8 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 28, 1921. WANTED FOR SALE FOR R LOST FOUND ENT The Ptillin'e&t "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE - CENT-A - WORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" one- cent per Sot tht style and type word each Insertion. STYLE -B" SKT THIS TYPE, TWO CENTS EACH INSERTION. STYLE AND PER WORD STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Any style "ulnirgerf" either top or bot tom, or between lines, at double the hoTA mitt: Classified advertising Is sold ch with nrdr bntf or convenience of Charlotte patron who ar listed In the telephone directory; or known in the newspaper office, a memorandum charge will be made with the expectation that the bill he paid when presented. Regular Classification of ads cannot be ruaranteed after 12 o'clock for Daily ISdition or after 10 p. m. Saturday for Sunday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP FOR RENT FOR RENT Office building, 20 offices, well located. J. H. McAden. Phone S60. 3-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen, one nicely furnished room, close In. Private fam ily. Rhone 1MC-W. lP-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen or couple, furnished room, heated private, fam ily, in Dilworth. Phone 981. 17-tf FURNISHED ROOM with board. Hot water and heat in Dilworth. Phone 4076. 20-tf FOR RENT To couple, nicely fur nished room; 313 East Seventh St. 20-rf I FOR RENT Large, completely fur nished bedroom, close in. Phor.e 257 l-W. 21-tf FOR RENT Three unfurnished first floor connecting rooms, lights and water furnished, $30. Apply 22S N. Collesrn. 23-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IMPROVED MECKLENBURG FARMS You will lind what you want in our detailed list of choice farm offering! II. H. THOMAS COMPANY 102 Trust Bldg. 15 FOR SALE Six-room house, West Trade street. Price $5250. Can be handled on reasonably small cash pa ment. W. C. Harris & Co. 2 FOR SAKE Direct from owner, fin nished or unfurnished six-room bun galow with all modern conveniences Located in Third ward. Phone 142.5-.T 20-t bun bALh Five-room bungalow, new roof, newly painted, newly " papeivd walls, one block from car line, wall iug distance of the square. Price $4250: $1200 cash payment. W. Harris & Co. 12 S. Tryon St. Phon 936 or 2749-W. 2, FOR RENT Ono furnished bedroom downstairs with heat; 222 S. Cedar. T'hone 1104-W. 2l--.it WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte News. tf YOUNG MEN, over 17. desiring gov ernment positions. $130 month, write for free list of positions now open R. Terry, (former Cvil Service exam Iner). 224 Continental Bldg., "Wash ington. D. C. 23-r.t WANTED Woman for cook and sen eral housework. Must live, on place; near country club. Phone 4031-W. 27-3t EN wanted to learn tho automobile mechanics trade, a trade with a It, ture. We teach you by actual garag work on real automobiles. Positions secured. Free booklet. Write Auto mobile College of Nashville, Tenn. 25-3t WANTED High school graduate. Must be very capable with ability to make friends quickly. Hard work. Apply 9-12 a. m.. 2:30 to 5 p. m., Thursday 404 S. Tryon St. 2S-It PARTNER WANTED with five hun dred dollars. A man that is willing to work. This is a grand business and can furnish best of references. Ad dress W. S.. care News. 2S-3t MAN AND WIFE to travel together, demonstrating and selling high class article in the homes. Experienced solicitors preferred, but not neces sary, as we teach" you. Salary an:l bonus. Address Demonstrator, carv News. 28-lt TWO WOMEN of good address and character, over 25. to travel doing special outside work. Lady now employed will taech you.