THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 28, 1921. SOCIETY NEWS MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CAMHYELI Scdml Editor, Phone 27? Christmas Bal Masque of Ace of Clubs. Socially and artistically, the Christ mas bal masque given Tuesday even ing: by the Ace of Clubs was one of the most wonderful successes in the history of the club. Charlotte's handsome . new Myers Park Club was the scene of the fes tivities, which bepan at 9 o'clock. The ballroom lights were shaded in red. and cast a pretty glow, which added to the mystery of the masked throngs of dancers. The Christmas decorations at the club are exceptionally attrac tive. At one end of the .room is a tall Christmas fee, brilliantly lighted. A large red bell is suspended from the ceiling in the center of the room, and from i his garlands of cedar, twined with rod ribbons and interspersed with holly extend to the corners of the room. Red bells also hang at either end of the room, and at intervals down the sides. The pillars wrapped in ropes -f cedar in which red ribbon is twisted. Over the mantel is the mes sage, "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year," in electric lights. Inspiring dance music was furnish ed by the Dixieland Roamers, of Co lumbia, S. C. Costumes of every kind were seen on the floor, many beautiful, others "fearfully and wonderfully made." Ev eryone was masked, and speculation as to the Identity of the merrymakers was keen. A grand march was danced, led by Hamilton C. Jones Jr., and Mrs. Fran cis Brusiere, of New York. Mrs. Bru giere wore a unique Neapolitan cos tume, carrying1 a large tray of flowers under one arm, and Mr. Jones was a masque. Prior to the march, everyone unmasked. Following the grand march, a buffet supper was served in the dining room. W. S. Lee, a3 a fakir, was master of ceremonies. A vote was taken for the prettiest costume among the ladies. The prize was won by Mrs. John Hast ings Cutter, who represented a Christ mas tree. Numbers were also distri buted for the two other prizes, and the lucky numbers were held by Mrs. Lloyd C. Withers and Stuart Gilchrisc. Mr. Lee announced that the follow ing gentlemen had been added to the board of directors of the club: David Clark. Esley O. Anderson, Walter R. Taliaferro, Jr., and Dr. W. Myers Hun ter. Te following new members have also been added: Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Hardie, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fitzsim ons, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Murrill, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. John Tillett, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Myers and Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Pease. Following supper, an exceptionally clever impromptu vaudeville show was presented, the dancers pulling chairs up before a stage arranged at tha north end of the ballroom. The actors in turn were presented by Florenz Ziegfield, impersonated by "William E. Thorns. Funeh was served during the even ing. Among. those dancing were Floyd M. Simmons, as a pirate chief, and Mrs. Simmons, as the Merry Widow: Thom as Henderson as a Chinaman and Mrs. Henderson as a Chinese Girl; John Hastings Cutter as the Rajah of In dia and Mrs. Cutter as . a Christmas tree; David Clark as a bull-fighter and Mrs. Clark as a Spanish girl; Esley 2JMr- 4 For I O. Anderson as a dude and Mrs. An I dcrson as Carmen; Lloyd C. Withers ! as a ngro captain and Mrs. Withers as a Spanish lady: Dr. W. Myers Hun ter as "The Sheik" and Mrs. Hunter as Pierette; William E. Thomas as j Florenz Ziegfuld and Mrs. Thomas as ; an Irish girl; Mrs. Margaret Kelley Abernethy as Night; AVoodward A. ! Hubbard as a clown and Mrs. I-Iub-' bard as a balloon girl; Eben Nye Hutch ison as a Mexican and Mrs. Hutchison as Charlotte, the skater; Earle S. Draper as a Colonial - gentleman and . Mrs. Draper as a Colonial girl; Walter Lambeth as a little boy, and Mrs. Lam- beth as Dolly Varden; W. H. Willard as a monk and Mrs. Willard as a j black and white clown; Thomas G. J Lane as a clown and Mrs. Lane as a Spanish girl: W. S. Lee as a sideshow ; fakir and Mrs Lee as a poinsettia; C. I B. Bryant as a negro mammy and Mrs. I Bryant as a pickaninny: H. M. Wade as a clown and Mrs. as a Co lonial lady; B. D. Heath as a sailor and Mrs. Heath as a Spanish lady; J. P. I Quarles as a "perfect