10 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 21, 1921. S3 2! Charlotte. N. C. 302 N. McDowell St. Dear Saata Ciaus As it is near Christmas prease bring nje a billy goat wagon, and plenty of nuts and fruit. DWIGHT WHITWARTH. Dear Santa Claus I am a little boy 8 years old and I want a train and wagon and a little.puzzle and an auto and don't forget the orphan choldren and we are going to tave a Christmas tree. HAROLD SEVERS. Charlotte, N. C. December 15, 1921. Dear Santa Claus "We are little girls six years , old and three years old. I'm afraid we are a little late in writing you but we hope you will find time to get ur letter in print. We want you to oring us a little stbve, doll baby that sleeps, Walks and talks, some little knives and forks and some tea sets, two little chairs "and tabic, a basket vase, little" Tamp." "perfume, 'powder, picture Charlotte. N. C. C02 N. McDowell St. Dear Santa Claus I would like you to bring me a black board, and some chalk and some nice fruit. Please don't forget. my little brother, Bernard-. " DdNALD WHITWARTH. Matthews, N. C. . December 16, 1921. Dear Santa Claus I hope the snow will not be so deep that you can not stop by my house. I want you to please bring me some apples, oranges and candy and some nuts and sparklers and some fire crackers. Tour little friend. MATLEE BENTON. Fort Mill, S. C. ' December 16. 1921. Dear Santa Claus I am seven years old. I wish you would please bring me a pair of skates and a big cap pistol and some caps, a drum, horn and some fruit, candy and nuts. A merry Christmas to every body. Lovingly yours. WALLACE WOLFE. Marshville, N. C. December 17, 1921. Dear Santa Claus I am a little girl nine years old. I am going to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a doll, and doll carriage and be sure to put lots of candy, fruits, and nuts in my stocking. Yours truly. WILLIS DEAN. P. S. Be sure and come Christmas night. My Box is 75. Charlotte. N. C. December 14, 1921. Dear Santa Claus I am a little girl 9 years, old and go to school every day I am in the sixth .grade. I want you to bring me a baby doll with long curly hair, also a bed for it to sleep in, a Charlotte, N. C carriage to roll it in, also a tea set, December 18. 192. 'and a pair of boudoir slippers and a Dear Santa Claus I am a little girl nice big horn and lots of fruit, candy Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 16, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 9 years old. I want you to bring me a little doll trunk full of clothes and a pair of little skates a little stove to cook on and fruits and nuts and candy, and I want you to brine me a hat and a I coat and a pair of shoes 13, a .pair of nttie red bedroom slippers 13. Don t forget my little brother he is 3 years old. He wants you to bring him a cowboy suit he wants you to bring him a b c books. Don't forget mother and father. Your little friend, Leeroy Helms, Myrtle Helms Slie street 1407. 10 years old in the six grade at school. Please bring me a pair of woolen socks. .black and -brown hair ribbon, one yard long, taffeta kind, bed room slippers. 'gloves and tinker toys, and a few other little' house, little'heater that will burn, j toys- some skyrockets, sparklers and ana nuts. A merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Your little friend. EUGENIA LOVE. 907 W. First St., City. P. S. Please don't forget my little Friend: Jack as he wants a squirt gun. doll carria'ee. No voii need not brine i fire crackers, some books, and games, a Kiddie kar and a horn and a shoot a doll carriaee' as I will et that un at. nuts, fruit and candy, don't forget my pistol Sunday ' schooT. little" dresses, . little i sisters, Cora and Willie. Your little flocks", little serving' machine, little fire .friend Charlotte. X. C, 1219 S. Trvon st. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 7 years old. I want you to bring me a pair of skates, a coaster. Billy whis kers book. Some fruits and candies. I am yours truly, John Walter Spanow, 1219 S. Tryon street. - " ioker and shovel. little doll cradle, lit tle rug. little cabinet, little doll trunk. ! little lavalier. I know you will not bring i til these things but do plc3se bring I the doll, carriage, dresser, table, and rhajrs if you can's bring all. I live on Twenty-first street 512. I forgot. I do want a. piano and stool. Love" to old Santa Claus. MTEA LEE and MARY RUTH DAVIS. MARY HARDEN. Dear Santa Claus I want a little irain, a dog. a truck and some colors -iE md paper and please send the little orphan boys and girls a wagon. Best rishes to you. ERNEST TERRY SEVERS. P. S. Don't forget Papa and mama. Charlotte. N. C. December 14, 1921. Dear Santa Claus I am a fine little boy, I go to Sunday school and day school. Please bring me a Kiddie Kar, an Albania Coon Jigger and a Baloon and a great big horn, lots of fruit and nuts. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Your little friend. S. PURNELL ELAM. 5th St.. City. Charlotte. N. C. Dec. 17. 1921. Dear Santy QUaus: I am a little toy 12 j'ears old. I want a cap pistol, ar.d a 5air of shoes, and a cap. and candy, luts, and fruit, and a pair of stockings Tour truly. Don't forget me. George Seymour. 510 S. Popular street. ?. S. I am very poor and a paper 1 oy. Charlotte. N. C. , Dear Santa T ahi ten years old.. I want you to bring me a pair of skates and a foot ball. LESLTB HOLLOWELL.. 4l5 X. Caldwell St. , -. Charlotte. N .C. December 16. 1921. Dear Santa. Claus I am. a little boy I years old. I want you to bring me a pair of shoes and a pair of stockings to go with the shoes and a train track and a pair of skates, and all kinds of fruit. WALTER BRADY. Marshville, X. C. December 17, 1921; Dear old Santa Claus I will write you a short letter to tell you what I want for Christmas. I . am a little girl six years old. and I want 'you to bring me a baby carriage." and robe, a pair of, bed room slippers, a pair of kid gloves and a doll trunk. I' want lots of candy, fruits, nuts and tangerines. I remain your little girl. ELIZABETH LONG. Charlotte, N. C. 1121 S. Tryon St. Dear Santa Claus I am a little boy S years old. I want you to bring me a cowboy suit, football, pistol, firecrackers, skyrockets, skates and some apples, ranges, nuts, candy and some bananas. I am your friend. L. AUSTELL, Jr. Seaboard Air Line Railway . , Fuieigcr Tnli Schedule. Arrival -and departure o passenger trains. Charlotte. N. C. -v. I NaT Between iNo.i Ar. 4.30a :? i:ett l:0rp; 8:4 Bp t:20p 14Charlotte-Vil and Hamlet nectlona. lBtMonroft.RntVtnn a ifr..iu.. S r cou-i 13ll:40p lil 9.0U Ruther-ton -. Wil-f 1 , mingtcn und R&l-I I elrh : I 91 a j a. 20!Charlotte-Wil I 19ill:.35a. ana tiaraiet coo nections. 31WilminKton - Rl- eien -nrf Ruther. fordton 1 31 1 3 -as lent..... n..ik.. r i . I fordton. Monro mond and points irsortn. All trains dally. Schedules published as information and are not ruar&nteed. E. W. LONG, I DIvtaloB Puaearer Agcat. Sheae IS. City Tlckr om-:, Passenger Station 207 TV. Trade St N. Tryon Street. Phone 20 Phone 1 SOUTHERN RAILWAY - SCHEDULE Passenger .Train venjTes. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains. Charlotte, N. C- I 1- INo. Lv. Between 1 :C5a 7:25p 7:40a 5:00d x2:O0p 12 S:10pl 3Si 9:10p 138' 6:30pt 1Z 29 30 32 15 5 Atlanta-B'gham Wash.-New York. Wash-New York. Atlanta-Danville Columbia .. .." . Taylorsville . . Wash-New York. Wash-New- York. Richmond-Norfolk 9:02dI 35!B'eham-N. Orleans 10:45all 3Columbia-Chals'n., No. 5:20a 4:30p 3:00p 7;20a 10 45 4fi Winston -Salem G'ville-W'minster . O boro-Danville . , Columbia-Augusta. 