8 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 21, 1921. WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT The Pullin 'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. LOST Convinced, Try 'E m ONE- CENT-A-wORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and, type line cent per word each insertion. STYLE -B" SET THIS J3TYLE AND TYPE. TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each Insertion. Any style "stoffsreo'' either top or bot tom, or between lines, at double the horA rares. CIMifled adTertSslnjr is sold c"h J'"? rT hntf or ronen1nce of Charlotte Mttrons. who are listed in the telephono iVrettory, or known !n the "ew?pl nfflr. a memorandum chare vrtll made with the extwrtstkm that the oui be paid wnen prwmwi IWnlar Classification of ads cannot J Kditlon or sfter 10 p. m. Saturday for Fnnday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Linotype operator. Anr.lv Foreman. Charlotte rr1' ' , Mows II WANTED Young man experienced :n stenographic work and bookkeeping. 4-rmiv hv letter to Boyd. Higgins & Goforth. Charlotte. N. C. ' stating experience and approximate salary de--i... j 1 7-'t WANTED First-class machine mom foreman lor nign class wnnrhvnrkiner T)lant. Mail I -I, .,11 l-v, vnr ill wr.niwnrlriTi'.T &UUU1U rviivj cn uv v o some knowledge of cabinet wnrV Aral pa Woodworkihsr Company, Azalea, N. C. 17-5t s attest, a nTF:s WANTED. F. v" wnnr.woRTH CO. 19-3t Waxted Woman for cook and gen eral housework. Must live on place; near country club. Phone 4031-YY. 19-3t WANTED Forceful young salesman to do light work around Charlotte preparatory to taking up regular territory January 10th. "balesman," care. News. 21-2t SPECIAL NOTICES NOTHING BETTER for Christmas present for father and mother than Dr. Levy's eyeglasses. Made to fit the eyes and face; 7 E. Trade St., upstairs. ; 22-35t MOVING. PACKING AND STORING BY GOOI EXPERT MEN. WE GUAR ANTEE ALL WORK. LONG DIS TANCE MOVING A SPECIALTY. WE DO ALL KINDS OF HEAVY HAUL ING. Bradfield Moving Service Phone 37. Cor. 41 h and Poplar Sts. Phone 980. 24-tf Mo ,We Sa LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all eyes. Nothing better; 7 East Trade. 11-23-tf flANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Char lone. N. C. Phone 2835-L-3. 10-12-t ATTEND THE AUCTION SALE of Genuine Shetland Ponies and buy the child a Veal Christmas present. 1 P. M. Thursday December 22nd. We will sell some beauties. GREENSBORO NURSERIES & STOCK FARM. Greensboro, N. C. 19-lt .NEW .MATTRESSES mad.? out or your old on?s. Renovated. Nsw ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. Cal' 15SS-J for particulars. Lawing'fl Mattresj Factory, -il2 North Lonar St. ?S-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT One furnished room, 1600 S. Boulevard. Phone 2416. 6-tf FOR REXTOfflce buildlnsr, :0 offices. well located. J. H. McAden. Phone 860. S-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Mertoh C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Large light ground floor steam heated office. Phone, clerk, furniture, if de sired. Morris E. Trotter. 9-tf UNFURNISHED two-room apartment, private bath, lights included up stairs. Fhone 2042-W, 516 S. Tryon. 15-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen, one cicely furnished room, close in. Private fam ily. Phone 1156-W. 16-tf FOR RENT Furnished front room. All conveniences; 11 West Sixth. 17-tf FOR KENT To two gentlemen, nicely furnished front room, two blocks from square. Phone 79S-W. 17-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen or couple, furnished room, heated private, fam ily, in Dilworth. Phone 2981. 