lady" and Mrs. i Quarles as Cleopatra: H. Connor Sher- l rill as a clown and Mrs. Sherrill as a Grecian lady; George W. Hall and Mrs. j Hall, the latter as a "Spanish ladv; , Joseph W. Holt as "Poor, Butterfly" j and Mrs. Holt as a fairy que?n: E. , C. Sweeney as a Jap and Mrs. Sween- ey as Pierette; W. J. Brown as a clown , and Mrs. Bown as a Dutch girl; George W. Graham as a clown and I Mrs. Graham as a Dutch girl; Mr. and 1 Mrs. Gaston G. Galloway as blue clowns: II. C. ones as a masque and Mis. Tfrancis Brugiere, of New York, as a Neopolitan girl; Mill'am Myers Jones as a musketeer and Mrs. Jones as a gypsy girl: J. Caldwell McDonald as a rlown and Mrs. McDonald as a gypsy; Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. lie Aden as Jiggs and Maggie: Stuart W. Gilchrist as a iittle boy and Mrs. John R. Pender, Jr., of Tarboro as a little girl: Frank Purcell as rierrot and Mrs. Purcell as a French maid; John Tillett i as a clown and Mrs. Tillett as an ! Egyptian: Mr. and Mrs. James P. Har- ! ris; J. Norman Pease and Mrs. Pease, the latter a Colomall ady. The stags were John, Scott Cansler: Harry Williams as as masque: .Wil 1 loughby Chambers as a clown; John D. Shaw as a Chinaman; Wilson King, of i Greenville, S. C. as Rubinoff. the" Ba varian; Jack Heath as a sailor; John Huske as a clown; Wilson Cosby as the deuce of hearts: John Durham; Bobo Tanner as a Spaniard; John Nich ols as a French chef; Mebane Long as a Hawaiian: Henrv Dockerv as a ; masqm; Joseph J. O'Brien; Dr. James j W. Gibbon as a Chinaman: Julian and I Tom Taliaferro; J. H. Van Ness, Jr., ; as a clown; Wi'liam O'Hara: William ' Ostorn?; Norman Lynch as a-Ku Klux; .Edward Dowd as a Hawaiian: Charles R. Collins as a jockey: Gus Travis as a Hawaiian; Odom Alexander as a bal let girl; Dr. Hamilton McKoy; Ran dolph Scott; Wills Hunter as a rube; Phil Woolcott; William Thompson; E. C. Griffith as a clown; George H. King; Dick Stitt as a Hawaiian; W. Frank Dowd, Jr.. as Fatima; Ed. B. Shelby as Spanish Ambassador Wil lard; Don Harris, as a Tartar. Other members of the Ace of Clubs are Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Morson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taliaferro, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Marshall, Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Nalle, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lassiter, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gover. Mr. and Mrs. Lane Ether edge. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bethea, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cansler, Jr. in oresT 7t4T 8 AnnAbtl 9 1 ' a Annabel , y WoriNngtan LADIES' HOUSE DRESS. The plastron section extends into sash ends which tie at the back giving one a trim appearance. The side-front of the body, back and short kimono sleeves are in one piece. The ladies' house dress No. ""t in sizes 36, 40 and 44 inches bust meas ure. Size 36 requires 3 -fc jaiuo o--inch material with 1-2 yarn 32-inch con trasting. Price 15 cents. III The Fall and Winter issue FASHION MAGAZINE is now It contains over Suo styles, dressmaking lessons, etc.. and d&ubtedly a book which every who wants to dress well and w see her. family well dressed have. Price 10c a copy. of the ready. several is, un woman ants to should rSafe Milk Infants Invalids NO COOKING The "Food -Drink" for All Ap. Quick Lunch at Home, Office .and Fountains. Ask for HORUOCS. XSrAvoid Imitations & Substitutes Miss Margaret Linthicuni and William II. Wearn, Jr. Wed. A marriage of widespread interpsf was that of Miss Margaret Linthicum and William H. Wearn. ir.. which was soiemmzeci Tuesday evening at the I home of the bride on Tenth avenue at j 6 o'clock. Rev. Father Jerome, O. S. B., of Belmont, performed the ceremony. The living-room, where the marriage vows were spoken, was prettily decorat ed in Christmas greens and white roses. The bride was stvlish and rfrettv in n frock of navy blue tricotine with trim- Order patterns from The Pattern De partment The Charlotte News. Char lotte, N. C. mings of beaver, and wore a corsage of orcnicis ana roses. I There were no attendants, the wed ding being a very quiet affair, j The bride is a daughter of Mr. and ; Mrs. C. F. Linthicum, and moved to j Charlotte ten years ago1, from Frederick I county, Md., with her parents. She was educated in Maryland. She is a very attractive