-Also two to work in Charlotte... Good opportunity for women of sirong personality. Ad dress Saleslikdy. care News. 2S-lt SPECIAL NOTICES NICELY furnished in. Phono 221-J. heated room, close 27-3t t cm bALiii, beven-room Dungaiow Elizabeth section. A bargain. Wi accept, second nana automooue a initial payment. No cash needed Address Bungalow, P. O. Box 1347 20-tf FOR 303 RENT Close N. Church. in furnished rooms; FOR RENT Nine-room house with furnace heat, suitable for two fami lies. Phone after 7 o'clock, county- 4902. 27 St ROOMS FOR RENT toVouple without children or men m private family or two. Furnished or unfurnished; 603 N. Pino St. 27-St FOR RENT Second floor of 311 East Trade St. Front street cntrann Floor space 46x76 with two largo offices cut off at front. Steel ceiling. Plenty of light with electric elevator. Phone 293. ' 27-tf FOR RENT One nicely furnsihed bed room within walking distance of square. Modern conveniences. Rent very reasonable; 607 South Tryon. 27-tf FOR SALE New five-room bungalov never been occupied, one block from car line and close in. Price $4950 $1000 cash, balance like rent. W. Harris & Co. 2' FOR SALE Several brand new bunga lows ready to move into January 1 Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 24-."i xuti tsALjte X-"ieflmont bungalow, six large rooms. Lot 66r2o reet. IIous one year old, street being paved. Price $5750. W. C. Harris & Co., 12 South Tryon St., Garibaldi-Bruns Building 7 FOR SALE Dandy bargain in Dil worth, two stories, heat. Your ow terms. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 24-5t vuti kall ii-dge Aiyers .Park, new bungalow. Possession January $6500 with heat. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-5 FOR RENT 3000 feet floor space and two offices, located on Southern sid ing, close up town, an ideal location in many respects. Phone 364. Loca tion, 425 S. College. 23-tf FOR RENT One furnished bedroom to business girls. Phone 1757-J. 23-tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment. four rooms and bath on first floor. No children! 608 N. Poplar St. 23-tf I OR SALE If you could see yourself and family with your nice furniture arranged in the six-room Elizabeth bungalow on paved street, wc would not have to hunt you. You would be hunting us to close the deal. Th terms are easy. The price is right Phone for an appointment. W. C Harris & Co. Phone 936 or 3443. 27-St FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, 311 NV Tryon St. I-OR SALE Eight-room bungalow, Myers Park. Now vacant. Heat wit coal m basement. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-5 r OK KHi J. .Newly turnishert rooms near Southern depot to men. Phone 2918 after 6 p. m. 2S- FOR RENT Three larj; unfurnished at 215 N. immediate possession, dfince or phone S7S. tront rooms Brevard St. cau at resi- 2S-3t 'OR SALE Best buy in Charlotte Near playgrounds, Elizabeth; $1000 cash, balance like rent. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J 24 i OR RENT Seven-room house, 14 Wil- more Drive. Phone 1470. 2S-R LEVY'S EYEGLASSES Nothing better: 7 East fit all, eyes. Trade. 