Copper . . ! ! LIST. the earlv a couple of ueorgia may or the scat- were not aen- the ring here after the first half around hour. January sold off to IS ''7 early afternoon decline under tied realizing or scattering "'" ana prices were within "is or tne lowest ociock. oeneral business I'diauvciy ouiet :i I tlio spot east- weeks months, but trade buy in yw iokk I'otirBv. L'-!- - Uve poultry "':: ::, to 24; fowls 20 to ', "" Press 7.0 to 55. r ! ' weak; fowls 17 to Bond Market S to i: on the four 01 five around two was c-om- uecune o points from 'last night's some clcsir CLOSE NEW YORK FCTL'RES, acw lork. Dec. 20. fmtnn t (iAR. I -0. Raw sugar '" Si) for centrifugal. '"?ed at 5.10 for fine "-MKAGO POTATOES. -n- Potatoes steadv. ;; v y:s sacked 1.60 to 1.75 .'; K. te. 1.S0 -W.t ' .-a ked 1.S5 to 1.95. ftMYTHING In High Quality wilding Materials let of a feels V in on u seer i.j' nta Claus doesn't Wi 1 lackinff in the Uy afforded him. g'H' right, maybe ed k. car a rent - u.-tU(. lcdSori By STUART P. WEST. Staff Correspondent of The New. Copyright, 19J1. by Nevs Publishing- Co. New York, Dee. 20. The irregularitv which entered the foreign government group today was typical of the entire bond market. The Influence of the new Kingdom of Denmark per cent loan was felt in the Danish 8s and the Danish municipal 8s A and B. The government Ss lost about a point and the municipal obligations went down a half point. Japanese and Chinese bonds also worked a point lowtr. Queensland 7s and United Kingdom 5 l-2s were slightly reactionary. Liberty bends were fairly steady at the open ing but all issues declined during the course of heavy trading. A large amount fo New York City 4 l-2s- of 1571 on a when issued basis changed hands around 104 1-2 and at 106 New York State 4 l-2s of 1963 were four points above their last sale in May last year. The strength of the Seaboard Air L.ine bs was a feature of the railway division. rnese bonds gained almost a point above their level at the clos last night. Substantial advances oc curren aiso in Wisconsin central 4s up nearly iwo points, l-'eoria and Eastern first 4s gaining a like amount, Great Northern first 1 l-4s striking a new high at S8 1-2 and Iron Mountain, uiver and trtut 1s touching. 77. Trac tions were strong, particularly tne Brooklyn Rapid Transit 7s certificatea lrcluding the stamped issue. On th otner nana weaKness appeared in a number of rails such as Louisville & Nashville 7s, Missouri. Kansas & Texas adjustment 5s and Southern Railway general 4s. In the industrial section Cerro de Pasco fell a point. Marine 6s got into lewer grounds and the oils were a bit weak. Lnited States Rubber 7s and Columbia Gas and Electric as both ad vanced, ine Columbia Railway ower f.nd Light Company has soPld to Ha rife. Forbes & Company $5,00u,t00 refunding mortgage 6 per cent goid bonds due in 1941. The price of the isfcue is 93 1-2 and interest to yield acout b.bu per cent. ine bonds were reported to be going very well, an issue of $1,600,000 first mortgage 5 peT cent gold bond3 of the Washington, Baltimore & Annapolis Electric Rail road has been fully subscribed. The Louisville & Nashville Company has received authority finally to issue $2i, 572,000 first and refunding first mort gage gold bonds at not less than 96. The road may also procure authentica tion and delivery by the trustees of $15,802,000 of its bonds, the Western Pacific Railroad Company will sell $3, 000,000 six per cent gold bonds lata in January. The reorganization plan of the Tennessee Midland Railway Com pany under which the property of the Tennessee Railroad, now in receivers' hands, is ot be taken ovei calls for a $6,000,000 six per cent bond issue to retire $4,114,000 indebtedness of the com pany as well as to provide for $7,500, 600 capital stock;. easy: Jan March . . Ma v J1-1V "..'