17-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, $3 per week; 906 East Fifth St. lS-tf FOR RENT Close in furnished room.--: men only: 303 N. Church. lS-6t FOR RENT -Apartment partly furnish ed. Phone 4227. 7 W. Second. 19-tf WANTED Couple or business woman for nice room in new modern home, breakfast if desired, hot wjer con necting bath. Phone 3830, 709 Tre- mont. 20 -2t FOR RENT Modern four-room apart ment close in. Immediate possession Phone 1722. 20-2t B'OR RENT Reasonably, four large desirable offices, good location. Will sub leass for one year. .Phone 377 20-4t FURNISHED ROOM with board. Hot , water and heat in Dilworth. Phone 4076. 20-tf I OR RENT Nicely furnished front room, downstairs, near Southern station, good board second door; 21". South Cedar St. 2C-3t FOR RENT To couple, nicely fur nished room; 313 East Seventh fct. 20-tf FOR RENT Furnished three-room apartment, privata bath. No children 1907 ParlcDrive. 20-6t CAROLINA SIX BEST IN DANCE MUSIC FRANK B. CRAYTON, Manager. PHONE 304 CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' 20-7t J. LEE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Office with J. W. Cobb. Phone 3695. 8-tf-ead LEARN TELEGRAPHY AT NIGHT SCHOOL. NOW OPEN 27 1-2 W. FOURTH ST., ON MONDAY, WED NESDAY OR FRIDAY NIGHTS. CALL OR PHONE 2968 OR 2468. 5-tf-mon-wed-fri DAVIS. SHEET METAL SHOP Specializes in auto, radiator repairing tanks, fenders and hoods. Cut down bodies made according to specifica tions at reasonable prices. We can solder your silverware, brass, copper, zinc, cast, and cans of any descrip tion All Work guaranteed. 14 South Church. Phone 3032 21-3t-wed-sat-sun FURNACE SMOKING? We clean and repair Furnaces, Hot and Cold air pipes. Anything ifi sneet metal. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 21-tf HAVE MOVED TO 319 EAST TRADE ST. WHERE YOU CAN HAVE YOUR WATCHES AND JEWELRY RE PAIRED PROMPTLY. GORDON THE JEWELER. 319 EAST TRADE ST- 21-St VULCANIZING DEPARTMENT. ' IF IN NEED OF 36x6 AND 38x7 RE TREAD TIRES, WE HAVE THEM. GUARANTEED. MOTOR ACCES SORIES CO., 512 SOUTH TRYON ST. PHONE 287. 2Mt SPECIAL NOTICE .YOU CAN HAVE YOUR WATPHph iwn Tiriurr-.- REPAIRED PROMPTLY WITHOUT 1Jr'UAi. liOKUON, THE JEWELER, 319 EASTgRADE ST. 21-3t FOR RENT Three unfurnished first floor connecting rooms lights and water furnished, $30. Apply 22S N. College. 20-3t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved mecklenburg farms You will find what i you want in our detailed list of choice farm offerings. H. H. THOMAS COMPANY 102 Trust Bldg. 15-tf FOR SALE By owner, 6-room house, strictly modern. Will rent for $55 per month. First class condition. Price $5,500. $1000 to $1500 eaelv. Phone 4378. ' - 17-tf. FOR SALE Five-room cottage with bath, electric fixtures and gas, prac tically new, rooms nicely papered, on Oak street, Dilworth, one block from car line. Lot 50x150. (Price $4850 for immediate sale; $1200 cash will mak-j the deal. Terms on balance. Dr. S. Levy. 7 East Trade, upstairs. IS-It FOR SALE Eight-room bungalow: two baths; hardwood floors: fqmaof heat: garage. House beautifully deco rated. Nice fixtures; stone mantle: FrCnch doors. Best of location and neighborhood. Immediate possession. W. C Harris & Co. Phones 936 Tn.l 2749-W.' 19-3t FOR SALE Direct from owner, fur nished or unfurnished six-room bun galow with all modern conveniences. Located in Third ward. Phone 1423-.T. 20-tf B'OR SALE Seven-room bungalow. . Elizabeth section. A bargain. Will accept second hand automobile as initial payment. No cash needed. Address Bungalow, P. O. Box 1347. 