i THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 21, 1921. i ii inker Stone MANY by Car lysle R Hoicomb CREATURE S Wh.m Mr. Moon shone fully upon the fellow who was trying: to turn Chief Porky over. Tinker Bob saw for the first time someone who was not familiar to him. He was long of body, with very short legs. lie had a long tail, and "his fur was as long as that of "Willie Beaver. He thought it would be brownish-black in color if the sun could shine on it. He acted like the wonderful Mr. Wtasel, the Great. "That's just the fellow I was telling vou about. O King." said Major Pole bat. "If you will lot me out of here I will soon fix him." That is the very thing that Major would have done had he beon given the cnance. i ms iei low would have gone to the river in a hurrv and been glad to stay there as Silky was when he thought he was catching Jack, the "Rabbit. In the shadows where the Moon rould not shine there were other crea tures waiting to see who would be vic torious. There could be seen now and then some creature dart ins across a light spot on the ground. Also a twig cracked every little while indicating that there were some larger creatures watching tlio fight from the darkened thicket. Tinker Bob was anxious to see just what his Chief of the Forest would do if the enemy was successful in turning him over. 'That was the reason the I'ihcr .-features of the forest were gath ered there. They too were interested in the Chief for "they know hint to be h follow that allowed everyone to go their way unmolested. I can tell you truthfully that Chief Porky had many friends amongst the forest creatures, for in his work for the King he had vjlutil many of them out of just such Lroiiil a this. I; was only a little while till the King saw the form of Ped Fox in the shadows. 1 1 o had arrived and was anxioiifly watching the proceedings of this wicked fellow vho sought to take tlf Yrc of the Chief of the Forest. Novv Keddy was not anxious to get irtn i hp flarht for he knew that even the Hunter's dog was afraid of this J lurry ioresi uweuer ami mat more of the folks who walked the for est paths were ever ready to get out SUS2SJ IN THE FOREST. j III-, W Mm P if Reddy was not anxious to get into the fight. of the way when he was seen in the ARMS AND MEN. "Arraa virumque cano," Sang Virgil long ago: $ And still in-Washington, In Nineteen twenty-one The song is sung again By every race of men. Listen to Harding and Hughes. To Briand's and Balfour's views, Tc chants from the Japanese, The cries from aggrieved Chinese, To Italian melodies. But note 'the new refrain; 'Too many heroes slain, Tco much of crued war. Oh, sing cf a-ms no more, Rut think alone of men. Let us be brothers again; Let warships no longer be built Purge us, O God. of the guilt' That fostered war's waste and dearth, nd give to our age the birth Of peace and good will on th" earth. " ELLA KIRK JELLIFFE.' race around held the six-day , bicycle the edge of her skirt. In those days the lady herself mere ly acted in the capacity of center pole for the tent she wore and when she was overtaken by a high wind it was customary for her flunkies to stake her gown to the ground ground the edges. There was' a lull in the hoop skirt epidemic for some time, and hopp skirts broke out in this country along about the Civil war period. 'They didn't ex actly cause the war, but they may cause one this time. The Lucas "Independent" expects the undertakers to oppose any effort; on the part of, the government to force bootleggers to comply with pure food laws. THE HOOP SKIRT IS COMING. The purists are going to have their ir.ning and the jaz skirt is doomed. Those who have refrained from drink ing wood alcohol for fear of going blind during the brief skirt epidemic need have no such compunctions in the future. A prominent French Back to earth: Newspaper report says that while the minister was tying the nuptial knot in an aeroplane for a young couple the pilot . did a nose dive. ARE YOU A FATHEAD? IF NOT, WHY NOT? Eminent scientist says the fat the brain is responsible for vigor . mental processes. 1 For the information and guidance of of the way when he was seen in the distance. The trouble was that he was not always seen and when he came into sight he was so close that no one was abie to get out of his path. He was a fast runner, and had at different times molested the. Rabbit family. Jack, the Rabbit, had caution ed his children about this dangerous fellow and they were even more afraid of him than of Red Fox. The only thing that saved them was that he sel dom went out of his beaten path and so long as they didn't get in the road they vere safe. "Look there!" cried Tinker Bob, "he has jumped fairly upon him." Next Red Fox Appears As Chief Porky Is Turned Over. VOLCANO VULCANO IS OWNED BY MERE MAN i I I there are six footmon in attendance at the main entrance of Buckingham palace throughout the day until 7 c clock when the number is reduced to four. fashion journal says the hoop skirt will r it?