THE pHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON," DECEKglfi, i92l. I 7. 1; I Mi &5 .6 U.S. DeBar(mifi i i CHARLES F. MARVIN. rhW DAILY WEATHER MAP. TODAY'S MARKETS Objfitions Ukn t8 A. m.. 75th mcrldUn UmeAir nre IOV' NOTES. ff M-itl '.r pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pass through Jinu , of ph,?!' . ,MbacoJs lines) pass through points r,;n: (?) snow; (V) report mlssine. Arrows fly with the wind. P"Zl . V W partlycloudr: cloudy; l or more in pa.n 21 hours. jr.., ! COTTON MARKETS CHARLOTTE COTTON. Receipts today, 18 bales at ... .13c LIVERPOOL. CLOSED. London. Dec. 24.- All markets here and in Liverpool are closed until next Wednesday. MARKET REVIEW New York, Dec. 24. Financial mar kets continued to move confusedly this week, stocks evincing a more reac tionary tendency while the demand feu bonds was fully sustained. Dealings in stock were dull in com parison with the corresponding- period of 1920. when the daily turnover was of substantial dimensions at prices 25 to 50 per cent, or more, over those now prevailing-. Much of the intermittent selling; probably originated from corporate in terests which sought to adjust income tax returns before the year's end. Pro fessional pressure was restricted to several of the industrial companies whose affairs now rae in a state of transition. Fears of a money flurry seemed f be unfounded, call loans renewing- for the most part at 5 to 5 1-2 per cent. Purchases of commercial paper also were on a fairly liberal scale, though limited to 30 and 60 day maturities. Reduction of rediscount rates by tht Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank con firmed the impression prevalent in local financial circles that cotton and grain bills are in process of further orderly liquidation. WALL STREET NINE KILLED IN ALABAMA STORM Trading: in stocks today was nomi nal but a firm' tone prevailed in al most all branches of the list. Shorts continued to cover m' oils, coppers and rubbers, those issues leading- at gains of one to two points. Tobacco, food and other specialties, notably American Ice common and preferred; Famous Players common and preferred, Texas Grtt Sulphur, and International Faper also were moderately higher. Usual leaders of the industrial gToup were almos entirely neglected. Rails hard ened on buying- of Delaware, Lacka wanna & western, Chicago & North western, St. Paul common and pre- erred, Canadian Pacific and Northern Pacific. The closing- was strong-. Sales approximated 250.000 shares. Bonds were dull and irreg-ular. SII,VEtt. SKW YOKIv EXCHANGES CLOSED. New York. Dec. 24. The sugar and cotton exchanges are closed today. BUDDIST PRIESTS ENGAGE IN FIGHT p..,,;,, 'IP'. -4. In (he course of , Fnd'l festival on the slopes of i-,wr I 'r.ron pagoda 200 monks VCTf 3,.inv;i -) to a theatrical perform .r' f-ti' "' rharse. whereupon anoth ij'i riT'.li-d the same privilege vA that monks never paid. -sed because, so they .p.e was no room for them, IMC down the fencing and th' nudience. . v.vro summoned and tern- i-ra.y nu;t-t was resrorea, out tne ms 'wifntii monks and their sympathizers Ijjidlv ini-rfped t a crowd of 3.000. -ilf nr.-iva! or Gurkhas to keep order n?f th-' i?nn! for a fresh outbreak and ," .;v-ep h'"M:r there were continu a5 fr-o r-sht on the slopes of the re.:a. Eventually the rioters were . after one Burman had been k:;:?d ar.d 11 injured. Two of the Gurk were also injured. 4t 1 WEATUSR CONDITIONS. l The pressure is low this morning from the north Atlantic coast to the were tolil. : r? iv. rks -u-r..-il o';i The r':'- -t .ir!;ir of Free Masonry, or even . .