8:20af 16rTayloraville 10:12a 9:25a 10:37a 4:25a 31:301 3!New York-Wash 137IAtianta ........ 371Atlanta-N. Orleans 44 G'boro-Danvllle 14Salfsbury.Winston- Bar&er, moores ville . . . . ...... Norfolk-Richmond. Atlanta 30 29 31 43 i 3fi 37 137 11 36 114 9 48 45 82 16 So 13$ 38 12 Ar. 12:55a 3:15a 7:la ll:20p 9:10a x8:0 -i 10:30a 9:20a 10:15n 10:05a 18:35p 13:45p. l:20p 7:20p 8:55p 9:95p 8:05j' AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF SEWERAGE BONDS AND . TO PROVIDE FOR THE. PAYMENT AND INTEREST THEREON. WHEREAS, the Board of Commis sioners of the City of Charlotte deemed it necessary to extend and enlarge the present sewerage sysiem of the City: NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Charlotte.. North Carolina: Section 1. That the City of Charlotte, pvrjsuant to the law of North Carolina ant? the Municipal Finance Act of 1919, issue its bonds for the purpose of ex tending -and enlarging tne sewerage s stem, all. within and for th'e City of Charlotte, North Carolina. Section. 2. That the maximum aggre gate, of said bonds shall be One Hun dred and Fifty Thousand ($150,000) Dollars. Section 3. That a tax sufficient to pay the , principal and interest of said bends shall be annually levied and col lected. Section 4. That a statement of the debt of the - said City has been filed With the Clerk thereof pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act and is open o public inspection. Section 5. That the average assessed MIuation of property .subject .. to . taxa tion by the said City , for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last If vied as shown by said statement is Sixty-Seven Million Eight Hundred and Forty-Six Thousand, Two Hundred ancJ Forty-Seven Dollars ($67,846,247.00). Section 6. That the amount of the .said debt of the said City outstanding, authorized or to be authorized as shown by said statement is Three Million. Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine Tnousand Three Hundred-and Seventy Six Dollars and .Nineteen Cents ($3,233, 376.191.: 5 Section 7. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first I ublication, unless in the meantime a petition for its -submission to the voters is filed under said Municipal Finance Act, and in such event it shall .take effect when approved by the voters of-the city at ait election as provided . for in said act. - The 'foregoing, ordinance was passed cn the 10th. day of October, 1921, and was first published on the 30th. day. of Ncverriper, 1921. Any action or proceed ing r questioning . the., validity of said 4 :S8pif ordinance must be commenced before x Pally except Sunday. 11110:15a 16 5:30p Through -Pullman sleeping car serv ice to Washington, Philadelphia, New York. Richmond,. Norfolk, Atlanta, Bir mingham. Mobile, New Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient sched ules and direct connections to all points.. Schedules publiahed as Information and are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 207 Wif Trade St. Phoae 20. . PASSENGER STATION West Tmde Street. Phoae 41T. R. H. GRAHAM ' DlrUlon Passenger Agreat Pltone 360. Branch T.' thirty (30) days after its first publica tion. (Signed) EDGAR READ, City Clerk. Approved as to form: (Signed) C. A. COCHRAN. ll-30-4t-wed i City Attorney.- Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 15, '1921. Deal Santa Claus: I am just a boy 7 years going- to school. I am in the second grade at liong Crek school. My teacher is Miss Whiteside. We are going to have a tree ith Xmas pro gram. I would like for you to come and bring" me a Bible story book, a pair of gloves, and also a black board. Don't forget Howard, my brother. He wants a horn and drum and little puppie dog. Don't forget daddy. Your little friend, Fred and Howard Sing, my address is Paw Cheek, N. C. R. 10, box 114. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 16,' 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl covon . vcqic I on4 T -want VOII to bring me a baby doll, tea. set, a little table, and a horn. Don't torget jny little brother. A.' T. Jr., he will be two years old Xmas moraing. Bring him a little drum and horn, also lots of fruit, and nuts. Your little friend, Virginia Lawing, 207 Burns avenue, Charlotte, N. C. Cramerton, N. C. Dear Santa Claus I. Want you' to bring me a big sleeping doll, a ball, a rocking chair. ARUSS WALLACE. INSURANCE MEN WILL CONVENE IN FLORIDA Charlotte. N. C. Dec. ,15. 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a doll that says "Mamma", a trunk, and a ball, a horn and lots of fruit, nd candy. Your little friend, Dorothy E. Smith. 1023 W. Trade st. Charlotte., N. C., Dec 15. 1921. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll bed, a doll that says "Mamma", some nuts, fruits,, and candy and a horn. Your good girl. . Margaret Smith, 1023 W. Trade street. Charlotte, N. C. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 12 years old. . I don't say bad words, or any thing-. I want a popgun, and scm? spark plugs and a book on how to write my abe's, and please bring- my frierid Estell a baby doll that will . talk., and a little cradle, and a powder puff, and some apples, nuts, and oranges. From your little friend. Taylor Fowlkes 501 N. Brevard street. ' THREADING A NEEDLE easily -is not so much dependent upon steady nerves' as upon' perfect eyesight. If you find difficulty in threading a needle or performing similar diffi cult feats, chances are 10 to 1 that you need glasses. Properly fitted 'glasses will en .bie yoif to thread a needltj, reacj fine print, or see perfectly at a distance with out effort. They will give you a full degree of comfort because they're correctly made and fitted to your particular case. F. C. ROBERTS Optometrist 24 South Tryon St. Upstairs Phone 3528 The "One Hundred Thousand Dollar Club" of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company will hold its Win ter meeting in Miami, Ela., in the early part of January. The company will charter a solid Pullman train, which will run from Atlanta to Miami to accommodate members Qf this club'. The following members of the Char lotte .-md Ashcville branches, tinder the management of T. S. Franklin, have qualified for the trip anil expect to at tend: T. S. Franklin, manager Charlotte and Asheville agency, Charlotte; W. L. Brooks, cashier, Charlotte; H. C. Ash- craft, Marshv'lle; R. H. Bethel, Ashe ville 3. R. Clinton, Gastonia; W. II. Cranford, Albemarle; Broadus Estes, Hendersonville: I. H. Ganht. Gastonia; E. L. Heavner, Lincolnton; W. S. Hurt, Monroe; T. M. Washburn. Salis-! bury; E. L. Purdue, Rutherfordton; S. (J. Smith, Pckton: C. D. Stevenson, Statesville: J. W. Summey, Dallas; Louis Weill, Asheville; S. V., Wrenn, Southern Pines: J C. Jenkins, Rock ingham: E. L. Warren, Charlotte; T. T. Tibbatts? Charlotte. STOP PULLMAN SURCHARGE. Atlanta. Ga.,-Dec. 21. The 50 per cent surcharge al?owed railroads on seats and berths in Pullman cars was discontinued on trains operated with in Georgia yt sterday by order of the Georgia Railroad : Commission, after finally refusing a petition of the roads to re-open the hearings. MUTING PAPER . that makes Writina easier 7 NO CHRISTMAS DINNER WILL BE COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE OF MILLER'S CAKES To grace the table and bring joy and satisfaction to yourself and guests. MILLER'S FRUIT CAKE (White and Dark.) 2 and 5 lb Size. MILLER'S POUND CAKE Jt Seven Varieties) -.