12 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 27, 1921. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power end authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Charles R. Jackson, Jr., and wife, dated April 15, 1920, and recorded In book 425 at page 336, of the office of the Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg: county, de fault having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned did, on Monday, the 21st day of November. 1921, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door of Mecklenburg county, the lands hereinafter de scribed, at which time and place the same was bid off for $3,000.00. Thereafter, to-wit, within the ten days allowed by law, said bid was raised by an Increase of 5 per cent and the Clerk of the Superior Court of Meck lenburg County having ordered Ihe undersigned to re-sell the said prop erty, notice is hereby given that the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the second day of January, 1922. at trij hour of 12 o'clock M. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door of Mecklenburg county, the following described prop erty: That lot of land shown and desig nated as Lot No. 5 of the Revised Map. book 230. page 76, of block No. 3 of "Hill Crest" fronting fifty feet on Polk avenue and extending back about 213.8 feet between lots No. 4 and 6. and bounded In the rear by a ten-foot alley leading from Shorter avenue to gether with the right to use all the streets and alleyways shown on said map BMng the same lot which was con veyed to the Mutual Trust Company by deed dated October 25th, 1909. recorded in book 254, page 333, of the Register's office, said lot being a por tion of the larger tract conveyed by said deed. This lfith day of December, 1921. J. E. DAVIS. 12-l7-3t-oaw Trustee. SALE OF LAD BY TRUSTEE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in me in that c-rta'n deed of tvnt dated September ST. 3 920. by Charles R. Jackson and wife. Mary Jane Jackson, whih deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, X. C. in Book 483. at page 20S, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the owner or holders of the notes or bnirts thereby secured having demand el and required the undersigned trus tee to Advertise and sell said property thereby conveyed. 1, V. R. Smith, trus tee, will expose to public sale, to the hisrhest bidder, at the county court house door in the city of Charlotte, Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, at 12 oVlork M on Monday, the 16th day of January. 1922. the same beinu' the third Monday in January. 1922. the following described property, to wit: Trying and being In that section of the city of Charlotte, known as Craig head Park and being Lot No. 1 and a part of Lot No. 3 in Square No. G as shown and designated on the map of ""raighea I Park, which is recorded in Book 202. Page 622-R23. in the Reg ister of Deeds office for said Mecklen burg county, reference being made to laid map: said lot of land being bound ed as follows: Viz., beginning at a stake at the southwest intersection made by Lillington avenue and Craig head avenue and runs in a westerly direction with the southern line of said Craisiioad avenue 157 feet to a ten-foot alleyway; thence in a south erly direction with the east line of said alley 40 feet, thence in an easter ly direction and parallel with Craig head avenue 157 feet to the western edge of Lillington. avenue; thence in a northerly direction with the line of Lillington avenue 40 feet to the be ginning. Being one of the lots con veyed to K. A. Kidgeway by Carolina Realty Co.. and a part of ' the same property conveyed to V. J. Guthery and wife. Nellie B. Guthery by E. A. Ridgeway, and the same lot conveyed by V. J. Guthery and wife to Mrs. T'lara M. Spencer by deed recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Book 399, Tage 71. for Mecklenburg county. N. C, and the same lot of land con veyed to the said Chas. R. Jackson and wife, Mary Jane Jackson by deed da.t fd September 27. 192Q, to which- refer ence is also mad. This lCih day of December. 1921. F. B. SMITH, i:-lR-5t-oaw , - Trustee. TltlSTKE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under the authority of that certain deed of trust executed bv J. II. Deal dated May 26th. 1919 and duly re corded in Book 406, page 13S, in the office of the Register of 'Deeds of Mecklenburg County, N. C. and to which reference is herebv made, and on account of a default in the pay infnt of the indebtedness as therein so cured, T. A. Adams, trustee in said deed of trust will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at J 2 o'clock M. on the third Mondav in Tar vary, the same being Januarv 16th, 1922. at the county courthouse door of Meeklenburs? County in Charlotte. N. C, the following described real estate: That certain lot fronting on tne north side of Central avenue in the City of Charlotte, and beginning at the N E. corner of W. M. Longs lot and running from said point of beginning with said Central avenue in an east erly direction 50 fret, and running back with that width and in a north erly direction a depth of 190 feet to a 10-foot alley, and being in all respects Lot No. 5, as shown on the map of tho property of ,i. Flowe as recorded in Book 32,2, page 10. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg County. N. C, and to which reference Is hereby made, t Kether with the right to use the 10 foot alley In the rear of said lot h; common with other lot owners. This the 14th day of December. 19'1 ... T. A. ADAMS, 1 2-19-4t-mon Trustee. TR L'STEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust dated May 1, 1918. executed and de li bered by U. S. Hinson and recorded 'n Hook 359. page 370. of the offi.-e of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, to winch reference is hereby made, and because of default in com plying with Ihe terms and performing the conditions . therein contained; and ar. the request of the owner and' holder of the bonds therebv secured the Undersigned will offer "for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of Mecklenburg County North Carolina, on the Ifith dav of January, 1922, being the :ird Monday In January, 1922, at 12 o'clock, nooii ihe lands embraced in said deed of trust and particularly describe! as fellows: In Charlotte Township, . Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, bing in the City of Charlotte, and being Lot No c' in Square No. 2, in that suburb known iockwood, and shown and des;" nr.ted on map thereof recorded Tn Book 332, page 61. of the office of the Register of Deeds . for Mecklenburg i ounty, to which reference is herebv made, and being the lands embraced in said deed of trust. . . This sale will remain open ten davs for increase of bid as provided by law 'this the 2nd day of December 19n" . . . B. M. BROWN. " ' iz-ia-n-mon Trustee. NOTICE. s'orth Carolina Mecklenburg County. H. M. Blake having made an assign nent for the benefit of his creditors to he undersigned as trustee, this is to jotify all persons having claims against he said If. M. Blake trading as Blake's uto Service to file same with the lerk of the Superior Court of Mecklen urg County duly verified as provided by aw or this notice will be pleaded in bar f their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said H. M. Blake will please make mrnediate settlement. This the 1st day of December 1921. L. L.. HACK YE Y, ,. - ' Trustee. NOTICE. Armature "Winding Company, L. F. Stratton & Sons. Proprietors, having taken over the business of the corpora tion known as Armature "Winding fc Ferroflx Brazing Company, and said corporation having been dissolved; Now. therefore, as required by law, the following notice is herewith pub lished: CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina, Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous ,-on-scnt of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Armature Wind ing and Ferrofix Brazing Company, a corporation of this State, whose princi pal offlce Is situated in the city of Charlotte, county of Mecklenburg, slate of North Carolina (L. F. Stratton being the agent therein and in charge there of, upon whom process may be served), has .complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, en titled "Corporations." preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolu tion: Now, therefore. I. J. Bryan Grimes. Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 2fith day of November. 1921. file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings afore said are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 26th day of November, A. D.. 1921. (Signed) J. BRYAN GRIMES. 12-5-4t-mon Secretary of State. TRLSTEK'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority in me vested by that certain deed of trust executed and de livered by J. M. Ashley and Ethel Cor.ley (unmarried), for balance pur chase money, dated August 21, 190. and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Mecklenburg county. N. C, in book 431. page 67fi; and. because of default in the pay ment of indebtedness thereby secured, df. mands having been made upon me by the owner and holder of said indebtedness that I proceed to sell the land hereinafter described for the satisfaction of same, I, J. O. Thcmr.s. trustee, in said deed of trust, will expose for sale at public auction and r-elN to the highest bidder for cash at the county courthouse door, in the citj of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock noon. on; Monday, the 2nd day of January, i1S22. all that certain lot or parcel of land situate, lying and bemg in Meck lenburg county, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows: That certain lot composed of parts of lots 9 and 10, in square 169. as shuwn on Butler's map of the citv of Char lotte, in ward No. 2 of said citv and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north side of East Vance street. 34 feet dis tant in a westerly direction from the southwest corner of lot No. 11, in said square 169; said point of beginning, being the southwest corner of the lot conveyed by B. Rush Lee and wife to Joe D. Smith, by deed dated November 4. 1918, and runs thence with East Vance street in a northwesterly di rection 25 feet 4 inches to the corner of an S foot alley; thence with the east line of said alley in a north easterly direction 95 1-2 feet to the point where said alley turns: thence in a northeasterly direction with the turn of said alley 12 feet and 3 inches to a point on the south lint of a 25 foot alley 53 feet and 4 inches distant in a northwesterly direction along the line of said 25 foot allev from the northeast corner of said Joe D Smith's lot; thence with the line of said 25 foot alley 19 feet and 4 inches to the northwest corner of said Joe D. Smith's lot; thence with the line of said Joe D. Smith's lot 106 1-2 feet in a southwesterly direc tion to the point of beginning! Together with, .as appurtenant to the lot . above described the right to use as a means of - ingress, egress and regress , to and from the above de scribed lot in' common with the other adjacent land owners lawfully en titled thereto, the 8-foot alleywav lying between the lot aforesaid and the 25 foot alleyway in rear of the lot above described' and turning space, connect ing two aueys as are now open and i i use. ' Being in all respects the same lot of land conveyed to J. M. Ashley and Miss lvihel-'Conley. and- H. B.. Heath (single) by deed dated the 24th day of August. H'20,- and duly recorded in the office of .the register of deeds for Mecklen burg county, N. C, in book 429. page 436, to which "deea "and the deeds therein mentioned- reference is hereby made. Also twenty-five (25) shares of capi ta", stock of Mechanics Perpetual Build ing & Loan Association in the 76lh series. This 2Sth day of November, A. P., ir-21. ' , r t J. O. THOMAS, U-5-lt-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the power of sale and authority vested in tho undersigned trustee by that certain deed of trust dated the first day of August, 1917, made by Robert Ingram, and recorded in book 379 at page b3S, etc., in, the offlce of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, to which reference is hereby made, default . having been made in payment of the debt thereby secured and in complying with the terms and performing the conditions tnereof, at the demand of the uwner and holder of the notes or bonds secured thereoy I will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the county courthouse door, in Charlotte, Mecklen burg county, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, the second nay of January, 1922, same being th- first Monday in January, 1922, the land embraced in said deed of trust and particularly described and bounded as follows: In Charlotte township, Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, beginning at a corner in the middle of the Beattie'i Ford road north of Biddle Institute at a point where the old line corners, 'and runs in a northern direction 50 feet, on said road thence back 170 feet with a width of 50 feet (more or less) to a line 5 feet from the line which separates lots Nos. 3 and 4 as shown on a diagram which is a pa-t of deed made by Roxie AlcCormuk to Mary L. Massey, which is registered in book lfiS, page 70, in the offlce of the register of deeds for Mecklen burg county, and being the same :ot of land which was conveyed by Lewis Arenson