THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 24, 1921. GREEKS LAMENT INO MEAT TRUST utters to Santa Claus, which reach- too late for publication. Pa- "V All" H e(i ' tip'h were forwarded to the rfn? -re from: , ,tf. White. 407 N. McPowtl! St. JSe ruLon. City. in Byrrs. Ellenbcro. Brock. Wadesboro. E'v Auien. City. & Erpley. Cornelius, r,' , i;pp1?v. Cornelius. .J?r30i. Rutherfordton. MeCurdy. 516 S. Tryon. p(i .. rnrnell. loOl S. Boulevard. ?-tr-iV Oliver. 12 W. Worthington. vet' Oadd. E. Park Ave l. ,,se Seymour E. Oik. . 310 P. Poplar. .-'Hpnrv Xorman 1111 S. Graham. i Robinson. 310 S. Poplar. Kr Led ell. 12 W. Bland. ,.!!,v rvarther H10 S. Graham. ,,fv,.H Harmon. 1206 S. Tryon. r,;'1ff Mur.po, 14 E. Palmer. Sf .line Thackston. 1 Dowd Road. Ferrell. 903 is. Tryon Ceo Vraeu. 302 E. Hill. Ri'cVd Bumganicr. Dow gurmsn Coe. 204 Wihm Evelyn Kirbey Dowd Road. Dowd Road. orp Drive. 62 E. AT. street. Scott Dean, 10 . Bland. . ".i . K and S'o Chick'. 1120 S. Tryon. r Lr- m-ri?. 130 W. Morehead. i;h P. 415 F. Oak. .n..;.-t-. ce Moore. 1 ii W. Palmer. Vip';,'.,. Trexler. 211 W. Drive St. yUe' '';!; Fetner. Monroe Road. rur:1'''?faart City. Tu i (.;.in, Placksburg. S. C. Ulaeksburg. S. C. .ier-'ud.' Haniilton. R. F. D. 4. City. rav:d l.o?an. Blacksburg. S. C. r.race Ame'ia Hancock, 1203 E, Raymci! HanU. 1203 E. Fourth. Vad:'- Hancock. 1203 E. Fourth. Fourth. .agar Lee Hancock, 1203 E. Fourth. Ernest L. Hancock, 1203 E. Fourtn. Edna Marie Hancock, 1203 E Fourth. Geraldine Cook, Kannapolis. Mildred Hancock, 1203 E. Fourth Max Allen, City. Lillian Allen City. Hazel Allen, City. Rachel Hancock, 1203 E Haywood Allen, City. utto Watman, City. Corbett Eatman, City. Harriett Morrow, City. Harriett Morrow, City. Wasley E. Hearn. 305. S. Graham St. Dallas Morris, 215 N. Myers St. J. D. Montgomery, R. F. D. 5, City. Winnifred Eatman, City. Everett Escott, City. Mary Grave Brown. Davidson. Gladys Radcliffe, City. Jessie Bell McKinlv." Pinevillfv Bell McKinly. Plneville. Nivens, York S. C, R. F. Nivens. York, S. C, R. F. B. Gesner, Citv. May Mills, Mooresville. VVhitwroth, North Char- Charlotte. N: C, Dec. 22, 1921. Dear Santa: I want you to bring me a book, pair , of socks and some games. Don't forget my friends. Your little girl. Kathleen Peters. CHURCH ACTION Charlotte, N. C", Dec. 22. 1921. Dear Santa- I am a little girl . and am in the sixth grade and I think i am very good sometimes. I want you to. bring me a sewing set. pair of gloves, and several books, and a game of Lotto, and a. fountain pen. Do not for- ; get my little, friends. I have a litt i brother. He is six . years old. Do not i forgot him. 1 live at 607 South Chur V street. Amelia Pulliam. Selection of Patriarch of Constantinople Said to Have Been Irregular. The Greeks of Charlotte are not entirely pleased with the election of Rev. Meletios Metaxakis to be patri arch of Constantinople, which means head of. the Greek Orthodox church of all the world. Charlotte Greeks share the views of those in all part of the world, that the. IN ARGENTINA Congress Takes No Action on Bill to Fix Minimum Price for Livestock. Buenos Aires, Dec. 24. (By the As sociated Press.) The Argentine Con gress has ended its regular sessions without taking any action on the bill introduced to fix a minimum price for livestock. The measure was accompanied by charges that the British and American Argentina were making excessive prof its and had caused the slump in livestock prices. The bill failed in committee following a report on the meat trade situation made at the com mittee's request by the Argentina Rur al Society, a national agricultural organization. The report opposed the D. D. Mary Ruby Grady 1 Allen Addie Hattie Mae lotte. David Whitworth, North Charlotte. Lonie "Whitworth. North Charlotte. Verle Johnson, 311 E. ilth St. ! Charlotte. N. C Dec. 19, 1921. . Dea: Santa Please bring me a pock I rtbook, some games and books. -Thank i you. Louise Brcen. Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 19, 1921. Dear Santa: I am a little boy 11 years of age. I want you to please bring me a football, pair of skates, fire crackers, and also fruit, nuts and candy. Your little friend. Franklin Ellis. P. S.: You will find me at S07 South Mint street. Charlotte. N. C. Dec. 22. 1921. Dear Santa Clans: Please bring me a pair of bet1, room slippers, a bath robe and a pair of patent leather slip pers, fountain pen, and an cvershr.rp pencil. Please remember my two little sisters. Your friend, Dolores "Wilson. Charlotte. N. C, Dec. 19. 1321. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 11 years of age and I want you tp bring me a few things for Christmas. I don": want to be too greedy for there are other little children that want things. I want some books and games. Please don't target the fruit. Your lit tle friend. Teresa Scullion. P. S.: Please do not forget my teacher. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. Dear Sanr Santa Claus: 1921. election of Metaxakis to the high of-1 r.ieat packing companies operating in nee ol paumii'ii oi v;onsianxinopie is not altogether regular, and they say that perhaps three-fourths of the mem bers of the Greek Orthodox faith in all parts of the world are not satisfied with the election for that reason. George Lampros. and one or two other prominent Greeks, discussing the subject here say that he is a great and learned man and devoutly consecrated to the welfare of the church but that his election was not regular because 24 bishops and 14 citizens of Greece must participate in the election, ac cording to the laws governing the op eration of the Greek Orthodox church. There were only seven bishops, accord ing to well-informed Greeks here who participated in the election. Also the presence of Metaxakis in this ' country- (he was in New York city when notified of his elevation to the patriarchate and when the election took place) is not looked upon with fa vor by the Greeks, it is understood, be cause of the feeling that irregularities should in no form surround the elec tion of so high an official in the Greek church. Political conditions, it is true, account to some extent for the alleged irregularities of the election, but it is Ladies Hose Any of your friends appreciate nice Hosiery We " have all the new ones 75c to $2.50 This includes ladies' silk, black anl . brown, 75c; the new grey and flesh colors, $1.50; and the all silk at S2.50. Take a look. Thompson's Thona 23. "tf years old and I want you to please bring me a doll, an accordian, a pair of kid gloves, some good books, some games and don't forget the other chil dren. Yours truly, Josephine Schaf house, 2 Vance apartments. ! I Charlotte. N. C, Dec. 23. 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I want a doll baby and a chair for her to,. sit in. Please 1 do not forget my mother and father. I also want some nuts and candy. Your little trie nd, Mildred Rea. Since 1868 The Home of Good Shoes A Last Minute Thought! Bedroom Slippers We have them for Mother, Sis ter and Dad. A world of pretty styles to choose from. So easy to give such a pleasure to receive. GILMER-MOORE CO. Shoes, Hosiery, Luggage, Lingerie The Gray Stop .' 1 'j The Fifth Avenue Shop of the Carolina? 1 1 tii This Is The Last Shopping Day Gifts for Mother, Sister, Wife or "Her." Linen Handkerchiefs. rland Bags and Purses. Parasols, Blouses, Fur Chokers, Fur Coats, Fur Trim-' med Fabric Coats, Sport Coats, Evening Dresses, Evening Wraps, Silk Kimonos, Negligeesr Silk Un derwear, Knox Sailors, Camel Hair Coats. 3 SI 1 MeUxm's I I THIRD FLOOR. . ft? Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 23, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I- am a little girl 10 years old and I am in the sixth grade. I want you to bring me a doll baby, carriage, set of doll furniture and a bicycle, sumo games and an Airedale dog to play with and a wrist watch, some candy and all kinds of fruit. From your loving friend, Elisabeth Williams. Charlotte, Dec. 21, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 11 years old. 1 want a bicycle, a doll, carriage, bed. pair of skates and a watch orsrelet I am your little friend, Gertrude Rea. P. S.: I also want some fruit, nuts, and candy. Be sure and fill my stock ing, r-Smta Dear Santa Claus: I am a girl 15 years old and am in the third year high school. I want a wrist watch, a fountain pen and a box of writing paper.. Your loving friend., Julia" Bar, wig. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 23. 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a boy 13 years old. I want you to bring mj a bicycle and a .22 rifle and an electric train, knife, . watch and lots of truit. Your little friend, Fred Headem P. S. Don't forget papa and mamma.. Charlotte. N. C, Dec. 19. Ir21. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 10 years old and I am in the sixth grade. I like my teacher fine. Please bring me a watch, a knife, a bathrobe, a train that you wind up, also a track. I would be very much oblige if you would fill my stockings with nuts, fruit and candy. Don't forget mother. faTh er and little sister. Your friend. George Van Echop. P. S.: Y'ou will find me at 1S0S Win throp avenue. 1 am 11 , pointed out that Metaxakis fled from Greece at the prospect of Constantino taking office there again as monarch. The new patriarch is said to be an ad herent and follower of Venezelos, the great Greek statesman, jn matters of politics. . Charlotte Greeks are showing spe cially keen interest in the election of the patriarch because at the Christmas season the minds of all Orthodox mem bers of the Greek church revert to Christmas, which makes of the anni versary of the birth of Christ a re ligious festival of the first importance. No business places in Charlotte are greater sticklers for Christmas decora- j tions of the proper kind than places operated by Greeks. tSeveral of the restaurants and fruit stores run by them ;.re exceptionally beautiful with Christmas decorations. The Greeks all make the point that the Greek Orthodox Church is wrongly referred to as the Greek Catholic Church. It is simply the Greek Orth odox Cnurch without the Catholic, Greek adherents say. and is, perhaps, the Church that clings closest to the forms of the early apostolic Church of all the Churches in Christendom. The government of the Church is democratic, us shown by the fact that the Patriarch of Constantinople is elected for a period of four years and does not hold his office for life, nor has he any claim to infallibility. His powers in no wise correspond to those claimed by tha Pope of Rome, the Greeks say. When Metaxakis first left "Greece it was for the purpose of visiting Eng land and cultivating tfye rapproche ment vitli the Anglican or Episcopal Church of that country, which is near ly identical in doctrine and govern ment, the Greeks here say. with the Greek Orthodox Church. All admit that he is.'worthy of the high office he has been elected to but deplore the irregu larity which, they say, surrounds the election. In addition to the great body of Greeks throughout the world that ad here for the most- part to .the Greek Orthodox Church, the 160 millions of Russia and many other peoples in southeastern Europe are its adherents. Many of the Greeks of Charlotte, in the absence of a Church of their own faith here, worship in the Episcopal church, and seme of them belong to other Protestant churches. bill. The Rural Society, which, held a hearing at which the managers of the racking establishments and represen tatives of the livestock industry gave their opinions, held that the fixing of a minimum price was uneconomic and that the charges that the fall in price of livestocks was "the result of the interested maneuvers" of the pack ers, had not been proved. It was "not the consequence of a certain factor but. of a world-wide situation," trie report said. The society advised that tho meat trade should be left to the regular action of supply and demand. Regarding what were referred to as the meat "trusts" the report said: "If the existence of 'noxious trusts' had been proved, the Argentine Rural Society would condemn them and claim the guarantees of our laws against them. Put before reaching this point a better knowledge