THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, .CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1921 & . I SOCIETY NEWS MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CAIJVtVLXL. Social Editor. Phone 27? Plans for Monday Night Dance Completed. Plans have been completed for the Christmas dance to be given at the Myers Park Club, Monday. The dance will start at 10 o'clock and last until four. A buffet supper will be servel at 12:30. This is one of the most unusual and Elaborate subscription dances ever given In Charlotte and is looked forward to with keen pleasure. Admission to this dance is by Invita tion and each of the guests will be re quested to register upon entering. Sev eral hundred invitations have been sent out of the city and it is expected that quite a number of out-of-town people will be present. The dance is given in honor of the boy? and girls at home for the holidays. The following young ladies who are act ing as sponsors, will be specially hon ored: Misses Lillian Floyd, Adelaide Caldwell, Margaret Yorke, Alice Walker, Margaret Mellon. Roberta Walker, Mary Brevard Alexander, and Kathryn New son. Chaperones are: Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Alexander, Mr. and Mm. R. J. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell Ross-. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Newell, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Yorke. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. I,andis. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dowd, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dye. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Whitlock, Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Wither spoon, and Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Powers, guests of Dr .and Mrs. L. B. Newell, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Buck, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thomas. Mrs. Battle Hostess for Miss Liddell and Miss Guignon. A beautiful and charming hospitality of the Yuletide social season was the tea-dance given by Mrs. S. Westray Battle Saturday afternoon between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock compliment ing her daughter. Miss Vinton Liddell, and her guest, Miss Germaine Guignon of France. Miss Liddell is a senior at Bryn Mawr College this winter, and Miss Guignon is a classmate of hers there. Tea was served in the diningroom of the club, which was profusely decor ated with holly, cedar and mistletoe boughs. Dancing was in progress in the ballroom, which was also lovely with its hc'iday decorations. Music for dancing was furnished by Lajoie's orchestra. Mrs. Battle invited more than 200 guests to greet Miss Liddell, who has not been to Charlotte for some time, and to meet her charming French guest. Christmas Tree At , Wesley Heights School. The Christmas tree and celebration given by the Parent-Teacher Associa tion of Wesley Heights School Thurs day afternoon was a great success and was attended by nearly 450 children and their parents. A giant tree stood on the slope of the school grounds overlooking West Avenue. The tree was beautifully dressed and brilliantly lighted, R. G. Auten, a member of the Parent-Teachers' Association of the school, having charge of the lighting. Over four hundred bags of goodies were distributed. Prof. Robert L. Keesler directed the music. The program, which was exception ally attractive, was arranged by the teachers of the school, and was as fol lows: Song, "Joy To- The World": invoca tion. Rev. J. G. Garth; song, "O Come All Ye Faithful": Christmas Bible, by children; song. "O Little Town of Bethlehem"; song, "Silent Night": reci tation. "The Night Before Christmas." Joe Thompson; song, "Bethlehem Lul laby"; recitation. "Christmas Stock ings," Dorothy Keistler: song (carol), "Deck The Hall"; song. 1. "Fairy Snow Flakes," 2. "Come, Little Children," 3. "Jingle Bells." Turner-Griffin Marriage . v Announcement of a marriage that the contracting parties had kept secret from friends was made Friday after noon