THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FfelDXY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 23, 1921. 19 UTESTOCK-COTTON ARKET QUOTATIONS; FINANCIAL NEW THE MOST COMPLETE MAKKCT AG EDITED- BY STUART P WEST Fa U Ti EOlMT 91 11 w xnm uwot. CURB BONDS CTOCES flflCK MARKET PRICES SLUMP t.i s -ttovctl Selling Runs Pri- Down; stops vvun Market Quiet ( m r vRT v. west. ( ..rr.-pondeiit ofTlif Afws. hi i"U' News Publishing Co. ( ." J New York. Deo. 2J. nioro scattered selling in .' : i.irket this morning- and Features I OV s re I n .-rts ,:a ko u i hat is a By STUART I. WEST. Staff Correspondent of The News. Copyright, 19J1, by ?7eYvs I'tiblighiiig; Co. prices down a on iuruier. its course, however, and adins came almost to a Here and there indiviual up but there was n; .ration even to these op Street is doing: a lot of .; what will happen a iter ine vear. The majoritx there will be more trade the year-end inventories a ken. In the meantime as ':vs'i stimulous in current most of '.hem telling .nil as compared with a ; is n: surprising that ,:' w litlto new initiative - stock market. - moments ot a very further advance m The situation in the ikon a promising- turn i ouscccience of th. povt demand which nart 4f D'-tolier and c' si is lit. At mat i! a- upon tne io in Argentine and i; less dependent market. Dm it these calculations ! the world's sur- , ,. , pvos'-nt and p.-. i'-;iina;ed considerably was two mouths ago iv.ard revision of tsti mJl' supply that is tin I ;, recoverv ot the last prices. ; nf the improved on : a in trade upon the ,,s a i"Mt?r demand for ks of companies whose i !. vary closely with . r of ihe farm oomuiii-, the o;is ran its couimx'. si of their decline on s as a technical 1 eie- a n thing significant ;s was ronl'trmcd. hi railwav stocks w ere and some if therj .. : pa tit; u- a large falling inner tratlic statements ,:-'a those of Octobes. i:- s aively fair, iiow-;i- iKtober is alvvaya !: for .main and cotton because a lot of won Id ordinarily have November, was speeded .- 'ear of a railway ; - i swell the October i ker made no ro : sharp drop in tho c ratio during tlie week i ::- t per cent. As a ;! ;e was no reason why afficted or why the ;i" reserve percentage :idgn cut regarding the 'Market. The decline 'J -aal borrow ins pr?para of the year along 1 1! cash requirement? of trade As these influ--.'.. i en-pora ry it r.iav be past week's i n ;; as. ' ". ' i:. rediscount? ana i.' in i-iri-ulating notes ; undone after the first ii raised along through ':. very little interest out- ci"d issues. Professional !'. Luring in mind tlK' tra- othr Christmas Kves, ... i,:kr in their short eon- i-apartcd strength to the h'.'tir. Tiu- copper shares y tii ai. haing had their fill v.c fairs which tlie Wall !s especially confident of !; r metal will work high :':'. of the year and there ei i..iis of really prood times :r.ele late in 1!2J. o K"r.!i?cott were the lead : .v.ry of the copper group oils Transcontinental and -e the two main features, 'imotive. was .consistently - h'.zii prices". The rubber did hctetr especially Ajax .la the bond list the tenden lacvnuard for most things, .important day in the ex- with sterlins off over a :v:.rr.i rates generally lower. ITBLIC SERVICE OK MiW JEIISE". An interestinir sidelisrht on the cca- eral traffic situation is afforded by the November report of the public service railway, the street car subsidiary of the Public Service Corporation of N'ew Jersey. During; that month the road cairied 5.50S.722 fewer nassenaers than in the same month of 192D. A year ago the fare was seven cents wheieas it is now eisht cents. How much tne increased fare is responsible for thitt falling ff and how much it si due to freneral depression and jitney compe tition is a matter for much difference of opinion. THE ST R OA G STOCKS. The stocks, in -which special buying appeared today even wh;n the general list was heaviest were for the most part the same ones which had stood up agrainst the selling- ofvjiesterday and the day beforo. American Jiooonuotive. on transactions mainly in hundred share lets went up with the utmost ease. The scarcity of its floating supply was more marked than at any time so far. Burns Brothers continued strong in re sponse to the vacating of the merger injunction which means that the mer ger will be immediately put into ef fect. The pool in Texas Gulf Sulphur which has been showing its head fo. several days, presumed operations. With the long expected new financing o. the American Sugar Company out of the way traders on the short side had