to J. W. Barry by deed dated April 20, 1917, and recorded in book t-Ko, pafe 536, of the register of deeds for Mecklenburg county. Said land will be sold subject to two prior deeds of trust executed to the Mutual Building and Loan Asso ciation, and also subject to the payment- by the pureh-aer of all taxes assessed against same and unpaid December 2, 1921. , - At . w- v- HALT j, 1--o-4t-mon Trustee. RECEIVER'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS North Carolina, Mecklenburg Countv Ben Goldsmith, Plaintiff, vs. Phillip & . Myers Kline, trading as Charlotte Leather & Findings Co., Defendants.. Lnder and by virtue of an order rf the superior court, all creditors of Phillip and Myers Kline, partners, do ing business under the name of Char lotte Leather and Findings Co ? South College St.. Charlotte. N v" are hereby required to file their claims' against said insolvent company wi;h the undersigned receiver, at his office. uSh t6 r?nd 407 Realy Bldg.. Char lotte N. C, on or before the first day of February, 1922. or they will oe barred irom participtating in the dis tribution of assets of said company. lms the oth day of December 191 t C. A. DUCKWORTH, "' Rtceiver, Charlotte Leather & Findings ESpaT?y n 46-7 Realty Bldg.. Cha?! Intl. is. C. 12-5-4t-moai TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the authority contained in a deed of trust, dated November 24, 1S19. by Elizabeth B. Bayne and hus band, J. C. Bayne, to the undersigned Trustee, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, in book 415, page 332, to secure the note or bond therein de scribed, and for default in the paymert of the same, the undersigned trustee will, on tne 2nd day of January, 1922, at the courthouse door of Mecklenburg county, in the City of Charlotte, at 12 o clock M, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, those two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being In Steel Creek Township, and bounded and described a; follows: First Tract Adjoining the Torrence. formerly Ferris lands. Flow McKee land, beginning at a rock on the State line, between the states of North and South Carolina, and runs thence with the Ferris, now Torrence lands, N. 28 W, 39 chains to a hickory, McKee's corner; thence with his line. S. 75 E. 15.55 chain to a stake; thenjee S. 45 3-4 F. 26.60 chains to a rock on the State line, a corner of now or for merly the Campbell lands: thence with tho State lJne. 20 1-4 chains to the beginning; containing 43 1-2 acres. And being the same devised to Eliz- I abeth F. Bayne under will of tht late J.-iie Kizer. probated in Book 11, page 452. of Mecklenburg county. Second Tract Adjoining the first tract above mentioned. L. Kizer and others, berinnine: at a rock on the ! St.ite linft. z.nd runs with said line N 52 E. 6.S.0 to a 3-ock; thence N. 45 3-4 W. 2f- to a stake in Hoover's line: thence with his line, S. 80 W. o to a W. O.. hSs corn-r; thence S. 25 W 2.60 to a hickory; thence S. 45 3-4 K. 26.60 to the beginning; containing 16 1 -2 acres, more or 4ess, known as part o'" the Campbell lands. Being- the same devised to Elizabeth K. Bayne by Lahon Kizer, under will probated in Mecklenburg County, in Book R, page 502, as the Heme Piace. Such period bid, in the statute. provided. This the 29th dav of November. 1921. W. S. ALEXANDER, ll-2S-5t-oaw Trustee. i TRUSTEE'S SALE OK REAL, ESTATE. Under anl by virtue of the power coa tamed in a. deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 26th day of February, 1!H7. and duly re coided in the Register's office of Meck lenburg County, N. C, in Book 368, pfige 564. and because of default made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and because of tho failure to carry out the conditions and stipulations contained therein, the un dersigned trustee will sell to the high est bidder for cash at public auction, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in the City of Char lotte, on Monday, the 16th day o"' January. A. D., 1922. the following lot or fact of land, described in and conveyed by the said deed of trusL. In Ward No. 2 of the City of Char lotte, beginning at the northwest cor ner formed by the intersection of South Long street and East First street in said city, and running thence wiui Fast First street in a westerlv direc tion 49 1-2 feet to Daniel Brycc's corner; thence with the line of Daniel Bryce's lot in a northeasterly direction, and parallel with South Long street 9:"' feet to Bell Alley; thence with the line of Bell Alley, and parallel with First street in an easterly direction -5 9 1-2 feet to Long street; thence with South Long street in a northerly dii ca tion 99 feet to the point or place of beginning. Being the same lot which was conveyed to Aaron Boyd, Sr.. l.v C. Dowd and wife by deed recorded in Book 110. page 472, in- the offijo of the Regiser of Deeds for Mecklen burg County, North Carolina. Locate! on said lot is a five-ro.m frame dwelling house known as No. 1011 E. First street, and included in this conveyance. This loth day'" of December, 'A. D., 1021. MINNTE A. COCHRANE. GRACE C. ADAMS. Exeoutrices of R. E. Cochrane, Trus tee, Deceased. 1 2-1 9-4t-i:io:i sale will remain open for a. of ten days for an increyed accordance with the terms of in such cases made and TRUSTEE'S SALE OP REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale nad authority vested in the undersigned trustee by that certain deed of trust dated the 6th dav of j December. 1920, made by Annie E. Mumpnrey. and J. I... Humphrev, and recorded in book 437 at page 356. etc.. in the office of the Register of I Deeds for Mecklenburg County. North I Carolina, to which reference is hereby made, default having been made in payment of the debt thereby secured and in complying with the terms and performing the conditions thereof, at the request of the owner and holder of the notes or bonds secured therebv, T will sell, at public auction, to tlie highest bidder, for cash, at the countv courthouse door, in Charlotte, North Carolina, at 12. o'clock, noon, on Mon day, the 16th day of Januarv, 1922, same being the third Monday in Jan uary, 1922. the land embraced in said deed of trust and particularly described ana Dounaea as ronows: That certain tract of land lying and uruig in narione jownsnip, Mecklen- OUrST LOU11TV. IVOrth ( 'a mlina ha':r, rr- oil ! of Lot No. 25. in Block No. ii a snown on tnat certain map of the In terstate Improvement Company record ed in Book 230. Paeres 92 and 92 in the office of the Register of Deeds for iviec-Kienourg ijounty, N. C, to which reference is hereby made for a mor particular description. Said lot front" ;.0 feet on Smith .Street and extending back to a ten-foot alley 150 feet, being 0 feet by 150 feet with a four-room hcuse thereon. This conveyance is made subject to the restrictions r-nn. ! tained in that mrtain Acca i in Book 409, Page 323. Said land will be offered for sale subject to the payment by the pur chaser of all taxes and assessments levied against said land and unpaid December 15, 1921. to E- L- PROPST. 