SATURDAY THE CHARLOTTE NEWS DECEMBER 24, i 821, SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON CHRISTMAS LESSON: TUB VISIT OF THE WISE MEN. Golden Text. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto Him gifts, gold and frankincense, and myrrh. Matt. 2: 11. Lesson Text Mat. 2:1-12. m nw when Jesus was born in Beth lehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King, behold there came wise men from the east (came) to Jesusalem, (2) Saying, Where is he that is born Kins of the Jews? for we have seen (saw) his star in the east, and are come to worship him. (3) When (And when) Herod the king had heard these things (it), he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. (4) And when he had gathered (gathering together) all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded (in quired) of them where (the) Christ should be born. (5) And they said unto him. In Bethlehem of Judea; for thus it is written by the prophet. (6) And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the (Judah, Art in no wise) least among the prices of Juda: for (Judah: For) out of thee shall come (forth) a Governor, that (Which) shall rule (be shepherd of) my people Israel. (7) Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired (and learned) of them diligently (carefully) What time the star appeared. (8 And he sent them to Bethlehem ,and said, Go and search diligently for (out carefully concerning) the young child; and when ye have found hm, bring me word, The tidings that came to Herod that the King was come should have brought him joy but in reality they troubled him, for he wanted to be king himself. So many a heart today that ought to welcome Christ as King with joy i3 troubled at the declaration that Christ is King, for we wish to be king our selves. But not only Herod was troubled, but all Jesusalem, as well, Jerusalem MAYSON RECALLS NEGRO'S J5UICIDE Desk Sergeant Says Only 2 Such Events Have Hap pened During His Stay. Probably the most deliberate suicide on record around Charlotte took plaoe in the city jail a number of years ago, according to J. C. Mayson, desk-ser- rli?tt. who recalls to mind a singular elory was to center in Him, was unwil- case where a negro took his life because ling to receive Him when He came; was troubled about Jiis coming instead oi rejoicing at it (Jno. 1:11). How many in the Church would be troubled if they knew Jesus was coming tomorrow. Herod thought the proper place to go for information about the Christ was to the Scriptures. In that he was right (Jno. 5:39). If he had studied the Bible as he ought for himself, it would not have been necessary for him to go to the chief priests and scribes to te!l him; but many kings and many common peo ple instead of searching the Scriptures for themselves, depend upon the theolo gians for their information. Herod was very thorough in his search to find out about the Christ; he gathered all the chief priests and all the scribes; he in quired diligently of the wise men; he told them to "go and search diligently." He laid his plans with great skill; he was bound to jnake sure. He thought he had left no loophole in his schemes, but he had left God out of his calcula tions, so in spite of his thoroughness, t faiani mav rnmA art wor- they all came to nothing. The scribes ship him also. (9) When (And) they, had .were well-Instructed from the Scrip having) heard the king, they departed tures and perfectly orthodox. They knew (went their way); and, lo the star,! Just where the Christ should be born, which they saw in the east, went before but they had no interest in His cominff. them, till it came and stood over where 'There is much of that sort of Scripture the young child was. (10) When (And knowledge and orthodoxy still. It did the When) they saw the star, they rejoiced : scribes no good. Christ must be born with exceeding great joy. (11) And when; in Bethlehem for thus it was written they were come (came) into the house, 'by the prophets, and whatever is wnt Hipv f.inrn saw the vounir choild with i ten in God's Word must come to pass. Mary his mother, and (they) fell down, and worshripped HIM; and when they had opened (opening) their treasures, they presented (offered) unto him gifts; III. The Wise Men Finding Jesus, 9-12. As soon as the wise men had received tha rlpsirprl information, thev started gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. (12) i immediately to find the King whom they And being, warned of God m a dream em,p.v,t Anin rwi load them hv the that they should not return to Herod, star) and lea(ig them to tne very spot they departed into their own country where the yoking child was. They were another way. (more accustomed to being led by stars Tune. I B. C. Place. Jerusalem, ; than any other way and God adapts Bethlehem. 