.; Oct NEW New Y quiet; middling own 1S.4S 1S.32 17.87 17.43 16.82 Hi2Th 3 8.70 18.57 18.1 i 17.67 16.86 Low IS. 24 1S.KJ 17.72 17.25 16.50 ' YORK SPOT COTTON ork, Dec. 20. Soot- 18.80. closed Close !.. 6 lrt.10 17. .11 17.25 lb.50 cotton rung price of the first NEW ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans, Dec. '( cmuii,. figures than exnp. tori f sn, ifaVr0"-1 tcV31 poim3 "P in Di.rfno- th T . "usiitess loaay. " , ru v 1 part or tne opening call, the market hesitated because of fhPPI fr'verpool. but it stiffened on Ar?-admS. f the Sinning returns ofr,n5 tr the Census Bureau, the output oi cotton to the thirteenth of December, was 7.799.458 bales. Many 7!'900e.000aPPeared t0 eXpGCt aS high ls The advance DersistAd nn:i ; ounted to 30 to 36 points which carried m,"ehai7 r'P t0 17-92- At this level much realizing came from the long side and a reaction set in. At noon Irlcvs were only one to xt-wr, tLp..1. yesterday's close with Januarv at 17 i noon reactionai-v cantim'.t r-r-coo j ... . -"H"irill :-k . , , "U. m tne trading up to l.oO o clock prices fell to levels 3 to 12 poinst under the close of yesterday January declining to 17.48. Liquidatfon of hf 1traCtS furnished a good part ot the offerings wh o tv sP-ial demand from anv quarter CLOSE NEW OULKASS rniriTnc. Orleans, Dec. 20. Cotton closed net aecane of 15 American American American American American American American American American American American Araconda Atchison Atl.. Gulf & W. Indies . . , Baldwin Locomotive .. Baltimore & Ohio ... Bethlehem Steel "B" . . Canadian"" Pacific .. .. Central Leather .... .' Chandler Motors . . Chesapeake & Ohio . . " .' Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul . Chicago. R. I. & ac.P . . . Chino Copper Colorado Fuel & Iron '.". Ccrn Products Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar . . . . cm- General Electric ..' General Motors S.. Goodrich Co Gi t at Northern pfd .! Great Northern Ore ctfs Illinois Central Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine pfd .. International Paper . . Kennecott Copper . . Louisville & Nashville' .'. Maxwell Motors Mexican ePlroleum .... '. Miami Copper Middle States Oil '. ! ." Milvale Steel Missouri Pacific . . New York Central .. N. Y.. N. H. & Hartford Norflok & Western . . . Northern Pacific . . . Oklahoma Prod. & Ref. Pan American Petroleum . . Pennsylvania People's Gas Pittsburgh W. Vt.' ' ." Ray Consolidated Ponnov Reading Rep. Iron & Steel '. '. Royal Dutch.. N. Y. Shell Trans. & Trad Mnciair Con. Oi Southern Pacific Southern Railwa Mandarrt Oi of V. .T t.fri luaeDaKer Corporation icnnessee Coppe 1 txas co. ... Texas & Pacific . . Tobacco Products . . Transcontinental Oil Union Pacific . . .... U. S. Food Products' . .' U. S. Retail Stores .. .. l. S. Ind. .Alcohol .. 1 - S. Rubber '.' U. Steel Utah Copper TV se tinghouse Electric Willys Overland . . . . ure Oil . . Atlantic Coast Line'.'