12-19-4t-mon Trustee. NOTICE OF SUJIMOXS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. orth Carolina. Mecklenburg County. Builders Supply & Equipment Corpora tion. Plaintiff, vs. Lewter F. Hobbs. Defendant. The defendant above named will taka notice that, an action entitled as above has been begun in the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, North Caro t.mai t0c rficovr the sum of Eight Hun tA Seventy md 6S-100 ($870.68) Dollars and interest thereon from the 24th day of May, 1919, due by con tract, the summons in which action s returnable before the Clerk of Court of Mecklenburg County at his office in rooaorlotLe on tJe 25th ds,y of January. 192. when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plaintiff and if the defendant fails to answer within"1?.1?- the 1?laintjff's complaint within the time allowed bv law the plaintiff will apply to the court, for the relief demanded in the complaint The defendant will further ' taki notice that a warrant of attachment xv,as issued by the undersigned Clerk on thrti IVv. thie above entitled action on the 3 6th day of December. 1921 asralnst the property of the defendant which warrant is returnable before the undersigned Clerk of Court at the time and place above named for the return of summons. - cmi-i This 16th day of December. 1921 , . . C. C. MOORE. Clerk of Superior Court for Mecklen burg County. 12-19-4t-mo:i ADMINISTRATOR'S IVOTICE TO CREDITORS. vHaCvn8" qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Margaret E Mc Kmley (alias Kinley) deceased, late of Mecklenburg county. North Carolina aL persons holding claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present such claims, dulv itemized and verified, for payment on ?r99before he 21st day "f November, U22, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of payment. AH Persons indebted, to this estate are requested to make prompt settle ment with the undersigned. This the 18th day of November, 1921 . . . , . W. M. SMITH. Administrator of Mrs. Margaret E. Mcianle Deceased. ll-Sl-6t-moa TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust executed by C. W. McMakin and wife. Mabel W. McMakin, dated 20th day of April, 1921, - and recorded in book 443, page 288, of the office of thi Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, default having been made in payment of the debt secured by said deed of trust and in performing the conditions thereof, be ing hereto requested by the cestui que trust therein, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Mecklenburg County, in the . City of Charlotte, N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 16th day of January, 1922, being the third Monday in January. 1922, all that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lying in the County of Mecklen burg and State of North Carolina and bounded as follows, to-wit: Being Lot No. 1. in Square No. 1. as shown and designated on map of the property of the Charlotte Invest ment Company, recorded in book 332, page 186, of the offlce of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg . county, to which reference is hereby made, said lot fronting 119.3 feet on Remount road, being 214.6 feet in depth cn one side, and 211.2 feet in depth adjoin ing Lot No. 2 and being 129.2 feet in width in the rear, as shown on said map, and being the same lot of land conveyed by the Charlotte Investment .Company to C. W. McMakin and wife. Mabel W. McMakin by deed dated April 19. 1921 and duly recorded in the Mecklenburg Registry to whicn reference is hereby made. Being the piece." parcel and tract of land described in the aforesaid deed of trust. This the 17th dav of December. 1921. E. L. KEESLER, 12-19-4t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S RE-SALE OF REAL ESTATE. : ; Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust executed by T. B. Barber to me on thi 1st day of January, 1919, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, in Book 407, page 1S2, to secure a certain indebted ness, the undersigned trustee will, on the 2nd da,y of January, 1922. at 12 o'clock M. 'at the courthouse door in the City of Charlotte, offer for sa'a to the highest bidder, at public auctin for cash, all that certain lot of land situated in Charlotte Township, Meck lenburg County. North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a stake or post on the east side of North Clarkson street. Charlotte. N. C., the northwest corner of the lot sold to J. C. Cathey et al by L. W. Humphrey and subsequent ly conveyed by J. C. Cathey et al 1 1 David Davidson (see deed recorded in Book f!77, page 5SR. of the office of the Register of Deeds county afore said): and runs thence in a northerly direction along the eastern margin of North Clarkson street forty-four feet to a stake or post: thence in an easterly direction about one hundred and forty-eight feet to a stake or. post on an alley; thence with the said alley ir, a southerly direction, forty-four feel,' more or less, to a slake or post, the northeastern corner of the lot of David Davidson: thence in a westerly direc tion with the line of David Davidson one hundred and forty-eight, feet, more or less, to a stake or post on North Clarkson street, the point of begin ning. Being the northern part of the prop erty conveyed by Z. V. Kendrick and wife to L. W. Humphrey by deed dated April 1. 1910. and registered in Book 264. page 23, of the office of Register of Deeds of county aforesaid. This deed of trust and sale is sub ject to a prior deed of trust. This the 16th day of December. 1921. W. H. "WILLIAMS. 