of the situation is necessary. Those who make an in dustry of meat should be those prin cipally interested in the course of their business being perfectly known to the cattle raisers. In this respect the Argentine Rural Society will bring all its influence to bear in order to obtain exact, detailed the continuous information of the accounts and bal ance sheets of these companies, to the publication of which, they are, how ever, legally committed." Charlotte, N. C.,-Dec. 19, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a boy 11 years old. I want you to bring me a good foot bal,', pair of skates, lots of candy, fruit and rruts. Don't forget my little sister and mamma , and papa. From your. 'friend, Edward U. Kidd, Jr., 15 East Fiiit street. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 19, 1921. Dear Santa Claus I want you to bring me a rain cape and rubbers, games and books, desk, candy, nuts 'and fruit. That is all for this time. From your little friend, Virginia. Charlotte. N. C, Dec. 19, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I want a' pair of skates and a basketball, train, candy. nuts and fruit. Don't forget my moth er and father. Your little friend, Thom as Rea. .. .. FUTURE WAR WILL BE BETWEEN RACES (MM HEALS BYS PIMPLES BA Very Red. Itched and turned. Could Not Rest " For several weeks my baby had a breaking out all over his body, --. face, neck, hands, and limbs. It started as little. fine pimples, which later became very red, and itched I and burned terribly. He j-sap was cross and fretful, and '' ' l could not rest at night. "I sent for a free sample of Cuti cura Soap and Ointment which gave relief. I bought more, and after using one cake of Soap and one box of Ointment he was healed." (Signed) Mrs, Russell Fizcr, 560 Woodland Ave., Lexington, Ky. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. Smp!Ecb Frm by Mali. Addrees: "Ovtfenrlb. or&torira, Dept. H, Maldea 48, iXt." Sofci every where. Soap 2Be. Ointment 25 and 60c. Talcum 26e. KP"Cuticur& Soap share without r4? !r- " onument Our entire stock of ready built Monuments being sold at greatly reduced prices. f4J!3iSiSf iVlaKe yur selections eariy te 301 East Second St. t Marble Co. Phone 694 20 - IIP? us Charlotte," N. C, Dec. 19. 1921. Dear Santa: It is Christmas again. so 1 guess 1 shall have to let you know what I want. I am 11 years old and am in the -sixth grade. I want a pair 'of skates, pair of kid gloves, bed room slippers, candy, nuts and fruit. -I am your, little friend, Mary Ratclift'e, 609 ISast Tenth street. Charlotte.. N,' C, Dec. 19, 1921. Dear Santa: Please bring me a book and fill my stocking. I do not want anything else. Do not forget my moth er and brother, lour friend,'. Medora Kaminer. , Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 20. 1921. Dear Santa: I want a money reg ister, train, motorboat, airplane and a coal truck, candy, fruit and nuts. Clay ton Murrill, 1011 West Fourth street. Kannapolis, IC. C. Dear Santa Claus: . I am a little boy S years old. I want you to bring me a air riffle, and some B. B. shots, and some fire works and lots of fruit. From Howard B""ox, Kannapolis, N. C. London, Dec. 00 The dreatl picture of a world war in which the yellow races of the East will strive for dom ination with the white people of the West was painted by the Bishop of Chelmsford recently in a sermon to the English Church Congress at Bir mingham. "Do you know," he asked, "that the whole of the Christian community in England, the Church and the Noncn- formist bodies together, gave in a year toward spiritual work what was less than would keep the British Army in th& field for six hours." "This country last year." he added, "spent $l,S00,000,00O in .dirnk mere than $400,000,000 in tobacco and only 512.000,000 on foreign missions. "I am not a pessimist, but in a few years we shall have a peril moving cut from Asia, from China, from India and Japan. What is going to be the lesult God alone knows." "Tho next war will be the yellow against the white races. Think of the last war and its horrors! It will pale into insignificance before a war of color! "There is nothing that can prevent such a war except that the priciples of Christianity be made to underli.; In international and national life. If the world does not give its sons and daughters to the cause of the Church I venture to predict oyur grandchil dren 'will have to fight in this great world war of color . "Only Christ can cement the; na tions. The true solution, concluded the Bishop, "lies, not at the Confer ence in Washington or inthe Coun cils of London and Paris, but on Calvary"' LAST HOUR GIFT SUGGESTIONS ! For Men Charlotte, N. C, December 19, 1921. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy six years old. " I want you to please bring me a Stopper gun and a wagon, a rubber ball, a drum, and plenty of nuts, fruit, and candy. Your little friend Woodrow Danner, 1925 Columbia avenue. SURE ENOUGH HOT DOGS ARE SERVED Washington, Dec. 24. (United Press). "Hot dogs" are not a figure of speech in famine:stricken Russia. Former Governor Goodrich, of In diana, went into one of the Volga val ley communes and noticing the strange .bsence of dogs, which usually over run every Russian communtiy, he asked wh-?re they were. One of the commune leaders, with a rerfectly straight face, replied: "We butchered -them all last .week, and gf-ound them in sausage." - . Hood's Sarsaparilla MAKES FOOD TASTE GOOD Creates an appetite, aids digestion, purines the blood, promotes assim ilation, gives strength. Costs only 5 Cents a Day LIQUOR EVIDENCE ON FARMER'S LAND .J, C. Lambeth, ai, well-known white farmer, was arrested at his home at the south entrance at Lakewood Park, on the Tuckser-ge lroad Friday after noon by Deputy Sheriffs Mode Hunter and Vic Fespcrman on a charge of violation of the prohibition law. He was held under $500 bond to be tried tefore a magistrate in a preliminary hearing. When the officers went to th Lam beth home, . which is on a plantation belonging to Mrs. Holland Reid, they saw Lambeth going) across the field w-ith a gun having started hunting. The officers told him they had a search warrant for his premises, but he pooh poohed the idea that he shoud be thought to havo liquor in his posses sion. The officers told him, however, they would have to search and he raised no objections.' The officers found two five-gallon tans that' gave evidence of having had liquor in them. They also found a jug in a sacW in the corn crib that had al3o evidently had liquor in it. while they found a gallon and a half of liquor in one receptacle, in addition to one live-gallon water bottle and thirty-five cne-oint bottles crated up. Mr. Lam beth said the ye-esels .had. been teft there by another party He admitted to the officers before they began the search that he hid a little whiskey- laid by for Christmas but denied he was handling it for eale. He has never before- been accused of handling whiskey. Neckwear Hosiery Bags-Umbrellas Shirt Jewelry Hats Bath Robes Mufflers Underwear House Robes Smoking Jackets Handkerchiefs Bring your Christmas shopping list" to us we are prepared to take care of the late shoppers Gifts from Mellon't are always appreciated just a few suggestions: -Bath Robes -Smoking Jackets -Shirts -Pajamas ;-' , -Hosiery : ' -Gloves -Handkerchiefs -Neckwear -Knox and Stetson Hats -House Slippera -Hand Bags -Suit Cases -All Kinds Leather Goods. -A Warm Overcoat -Etc. MELLON S i3v -in M The Holiday Season Wishing You All The Joys Of THE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY 444 PHONES 445 Give Something For the Home You will find many articles In this store that will make good Christmas Gifts. The Gift of Furniture is always appreciated and it will be a lasting gift to those whom you wish to re member for Christmas. atnif if111 iflllljgjn llliiii To give Furniture, need not be expensive for we are show ing many pieces that you will find to be very reasonably, priced. j4mftm2mv Come in and look over our stock of Gift Furniture. j iJ joU ;- -. ilj ci n "to Erskine R. Smith, Inc. Charlotte, N. C.

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