THE OTXRLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE. C, WEDNESDlY"AFTET?NUDN , DECEM J3EIT28, l92t. EXAMINE HIS "Dot - . OH -doctor - "XJOCTOtT. . SAY Mot 4toa. U3HAT Hoo Toio MB -Co - : . 1 SggSy UJHAT U)A rtHAT? Hoo "Toco MS To UQiNvi. HOT UJATOT- "BREAKFAST"- Yes" rrii aWI i mil r fe Tiro VAeuu I Tsr2A4W VT FOR. fM MMOTeSTeATSlLtf &or Icoo lisnt ? jSuoauuou) AMoTtfER "Oflop - few MOTHER GOOSE DO! PUZZLE WAS AN, AN&LE v V -i V A ( 3 A '-W 5 . . b 7 8 lb 17 10 - -v 10 o .2,2 4 .30 SK"- - 2ft . WENT AUT IN A WHA FI5H'P ALL THE DAV, AND CAUffHT ANLY A How About New You will find them in these all the new shades of Browns and Greys . See the colors and the wonderful values we are offering at m So. Tryon S'MATTER POP? NET 1bu. Ill eJ7y KM ( 'Afli '4 ?2 A RECEPTIVE MIND. By C. M. PAYNE AM" OF 1 T rK jl-t flAT , t SgrTT4- : " .-- il !1 I " H- - - . I WINOOV4 : J I 1 "Hive I e 3 ' 1 - . I ' f , KA'YAY ' rn rn' i Ai7, nr next , .,.s MUTT AND JEFF MUTT CERTAINLY PACKS A NASTY WALLOP A T TIMES. By BUD FISHER : , - ami Vou aim't ( for thc ucAe'oX " 7 s : , ""V " ' .'. : -r -v. --ir- g GoMNee w Mite, what Drt INvERecv :BecAuseW WHAT :D'e - He TRveb .TO . - j thatmpy AT- esJ ATMvel jFA?woe 'flatter ?V cH-GoYs ! - l uset-n LoAf ReceMTi- hm .m THe V FoR? X Dutchman's'. , oMA.CHeclc. f o -V rTTTD' i , . t ANDES OIL IS GREAT FOR SPRAINS OR PAINS Laid Up With Sprained Wrist for Weeks, Andes Oil Helped Wifti First Application. When a man has been out of woik for five weeks with a sprained wrist which none of the remedies he tried seemed to help any and then one botile of Andes Oil at one dollar enables him to go to work again, he is quite apt to regard it as a wonderful medicine and . tell his acquaintances about it any time they complain of pain. That's what this knitting mills operator in i I last Chattanooga is doing and wo will let him tell it to our readers just .is he , told it to us. It's worth while lisftn j ir.g "Andes Oil is great for sprains. I was scufflins wtih one of my pals in the mills, at noon hour, some months Liu. sun Nj:-ainect my wrist, so l couldn't work for five weeks. It began would havo much didn't find -some-had tried everv - paper soaked in ! look as if I never use of ii attain if l thins: to help it. I thing from brown vinegar on up. Finally I got hold of Andes Oil, and say, the first application made it feel a lot better and in a few days about a dozen rubbings 1 was back on the job. could have bought a. good many bottles with the wages I lost by being idle, but it only tooK one bottle to put me back to earning money." Andes Oil is the great thing for spr;:iiiM, or for any kind of rheumatic pains. It will stop earache or tooth ache in a jiffy. Dysentery h:is been stepped in an hour or so in numerous cases, cholera morbus is quickly re lieved by it. All druggists, 50 cents and one dollar a bottle. Sold and recommended by Wohlford I'orter Drug Co., corner Trade and College Sts. Adv. H'TirSlMMIIMW I m a 1 1 y p igtri THE A TERS LAST SHOWING OF "THE BEAUTI FUL LIAIS." Admirers of ,Katherine Mac-Donald's photoplays again yesterday flocked to .see her new production, "The Eeautiful Tiar," which will end today its thiv day engagement at the Broadway die ?ter. The story of this First National at traction relates the outcome of Helen Haynes' lie and it is capital comedy drama. She was forced into the ",ie ?nd before she had extricated horself from the complications which ensued she had cause to regret she had become inveigled into the conspiracy. Miss ?.IacDonald plays a dual role in this play NOW ON! Amazing mm ITMJSU vuumiLA - ifc-i i El fl 11 LAST TIME TODAY. The Laugh Sensation of 1921. Harold Lloyd in A Sailor-Made Man ir ... ..See L,ov1 as a