20-tf FOR SALE New Myers Park home seven rooms, tile bath,, hardwood floors, furnace heat, corner lot, readv for occupancy. Price $9S50. E. C. Griffith Co. Phone 420S. 20-3t $5750.00-Splendid 6-room' bungalow, Sunnyside avenue "Piedmont," own er has x left town and is anxious to sell. -This is a real good buy for someone. $7500.00 Six-room bungalow, Louise avenue. A very attractive home. Corner lot. With garage. $3250.00 Six-room cottage North Da vidson street." near Ninth street This property must be sold for di vision. Can "be had on easy tems. $4500.00 Five-room cottage "Dilworth." house in good condition. Owner le.iv ing town and must sell. DeLANEY & SING. County Court House. Phone 4254 18-4t-sun-mon-wed-fri FOR RENT Desirable five-room apart ment, Areola heat, newly papered and painted; $65 month. E. C. Griffith Co. Phone 4208. 20-3t FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, gentlemen or couple, block Elizabeth car line, private lvme, ref erences. Phone 1165-.I. 18-2t-sun-wed FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms. Apply by mail for information to P. O. Box 841. 1 21-3t FOR RENT Large, completely fur nished bedroom, close in. Phone 2571 -W. 21-tf FOR RENT One well furnished room furnace heat. Can give references. Ph-ne 1899-W. 21-3t FOR RENT Desirable six-room fur nished cottage ..with hot air heat. Elizabeth section: $90 month. E. C. Griffith Co. Phone 4208. 21-3t FOR RENT-Furnished room for light housekeeping; $16 per month. Lights and water frre. Apply room 10, 6 E. Seventh St. 21-lt FOR RENT Three untyrnished rooms, all conveniences, for light house keeping, also garage. Possession LV-c. 24. Phone 2608-L2. -21-3t FOR RENT Two large unfurnished rooms, first floor, connecting bath, $18 month. Lights and water fur nished. Phone R63-J. 21-lt FOR RENT Nice furnished front room: 820 N. Church St. 21-3t NICELY, furnished in private home to couple, breakfast if desired. ' Phone 4320-J. 21-3t WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS WANTED To make your mattresses and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co., 250 N. McDowell St. Phone 1127-L2. 22-tf V WANTED Your painting, calsomim ing, refinishlng floors. J. . S. AicCall. Phone 40C9. 12-tf w ANTED Used furniture. Phone 443V 565 W. Eleventh St 18-tf WANTED Orders for cabbage. Read our ad in Farm Products column. Myrtle Beach Farms Co., Myrtle Peach. S. C. 16-20t WANTED YOU TO KNOW OUR TAXI SERVICE IS THE BEST. WE NEVER CLOSE. BLAKE'S AUTO SERVICE. PHONE 1177. L. L. HACK NEY, TRUSTEE. 17-7t. WANTED Ice box for handling beef that would hold about 900 lbs. of ice. Must in A-l condition. G. W. IL Kiser. , Indian Trail. N. C. 20-2t WANTED Baby push cart. Good con dition only. Phone 1825-W. 20-Ct WANTED Nice second ,hand dresser and washstand; 301 South Brevard. Phone 2449. 20-3t TAKE YOUR WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY TO BE REPAIRED TO GORDON THE JEWELER. 319 EAST TRADE ST. 21-3t WANTED POSITION SALE8MEN WANTED WANTED 'Salesman to sell brooms. Acme Broom Works, Vest Ninth, corner Smith St. 21-3t 57 MILES per gallon made with new patented gaspline vaporizer. Write fnr particulars. Stransky Vaporizer . . rukwana. S. D. zi-lX. YOUNG LADY experienced in stenog raphy and general office work de sires position. Will consider any thing with advancement. Phone 699 or write Stenographer, 406 East Ave., Charlotte, N. C. 20-2t WANTED Position as billing clerk or general office work. Can use post ing machine. Five years experience. Aoaress jv. s.. care News. , 20-3t m. 7. ", I T I I YOUNG MAN desires position. Busi ness college education and ten months experience in general office . work. Will consider anything. Ad dress "B" Route Kg. 3, Box 59. Ellenboro. N. C. 21-2t EXPERIENCED stenographer desires position by Jan. 1. A-l references. Phone 1081-J. 21-3t MISCELLANEOUS MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided - for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. 