- readers, the Parsons "gun" say b-- all the rage witiim one year. The first hoop skirt was designed by Omar the Tentmaker and the idea was lated used by P. T. Barnum to house his congress of freaks and ani mals. So far as history goes Omar's design was first used as a skirt by the late lamented Queen Elizabeth. When Queen Liz floated out cf Windsor Castle 'to take the air sin; resembled a full rigged ship sailing before the wind, with everything, in cluding the foretops'l, spinnaker and jibs working. She occupied so much territory that she had to speak in a loud tone of voice to be heard by ht-r large circle of admirers. They used to RESULTS OF THE EXTRA SESSION Summary of Important Ac tion Taken by the Legislature STRIKES THE MARTIAL NOTE. "We are in recepit of a program which announces Mr. Drummond Fyfe as an accompanist. Sign on Seventh avenue: "Ajax Shrinking Corporation." The first cor poration we ever heard of that possess ed that quality. BY JLXE WARREN. Staff Correspondent of The News. Raleigh, Dec. 21. The Legislature did the work for which the special session was called, . passed several other measures of State-wide impor tance, enacted a large number of local laws, and also killed a number of pro posed measures. A summary of what j the special session did in the larger matters is given below: SCHOOL LEGISLATION. 1. Authorized the State Treasurer to sell $710,000 in bonds to meet the deficit in the State school fund last year. 2. Validated all county school tax rates this year, fixed 39 cents as the proper rate next year and put $832, 000 in ' State fund for aiding "weaker counties run schools six months. 3. Provided jury trial for cases brought against county commissioners for failing to levy sufficient tax to run schools six months. 4. Amended the high school district- -s l ing Din so inai nign scnoui uisincta can ovsr-lap township lines. o. Appointed commission or nve members of this General Assembly to study school laws and Supreme Court decisions on school law cases and sub mit report to the next General Assembly. Japan' motto: ships." 'Don't give up tho QUEHOLD H Attractive home on Worthington ave nue, has seven rooms and two baths, good heating system, nice, large, dry basement, lot 50x130 hardwood floors, lecated on shady side of street, no street paving assessments. New York. Dec. 21 (By the Asso ciated, Fressl The next news of :i bis volcano eruption is likely to come any day from the volcano Vulcauo, in the j Lipau Islands, near Stromooli, i rank A. ferret or ine geopnysicai luuoia tory staff of Carnegie Institute, pre dicted yesterday upon his arrival from the islands. Casu tllies, however, promise to be nil, s Vulcano has only one inhabi tant a man named Conte. who owns the volcano and works it for boric acid. MENU HIT. Breakfast. Cereal. or mix it with the sugar and sour milk. Bake 50 minutes. Jam. A very attractive price and reaso ?.Me terms. M. B. ROSE Basement Trust Bids. GUILFORD TO HAVE COUNTY HOSPITAL Greensboro. Dec. 1M. The people cf Guilford county yesterday voted i:i favor of an issue of $100,000 in 1o:h1 for the erection of a tuberculosis hospital here and a tax of five cents on the $100 worth of property for maintenance. The hospital wlil be under control of the county authorities ami will be operated solely for the Phone 796 1 treatment of tubercular cases. French Toast. Rhubarb Coffee. Noon Dinner. Baked Meat Balls. Brown Gravy. Boiled Rice. Buttered Beans. Lettuce Salad. Chocolate Junket. Sponge Cake Supper. Brown Bread. Cotton Cheese. Blackberry Jelly. Tea. 1 I STEEL TANKS and TOWERS For Water Service and Fire Protection Estimates cheerfully, furnished on sizes from 5,000 to 250,000 gallons. Our tanks are in service fill over the South. We can save you money. SCHOFIELD ENGSNES Scho field Entires represent the hisrhest point of mechan ical excellence. Our many years of experience and ex periment in the manufacture of these engines has enabled us ti produce types that' -we can unhesitatingly recom mend. Some on of the many engine! w manufacture will mnswer the problem yon arc f acinst. Why not call on out engineering department, eta ting just what type ensrine you need? Their advice will cost you nothing, and will probably nave you much money. SCHGFIELD TUBULAR and VERTICAL BOILERS We can give Southern in dustries immediate shipment service on Vertical and Tubular Boilers, capable of developing from. 2j to 159 H.P. Our engineers are at your service and ;will gladly co-operate with you at all times in selecting the proper Installation. Our prices ara right. Write us. We will send you -a com pletely illustrated catalog and full information on any equipment that you may need. . ..... . ... BROWN BREADS. Health Bread One cup sour milk. one teaspoon soda, one cup brown sugar, one egrg. one teaspoon salt, one cup flour, two cups bran, one-half cup raisin-. Beat all up well and bake in slow oven 40 min ites. Makes one loaf. Boston Brown Bread Two cups corn meal, two cups graham flour, two cups buttermilk or sour milk (buttermilk is better), one-half cup good cocking mo lasses, one-half cup sugar, one tea spoon salt, two teaspoons soda. Put this mixture into a greased dish, cover closely to keep out water and steam three hours. Do not remove the cover. Graham Bread One-half cup of white flour sifted