. .. Coca Cola Gulf States Steel ".'.'.' Seaboard Air Line . . Sloss. Shef. Steel & iron" Lnited Fruit . . . Virginia Caro. Chcm." ' . American Tobacco American Zinc Invincible Oil . International Harvester ' General Asphalt 3S 27 144 61 . 42 . 99 44 51 . 31 ..114 , 80 48 " 93 33 9 35 56 121 30 51 56 19 32 2S 26 98 66 6 10 141 11 36 77i 3 1 98 40 64 5 4 25 10S 1-: 1-2 3-S 3-8 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 1-2 demand. 01 corn try is sales to mand slnirai low but. the and low rained vine- -- 11 . 1. 1.11 i was mnofif . ill 1 1"; 1 W IT n r, r.. .... bring it n t , r"' :"!es "'and was m'odT. "c ae" ported a little MTA. "I"?: wsS- '"ngemand forwh Corn Waa Kral-n,. t-. . being soine pressure in evident eusmg Late morit iQ ii.ii , e.icoutitRi-irnr '"".v steauv r ""ntonnS local suDDort. v.oc tununuea heavv nii th. . was -si.uig rauier tlian maU-ino- arrive. Domestic hir.i 1 1 1 V"- up. Export bids were seaboard reported some SfStionV6 jr!iho"Lat''- puce Domost ci,i" :""c,"e.iy narroT fonoi Vii- ""lwuis aemana for iPllen off ma r aiiir nf ll Drovismno iVin 1 - the ni ',"'?, ieature i r-f k.. , r -,iJ-' ana oats has metrests. buying was snort of th- gS i.Uld sheDe also Ml a?, nt .the number on hand a week TJLth8land,nK. this fact, how- - - . 'muiiit was s nw o n h i i no chance -to i MoTnand . buyers was SMw " e5P1'"1 market for the rwriv r.,i. ?n..a.te ot good Addel hnnAoVT- iv"ljy .?n account of the -..j0 uSU nun tne beer trade voVj . 1 "vestocK tor the lay were estimated - aa ' "-u"0 hogs, 8,000 tow eaives. CATTLE: Demand for cattle wi again dull an,l values were general' oO cents below the levels noted at th, close of last . week. Choice steers VciU ucinaiiu uui mere was enough of this kind on hand to the market. Few heavy steers ab0 f.8- - . One lot averagfng luu,ms went at $.(). Cows were siow and it. "ua ouyers even for hfln: k"," al.- - t0 -2- Whi best around$4 for the 17.50 to $8 o- . 1 11 c -o 10 ou cents. HOGS: Hogs sold iue titan out values vooa later in tne dav Pviirw hght lots made $7.10 ear- but th best went at S7 :vr.ri hoiA, 1 . 1 V- Daekinsr hn' i 7. i-ougn , - '' "t-'pe.-u uown to good lots ud to Sfi to anywhere from stead v'T xiiu I i;-t 1 1 . no-t. i "O-J 1 11 ' 1 ' IN P . strong to 25 TESTIFIES THAT (Cowtlnned from Pnge One.) a ntcfi stopped a private carying was n net help sold 1 and herf- was hard to good lots. Good ocdu.y iraae. Packers bid TOT n ri T rA i T . - best at $8.50 i t.i tn nearly were off steady a dime Opley sage. .. Opley told him to let him see th. message," said Scott, "and the soldier refused, saying the message was noi for Jim Then Major Opley iei W r'Sj s . as "one, tne men ? , lu Proiest, and there trial. Questioning Scott a sto his identifica tion of Major Opley, Colonel Bethel Si there was no "Opley" on the army aZl swear how the "anie was spellea but tha,t was the wav he wa called." Scott said. COL. BETHEL RECALLED AUi?L ?e"e,:aI Pershing's Judg- h;r;T,X "c"Iili n t rance, recalled me wjiuiiiiiiee, declared that Wir court-martial death uiu not require approval dent. Questioned bv of in timi- sentences the Presi- Senator IVai C li Tl 1 ' ojcuivji sam tnat, after nons naa ended, the rectea that all lower were with Trade a dime unsold at ioice fat lambs nu cents liis-hov r., 1, .. oj 1- J-auv sotu at Jiere tne trade reeaers and aged )0 i'oi- S.o0 to $t() was about steariv muttons held steady! 