22 winasog, Atiarja, Ga. 12-26t-dailv VISIT ORANGE GROVE Five cars pineapples and ruby blood oranges for sale. Grapegrui,t Washington State apples. Florida Fruit Distribu tors, P. & 24, track. . ifl-fit FOR SALE Kingston avenue, Dil worth . lot from owner; $1150 cash; balance by month. Address Bargain, care News. 21-5t it's Time to buy business property. 25-ft; three-story business house on North Tryon St. 33-ft. double two-story corner business house. East Trade-. 40-ft. two-story office buildings East Trade St. " . 50-ft. corner lot. West Fourth St. Apartment, house, pressed- brick, four apartments. New and delightfully ar ranged. Very choice location. Is pay ing 10. 30-ft. store building, South College St. You will have money the first of the year. Invest it in Charlotte business property. MORETZ REALTY CD. 10 E. Trade St. Phone 49S3 21-lt MISCELLANEOUS "WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Local Distance Hauling Moving Packing Storing WE MAY" NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO. 207 W. Fourth St. DAY PHONE 1166 NIGHT PHONE 5074 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 SI Poplar w , 25-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, good as new. Phone 158S-J. Lawing's Mattrrss Factory. 10-tf FOR SALE BLUE GEM COAL $10.50 PER TON This Coal is screened' and forked, and is absolutely free from slate or slack. Our Coal is weighed on HOWIE SCALES, delivered on Pneumatic Tired Trucks, by. courteous white dri vers. We handle the very.; best grades of Domestic and Steam Coals, retail or carload lots. Phone 4813. COCHRAN COAL COMPANY 7-tf COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 18-71 FOR SALE OUR SERVICES to repair your roof 6r gutters. Also to paint them. Satisfaction guaranteed. v STRANGE & BRADY Phbne 3149 7-tf ONE HORSE and delivery wagon cheap; . 804 N. Brevard St. Phone 79. 17-tf BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell- Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 10-12t W. M. BELL, Notary Public, front of fice Charlotte News. Can' be found most any hour to 8 p. m. 9-tf VISIT ORANGE GROVE Five cars pineapples and ruby blood oranges for sale. Grapegrui.t Washington State apples. Florida Fruit Distribu tors, P. & N. track. 19-6t FOR SALE Large size "Crown" girl's bicycle, good as new. Phone 23u-J S-tf FUEL Don't fool yourself by buying cheap fuel, the best is always the cheapest We weigh and fork every ton and guarantee satisfaction. Phone us a trial order and be convinced. PHONE 1216 Blue Gem $11.00 Per Ton Pocahontas Egg $11.00 Per Ton Pocahontas Rom $3.00 Per Ton Penn Anthracite $16.50 Per Ton Dry Stove Wood, $2.00 and $4.00 Loads WIGGINS FUEL CO. QUALITY AND ERVICE. COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 18-7t FOR SALE Home-made fruit cake Phone 2045-J. 19-3t FOR SALE One wooden vegetable stand1 on rollers, fine condition. $15 Myers Park Community Store. Phone 715. 19-?t FIRE WORKS for sale at J. N Hunter's Store, end Seversvllle car line. ' 19-4t FOR SALE One double 6-foot show case. Home-mad3 but neat. Phone 1155. 15-3t FOR SALE Blue wicker baby car riage, $10: 1216 N. Allen St. - 20-St FOR SALE New - bungalow, Colonial Ave., furnace heat, hardwood floors 60 foot lot. $6500. Phone J. C. Harley, 3022. F. C. Abbott & Co. 20-tf FOR SALE Large size Monitor baso burner, ono Buck's room heater, oni; laundry heater, cheap. All splendid condition. Phone 1325; 24 S. Tryon. 