11-23-tf rIANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Char lotte, N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-t NEW MATTKE6S.Es mad? out or your Old ones. Renovated. New ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. Cal1 158S-J for- particulars. Lawing's Mattri3 factory, 212 North Long St. 2S-tf MOVING, PACKING AND STORING BY GOOD EXPERT -MEN. WE GUAR ANTEE ALL WORK. LQNQ DIS TANCE MOVING A SPECIALTY. "WE DO ALL KINDS OF HEAVY HA13L ING. Bradfiefd Moving Service Phone 37. Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts. Phone 980. t 24-tf Mo We ga WHEN visiting Concord stop at tho Central Filling Station on East Cov bine St., for gasoline, oils, auto laundering, tires, tubes and service. 24-7t SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT to the many friends of J. Harvey Holt that he is now service manager at the Day & Night Garage. Do not fo.'get the place, 720 S. Mint. Phone 230 i. LEARN TELEGRAPHY AT NIGHT SCHOOL. NOW OPEN 27 1-2 W FOURTH ST., ON MONDAY, WED NESDAY OR FRIDAY NIGHTS CALL OR PHONE 2968 OR 2468. 5-tf-mon-wed-fri r OR. - tlh. J .Large furnished front room, porch and connecting bath, Morehead and S. Boulevard. Phone noi-.i. 2S--'t FOR RENT Large nicely furnished front room with board in private home to business girls or eoupk turnace heat, all conveniences. Phone 360 1-W. -. e-4t x -.fi.. ir-..x.j. inree uniurnisned rooms tqr . light housekeeping, with con veniences, also garage. Phone 260S-L2 28-3t ou hAbt x en-room house close in newiy papered and painted, new roof beating plant, front entrance, garage Price $8250; $1000 will swing t deal. . C. Harris & Co. 27-3 b OR hALE Two orand new homes Myers Park. Ready to move into! Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-5t WILL give SOVo to any one that wi'1 handle $2000.00 real estate note, 12 nwntns. Aaaresa . a. ii., -care News. 24-5 1 toil aALE Five rooms Mvers Park section. Gas, water and lights. Co ment street; $4950. Queen City Realty co., j-nc. l'none a35 or 1262-J. 24-5t FOR RENT Four unfurnished steam neatcd rooms bath on floor. Uvo blocks from square. Phono 24a6-J. . " 2S-3t INVEST In uptown business orooeitv We have one of the best propositions ever offered on--market. Queen Cit Kwnty. Co.. -Inc. Phone 535. 24-5t FOR RENT Three for Housekeeping. E. Fifth St. uniurnisned rooms No children; 623 28-lt jt vxk Avivo. r urnisnea rooms to gen tlemen only, not and cold water, near good ooard: soy -Yest seventh WANTED Salesman to sell Real Es state and Insurance on commission Must be of good character, good mixer, a live wrire and own a car Address Dealer 48, care News. 27-3f Phone,. 29Q8-W, 28-4t r uk KiiiAX I hree-room apartment ioj. usnt. nousekeeping, unfurnished. uijoutiio. or io uniurnisned rooms uuusidus, an conveniences, on , car line, rent reasonable. Phone 1360-Wr. ?.i.t FOR RENT For boarding House, large close-m, fine coiir dition, best neighborhood, month; 8-room, 5-acre grove, near car, Chatham Es tate, S50.00 month. Morris E. Trotter. 28 tf eod No Sunday ruK xtc.N i ice iKrnisned room to rne or two gentlemen, convenient to nam: wz Mint. St. Phone 3815. 27-3t ALWAYS REMEMBER where you get the best for less mon ey. Fourth Ward Shoe Shop. Phone 4402. We call for and deliver. 19-tf Wed Fri Sun WANTED To sand your floors with electric sanding machine, rhc. 4X14-W. C. A. Mullis. 2S 5t WE STILL have lew tons steam coal at $b per ton. xhis coal is fine for furnaces. Independence Coal Co. Pnone 4461. 28-6t WANTED 3tou to know the BEST place to buy your groceries for 1922 is irom Boyd-Garner Co. The BEST of everything to eat at a little bOWKR price. Phone 1159. 