by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Desser Turner, whose marriage occurred at the home of the bride in Mineral Springs Sunday, August seventh. They will be at home in Charlotte after January 1 . Mr. Turner has been living in Char lotte for some years and is traffic man ager for the McClaren Rubber Com pany. He is a native of Shelby. Mrs. Turner is a native of Mineral Springs and was also employed here for seven or eight months at the McClaren Rubber Company, where the romance began that ended in her mar riage to Mr. Turner. The cards issued Friday read: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Griffin an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Daisy, to Mr. Charles Desser Tur ner, on Sunday, August the seventh, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, Min eral Springs, North Carolina. At home after January first, Char lotte, N. C. Miss Doxey To Entertain. Miss Eloise Doxey is to entertain at bridge at the Myers Park Club Tues day afternoon a: 3:30 o'clock. Man-is pa i ! 1 miuuuutcu. Cards as follows have been received: Mrs. Laura A. Squires announces the marriage of her daughter, Dora, to Mr. Melvin Clyde Watts, on Thurs day, the twenty-second of December, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, Mat thews, N. C. At home after January first, Cres cent City, Florida. Merry th nstmas Christmas Greetings f If MRLPITE f ly 1 Manager-Leader yi 1 Dance Specialists. 11 A I PHONES 987-945-W. U JfW 37 w' Fourt St. Charlotte, N. C. A Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tillett. Jr., and Mr. and" Mrs. John Tillet Honor Miss Laura Tillett. One of the most brilliant dances of the holidays was that given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tillett, Jr., and Mr. end Mrs. John Tillett at the Charlotte Country Club Friday evening, in honor of thgir sister, Miss Laura E. Tillett. who 'is home for the holidays from, Salem College at Winston-Salem. Receiving within the dObr "of the ball 100m were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tillett, Jr., the latter gowned in cerise brocaded velvet with flowing georgette sleeves; Mr. and Mrs. John Tillett, the latter in turquoise blue georgette combined with srilvcr lace; Mrs. Charles W. Tillett, Sr., in,' black satini and, with corsage of Parma violets; and Miss Laura Tillett, a beautiful brunette, strikingly lovely in a frock of cerise georgette trimmed in ostrich. The ball-room was a scene; of beauty, and brilliance with its Yuletide decora tions. The lights were shaded with large bells cf red crepe raper and holly, mistletoe and cedar was used every where in abundance. Over the fire place, in which a. big log fire burned, was a Santa Claus head, from which ran garlands of cedar twined with holly. At midnignt, a figure was danced, led by Miss Tillett, during which caps, streamers, confetti and favors were dis tributed. Punch and cakes were served through out the evening from a table in the hall. Excellent music was furnished by the Southern Melody sextette. Among the attractive visiting girls present were Miss Mary Heath. Jones of Lancaster, S. C, wearing flame geor gette with silver girdle; Miss Adelaide Harris of Concord, in yeilow and green two-tone tafftea; Miss Mary Agnes Fun derburk, of Lancaster, S. C, in rose taffeta. The guests included Miss Laura Til lett with Clarke Smith. Miss Martha Lee with Morris McDonald, Miss Mary Agnes Funderburk of Lancaster, S. C, with Robert Dye, Miss Mary Heath Jones of Lancaster. S. C, with States Lee, Miss Adelaide Harris of Conecvd with States Lee, Miss Louise Gibbcn with Hampton Brown, Miss Virginia Whitlock with George Lowe, Mis'? Roberta Walker with Ed .Martin, Miss Alice Walker with Loren Cahrnley, Miss Lucy Holmes Carson with Jack Lon don. Miss Martha Jamison with Paul Guthery, Miss Kathryn Newson with Maurice Reilley, Miss Nettie Allison with Paul Jamison. Miss Virginia Lov ing wit"h Bobby Long. Miss Edith Gil christ with Morgan Speir Miss Ham lin Landis with Rhyne Cannon, Miss Virginia Staten with Neal Pharr, Mi.9S Adelaide Caldwell with Sam Smith, Miss