THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 28. 1921. s . porbe? ANNSW ERED LJ3TTERS. t 1 r r.:-Tt is practically impossi ; ,i'.ue the shape of the nose. . facial specialists who can r. a nose that is actually. de ul improve it, hut these op ore expensive and must be ; ,y a well trained man. If of the nose is clear, its shape count against one's appear- no "lump" in the middle of ' is due to the shape of the vhien is the bony structure ( so. and cannot be removed. p at the end of the nose may , fatty deposit which could he noticeable if the nose were - v massaged and pinched with .:--Some hair seems to grow naturally so that it is very ;,, make it lie hack on the von wish to train your hair smoothly let it grow quite top. then begin to comb it , ; you have shampooed it and 1 air is sott and pliable from poo. If it seems quite stiff l, . .orn, tie it back at night. : ,"cp it flat over a period of I.. is. and may be the only necessary. ft eioos not matter whether . 1 vaseline or white vaseline. to get this to improve the . have the following formula ;::st'-Td. It is much more ef- y;ttpr, 1 ' dram: Parawax, 4 . iiioiin, 1-2 dram; Oil of sweet 4 drams; Rose oil, 12 drops, i :: everything in this ln crowth of hair. This formula t ither stiff cream which can ,,1 into the eye brows and eyelashes as often as you wish to use it. Thank You: A girl 16 years old 5 ft. 1 in. in height should weigh about 110 pounds. Trying To P,e HcnUbv i"n riming Is about the correct weight for a 19 year old Cirl Who is 5 ft 4 in Vnn could weigh within five or ten pounds of this and still be perfectly healthy. E. J. K.: The following treatment will make the skin on the arms as smooth and white as you desire. These enlarged pores, which are often called "goose flesh" are very much like the familiar pimple on the face. They are caused by excretions from the skin which collect in the pores and harden and finally become visible as as a small lump. The treatment follows: Scrub the arms very thoroughly With hot water, a. morlpra.tplv stiff tfacv 1 brush and white castile soap. Put a nancinu or bran in the water, for this is cleansing and makes the skin soft and white. Rinse the arms with clear warm water and then with cold. If the arms chap after a few days of this treatment rub them with a little olive oil immediately after the hot rinse. This treatment is simply a way of cleansing the skin anrl stimulating tno i pores to throw off this hardened mat ter. 13 M 1 All inquiries addressed lo Miss Forbes in care of the "Beauty Chats" depart ment will be answered in these columns in their turn. This requires consid erable time, however, owing to the great number received- So if a per sonal or quicker re-ply is desired, a stamped and self-adfiressed envelope ! must re enclosed with the question. The Editor. .1 u fry MRS EU2ABETM M. THOMPSON Efo Mr. Thompson: A young lady ri mine asked me to teach her m her father's automobile. The .'--o said it would oblige him if I .eh her because he didn't have made plans to meet on Sunday ' i at two o'clock. That day my v, ; lining our car and I walked in s to get to her house. When ! there at ten minutes of two i note tacked on the front door, tint she wouldn't be home that p. and that I should come back ii.-r time. She has a telepror.e i ive we. '. a't bother her by going back : time. Now I have heard from 1 that she is very angry at me . - 1 haven't treated her right. you think she was the one who 'rvat me right? I never intend l ack. Do you blame me? JOHN. i vrt blame you in the least for 1 ;i-k. The girl was to blame. Trs Thompson: m war and dur T have ng that have lived Mother is been time with very i h'isl'and and I !..-. widowed mother, t ?:!'. but T do not think she is r-.y husband and everything he - 1 doesn't do makes her angry. ,:-...i--,t think he does as many i.rv'ir.d the house as he should ih. Tr.-: vn he fixes something she . .-.: '.-. way he does it and says ather would have made it : 1 says that the first of : -.v.- are going to move. He : '::! can come and live with '; wants to, but he won't live !.'