8 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1921. WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT LGST FOUND The Pullin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE - CENT -A -WORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" 8et this style and type one cent psr word each Insertion. STYLE "B" SET THIS TYPE, TWO CENTS EACH INSERTION. STYLE AND PER WORD STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Office building. 20 offices. well located. J. H. McAden. Phona 860. 3-ti FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES "WH VIIVH 'I'H I NliN" ojnuj wuksu and delivery wagon ' ' -- -'-- - AJ.-.. i i uor. ont tm t. ,1 o . ti, LOCAL. AND 79. 17-tf . Local Distance Hauling KS! most any hour to S p. m. 9-tf Any style "IngztH" either tnm. or between lines, at bov rotes. ton or tot double the Clflfiftffleil srhrertlslne Is sold cash with ordr bntf or convenience of Charlotte patrons, who are listed in the telephone directory, or known In the newspaper office, a memorandnm charce will he made with the excitation that the nil he paid when presented. Regular Classification of ads cannot he guaranteed after 12 o'clock for Dally Kdltfo.n or after 10 p. ra. Saturday for Sunday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Linotype operator .Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. tf WANTED oman for cook and pen eral housework. Must live on pi a near country club. Phone 4031-W. 22-3t WANTED Two first class film inspe tors at once. None but first class ;n snectors neerl apply. Eletaliran F;lm Co.. third floor Piedmont Theatre Bid. 23-3 YOUNG MEN. over 17. desiring gov ernment positions. $130 month, write for free list of positions now open ? R. Terry, (former Cvil Service exam iner), 224 Continental Bldg., Wash inerton, D. C. 23-5t WANTED Settled wife for general place. References 195S-J. colored man anil work, to live on required. Phone 23-3t WANTED Boy over 16 to ride bicycle and collect. State age and give ref erence. Apply in own handwritin Address "Collector," care News. 23-4t MEN wanted to qualify for firemen hrakemen, experience unnecessary Transportation furnished. Write W jsoggess. bt. Jjouis. 4-4t-sun WEN wanted for detective work. Ex perience unnecessary. Write J. Ga ror, former Gov't Detective, St Louis. 4-4t-sun MEN Firemen, brakemen, .beginners $150, later $250; experience unneces sary, (which position?). Railway care News. 4-4t-un RELIABLE MEN wanted in each town for special advertising work; expe rience unnecessary; liberal pay; op portunity for promotion: references required. Address Eastern Company, Dept. N-5, Box 117, North Postal Station, Boston. 10-16-8t-sun tvAAifcu nvo laay solicitors at once for Charlotte and Gastonia. High grade work. Good proposition. Ad dress Box 1235. Charlotte, N. C. 23-3t-eod KLLIAELL colored nurse who can live on lot and do washing and ironina r four. Apply 115 Kinnev for familv Bldg. AV. Third St. Jo-It MEN wanted for U. S. Mail Service. Permanent. Easy to get in now. Cor respondence course unnecessarv. Write E. S. Bishop, Box 391, Jopliii, '.EN wanted to learn the automobile mechanics trade, a trade with a fu ture. We teach you by actual garage work on real automobiles. Positions secured. Free booklet. Write Auto mobile College of Nashville, Tenn. 25-3t YOU can earn big money silvering mir rors, making glass signs and name platf-s. Our instructions are reliable-: send for particulars. Mirror Works, Apalachieola. Fla. 2j-ir LOST OR FOUND TAKEN By mistake, from Myers Park Club dressing room Friday afternoon, 16th, brown fur neckpiece (Bau Marten). Return to Mrs. C. W. Tillett, 801 N. Tryon St. . 