-..;: he traced with cer- WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME LOCAL HIGHS BEAT KINGS MT. QUINT Kings Mountain fell before the Char lotte High School quintet in a fast game cf basketball on the Y. M. CA. floor Friday afternoon, the final score I Til .?"1LCoas.t ' with ceters ver New l unncj aim e-Ati cine suuinei ii f jas. xi ' is high over the southeastern States and high and rising west of the Mis sissippi valley and in the Lake region. The latter "high" is of marked strength, the center being' over South Dakota, and is attended by much cold er weather in the upper Lake region and from Minnesota and North Dakota southward to western Tennessee, north western Louisiana and central Texas. Zero temperatures prevail southward to southern Kansas, and below zero to southern Nebraska and eastward to up per Michigan. Temperatures have risen in the east Gulf tnd Atlantic states. The above pressure distribution has caused general precipitation in the north nd middle Atlantic States, Lake region, the central valleys and interior of the west and central Gulf States, ljeavy rainfalls are reported from the Ohio and middle and lower Mississippi valleys. Light rain . has also . fallen on the California coast and light snows at scattered stations in the Plateau and Rocky Mountain region. Indications are for rain and coldor in this vicinity tonight, followed by clearing and much colder Sunday and Sunday night. Temperature tonight will be above freezing, but below freezing Sunday night. being i7 to 19 The Charlotte boys, under the coach ing of A. L. Faul. showed a great deal of improvement over the game they played against Churchland a week ago. .Increased -skill in basket shoot ing and pep were noticed. Ware played a gctod game for the locals, while Captain Biily Harvell, who had been out of the line-up on account of an injury, was back in the game with 'he customary zeal. He greatly helped the Charlotte, victory. P. Carmichael at center outplayed McGill, who opposed him, and drew applause on several occasions for his good playing. Jack Brown got away with three shots at the hoop. Matthews was the stellar light for the visitors, scoring 10 points for his team. AVare came second with half that number. Charlotte (37) Position Kings Mt. (19) Harvell (14) . . . . LF . . . . AVare (5) G. Carmichael . . RF . . Matthews (10) P. Carmichael (6) . . C . . : . . . McGill (2) Noiris RG Stowe (2) Brown (6) LG .. ... Saunders Substitutions Ware (10) for G. Car michael; Gribble for Ware, Schiltz for HarveM, Keerans for P. Carmichael. Houser for Matthews. Pursley for Mc Gill, Woodwaid for Stowe. Weir for Saunders. Referee Davis. Timer, Penney. JOHN W. TODD, C. P. A. D. H. McCOLLOUGH, C. P. A. AUDITS, EXAMINATIONS, INCOME TAX RETURNS, BUSINESS AND COST SYSTEMS. TODD & McCOLLOUGH Certified Public Accountants (North Carolina) 14 Galloway Building. CHARLOTTE, N. C. CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Dec. 24. Wheat started 1-4 to 1-2 cent higher. There was a gen eral advance until resting orders check ed tne upward movement. Corn opened 1-4 to 3-8 cent" hialipr Oats started steady to 1.-8 cent higher aiin movea up wnn otner grains. In provisions first tradintr in Mar fpork, with an initial prcie of 15.05. vnset the January option, which showo-1 4f lower at 14.50. Other products were aoout nve points higher on li-vht transactions. . THE WEATHER. Weather Kureati Ofiire. Charlotte, Dec. 24, 1921. Sunrise " . . 7:29 Sunset . . . . , 5:17 Moonrise .. 2:54 a. m. Moonset. 2:07 p. m. Moon phase New on the 29th. S a. m. . 10 a. m. TEMPERATURE. Ury Iu&. 51 53 Noon 58 FOREIGN EXCHANGE. 24. Foreign ex New York. Dec. change steady. Great Britain (par $4. S3 5-8 p pound sterling!: Demand 4.18 3-4: cables 4.19 1-4; sixty-day bills on ranks 4.15 3-4. France Cpar 19.3 cents nor franc) Demand 7. 98 1-2; cables 7.99. Italy (nar 19.3 cents per lire): De maud 4.43 1-2; cables 4.44. Belgium fpar 19.3 cents per franc): ueraana .az x-z; eames 7.63 Germany (par 23.8 cents per mark): Lx-inand .53 i-L"; cables .ti. Holland (nar 40.2 cents per guilder; Demand 36.58; cables 36.64. N(way (par 26.8 cents per krone) Demand 15.65. Sweden (par 26.8 cents per krone): Demand 24.85. Denmark (par 26.8 cents per krone)" Demand 20.15. Switzerland fpar 19.3 cents per rrane): Demand 19. .".!. Spain (par 19.3 cents per pesota) Demand 14. S8. Greece (pflt- 19.3 cents per drachma). Demand 4.14. Argentina (par 42.44 cents p. Al gentlne paper dollar): Demand 33.37. Hrazii (par Ji'.45 cents per paper Monti eal par 100 cents per Canadian miireist: Demand 11;. 