nothing to help them and there was an active covering demand for the stock. it was short covering, too. wnicn was tlie principal cause of .tlie rise in Sears Uoebuck although the latest monthl; figures rather indicate that the busines of tins company bas turned the vornr. California Petroleum Jed the recovery in tlie oils, tlie special incentive in its case being the expectation of divi dends in the near future. Buying of Texas and Pacific was again set. down to a local banking interest which ac cording to a report- has been pickin up the "stock for sorre time. ST. PAH.. After further weakness in the St. Paul issues in the course of which. both common and preferred made new lows, an upward turn finally came. It followed a statement by the preside it of the company that there was no need fo- anxiety ovor its ability to meet its obligations. He said that there was plenty of cash on hand to take care of the current maturities when these fall due. COTTON MARKET REMAINS QUIET Better Goods Trade Gives the Market a ; Generally Steady Tone. By STUART P. WEST. Staff Correspondent ef The Xmi. Copyright. I0ai, by Nw Publishing Co. New York, Dec. 23. The cotton market : was quiet today. A great many traders have previously evened, up accounts for over the Christmas holidays and there seems no very clear incentive for their recent enterting into the market. At the same time reports from the goods trade were encouraging:, which with the steady showing of Liverpool and reports that trade interests were readily taking up January notices both here and in New Orleans, gave the market a generally steady undersone. .Locally about thirty January notices were issued, while Xew Orleans reported sixty in the market there. According to private advices a prominent firm of southwestern shippers were stopping the Xew Orleans notices, and the same in terests were believed to be stopping part of the notices issued here. Naturally these reports had a steadying effect on the gen eral list and moderate realizing sales were absorbed on comparatively slight reac tions. The market here opened firm at an advance of four to 17 points and sold about 20 to '26 points above last night's closing figures before the end of the morning on a cattering demand. Private cables reported a dull feature less market in i Liverpool but prices there were better than due on the Xew York close o f yesterday an dreports from the domestic goods trade made a favorable impression on sentiment. I Wall Street jj Grain Market j 1 1 ' Live Stock Copyright. 1021. by Nev Publishtns Co. Union Stock Yards. Chicago, Dec. 23. Light supplies of livestock were again reported in all branches of the litsloek trade. todxv and stronger vai uas were made. Waile the cattle iuii was small for the week yet prices were jiot able to gain. Present prices, iho.v eer. show a little advance over Ihe week's low point. When fat killing lambs were selling below $11 feeders YOUNG LADIES PLAY FOR CIVITAN MEETING CHARLOTTE COTTOX. Receipts today, 30 bales at :.. ISi Xew York. Dec. 23. The stock mar ket was listless at the opening of to day's session. Money brokers predicted a continuance of firm call and time rates over the Christmas holidays. Equipments were featured by Ameri can Locomotive, which added 1 1-4 points t oits recent steady rise. Steels, olis. rails, motors, leathers and chemi cals were lower. American Writing Paner preferred was weakest of the sDeeialties. falling almost two points. The market arirtea aimlessly during the mid-session, the only noteworthy incidents being a sudden decline m Chicago and Northwestern of 3 i-l points on moderate offerings. Among other leaders, especially oils, etiuip- menrs and utilities, the trend was to ward increased steadiness. Tlie closing was irregular. Liberty issues rallied but the general bond list was heavy. Sales approximated 530,000 Coiyriaut,121, lw t Publishing; Co. Chicago, Dec. 23. There was consider able strength exhibited tDday in the wheat market. Sentiment has changed strongly to the bull side and locals are getting help from commission houses in their ef forts to enhance values. A big factor was the lack of selling presure as offerings were exceedingly light, until May sold above $1.17 when commission houses pourned wheat into the pit. This load j hut proved hard to digest later and caused ;. a reaction. The fact that the Russian re- and distress-replace-in Con It looks to en- XEW YORK Last STOCK. Sale. 1,IST. Sugar Can Car & "Foundry . . Jiide & Leather pfd International Corp.. Locomotive .... Smelting & lief. . . ... Sugar Sumatra Tobacco . . T. & T. Tobacco Woolen Copper Sec. oy. . B" T1EI. AWARE AXD HllJSOX. Or the basis of returns up to and in cluding October. Delaware and Hudson will end the year with the nine per cent dividend covered, but without much margin to spare. This is taking into account a comparatively small deduc tion for the reserve fund as earnings are almost seven per cent on property value. In the case of Delaware and Hudson it is the large additional in come it received from its coal proper ties which enabled it to pay the pres ent rate. Without this income there would not be much left over for the stcck after interest charges. PIERCE oir,. Those who have been most bullish on Pierce Oil in recent weeks declare that the selling which made its appearance esterday and again today was entirely unexpected and that it came from a re tiring interest in the company. The amount of stock held by this interest was said to be insignificant. XEW YORK COTTOV. New .York, Dec. 23. The. cotton market opened firm today aL an ad vance of 4 to 17 points. Thirty Janu ary notices were reported out., but that month was relativelv firm on covering by jshorts and this helped the tone of ! the general list, while there also was scattered buying- on the steady show ing of Liverpool and favorable reports frciii the goods trade. January sold . at IS. 33 or 25 points net higher, and. latei months showed net advances of 12 to 17 points short lv after the call with March at IS. 23 and May at 17.7S. Sales of print cloths in the Fall River market were estimated at 200.000 pieces foi the week. Private cables reported a very dull market in Liverpool but prices there were a shade better than due cn the Xew York close of yester day. Small realizing sales were absorbed on reactions of six or seven ponus am- the market showed a. generally steady tone on reports that prominent trade interests were stopping notices m both N'ew York and Xew Orleans. Jan uary here sold up to 18.34 and March to IS. 26. or about 20 to 20 points net higher and prices were within three or four points of the best shortly alter m:daay. .Much of the forenoon business consisted of switching from January to March and from March to July. The market was almost at a stand still during the early afternoon but there was a little scattered realizing for over the three-dav adjournment with January easing off to 18.35 and March to IS. 20. or about eight pents from the best. CI-OS-1: XEW YORK Kt'TCRES. York, Dec. 23. Cotton closed SI.OSS SHEFFIELD. The annual report of the Sheffield Steel and Iron Company ii is issued is expected to allow a balance for the common stock Si oss when small ftcr dividend requirements for the year. Ti:e company is operating only one furna: at present and is still shipping iron against old .contracts. Present inven tories are said to be small and to be covered by sale contracts. SAVAW.Wl ;i ' '-'1 r;i , :. i ;,i XAVAI. STORES. Dec. 23. Turpentine ii-s I filt; receipts 30U; ;..k !:.;::;. h receipts l,S0o; ."( l.iMJ.I. .'": K 1' r, 3.02 1 :: lb 4.75; . M 5.1 WW 5.'J5. 51 AT HIE SOX ALKALI. In a letter to stockholders the head of the Mathieson Alkali Works makes a point which is of decided significance in the chemical industry. The statement fur ther explains why the stock of the cor poration has been so active recently. Plants of the Company which during the earlv iart of the year did practically noth- at all have been jumped suaoeniy io SO per cent of capacity. J he leeter ot tne president, which is a resume of the con ditions during the year precedes tne dis tribution of the annual reprt. une com pany has reduced inventory to a conserva tive amount and aiso nas increaseu smii-ments. X 1 - I. Foreign bar 'IV,'.' . i in v . m n t m v 1 1 z Dimn inTTTrVT InHWi Oiialitv Building Materials ) rented home is ike borrowed mon ey it's Yours with "fain unpleasant limi tations. You wouldn't ex o live your life on 'rr"u'd money. Then 'A,1 le satisfied with a ien.-e( home it's equal v insecure. CITIZENS Lumber Company South Boulevard Hones 3472-3473 Xew 11 r m : Open Hie-b Low Close Jan . '3 S.I ft 1S.50 IS. 22 H.-iG March 1S.15- 3S.SS IS. 11 IS. 3.. May 17.75 17.91 H7.72 17.10 July 17.26 17.52 17.2S 17.45 Oct 16.55 16.G2 15.52 . 16.72 XEW YORK spor COTTON. Xew York, Doc. 23. Spot cotton steady; middling IS. SO. Bond Market Ry STUART V. WEST. MaflT Correspondent of Tbe Sews. Copyright. 1H21, by Xrs 1'uftlisninK Xew York, oec. iinuns" moral nriee movements in bonds still inclined downward, few Co. tho to- WC:lK s municipal spots appeared ana a numuei i l. industrial ana railway issues ireia v. steadier. The fall in iiDerty oonus was partly checked. Alter tueir a.op to S3 yesterday f muniyiixiis a" regained a point. smuiany .