12-19-2t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that eerta-n deed of trust dated May 1 4th. .1921. executed bv the Mecklenburg Lumber Company, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds Tor Mecklenburg County. North Carolina, in Book 44S, page 152. default having been made in the payment of th3 indebtedness thereby secured as there in provided, and the holder and owner of the' note or bond thereby secured having demanded and required thj undersigned trustee to advertise and sell said property thereby convefd. said trustee will expose to sale at public auction for cash to the high est bidder, at 12 o'clock M, at the county courthouse door in the Citv of Charlotte. Mecklenburg County. N. C. on Monday, the 16th day of Janu ary, 1922. Ihe same being the third Monday in January, the following de scribed real estate: In the City of. Charlotte, beginning at a stake on the north side of East Eighth street extension, being 65 feet in an easterly direction from the north east intersection of Kingston avenue (now Hawthorne Lane). and said Eighth street, and being" the south east corner of B. S. Moore's lot, and running in an easterly direction with the line of said Eighth street 60 feet to a stake, the southwest corner of Frank H. Lampkln's line (or what was formerly Lampkin's line) ; thence n a northerly direction and with the western line of the said Frank II. Lampkin's lot 123 feet to a stake; thence in a westerly direction, parallel with Eighth street 60 feet to a stake, the northeast corner of B. S. Moore's lot; thence in a southerly di reel ion parallel with Kingston avenue (now nantnome iane), and with the eastern mie ut n. o. jvioore s lot izA reet. to tne neginning corner; being a part of the lots conveyed to Carolina. Realiv Company by John A. McRae by deed registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Mecklenburg County ui nooK ob, page And being the same lot of land conveyed to the Meck lenubrg Lumber Company bv L. C. and E. P.- Benton bv deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County in book 373, at page 310. This the 16th day of December, 1921. , I. W. STEWART, 12-19-4t-mon .... Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina. Mecklenburg County. In the Superior Court. -M. F. Trotter. Jr., vs. Mrs. W. K. Wright, formerly Nina C. Trotte-, Guardian of Mary Trotter. The defendant above . named will take notice that on the 12th dav of December, 1921, a summons in 'said action was issued against the defend ant by C. C. Moore. Clerk of the Su perior Court of Mecklenburg Countv, N. C, said action being brought for the purpose of having the plaintiff declarsd the owner of and entitled to the pos session of fifteen shares of preferred stock in the Thrift Manufacturing Company and thirty-five shares n preferred stock in tne Highland Park Manufacturing. Company, and . to have said stock transferred on the books i -". re3P6Ctive companies to the plaintiff and to cancel certificates of stock now outstanding, said stock now standing in the name of Nina C Trotter, Guardian of Mary Trotter and to have relationship of guardian and ward between Mrs. W. K. Wright formerly Nina C. Trotter. Guardian of Mary Trotter, and the said Mary Trot ter dissolved, (the said Mrs. W K Wright. formerly Nina C. Tro'tter" Guardian of Mary Trotter, now being resident of the .State of California) which summons was returnable before Hon C. C. Moore. Clerk of Superior Court of Mecklenburg Countv, N C on the 17th day of January, 1922, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or . the relief demanded will.be granted. This the 13th day of December. 1921 C. C. MOORE, Clerk of Superior Court HAMILTON C. JONES, Attornev for Plaintiff. 12-19-4't-mon ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Robt. W. Wolf, deceased, late of Mecklenburg county, North Carolina all persons holding claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present such claims, duly itemized and verified, for payment on or before the 21st day of November lt'22, or this notice will be pleaded n bar of payment. All nersjns iniloMorl tn tnlo are requested to make prompt settle- lumi. wiiu me unaersignea. This the 18th day of November, 1921 W 1JT 5MTTU Administrator of Robret W. Wolf.'De- cco-abu. ii-2l-6t-mon TRUSTEE'S RESALE. Under and by virtue of the author ity vested in the undersigned trustee by that certain deed of trust executed on the 15th day of May. 1918. and recorded - in book S93 at page 52 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county. North Caro lina, to which reference is hereby made, default having been made in the terms and stipulations therein con tained and the cestui que trust having made demand upon the trustee to fore close, the undersigned will sell the hereinafter described property at public auction to the highest and' best bidder for cash and upon the express con dition that said last and highest bid der, shall Immediately deposit with the undersigned trustee the amount of his bid in cash or a certified check therefor, and that if thi3 condition be not complied with the property is to be resold at once; said sale to be held at the courthouse door in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina. . at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the 2nd day of January, 1922. said property being described as follows: Being all of Lots Nos. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. 36. 37, 38 and S9, as shown on a certain map of Garden Terrace, which map Is duly recorded in the Public Registry for Mecklenburg county in book 332 at page 84, reference to same being hereby made. This property was sold at public auction on the 21st day of November. 1921. upon a resale at the price of eighteen hundred ninety-one dollars ($1891.00). which amount has been in creased by a new bid to nineteen hundred and eighty-five dollars and fifty-five cents ($1985.55); and said property is now being resold on ac count of said increased bid; bidding to start at the said sum of -1985.55. This the 16th dav of December. 1921. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. v 12-TJ-3t-oaw Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust executed by A. Collins and wite. Hattie O. Collins, dated 2 6th day of January. 1921. and recorded in Bool: 434, page 594. of the office of the Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, default having been made in payment of. the debt secured by said deed of trust and in performing the conditions thereof, be ing hereto requested by the cestui que trust therein, the undersigned will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Mecklenburg: County, in the City of Charlotte, N. C. at 12 o'clock, noon, op the 16th day of January, 1922, being the third Monday in January, 1922, all that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lying in the County of Meckien-1-urg and State of North Carolina, and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake In the southeast edsre of Queens Road (for roerly called Main Boulevard), the corner between Lots 10 and 11 ot Block 3A of Myers Park, runs thence with said edge of Queens Road in a southwesterly direction following the arc , of a circular curve of radius 1937.46 feet to the right, 236.40 feet; thence with the arc of a circular curve of radius 20.00 feet to the left 48.46 feet into the north edge of Edgehill Road: thence with said edge of Edgehill Road in two courses as follows: (a) fol lowing the arc of a circular curve of radius 1 19.12 feet to tie right. 