with two teaspoons of baking powder, .three-fourths of a teaspoon of soda, and a teaspoon of ealt: "wo cups of graham flour, one third cup of sugar or molasses dis solved and beaten with one and a half cups of sour milk: one-fourth cup of shortening. To lighten the graham, sift it partly, then pour what is in the SUGGESTIONS. Laundry Hints White cotton or lin en clothes may be soaked to advan tage .ill day or over night. It is a mistake to think that woolens cannot be soaked at all. Soak them in a weak solution of ammonia in barely warm water for half an hour. This will not injure the woolen and will make it easier to wash. All clothes should be turned inside out in washing. A good idea is to wash the outside first, then turn the clothes, wash on the inside, and leave turned this way for drying. If you use a washing machine, a good plan is to soap the clothes right side out IN MYERS PARK $9856-49600 Two splendid new homes on Queens Road, ready for po?.. offered for sale at very low prices. These homes are built upon large lots and are complete with K6V6n rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors, heating system, window shad, P We believe you will be interested in seeing these homp5 Wau,.a they are genuine home bargains. You could not duplicate lhm -the price, and convenient terms may be arranged for the purchaser. E. C. GRIFFITH COMPANY 214 South Tryon St. Telephones 877 and 4308 FINANCIAL LEGISLATION. 1. Passed municipal finance act, re lieving cities of the restrictions in tax matters thrown around them by fail ure of the bill to properly pass in the regular session. 2. Require that all local bond issues of cities, towns, counties or any other local taxing districts be registered and listed with State auditor, and provides penalty for board which fails to make provision in taxes for interest, and pay ment of bonds at maturity and pen alty for official who neglects to meet these payments. 3. Speed up sale of State road and in stitutional bonds six months in order to keep pace with progress of work on roads and institutional buildings. 4. Provide for proper registration of State bonds, discarding the antiquated system now in use. 5. Allow banks exemption from taxa tion for that portion of surplus funds invested in Liberty Bonds. State bonds, and up to 5 per cent off for in solvent debts. 6. Allows Corporation Commission to employ attorneys to prosecute officials cf defunct banks, and levies on stock holders for twice amount of. stock. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. M yers Park Homes we have for sale on Selwyn avenue two seven-room houses that we can make very attractive prices on, and also unusually jr0j tcrmj to the man who desires terms. If you are interested in buy: ,s a small home in Myers Park let us show you. Thies-Smith Realty Company !00 REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes Commercial Bld. . Phones S378-4U3 . FOR SALE AN EXTREMELY DESIRABLE D1LW ORTH HOME- T,npatPd nn East Boulevard between the 300 and 500 block? -with v water heating plant 9 large rooms 2 baths lavatory in bedrooms iart3 closets house beautifully papered, and in perfect condition inside and out- hardwood finish in every way one of the most desirable nomes m Dilwon' Owners leaving Charlotte, and wiii sell on easy terms immediate pofsessn,-. If interested in a first class Dilworth home see me for particulars Some body is going to buy a nice home in this place. Arranged so can have b&ths. This is best bargain in a handsome Dilworth home. Also 704 Sunnyside Avenue Piedmont 6 rooms and basement hardtop: finish large deep lot brand new immediate possession We hs.ve others scattered all over Charlotte. JONES THE REAL ESTATE MAX Phone 2772 (Frank F. Jones) Office, 200 Realty Bid; John T. Smith Salesman. and then turn them as they are put into the washing machine. All soap chips or soap powders should be thoroughly dissolved in boil jng water before being used in the laundry. Sometimes washing prepara tions that are harmless if used in this way eat the clothes if allowed to rest in undissoved bits on the material. For Ecru Curtains the rinsing wrater is much better than coffee for retaining the ecru shade in curtains. J. S. SCHOFIELD'S SONS COMPANY MACON GEORGIA GIVE A SCHOLARSHIP for a business or stenographic course to your boy or girl as a Christ mas remembrance. Such a gift will be useful and valuable. The training given will bring your child independence very shortly. In af ter years you will be glad and your child grateful if you do this MOW. Winter term btg-ins January 2, 1922. Scad for catalog. VX?U Clean Milk Bottles Tea leaves are just the thing for cleaning dirty milk bottle?. Put them in the bottles with a little hot or cold water. Broom Bags In making brobm bags you will find them to wear longer and give better satisfaction if you make a sieve back with the sifted part, mix nem nve mcnes aeep at ms oottom ana this and the whit? flour thoroughly, ! then stitch back an inch for a ruffle, then stir them, part at a time, into j the liqjid. Add the melted fat last, l-ft aml Right This particular idea was developed to help t little girl THE GIFT WITH A LIFT solve the mystery of -right and left Of." rJove-nf enf iefirtinn in rrivor V--hen dressing in the mdrning. A large. obD OajS OI satisfaction tO gj er . black lw inketl inside" each ."shoe re- 1. Repealed the 25 cent per bale tax on cotton ginned to create fund for erection of cotton warehouses. 