and popular young lady of the city, and in type is a strikingly handsome blond. She has made many friends during her residence in Char lotte, and is bright and charming. Mr. Wearn is a son of William H. Wearn and the late Mrs. Louise Scarr Wearn of Charlotte, and is a well-known and popular young man of the city, being especially active in Masonic work. He is engaged in the insurance business, and possesses splendid business ability. Mr. Wearn command awide circle of friends here and elsewhere. SUPREME IN TONE TMK INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY CLEAR AS A BELL nij The tone of the SONORA has made it famous, it is iE?6Vw-: AcharminS' fH of expression. When you buy the SONORA, you and your friends know that you own a phonograph of unequaled loveliness. Triangle M i w n c. o T 53 Kills the germs that cause CA TARRH. Soothes and heals irritat ed areas. . "Btiiltliksa Skyscraper" A STIEFF PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS Pay a small amount down. We tag the Piano. Pay remainder of down payment Christmas, and we deliver. Balance easy payments. CHAS. M. STIEP-F, Inc.. Charlotte. N. C. Please send catalogue and prices of Pian&s. Name ,v Address ......... ' Stand this Shaw- Walker sectional cabinet on one corner and tt stays rigid as any solid vertical file Steel Letter Files 2 A Book Store of Rare Excellence. Office SuDDtief s and Furnishers. lovely and elaborate Christmas decora tions, formed a fitting background for the brilliancy of the ball. Among the out-of-town guests present were Miss Catherine Harmon of High Point, guest of Miss Helen Lethco; Miss Hortense Cobb of Lancaster, S. C guest of Miss Roberta Walker; Miss Lois Rogers of Tyler, Texas, guest of Miss Mildred Henderson; Lynwqod Fowlkes of Rockingham, Alex Lackey of Hamlet Bobby Nutt and Bob Vaughan of Greensboro, Jones Yorke, Buck Lentz, Bobby Bell, Gary Propst,- Joe Bost, Bill Morris and Louis Laughlin of Concord, Gordon Kimbrell of Statesville, Jack Cochran and Carey Boshamer of Gasto nia, Reid Garrett of Rockingham. At midnight, a grand march was danced, led by Miss Lillian Floyd and Bobby Nutt, assisted by Miss Adelaide Caldwell and John G. Simpson. The sponsors and their escorts followed. An elaborate figure was executed, after which the' dancers filed into the dining room, where a buffet supper was served. Dancing continued till three o'clock. Excellent music, was furnished by the Serenaders. It was estimated that over 400 guests were in attendance. Credit for the success of the dance is due to Bob Crayton, Tom Chapman and T. D. Kemp, jr., who managed the affair. A large number of chaperones were present. Christinas Rail Great Success. One of the most brilliant and elabor ate (festivities of the Christmas season m smart society here was the Christ mas ball siven Mondav eveninir Vo. tween the hours of 10 and 3, at the Myers Park Club.' The ball was given in honor of the boys and girls home from school for the holidays. The following young ladies, with their escorts, wpi-p snnncm-o the ball: Miss Lillian Floyd, and Gilder! craven; Miss Adelaide Caldwell, and Henry Wylie: Miss Mary Brevard Alex ander, and Billie Shaw Howell; Miss Alice Walker, and Sam Clingman, Miss Roberta Walker, and Robert Dye; Miss Kathryn Newson, and Lloyd Goode; Miss Margaret Yorke, and Gordon Kimbrell of Statesville; Miss Margaret Mellon, and uarey tiosnamer ot Gastonia. The ball-rom of the club, with its Mrs. Ross to Entertain Mrs. Edward Stitt Ross will entertain at bridge at her home on Kingston ave nude, Dilworth, ' Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, in honor of Mrs. Yates Edgerton of Kenly, formerly Miss Min nie Little of Charlotte, and Mrs. Junius Smith of Winston-Salem. Miss Doxey Gives Bridge Tea. One of the most attractive affairs of the Yuletide season was the bridge-tea given by Miss Eloise Doxey Tuesday afternoon at the Myers Park Club. Miss Doxey received her guests in a stunning black velvet frock, with black turban draped with a bTack veil. The tables were laid in the ball-ropm of the club, which is beautifully decorat ed for the Christmas festivities. Prize for the highest score was won by Miss Elizabeth Dowd, and was an exquisite Madeira handkerchief. The table prizes, pretty French pow der puffs, were cut by Mis3 Alice Wal ker, Miss Eva1 Glass" of Oralndo. Fla., Miss Margaret Eddy, Miss Mar.iorie