-vieuen d-j ossed !b again. i'ron7tas.iriK mini- nfi however, m several ot me ioiciku s-r.vernment loans including aoi .vay .tananese bonds and uanisn Sj;. series A. Trading in industrials was compara tively heavy and prices were trregina.. Copper and tne bonds tosr. uinnci grounds and the steels were fractional ly lower. Wilson to. nrii on ojui fer 5s, Sinclair 7 l-2s. Virginia-Carolina Chemical 7 l-2s and Columbia uas int-z were among the issues wnicn ien off half a point or more. iracuoub too were weak. Marine us aaa,imi.i point and Bush Terminal liunoing went above SI. In the railway section there were sharp declines in Southern Pacific collateral 4s, -eaooara ah jjhi nticoiirtntPit fis. I-taltimore Ac Ofuo re- funding us anu inv tuuiuuivu number of others such as Xew rfn(rai fis. ChesapeaKe t unio vrrtihle 4 l-2s. IlocK lsiano As and Erics 4s D ICll ally. Delaware 5. wertf up over XEW ORLF4XN rOTTOX. Xew Orleans. Dec. 23. A vise of 20 to 21 points occurred in the first half hour of business in the cotton market today, being the result of the quick stoppmg of the first January notices. According to the best informa tion to be had, notices for 6.100 bales were issued and, as predicted in pre vious sessions of the week. spot houses welcomed tlie tenders. January advancing to 17. IS cents a pound.. The advance continued until it am ounted to 17 to 28 points, Januarv lourhing 17.50. Mill takings of 629.000 bales for the week were rather smaller than expected and arotmd noon caused recessions from the highest of 5 to 10 points. The market held steady, how ever, on cablegrams from Liverpool, saying that considerably more business was being done in Mancnester. Keports from Fall River, estimating spies of print clothes in that market this week at 200,000 pieces against 180.- 000 last week, when they were con sidered large, steadied the market in the early afternoon and in the trading up to 1:30 o clock prices at their at (heir best stood 20 to 28 points higher an the close of yesterday, January sing to 17.53. CLOSE XEW ORI.EAXS FUTURES. Xew Orleans. Dec. 23. Cotton closed steady at net advance of IS to 30 points: Jna. March May uly , Oct. XEW Allis-Clialmers American Beet American American American American American American American American American American American Ann con da Atchison At!.. Gulf & W. Indies Baldwin Locomotive Fait im ore S- Ohio Bethlehem Steel Canadian Pacific. .. Central Leather Chandler Motors Chesapeake & Ohio . . Chciago, Mil. & St. Paul Chicago. U. I. & Pac. .. Chino Copper . . . . Colorado iuel & Iron .. Corn Products- Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar .. .. Erie Ceneral Electric .. General Motors Goodrich Co. . . Great Northern pfd .. .. Great Xortbern Ore ctfs Illinois Central T.if piration Copper . . . . i;:t. Mer. Marine pfd . . International Paper .. .. Lennecou Copper -LouuviHe & Xasiiville .. Maxwell" Motors .. .. .. Mexican Petroleum .. .. Miami Cooper Middle States Oil .... Midvale Steel Missouri Pacific. Xew. York Central X. Y.. X. I L Hartford Norfolk & Western . . Xortbern Pacific Oklahoma Prod. &. Uef. Pan American Petroleum Pennsy 1 vai 'V. . . - . People's Gas "Titstburgh i't W. Va. . . flay Consolidated Copper Heading . . Kep. Iron & Steel . . Loyal Dutch. X. Y. .. Sl.eli Trans. & Trad. ; . Sinclair Con. Oil Southern Pacific . . Southern Railway . . Standard Oil of X. J.. Studebaker Corporation . Tennessee Copper Texas . Co Texas &' Pacific .... Tobacco Products .. .. Transcontinental Oil .. . Union Pacific U. S. Food Products . . Br.itcd Retail Stores. .; X. S. Ind. Alcohol . . . U. S. Rubber . . . . U. S. Steel Utah Copper . . . . . . Vestinghouse Electric Willys Overland .. .. Pure Oil .. . Atlantic Coast Line.. .. Ccea Cola. . Gulf States Steel . . Seaboard Air Li?ie .. . . Slcss. Shef. Steel & Iron United Fruit . . Virginia CaroChem. ... American Tobacco ,. .. American Zinc Invincible Oil . . . . . . Jnurnatinoal Harvester General Asphalt 7 112 5S 10 103 4 3 51 31 113 7S 48 01 SO ru; 35 5 6 US 30 47 5o i 31 1-4 1-S 7-S j-S f - 3 4 3-4 7-S 1-2 3-3 3-4 7-S 1 - 2 3-4 1-S 1-S 3-4 1-2 J -4 lief bill is now in effect and also that bill empowering the government to niv tigate the profits of exporters tempt to prevent the reselling of ed wheat abroad cheaper than ment cost had been introduced gress bad a bullish influence. as if the government is trying hance grain values and this leads to a stronger belief in