28-tf 1921 OUT Midnight Barbecue Saturday Dec. 31st ALEX'S PLACE National Highway North 1922 IN Thos. J. Hunter in Charge. He Says "Buy Your Tickets Early" 28-2t FOR RENT Two rooms housekepeing, furnished; Fourth St. for 501 light Weot 28-3t ELIZABETH home, 7 rooms, larere lor.. i i j i . . , "as neaiing piant, oaK noors, on laved street, near churches and school. $7750. fihDMONT, 6 rooms, well located. near car line So7o0. v i .lajxs, nst your divers i'ai-K or Dilworth lots with us for Kile. tUil SAlJ OR EXCHANGE. 10-rnnm house in Fourth Ward, on paved street, oat lis. Frice low. DILWORTH, corner lot, on Tremont avenue, 1500. w.iNXEXi you to list your vacant lots with hs for sale. BUILDING LOT. on East SpvphUi ; in pines, 75x175, a beauty at attrac live price. VACANT LOT. near business eenf.-e 45x210, at $3900.' CRAIG-L ITTLE REALTY" & INSUR ANCE CO. Phone 1436. ; 2S-21 LOST OR FOUND ,-iiwii wi i.iur. r irsi warn, tin LJI luie. large lot convenient to graded school, $46o0. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. .vionoay evening between East Fourth street and Vail avenue, child's woricoasket. Reward. Thone 1910 1804 East Fourth. 27-3t 2 8-in T rtiT1 i.',.;i. JZ; i ; T- : : : 1'imaj in -MiopiJuiK aistrict, :i cameo brooch. Notify Mrs. Jacob.-? Western Union, city. Reward. 27 T T OTTvrS a t !5 ? n rewara ior tne re turn of Overcoat taken by mistake trom the City Audi torium Wednesday night at American War Mothers' Ball. rnone sou. 22-tf FOUND Atlanta College Pharmacy of vLid.iua ring, owner can get same t paying for this ad. Call "at News. 28-lt feMALL IN V ESTAIENT Three-room house, colored property, $750. Pays ii vc. iweai uargam. x-'. s. Conrad i:-none 6baz. Trust Bldg. 28-lt NEW 6-room bunealow. ColoniMi nue, narowooci noors. furnace heat. A very roomy, well built home. Sfisrm h. uonrad. Rhone 3682. 28-lt F. FOR SALE FC write D- er. change LOST -A doctor for that sick type Phone 3767. Typewriter Ex- o.. -iJ b. Tryon St. 28-St A pair crystal color Charlotte News ot tortoise shell glasses, ixewaru n returned to omee. E. M. L. 28-lt i-iKjL ume wii suit case with two fctiaps and Daoy lumwr strannp r.n side, between Gastonia and Charlotte Notify The News. 28-lt 1 STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! Selling at cost plus hauling in our great sale on new gas ranges, combination ranges and all the heaters m our st.ovp During this sale we will take your old stove in exchange. You can't afford to miss this opportunity if money means anything to you. CHARLOTTE STOVE CO. 233 East Trade St. Phone 477 ml.u rAi $iuo reward for positive information that will convict the tr.ier wno stole certain window shades out or tne new houses I recently built at 704 Sunnyside avenue and 16 Ainnersi. x-iace. rank F. Jones. 28-lt 22-7t WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED I'OSITION RETAIL shoe man with ten years ex- class of trade, desires position with gooa nrm mat can offer advancement to steady young married man. Can vo- vi. icioieuuBs ana win con sider an investment after a trial. 4.d dress L. J. C, Box 511, Waimington, N. C. 98 .It.or, f T A T? T I.' 1 1 j.uiri.ajujj tujureu man coo u wnnfc position, caie or hotel. References furnished. Cook, care News. 28-lt WANTED List j-our property for sale Tvun vv. o. xiarns & Co., 12 South Tryon St. Phone 936. 25-3t WANTED Light housekeeping apartment on or near car line, 3 to 4 rooms, bath and heat, either furnished or unfurnish ed, by refined couple with 4 month-old baby. Mail partic ulars and rental to W. N. Hei del, Mecklenburg Hotel. 