57. dollar): 93 1-2. CHICAGO POTATOES. Chicago, Dec. 23. Potatoes firm. Northern whites sacked 11180 to 2.00 Minnesota Red Rivers sacked 1.8b. 8 a. m. Noon . Wet Kulb. 50 56 : 1- You' Smile Too When You Have Joined Our Christmas Savings Club It's the one big thrift plan which makes everybody happy Dad," Mother, Sister Sue, Bobby and all the rest of the family. c'Ll'B IS NOW FORMING. A PLAN TO FIT EVERY PURSE. A MEMBERSHIP FOR ALL. HERE'S HOW IT MOUNTS UP: 5250 A WEEK MOUNTS UP... $ 1.25.00 200 A WEEK MOUNTS' UP 100-0 M.00 A WEEK MOUNTS UP 50.00 A WEEK MOUNTS UP . 25.00 13 5'oti JOIN TODAY Jour plan whatever tan pay weekly for 50 ou won t even miss i r. nun i even miss Get In the line of smiling, d,m. ' -ople at our club win-lim- . T in to yourself, these ,ut,e driblets of small change. AND NEXT CHRISTMAS Have a tidy Roll of Cash when the man 6ays: "Shall I charge it?" Answer him "No." Tell him that $5.00 and $10.00 Bills now are bet ter than shopping bills on January 1st. Thp.rp ic rn vrA o . v.fViof nhnnf. iftini'no. Just drOD 'I le bank and tret vour roassbook. or phone us. Hundreds "I Vflllf -f: l ii J , ,J rtll r v- omili'nnr ) v mi ititJiius are caning every uay aim au ic 01116 u uur move. If Charlotte Bank & Trust Co. 214 East Trade Street. A- Turner, Pres. W. R. Foreman, Vice Pres. J. H. Leech, Cashier. Highest yesterday 54 Lowest last night 48 Mean yesterday 42 Normal 41 Mean .-ame dote last year 46 Excess for month .. .. 106 Excess for year . . 913 Highest of record for December, 76 in 1889 Lowp?t of record for December, 5 in 1SS0 IjIBERT V BONUS. New York, Dec. 24. 'Liberty bonds closed: 3 l-2s. 94.30; first 4s, 96.10 bid second 4s. 95.6o""bid; first 4 l-'4s, 6.&2 second 4 l-4s, 95.90: third 4 14s. 97.40: fourth 4 l-4s, 96.38; victory 3 3-4s 100.04; victory 4 3-4S, 100.04. LONG'S PLAYING A FEATURE OF GAME PRECIPITATION. Total for 24 hours ending 8 a, m. Total :or month to 8 a. Normal for December Deficiency for year . m. 1.12 . 3.S6 11.06 HUMIDITY. 8 a. m. Noon . . 93 90 G. S. LINDGRBN, Meteorologist. EVERYTHING In High Quality Building Materials fTjWe earnestly hope that tomorrow will J. bring to every one of of many friends all the joy and happiness that can possibly be crowded into the space of twenty-four hours. CITIZENS Lumber Company South Boulevard Jones 3472-3473 With "Meb" Long giving a splendid exhibition of skill for the local Y. M C. A. basketball team, that quintet walloped the Kannapolis, "Y 54 to 30 m a fast game of basketball at the "Y" Friday night. The game- began with great speed and came near tiring tout the tvo teams before the end came. Long made nine field goals and a pair froni the foul line. He played an exceptionally good game throughout "Billy" Howell threw himself into the limelight at center by dropping the sphere in the hoop six times. He held his opponent scoreles. Cunningham played his usual fine game, while Captain Cuthbertson likewise drew ap plause. The captain made 10 of his team's points. Hayer played a good game for Kan napolis in the first half, shooting th- DasKet six times, out appeared to oe too tir.?d and well guarded for further display in the second half. Flow proved capable of worrying the locals throughout the game at forward. He was the only man who could score en the Charlotte boys m the second half, It was a clean game from beginning to end, only one or two fouls being called out almost at the end of the game. A. L. Faul refereed with skill and satisfaction to both sides. The next game of the 'Y" will take place ;n the gym when they meet the fast 1920 high school stars. On the same