22-tf LIBERAL reward for the re turn of Overcoat taken by mistake from the City Audi torium Wednesday night at American War Mothers' Ball. Phone 800. 22-tf STOLEN Ford coupe, 1921 model. State No. 113086. Large steerin" wheel. A. P. E. shock absorbers. Motor No. 5529135. Notify the Chief of Police, Charlotte, N. C, or H W Whitley, Zebulon, N. C; $50.00 re ward, no .Jt LOST In shopping district between Efird's and Square, a brown fur. Liberal reward. Phone 1437-W. 22-tf iUfci Hamilton gold bracelet watch Movement No. 2027146. Case No 67S5016. Monogram S. W. Z. on back, rn Tryon street, between First and Tryon Drug Store was in Brock man's. A liberal reward offered. Zin del Hveienic Bakprv ' FOUND That Warren's Service ber Shop will be open until Monday, Dec. 26; 9 West FOR RENT Large light ground Mnvin o nkin e Stnrin cr nuur steam neateu onice. WE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO. 207 W. Fourth St. DAY PHONE 1166 NIGHT PHONE 5074 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S. Poplar 25-tf : Phone, clerk, furniture, if de sired. Morris E. Trotter. 9-tf UNFURNISHED two-room apartment, private bath, lights included uo- slairs. Phone 2042-W. 516 S. Tryon. 15-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen, one nicely furnished room, close in. Private fam ily. PJione 1156-W. lP-tf FOR RENT To eentlemen or counle. furnished room, heated private, fam ily, in Dihvorth. Phone 29S1. 17-tf FURNISHED ROOM water and heat in 4076. with board. Hot Dihvorth. Phone 20-tf FOR RENT To couple, nicely nished room; 313 East Seventh fur- St. 20-tf FOR RENT Furnished three-room apartment, private bath. No children. 1907 Park Drive. 20-6t FOR RENT Large, completely fur nished bedroom, close in. Phone' 2571-W. 21-tf I l.RNISHED bedroom and kitchenette in refined, congenial home to couple: 901 W. Trade. Phone 945-W. 22-tf FOR RENT Three unfurnished flrsl floor connecting rooms, lights and water furnished, $30. Apply 22S N. College. 23-tf (iKT YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over as new. Phone 15SS-J. Lawi VISIT ukawuk GROVE Five cars pineapples and ruby blood oranges for sale. Grapegrui.t Washington State apples. Florida Fruit Distribu tors, P. & N. track. 19-6t FUEL Don't fool yourself by buying cheap fuel, the best is always the cheapest. We weigh and fork every ton and guarantee satisfaction. Phone us a trial order and be convinced. PHONE 1216 Blue Gem SI 1.00 Per Ton Pocahontas Egg $11.00 Per Ton Pocahontas Rom S9.00 Per Ton Penn Anthracite $16.50 Per Ton Dry Stove Wood, $2.00 and $4.00 Loads WIGGINS FUEL CO. QUALITY AND SERVICE. FOR SALE New bungalow, Colonial Ave., furnace heat, hardwood floors 60 foot lot. $6500. Phone J.-C. Harley, 3022. F. C. Abbott & Co. 20-t.f BARGAINS we nave several very good used cars that can be bought right and on easy terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church, 9-tf RENT A, NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DHIVE-UM CO.. 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN than 20 used models $200.00 and Hipp. 211 4050. USED CARS More automobiles different and up. Apply Sehorn N. College St. Phone 7-tf FOR SALE One Ford coupe, one Ford touring, one Chandler club roadster, ail in good condition. AV. E. Bailey, "Bailey Bros. Market, 519 W. Trade st. ii-ti FOR SALE Ford - touring car, 1917 model, one Ford lignt delivery truck, chean- Phone 346. 11-tf FOR SALE Hudson speedster, line condition, good tires. Must be sold, make me an offer. J. J. Shuman, Adm. Phone 472. 