the constructive side of the market. Cash wheat premiums were easier. Export demand was quiei. Corn was affected by the passage of the "Russian relief appropriation. As in wheat offterings were light early but pres surewas encountered on the bulge. Local professionals bought and there was little commission house buying. Export business was not" so big because bids were very close and for some corn they were quarter cent under the cost of replacement. Re ceipts were of good volume. Oats had a slight upturn in sympathy with wheat and corn. Cash premiums were unchanged. Shipping demand was slow. Provisions were quiet. Trade was 'most ly changing, selling January and buying May product. There was a little outside buying while selling was by packers. j went as high as $10.25 which shows ! that the country has not lost confidence I h1 the future of the trade, i Reeiepis of livestock at the local ' yards today were estimated at 2,000 cattle, 22,000 hogs, 7.000 sheep and 500 j calves. ! CATTLE: While the cattle suppiv ; was light yet the trade was slow and ; no choice steers were offered. Some duality heavy steers sold at ?7 to 57..-0. ows and heifers were hard to sell there was no change in quotations. uns were steady. Good bolognas sold r.t $3.75 to $1.00. Canning cows-were in Pour young ladies playing ukelelt s were guests and musicians of the Civi tan Club at its weekly luncheon Friday at the Chamber of Coynrnercc. Missv:-. Bell, Ham, Gillis and Heath they were, all well-known young women of Char lotte, ond the brand of music they -dis pensed, captivating the Civitans at once. Rev. Wr. B. Mellwame, jr., pastor V Westminster Presbyterian church, made the princii5al talk of the day on "The Christmas Spirit". Commodore (..rook of the Sanvation Army a-so made a, talk on the work being done here by thnt organization. Theattendance prize was given by C. M. Ferris and was won by Cecil Gil christ. Lane Etheredgc was designated as program chairman for next Friday. a i tan demand at ?2 to ?2.2o buf calves s I were no better than steady. Small lots at--went at $8.50 but packers took mosU') their stock at SS.25 and below. HOGS: Light hogs were steady to 15 rents higher after a slow start. Choice heavy hogs also were strong but pliined lots showed little change m values. Best light hogs went at $7.40 t. $7.63 while heavy butchers trld mostly at $6. .5 to $7.15. Rough pack ing hogs made $5.60 to $6.00 with best lots at $6.70. Some 12-3-pound pis sold at $7.65 on a strong market. SHEEP: Lambs soldmostlv 2J cents higher but sales at $11.10 were up about 40 cents from the best deals of the day before. Many lots si.. . r ev leeders were RECORDER'S COURT OUT FOR HOLIDAYS There will be no session of the re corder's court Saturday morning, as it has been decided by that body to ac- i claim Saturday as their holiday instead of Monday, the day which lias been gen erally set aside. This step was taken, according to Solicitor Tom Guthrie, in order that the deluge of drunks and other law break ers that are expected to overdo tb Christmas spirit may not be kept in jail went at too ons. cniess a session vi couri in on snle ' hfdd Mondnv the chances are that the i-.gde muttons sold w-ell nt strong v&l- ja.n M-jn i)e filled to overflowing by Tues- to $5. he :5 64 6 10 139 1 0 3T 7 1 31. 07 3 1 62 V'"' 26 1;7 112 3-4 T-2 0- 3 7-S r.-s 1- 4 1-4 Chicas-o. Dec. 23. Signing of tl Russian relief bill had a bullish effect todav on hte wheat market in the eaily dealings and the lact that Kansas and Xebraska continued to be mainly too dry tended further to strengthen prices. There was gossip also tuar tne uoinesuc visible supply total or Monday nr.gat be expected to show something of u decrease. Opening quotations whic-.i varied from 1-8 to 5-S cent higher. mi ere followed by moderate additional gains. Wheat closed unsettled 1-4 cent to 2 cfnts net higher. After opening unchanged to 1-S cent off corn scored a fair general advance. Com closed unsettled, 3-8 to 1-2 cent net higher. Oats started unchanged to 3-8 cent higher, then continued to harden Provisions derived firmness higher quotations on bogs. from CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago. Dec. 23. CATTLE: Receipts 2.000; beef sUurs slow and draggy: few earlv sales about steady: quality plain; fat she slock dull unci weak; calves, bull;', stockers and1 feeders steady. HOGS: Receipts 22,000; fairly active, steady to 15 higher than yesterdav's average; underweight up most; b.g packers doing nothing; top 7.65: one load 160 to liO pounds average: pr.u-Li-cai top on ISO-pound average 7.10; bulk 7.00 to 7.35; pigs mostly 15 to 35 higher; bulk desirable around 7.50; some nt 7.65. SHEEP: Receipts S.000; fat lami.s 2.. to 40 higher: shepe sttadv; top fat lambs ,11.40; bulk desirable kinds li.00 to 11.. 