evening the present high school five will contest the .Y. M. C. A. em ployed boys' aggregation. Charlotte (54) Pos. Kannapolis (30) RF . . . . Hayer (12) LF . . . , Flowe (14) C Robinson . RG Gillam . LG .... Roberts (2) Substitutions Milstead (2) for Mc Millan; Misenheimer (2) for Gillam Referee Faul. Scorer Crowell. McMillan (8) Long (20) . . Howell (12) .. . Cuthbertson (10) Cunningham (2) HIGHLAND PARK AND RIFLEMEN WINNERS The Hornets Nest Riflemen and Highland Park were winners in Fri day night's Ciyt League basketball games. The former defeated American Trust Company 20 to 10 while the lat ter won from the Tabernacle five by default, not enough Tabernacles put ting in an appearance to round out a team. A. T. (10) H. N. (20) Dorr (4) LF Holler Ezell RF ... .S. Chaplin (8) Davenport C Kimball (8) DeArmon RG G.Chaplin (2) Miller LG Hudson (2) Substitutions: Thompson for Ezeli Cloid for Holler. FREE SERVICE BROOM & BURKETT COTTOtf BROKERS 219 W. Trade St. Phones 4482. Long Distance 9985 Cotton contracts executed in lots of 10 Bales and upward. Orders fille-d in two minutes over direct private leased wire to New York. . None too large, none too small. Why pay for telegrams when we have a free wire service? Balances settled in Charlotte promptly." SERVICE IS OUR POLICY. New York, Dec. 24. Trailing changes were the rule at the desultory opening todays stock market. Short cover ing in several of the favorite rails and ndustrials imparted a semblance of firmness. Mexican Petroleum and Gen eral Asphalt were higher by substan tial tractions with Mercantile Mann-i coppers, rubbers and high grade trans portations. American and Baldwin Lccomottve eased slightly with Ameri can Woolen. New Haven at a frac tional reaction, to 12, duplicated its low price of the year. HACKNEY PLANT AT ? WILSON IS BURNED I "Wilson, Dec. 24. Fire starting in; the automobile department of the? Hackney Brothess buggy manufactur ing plant here aboot 5 o'clock th'sl morning. completely destroyed two? three-story " buildings . and about 12 automobiles stored in them. The loss on the buildings is estimated at $100. 000 and their contents at $300,000, fully iovered by insurance. . Store Building Collapsed With Fatal Results; Large Property Damage. Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 24. Nine per sons killed, one white man and eight negroes, more than a score injured and property damage roughly estimated at $200,000 was the known toll today of a windstorm which late yesterday swept through half a dozen farming settlements in Crittendon county, Ar kansas, across the Mississippi river from this city, and apparently spent Un 4 i x i a us iui in Law village ui via-i jvesucLie. . . . GROCERIES YOU REMEMBER the eating quality of our one thou-1 srnd pound Ferndell white cheese. Wej will cut one of these on Tuesday,-' January 10th. Leave your order now.' NEW YORK STOCK LIST, Laitf: Snlr. Allis-Chalmers American Beet Sugar American Can Aimerican Car & oundry . . American Hide & Leather pfd American International Corp.. American Locomotive American Smelting & Kef. 3S 1-4 27 33 1-8 142 1-2 68 40 r.-s 10.1 1-1 45 American Sugar 52 31 3-4 1113 1-1 79 1-2 49 1-2 92 1-S 31 7-8 96 1-4 35 56 approximately fifty negro farm hands had taken refuge from the storm, was wrecked. Payne Harrison. 22 clerk in the store, was the only white person known to have been killed. Mrs. B. B. Booker, whose home, six miles northwest of Clark esdale, was torn from its founda tions, was among the injured brought to this city. Her injuries are- consid ered serious. Nearly all of the known dead and the most seriously injured were caught in the collapse of the store. Only meagre reports had been receiv ed thus far, however, from several farming settlements in the path of the storm, the effects of which was felt over an area two miles in width and j 15 miles in length. The injured were brought to Mem phis hospitals in ambulances and mo