203.60 feet; thence (b) following the arc of a circular curve of radius 881.95 feet to the right. 44.85 feet to an iron stake, the corntsr between lots 11 and 12, thence with a line of lot 12, N. 5-37-1S W. 137.57 feet to an iron stake, the corner between lots 10, 1i anl 12: thence with a line of lot 10. N. 70-37-32 W. 145.00 feet to the point of begin ning; containing, 0.900 acre and being lot 11 of block 3A of Myers ParK acording to the plat thereof recorded in book 230( page 129, of the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Being the piece, parcel and tract of land described in the aforesaid deed of trust. This th3 -17th day of . December. 1921. E. L. KEESLER, 12-19-4t-mon Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Robert Barber, deceased late of Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, al' persons holding claims against the estate of said decedent are herebv notified to present suoh claims, duly itemized and verified, for payment on or before the 21st day of November, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded .m bar of payment. All persons indebted to this estate are requested to make prompt .settle ment with the undersigned. " This the 18th day of .November. 1921. W. M. SMITH, Administrator of Robert Barber.' De ceased. . ll-2l-6t-mon TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust date May 1, 1916. executed and de livered by U. S. Hinson. and "reforded in Book Zo9. page 36S, of the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, to which reference is herebv made, and because of default in com plying with the terms and performing Ihe conditions therein contained and at the request of the owner and holder of the bond thereby secured, the under signed will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door of Mecklenburg . County, North Carolina, on the 16th day of January, 1922, being the 3rd Monday in Janu ary 1922. at 12 o'clock, noon, the lands embraced in said deed df trust, and particularly described as follows: In Charlotte Township, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina; and being in the City of Charlotte, and being Lot No 5. in Square No. 2, of that suburb of the City of Charlotte known as Lock wood, as shown and designated on map thereof recorded in Book 332, page 01 of the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, to which reference is hereby made, and being the lands embraced in said deed of trust. This sale will remain open ten days for increase of bid as provided bv law. ' ' ' . " J- This the 2nd day of December. 1321 , B. M. BROWN. 12-19-4t-mon Trustee TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the authority contained in a deed of trust executed November 231911, by W. IT. MeKinnev and wife to the undersigned- trustee, to secure the note therein described, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds- for Mecklenburg coar.ty, n book 385, page 5o8, and for default in the pavment of the note therein secured, the under signed trustee will, on the 2nd day oi January, 1922., a.t the courthouse door of Mecklenburg- countv, tin he city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, that cer tain tract or parcel or land lying and being in Providence Tqwnship,-, Meck lenburg county, and bounded and de scribed as follows! Adjoining the lands of L. A. Tuttle ' "'c,a unningnam. s. II. Elliott, Mrs. Bell, ana others-. ... Beginnipg at a stone, B. C. Cun ningham's and Novela .Sizer's- corner and running with Sizer's line N. 81 1-2 W 72 1-4 poles to a stone; Sizer's "and Tuttle's corner; thence, with . TuttLe s lines. S. 34 W. 54 poles to a stone' thence S. 56 1-4 "W.. 6 poles to" a dogwood at a branch; thence with the branch to another dogwood at the forks of the branch; thejice again with the main branch (and Mrs. Bell's Ain) m a S. E. direction to- a stone, Mrs. Bell s corner; thence with two. other of Mrs. Bell's lines, S. 25 E. 22 poles to a stone; S. 20 E. 47 poles to a stone, Elliott's and Bell's corner thence with the branch (and S. H. El liott's line) In a southeasterly, direction to a black jack stump thence S. 32 1-2 E. 43 poles to a stone in the Providence Great Road, S. H. Elliott's corner thence with said "road N1. 87 1-2 E 46 poles to a stone; S. 63 1-2 E.- 17 poles to a stone; thence with B. C. Cunnine ham's line, N. 18 1-2 W; 25S 1:2 pole to the beginning. v conveyed Tto said W. H. McKinney by i Voi "xiey oy aeea -dated March 21, 1902, and recorded in Book 165 P2S 426 ln tne office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county. Bv and with th que trust, the sale will remain open leu ua ior an increased bid. V "- me-, statute providing for an increase of bid under a trustee's, or mortgage sale.. This the 30th day of November. 1921. 11 on r. ' W S. x ALEXANDER. ll-29-5t-oaw - Trustea. NOTICE OJ' SUMMONS AND "WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County In the Superior Court. R. C. McManus and Henry Hayman, Plaintiffs, vs. H. J. Lamar, Inc., a Corporation, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action . was issued against H. J. Lamar Company, Inc., a corporation, the said defendant, on the 3rd day of December, 1921, and that said summons was returned endorsed by the sheriff: "This defendant is a non-resident of the State and no officer or agaot can be found in Mecklenburg County;" that this action is an action for the recovery of Nine Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($970.00) and interest; that the said original summons was returnable before the undersigned clerk of the superior court at his office in the courthouse in said county on the 10th day of January. 1922. The defendant will further take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by the undersigned clerk of the court on the 3rd day of Decem ber, 1921. against the property of the said defendant which warrant was re turnable before said clrk of the court at the time and place above for the return of the original summons; that said warrant of attachment was duly levied upon certain personal property located in Mecklenburg County. North Carolina, belonging to said defendant. The said dfendant will further take nctice that it is required to appear be fore the undersigned Clerk ot the Superior Court, at his office in the courthouse. Charlo.te. North Carolina, on the 10th day of January. 