25-3t EXPERIENCED stenographer desire permanent position by January 1 Address E. T care News, 28-5t WANTED Exchange nice lot on Cecil street for lot on Plaza. Staples, phone 28-6t 4461. WANTED To buy 5 or 6 room hnn in Third ward from owner. Must i, FOR SALE ONE HORSE and delivery wagon cheap; 804 N. Brevard St. Phone 79. 17-rf W. M. BELL, Notary flee Charlotle News, most any hour to 8 Public, front of Can be found p. m. 9-tf FUEL Don't "fool yourself by buying cheap fuel, the best is always the cheapest. We weigh and fork every ton and guarantee satisfaction. Phone us a trial order and be convinced. . PHONE 1216 Sll.OO Blue Gem Pocahontas Egg Pocahontas Rom Penn Anthracite Dry Stove Wood Per Ton , $1 1. 00 Per Ton . $9.00 Per Ton ,$16.50 Per Ton and $4.00 Loads $2.00 WIGGINS FUEL CO. QUALITY AND SERVICE lOK isA.LE New bungalow. Colonial Ave., furnace heat, hardwood floors 60 font Int. SRSftft T)-ii-n T f" Tiori.,- -r " " j 'J w. 1 . wzi. v c Abbott. & Co. 20-tf MISCELLANEOUS "WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Local Distance Hauling Moving Packing Storing WE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO. 207 W. Fourth St. DAY PHONE 1166 NIGHT PHONE 5074 b otc o a EE Dry oak and pine wood. aiuc uem lump coal. $10 per ton. j i vti nan, rnone .M- ZZ- it COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S Poplar 25-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, good Phone 158S-J. Lawing's 10-tf 25-7t new' Mattress Factory. FOR SALE MOVABLE PHONE 287. GARAGE. 20-tf COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 12-26t-daily WALL PAPER HANGING. house painting. Call J. M. Muse. Phone 2962 or 2260-J. 9 tf 25-7t UK SALE Market and fix- tures, 1508 South Tryon St. Phone 4197. 25-tf jiivir suE.t-xiuxt wash for winter spraying against scale. Prices -n application. Faris Seed Co., Greui wood, S. C. 12-1 6-1 3t-we-fri-sun COAL COAL $10.00 Best grade LUMP Every ton weighed. Free from dirt and slack. WILLIAMS COAL CO. 1397 PHONES 1809-W 28-5t Let Us STOP THE LEAKS in your ROOF AND GUTTERS Phone 3149 STRANGE & BRADY 21-tf w tj 1-5UI snarpeu, sell satetv razor oiaues, aw maives. unarges, l-J vour original price. Holbrook's, 32 Souti Tryon. 27-3t FOR SALE One milk- Phone County 4712. cow. Fresh. 28-2 rtjtv BAijXt, len-meee Onppn Anno solid walnut dining room suit. Been in use only short time. In perfect condition, will sell for $250 cash. Address yueen Anne, care Charlotte Nevv-3. 28-tf. COAL BEST GRADE LUMP DELIVERED $10.00 WILLIAMS COAL CO. 1397 PHONES 1809-W . 28-5t FURNACE SMOKING? We clean and repair Furnaces, Hot and Cold air pipes. Anything in sheet metal. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 21-tf LET THE WEST TRADE PRESSING CLUB have your clothes to repair dye, clean and press. Phone 554. 245 West Trade ATT d n.i: ; : : , , -. 1 - ' vjvj i 1 1 neater, sxi aothys. Phone 591-J. ; 28-2t JOH ?A XXLi Olle fOlrilnS' 91unr.t c --h pvu V. . uciido iviteiifn caoinet ene gas range practically new, one laundrv heater, one crex rug and writing 3-tf-sun-wed AUTOMOBILES FOR QUALITY COAL WILLIAMS COAL CO. Lump $10.00 $9.00 Every Ton weighed. Every piece burns. rne QUALITY the DTTIOTI mi -rT--rx--r-.i oiojl. ine rixiuiiis are I RIGHT. 