! any longer. He says that in ! - "V. hfi!:;i it v.'ill be his own busi : ' a ar.d hnw he hoes things. . r is hi :-art broken and says she " I alone and will not go with us. V."::.a do you think we ought to do? TROUBLED WIFE. I think that you ana your husband c ;z'r.t to get into a home of your own. are worse things than living t'rn. You can go to see your mother ('.rr: and have her come to see you. P-rh:!!i.s she will enjoy having things h : wn way. Your husband is doing t part in tilling her she can come and boy for Christmas. He is three years older than I am. M. P. M. (1) For a young person between six teen and twenty -one I think three times a week too often to be out as late as 11 o'clock.. (2) "I am glad to meet you." (3) I would consider once a week ample. (4) A book would make an appropri ate gift. l'oar ,urs. inompson: I am a.noy in i my teens and I am in love with a girl one year my junior. She attracts me by her ways, although she acts very cold toward me. I have has big ideas and only older than she. Please advice. You are very young you are m try to put heard that she cares for boys give me some KITRLY H. to decide that love. I would advise you to her out of your mind for a while and when you are older if she still interests you, ask permission to call or to take her somewhere. It might be that shp would go to school parties with you now. L with you. P-ar "Irs. Thompson: () Is 11 o'clock ate to coiie home about three days i '.v,...-K? i.) What should a young man say tff-n he is introduced to a girl? '? IIovv many times a month is it r;ff.c:tnt to go to a dance? 'J i should I send to a college RIVER AT CINCINNATI GRADUALLY RECEDING Cincinnati, Dec. 28. The Ohio River here early today registered 55.8 feet, having fallen two-tenths of a foot from the crest stage of 56 feet, reached late yesterday. The Government Weather Bureau announced that the river would continue to fall and that by tomorrow night would probably be below the flood stage. Damage caused by the high water here was slight. M Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticora !ofp(Ointmrnt,Taim',.v?. everywhere. Forsamples idcircis; CaUcarfcLaborator'ei.L-epi.X.Haldnlaxa. IHJCBESTER S PILLS ShVe!,,ite; Br roxas, leaiea VUO Blue Tk bo atkap. Buy , uunti riiiUS, tor lt( jrer$ known as Best. Safest, Alwiys R etiahl SOLD SY DRUGGISTS EVBYOKF JSnrMitmii T omorrow is the Last Day of Om Ml If m Of Women's, Misses9 and Children's Ready-to-Wear in which practically all our stocks of these garments go on Sale at real clear-away prices V g AllFalland Winter Suits Half Price Every Fall and Winter Suit in stock will be offered during; these two days at just half th original prices." Plain tailored, fur-trimmed, and novelty models are included, and the materials are Tricotine, Poiret, Velour, Moussyne and Marvella. Colors are Navy, Brown and Black. Sizes 14 to 44io. $25.00 Suits '. $12:50 $39.50 Suits $19.75 $75.00 Suits $37.50 $125.00 Suits $62.50 $175.00 Suits .. $87.50 $250.00 Suits v . .... : . $125.00 All Gingham House and Porch Dresses Half Price All our Gingham Dresses will be offered dur ing this sale at half the regular prices. . $2.95 values $1.48 $3.50 values $1.75 $5.95 values $2.98 $6.50 values $3-25 $1.50 Cotton Crepe Kimonos 59c There are just ninety of these Cotton Crepe Kimonos, in rose, pink, light blue, Copenhagen and lavender. They are t obe marked at the ridiculously low price of 59c ea Breakfast Coats and Negligees Half Price All our Breakfast Coats of Satin and Satin Francaise and all negligees of Georgette, Chif fon and lace will be put out in this sale at just half regular prices. They are in many lovely shades and combi nations and the styles are very lovely. $12.50 values $6.25 $15.00 values $7.50 $18.50 values $9.25 $25.00 values $12.50 $29.50 values $14.75 Children's and Misses9 Frocks Half Price Large groups of the very prettiest and most attractive frocks imaginable, all marked at just half regular prices. $7.50 Serge Frocks $3.75 $12.50 Serge Regulation Frocks $6-25 $22.50 Serge and Jersey Frocks .'