19-7t FOR RENT Furnished room to gen tleman only: 10 N. Graham. 23-3t Mattress Factory. 10-tf FOR RENT 3000 feet floor space and two offices, located on Southern sid ing, close up town, an ideal, location in many respects. Phone 364. Loca tion, 425 S. College. 23-tf FOR RENT to business One furnished bedroom girls. Phone 1757-J. 23-tf FOR RENT House 3601-.T. for rent. Phone 23-tf t Uti KhiNl Furnished apartment. four rooms and bath on first floor. No children! 60S N. Poplar St. 23-ti FOR RENT Garages Phone 660-J. 307 Tenth Ava. 2S-3f FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 13 West Vance. Phone 829. 23-3t t un titL i t orty-acre iarm near Charlotte, good four-room house. Phone A. C. Lee, 2223-W. 24-2t A sensible gift for your wife would be a Diiworth lot. She will be satisfied. Diiworth Building Company T. T. Cole, President 216 East Trade St. Phones 4550 and 4572 22-3t t TOT Tl y T X - T-i , i- rt - -- -. . v-i.Tij. KjiAijtL, iiituv tive :ars pineapples and ruby blood oranges tor sale. Grapegrui.t Washington tate apples. Florida Fruit Distribu- tors. P. & N. track. 19-fij v.yi, I'Ar&tl HANGING. house painting. CaJi J. M. Muse. Phone 2962 or 2260-.T. 9 tf evening. XI 0 W. Trade St. 19-tf i good BUY Mirrors for Christ- FORD CAR for sale suitable for a ings iiiuiuioiui vij-.ol aU truck Ca1 aftpr 60.clock mas presents. JUzell Pritchard Co., 12 West Fifth St. 12-4t COAL BEST GRADE LUMP SINGLE TONS 10.00 TWO OR MORE 9.50 DELIVERED 1809W Phone 1397 WILLIAMS COAL ea. CO. 22-4t GARAGE for rent; 832 Plaza. 24-2t FOR RENT Bed room and kitchen ette furnished for light housekeep ing. Telephone 3912-.T. 25-1 1 Let Us STOP THE LEAKS in your ROOF AND GUTTERS Phone 3149 STRANGE & BRADY rOR RENT rooms. 311 Two nicely N. Tryon St. furnished Zo 3t 21-tf FOR RENT TWO HEATED ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. PHONE 2374-J. 25-3t titt.. i t ive-room anartment. wa ter, lights, heat and two shower baths, $40 per month; 204 S. Pop lar St. Mrs. Geo. Stephenson. 25-1 1 FOR RENT Nice possession Jan. Phone 2447. six-room bungalow, 1, $7d per month. 24-3t SPECIAL NOTICES nrucv ..t: .-. juu senu us your saietv razor blades they are sharpened by experts and are guaranteed. Charlotte Barber onesre. cnarlotte, N. C. 6-tf-sun ASTROLOGY Stars tell li.-o .t,,,., r-i . - i.,,,. ' sena oirtnciate and dime for trial reading. Eddy. Westport St.. 33-26, Kansas City Missouri. 12-lS-4t-sun WE SHARPEN Razor blades Shears and Knives Lawn mowera t Uli bALL Dry oak and nine wood. iue uem lump coal. $10 per ton. Fred N. Hall. Phone 3880. 22-7t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 25-7t l uri a AL.it, uomDination coal and sas range. Phone 2082-W. 22-4t FOR SALE-MOVABLE GARAG1 PHONE 287. 20-tf COAL and MYERS NOTHING BETTER for Christmas present for father and mother than Dr. Levy's eyeglasses. Made to fit the eyes and face; 7 E. Trade St., upstairs. 22-33t HARDWARE & GOODS CO. SPORTING 5-8-30t-sun LEVY'S EYEGLASSES Nothing better; 7 East nt ail eyes. Trade. 11-23-tf flANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Ch.r. lone. N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-ti .tv xuyvx xits.a maa.3 out or vour oia ones. Kenovated. New ticks. Ii pays. It rids you of vermin. Cal' 15S8-J for particulars. Lawing'a Mattrea3 Factory. 12 North Long St. 28-tf LET 'I HE Vv EST TRADE PRESSING CLUB nave your clothes to repair dye. clean and nress t-none do4. 