THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. U., WEDNESDAY A TJKJN UON, DECEMBER 21, 1921. SOCIETY NEWS MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CAIJIWEIX, Sods! Editor, Phone 277 Christmas Eentertainment at Alexander Home. The children of the. Alexander Rescue l-onip presented a wonderfully attractive Christmas play Monday afternoon at the home. The hall where tha ulay was presented was packed with inter ested spectators and the program ran off without a hitch. Some of v.w-tcls participatig were only three years old, and the way in which they were train ed was a remarkable feature of the play. This training is due to the un tiring efforts of Mrs. J. J. Pierce, who has gone to the home every Tuesday af and trained the children. The printed programs bore tne fol lowing headlines: "To you who havs done so much for us, with grateful hearts wc present the following pro gram, Children of Alexander Homo." The program is as follows: 1. Little Colored Rastus Laura Belle KKenley 2 Christmas C Felma Robinson H Louise Ray jl Essie Harry I Beulah Hill S Thelma Ashley T Helen Harry Lester TJarr A Ralph Cubberson S .". Lee Oliver 3 The Seamstress May Oliver 4 A Belief in Fairies . Maraline Fortner i 5 Willie's Speech Mark Brazell: (3 years old) 6 When I Am a Man By Ten Boys: 1 Bill Fortney 2 Troy Brazed 3 . k Jasper Oliver 4 Lpo Oliver 5 ..." Ralph Cuhberson 6 Lsstor Barr 7 Bobby Duncan S William Ftrtney 9 Ed Oliver 1Q Jack Robinson (6 years old) 7 What Shall I Give Him? May Oliver, - Madaline Fortney, MarK brazen. S Helen's Arithmetic Helen Havry 9 Christmas Time N . Laui-a Belle Kinley 10 The Star in the East Cast lary Ruth Ashley Joseph .-. Evclin Mary Duncan First Shepherd .Mary iiarrv Hattie Humphrey Dixie Lentz Sarah Harry . . , Flora Ashley .... Violet Oliver Gucndoline Mullis ...... The Others Scene 1 On the Hills Outside the City of Bethlehem. Scene 2 The Manger. (11 years old) Second Shepherd Third Shepherd Angel Gaspar Melchoir Belthasar Angel Chorus HOSIERY An Appropriate Christmas Gift We have a full line of Hosiery for Men, Women and Children at economical prices. Men's Silk Hose, all shades 98c 3 pairs for $2-50 Men's Silk Hose, all shades . . . 75c 3 pairs for $2.00 Men's Lisle Hose 39c 3 pairs for : . $1.00 Women's Glove Silk Hose $2.98 Women's Heavy Silk Hose $2.49 Women's Silk Hose, ribbed tops '.. $1.25 MIXED HOSE Women's Silk and Wool, with clocks $2.98 Women's Silk and Wool Hose, all shades SI. 98 Women's Wool Hose, all shades $1.49 Misses heavy ribbed Wool Hose $1.49 Children's Merino Hose, White, Black or Brown 49c 3 pairs for $1.15 Drummer Boy Hose 39c 3 pairs for $1.00 217 So. Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS A STIEFF PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS Pay a small amount down. We tag the Piano. Pay remainder of down payment Christmas, and we deliver. Balance easy payments. CHAS. M. STIEFF. Inc.. Charlotte, N. C. Please send catalogue . and prices of Pianos. Namp Address 5 wm 2 III' Open Evenings Until Christmas With a Wonderful Display of GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY Including BOOKS - STATIONERY GAMES PICTURES AND- FRAMING Hundreds of Distinct Gift Items, Greeting Cards, and Decorations A BOOK STORE OF RARE EXCELLENCE OFFICE SUPPLIERS AND FURNISHERS Mrs. McCIintock Entertains for Miss Blake. , ' A delightfully informal affair of the Christmas season was the party givn by Mrs. James Latimer McCIintock Tuesday evening at her handsome neto Myers Park home, comlimentinf her sister, Miss Armide Blake, who is at tending the Colonial school in Washing, ton this winter, and who is spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. McCIintock. Mrs. McCIintock received her guests In a. dinner-arown of black lace with gir die of blue and silver, and Miss Blake wore a pretty frock of Nile green taffeta trimmed in silver. Mrs. McCIintock was assisted in en tertainine bv her sister, Mrs. Rooert Woods of Winston-Salem, formerly Mtes Evelyn Blake of Charlotte. Tht. home was beautituuy aecoraiu in the. season's decorations. On the mantel in the living room were numer ous baskets of poinsettas. bony ana pussy willow. In the dining-rdmm, where punch was served throughout the evening, vases and baskets of, poin settas were arranged on table and buf fet. D'urinjr the evening, an .orchestra of five pieces furnished excellent music. A salad course with accessories was served. A special guest of the evening was Miss Geraldine Fleshman of Winston Salem, a class-mate of Miss Blake's fat the Colonial school.. Miss Fleshman was gowned in rose velvet. The