tor trucks as quickly as they were ex- jIst Charlotte. TWO B&Ys; THINK! ONLY LEFT. Hurry, call 101 or rush to 315 Nortrh Tryon street. We are headquarters! for all kinds, of Xmas delicacies. Bert, quality nuts, Tnjslns. figs, dates, fanc.v fruits and grapes. Extra fine celery, lettuce, okra, cauliflower, etc. Our uoer. clalty is fancy baskets filled with,; fruit or any imported delicacy yoo may want. Call and let ub fit you up. First lot of genuine German peart onions to reach Charlotte in years just arrived. S. R. LENTZ W. M. Sigmon, rjgr, , 31S N. Tryn. Phones 101 or 102. - : . COFFEE!" SUGAR! . COFFEE! TEA! We are not giving it away but after VOU trv It vou will wnndpr hnnr -ar- tricated from the ruins of the wreck- j can give such good coffee for so much American Sumatra Tobacp American T. & T American Tobacco Sec. American Woolen . . Anaconda Copper . . . . Atcnison Atl., Gulf & W. Indise Baldwin Locomotive . . Baltimore & Ohio . . .. Bethlehem Steel 4"B" . . Canadian Pacific . . Central Leather 30 1-8 Cbandler Motors .. .. .. .. 47 1-S Chesapeake & Ohio 55 1-8 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul .. 18 7-S Chicago, R. I. & Pac 32 Chino Copper 28 Colorado Fuel & Iron .. .. 24 1-2 Corn Products 96 o-8 Crucible Steel 65 1-4 Cuba Cane Sugar 6 7-8 Erie 10 General Electric .. .. .. 10 1-2 Goodrich Co 35 3-4 Great Northern pfd 74 1-2 Great Northern Ore ctfs .. .. 32 Illinois Central 97 Inspiration Copper 40 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 63 1-S International Paper 52 3-8 Kennecott Copper 26 3-4 Louisville & Nashville .. .. 107 Mexwell Motors Mexican Petroleum .. .. ..114 1-8 Miami Copper 26 3-4 liddle States Oil 13 7 i Midvale Steel 27 Missouri Pacific 17 3-1 New York Central 73 1-S N. Y., N. H. & Hartford .... 12 1-4 Norfolk & Western 96 l-,s Northern Pacific 78 5-8 Oklahoma Prod. & Ref 3 Pan American Petroleum .... 5:1 Pennsylvania 33 1-4 People's Gas 61 1-2 Pittsburgh & W. Va 25 Ray Consolidated Copper 15 Reading 72 1-4 Rep. Iron & Steel -51 Royal Dutch, N. Y 50 1-4 She'll Trans. & Trad 38 1-2 Sinclair Con. Oil 22 Southern Pacific . . .... . . 79 Southern Railway ;18 3-3 Standard Oil of N. J.. pfd ..114 Studebaker Corporation . . . . 78 7-8 Tennessee Copper 101-4 Texas Co 457-8 Texas & Pacific 26 1-1 Tobacco Products 63 7-8 Transcontinental Oil 11 5-8 Cnion Pacific 125 IT. S. Food Products .. .. .. 9 7-8 Stores. . ....... 53 Alcohol . . . . . . 39 IT. S. Rubber . . 54 U. S. Steel S3 5-8 Utah Copper 63 3-4 Vestinghouse Electric 50 i -4 Willys Overland 5-4 Pure Oil 37?-S ed store at Clarkedale or reached that point from the surroundirfg section last night. One, a baby, died early today. Several others are reported in a serious condition. Rescue parties from this city and several Arkansas towns started at daylight today for an exploration of the more, isolated sections of the storm- 119 1-2 'swept area where, it was feared, oth ers were killed or injured. linked. Retail S D. S. Ind. Alci Atlantic Coast Line .. Coca Cola Gulf States Steel . . . . Seaboard Air Line . . . . Floss, Shef. Steel & Iron . . United Fruit Virginia Caro. Chem Ameiican Tobacco American Zinc Invincible Oil .. .. :. .. ., 14 1-S International Harvester .. .'. 79 1-2 General Asphalt .. 65 1-2 84 1-2 41 45 1-8 2 7-3 36 121 27 1-1 131 7-8 12 i-4 ANOTHER STILL ON J. K. WOLFE PLACE New York, Dec. 24. Foreign bar silver 64 3-4. Mexican dollars 49 1-4. NEAT EXTRACTION OF A STORE LOCK A burglar who must have been an expert, and perhaps, a professional, neatly extracted the lock from the front ooor of the Office Supply Com pany some time between midnight Fri day morning and Saturday at 8 a. m. He evidently took fright soon after gaining admission, however, and fled without taking an article, so far as an investigation of the store by members of the firm eould discover. There was a light suspended over a counter near the door which will not turn off, which, perhaps, was