Margaret McLaughling with Mort imer Bland, Miss Catherine Johnson with Zack Linney, Miss Mildred Hen-e'erson- with Stancill Page, Miss Cor nelia Wearn with Morris Stedman. Miss Alice Buchanan with Dan Mallorv, Miss Mary Mobley with Maxwell Brown, Miss Margaret Eddy with William Harding, Miss Elizabeth Kee rans with Warren Mobley. Miss Deane Van Landingham with Reynolds Cuth bertson. Mips Catherine Mcrehead vvi:h Oliver Shaw. Mis.s Elizabeth Dowd with Pot- Masterman, Miss Ellen Victor with Edward Dowd, Miss Mildred Cuth bertson with John Mellon, Miss Mar garet Yorke with Warren Brice. Miss Elizabeth Brown with Cecil Gileh.-isi, Miss Margaret Mellon with Ralph Van Landingham Miss Kathryn Shel ton with Johs Jamison, Miss Martha Smith with Robert Wearn, Miss . Sara Keesler ith John Purser, Miss Mary Keesler with Wirt DeArman, Miss Augusta Cannon with Worth Maxwell, miss .ciizaneth Fore with Henry Wylie, Miss Mary Brevard Alexander with Billy Shaw Howell, Miss Lillian Floyd with Gilder Craver, Miss Rutledge Dudley with Roberr Dicon. Miss Kath Hargrave with Edwin Clarkson, Miss Vinton Liddell with Tom Haw kins, Miss Germaine Guignon of France with Gus Travis, Mtes Armide Blake with Tom Mott Alexander. Stags: Ralph Erice, Sam McDonald, Frank Ycrke, Jols G. Simpson, Oliver Landis, Cheston WoodaH. Bob Griftith Ralph Murriil. Anthony Eddy, Georg-j Cramer,. Al Orr, Alex Walker, . Robert Walker, Herndon Alexander, ' Robsrt Alexander, Eugene Crayton, Norman Graham, William Hagood, Bill Wearn, Hutchison Hani, Duncan McDonald, CbarlvS Skinner, Armand Myers Frc-d Pharr Cline Cochran. Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brvant and guest, Mis. Ada Morrison Nuttall of Raleigh, Mrs: Margaret Kelly Aber nethy, Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Witherspoon Air. and Mrs. w. S. Leo, Mr. yaid Mr. P. C. Whitlock, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Walker, Mrs. J. M. Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hardic, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Landis, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cutter, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McAdon. Cotillion Club's Christmas Dance. The Christmas dance of the Charlotte Cotillion Club will be given at the Myers Park Ciub Wednesday evening from 9 to 1 o'clock and will be strictly formal. Music will be furnished bv the Sorenn. ders. Morning Dance Monday. There will be a dance Coleman's dancing academy on North Jryon street Monday, from 12:30 a. m. to r.6U a. m. Music will be furnisher! oy the Melody Five, orest U V Annabel Worthngtan" LADIES' DRESS. A trim dress for the house or street may be made from this pattern of either wash material like gingham or a serviceable woolen material like French serge. The ladies' dress No. 9633 is cut in sizes 36 to 42 inches bust measure. Size. 36 requires 3 5-8 yards 36-inch material with 3-4 yard 36-inch contrast ing. Price, 15 cents. 36 3 3 The Fall and Winter issue of the FASHION MAGAZINE is now ready. It contains over 300 styles, several dressmaking lessons, etc., and is, un doubtedly a book which every woman see her family well dressed should have, who wants to dress well and wants to Price 10 cents a copy. Order patterns from The Pattern De partment The Charlotte News, Char lotte, N. C. Ace of Clubs Bal Masque. Much interest is being manifested in the Christmas bal masque to be biven by the Ace of Clubs Tuesday evening at the Myers Park club. The Serenaders are to furnish the music. To Meet. Sorosis will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. M. Wade in Myers Park. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wilcox, Jr.. will spend Christmas in Elberton, Ga., with Mr. Wilcox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilcox, Sr. iuwj-iiW- yti ""' J'" " " Rev. H. Iverson, of Savannah, Ga., has arrived in the city to spend Christ mas with Rev. and Mrs. Daniel F. Iver son, the former his son. Mrs. Albert Wallace and children, Warren, Clifton and Dorothy, of Sal isbury, are visiting Mrs. Wallace's mother. Mrs. F. M. Hoover, at her home on North Tryon street. W. Grady Smith, a medical student at Wake Forest, is at honv for the holidays with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Smith, 1207 South Boulevard. Gus Travis is spending- Christmas in Weldon with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Travis. Gilver V. Orr, of Greenville, S. C, a member of the traveling force cf the Southern Cotton Oil Company, is here to spend the holidays with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Orr. T. R. Hall, Jr., of the I. C. Case Com pany, who travels for his firm in sev eral Southern States, is here to spend the holidays with his rarents in the county. A NON-FATTENING DINNER. Last week I was rather discouraging about the fattening effects of the usual Christmas dinner. It's a splendid sort of meal for the woman who wants to gain flesh, but it's hopeless for the one who is tryinsr to reduce. So here J are a few suggestions for. a Christfaa 'dinner that the fat woman can eat ! without, feeling she is adding too much to her weight: But first of all I must answer a crit icism that I know all my stout friends are going to hurl at me. They are all going to say "Christmas comes but once a year, we certainly might be al lowed to do as we choose and eat what we please, just once!" The only trouble with that is that they will work for a week taking off the flesh caused by one day's indulgence. I don't think that pays, but after all, it's a matter of one's personal opinion. But here is a Christmas dinner which really won't be fattening and which does not sacrifice too many of the gas tronomlcal pleasures of the holiday: Grapefruit: delicious to start a meal and not fattening, if you don't eat sugar with it. Oysters, practically no caloric value, unless you cover them with cocktail sauce. Thin Soup: it's only the thick soups you must avoid. Turkey: you must only avoid the stuf fing and the thick gravy. Any Vege tables: except potatoes and beans. Salad: this usually isn't fattening un less you have a lot of mayonnaise. Des sert: practically all desserts are very Miss May Smith, of 1712 Connecti cut avenue Washington is spending the holidays with Miss Berta Helms, at her home on Clement avenue. Mrs. B. L. Wedenfeller, who has spent the past two months in New York and Richmond, Va., has returned home. A STIEFF PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS 4 Paya smaH amount down. W Ux the Piano Pay remalndr cf down payment ChristmaB, and we deliver. balance easy payments. CHA8. M. STIEFF. Inc.. Charlotte. N. C. of PES80""1 Catalogue and Prlc23 Name Address Baker-Parker Announcement. Miss Elsie Hudson Parker an T oo. lie .T. Baker were married at the nome ot tne bride's parents on North Brevard street Wednesdav at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Raper, pas tor oi tirevarci street Methodist church, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will make their home in inis city. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Parker, of 1014' North Brevard street. Mr. Baker is a native of Charlotte, and holds an important position with one of the ex press companies of the city. Mrs. Pearson To Entertain. Mrs. J. H. ' Pearson will be bridge hostess at the Charlotte Country Club Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock complimenting her house guest, Misa Annie Laurie Hayes. Christmas Eve Dinner Parties At Myers Park Club. Among the many charming enter tainments of the Christmas holidays were the Christmas Eve dinner parties entertained at the Myers Park Club Saturday evening, preceding the de lightful Christmas Eve dance; which was one of, the most delightful of the Yuletide festivities. -:. Among those who entertained guests at dinner were Mr. and Mrs. William E. Thomas, Miss Cornie Fore, Mrs Hartley, J. W. Cochrane, H. L. Kur fees, Miss Catherine Scott. Lane Eth eredge. Mrs. C. J. Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ham. W. T. McPhail, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Newell. Rhyne Cannon Jr., Mr. and Mrs. H. Connor Sher' rill. Kills the germs that cause CA TARRH. Soothes and heals irritat ed areas. - - t -; ' E. L. V. Club To Entertain. A social event which is being eager ly anticipated by the younger set is the dance to be given by the E. L. V. Club, which has as its members Miss es Sara Jamison, Alice Gibbon, Fay Ross Dwelle, Mary Speir, Jane Gilmer, Mary Mills Ham, Mary Lee Nuchols, Elizabeth Mather, Corinna Laxton, Eleanor Kuhn, Sarah Elizabeth Moody, Virginia Bell, Charlotte Mil stead, Jean Crowell and Mildred Cave. The ball-room will be decorated for the occasion in . the club's colors, old rose and gray. A local orchestra will zurnisa music. The mothers of the club members and a few other specially invited guests will act as chaperones. - Those who will attend the dance are Miss Sara Jamison, Thomas S. Clark son, Miss Alice Gibbon and Douglas Schiltz, Miss Fay Ross Dwelle and Morgan B. Speir, Miss Mary Mills Ham and "Dutchie" Clapp, Miss Mary Lee Nuchols and Linn Garibaldi, Miss Eliz abeth Mather and George Snyder, Miss Corinna Laxton and Willard Keerans, Miss Eleanor Kuhn and Harry Lassi ter, Miss Sarah Elizabeth Moody and Walter Brem Mayer, Miss Mary Speir and Edwin Speir, Miss Virginia Bell and W. P. Finley, Miss Charlotte Mil stead and McLean Sinclair, Miss Jean Crowell and Caldwell Johnson, Miss Elsie Brown and Walter Scott Miss Louise Hutchison and Carr Purser, Miss G-sorgianna Caldwell and Dan F. Mallory, Miss Mildred Cave and Brooke Todd, Miss Grace Montgomery and Cornelius Summerville, Miss Jane Tal iaferro and Hugh Sinclair, Miss Mary -Bagley Ross and Tom Harris, Miss Doris Howell and Joe Cowhig, Miss Julia Settle Wilkes and Robert Justice, Miss Hazel Hunter and Martin Craw ford, Miss Martha Davis and Jack Hand, Miss Wayne Dudley and William Laslie, Miss Elizabeth Gonzales and Hal Davis, Miss Lemma Shepherd and James Trotter, Miss Ellen Charnley and Byrd Crayton, Miss Alice Cilley, of Hickory, and Garrett Morehead. Miss Louise Duffey, of Baltimore and John Yarbrough, Miss Rosalie Hull, of Savannah and Olin Wearn. Miss Ada Heath Montcomerv and Oiirr 'NrioViof Miss Catherine Redfern and Alex Da vis, Miss Lucy Hestth and Aubrey Gil lis. Stacs: Robert Rur-k Sa- fhoniin Frank Chaplin, Pie Chaplin, George vnapun, vvnnam schiltz, Robert Mc Millan, Alex McMillan, George Wilkin son, Stancill Page,' George Roscoe, Lo ren Charnley, Hal Kemp, Hampton S. Brown, Sam McDonald. Bobby Long, B. , C. Talley, Jack Brown, James Page, Henry Rejlley, Chauncey Mc Lean, William and David Yates, Har old Buck, Afex Shuford, of Hickory, John G. Simpson, Taliaferro Simpson, Ed. Martin. Morris McDonald, Billy Harrell. Tom Craig, Bob' Gilmer, Gel der Robinson Hutchison Ham, George Lowe. Julian Wilson. Milps Shaw Pqv. mond Lawing, Harold Carter, Jack London, Jack Milstead, Richard Lit tle john, Paul C. Whitlock, Robert Dix on, Thurston Kiser, Ralph Woodside Duffy Bruns and guest, Hamilton Bis bee, - Robert J, Walker, John R. Mor ris, Paul Chaplin, Lloyd Staten, T. D. Kemp, Parks Dalton, Billy Draper Paul Jamison. Ed. Wilson., Charles Jamison, Jim Van Ness, Eddie' Fox, Jack Thompson, Robert Mason, Spen cer Harrlll. William . Craver, Leroy Vaughan, James Propst, Andrew Mil stead, Joel Yarbrough, Steve Partridge Beverly Gresham, John Craig Shelton, Duncan McDonald Ed. Glover. In Honor of Miss Moore. Miss Cornie Fore was hostess at an elegant dinner-party at the Myers Park Club Saturday evening in honor of her sister. Miss Elizabeth Fore, who is a student at Agnes Scott College this winter. The table was decorated with the Christmas decorations. A perfectly ap pointed five-course dinner was served. After dinner, the guests remained for the Christmas Eve dance at the club. Covers were laid pr Miss Fore, Miss Elizabeth Fore, Miss Mildred Hender son, Misa Virginia Loving, Miss Martha Jamison, Miss Augusta Cannon, Miss Maria Rose, Miss Edith Gilchrist, Miss Nettie Allison; John Purser, Zack Lin ney, William Yates, Wirt DeArmon, William Harding, James Alexander, Ed win Clarkson, Alex. McMillan, Albert Glover, Tom Barnlardt, Gelder Robin son and Clyde Fore. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Landing ham will have with them for Christ mas, Colonel and Mrs. George L. Tay lor, of Alstead Center, New Hamp shire. Mrs. Taylor is a sister of Mrs. Van Landingham and is charmingly known in Charlotte. Col. and Mrs. Taylor have been in Florida and are motoring home. They will spend sev eral days here. Howard Long, a student at Erskine Collage, is at home for the holidays with his parents, M.r. and Mrs. S. F. Long. H. W. Beach, of Havana, Cuba, is here for the' holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rankin, of De catur, Ga., have arrived in the city to spend some time with Mr. Rankin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rankin, Sr., at their home in the county. Later they will go try Thomasville to spend a part of the holidays with Mrs. Ran kin's parents. Mr. Rankin is profes sor of mathematics at Agnes Scott Col lege, at Decatur. Fred McCall is home from the Uni versity law school at Chapel Hill to spend the holidays. y MiS3 Mary Ross, Miss Giacie Brown and Miss Mary Pressly are home from Due West S. C, to spend the holidays with their parents. They are students of the Woman's College at Due West. Miss Guthrie Hood, of Matthews, and Miss Emma Reid, of the county, also students of the college, are home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eagan, of Salis burj', are spending Christmas was Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardeman at their home in Myers Park. Mrs. Eagan and Mrs. Hardeman are sisters. Miss Mattie A. Smith, of the South ern Enterprises, Inc., is at home in Wadesboro for the holidays. Mrs. Thomas Fuller and children, Thomas, Jr., Martha and Elizabeth, of Atlanta, are spending Christmas with Mrs. Fuller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Howell, on South Try on street; Eugene. Kelley is spending Christ mas in Atlanta. Miss Mary Glover left Friday for Salisbury to spend the holiday with her parents. Dr. B. H. W'ebster left Saturday for his former home at Madison, where he will spend a part of the holidays with his parents. Mrs. Mayme Moore Sifford went to Stony Point Saturday, her former home where she will spend a part of the Christmas holidays with her mother Mrs. James Franklin Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Shepherd Wil liams and little daughter, Dora, of Lake City. Fla.. are the quests of Mr nnri Mrs. Williams' sister, Mrs. J. F. Roberts, for Christmas. Mrs. Roberts has as her guest, also, her sister, Mrs. Howard itanaoipn uano, ot uastonia. Miss Mary O. Graham, nrpsidrmt r Peace Institute( is in the city to spend the holidays with her father, Archibald Graham. " lifers ' riIlt. &9 JUT' - Shrisftnas Motor Accessories Co. 512 S. Tryon St. Phone 287. fattening, but you might havP a uaf ice or fresh or stewed fruit with sugar. 'ut Justine: The tiny round marks your face are probably nothinp v'm "n serious than freckles. You rniein t bleaching t.em with cuoumhor ,-, ''' or with peroxide of hydrogen, 'f are moles you had better vovl y physician. 1 a Buttercup: If your nose is VOv.- r,:.. continue with the blackhead ,.','.a powder, which you have been Usinc a which you say helped yon f, , ' deal. This is so drying that it wi'i taw" up the extra amount of oil j.,' v, skin. Be sure that you rins,-. it thoroughly and follow up with a ro':! rinse, or if possible with an ;, ,-. Then when you dry the skin a y, tie face powder. In connection wj-'i this treatment, you could steam vn ,'' face once a week as this is ilryjiv' also clears the skin. ' ul1' X. Y. Z.: Vaseline will not hurt th eyelashes. but as it is a miner;-. 1 i,.0, uct, it will not nourish them. Marion J.: Table salt is as pood a sea salt to put in the water ;n ,-i,i.u you wash. Sea salt is a little eh0il All inquiries addressed to Miss rrl in care of the "Beauty Chats"" ment will be answered in these coin,, in. their turn. This requires eonsirv able time, however owing to th,- 'R1.'0.' number received. So if a peiimi quicker reply is desired a stamped ar ' self-addressed envelope must ho ciu'li-' ed with the questions. The Lditur 1 Miss Mary Kirkpatrick, secretary to the president of Peace Institute, at Raleigh, has arrived home to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. Edward Kirkpatrick. J. Caldwell Armstrong, Jr., has ar rived home from Nashville, Tenn., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.