1922, anl answer or demur to the complaint in this cause, or the relief demanded there in will be granted. This 12th day of December. T)2!. C. C. MOORE, Clerk Superior Court of Mecklenburg Counts. - 12-13-4toaw TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority in me vested by that certain deed of trust, executed anl delivered by J. W. Ritter and wife, dated May 5th. 1920, and duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County. N. C, in Book 42&, page 20. and because of default in the payment of indebtedness thereby secured, demands having besn made upon ine by the owner and holder of said indebtedness that I proceed to sell the land hereinafter described for the satisfaction of same, I. E. T. Garsed. the trustee in sail deed of trust, will expose for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the county court house door in the City of Charlotte. N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, the 16th day of January, 1922, ali that certain lot or parcel of land, tit rate, lying and being in Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: ( Situate, lying and being in Charlotte Township, known as Lot No. 12, Biock No. 4, as shown on map of the Turner Land Company, made by G. C. Hub'oie and recorded at the courthouse of Mecklenburg County on Page No. 3 of Book 332. Beginning at a stake on the west side of Turner avenuo. at the corner of a 10-foot alley 190 feet south of Rozzelle's Ferry Road; thence running in a southerly direc tion along the west side of Turner avenue 50 feet to a stake; thence running in a westerly direction 195 feet to a stake on the east side of a 10-foot alley; thence in a northe.-ly direction aJong said alley 40 feet to a stake: thence in a northeasterly direc tion 14.14 feet to a stake in the sou;h side of a 10-foot alley; thence along the soufhside of a 10-foot alley 185 feet to the point of beginning. Being the same lot of land conveyed to J. W. Ritter by the Turner Land Company, by deed dated "the 3rd day of May. 1920. Being all the land described in and conveyed by the said deed of trust above referred to. ' This 13th day of December, A. D., 1921. E. T. GARSED, 12-19-4t-mon - Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of James C. Kirk, de ceased, late of Mecklenburg County, N. C.', all persons having claims against said deceased, are hereby no tified to exhibit them to me on or before the 22nd day of December. 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said de ceased are hereby notified to make immediate payment to me. This the' 15th day of December, 1321. JOHN A. KTRK, Administrator of James C. Kirk, Deceased.- Ft: F. D. No. 1, Newell, N. C. 12-19-6t-nion ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having" 'qualified as Administrator of the Estate, of. Mrs. Jhnmie Marie Spong, deceased, late of Mecklenburg Countv. North " Carolina, this is to notify all persons having cInjuis ' against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to, the . undersigned at Charlotte. North Carolina, on or before the 12th day of December, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in br of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment This" this I2th day of. December, A..D 1921. . J. S. SPONG. Administrator of Mrs Jimmie Marie Spong, peceased. 12-12-6t-mon NOTICE OF- SUMMONS. State of North Carolina, Countv of Mecklenburg. In the Superior Court. Mrs. Alice O'Connell Hubbard, plain tiff, vs.. George A. O'Connell, John C. O'Connell, Hartwell Douglas, Execu tors of the last will and testament of . Lucy A. O'Connell. deceased: W. A. Hubbard. Jos. W. Hubbard. Kathleen O. O'Connell and husband, Edward O'Connell, Edward O'Connell. Jr., Lute O'Cohell. John C. O'Connell and wife, Mary O'Connell. John C. vO.'Con nell. Jr., Wilson O'Connell, Francis ' O'Connell," Lucria O'Connell. George A. . O'Connell and wife. Lottie A. O'Connell, George A. O'Connell, Jr., Lucia O'Connell. Julia O'Connell, Eliz abeth O'Connell. Courtney O'Connell, Belton O'Connell, Lucy O. Robinson and husband. L. D. Robinson, Mer ritt Robinson. Margaret Robinson, Mary O.- Jackson and husband. W. B. Jackson. Lueile Jackson, Martha Jackson, Kathleen Jackson and John . . Jackson,. defendants. The defendants annrira A rvr.,ii Jnhn C. O Comiell. Hartwell Dougla-;, Executors, .of . the last will and testa ment of Lucy A. O'Connell, deceased, Kathleen -O'Connell and husband. Ed ward O'Connell, Edward O'Connell, Jr.. Lute O'Connell. John C. O'Connell and wife, . Mary O'Connell. John C. O'Con 5v?AL Jr- 'ilson O'Connell. Francis O'Connell. Lucia O'Connell. George A O.Connel.l .and wife. Lottie A. O'Connell. George A. O'Connell, Jr., Lucie O'Connell.- Julia O'Connell, Elizabeth O'Con nell, Courtney O'Connell, Belton O'Con nell. Lucy O. Robinson and husband. J. Jl. Robinson, Merritt Robinson, Mar garet Robinson Mary O. Jackson aid husband; W; B. Jackson, Marv Jack son, Lucile Jackson. Martha Jackson, Kathleen Jackson and John Jackson and any. unknown parties, if. any there be, heirs at law of the late Lucy A OGonneH. deceased, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled notion was issued against said defend ants, on the 6th day of December. 1921 by C. C. Moore. Clerk of the Superior .ourt; of " Mecklenburg Countv, North Carolina, in a .civil action praving for nn order from said court for the sale for- reinvestment of that certain lot of land in Mecklenburg Countv, North Carolina, known as Lot No 2 in Square. No. 25, Myers Park, as shown on map recorded in Book 230, page 2"5 I? "offlce-of the Register of Deed3 for Mecklenburg County, to which ref erence is made, as will more fuliv appear by complaint in said action duly filed on the 14th day of January. 1921 it appearing" that the said defendants claim. an Interest, contingent or other wise, in said lot of land, which said summons is returnable before the Cleric of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg ?o,U,nty un the 14th day of January, 1922, where and when said defendants are, required to appear, and thereafts fJV561" dmur to the said com plaint within twenty days after the filing thereof, or within twenty days after the return date thereof, or with-IhJ- ei tim allowed' by law. otherwise the plaintiff will demand the relief Prayed for ln satd complaint. This the 6th day of December. 1921. . - , C. C. MOORE, Clerk of the Superior Court of afeck . leabuf Couttty,. . - -. W.i9.4t.moa TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the autWn vested in me, the, undersigned tri.J 'f by that certain deed of trut f ? e' Kate Bane Lindsay and husband i Lindsay, registered In book 45" aV J p 80 in the office of the register of for Mecklenburg countv. North s Una. to which reference is herehv nfJ?" default having been made bv "the ' parties in carrying out the term; 11 conditions therein contained, an' cestui que trust having- mad ......... utv. 1 ' ' . w 1 v v !'('. 