5; fat ewe lop earlv 4.75: no cl.cice lamb here; no feeder trade earlv. morning. Judge Laurence Jones and others con nected with the recorder s court have signified their intention of going out of the city Saturday for a Christmas trip. MONTGOMERY BANK CLOSED. Montgomery, Ala.. Dec. 23. The Me chanics' Bank here suspended business today and the affairs of the institution were placed in the hands of H. H. Mon;- Irnniprv simeiinrpndent of the State banking department. Directors of the; bank issued a statement declaring that action was decided upon "in order to protect the interests of depositors." The bank is capitalized at 5100,000. CHICAGO Chicago, Dec. 2 Northern white, ewt. Minnesota Red cwt. Idaho Jiurals, sacked POTATOES. Potatoes strong sacked lflSO to 2 '11 00 Rivers, sacked 1.S5 i.00 cwt. 5-J 1-i 1-2 7-3 1-S pfd In. A York con- refundin off fraction- Hudson convertible a noint from last niHit's elosmtr once. r,, ,-1 hor nrncrrpss in jicsuimii""" i-ji,ltr in hp notation m me innt-.i titalea of tne JLUU," uuitu ,iro T'Oli-lT-TOII I I IF! I 1 1 1 X' 1 A ' i The second Dutch cnamoer na.- c;uupnu. the governmeit bill providing for the nuoininir of the loan for the Dutcn Indies which appears to cintralic the recent announcement that siicn 4'.. - rein or f" mprt unlikely. The nlan liiiaiiviun - - , . lis for an interest raie aiwum rent. Co wen & CO. are oiljihi r.r oiv- nui' cent nrst morigaxe r,r r.m Akron. Canton & Youngs .MvnRdiiwav. The bonds are due-July L 1030, and are issued oniy in denomi p'ations of $100. c per Dry Gpods Market By STUART : WEST. Stkff Correspondent of The Mews. Copyright. 1921. by Awi PubHaulns: New York. Dec. 23. Trading in local gray goods market slackened tit ihe vanishing point today OiAiich some husiness was done Rhpeting3. Demand for print Co the al-in cloths . , quo r nu ii fiii i iiv v i ti .y - i w - i-Bir..Ha nut through on combed goods sateens, drills and other descriptions was light and scattered. Prices were with some print cloth r-r.nstriir.t4o.ns showing an upward ten tio riemand for sheetings now tn h coming from distributors who have held off to reduce their inven tf ries and who now ' regard prices a workable for a limited tunc ahead. 2 7-3 . 51 1-2 33 . 62 3-S 2i : - . 11 5-S . 71 7-S 50 3-4 . 4i ?-4 -S . 21 7-S . 78 5-S . IS 3-S . 113 5-S . 10 . 45 1-2 . 6 i-S S2 1-2 . 11 . 124 ;-S 9 3-1 . 53 J -4 . 3S . 53. 1-2 . S3 12 . . 50 5 5-S . 37 . St o-S . 10 1-2 . 45 1-S CHICAGO Chicago, WHEAT May . . July . . CORX May . . July . . OATS May . . July PORK Jan. LARD Jan. May-. . .. RI BS Jan. .. .' May . . C.RALV AXf PRO VISIONS. Dec. 23. Open High Low CIos .LIGJr .1.04 17 Vt 05 1.1 6 '8 1.04 1.16 "U 1.04 U 4!?i 551-j 54 5.) 56i 56 Ti 56 !" 38 ?-8T8 38 38 39 39 39 'i 3', lt.S5 S.72 S.72 S.7 0 S.72 9.15 .9.15 9.12 9.12 "sCii 'sis 'suo 8.10 A50W YORK POULTRY. New York. Ie. 23. Live poul firm; chickens 25 to 26; fowls 24 to roosters 10: turkeys 40 to 50. Dressed poultry firmer; turkevs to 51. irv 29; REV. MR. WOOL GETS VISIT FROM PEOPLE S CHICAGO CH r; PA 131 Chicago, Dec. . 23. Wheat. l-.ard 1.15 3,-4: Xo. 2 hard l.t No. Corn, Xo. 2 mixed, au to oo i-i, -o. 2 vellow 50 1-4 to 51. Oats, Xo. 2 white 37 38 1-2: Xo. 3 white 34 1-4 to 37 1-2. Rye nominal. Rarlev 56 to 60. Timothyseed 5.00 to C.10. loverseed 12.50 to IS. 30. Pork nominal. Lard S.72. Ribs 7.50 to S.50. Members of the Pegram Street Pres hyterian church stormed the manse j Thursday night, roundly '-pounding" j the pastor. Rev. J. S3. Wool. A largo i part of the congregation, of ldh men. i women and children, assembled at j Mr. Wool's home and brought Kuppliief i for pantry and table in abudance, the i younger people remaining- during the evening for fellowship and a social hour, music enlivening the occasion. HOW TO INVEST IN COTT What you should know' about Cotton is eonlained in our Booklet No. " RANDOLPH ROSE.JR. ' Free on Request ROSE & SON Cotton Slocks Grain 24 STONE ST. NEW YORK Wire Connection in ' , . CHARLOTTE, S . C. I BROOME & BURKETT 219'2 W. Trade St. : 3R 122 2." i;:o 13 13 'SO 'J4 ST. LOUIS liHAI.V St. Ix)uis, Dec. 23. Wheat, Xo. 2 1.24: Xo. 3. 1.17 to 1.20; December Mav 1.14 3-4.- Corn, No. 2, white 49 ot 49 1-2; 3, 4S 1-2: December 4 8 3-4; May 53 Cats. Xo. 3. white 34 1-2; Xo. 4 December 35; May 39 3-4. it! 1.14; No. 1-4 1-2 1-2 i-s CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Chicago, Dec. 23. 