THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE; N. C, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1921. r Christmas Music Feature f Services In Churches Mir 1:1 ; city 15 -1' ihurches will make the fact that Christmas this tm the Lord's day and will Mi-vices uniformly throughout uiih special muscial programs orate character, instances special hours will P,:M-t for the renedition of can ; giving the children of the 'J.v-; r:pportum;y to have charge 0 i-xorcises. in otner casqs, l! ', i f-:1 tares will supplant the usual i;U'' n oil aana n - i.-ieal features will predom- of ,i;iMTV METHODIST. , -S3'1. j,;:e!-A ' ''" " Taa '.V- p-icvcy- '1 .i,- of Trinity Methodist render a program of Chris :lt the service Sunday even ..nam will be as follows: ,-xde Christmas Pastoral- Lange nVaom LUrtlett ikntly the Stars Look- S pence v Night '. Meeler Unnas Sons .... . Adam ;,,hn and Summerow. ! Angel's Song Dressier :o by Miss lluth Hanna. ,e:-s of the quartet ait: Kohn. sopramv Miss .:rrnnv, contralto; E. D. E. H. Bell, baritone, vi.'; be assisted by Miss i violinist. The music of Mrs. W. D. Alex- FIRST REFORMED Special music will fpaturp the 11 o'clock service at the First Reformed church, Rev. Shuford Peeler, pastor. The children of the church will have charge of a program at 6 o'clock Sun day evening. The following will be the program: Recitation, "Welcome" Jack Summer row. Song, "O Hush, hush," Primary Children. v Excercise, "Xmas Rainbow," 5 little girls. Recitation, "Letter to Santa Claus" Jack Bost. Soto, "Little Manger," -Marion Bar tholomew. Excercise, "Xmas Question," Frances Hunsucker and Clem Green. Recitation, "Xmas Bells.!!;--- Philin Peeler. ; - . Song, "Sleep Little Child," 10 Girls Recitation, "The Xmas Tree," Sarah Hunsucker. Exercise, Dorothy "Wilson, Annie Hines, Thelma Freeman. Excercise, "Hurrah for Xmas," 7 Children. Song, Clem Green. Recitation, Otha Lyerly. Exercise, "Christmas People." David Gray Kelley, Robt. Green. Thomas Fo gleman. Billie Frickhoeffer. Recitation, "A Christmas Wish," Edna Smith. Recitation, "There Was a Small Boy," Earl Long. Exercise, "Bring Myrrh," 9 Boys. Best regards and all good wishes is the message WE FEL LOWS, in the Advertising De partment of The Charlotte News, pass along to YOU FEL LOWS rour patrons at this season. May you live long and prosper. W. M. BELL, J. A. DALY, VICTOR GOELLER. im;( i:k memorial.. Thf ,r y, .! V .' 11': ' Off! ' Sir:;: i c Qua:' 9 service of the Spen Mfthodits church will he , ,, , lock Sunday evening. ;-;;.ue to the occasion will v p.n orchestra and .Tro'.s will he sung by the a ; yarmet male voices f -male voices. The pro s. rvit-e is as follows: .loy to the World. . '.iv iiop.. by the orchestra, r. A Song in the Air, by thlehem. the Lovely, fe- :l-20, by Mr. L. E. Q-ja:'tc: ("live Me Thine Heart, male frown ?oti W-M-sriip Christ. the New K:it. by the choir, lent Night, by Intermediate BiT.vl'.ci'.en. ET AVKME TABERNACLE. Morning Service. r, .-ui-3 On A Christ- riaV Hymn Faulkes An'hera Awake. Put On Thy "'rrencth. 0 ion . . . . R. M. Stults i.,.;-..m'5in? nnd Rejoice George B. Neviiy ?o!oist. Mr. Emery. tin'-Cw? Unto Me" from the -M'-ssiah" Handel Mrs. Coleman p05.;i:i!f0r?rd Choeur in C Minor .. James H.1 Rogers Evening Service, prelum Andante Cantabile from the Fourth Symphony Widor An-h-sn "Reioice Greatly" Woodward The Pa-: III from the Cantata, "The King., Corrr.h-' R. M. Stults Churn? "Thfrf Were .Shepherds" . Ma;e ouartet "And, Lo, The Angel Of Th- Lord" Tr.ns, Me.