disappointing to the in truders. The trick of extracting the lock from the front door and leaving the door so that it would swing open at a touch from the hand was the cleverest job any of the policemen who examined it had seen lately, and could hardly have been done by anyone who does not thoroughly understand lock-breaking. "This settles it," said Claude Kerr of the store, discussing the skill with which the burglar picked the lock. "Hereafter we will have a trap gun on the door. It is the third time the store has been entered in a year." When members of the store staTf laft at a late hour Friday night to go home, they called humorously to the patrolman on the beat to be sure and hold anybody that he might catch in the store betweent hem and morning. 'Believe me, if anybody tries to get in there I'll get him," answered the cop in the same vein. Findins a still within a short dis tsnce of where they found one sev eral weeks ago on a plantation near Ncwells and belonging to J. K. Wolfe of the firm of Davidson & Wolfe her?, officers of Sheriff Cochran's office arc of the opinion that someone in: that neighborhood is disposed to raaka liquor in spite of frequent raids and breaking up of their stills. Deputy Sheriff Fesperman and Rural Policeman Brown went out to the Wolfe farm Friday night and. found a square box made from poplar lumbpr v ith a lining of copper in it. It was on a well-built-up brick furnace . and evidence was at hand that it had been in use, perhaps, for several months or longer. The still found in the same neighborhood some time ago had aloe evidently been in use for some time. No one was found around the still, hich the officers brought, to the city. It looks as if every little stream in th county is to become the site of a still, according to the officers, . and if the old water mill of tradition has gone, with its picturesque overshoe wheel and other features, the . festivv, still may take its place. On Thursday afternoon the sheriff representatives found a still on the bank of a little stream in Long .Creak township on a built-up furnace, it was a long narrow poplar box lined with copper. CHIEFASFoSCOOk DONATES pARBECUE A Chtristmas barbecue to 75 em ployes of the city sanitary department was given by Amos Cook, head of the department, Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the city stables. The dinner was the Christmas gift of Mr. Cook to the department. Mem bers. together with their wives and other members of their families, were on hand to share it. A regular feast was served in connectionh wit the barbecue and a general Christmas spirit imbued into the . dispositions of those present. Following the dinner an assortment of fruits was distributed among the diners. less than anyone else. Kenny's high- grade known all over the United States. per lb Zbi' Or 3 lbs. for $1.00.. Trinity Blend. It) 43c' Genuine Mocha & Java, lb 45c We have other grades. . . .18c to Zhc Pet Milk, small size 6c Or dozen .. ;70? Large size .' Uc7 Or dozen 1.40 Cocoa, lb .44t Or 1-2 Tb. . ... , Chocolate, tb C. tt. KJRWNT CO. I Teas, Coffees. Suyar. rty Eire. Kt Z3 S. .Cryan St. Phono 1551-135? We Deliver. ... IKVI ....40c . . . .20? DEATHS FUNERALS MRS. CAROLINE PORTER SMITH. Mrs. Caroline Porter Smith, a Pres byterian missionary and widow of the late Dr. J. Rockwell Smith, died at Campinas, Brazil, November 7. Mrs. Smith was born in Tuskegee, Ala., on April, 1857. At the time of her death she had just rounded out her 40 years of service. In these 40 years, she visited the United States only four times on furlough. . i , MISS MAY MILLS. Miss May Mills, aged 37 years, died Saturday morning at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alice Mills. 