'His fading to our necessity. While Exposition. I. The Wise Men Seeking Herod and Jerusalem had been troubled Jesus to Worship Him, 1, 2. at the thought that Christ was come, The certainty of God's Word comes tne wise men of the east rejoiced with out remarkably in this passage. 700 ; exceeding great joy to find Him. Those years before Micah had prophesied thatwho minv th largest nrivilesrea. of ten- He that was "to be Ruler in Israel, times east appreciate them, and those! ",,v'j1' w. "v.v., -""'iwno nave tne least ugnt are not eager from everlasting.' was to come f orth i f or more (cf- Mat. 8:10 n). There is an out of Bethlehem (Mic. 5:2). But she that eagerness to hear about Christ today in was chosen to be the mother of Jesus j heathen lands that is sometimes lack did not live in Bethlehem but far away ing in so-called Christian lands. There Nazareth. But men who were utterly i is no greater joy to the true heart than unconscious of God's purposes and j that of nn(iing jesus. When they enter ; prophesies, by many decrees and ways ed tne house they fell down and worship. .worked together so that Mary wasiped JeSus. They saw Mary. His mother . brought to Bethlehem at the time of ;but they did not WOrship her. Worship our Lords birth, and thus Gods Word may not have meant to them all that it ;was fulfilled and His eternal plan car-;means to us but it is right to worship ;ried out (cf. Lu. 2:1-6; Ps. 76:10). TheJesus (Heb, 1:6). when they had wor. sure word of prophecy- spoken over ; shipped they presented unto Him their t-auunes ueiure uy a, inun w"o ;giftS- xhat is the true order; first, wor was Dome aiong oy tne iioiy spirit" iann, then eivina-. Thev e-a.v Him iheU- of the mere fact that he had been plac ed behind the bars. "When I first came to Charlotte some years ago," began Mr. Mayson, "a ne gro was arrested for stealing some trif ling object and placed in jail. " 'If you don't let me out I'm goin' to commit suicide,' he calmly told the officers. "Thinking it nothing more than a joke, Officer Paxton told him to suit himself about the matter and if he d:d n't have the necessary implements he could secure them for him. With that he left the negro with a laugh, for cv ervbodv knows that suicide is some thing a negro never resorts to. ; "But Mr. Paxton decided he had bet-; ter make sure about the threat, -so he suddenly returned to the cell. To his horror he beheld the negro hanging to the top of the cell by his neck. He had j used his belt for a noose. Mr. Paxlon called for help and the negro was quick-1 ly cut down. In a few minutes he had been revived. "He was let out of jail in a few days, but he swore that if he was arrested again he would certainly kill himself that time And sure enough, in a year or so the same negro was arrested fir another crime. We had all forgotten the incident at the time and place 1 him I in the cell as is customary. "In a few hours his friends came down to bail him out. They paid his bond and we went back to opon the cell door. To our amazement we saw the negro dangling by his belt for the sec ond time. We cut him down at once, but this time he had made sire of h:s job and was as dead as a door knob. It is about the only case I ever knew where a negro committed suicide." Shortly after this, according to Mr. Mayson, a white man took his life in the same jail. These twi suicidos are the only two oh record durinrj Mr. May son's connections with the police department. UNION NATIONAL ANK Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 12, 1921. The Directors of this Bank have de clared a. dividend of 6 per cent payable De cember 31, 1921, out of the profits of the past six months. Checks will be mailed. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier, FOR RENT Five room apartment on North Myers street, $55 per month, Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust C 4 SOUTH TRTON STREET. ompanj TRINITY COACH WILL COACH LEHIGH TEAM was thus fulfilled to the very letter, in spite of all the cunning of great men. Bethlehem Pa., Dec. 24.damcs Baldwin has been selected as resident coach of football and baseball at Le high University for a period of three years, according x to announcement made at the University today. The new coach is a graduate of Dartmouth College, of the Harvard Summer School of Physical Education, and of the Illi nois Summer School for Coaches. He has been professor of physical educa tion and coach at Rhode Island State, Unversity of Maine and Trinity Col lege, Durham, N. C, where he is lo cated at present. Coach Baldwin will be a member of the department of Only. 2 Left J ' $2,000 SEDAN, Brand New, $1 ,000 We have only two of these Brand New Sedans left which will be sold this week at just ONE-HALF PRICE. If you contemplate buying your family a closed car for Christmas, here's your chance to save 1,000. SMALL, CASH PAYMENT BALANCE EASY TERMS. EOOTH NEWTON MOTOR CO. Distributors Maxwell and Chalmers 212 S. Church St. rhone 3554. CHARLOTTE, N. C. his college 1 very best, gold and frankincense and ! V?sic? education at Lehigh with the mvn-h M P 7-in hi Thr -,v ! "Lie ul asswiaLe pimessw. tie piayeci Through their very wickedness. God's ;men indeed. Many today give Him only I tackle and fullback durin puses aim wuius ue muneu. iieae . their poorest. Note carefully the con-' .wise men from the east were the an-duct of the wise nlen: 1 Thev songhr i . cient magi. They were students of the!jeSus. 2. They found Jesus. 3. Thev . 'Stars, astrologers; tney sougnt to live up rfiioioed nvpr Jesus. 4. Thev wnrshirmrl to the best light they had, and Gocfvjesus. 5. They gave gifts to Jesus. God met them where they were and v gave ;now guides them by still another them more light. It is always so; he that lives up to the light that he has will get more (cf. Ac. 10:1-5, 30-32), but the man who refuses to live up to the light that he has will lose even that (Mat. 25;29; 2 Thes. 2:11, 12). As they studied the stars, God led them by a star. The bright light that led them on was dim, only starlight, but it was the best they had: and, as they followed it faithfully, God gave them fuller light, that of His . revealed Word, and following that they lind Him who is "the Light of the world" (Jno. 8:12). In their earnestness to find the King, they took a long, weary journey, but their labor was abundnntly-rewarded. They made a far method, a dream. END. MUSTARD GAS KILLS VENOMOUS REPTILES Nek York, Dec. 24. Second Corps ! headquarters at Governor's Island today received from Husum, Washn., details of an experiment conducted by the De partment of Agriculture to rid the State of venomous reptiles by means of mus tard gas. The gas was forced into a bed of lava ' better use of their little light than the rock which previously had nroved an chief priests and scribes did of their impregnable fortress for rattlers. Soon fuller light. They came for the best of .there appeared snakes ranging from in purposes, "to worship Him." fants a few inches long to bull rattlers II. 'Herod Seeking Jesus to Kill Him, nine feet in length. Dazed and blinded, 3-8. they easily were clubbed to death. Service Our Foreman and Mechanics have had years of experience and ipecial training at the factory on Studebaker cars: they are capable ind efficient. Wc, therefore, save you tims and money on repairs. A Big Dollar's worth for jour dollar every day. Service Manager; C- L. Taylor, Shop Foreman. A. E. Cameron, RUST MOTOR COMPANY G14-51G S. Tryon. Distributer "THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" Phones 218-219 uyine Used Cars Is v Dangerous Unless you buy from a repu table concern and get a guar antee on the car or truck. When you buy from us you get a 30-day guarantee on all' Reo Cars and Speedwagon. Prices right, too. Drop in. Foreman - King Motor Company The Home of Good Used Cars. rrrrm The Art Of 1 Savings Saving is not a, Science ; it is an Art. A science is something that can be taught from a book, an Art is something you can learn through practice. There is only one way to master this Art. Begin to Save, and keep it up. Open a Sav ings Account in this Bank. Security Savings Bank 4 South Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. B. B. Gaddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt Bldg, 202 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 Slip WHY W. II. WOOD. President T. K. Hemby, Vice Pres. George Stephens, Vice Pres. W. S. Lee, Vice Pres. John G. Nichols, Vice Pres. J. E. Davis, Sec. and Treas. II. L. Davenport, Asst Sec. & Treas. H. D. Hawkins, Asst. and Treas. Sec. P. C. Whitlock, Trust Officer. John Fox, Asst Trust Officer, Walter Lambeth & Bro., Mgr. Insurance Department Deny yourself the comfort and peace of mind which comes from financial independence, and is so easy to attain? " There is only one. sure way systematic saving. The smaller your salary, the greater your need to save. Fix upon a definite part of your earnings to be saved say 10 per cent then deposit it every day in a Savings Account with American Trust Co. Member Federal Reserve System CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $1,800,000.00 Resources $10,000,000.00 0 E3 We hereby notify all parties who rent from us to turn off the wa ter and open the spigots to keep pipes from freezing as the landlords do not feel under obligations to repair burst pipes. . This attention on your part will save you trouble. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company J. ARTHUR HENDERSON, President. REALTORS Phone 589. 219 North Tryon St. Talk About Savings! Men, it makes sensible boys and girls laugh to read the papers and see the mad scramble for your weekly surplus by some money-lending institu tions! What do they offer for it? What do they lend it at? Does it earn and do you get there 6 1-4 per cent net, clean, and taxes actually paid for every cent of it? That's exactly what the Mutual Billy Malone does, if your money is. left till the shares mature. No other system does it anywhere. WHY SALLIE, IT'S ABSURD! Talk about others attempting to compete with . the Mutual as a place for your savings! Do they think people will remain idiots and fools? Verily it looks that way. WHAT OF THE SUCKERS that buy Blue Bird Oil Shares? There's some in Charlotte, but they belong in Morgan ton. At 10:45 last night I got a special delivery from "Faithfully and Sincerely, Henry H. Hoffman, President." No, the snakes and monkeys haven't got me yet. A LITTLE WHILE AGO a friend withdrew , a thousand from us and bought rubber stock. It went into air. Another, and many withdrew good money and bought Cotton Mill stocks at 2, 3 and 4 hundred and today, Alas! Alack! there's no Santa Claus for littl Nell. . The , wise, . the provident, the happy are those who Stuck by the old ship," the Mutual - B. & L. Theirs the broad smile, the glad hand . and it's always thus. . . , Mutual Buildinff&L JNO. R. PHARR. Prest. oan Association E. L. KEESLER. Sec. JETreas. OU RONE BIG IDEA RELIABILITY Our attention and effort primarily is concentrated on filling orders for medi cines, and every prescription is com pounded by a registered pharmacist with the best drugs on the market. Walker's carefulness is a warranty of accuracy and of dependable compounds. Walker's Service means prompt filling and delivery of orders, whether large or smalL Walker's Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets NORRIS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR KIJRi START THE BALL ROLLING- U feW SAVINGS jJjJ3SS CLUB You M M ay Join One or ore of the Follow ing Classes CLASS 5 First week 5c, second week. 10c. increase i 1 1 l r 3 -'i ETA fx n -v mm eacn weeKiy payment ou aim receive in oj Ur&Z'J.j;) I weeks tyJU CLASS-5-A First week $2.50, second week $2.45. De- crease each weekly payment 5c and receive in 50 weeks $00 CLASS 25 Pay 25c straight each week for $1 O.50 50 weeks and receive tpX $251 $501 1001 CLASS 500 Pay $5.00 straight each week (gOKA.OO for 50 weeks and receive $t)U CLASS 50 Pay 50c straight each week for 50 weeks and receive CLASS 100 Pay $1.00 straight each week 50 weeks and receive CLASS 200 Pay $2.00 straight each week for 50 weeks and receive Plus 4 Per Cent Interest for Prompt Payment. endence Trust Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Indep Revenue Act 1921 We have for distrbiution to our customers and friends copies of the above Act. We shall be pleased to have you call or write for one of these interesting booklets. The Merchants and Farmers National Bank r " 5 WEST. TRADE STREET. .? CHARLOTTE, N. C. CAPITAL, SURPLUS & PROFITS $600,000.00 Real Estate Specials In j ITj i-- WU TT A XTT7 TTTT fkTTTriTr CAT T7 . . . 1?n- 1 house, North Caldwell street .v.. g; 1 Plaza Lot for Cash in 1 70-foot lot, Piedmont 1 Myers Park corner jjjiWfr i jwyers .Park 1-2 acre lot nJ) 1 Colonial Heights lot, 60x250 4 "5i,f 1 Vail Avenue bungalow ooum xryon street lots at 0', west arK Avenue lots at io 2 Mfcit Street lots at . ! 6') 1 North Charlotte Lot on car line !.! "" 6 5 Wilmoore Drive lots at " ;DI 3 7-10-acre lots, Mecklenburg: Heights" ."."."...".'"." F. C. Abbott '& -.Compart PHONES 238-3032 m&M