-srs. Emery and Thomas Bases. Messrs. Stillwell and Allison Chorus "Fear Not" Chorus with soprano obligato 'Glory To God in the Highest" Obligato by Mrs. Coleman Fs:!ude March Pittoresque E. R. Koeger The choir is composed of sopranos, M. X. Coleman. Misses Lillian v.rky an-i Pearl Jenkins; alto, Mrs. R. :.. Ransr.n; tenors. G. H. Emery J. AV. Thomas: hasses. Donald B. s-iw:i and Victor R. Allison. i.'F.s. MARGARET 1). JAMIESON. Organist and Director. TRYON STREET 3IETHODIST. A Christmas music service, with one of th? most elaborate programs to he rendered at any Charlotte church in connection with the season, will be ren dered at Tryon Street Methodist church at half past 7 o'clock on Sunday night. The program will be in charge of Eu gene Craft, organist and director. Among the soloists who will appear on the program are Miss Sara Kirby and Miss Ina K. Harrison. Harry Orr, Flynn Wolfe and E. D. Brawner. A. D. Lajoie. violinist, will also occupy a prominent place on the program. The basses among the singers are .Claude Reese, J. A. Russell, J. C. Wat son. The tenors are Harry Orr. Flynn Wolfe, and E. D. Brawner. The altos are Mrs. H. W. Dempster, Mrs. Claude Reese, Mliss Ina K. Harrison and Miss Ruby Rousey. The sopranos are Mrs. Louis Asbury, Miss Sara Kirby, Miss Bessie Mann. M.iss Onida Moore and Miss Willie Summerow. Features of the program will include, as a prelude, "The Vision," by Bibhthe anthem, "Let Us Go Now Even Unto Bethlehem", by Rogers; the pastorale, "There Wert- Shepherds", by Nevin; a solo. "Nations Adore", by Shelly; the anthem, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", by Wilson; offerotory, "Oh, Holy Night", by Adolphe Adam; violin solo, "Romance", Svendsen; anthem "An gels From the Realms of Glory', Shelly; rnd the "O, Lo ly Sacred Stable", by Brahms. FIRST A. R. P. CHURCH Special Christmas exercises will fea ture services at the First A. R. P. church at 12:15 Sunday, the hour for the Sabbath school when the follow ing program will he rendered: THEME: THE KING OF GLORY Anthem The King of Glory (Fearis) The Choir Reading Come to Bethlehem Miss Mary Morris Shepherds Trusting in Their Shenherd Bible. Songs 46 Choir Little Cradles Mildred Carmichael Song Sleep Sweetly Sleep . .Beginners The Birth of the King of Glory Luke 2:8-20 Primary Song Unto You Is Born a Saviour Bible Songs 237 Primary Gifts to the King of Glory Matt. ' 2:1-11 Juniors The Gifts We Bring ....Class Juniors Christmas Song Bible" Songs 237 Juniors Story Miss Louise Erwin A Prayer to the King of Glory Bible Songs 116 Intermediates The Extent of His Kingdom Bible Songs 152 Young People Praise for the King of Glory Bible Songs 297 Adult Department Sing of His Glory Bible Songs 305.. School PR1TCHARD MEMORIAL. The Sunday night service, of the Pritchard Memorial Baptist church will be devoted to Christmas music. Spe cial hymns will be sung by the choir and soloists and some ofl the numbers will have a violin obligato by John Aitken. The musical program is pre sented under the direction of Mrs. Ade laide M. Stephens, organist. The program of the service, which will b'?gin at 7:30 o'clock, is as follows: Three Christmas Carol Hymns "O Little Town ot lietmenem ; "iz Came Upon the Midnight Clear"; "Silent Night." Prelude Chorus of Shepherds (a Christmas offertory) Lemmens Hymn 107 "Hail Thou Long Expect ed Jesus" Invocation Anthem "While Shepherds Wratch ed Their Flocks" Smart "Star of the East" Violin Obligato Wilson Miss Rigler, Mr. Aitken and quartet Anthem "Let Us Now Go Even Un to Bethlehem" Simper Solo ' Brightest and Best," violin obligato Coombs Mr. Benoit Trio -"Sleep Holy Babe," . . . . Lester" Mrs. Smith, Miss Rigler, Mr. Benoit Anthem "Like Silver Lamps" . . . . . . Barnhy Mrs. Smith, Mr. Benoit and quartet Solo-Ma) "O Little Town of Beth lehem" Scott (b) "When Christ Was Born" . . Stults Mrs. Hunter Marshall, Jr. Anthem "The Glorious Song of the New Born King" Grgely Miss Rigler and quartet Hymn 108 "Hark! The Herald An gels Sing" Benediction Postlude "Christmas March" . . . . Merkel Mrs. W. A. Smith, soprano; Miss Addie Rigler. contralto; Henry B. Be noit, tenor; F L. Riggsbee, bass; John Aitken, violinist; Adelaide M. Stephens, organist and director. The quartet choir will be assisted by Mrs. Hunter Marshall, Jr., soprano, and John Aitken, violinist. ST. MARK'S LUTHERAN. Following is the program for the matins at 6 :3C o'clock at St; Mark'a Lutheran church Sunday, ' Christmas morning. W. Harvey Overcash is or ganist and choir director. Prelude Shepherd's Pipes Harris iProcessional "Hark The Herald ; Angels Sing" Versicles Venite Exultemus Carol "Sweet Christmas Bells" . . . . . . . Stainer Childi'en's Chorus Hymn "O Little Town of Bethle hem" .. Redner Psalm ' Carol "What Child is This?" Children's Chorus Lesson Carol "Come And Worship" .. .. .. .. Mallard Children's Chorus .with solo by Miss Mary Rigler Sermon Offertory Berceuse . . .. .. Delbruck Carol "Sleep Holy Babe" . . . . Field Children's Chorus Te Deum Laudamus Postlude Christmas March . . Merkel 11 o'Clock Service. Prelude Nocturne des Anges . NINTH AVENUE BAPTIST. On Christmas evening at 7:30 o'clock, the choir of Ninth Avenue Baptist church, under the direction of Miss Louise Young, organist, assisted by Earle P. Fite and C. A. Workman, violinists, will render a cantata "The Prince of Peace," by E. L. Ashford. The iirograoi is as follows: Part I The Promise. Prelude "Pastorale." Carol "Silent Night" Haydn Miss Young, Mrs. Brown, Messrs, Bostick and Carroll. Violins, E. P. Fite and C. A. Workman. Processional "Come and Worship." "Sing O Heaven?" Solo voices, Misses Pittman and Weaver. "The Heaveilv King" Mr. Bostick Vincent Anthem "Christmas Bells". Matthews Chorus Choir Offertory Cantique de Noel Anthem "Glory To God In The, Highest" -. Stultz Chorus with solo by Mrs. W. H. Overcarsh Postlude Pilgrim's Chorus . . Wagner Evening service by the Sunday school. Personnel of the choir: Sopranos: Mesdames Overcarsh and James, Miss es Phifer and Goodman. Altos: Mes dames Miller, Moser and Criglsr, Miss es Ritchie and Lingle. Tenors: Messrs. Scholtz and McGillvrae. Basses: Messrs. Frank, Holler, Willman and Beatly. Violinists: Mesrs. Workman and Va laer. W. H. OVERCARSH, Organist and Director. SPUDS UTILIZED AS PENWIPERS Hotels Over Country Con sume Vast Quantities of Them for This Purpose. That close to a, million dollars worth of the niticn's best Irish potato crop r.ever sees the inside of a human stom ach is a unique fact attested by a pe culiar condition existing among Char lotte hotels, as well as hotels all over the country. The majority of Charlotte hotei3 vse close to a dozea Irish potatoes a week for pen wirfrs. These potatoes are us ually the largest and "best looking" spuds in the week's collection. Two of them are placed in small retainers by the register in each hotel that uses them, and into t?.e poor innocent vege- table goes the dripping pen of the au- tographer hundreas of times each day and night. Each time a black stain of ink is left into the weak tummy of the chagrined spud and the pen emerges as clean aa the insides of the pocket book of. the average shopper after the Christ mas holidays. As soon as the back of Mr. Spud is punctured beyond all re pair he is turned over on his side and speared in that part of his anatomy". As) soon as his eyes have been ja:n:red cut he is considered a "has teen' arid is given a sad funeral in the ash can. And possibly he isn't buried at all. Perhaps he wiggles his, way back td his comrades by son e accident .and lends coloring to a sizzling bowl of egetalle soup. Who can say that he has not devoured the very ink with which some telebrity signed l is name? Possibly some day in the past your , soup was saturated with the signature of WJpod iow