'Butter unchanged. Eggs lower; firsts 50 to 51; ordinary firsts 43 to 45. ALL RECORDS BROKEN BY BUSINESS VOLUME Orn 17.37 17.12 17.14 16. S4 15.99 OR I.KAN'S High 17.53 17.61 17.34 16.9!) 16.22 uO w 17.37 17.42 1 7.1 4 16.S3 16.16 ro'iTOSf. Clor-ia 17.51 17.5S 1 7.30 1 6.95 16.52 Xew Orleans, Dec. 23. Spot cotton steady and unchanged. Sales on the spot 641 bales; to arrive 1,025. JmOw miodllug In. 7.j; middling li.y1); fm. middling 1S.50. Receipts 4.116; stock 376,372. LIVERPOOL COTT03T. Liverpool. Dec. 23.- Cotton: Spot in limited demand; prices steady; good middling 11.62; fully middling 11.22; nurtaling io.Si; low middling O.b.; good ordinary S.12: oruinary -Sales 4,000 bales; including 3.600 American. Receipts 8,000 bales; no American. Futures (dosed steady; 1.04; January 11.04; March l j.92: July 10.77; September tober 10.31. . December 11.00; May 10.47; Oo- Cotton Opinion Xew vork, Dec. 23. J here is very little ot comment about on today's market. What activity has been in evidence has been due almost entirely to switching and evening up. Ji.xpirts to 1 o'clock were 1,218 from Mabile to the Continent and 500 from Pacific norts to Great Britain. The marke was almost at a standstill during the middle of tlie afternoon, business grad ually giving way to the exchange of holiday greetings. With best wishes for a " Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous Xew Year. POST AND FLAG G. NEW YORK MOJVHY. Xew York, Dec. 23. Call money easier; high o 1-2; low 5; ruling raie 5 1-2; closing hid 4 1-2;. offered at . 5 last loan 5. Call loans against acceptances 4 1-2 to 5. Time loans firm; 60 clays, to 5 90 days, 5 to 5 1-4; 6 months, 5 to 5 1-4. Prime mercantile paper 5 to 5 1-4. Chicago, Dec. 23. The Christmas shopping season in Chicago has broken all records in volume of business, accord ing to leading merchants, but probably will not measure -up, dollar for dollar, with those .of 1913 and 1920. The city's total retail merchandise business for December was estimated at $50,000,000. Buyers this year are spending their money more wisely, merchants said, and the demand is mostly: for substantial articles. "The peak of the shopping sea son was reached last Monday," said the manager of one larger store. "On that day we delivered 7,000 more pack ages than on any previous day of tne store's history, We probably will not pass last year's receipts, hut we will come close to the 1920 dollar sales. This is accounted for mainly by the reduc tion in prices. We have to sell five arti cles now to three a year ago in order to take in one dollar." Another merchant said the higher priced articles . were going the best and the sale of toys, especially American manufactured, has broken ail records. j Curb Market Br STUART P. WEST, Staff Correspondent of The Xws. Copyright. 1023, by New Publishing Co. New York, Dec. 23. Price mov-?-n-.pnts in the curb market today were irregular for the most part except in a few instances in the oil group where fvrther concerted drives were , made. The Cities Service issues were under pionounced pressure, the common yield ing over a dozen points with only a slight rally in the later trading. The pi ef erred and bankers shares also were in supply at lower levels. Anglo-Amcr.-can Oil continued one of the weak fea tures selling below 17. Other Standard Oil issues, however, ivere comparatively steadv. Standard Oil of Indiana mov ing up over a point. International Petroleum, Elk Basin and Simrns Pe troleum' were steady and fractionally higher. Maracaibo was freely suppiied and suffered a .loss of two pomts. In the miscellaneous section Swift International continued the strong fea ture. The coal stocks were compara tively ciuiet and showed unimportant pr-ce changes. Motor stocks were gen erally lower, Dur'ant Motors and the In diana stock each showing a fractional decline. There was little doing in the tobacco shares, prices ruling around the final figures of yesterday. Inter continental Rubber, after an early show of firmness was offered freely and de veloped heaviness. United Retail Candy and Sweets Company were quiet but steady. Mining shares were active in spots. Boston and Montana was under pres sure and yielded several' points. JOHN W. TODD, C. P. A A TTTYITQ D. H. McCOLLOUGH, C. P. A. EXAMINATIONS, INCOME TAX RETURNS, BUSINESS AND COST SYSTEMS. TODD & McCOLLOUGH Certified Public Accountants (North Carolina) 14 Galloway Building-. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Ft n si ERSKINE BANQUET PLANS COMPLETE Plans have been completed for the annual banquet of the Erskine College Alumni Association, which is to be held in the Chamber of Commerce build!'