1-2 1-4 3-8 1-2 3-4 3-8 1-4 1-2 3-4 3-8 1-2 5-8 1-4 5-3 ."-8 Chicago. Dec. 20. r.a,i. 11 the southwest tM7-- J , ."lolslure cast . wjtn a tore- t iii or zero tumnarot.,... '"it northern Kn ' rrsou strengthen t u '. '""ency 10 during the mh " aLtoda-'' tations, which vnri fr-V quo" figures to 3-r lleii.,? unchanged Wheat closed h-mI- 1 a'.' .. . net lower. J lu - ent -orn, after CHICAGO LIVESTOCK Chicago. Dec. 20. v. CATTLE: Receipts 7,000;-beef s( -e-s L,"y Steady Slw1 V tV. 7 0-.. . ,e- uulK beef stcei- biddm ednners strona:: hints Ei.. OWer on val r.oi,. and feedres steadv. sloue fnHcSii lrnrdaye part load light lights 7.i0; opening unchanged to V i juwer sapsroil o i;i.n- lower. l" 1 7-8 cents net Oats started cent advance i.t . 10 . general setback "u"u a slight r-rovisions reflected hog market." showed steadiness of lae 1.14; Corn. No. 3 to 4S i. to 37 113 27 13 27 17 74 12 97 79 . 33 . 61 . 25 . 15 . 73 . 52 . 51 . 38 . SO . IS . 113 81 10 47 25 63 11 126 10 53 39 5 5r S4 63 50 5 38 89 40 47 3S 122 28 133 .13 12 82 6S 1-4 1-2 7-8 &-4 1-2 5-8 1.-S 7-P 3-4 1-2 7-8 1-2 1-4 1-8 a-8 5-8 3-4 1-2 3-8 3-4 1-4 1-2 1-4 1-S 3-4 1-S 1-2 3-8 1-2 3-4 5-8 1-4 1-2 3-4 CHICAGO CASH GRAIN nicago. Dec. ?.() wi,n.i . 1 lit p a 1.11 l-i UatS. Nn o txt Kit a o. AO. 3 White .14 a Rye. No. " Sk Barley 49 to 52 1 imotlivseed - 5 nn Cloverseed 12.50 Perk nominal. ijara s.57. Ribs 7.50 to 8.50 0.80 to 6.90; pigs weak. SHE.EP: lambs stront Receipts 8,000: best fat sheer, ,,. .'"8'w; Olltor tl r , ici o btt-aay packers am? vfccice tat ewe, or feele,'' lam'te ' red 1-4; 1-2; SAVANNAH NAVAI. STORES frm'o.-, -'O.-TurKentinc r.rm, ,4 1-2. sales 185; receiDts 4f saipments 122; stock 13.001 ' yimi iirin: sales 1,050 sbipments 425: sotck 88 ft yuole: B D E 3.95; F '3 95 f J w?95-io 4.05: K4.S0- M 0.00; WG 5.60; WW 5.95. j-eceipts to .',y39; o. 4. N to to 6.10. 18.50. 31 ON II Y. Call money 1-2; ruling rate 2; offered at 6; 1-2 1-2 1 1-S 3-4 1-2 0-8 CHICAGO Chicago, WHEAT May . . . July : CORN May . . . Jufv . . . OATS May July ... PORK Jan. LA RD Jan. ... Ma v . . . RIBS Jan. May . . . GRAIN ANll Dec. 20. . Open His PROVISIONS, h Low Clos .1.14 Si .1.01 53 14 54 i 70 15 LI514 1.04 Ts 39 Vs 8.72 9.15 1.14 3.03 '4 1.1 1 1.033 NEW YORK New York, Dec.- 20 strong; high 6: low 5 J -2: closinir hin r. 1 last loan 6. ('all loans against acceptances V"'c loans nrmer; GO days, and 6 months 5 to 5 1-4. x rune mercantile paper 5 to 90 days 1-4. war condi- Government di- sentennps ho fm-n-ni tr. - : luinaiuiii asunision ior review. Colonel Bethel denied it was his infer ence, as sues-ested hv oQ ixr.. tnat executions were ennKnnl.,. Before going into the testimony, th committee listened to the reading o' scores of telegrams to" and from wit nesses respecting their attendance. Ii, many of taem, former service mn tele graphed that they were without funl and in these cages arrangements wf'-i-made to provide transportation. Several of the men summoned replial that they could not come for three dol lars a day subsistence, the Sena!