806 North Church street after an illness of only two or three days. In addition to her mother, Miss Mills is survived by a sister now resid ing in Virginia. The deceased was a member of St. Mark's Lutheran church. The funeral arrangements have not yet been perfected. GIFTS FOR SOLDIERS. Greenville. S. C, Dec. 24. Six hun dred ex-service men from all parts of the United States, who are patients at United States Public Health Service, hospital No. 26, at Camp Sevier, will be visited by a Santa Claus burdened with gifts and will enjoy a series of festive events. Santiago, Chile. Dec. 24. Abolition of capital punishment and flogging, provided in the Chilean penal code, is asked in a bill sent to Congress by the Ministry of Justice. Life imprison ment would be applied in cases where the penalty of death is determined un der the existing code. Referring to capital punishment, the measure says, "it offends, by its cruel ty, the moral sentiment prevailing in cultured nations; it is1 irreparable and, consequently, it does not comprise the possibility of impeding the conse quences of the errors which -the ad ministration of justice might have in curred on applying it." "Flogging is barbarous in Itself." says the bill. "It is rejected by univer sal consent and among us it has fallen into disuse, as it Is not even possible to find executioners willing to apply it." Will give' you a wide range of foo.I thoughts QUALITY and VARIETY 2016 -PHONE -1768 . Fat chickens, lb ;30e Fresh eggs, dozen 60c Breakfast bacon .25c si5- 18 lbs. best sugar .... $1.00. 24 lbs. Melrose flour $1.2."C. 2i lbs. Pillsbury flour $l.m 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour $1.0.'i 100 lb. sack Edan chicken feed $2.50 Fure Georgia cane molasses, gallon 85v Fresh country pork sausage .... . .35c Yellow Yam sweet potatoes, good an l sound, peck . Oh yes. coffee's that satisfy. Maxwell House White House, Lord Calvert;. Private Estate, St. Regis. One biq: family. Fancy apples, seal sweet oranges, r-d-sins, nuts, paper shell pecans, cran berries. Fresh-pound cakes, lb. 35r Miller's fruit cake. THE GOOD SERVICE STORE Near or Far You Can Get L's on the TJnkUng Bell. We Deliver. 201 6 PH ON ES 1 5 68 THE RED FRONT STORE t Corner Church and Fourth Sts. Christmas Speciallie In Eats We have a choice assortment of the very best and freshest nuts, candies, i oranges, apples, grapes, bananas. grapefruit, layer raisins, figs dates.. NAVY SELLS VESSELS. Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 24. News of the sale by the Navy Department of twelve vessels, some of which are sta tioned here, has been received at the navy yard here. According to the list as made public the principal ships in volved are the cruiser Brooklyn, the colliers Astoria ind Vega and destroyer Smith. SPEER A SUICIDE. Macon, Ga., Dec. 24. That E. G. Speer. locomotive engineer, who died suddenly Thursday afternoon, came to his death at his own hands through taking poison, ,was the verdict at a coroner's inquest held' today. SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE NEW GOODS COMING IN EVERY DAY. Canned goods f all kinds,nice large juicy prunes, pancake and buckwheat flour. Log Cabin syrup, pure honey, home-made sorgum, fresh celery, let tuce, tomatoes . mustard and turnip greens, snap beans, sweet and Irish potatoes. Ward's and Corby's-cakes, apples, oranges ' bananas, grapefruit, Brookfield creamery butter, fresh coun try butter, fresh eggs and chickens. In fact everything in fresh groceries at all times. PHONE 4431. Watts Grocery Co. 813 E. Seventh St. cranberries, celery and lettuce, cit ron, pineapple, cherries, orange ani, j lemon peel, cocoanuts, shell almonds,'' walnuts, currants, seedless raisins. ,. Fresh country ' eggs. Country hams. j New shipment Melrose flour. Hiddenite waterground meal and Gra-J ham flour. 4 Fresh creamery butter. Piione us your orders in early and avoid the rush, and be assured of prompt delivery. CULP BROS. 225 E. Trade St. ' Phones 1806-1807 Watch For Our Important Announcement World Tire Stores A Chain of Stores Frbm Coast to Coast

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