Wilson. Or it might have been Edison, Kipling, Pershing any of the famed boys. Wha an honor it would be to have consumed such great ink. While cooling a bowl of broth, who can say that he has not blown into a spoon ful of stew in which swam the very fluid witn which J. P, Morgan signed a check for half a million bones? What volumes of interest could be written if every spud could teil its tale! And what a feeling of honor must come to the potato that finds himself in the pen rack instead of the chef s dishpan! What matters if one is stabbed to the gills as long: as he is speared by Mar shal Foch, the Tiger of France, or Lloyd George, the premier of England? It is estimated that during the war the big potatoe;! averaged about six cents a piece. At this rate practically four dollars a month .was expended, by each hotel for martyred spuds. Assum ing that $16 a month was expended for such pen wipers alone in Charlotte, which is in the neighborhood of truth, tho annual expenditure would be about S200 :i year. With such expense in curred by hotels throughout the entire country that ao maltreat Mr. Spud, the f nal total of costs for this vegetable, which is not put on the account book, would probably reach into the millions. It 'may be hard to squeeze blood out ot a turnip, but it in safe to say that it is an easy matter to squeeze ink out of many a'potato. FIRST METHODIST PROTESTANT. Sunday morning the pastor of the First Methodist Protestant church will preach from the subject, "The Coming of The King.". Beginning at 7:30 p. m., the beautiful Christmas program, "Training For Service," will be ren dered by the young people of the church. Special and appropriate music will be a feature of the services. COUNTERFEITING IS CHARGE PREFERRED John Hicks, white, is at liberty un- !der $1,000 bond in Asheville, after be ing arrrested on a charge of forgery Ibv United States Secret Service Agents H. E. Thomas here. He was arrested "And There Shall Ccme Forth". .Choir ;after Mr. Thomas had worked up the "Fear Thou Not" Mrs. Thornbu.'g alleged case against him. He was ar- "Hail! Bethlehem". , raiined before a United States corn- Garrison, Violin Obligato missioner in Asheville and held for f fifths A Merry Christmas May Happiness and Count less Gifts be yours on this festive occasion. Could there be any better wish? LINGLE CLOTHING LINGLE D ...... jVTxs. Ofj'ertory Violin Duet, "Reverie".. Roberts Part II The Fulfillment. Quartette, "O Holy Night " Messrs. Car roll Bo3tick, Runyon and Fink. "There Were Shepherds,'" solo voices, Miss Young, Mr. Runyon, and Miss Foster. 1 "The Sweetest Song".. Mrs. McCotkTe "Bright Star- of Hope" Messrs. Carroll and, Bostick "Awake! Put on Thy Strength" I Choir 1 "O Blessed Lord" , Miss Blanche Caldwell , "Blessed Be the Lord God of Israel" ! Choir I Postlude -"March, from Tannhauser" Wagner i the Spring term of Federal court at Asheville. The defendant is accused of raising $5 bills to $50 bills. He stated before the commissioner that he bought a ADVERTISEMENT CITY OF CHARLOTTE To General Contractors The. Board of School Commissioners of ' the City of Charlotte invite sealed proposals to erect and complete ths Central High School, on corner of Cecil Street and Elizabeth Avenue, Charlotte, N. C, construction bond of a surety company therefor in the sum of 60 of the entire contract. Only proposals obtained at the office of. Lockwood, Greene & Co., signed by the bidder and left before 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, January 5, 1922, at the office of the Secretary of the Board of School Commissioners, Mr. H. P. Harding, together with a cer tified check for $7,500.00 payaole to J. L. Wolfe, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board, of Scnool Commissioners if the proposal is not carried out, will then and there be considered. The bid must be made in duplicate, to be sent as above. Tho Board of School Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all proposals. A "deposit of $25.00 will be required for a complete set of plana and specifications, said sum to be refurvdeJ on return of drawings and specifi cations. A deposit of $15.00 will be required for a set of heating and ventilating or electric plans w;ith speci fications. Mutilation of the plans or speciii- will be deemed sufficient cause .1U -?.sx.