2. Repealed inspection and tax on paints, varnishes and ,oils. 3. Stood by stock law of general session by turning down all appeals' for exemptions from operation of this law in January, 1922. 4. Increase salary of adjutant gen eral from $3,000 to $4,r00. putting him on same pay as heads of other State departme-nts. 5. Confirmed the nomination of Col. A. D. Watts as Commissioner of Reve- Saffron added to ! nue. 6. Revised the code of civil proc edure. . 7. Gave Secretary of State right to employ inspectors to help enforce the automobile license law. arid boy. A Y. M. C. A. member ship. Under 15 years, $5. Over 15 years, $7. Physical, educa tional and Bible training. Enter tainments, meetings, swims, etc. Ask the boy. Phone 159. 13-10t moved all doubt which way. as to which w'ent The fastest trains in the world are said to Ik? two on the Clreat Western. Railway, which at certain stages of their journeys travel at a speed of 78. 5 miles per hour. Charlotte. N. C "An Accredited School" Raleigh, N. C. COMMUNITY SILVER, An &St?j". COMMUNITY fj rUiYKJlQNtASTU tfQiti'jfoujt Enduring Gift We have a full line in the "Adam," "Grosvenor," "Patrician," "Vernon" and "Exeter" patterns. Every piece of Com munity Silver is plated heavier than tri ple and will wear a lifetime. Charlotte Har 30 East Trade St. iware Phones 1505-1506 0 . - ' i ; : " fff ML Co. Treasured Electric Toasters Electric Percolators Practical gifts are the rule this Christmas. Here are gifts that combine with their utility, unusual grace and distinction, and are hence, doubly desir able. ; Electric Toasters, $4.00 and Up Electric Percolators, $10.00 and Up Hundreds of other desirable Gifts Electrical are in cluded in our vast showing. oufhero Public UtI lilies Co. Phone 2700 WHAT SPECIAL. SESSION KILLED. 1. Bill to repeal the primary law. 2. Call constitutional convention. 3. Pass amendments to summary ejectment bill which would enable land lords to put tenant farmers and mill operatives out of house before higher courts had heard their appeals. 4. Adopt oxide daisy as the State flower. 5. Repeal law providing penalties for failure to pay taxes promptly. 6. The auto theft law proposed by the automobile association. 7. Condemn the four-power pact. S. Reduce the exemption on persona? property from $300 to $$100. Bill pass ed Senate but was killed in House. 9. Ail bills intended to amend the capital punishment laws. 10. Rebuke Col. A. D. Watts through enactment of "pitiless pub licity" bill, requiring publication of no tices of all appeals for reduction of tax values. Buy A H me STOP PAYING RENT MAKE SMALL PAYMENT BALANCE EASY 5- rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance monthly 54,830 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient Tiouse in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance monthly 56,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new roomv house on paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly I S1O.750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modem conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,530 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance montRly 6- rooms and bath, 1102 West Second St. Large dandy house, just painted. A bargain at $5,000. $750 cash, balance monthly. Price $1730 Phone Me For Appointment. J, H. McAdeo 200 South Cedar St. Phone L S. FOX DENTIST 21 '2 W. Trade St. Phone 3S96 Over Torke & Rogers Next to Woolwortb'a, burr lcient Insurance ? The holiday seasons carry greater risks than ordinary from fire, accidents and other things. ARE YOU AMPLY COVERED? We write all kinds Fire, Accident and Health, Theft. Liability, Explosion, Fly-Wheel, Plate Glass. BONDS Any and every kind (except life.) e Carolina Company 328 S. Tryon SL Phones: 609-1430-4395 Our Fall Series Is A Healthy Series ONLY SIX WEEKS OLD AND ALREADY HAS pVER 7000 SHARES Kew shares may still be secured in this series by paying back to September 3rd. We know of many "Pr pects" who have not yet signed up and we urge them to come in before the accumulated payments I1"0' too heavy. For the benefit , of those who have not yet absorbed the B. & L. Idea we fcay that each share rej resents $100.00 at maturity, he payments-are twenty-five cents per share per week, until tl.e ramer' Plus the profit equal $100.00. This is usually 333 weeks, and the profits represents 6 per cent on the a" ige amount invested. 1 -f " 8 ;:wmtiw?- our semi-annual statejient ts ready for distribution, and Is very complete. We realize that our shareholders are entitled to a'.l tW j formation about their . Association that can be secured, nnrt omw rfapmnts of recep' and disbursements, and income and expenses. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION E. J. CAFFFKEY. Sec'y and irea J. H. WEARN, President 207 N Tryon St.

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