20-3t LIME SULPHUR WASH for winter spraying against scale. Prices sn application. Faris" Seed Co., Green wood, S. C. 12-16-13t-we-fri-san CALL 1177 FOR PROMPT- SERVICE ANY HOUR. BLAKE'S AUTO SERV ICE, L. L. HACKNEY, TRUSTEE. 17-7t. WALL PAPER HANGING, house painting. Call M. Muse. Phone 2962 or 2260-.T. 9 tf LET THE WEST TRADE PRESSING CLUB have your clothes to repair dye, clean and press. Phone 554. 245 West Trade 3-tf-sun-wcd ALWAYS REMEMBER where , you get the best for less mon ey. Fourth Ward Shoe Shop. , Phone 4402. We call for and deliver., 19-tf Wed Fri Sun INDIAN RIVER ORANGES. fiSn nr.l; Car at Southern freight depot, East Second St. Royal Hubbard, grower. . 21-2t Let Us STOP THE LEAKS in your ROOF AND GUTTERS Phone 3149 STRANGE & BRADY 21-tf GORDON, THE JEWELER. HAS MOV ED TO 319 EAST TRADE ST., WHERE YOUR WATCHES AND JEWELRY WILL BE REPAIRED PROMPTLY. 21-3t OLD JEWELRY REPAIRED AND MADE. TO LOOK GOOD AS NEW AND PROMPTLY DONE. GORDON, THE JEWELER, 319 EAST TRADE ST. . . . 21-31; ATTRACTIVE PRICES ON BUMP ERS, HORNS, ANYTHING" FOR THE AUTO. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. MOTOR ACCESSORIES CO.. 512 SOUTH TRYON ST. FHONE 287, . .. v,. .. . Sl-U ANGEL FOOD and layer cake made to order for sale. Phone 1374-J. 21-2 FOR SALE Indian River Or anges, 65c peck. Car at South ern frieght depot, East Sec ond St. Royal Hubbell, Grow. er. 21-lt FOR SALE Home-made fruit cake. Phone 2054-J. 21-2t BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell- Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St: 12-4t FOR SALE Gas - range $10. Phone 17Z5-W. . 21-2 INDIAN RIVER ORANGES. 65n r.. Car at Southern ' freight depot, East cecona tt. Koyal Hubbard, grower 21-2t FOR SALE Child's desk and chair suitable for child six years old. Per feet condition. Phone 945-W. 21-lt BE PREPARED FOR FREEZING WKATHER; FILL YOUR RADIA TOR WITH ALCOHOL: 25 CENTS A QUART. MOTOR ACCESSORIES CO., 512 SOUTH TRYON ST. PHONE 287. 21-1 FIREWORKS Full supply. Hoskins Drug Co., end of Hoskins car line 21-ot ATTRACTIVE PRICES ON RADFA TOR AND HOOD COVERS; ALL MODELS. MOTOR ACCESSORIES CO., 512 SOUTH TRYON ST. 21-lt CHRISTMAS GIFTS BUY Mirrors for Christ mas presents. Ezell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 10-12t T0YS TOYS TOYS TOYS TOYS TOYS AMERICAN : JEWELRY. CO. 328 East Trade St. Est. 1900. 18-4t No Mon SWEATERS White, black, navy b,ue, scarlet and heathers from $8 to $1". Beau iff ul gifts. Carolina Sporting Goods Co. 20-2t For Christmas Give Electrical Fixtures and Appliances. For Sale at your price Page Electric Co. 6 South Church St. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One ton Ford, truck, two other light delivery trucks. Going eheap. Motor Supply Co. PhdnG 1270. 20-tf BARGAINS We have several very good used cars that can Be bought right and on easy terms.' USED CAR EXCHANGE, 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 , 15-tf BARGAINS IN ,USED CARS More than ?0 used automobiles different models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipp, 211 N. College St. Phone 4050. m ; GREEK CATHOLICS 4 ' i. ii mm FOR SALE One Ford coupe, one Ford touring, one Chancier club roadster, all in good condition. "AV. E. Bailey, Bailey Bros. Market, 519 W. Trade St. ii-tf 16-9t RIFLES At from $3.50 to $30; can teens for Scouts at $1.50; hunting knives and sheaths at $3.50. Carolina Sporting Goods Co. 20-21 PECANS Native grown, average run pecans, well flavored, -25 cents p?r pound, put up in neat cotton bags of 5 10, 15 and 25 pounds, larger quantities in double burlap. Just the thing for a Christmas gift. F. H. McCrae. Denmark, S. C. 16-7t BICYCLES For, boys and girls for Christmas. Prices range from $32.50 to $65. Carolina Sporting Goods Co. 20-2t WATCHES RINGS LAVALIERES ETC. All the very best at moderate prices. Engraving free. AMERICAN JEWELRY CO. 328 East Trade St. 20 years in same block. 