- al lowance. "We'll come for seven dollars a div." said one former soldier and anoilvr ie- ' manding the same rat, said th Vet erans' Bureau -naid $4 r.n The statement of William Cowies .f Minneapolis, that the picture at Gievr purporting to be a gallows was n roa! lty that of a crane, was prcscntal Colonel Bethel reiterated tha Ameri can soldiers, charged with crimes against French nationals. wcr no tried and could not be tried by .French count-martial or civilian court. Colonel Bethel was shown .1 nk ture and asked if it was a gallows or "a ga oline crane. He replied: "It looks like a gallows-, but I neve-J-aw a gallows in my life " The case of a conscienliou-s obietl... named Fry, who refused to oarr'v hi- i-dciv atiu who was K1U2J by order me sruara, was Drarght i;p. ine man who kill -i the soldier tnea ana acquitted," Colon ol Bt testified. "It is our contenticr?." said Senator Watson, "that Fry was killed by a trcr geant who drove a 'oyonet through hi -heart." "Does the record show" askei Senator Overman, Democrat, North Ca rolina . "I think plied. -Ah-l not," Colonel Bethel re- 8.10 SAO) 53 54 "8 38 38 38 vi 14.65 8.67 8.07 9.10 9.12 7.77 8.00 6.00 LISBON PARLIAMENT ORDERED DISSOLVED Lisbon Dec. 20.-(By the Associated 1 ressV-A decree was issued today signed by all the Ministers of the Por tuguese Cabimt. dissolving Parliament ,,u lining .tanuai-y s an the date holding a general election. for The above FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 20. Foreij ;"ii ex- 5-8 per New York. Dec, change steady. at..B,r.ita!n Dar $4.85 4.21 1-?- k-S':. ,fand cables ' "a-y ujiis on bank lis 4ra;nTS.;oai-23am cables 36.78. b. cents rlisDatch is the i ct of new political disturbances in Portu gal that has come direct from the Portuguese capital. Snroial flisnatri,. 1 es were received last niiit i,.,. nom London quoting other advices re ceived from Lisbon by way of Paris to the effect that a new revolution had broken out in Portugal. These ujpaiciies sam The revolution began with cannonading along the Tagus River and that severe ' 'casualties had resujiea 10 ooiii sides in the versy. They declared the new revolutionary movement was accompanied by consid erable bloodshed, but details of the movement are lacking. contro- EXTRA SESSION (Continued From Page One.) about the same as before. Mr. Doughton keeps the bill, which mea"V that the penalties will still be imposed on those who do not pay their taxes promptly. The Senate staged a small squall over a bill which would give special school tax districts the right to applv to the State Board of Education foV the right to operate under" the general law rather than under special acts. The State school board would have to fix the lines of the district coterminous with the old lines, but it looked like centralization to Sol Gallert and others, and the bill was killed. The threat of the Senate to admin ister Col. Aus Watts a rebuke for low ering assessments in Durham countv tobacco cases proved nothing more than a threat, for when the measure was brought up Elmer Long announc ed that if any one insisted on th measure coming to the floor he would move to table his own bill. ' The King of Spain will soon be tho fust, monarch to own a private aero plane, which is now on its wav t. ? Madrid. ' ST, St. Louis, red 1.08 to 1.14 cember l.ll 1-2: LOUIS ORAIN. Dec. 20. Wheat 3-2; No. 4. May 1.13 No. 1.06; 8. oin. io. z wmte 46 1-2 to 47 cember 46 3-4; Maq 51 1-2 to 51 Oats. No. 3 white 34 1-2 lo 35 eember 34 1-2; May 39 1-2. De- De-3-8. De- CHICAGO Chicago, Dec. 20 nigner; fowls 14 to turkeys 38; roosters POULTRY. i-ouitry, alive 4.s; springs 22; 4- 15 Demand 36.72: N6-wav fnar Demand 15.90. Sweden mar it-mana 24.90. Denmark fpar Demand 20.30. Switzerland (par rrnac): Demand iflsn Spain (par 19.3 cents Demand 14.90. Greece (par 19.3 cents Demand 4.18. 