invited guest were: Misses Gladys and Elsie Palmer. Ellen Victor, Mary Brevard Alexander, Adelaide cam wen, Helen Parker, svathryn Xewson, Mar paret Mellon, Calvine Scott. Terry Bland. Virginia Staten, Margaret Yorke, Catherine Morehead. Alice Walker, Hamlin Landis, Alwilda Van Ness. Lil lian Floyd. Clara King, Ruth Wallace, Laura Tillett, Miss Lois Rogers, of Tex as, Miss Rebecca Snyder. Messrs. Dick Stitt, Arthur Nord, Vaughan Hawkins, Sam Clingman, Red Gcode. Rhyne Cannon. Tom Alexander, Jim Craven, Gus Travis, Dick Kenr drick. Randolph Scott. Maurice Reilley, Cheston Woodall, Oliver Shaw, Charlie Skinner. Preston Andrews, Edward D6wd. Frank Yorke. S: J. Lowe, Jr., David Lowe, Gilder Craver, John Mel lon. W. Frank Dowd. Jr.. Sidney Dowd, Duff ie Bruns and guest. Hamilton Bris see. of the Carolina Naval and Military academy at Hendersonville, Jack and Wilson Brown, George Rhodes.- Tom Henderson. Bob Moore, W. W. Hagood, Jr.. Joe Choate, Walter Hpok, Mortimer Bland. Warren Brice; Normau Graham. Jack London. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stitt Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blake. Mr. aqd Mrs. E. R. Preston, Mr. and Mrs., Carl Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wallace, Mrs. Frank Westbrook. Miss Mary Grace Gibson And Kirtley Jones Wed. An interesting nuptial event of the season was the marriage of Miss Mary Grace Gibson and Kirtley Jones, which took place Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Second Presbyterian church, the pastor, Rev. A. A. Mc Geachy. officiating. The church is exceptionally lovely at the present season with its Yuletide decorations. Arranged around the walls are stately cedar trees. , The choir Joft is covored in white sprinkled with sil ver, and screened with pine and cedar boughs. Suspended frorrt the electrolier over the pulpit is. a silver star, elec trically lighted, from which garlands of cedir run to the wall of the church. On either side of the pulpit stood a seven-branched cathedral candlestick, holding lighted tapers and a cluster of Calla iilies. Mrs. Helen Foil Beard rendered the bridal music. As the party entered the church, she played the bridal chorus from "Lohengrin." While the marriage vowr were being spoken, she played "Traumerei," and used Men dellsohrn's msireh as a recessional. Miss Estelle Torrence. a cousin ot the bride, was the bridesmaid. She was gowned in black panne velvet trimmed in gold embroidery and beads, and wore a black picture hat trimmed with paradise and corsage of Rich mond roses. . - The best man was Reid Page of Aberdeen. The bride was given in marriage by Eaiie Gibson, of Cooleemee, her broth er. She wore a modish suit of brown duvetyn, with accessories matching, and corsage of Ophelia roses and val ley lilies. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left after the ceremony for a bridal trip to New York. Upon their return, they will be at home in Moore county. The bride is a daughter of the lat . Jfc Kiu . . 1 . ' - ... Celebrates Twilfth Birthday. . Walker Carpenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. - W. Carenter, celebrated his twelfth birthday by giving a' beautiful party at the horne of his parents on Thomas, avenue,", Tuesday afternoon. During the afternoon, games were play ed, and a contest prize was won by Ralph Stilwell, The home was attrac tive with its Yuletide decorations. When the games were concluded, Mrs. Car penter invited the guests into the dining-room, where, in the center of the table, sat a large birthday cake hold ing twelve candles,, and at either end of the table was a popcorn cake. Can dies, lemonade and cake were servea. The younjsr host was assiste.d in serv ing by his mother, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Preston B; Gulledge and Mrs. W. F. Mangum. The invited guests were Frances Williams, Ruby Rich, Gladys Templeton, Virginia Mallard, Helen Stilwell, Ethel Rhyne, Verlamae Man gum. Helen Gulledge. Clayton leaner, Ralph and Billy Stilwell, Clarence Helms, Winchester Gibbs, Willie Bean er, Oscar and Walter Mullis. Christmas Cantata At First Presbyterian Church. The children of the beginners' an! primary departments of the Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church will render a Christmas cantata, "Santa Claus and His Friends." Thurs day evening st 7 o'clock, in the Sun day school building of the church. A silver offering for foreign missions will be taken at the door. . . Invitations . for Dance Issued. Invitations reading asfollows have been issued: . , .. "You are cordially invited to attend the first holiday danee to be given Thursday, December 22, 1921. at the .Myers -jrarK. . country jiuo, narioito. Music by the Merry Makers; 9 p. m. to 3 a. m. Informal script." The married members of the Myers Fark club have been invited to act as chaperones for the dance . Birth Announcement. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCall at St. Peter's Hospital, a son, James Horace, Jr. Cantata at First Baptist Church., Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, a Christmas cantata will' be given by the children of the primary and junior de partments of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church, the subject of which is "A Joke on Santa." One hun dred children will compose the chorus, and all of them will be in costume. .The hall where the cantata will be presented is being elaborately decorated for the occasion. Miss Reese and Dr. Reese Home for Christmas. Miss." Margaret Reese and Dr. Alger non Reese will arrive in the city from New lork Thursday morning to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Reese, at their homo on North Clinton street. Miss Reese has been in training at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York, for some time past, and Dr. Reese has recently returned to the United States after spending three months attending; clinics in Vienna. ' ' ' Christmas Tree at Wesley Heights. Plans are perfected for the communi ty Christmas tree to be given by the Wesley Heights Parent-Teacher Associa tion Thursday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock o nthe school grounds. "Christmas Eve at Uncle Jim's." "Christmas Eve at Uncle' Jini's" will be presented at Tenth Avenue Presby: terian church Thursday evening . at 8 o'clock, by the Philathea class and chil dren of the Sunday school. A silver offering will be taken. Dr. Harding Undergoes Operation. Dr. Richmond C. Harding, of David son, underwent an operation at the Charlotte Sanitorium Tuesday afternoon and is reported Wednesday morning as doing very nicely. He is father of Mrs. Addison G. Brenizer and Mrs. A. A. McGeachy. O In Honor of Miss Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs.Hugh Montgomery will entertain 35 members of the younger set at the American War Fothers ball Wednesday evening, in honor of their : "UBiVT- t-A. ml'T daughter, Miss Grace R. Montgomery, number of years she has made he" home in this city, graduating from th; Presbyterian hospital training school. Sne is one of the city's most efficient trained nurses, and is exceedinsrlv popular in this city and throughout the State. Mr. Jones is originally of Rookviiie. Md., but has been a resident of North Carolina for some time; He is a broth er of Mrs. June Page, Jr., of Aberdeen. He holds large fruit-growing interests near Pinehurtt. He posseses u strong personality, and has a host of friends. Out-of-town guests for the wedding were vlrs. June Page, Sr., Mrs. June Page, Jr., Tttid Page, of Aberdeen: Miss Mary Wriston Payne, of Rock ington; Earle Gibson, of Cooleemee. Danee For Messrs. ' Lassiter and Snyder. Several boys of the Elizabeth neigh borhood will act as dance hosts at the Woman's Club Thursday evening from 8:30 to 12 o'clock, in honor of Harry Lassiter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lassiter, and George Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Snyder, who have arrived home from Woodberry Forest School, Orange, Va., to spend Raleigh. Acting: as chaperones for the party will be Mrs. J. R. Van Ness, Mr. John Bass Brown, Mrs. W. E. Thomas. Mrs; Frank Purcell. Mrs. John F. Yorke. Yorke , Mrs. .James D. Ball and Mrs. Margaret Kelly Abernethy. Personals Miss Rena Gibbon Ypung will arrive home Wednesday from Raleigh where she is a studept at Peace Institute to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. R. E. Young, at their heme on East Boulevard, Dilworth. Accompanying Miss Young to Charlotte will be Miss Mary Buckingham, of Denver, Col., who also attends Peace. Miss Buckingham's mother, also- of Denver is spending the Winter in Charlotte, to be near her daughter. Miss Buckingham will spend a part of the Christmas vacation with Miss Young and the remainder with her mother. . Mrs. O. W. Loving has retufTrtd from Charlottesville, Va., where for the the Christmas vacation at the respec- j past few weeks, she has been visiting tive' homes. This is their first year at Woodberry Forest. Music will be fur nished by the Biddle orchestra. Chaperones for the occasion will be Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Lassiter. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. J. Renwick Wilkes, Mrs. T. T. Gilmer, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. . Mather. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Lucas, Mr and Mrs J. H. Ham, and Mr ani Mrs. Fred W. Glover. War Mothers' Bali. The second annual ball to be given by the American War Mothers of Charlotte will take place Wednesday eyening in the city' auditorium. Assist ing the War Mothers will be a number of members of the local post of the American Legion. Music will be fur nished by the Southern Melody Sex tette and dancing will commence at D o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Brissie Entertain. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brissie enter tained delightfully at their new home on the Dowd road, honoring Mrs. Frank Hensley, of Tulsa, Okla., and Miss Mae Satterfield, of Greenville, S. C. An elaborate buffet supper was served, after which dancing was enjoyed. A feature of the evening was an interesting contest, in which the prize waa won by Mrs. Joseph Simpson. ', ' The guests were Mrs. Hensley Miss Satterfield, Miss Jeanette Frigley, VV. B. McCoy,. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hop kins, J. . M. Isborne, Miss Alee Griffin, Paul Beaver, Mrs. Hattie McClellau, James Weber, Mrs. Cordie Bond of Concord, D.'.H. .House and - Mr. and Mrs., Joseph Simpson. relatives and recuperating from a re cent illness Miss Hannah Jane Blair, of Monroe, is visiting Miss Bennie Withers at her home on East avenue. James Beatty will spend Christmas at his home in Greenville, S. C. Miss Catherine Morehead, Miss Ham line Landis, Miss Kathryn Shelton and Miss Calvine Scott, who attend the Holton Arms School in Washington will arrive to spend the Christmas' holi days at their respective home .Thursday morning. , Miss Elizabeth Dowd, who is presi dent of the junior class at Hollins College, Va., arrived home . Wednesday to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Dowd, on Park, avenue, Dilworth. A Thunderbolt Drama! "WHAT DO MEN WANT?" See it at the B R-O-A-D-W-A-Y J Thursday Friday Saturday Kills the germs that; cause CA TARRH. Soothes and heals irritat ed areas. ... . ..-wriT.-al...i Mt 'Mm .tv r.i Wkji Open Evenings Till Nine Open Evenings Till Nine htisfmas 0 Sum from this treasure house filled with gifts that every woman loves. Gifts that mark the givor as pne of good taste and discrimi. nation. Bring your listWednesday. " perfume burners from france incense gumers from Japan g9ct0$3 ; Only these countries could conceive such clever devices for scenting the home with Parisian and Oriental perfumes. geaded ags m to im Something- sure to please every woman, envelope or draw-string style. Bags that emphasize the art of France. inen puncheon Jets Q.OO Ostrich fans '$Lito$20;! The evening costume is not complete without the feather fan all of the exquisite- shades for evening wear styles from one to two feathers to large folding models. &oll Phone Cabinets Dressed up - like grand dames of the Colonial days in pretty colored taffeta and laces with Hats to match. Jilk Covered esh and Presser ' Jets Made of -rich damask Silks in Rose or old blue, such pieces as Combs, Brushes, Mirrors, Powder Boxes, Bottles, Trays, etc. You may buy single pieces or whole sets. They are of fine white linen finished in scalloping, vrhich is done in white or blue. Each set consists of 13 pieces, a 24 inch center, six 6-inch doylies and six 10-inch doylies. r oudoir ffovelties Doll Lights dressed in fluffy taffeta or Satin in pretty colors. tjllk Stockings foot the Christmas Qijt Always useful and much appreciated gifts. Any woman will tell you that Here's an unusually good assortment of Gift Stockings. AT $1.50 seamed back Silk Stockings with lisle foot and garter top. AT $2.00 -full fashioned silk stockings with lisle garter-top. AT $2.50 a better than usual thread Silk Stocking at this price. AT $3.00 AND $3.50 a. full fashioned Silk Stocking, silk from top to toe. AT $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 full length Silk Stockings with silk or open work, clock fancy ribbons or lace stripes. Black Browns, Gray and White. j$l :&hafs few Sn Jhoes Styles that you're proud to wear. Shoe comfort that gives pleasure. Shoe prices that give full 'value. Light brown one-strap me dium heel tPump $12.50 Patent leather Sandal with medium heels .... $11.00 Patent leather two-strap baby Louis , heel Pump, with brown trimmings. . Silver Evening Slippers at ..v...... $11.00 .(the CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER" "A. BON MARCHE STORE" .- ;- ...

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