sob, lie II tie you info a S;iilor Knot of l:-t:-.h:i-r. rHO(;KAM INCLUDES A Two KH "TORCIIY" Comedy roRcnvs pkomotion" -jnd IN TLilNATiONAL NEWS. PI nnouncement! m . ' I! Prices! ' mi I! a il ! j I mi COLONEL MIXTER RESIGNS. Buffalo. X. Y., Dec. 23. Col. George W. Mixter has resigned as president of the Fierce-Arrow Motor Car Com-j pany. He will be succeeded by Vice-' President H. E. Forbes, as chief ex-! ccutive omcer under tlie chairman at the board of directors, Colonel Charles Clifton. FREIGHT RATE (Continued from Fag One.) The Largest Chain of She? Scores in the United State.. 27 West Trade Street OPPOSITE SELWYN HOTEL Open Satisrdaj- Eveline Until 11 n'ClocU after , he reached there. The bullet pierced the brain and the physicians de cided that an operation would be hope less. Local police authorities have arrested three men whom they believe were in ih vicinity of the place on the night of the killing, but they have little against them. The theory is that the people who fhot Mr. Hamilton intended robbing him, but that they became frightened and did not carry out their urpose. HEAR ROUSF CASE. Governor Morrison has set Monday, Janua-y 2, a? the date on which he will hear the petition for the com mutation of the death sentence of Wright Rouse, the ' half-witted negro. who was hired to kill Mr. Whitley, i Mrs. Whitley and a man named Hayes, ' who hired the negro to do the kiliing I were not found guilty of murder in 1 the first degree, but were convicted and sentenced to lif imprisonment. The old half-witted negro, however, was 'ound guilty of murder in the first degree and is now sentenced to electrocution on January 3. The peo ple of Greene county and other sec tions of the east have freely signed the petition for the commutation of the sentence and the appeal has been for mally made, to llhe Governor. GONE TO NTEy YORK. The Governor and Treasurer B. R. Lacy have gone to Jvew York, where they will complete the details neces sary for signing certain bonds that have been sold. The money for these bonds has not been paid over because the1" bonds were not lithographed at the time the sale was made. The Treas urer could not anticipate the interest rate at which he would secure the bonds, and consequently they were not printed ahead of time. MRS. DANIELS TALKS. "December 28, the birthday of Wood row AVilson, will be a notable day in the calendar for all time to those who believe in the principles he made glor ious," said Mrs. Josephus Daniels, chairman of the Committee of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, yester day. "It 5s a day which we believe the thousands of his admirers in North Carolina and t-lsewhere in the country will give to reflection of what his vision and his spirit have meant to world peace and world idealism. He lifted the war out of the question of self-defense and the ruts of hate and ven geance upon the high plane of causing men to see it as the war against war. When all the nations allied with us, accepting the Fourteen Points, secured the peace of the armistice, it was the faith f Woodrow Wilson which gave the world th- hope and promise of world friendship and world association. That hope seemed to fade in 1920, but the conference now in session at Washington is the" reflection of Mr. Wilson's attempt to stabilize the world in 1319 and prevent the distresses which have since prevailed. "It is to commemorate Wilson's con tribution to world peace, world brother hood -nd world justice, along with his devotion to a broader and more liberal America, that the Woodrow Wilson Foundation owes its origin and inspira tion, t "We have been heartened and cheered those of us interested that North Carolina- shall take its large part oow as