- ' . . ' . .... , ... as are all Carolina Bak ing Company Products, there are no better cakes made than Miller's Fruit and Pound' Cakes. . (Cake isvone of the most important items ' 0f 71Ch,nsmas ner, do not be with out Miller s, for quality is assured when it is -made by us) AT YOUR GROCER OR OUR RETAIL STORE, 600 SOUTH CHURCH STREET. CAROLINA BAKING 'ii Bridging The Gap- between near success and real success very of ten means correcting your vision. Fully 70 per cent of us statistics prove have defective vis ion. Fact! Know where YOU stand. See an opti cal specialist. TJie cost of an examination is small while that of success can not be measured. F.asilv. without scratching orre-V, sistance.tne pen cr?irlf across thf paper. The ink flows in an even way the mechanics .of writing are vastly simplified r- These qualities have always been strongly characteristic of WHITE & WYCKOFF'S DISTINCTIVE STATIONERY The reason is no more than one of manu facturethe paper is quality paper, splendidly perfected for this, one purpose to facilitate writing. When you use pen and ink, you should not think of the mechanics of writing your mind should be on the message. And, when-the letter has been ecsiZy written, and sealed and posted, it should bear itself with' a rather proud air of aris tocracy. Stationery is one 'of the ear marks of good breeding. We are judged by the letters we write and the paper they are written on. j. You are cordially invited to examine the many NEW things that are being done in the stationery line, from the most modest box to gift-packages stocked for a month or two ot steady writing. Tha M.rk if Matter Mlten Pound & Moore Company Phone 4542 ifcLlfiJiEi3JjEZJiI2k Give Him One For Christmas A man never realizes how much use he'll have for a' big, warm, comfortable lounging robe until he gets one. t He will derive a lot of pleasure from it and .will appreciate your thoughtfulness. . We are showing a complete array of the newest designs and color, effects for your selection. Made of Silk, Wool and Blanket Cloth. $7.50 TO $30.00 Two Smart New f-. i rvi TV WnifTfV'S mnTHTTIO Ml , . . W M. W M. 1 f Willi Women's patent ankle and instep strap Pump, with a low covered heel, buckle fastening. $8.50 iii Woman's patent Ox ford with one-inch heelf IS $6.00 SG East Trade SL II -W3 i "ri promptly mm. All tftfk SCrm ry Quarand, jQUSCN CITY CyCLB CO, M "TMB ROD VftONt Since 1868 The Home of Good Shoes A LastMinute Thought! Bedroom Slippers ' We have them for. Mother Si ter and Dad. A world of pretty gtS to choose from. So easy to such a pleasure to receive. GILMER-MOORE CO, Shoes, Hosiery, Luggage, Ling erie Man or Boy Here' His Choice ; Old style Razors $2.50 'to $3.00. Safety Razors $1.00 ' up. Razor Blades Razor Strops 50c to $3.50 . Razor Hones ;75c to $1,50 Shaving' Brushes, 25c to $1.50 Flash Lights : $1.35 up Batteries Vacuum Bottles $1.50 up A'arm Clocks Air Rifles $1.00 up Pop Guns 35c ... w . . 22-Gal. Rifles $3 Shot Guns $12.50 up Hunting Coats $5.00 up Pocket Knives 25cto..$6.00 ... Scout Knives $2.00. ' Golf- Clubs $5.00 to $8.50 Gulf Bags $3.50 to $15.00. Golf Balls 60c to $1.00 . Baseball Gloves $1.00; up Boxing Gloves $5.00 up Tool Chests $2.50 to $60.00 Saws Hammers Hatchets " Planes ' Etc., Etc., Etc. Tennis Rackets Tennis Balls f SMITH-WADSWORTH Hardware Company "The Quality Hardware Store" 29. East Trade Street Phones 64-63 TO Cf MEN FOR W. LDouglas shoes are worn by men who show good taste in selecting their wearing appareL For Style, Comfort and Ser vice W. L; Doiicf1a.; Sfiopc - v-w ii n nave oeen leaders for nearly half-a-century and they are more popular today than ever. You'll like the new styles this season. NATHAN'S 38 East Trade Street. Suggestions From A Man's Store Neckties Scarfs Hose Handkerchiefs Shirts Bedroom Slippers Bathrobes Office or Golf Jacket Gloves Something useful something he can wear! H. C. Long Co. 33 East Trade, OPfiNJEVEfrlNGS UNTIL NINE.