1 ,i.,n lii iiucuiaiici ucoumeQ propertv r-ublic auction to the . best bidder for cash upon ibp. 1 stated below, said sale to bp'heH 1 the courthouse in the citv of chs-' at or about 12 o'clock noon on 't day, the second day of Januarv said property being described Vs f'' lows: iUi" In Charlotte Township, said Cft,,.. and State, and being known and dV,jy nated as lots Nos. 4, 5, 6 and -block or square No. 2 as shown' J. B Spratfs map of Elizabeth a "1 which said map is recorded i v 230, page 71. in rne 0ffW ,f Register of Deed3 for Mecklenv,' :i at Keerinnine- at an Iron it. s ac or .iionroe avrnm ..1 said map as Its southwest interr-- 1 with Davidson avenue, the nn-ths""1 corner of lot No. 6 and runnhiV ,,- Monroe avenue westwardlv ',' to' tho east or northeast corner rf 1" No. 3: thence parallel with Pav'-Vi avenue, in a southerly direction H fVe to a stake, the southwr , ' ' of lot No. 7 in said otock: thrife tv " the north line of lot No. S in a--,' m'"1 erly direction 300 feet, to a tai Davidson avenue; thence with theVe.''1 line of Davidson avenue, in s"mIi: erly direction 500 fpet to the k.!;;" ning corner, and being a ran r that land that was onvevd tn T, .?' A. Gibson by deed from W : i.'u ai;der, commissioner, dated Xn've, ' 2rd. 1910, and registered in hook page 23R, in the office of the rf.ffi"'-' ' of deds for Mecklenburg i-o-'cm l- " ing also the land that was 'Vom-.. - .w... ti ,111 I. , Gibson by deed dated June "?,r,i Pa si and dulv recorded in hooi.- "i,,' 491. of the office of iVi ''' deeds for Mecklnburg countv also the same land conveved to iv' Bane Lindsay by Katherirle H Coi-V and her husband, M. If. Coi;n, '! deed dated September 29th, inio'',i ici-orded in book 412, page' fin p'r f, said Mecklenburg registxv to' '., '! reference is hereby made. ' 2 As additional security for the psvine- of the note hereinbefore dcs.-'ii, 1 ,, ' parties of t he first part also coin the said party of the sen-ir one (1) Lexington Sedan automobiC 1920 model, factory or motor V If. 755. - The foregoing property win b yn-j subject to the balance due upon V two prior deeds of trust upon the reVi estate above described. This the 2nd day of Decembe- 1,., edgar w. rifArin. 12-5-4t-mon Trusips. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Tinder and by virtue of the pwoT and authority vested in the unde signed by , that certain deed of trust executed by J. C. Taylor and wife Marguerite Taylor, dated the 4th dav of March, 1918, and recorded in book 38S. page 394. of the office of th. Register of Deeds of Mecklenbur County, North Carolina, default havir.e been made in payment of the deir secured by said deed of trust and n performing the conditions thereof t' ing hereto requested by the cestui" mu trust therein, tne undersigned will s?U at public auction to the highest bidd-r for cash at the courthouse door 0' Mecklenburg County, in the City . Charlotte, N. C, at 12 o'clock, noon on the 16th day of January, 1922. beins? the third Monday in January. 1922. a',1 that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lying in the County of Mecklen burg and State of North Carolina anl bounded as follows, to-wit: In Charlotte, being Lot No. 14 in Block No. 38, and fronting flftv (5fb feet on Worthington avenue, and ex tending back with that width oni hundred fifty (150) feet as the Sann appears on Section No. 1 of the nun of Dilworth recorded in the offiVe 1.; the Register of Deeds for Mecklen burg County, in Book 230. page f.o to which, reference .is hereby made' Reserving, however, an alley Vav tn feet wide extending across the rar of" -said lot for the use of all lot nwnii iil Said block, in commnn n itii party of the second part, his hrin ana asisi's, ior tne purpose rf ;nuTe. egress and regress: in consideration r.f which a, corresnondine- rio-ht nr oo. ment will be granted to the purrha;t: nis neu's ana assigns, to the use of im or any otner alley way located 11 said hloclr Being the piece, parcel anil tra-f ( i.tiifi aesenpea in tne aforesaid deed : trust. This the 17th day of December, in::, 12-19-4t-mon Trus'?. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of th estate Of T. KntiA Ale-vanrlor rlonoocc; late of Meeklenhnre Pnnntr Ye-I'i Carolina, this is to notify ail ' persors Having- ciaims against tne estate or saw decedent to exhibit tnem to me. m to my attorney, J. C. Newell, 205 Piei- lTIOnt Rllildine". fharlntte Vnrth Tarn. lina. on or before the ISth dav n! November, 1922, or this notice will b? pleaded in bar of their recoverv. All persons indebted to said estate will piea.se maae immeaiate payment. This 14th day of November. 1321. s t. vnr.FS Executor of the Last Will and Testa- ment oz 1. Ivatle Alexander, V. ceasea. J.' C. NEWELL. Attorney. ll-lo-6t-oaw ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Administrator? or the Estate of Helen Murphy Pnr. deceased, late of Mecklenburg fount.'. North Carolina, this is to notify a! persons having claims against the E: tate to present them to the unde signed, duly proven, wn or before thfl 14th day of November. 1922. nr ths notice will be pleaded in bar of the: recovery. All .persons Indebted to th Estate are requested to make immediate pa- ment. This the 14th day of November, 1921. CHAS1 R. PRICE. MARV T l.KTHi'Ci Administrators Estate of Helen MirpV Price. Deceased. 3 1 -14--mw ADMINISTRATRIX'S XOTICE TO . . . . ...... ( Having qualified as Administratrix the Estate of W. M. Jordan, debased. late of Mecklenburg counfv, o. Carolina, this is to notify ill perso' bavins' plaims ao-ainat tho ettate '' present them to the unders'nei. proven, on or before the 2ttf div c ..v.viilll, , J H'.'ts'T pleaded in bar of their recover.. t All persons indebted to the esta. are requested to make immediate V'--' ment. This the 21st dav of November. 15- ATRS! TP-VVTI." .1 lT7TlAN. Administratrix Estate of W. M. JOTd,n' Deceased. Harrisburg. N. C. R. F. P. 1-ll-21-6t-mon ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE T CREDITORS. Havinp onalifioH as Administrator 1 brt cstato of tlattio 13arW Hepeu'eH. 01 .Mecklenburg county. air persons holding cl estate of said dece irber, derpaH. ;Jl; ty. North rrf, claims aeainst t.: iivjiuftuu a 1 111. veiUJcu, iui ,g. ivtt. or tnis notice win ue p---"--bar of payment. All nerannc Inohforl tn this " are requested to make promr1 tetl"' n.ent nun me unnersigne n. 1Qr, j.ms tne istii dav ot .ovf;r - Administrator ceased. W. M. SMITH, of Hattie T . k C 1 L - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ,, Having qualified as Adtn:i.:su- or tne estate of Mike " 1111'" ceased, late of Mecklenburg ' . ,-: North Pornlina tViio i c 10 TlOtl'.' ... persons having claims against t ue tate of said deceased to exhibit , to the undersigned at Charlotte. ;jV Carolina, on or before the l" of November, 1922, or this i-tlc" e pieaaea in nar ot mru ' ah persons inaeDten to please make immediate payment. p This 14th day of November, "W. A. WTLLI-Vtf'-. Administrator of Mike ' V1,, st.'