. . . . . $11.25 $35 Children's Coats, $17.50 A group of splendid values in Coats for chil dren and Misses. Attractive both as to style and colors, $35.00 regularly. Sale price $17.50 $25 Handsome Frocks, $12.50 Serge, Velvet and Jersey Frocks for the child and Miss, $25.00 values at just $12-50 Fur Coats, Scarfs and Chokers, One Fourth Off Seal with beaver, all squirrel, bay seal and all Hudson seal, are the materials in the fur coats and wraps. The scarfs are fox and wolf, in brown and black, the chokers are squirrel, mink, stone marten, sable and Jap marten. $12.75 values $9.75 $19.50 values . $14.63 $49.50 values . . $37.13 $165.00 values .. $123.75 $400.00 values $300.00 $575.00 values 21 $431.25 All Skirts-Half Price Wool Poplin, Serge, Tricotine and Plaid and striped Prunella, are the materials of which these Skirts are piade, and may be had both in solid dark shades and a number of very pleasing color combinations. Both regular and extra sizes. $5.95 Skirts $2.98 ,$8.95 Skirts $4.48 $10.00 Skirts $5.00 $13.50 Skirts $6.75 $17.50 Skirts $8.75 Women's Sweaters Half Price All wool College models and Worsted Tuxedo and Mohair slipover styles are included in this stock of Sweaters. Navy, Cardinal, Maroon, Henna, Jade and Black and White combina tions are the shades. $4.95 Sweaters $2.48 $8.95 Sweaters $4.48 $15.00 Sweaters $7.50 $25.00 Sweaters $12.50 Silk Petticoats Half Price All our pretty Silk Petticoats of Jersey, Sat in, Taffeta and florishwah are offered for -this sale at just half the original prices. Practically all shades are included in the lot. $2.95 values $1.48 $5.50 values ...... $2.98 $7.95 values $3.98 $9.75 values $4.88 $12.75 values $6.38 Friday and Saturday An After-Christmas Sale of China, Glass ware, Silverware and Household Novelties in our Downstairs Section. Coats and Wraps at Half Price Our stock of Coats and Wraps is made up of very handsome models, develop ed in the lovely, soft mate rials such as moussyne marvella, Bolivia, Norman- and so on. are trimmed with squirrel, beaver, mole and kolinsky. The shades are beaver, brown, navy, sor rento, taupe and black. Sizes are 14 to 46. $ 9.75 19.75 34.75 dy, velour. Many $ 19.50 Coats 39.50 Coats 69.50 Coats 79.50 Coats 98.50 Coats 135.00 Coats 165.00 Coats 1S5.00 Coats 39.75 49.25 67.50 82.50 93.50 Misses' Party Frocks Half Price All our Taffeta Frocks in light shades, in cluding models of blue, rose, green, sunset and orchid. The values in this group will be ex ceptional. $39.50 Frocks : $19.75 $49.50 Frocks $24.75 $65.00 Frocks $32-50 $75.00 Frocks $37.50 V Lace Dinner Dresses and Beaded Robes One-Fourth Off All our smart frocks of lace and handsome beaded robes, will be included in this sale. At regular prices they are unusual values, and at the sale prices put on them they will go quickly $49.50 Frocks . $37.13 $65.00 Frocks ....... $48.75 $79.50 Frocks ; $59.63 $98.50 Frocks $73.88 $135.00 Frocks $101.25 PyiL ill Tricotine and Poiret Twill FrocksHalf Price Every tricotine and Poiret Twill Frock will be included in this sale. There are modeia for misses in many youthful styles, as well as more tailor ed ones for matrons. The col ors are navy, brown and black, the sizes 14 to 48. $ 19.50 Frocks $ 9.75 39.50 PYocks 19.75 69.50 Frocks 34.75 98.50 Frocks 49.25 125.00 Frocks (52.50 175.00 Frocks 67.50 Handsome Silk FrocksHalf Price All our Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Crepe-back Satin, Charmeuse, Taffeta, minuet and Romaine Frocks will o in .this sale at just half regu lar prices. The big assort ment includes a wide range of styles and colors and all regu lar and extra sizes. $' 19.50 Frocks S 9.75 35.00 Frocks 17.50 60.00 Frocks 30.00 95.00 Frocks . . 47.50 Children's and Misses' Coats-Half Price Children's and Misses' Coats in splendid fab rics and most attractive styles; marked for this two-day sale at just half the usual prices. $12.50 Coats $6.25 $16.50 Coats $8.25 $25.00 Coats $12-50 Novelty Suit Blouses Half Price Suit Blouses of crepe de chine, georgette, Canton crepe and lace, developed in many at tractive and elaborate styles. Many are prettily embroidered and beaded. The shades are navy, bisque, grey, henna, brown yellowstone and black. $5.95 blouses . . . ..... $8t95 blouses . $10.00 values . $12.50 blouses $15.00 blouses $2.98 $4.48 $5.00 $6.25 $7.50 J. IVEY