Wearn, Miss Mildred Barbour, Miss Dorthy Powell, Miss Cartherine New son, Miss Lucy Holmes- Carson, and Miss Addie Webb of Rockingham. After the game, a salid course and ac cessories was served. The guests included Miss Lorraine Smythe of Strawn, Texas and Mif-s Ra Glass of Orlando, Fla.. guests of Mrs. C. E. Piatt, Misses Gladys a.irt EHse Palmer, Margaret Mellon, Catherine Newson. Dorothy Powell. Julia Hagood, Elizabeth Bruns, Elizabeth Keevans. Adelaide Caldwell. Marjorie Wearn, Fannie Furlow. Ruth Wallace, Margaret Anderson , Deane Van Landinghom, Elizabeth Brown, Carrie Springs, Mr-. T. T. Cole and guests. Misses Addle Webb and Edith Comer Daniels of Rockingham, Misses Ellen Victor Mil dred Barbour, Mrs. Charles Thomas, Miss Sidney Caldwell, Misses Martha Lee, Louise Gibbon, Lucy Holmes Car son, Sugusta Cannon, Elizabeth Do?,'d, Kate Shslton, Alice and Roberta Wal ker, Clara King and Margaret Eddy. Called Meeting of War Mothers. A meeting of the American War Mothers is called for Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at the Chamber of Com Dance at Charlotte Country Club. There will be a' New Year's Eve dance at the Charlotte Country Club Satur- i day evening, from to 12 o'clock. Music will be furnished by the Southern Mel ody Sextette. ! Mrs. Marshall to Entertain. Mrs. Edward C. Marshall will give an informal dance at her home in Myers Park Wednesday evening- in honor of Miss Alice Cilley of Hickory, guest of Miss Jane Gilmer, and Miss Louise Duf- j fey of Baltimore, guest of Miss Eliza beth Mather. Dance Post poned. The dance which was to have been given at the Woman's Club Friday even ing has been postponed indefinitely, ow ing to conflicting dates. ersona tls Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jenkins, of States ,ille, were visitors in the city a short while Tuesday enroute home af ter a visit to friends in South Carolina. M. C. Ballou. of Columbus. Ga., is a visitor in the city for the holidays. He is here to visit his daughter, Mrs. E. S. Ross. Formerly Mr. Ballou was con nected with the management of the Selwyn hotel here. He is now man ager of the Rankin House, of Colum bus, Ga. Mr. and Mrs, H. K. Hood went to Atlanta to spend a part of the holidays with friends there. Miss Lillian Quinn, of Smyrna, S. C is an attractive visitor in the city and the guest of her cousin, Mrs. E. W. Long, on Elizabeth avenue. DEATHS FUNERALS SIR JOHN HARE. London. Dec. 28. (By the Associated Press.) The death of Sir John Hare, 77, noted English actor and manager, was announced today. Gainesville. Fla., Dec. 28. A game with North Carolina at Jacksonville .on October 28 is on the 1922 football schedule of the University of Florida, announced today. The date is still ten tative, however. WESTERN MAIDEN IS HONORED BY LONDON SOCIETY Ml Miss Harriet Pa same r Miss Harriet Passmore, We;j known contralto of San Francisco Cal., has been piven a place amolt the Kreat artists of Europe hy the London Chamber of Music Society This is a signal honor for a singer and Miss Passmore is the first "western pirl so honored. "CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER" '-III "A BON MARCHE STORE f H -A- A. A. CEil ? I Enthusiastic indeed Itfas Jhe espons3 jo our v Suits, Coats and presses It's unrestricted choice of our complete stock; dis tinctive models of beautiful materials and work manship at from J$ Jhird to a J$a(f Jess Jhan Original prices With rare exceptions there is but one garment of a kind though the range of styles in the various sizes is complete. $n yhe Offering Uou $100.00 Dresses $66. 75 $75.00 Dresses for ... 49.50 $49.50 Dresses for . . $32.75 $35.00 Dresses for . . $19.75 $139150 Coats $89.50 $125.00 Coats for . . $89.50 $98.50 and $100 Coats for $69.50 $89.50 Coats for .... $59.50 $69.50 Coats for $49.50 $59.50 Coats for .... $49.00 $39.50 Coats for .... $27.50 $100.00 Suits $50.00 $100.00 Suits for .... $50.00 $75.00 Suits for .... $37.50 $50.00 Suits for .... $25.00 $39.50 Suits for .... $19.75 aists In This After Christmas Sale Any Crepe de Chine or Georgette Waist in stock LESS 25 PER CENT White, Flesh or Suit shades. Blouse or sur price effects. Tailored or trimmed styles. Jill fur Neckpieces ess Chokers or Scarfs. Animal or Round shapes. Every popular pelt. Made up in the smartest styles. r- i i J 1 I i i r ? s

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