-v-k n vrt-r, n Tl I CatlOUS Address Lockwood, Greene & Co., Engi neers, 422 Piedmont Building, Char- man with whom he traded alleged that he was guilty of counterfeiting, lotte, N. C. Dec.24,25,28,29;Jan.l,3 V i rv -- co- ym A. V 1 F ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH The following musical program will. be rendered at St. Peter s Lpiscopal church in connection with the 11 o'clock Service Sunday: Organ Prelude, Prayer and Cradle Song Guilmant. Processional O Come All Ye Faith ful Reading. Venite and Gloria Patri Boyce. Te Deum Alzamora. Jubilate Deo Robinson. Kyrie Ellison Clemson. Gloria Tibi Clemson. Hymn O Little Town of Bethlehem Redner. Anthem The Wondrous Story Adams. Sursum Corda and Sanctus Clem son. Eucharistic Hymn Draw Xigh and Take the Body of the Lord Brown. Gloria in Excelsis Old Chant. Sevenfold Amen Stainer. Tsunc Demittis Old Chant. j Recessional It Came UpOn the Mid- i j night Clear Willis. Organ Postlude Hallelujah Chorus- Handel. " '. 1 f ti. Li. j.eesier is urgamsu anu cuuu director. WHY-GIRLS LEAVE HOME DIAMONDS Our many years of experi ence in selling precious s ton. ?3 is' your warranty against mis takes in judging ' quality in value. See our showings of gift suggestions in gems. B..F. ROAM Diamond Merchant, Jeweler, Silversmith 10 N. Tryon St. 1 PLANNING TO TAKE A SHORTHAND COURSE IN JANUARY? T.&?o St months' Urn. In. slavish study, of Pitman or Gregg lparn Snencerian. an easj : n i slavish stuay 01 niman or uicbs. ... , , , fascinating system, which can be learned in three to four months' time and which . is far - ly and legible e.tner i iimn.. "ecause they turnout a superior grade of work. ffKK TweSelh CenTur? mTthoS-taught I this section exclusively at Brown's Busing College, 'indorsed by the leading business men of this section. O -v 5 f I ' South Tryon Street. ij I Illinium i II ! ill ill Telephone 2566 To all of our -friends and customers we wish you a Merry Xmas Luke 1:46: Mary said when Jesus was born: "My soul doth magni fy the Lord." Are you glad He came? Show it by go ing to church. GO TO CHURCH TODAY Pound & Moore Co. M CHICHESTER S PILLS 3v TnJC DIAMOND BBiNK Jk. Ohl-l vears known as Best. Safest. Alnlt,iiiMi SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE -tar DIaaiwvt BnuiA MATT. 2:2 "Where is He that is born King of the Jews, for we , have seen His star in the East and are come to worship Him?" THERE ARE MANY IN CHARLOTTE WITH OUT A CHURCH HOME TO WORSHIP CHRIST. THE CHURCHES OP CHARLOTTE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH THEM. Go To Church Today Christmas Greetings FROM Efird's Departifient Stores Charlotte, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Greenville, S. C. Wilmington, N. C. Anderson, S. C. Raleigh, N. C. Winston-Salem, N. C. Ehirham, N. C. Greenwood, S. C. Gastonia, N. C. Concord, N. C. Danville, Va. ' , Salisbury, "N. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Monroe, N. C. Rocky Mount, N. C. High Point, N. C. Sumter, S. C. Lumberton, N. C. Rock Hill, S. C. Burlington, N. C. Lenoir, N. C. Statesville, N. C. Shelby, N. C. Lincolnton, N. C. Lexington, N. C. Wilson, N. C. Greer, S. C. Cherryville, N. C. Forest City, N. C. Laurinburg, N. C. i