26.8 cents 26.S cents 19.3 guilder. per krone): per kronej: per krone); cents per per pesota): per drachma), I I1H r m- S a. m. a renting na r, 'ISi 'J " ta . f ?F Ar Brazil 7naU 7- ' uemnad 33.50, milreYs')1: Pap" JOHN" W. TODD, C. P. A. D. H. McCOLLOUGH, C. P. A. AUDITS, EXAMINATIONS, INCOME TAX RETURNS, BUSINESS AND COST SYSTEMS. TODD & McCOLLOUGH Certified Public Accountants (North Carolina) 11 Galloway Building, CHARLOTTE, N. New steady points: to Httrn Low 17.92 17.36 17.90 17.43 17.69 17.20 37.25 16.80 16.46 16.04 wLieina, uee. zo. spot cotton and unchane-ed. Saia n 4 bales; to arrive 911 bales. middling 17.73; Open 17.50 .... . 17.65 . 17.40 17.05 36.30 ORLEANS Jan . March May . . , July ... Oct. . . . NEW New steadv spot 241 Liow middling: 16.00: god middling 18.75. Reciepts 3,514; stock Close 17.36 17.45 17.20 16.80 16.04 391,504. LIVERPOOL COTTON. mvciuuui, uec. -Mi Snnt nniin , nr . 1 . . f"- i"ituii ,Z7uZL t,JlesV Prices steady; good .1 j j 1 . 1 ij 1 1 v m inn uno- ii ot is o.uun Dales. Tin iH nr C rnn can veceipis 6,vvv, no Ameri r uiures Closed verv stoarU- r ij.uo. januarv 11 m itoi. inn- Ocober8l6.2ly l6'74; SePtember CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Chicago, Dec. ,20. iButter creamery extras 42 1-2: firsts 40 1 2: standards 37 1-0 ttrshhishTi firsts 48 o 5i ordinarv nrsts 42 to 44. lower; 33 to New York, silver 66 3-4. Mexican dollars 50 3 SILVER. Dec. 20. Foreign bar 4. I Cotton Opinion you whv. know the CITIZENS lnr Company TV boulevard 3472.3475 (Dry Goods Market By STUART r. WEST, Staff C'orrenpoadent of The Nevrs. Conyrlgbt, by New Publishing Co. New York, Dec. 20. Buying was more active in the cotton goods mar ket this morning than it has been m several days, with prices lirm around recent levels. The conviction sems to be growing that prices are not going to be lower, that they are very- likely to be higher and that now is a good time. to buy. Raw cotton increases every day in a way that is disconcerting to cotton goods merchants, who are striving to avoid higher prices. Con verters are among the principal buy ers or print ciotns. mere is a mora active call for sheetings of various descriptions. Drills, sateens, twill3 an:l other grade goods are in better de mand. ' . , -ew loriv, uee. 20. After the a.l- new nign levels for t: movement, the market reacted on profit r new uneans selling and some hedge - pressure. The reports that the People's Bank and th oo.TJi.aa aim j. ruse tjo., two Savannah uaiin.3, ciosea rionrs nitn. m..,- 1 , : : . . . .. tiini i.ave Deen responsible for a. little sn. uik uui mey were not sreneraiiv siaereu maritei tact ors. Some rf ti.A wis toiitmission nouses nave been ad vising saies on this bulge, and thrrA Bciiius inrougn sunn sources oa Muvance, mucn or it in th wn-.