18-4t No Mon FOOTBALLS For email boys, $2 ind $2.50: for older boys, $7 and $10. Carolina Sporting Goods Co. 20-2t FOR SALE German rollers, English canary birds. Very cheapo Phone 1350-W. 20-3t THE PLACE TO s BUY your children pure home-made can dy for Christmas the old time peppermint, lemon drops, lemon stick candy, pepper mint stick candy, little walk ing canes, candy baskets and a variety -of 1 other kinds. From 20c to 40c a poundt nothing pver 40c. FASNACHTS CANDY FACTORY 217 West Fourth St. - 14-6t-no thu sat tu CANARY BIRDS make pleasing and useful Christmas gifts. Guaranteed singers for sale byv Mrs. N. W. Lumpkins, 139 N. McDowell. Phone 3044. 21-3t LOST OR FOUND STOLEN from my home, pointer,, white and liyer colored, about two years old, tail - about throe inches long. Answers to name "Bob." Liberal re ward for information leading to his recovery. Phone A..G. Hagler, Newell operator, Charlotte Route 8. 17-61 STOLEN New Ford Coupelet, Motor No. 5550206. Thirty five dollars reward for same. Notify Chief Police, Char lotte, N. C. 17-4t LOST North Carolina license tag. No. 81,547, with tail light attached, on road from 12th street to Hunters ville. returning via Derita, Sunday after noon. Return to News for reward 20-2t TAKEN By mistake, from Myers Park Club dressing room Friday afternoon, 16th, brown fur neckpiece (Bau- Marten). Return to Mrs. C W Tillett, 801 N. Tryon St. i 20-2t LOST Lady's purple umbrella with cut handle, between Blake's and Lig cett's drue store. Saturday tiId-IiV Reward, return to W. C. Stone, Meek lenburg Hotel. 20-2t STOLEN -Monday bight from Third Street near Court House Ford Touring car. sState li cense 27 197. Reward. Phone 3159-J. W. E. Snell. - 20-3t FOR SALELIVE STOCK AUCTION SALE of Shetland Ponies at our barns, Greensboro, N C, Thurs day, December 22, 1 P. M. Greens boro Nurseries & Stock Farm, John A. Young & Sons Greensboro, N. C. 19-lt THREE FOX HOUNDS, price sixty dollars. Newton Farm, Kings Moun tain, N, C, . 20-3t FOUND Where you- can get your ijjjcTnuci puunugTapn repair ea Phone. 3767. Typewriter Exchange vu.. o. xi you at. is-at-sun-wed-frl FOR SALE Bord touring car, 1917 model, one Ford lignt delivery truck, chear Phone 346. FOR SALE Hudson speedster, iin; condition, good tires. Aiust oe soiu, make me an offer. J. J. Shuman, Adm. Phone 472. 19-7t FORD CAR for sale, suitable for a small truck. Call after 6 o'clock eveninar. 810 W. Trade St. 19-tf LIBERAL TERMS We will be glad to extend you very liberal terms on our used cars. A small cash payment or trade; the bal ance in small payments. Come in and see us. DAIL-OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade St. 21-4t FOR SALE By owner, practically new Ford coupe. Hasn't been run over 30&miles, at a reasonable price. Phone 4540. 20-2t i OVERLAND MODEL 90 (Five Passenger) This is a dandy; thoroughly over hauled and newly painted. You can not equal it for the price asked. Cash or liberal terms. DAIL-OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade St. 21-41 T.TiT? "SAT .V Tha nrllar- CiR-natch! mr. four months. Apply 321 East Trade St. 21-2t WILLYS-KNIGHT (Seven Passenger) If you want a seven-passenger auto mobile that is in almost perfect con dition then "this is the one. Cord tires, bumper, rhotometer and spare tire. . Liberal terms. DAIL-OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade St. 21-4t GARAGES for rent; 307 Tenth Ave Phone 660-.T. 21-2t fa ' w Archbishop Meletios Metazakii. Meletios Metazakis, exiled neS pplitan