-' 3 next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, when President R. G. Grier, of the c.oi lege, will be here to deliver"an address. Dode Phillips, star fullback on the Erskine College football team for he past two seasons, will disc be present J. C. Reid, Jr.. of Mecklenburg coun ty, a member of the student body, will brinr greetings from the student body to the alumni. The Carolina Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion pnd alumni singers will render a numoer of melodies. Dr. George W. I'ressly, president of the local aluVni associa tion, will preside. Rev. J. ..J. P,U,h.'i.n. of Huntersville. is vice-president of tne association and Rev. E. G. Carson in secretary. . New closed : second second fourth 100.04; LTRERTY RONDS. York, Dec. r23 Liberty bonds 3 l-2s,. 94.10: first 4s. 95.60 bid; 4s. 93.60; first 4 l-4s, 96.2S: 4 l-4s. 9S.S0: third 4 l-4s. 97.20; 4 l-4s, 16.24: vieotry 3 3-4s, victory 4 S-4s, 100.04. un-ncw SUGAR- - New York, Dec. 23. Raw sugar changed at 3.60 for centrifugal crop and 3.86 old crop. - Refined unchanged at 5.00 for fine granulated. HOME-GROWN MELON FOR CHRISTMAS DAY W. K. Summerviile of Paw Creek will cut a homo grown watermelon for his Christmas dinner. Mr. Summerviile, who crew, an un usually nrolific crop of melons last Summer," pulled cne during -the early Fall, about .the time that frost was expected and nut it away to see what would become of it. To his surprise the melon has kept perfectly, according to outward ap r.earances and llr. Summerviile ex rpots to cniov it along '.vith the other cielicacies of a Christmas dinner Sun -ay. FOHKIGS EXfflAWKE. New York. Dec. 23. Forgien ex change irregular. Great Britain (par 54.3n 5-S per pound sterling): Demand 4. lb; caoies 4. IS bU-uay llius on uaiiiva t.i.i. France (par 19.3 cents per irancj; Demand 7.93 1-2; cables 7.04. Italy (oar 19.3. cents per urej: us- mand 4.44; cables 4.44 .1-2. Belgium (par 19.3 cents per iranc;: Demand 7.61 1-2; cables 1.62. Germany (par 23.x cents per mars;: Demand .52 1-2: cables .o-j. Holland (par 40.2 cents per guilder j- Demand 36.55: cables NVway (oar 2t. cents per Krone;: Demand 15. o5. Sweden (par 26.S cents per Krone;: Demand 24.95. Denmark (nar 26.3 cents per Kroner. Demand 20.05. Switzerland par 13.5 cents psr frnac): Demand 19.50. Spain (par 19.3 cents per pesota): Demand 14. So. Greece (par 19.3 cents per drachma). Demand 4.11. Argentina (par 42.44 cents p-. Ar gentine paper dollar): Demand 33.37.- Brazil (par 32.45 cents per paper milreis): Demand 12.75. Montreal (par 100 cents per Canadian dollar): 93 5-8. You'll Smile Too -When You Have Joined Our Christmas Savings Club It's the one big "Dad," Mother, family. CLUB thrift plan which makes everybody happy Sister Sue, Bobby and all the rest of the IS NOW FORMING. A PLAN TO FIT EVERY PURSE. A MEMBERSHIP FOR ALL. HERE'S HOW IT MOUNTS UP: $2.50 $2.00 $1.00 .50 A A A A WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK MOUNTS MOUNTS MOUNTS MOUNTS UP. .. UP."-. UP. .. UP . .. ,$ 125.00 100.00 50.00 25.00 1VKW YORK PROVISIONS. New York, Dec. 23 Butter steady; creamery higher than extras 43 to A'i 1-2: creamery extras 42 1-2; creamery firsts 35 to 41 1-2. TOc-srs firm: fresh gathered extra firsts 56 to 58; do, firsts o tor firsts 39 to 40. Cheese irregular; 1-2 to 21. to 55: rcfrigera- average run 20 COTTONSEED OIL. ' New York, Dec. 23. Cotton oil clcsel steadv. Prime summer yellow 8.25 to 8.50; "pi im crude 7.05 bid. December 8.25; January 8.30; February 8.45; March 8.71: Aoril 8.79; May 8.95; June 9.00; July 9.10. Total sales 9,600. CHICAGO Chicago, Dec. 23. er; fowls 15 to 23; 40, roosters 15 1-2. POULTRY. Poultry, alive low springs 23; turkeys JOIN TODAY Select your plan whatever you can pay weekly for 50 weeks; you won't even miss it. Get In the line of. smilinffr liappy people at our club win dow. Pay in to yourself,' these little driblets of small change. AND NEXT CHRISTMAS Have a tidy Roll of Cash when the man says: "Shall I charge it?" Answer him "NO." Tell him that $5.00 and $10.00 Bills now are bet ter than shopping bills on January 1st. 91 i There is no red tape or bother about joining. Just drop in the bank and get your passbook, or phone us,-Hundreds " of your friends are calling every day and all are smiling. It's your move. v . Charlotte Bank & Trust Co. 214 M. A. Turner, Pres. East Trade Street. ; W. R. Foreman, Vice Pres. J. H. Leech, Cashier.

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