always in Woodrow Wil son policies at the interest already shown in the movement. January l(j is the day set as the big day of the Foundation. It will be impossible for us to reach all the friends and admir ers of our former President, and I am therefore appealing through the press on Wilson's birthday to all in North Carolina who wish to have a share in furthering the Foundation to write me. Volunteers are wanted in every city, town, village and hamlet in North Car olina men, women and children. J hope all whose heart beats with fhd principles for which Woodrow "Wilson stood will celebrate his birthday by writing to me at Raleigh with Misrces. tions as to the best way they can help to reach all the people. "I had a letter today from a Ht year-old boy in Fayettoville. .lohn If. Anderson, Jr., sending one dollar, ami saying he wished to make his comribin tion so it would be in hand on Mr, Wilson's ' birthday. I have no doubt there.'. arc many others who will h glad to do likewise. It is liopod that) this honor to Mr. Wilson's ideals will be made possible by thousands of con tributions, small ones and large cnf alike." R? ' ! Iff I II. H IfrfSgSF1 X 1 1 AUD 1TORIUM ONE NTTE, WEDNESDAY 28. PRICES 50c to $2.50 SEATS NOW AT BEATTY'S DRUG STORE. I143PADWAYI QQMUSICAL y ' BRILLIANT COMEDY A CREATION OF TUNEFUL-JINGLING MUSICAL NUMBERS rreaeeerTerfrphheS'KenthVsiaSYc V?" uproarous laufthter than eer before has been heard within the four walls of a theatre. . DIRECT FROM BROADWAY. Six Months' at the Times Square Theatre. "It's a performance not to be missed." Richmond News-Leader THIS IS THE ORIGINAL COMPANY. Mail Orders Now to Geo. E. Swink, Manager. LAST TIME TODAY m (Jk the picture wifTvmt a y'UUan, BEAUTIF XIAR DL POPULAR POft CEM.'JtATIONS" 1 V A Prnaratloiv evf COMPOUND COPAIBA aad CUBEES 7 AT YOUR DR'aGCIST 1 The Standard Amusement. MATINEE TWO E VETTING DAILY SHOWS 3:30 P. X. 7j1."5 and 0 P. M. 20c and 30c 40c and 60c Attraction Extraordinary Dewey & Rogers in a vaudeville oddity "NO TOMORROW" Added Added Attraction Feature! JOE PEARL JOSEPH M. LANE REGAN & HARPER Assisted by in a variety Alberta Curliss offering offers "Bits of Wit" "Irish Melodies" Special Feature! AEON1S & CO. A New Artistic Novelty ' Special Attraction POLLARD Manipulating Comedian THE PATHE NEWS Ses All Knows A II A PLEASING COMEDY The llislit Sort THE VERY LATEST AND SNAPPIEST DANCE MUSIC ON New Victor Records Whoever first said, "I can't make my feet behave," must have anticipated .the December Victor Dance Records. Just go over this list and make your choice. J Sal-O-May Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith and His Orchestra Why, Dear? Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith and His Orchestra Victor Double-Faced Record 18816 Second Hand Rose Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Have You Forgotten? Medley Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orcheatr Victor Double-Faced Record 18818 My Sunny Tennessee Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Mai One-Step The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Victor Double-Faced Record 18819 Tuck Me to Sleep in My Old 'Tucky Home Fox Trot The B enson Orchestra of CriicftS"'1 Wabash Blues Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Victor Double-Faced Record 18820 One Kiss Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Just Like a Rainbow Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Victor Double-Faced Record 18823 Canadian Capers Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Bimini Bay Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Victor Double-Faced Record I882. Come in and hear these new dance records. 1 P.AmT Music Department (i I? Pa Co