of Athens, who is new , siding m New York, has receivrf word that he has been elected ll the Holy Synod as EcSSSiS Patriarch of the. Eastern Ortgg church, the seat of which is in W SSriftV By hi? elevation Metazakis becomes spiritual hn of 120.000,000 Christians. TO NAME CABINET' U FOR JUGO SLAVIA DEMONSTRATION OF DIXON'S GRAPHITE GREASE FOR TRANS MISSIONS AND DIFFERENTIALS AT MOTOR ACCESSORIES CO., 512 SOUTH TRYON STREET. AUTOMO BILE DEALERS AND OWNERS URGED TO SEE THIS DEMON STRATION. ' 21-lt BARGAINS One Hudson Super six repainted, good con dition, special price. One Ford touring car, special price. One 1920 Briscoe tour ing car, special price. Come down and .look 'em over. V J. H. HAM 306 N. Tryon. Phone 352 21-2t BUSINESS OPORTUNITY WANTED Someo'he who wishes to in vest $1000 in a beautiful valuable . diamond ring. One of the safest aid most useful investments. Address A. B. C, care News. -tf FARM PRODUCTS WE NOW HAVE for sale several thou sand crates fresh, well headed cab bage, 2c per pound f. o. b. Myrtlo Beach, S. C. Cash with order. Myrtle Beach Farms Co.. Myrtle Beach. S. C. 16-20t FOR SALE Iron-Clay mixed peas and Brabhams. $2 per bushel i. o. b. here. J. W. Cook, Williston, S. C. 17-7t SOUND MIXED PEAS, $1-75 bushel f. o. b. this place, check- with order. H. Chandler, Wedgefleld, S. C. lT.7t FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Leading varieties, ready for ship ment; post paid: li)0, 25c; 500, $1.00; 1.000: $1.60. Government inspected F. E. Hull, Rock Hill, S. C. ll-26-30t FOUND One set of false teeth. Own er can get same by paying for this ad. Call W. M. Gill, Standard Ice & Fuel Co. 91.1 LOST Sunday, billfolder containing three notes, lodge receipts and about forty dollars in bills and bank keys. Reward if returned to News. . " ' 21-2t FOUND Black back mare mule. Own r can' secure same by paying for feed and keep. Frank Williams, Biddte- ville. 21-lt LOST Khights Templar watch fob - Finder please call 3971-W; 21-lt SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GROCERIES FRUITS NUTS C.ANDIES 'RAISINS AND CAKES WE SELL QUALITY GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY AND DELIVER. SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUN DAY SCHOOLS. OUR $8.50 FLOUR CUT TO $7 50 FOR THURSDAY & FRIDAY LET US QUOTE YOU WHOLE SALE PRICES . . . Economy- Grocery 37 W Fourth. Phone 4380 ExiPreftvier DavidoTltdu T Former trenuer Davidovitcli & Serbia has been invited by Etf Alexander to form a new cabinet, following the failure of Premier Pachitch to select a cabinet after fhis first one failed last Novenibfr, m m w a am nHlGHEsTFR S PUS -yrr- THE DIAMOND BR1.TJ, A 8 m ins AfiAjavnu i l.lut AskrsarVnifelitW fill la K 111 tra ainuKi 1XM. tetJed witk Blue t!tM. Tk as othar. Bjr ofjfvl. DIAMONI BRAND PnJ.IU ... tt.-. c',,.c. A'MVlRtWil SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVSiHES XOST OR FOUND STOLEN Tuesday night. Ford row from corner Third and Tryon strte;; S. C. license No. A-46275. Motor in left front fender: large renU rear .fender; two nickeled strap on running board. Lever tmwi . .. t- t- T tts LL Kewara jou. sotiiy o. - den, S. C.: LOST Oriental card case conta;: Dilworth car comin? from D' betweer," 10 and 10:30 cdn morning. Property of church. y will receive reward if returned.!': 4192. FOR SALE FOR SALE MOVABLE GAM PHONE 287. hi' ir- FOR SALE Some fine peavlne ft Phone 2566. FOR SALE Tricycle, excellent dition. Phone 3459. CITY OF CHARLOTTI BULLETIN All automobiles found in restricted district after midnight will be towed fl' police headquarters an ject to a fine. Effect urday night. I) i

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