24n wst TVori, -t.f-sun-wed BEFORE COAL YOU BUY phone us WILLIAMS COAL CO. We have QUALITY & PRICE 1809W 1397 22-4t CAROLINA SIX BEST IN DANCE MUSIC FRANK B. CRAYTON, Manager. PHONE 304 CHARLOTTE, N. C. 20-7t PROFESSIONAL Phone 1364-J. chimney sweeps. DAVIS SHEET METAL Specializes in auto radiator tanks, fenders and hoods, bodies made according to tions at reasonable prices. SHOP repairing Cut down specifica- w e can o.jiuct juui silverware, brass, copper, zinc, cast, ana cans ot any descrln- nun. ah vvorK guaranteed. x.'ijz ooutn jnurcn. Phone 3033 2l-3t-wed-sat-sun Why buy dirt and slack? CALL WILLIAMS COAL CO. And get QUALITY coal Every ton weighed. Every piece burns A-l LUMP DELIVERED single ions 10.00 Two or more ea. 9.50 EGG per ton o no 1809W Phone 1307 22-2t Thurs & Sun ALWAYS -LUiMEMBER you get the best for less mon ey, rourth Ward Shoe Shop. r-none 44U. vve call for and deliver. 19-tf Wed Fri Sun Absolutely free from slack dirt, every ton weighed 71 T , , . . maximum neat ana minimum ash waste. Lump single tons 10.00 Lump two or more 9.50 ea. EGG 9.00 WILLIAMS COAL CO. 1809W Phones 1397 22-2t Thurs and Sun LARRO DAIRY FEED Larro, the guaranteed feed for milk cows, Ful-O-Peo drv "I , . v masn laying grade, Ful-O-Pen. growing mash, Ful-O-Pep scratch gram wheat for chickens. Mel rose flour, Occomeachee self-ris ing flour, grass seed. Loaded shotgun shells. Lard, sugar and ;oitee. SOUTHERN FEED CO. SPECIAL PRICES ON THESE CARS Overland Sedan Overland Touring Briscoe Sedan 1920 Briscoe 1918 Briscoe Ford Touring J. H. HAM 306 N. Tryon. Phone 342 24-2t WILLYS-KNIGHT (Seven Passenger) II you want a seven-Dassensrer auto mobile that is in almost perfect con dition then this is the one. Cord tires, uumper, motometer and spara tire. Liberal terms. DAIL-OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trde St. 21-5t WANTED To pay you cash for your old wrecked or burned automobile. Address P. A. Prince, P. O. Box 63, Charlotte. N. C. 24-7t USED BUICKS At Big Reductions. o-passenger 4-cylinder $ 260 5-passenger G-cylinder 2'J5 o-passenger 4-cylmder 375 passenger 6-cylinder 500 passenger 6-cylinder 675 -passenger 6-cylinder (1922 model) 1225 o passenger 6-cylinder 725 7-passenger 6-cylinder 700 Dodge roadster. 1919 model S00 C. C. CODDINGTON. INC. 432 W. Trade St. 24-3t FOR SALEREAL ESTATE IMPROVED MECKLENBURG FARMS You will find what j-ou want in our detailed list of choice farm offerings. H. H. THOMAS COMPANY 102 Trust Bldg. 15-tf FOR SALE Direct from owner, fur nished or unfurnished six-room bun galow with all modern conveniences. Located in Third ward. Phone 1423-.T. 20-tf FOR SALE Seven-room bungalow. Elizabeth section. A bargain. Will accept second hand automobile as initial payment. No cash needed. A'ddress Bungalow, P. O. Box 1347.- 20-tf FOR SALE Several brand new bunga lows ready to move into January 1. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. 24-5t FOR SALE Kingston avenue, Dii worth lot from owner: $1150 cash; balance by month. Address Bargain, care News. 21-5t FOR SALE Dandy bargain in Dii worth, two stories, heat.. Your own terms. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 24-5t FOR SALE Edge Myers Park, new bungalow. Possession January 1; $6500 with heat. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-at E'OR SALE Eight-room bungalow, Myers Park. Now vacant. Heat witli coal in basement. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-5t FOR SALE Best buy in Charlotte. Near playgrounds, Elizabeth; $1000 cash, balance like rent. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-at FOR SALE Two brand new home, Myers Park. Ready to move into. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-5t WILL give 30 to any one that will handle $2000.00 real estate note, 12 months. Address W. A. B., care News. 24-5t FOR SALE Five rooms Myers Park section Gas, water and lights. Ce ment street; $4950. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-5t INVEST in uptown business property. We have one of the best propositions ever offered on market. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535. 24-5t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To make your mattresses and pads to order. Mattresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co., 250 N. McDowell St. Phone 1127-L2. 22-tf WANTED Your ing, refinishing Phone 40C9. painting, floors. J. calscmim S. McCall. 12-tf , AN'l'Eu Usea furniture. 505 W. Eleventh St. Phone 443S. 18-tf WANTED Orders for cabbage. Read our ad in Farm Products column. Myrtle Beach Farms Co., Myrtle Beach. S. C. 16-20t WANTED Baby push cart. Good con- dition only. Phone 1825-W. 20-Ct WANTED To buy $2000 worth, of furniture and stoves. Piedmont Fur niture Co. Phone 4344. 12-28-30t 1 WANTED You to save money and gc to 11 S. Church for your barber work. The best of tonics are in our place. Boys hair cut free. 6-tf-sun WANTED More ladies to bring their scissors and knives to Dad's place, 18 S. Church, to bo sharpenedt 10 eents each. Good work guaranteed. Purdy. 25-lt Phone 1677. 43-45 S. College St. 18-tf. Sun Tue Fri MONUMENTS See us before placing your order. We will save you money. PIEDMONT MARBLE CO. 301 East . LEE PHILLIPS, with J. W. Cobb. Second St. 4-tf-Sun Tu Auctioneer. Office Phone 3695. 8-tf-ead Fri T r a "i r t-i . . 1 " .i . . "Avii your car nut m orrii- at tii mgnway Parage. Don't matter what kind you have. C. A. Jones has cnarge or tne automobile department. aiso Drmg your horses and mules ana nave them shod. And any other! DiacKsmith work you may have. R. i. Jennings, Mgr. Phone 3909. 24-3t T. TAT IP C!Tr t-t t ft . . ' ' . . . ..iwia. iui VWULfcT against scale. Prices mi application. Faris Seed Co., Green wood, S. C. 12-lfi.iat.w.fr..-,',- " - t i I. II iivmi'ih i pyn 3iij mm pie, effective treatment for inflamed gallbladder and bile ducts associatea vwtu ganstones. Booklet free. --aaaocK, isox E-7201. Kansas COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 25-7t Mo. Dr. City, Phone 4197. Bar- noon Fourth St. 23-3t wi.nu m wxty Auditorium, a fur aunng ooutnern Motion Picture Ex position. Owner can get same by de scribing aid paying, for this adv Address Jas. A. Estridge, Gastonia i C- 23-3t ?S,Im"Card ca,se containing $10 bill in Tryon Drug Co. or Independence i,u'i -iewara. Phone 6403. County 24-2t LOST Between Little-Long and snuar mu. ji rouna please return in News and receive reward. 24-t LOST $20 Fridav mVht- Finder call 45 and re ceive reward. 25-lt SALESMEN WANTED to $10.00 easily Stop-Lites $25.00 DAILY made selliner - . rtmu Excentionai r.,r.-, Tuning t7.,l. , i, "T" -i'liHH) i' cucrai r ounary Cleveland, Ohio. Supply Co. 24-3t ro work his home terri- m an om established wun unusual earning State exnripnp tvt . - , i business opportunities. Ralston, S30 QWu. 25-lt U'll XT . ' nri. visiting (joncora stnn at ti central billing Station on East Cor- unie at., ror gasoline, oils, auto laundering, tires, tubes and service. 9-1-7 wu.iiv4Mii nun c inrow away yoar saieiy oiaaes. i sharpen them lika new at uad's Place, 18 South Church. Satisfaction guaranteed. Purdy. 