- J. C. Armstrong, Sr. He has been a stu dent during the past year at the Hume-Fogg School. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Chester, of Raleisch are guests of Mrs. Chester's parents' Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Cochran, for the holidays. Ma-, and Mrs. Wr. G. Rogers have as their guests at their home on East Bou levard during the holidays, S. W. Rog--ers and Miss Maria Rogers, -of Atlanta. They are brother and sister of Mr. Rogers here. KEESLER'S CAROL SINGERS ON JAUNT Prof. E. L. Keesler, heading 30 young men of the community, all of whom "breakfasted" at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cutter at 12:30 Sunday morn ing, began their evcursions through the city at 1 a. m., singing the usual Christmas carcles. in accordance with a custom which Mr. Keesler inaugurat ed) many years ago. Tho "breakfast" at Mr.- Cutter's was elegantly appointed and heartily en joypd by the company of carolists. The table, laden with an appropriate Christ mas menu, was attractively decorated. Mr. Cutter also donated to the carol singers his large truck with wich tey started out on their musical mission. Mr. Kessler planned to cover the en tire city, going in and out through te streets of the city, visiting the residen tial sections, both in the eart of the city and suburban, and to bring the program to a close at 5 o'clock Sunday morning. r FIRE DESTROYS BUILDING. Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 24. Fire completely destroyed the flve-story building of the Western Life Insurance Company here tonight, entailing a' loss estimated at $800,000. DEATHS FUNERALS MRS. MARIA SKINNER DK.VXK. Mrs. Maria Skinner Diane, wiii",,:' Rev. Robert Brent Drane. of s. iuil church, Edenton, and mother cf i Drane, of Charlotte, died sudd- idy ya urday morning after a brief ati.i. k pneumonia. Mrs. Drane is survived, in addition i, her husband, by the following n;im, six children: Brent S. I Iran.-. ch;r lotte; Mrs. J. Cheshire Webb. llitisUn-,',-Rev. Frederick B. Drane, the aivhd'.i' con of Alaska; Dr. Robert Piane of Savannah and Misses Katheiine atui Marion Drane of Edenton. Another son Frank Drane, who formerly lived iii Charlotte, died a few years ago. Mrs. Drane was well-known in tl.e eastern section of North C.uoiin;t f(,r her interest in all movements Kndiiic to the uplift, of society and for her in terest in affairs of church. MISS ANNA MAY .MILLS. The funeral of Miss Anna .Miv Mills, who died at the home of h. -mother, Mrs. Alice Mills, S'Mi North Church street, Saturday, will in. lL-, it 11 oclock Monday morning nom the residence arid will be conduclrd V, Rev. John F. Crigler, pastor of .i. Mark's Lutheran church, of which Mis? Mills had long been a faithful ail lo5ral member. Interment will be in Elmwood cemetery. Miss Mills is survived by her motlj.T and by one sister, Mrs. J. H. Iluffnm. A niece and nephew, Gladys and Joint H. Hoffman, both living in Portsmcjrh, Va., with their mother, also survive. DEPUTIES ADJOURN DEBATE TO TUESDAY Paris, Dec. 24. The Chamber if Deputies adjourned late today to re sume debate on Tuesday with repard to the policy of the French delegation at the Washington armament conference. Premier Briand vigorously defended M. Barthlot. general Secretary of the foreign office, against charges mad" hy the opposition in connection with fail ure of the Banque Industrial de Chine. In the course of the debate, former Financa Minister Klotz asked P.riand to stand by the indemnity nltiinatuia served on Germany and to make iu cessions. Purcell's Women's Garments of Quality Purcell's y Jt. -m .. Jj2 ' to all our friends and thanks for helping us hold the lamp of trade high during the past busy weeks of your large and continued pat ronage. 9 The -Wise Men "fell down and wor shiped Him." Go To Church Today