- . . K, - exports up. to one uL-uci were oi,b-'u. tieneral busi ness is probably feeling the restricted iiuiueuce ot an approaching three-day t, Ir ..o.uc iium iiiat, mere is piuuauiy a disposition to wait for a clearer Jine on the effect of higher ijuca uii ssuuinern spot onerings We can only reiterate our feeling tnat tne constructive side of values is best fo; the long pull, although we hardly feel that the time is quite ripe to follow advances too closely. was the NEW YORK PROVISIONS. New York, Dec. 20. Butter un jS, ereamery, higher than extras 43 1-2 to 44; creamer extras 42 1-2 to 43: creamery firsts 36 3-2 to 4". Eggs steady; fresh gathered extra firsts 56 to 58; do,-firsts 50 to 55. Cheese steady; average run 20 1-2 to MISS NELL GRIMSBY WEDS THOMAS HAMLIN BI PARKER AXDRRSnv Staff Correspondent of The News. vvasmngton. Dec. 20, Miss Nell Grimsby of Greensboro and Thomas xidinun or ivanvine, Virgina, w'ere mar rieci nere this morning at the Epiphany "i'wiu ciiurcii. ine ceremony was periormea by Dr. Freeman. Geor jumsoy ot tireensboro. uncle of the wnae. ana ivirs. . K. Hampton of Ply mourn, iir. mmiins sister, were the only out-of-town guests to witness the ceremony. - m .... ine oride is a daughter of the late ur. onmsby of Greensboro and is one or tne most beautiful and accomplished young women of the North Carolina coiony. Mr. Hamlin is engaged in bus iness here. The couple will, after an ex tended ,trip Nci-th. reside on Connecti cut avenue, Washington. SCHOOLS OF COUNTY . TO TAKE CHRISTMAS r- . j ... oixty-iour white schools of the county-and 55 negro schools win ineir qoors next Friday afternoon to remain closed until the rptiiaf i.. for school opening on Monday morn ing. January 2, according to announce- J. M. Matthews of the This will give the pu of "a little more than ment by Sunt county schools, pils a holiday week. The schools have had a verv nros- perous and successful year ud to the present, according to S U ner i n t em rton Matthews, and the prospects are that the term of Christmas Will liJA niniialli.- successful. "The attendance rvrda have been specially eood. arrnrrU-rnr Mr. Matthews, in all the sehonin -Rain Academy, for example, with an enroll ment of 200. has had a 93 ner cent daily average attendance. A mosquito has4 twentv-two tth all of which may be seen through a microscope. art Ueres How to Join . . i Simply select the amount you desire to deposit weekly, bring it to the bank, make your first deposit, then deposit this amount, the first of each week as per table below: STRAIGHT Deposit .50' Each Week 1.00 Each Week 2.00 Each Week 2.D0 Each Week The Surest Way WEEKLY PAYMENTS Pays Ever Hear Of Jpylnsurance? A Membership in Our Christmas Savings Club- Now Forming Will Cost You only avery small sum a week and will insure against being short of Cash next Christmas. And that means Joy Doesn't it? 50 50 Weeks Weeks Weeks Weeks to Have Money Save. 25.00 50.00 100.00 125.00 Is to You Can Join Now RING IN THE XMAS BELLS CUT OUT TIIE XMAS BILLS No red tape No fuss nor .Just look over to the left of Pick out the plan of payments fits your purse and drop in the lo get your little pass book it ' Ing for you now. feathers, this Ad. that Bank wait- The Xmas Club Is a "National, Institution it matters not how great or how small the income, a roll of ready cash, makes a Happy Snappy Christmas. In stead of having your Christmas Shop ping Bills all "dumped" on you . at one time January 1st, be paying them a a ?ew cents at a time. : Use a little of your spare change so you can't feel it. Pay it to yourself and then you'll have it. Follow that Urge. Join Now. CHARLOTTE BANK TRUST M. A. TURNER, Pres. 211 East Trade R. FOREMAN, Street ' Vice . Pres. J. II. LEECH, Cashier

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