25-lt KIM I .KPTmo j -- ' J- ) v l i iii ifi 1 1 nn . j. learn about New Rational treatmtut iuiniuiaie reaet of epilepsy pasi- "j' -cupping an seizures from I'"- .Ucy s Jse. information free Specialist," Drawer B-592, Lander uini;;. A T -wm " - ,. , - ruti oALE MarlfPt. nnrl rures, ioU8 South Trvon St. OVERLAND MODEL 90 (Five Passenger) t-H. - t -m . t mm xms is a aanav tnorousrniy over hauled and newly painted. You can not equal it for the price asked Cash or liberal terms. DAIL-OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade St. 21-5t LIBERAL TERMS ve win De giaa to extend vou verv liberal terms on our used cars. A small cash payment or trade; the bal ance in small payments. Come in ant'. see us. DAIL-OVERLAND CO. 43(5 W. Trade St. 21-5t REAL VALUES IN USED CARS HUPMOBILES Hupp Coupe, Ideal family car. Hupp Model K. Touring Hupp Model N. Touring Hupp Model K Touring Hupp Model 32 Touring OTHER MAKES Dodge Brothers Roadster Stephens Salient Six Touring. JNew. Ford Light Ton Truck Federal 3V ton truck. CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. 209 S. Church St. WANTED ALL GOOD SPORTS IN CHARLOTTE OR NEARBY COME TO THE SHOOTING MATCH AT EATMAN'S AND SECREST'S PLACE AT .OLD CAMP GREENE BAKERY SHOP MONDAY, DECEM BER 26. PLENTY CHICKENS AND TURKEYS. GOOD THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK. A. GOOD TI vIC FOR ALL. LADIES INVITED. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 1303-W. -It FARM PRODUCTS WE NOW HAVE for sale several thou sand crates fresh, well headed cab bage, 3Vc per pound f. o. b. MyrtI-3 Beach, S. C. Cash with order. Myrtle Beach Farms Co.. Myrtle Beach. S. C. 16-20t FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS Leading varieties, ready for ship ment; post paid: 100, 25c; 500, $1.00; 1,000, $1.60. Government inspected F. E. Hull, Rock Hill, S. C. ll-26-30t H O USES WANTED ROOMS Phone 961 25-3t eod WANTED On or about February 1 to lease for one or two years, six- room bungalow with garage. Good neighborhood. Address "Permanent, r. U. Box 966, Charlotte. 22-it 25-tf FOR SALE wajnijd To borrow $1,500 m a . . . ' iwenty per cent interest. Se curity $4,&oo. Phone 4378. OKI i- FURNACE SMOKTRS? Tgentswanted SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT many friends of J. -Harvey xie is now service manager juay JNignt Garage. Do not the place, 720 S. Mint. Phone to the ! We clean and renaiv llol UZ1 Kurnaces, Hot and Cold - -"-1 - .... f-o? rvr uwes- Anything in agents wanted sntjtju metal. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES ! Selling at cost plus hauling in our great sale on new gas ranges, combination ranges and all the heaters in our store. During this sale we will take CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. F. A. Craig and son. J. D ri . 1 . A, . . . iaig w ion 10 inanK tneir many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown them also the beautiful floral tributes in their recent bereavement in the loss of husband and father. 25-1 1 T,viijiii uur uniaue r an sioio i . " . - - ..... v household necessity without any talk- vour Old StOVe m exchange. ne 25-3t NOTICE Republic and White truck owners: Why have your trucks stop ped on account of radi ator trouble? Drive to our place and let us save you money. Cartridge i i i -i . , , , , cunes ouiit ana installed the same day. Charlotte Radiator Company. 25 ltl Ohio. LARGE agents shirts STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 21-tf WANTED REAL ESTATE I -IS 1 x r A "Mm T 7 -w- . ......xu xisl your uronertv for- vv. v.. jriarris & Co., 12 South I Tryog St. Phone 936. WANl'ED Light housekeeping cxpaitiaeiiL on or near car line 3 to 4 rooms, bath and heat! eitner lurnisnea or unfurnish- tu oy rennea couple with 4 montn-old baby. Mail partic ulars and rental to W. N. Hei- aei. iviflriprihiirn: Hotel. 25-3tJ ing or experience whatsoever. New Idea Co., 31 Bayonne, N. J. 25-lt 3 i fco nu uisLrioute rree samples to tousumer, uc per hour. Write fcr iuii particulars. American Products vo.. us: American Bide-.. HnHnnn 2o-lt L"I I l i-i m ' ojrinx manufacturer wants to sell complete line of ! direct to wearer. Erelnsiv. patterns. Big values. Free samples .ivjauison ivnus. 502. Broadwav. TVt.r lOfK. or 11 I You can't afford to miss this opportunity if money means anything to you. CHARLOTTE STOVE CO. 233 East Trade St. Phone 477 XMAS 22-7t CHRISTMAS GIFTS For Christmas Give Electrical Fixtures and Appliances. For Sale at your price Page Electric Co. b South Church St. 16-9t FOR SALE Christmas nlants Pvnin I TYi r.vt , . : r - , - I Phoae 6&X-W- 407 TanJLh Ak, ' ;u I BUSINESS OPORTUNITY TIT A "rVTfTlTT-!- . ' nAijiu oomeone who wishes to in vest iuuu in a beautiful valuable utaiuuuu 1 uig. une or tne safest a id most useful ir.vegtmunts. Address A. B. C., care News. . , WAN TLD Your account to collect; ten i" experience in tnis work. Reler- vuizcs, lurmsneo, x-vin c.itv T.o,.r . .uueciion Agency. Wnafnn.S9l. xt r """-"'i N- u 2d-lt RAISE big capital for nnv iin business. Write for free mnv m, ii. iuaiiviiis, snows now COmnanUe ,aiTC etJ capital Dy my easily oper- aiea meinoa. Cunningham, Financial oycL-iaiiBi, iau urant mag. Los An- Economy Grocery 37 W. 4th St. Closed Monday V FITE'S SPECIALS This season of glac. ness brings memories anew of our pleasant re lations. We appreciate your friendship and ex tend our best wishes foi a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Will be open Tuesday the 26th. CRAIG FITE The Cut Price Cash Grocer Red Front 39 S College 1875 Phones 1876 We deliver all over the City. Phone 4090 Fiesh pork hams, lb No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck .. Our best chicken feed, pock .. 100 lbs. our best chicken feci 15 Pbs. fine grnaulated sugar . Fresh eggs, " dozen 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour .'. 48 lbs. Elizabeth flour 24 lbs. self-rising flour 4S lbs. self-rising flour " No. 5 Snowdrift lard . . . . . , No. 10 Snowdrift lard ' . . ..,)0i . . r.c S2..i .?!.? . Sue .si.os .S','.!0 SUO .S'i.I3 ..6.-,c PHONE US YOUt? WE DELIVER ANYWHERE IX THF CITY. 1TCASHeRQ? Corner Eleventh and Graham Streets. Phone 4090. Will give you a wide range of fool thoughts QUALITY and VARIETY 2016 -PHONE -1768 F'at chickens, 1T Fresh eggs, dozen 60c Breakfast bacon 25c 16 lbs. best sugar 24 lbs. Melrose flour 1.23 2-1 lbs. Pillsbury flour Sl.l-i 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour SI.W 100 lb. sack Edan chicken fend KM Fure Georgia cane molasspp. gallon 8"n: Fresh country pork shush ge H.ir lfcllow lam sweet potatoes, goud ari sound, peck 3(i- Oh yes, coffee's that satisfy. Max-APi! House White House, Lord i.'alvpr:. Private Estate, St. Regis. One i family. Fancy apples, seal sweet orangpf. H sins, nuts, paper shell pecans, cian-berries. Fresh pound cakes, ft 3"c Miller's fruit, cake. Near or Far You Can (lei Is u the Tinkling Hell. f We Deliver. 2016 PHONES 17fi8 THE RED FRONT STORK Corner Church and Fourth Ms. 0 WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME CITY OF HARL0TT1 BULLETIN The City Commissioners extc" to the people of Charlotte vers' sU! cere wishes for a Merry ( ' 'mr and a Happy, Prosperous New if2'

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