1397 Phones 1809-W 28-5t BARGAINS Wre have several verv e-ood mux nr that can be bought right annd on easy terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU nRiVR IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 13-tf BARGAINS IN than 20 used models $2f0.00 and Hipp. 211 4050. USED CARS Mere automobiles different and up. Apply Sehorn N. College St. Phone 7-tf FOR SALE :man, Tryon St. AOlllo nuns SIoq f ? a t, v.. """ij -"72 a-i B"OR SALE One Ford coupe, one Ford touring, one Chandler club roadster, all in good condition. W. E. Bailev, Bailey Bros. Market, 519 W. Trade SL u-tf H OUSES -WANTED ROOMS FOR SALE Ford tourine- car. 11)17 model, one Ford lignt delivery truck, chean, Phone 346. . ll-tf WT A NTTTC-n To uanudl v J I p V vm nff n.oi, x.,. 7 - a.t. ,w.u iwepcaoie references, comfort- ti m 1,1 relind modern home Address with particulars, location and lJ J3-..V J.OOO. 27-"t hous-j 2S-4t WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room" at once. Phone 3093-.T. W A XTT'TT" rv t 7 " : .iodii ooy, two or three rooms neatly furnished for light housekeeping. De- oiij,uie i.eigr.'Dorhood. Place for WANTED To car, 28-2i FORD CAR for sale, suitable for j. small truck. Call after 6 o'clock evening, 810 W. Trade St. 19-tf WANTED To pay you cash for vosir old wrecked or burned automobile. Address P. A. Prince, P. O. Box 6.S, Charlotte, N. C. 24-7t DAVIS SHEET METAL SHOP Specializes in auto radiator repairing tanks, fenders and hoods. Cut down bodies made according to specific.!, tions at reasonable prices. We can solder your silverware, brass, copper, zinc, cast, and cans of any descrip tion. All Work guaranteed. UVz South Church. Phone 3032 J-ot-wed-sat-sun rent or nm,- ? r,- g . " ' u-iuum iiuuse ciose in as possible. Could pav tvhundrod anfl flf1" dollars down reasonaoie monthly t rSSen1,' i" i,!.X"-ikr FOR SALE-1 one-Ton JLHr53S- T"t ?TC truck; 1 2V ton track. '2i,-'.t I Dv1 --t-l n-v'U4- T7 tor students. Kino-s Riis,'nQQa College. niture Co. 28 4t No Thur 28-tf WANTEDMISCELLANISOUS BUSINESS OFORTUNITY xn,u io make your mattt-easM and pads to order. Mattresses reno- ,aicu' springs repaired, feathr mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co 250 N. McDowell St. Phone 1127-L2. 22-tf WANTED Your painting. ng, refinishing floors. J. Phone 40C9. calscmim- S. McCall. 12-tf WANTED Someone who wishes to in vest $xuuu in a beautiful valuable diamond ring. One of the safest aid most useful investments. Address A. B. C. care News. .r 'REE infoi-mation conner nrnHnnin. belt Arizona. Sterline- faot those desiring to make immediate money. Write Henry White. Citizens Nfonal Bank Bldg.. Los V ANTED Used furniture. Phone 4438 ooa .vv. Eleventh St. - 18-tf Calif. 27-2; VAXii.xJ Orders tor cabbaee. Rii our au m Farm Products column. -uyrtie Ueach Farms Co., Myrtle L.eacn. .s. c. i6-20t FARM PRODUCTS reasonable. A Phone 3909. 8-2t WANTED To buy. $2000 worth of furnituro and stoves. Piedmont Fur niture Co. Phone 4344. 12-23-3n WE NOW HAVE for sale several thou sand crais iresn. wii he k bage, 2c per pound f. o. b. Myrtle Beach, S. C. Cash With nMai. Myrtle Beach Farms Co., Mvitle Beach. S. C. iR.ont Will give you a wide range of fpo.l thoughts THE GOOD SERVICE STORE Near or Far You Can (Jet I's on the Tinkling Kell. We Deliver. 2016 PHONES 1768 THE RED FRONT STORE Corner Church and Fourth Sts. SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE NEW GOODS COMING IN EVER V DAY.' Canned goods of all kind, nice large juicy prunes, pancake and buckwheat flour, Log Cabin syrup, pure honey, home-made sorgum, , fresh celery, let tuce, tomatoes mustard and turnip greens, snap beans, sweet and Irish potatoes, Ward's and Corby's cakes, apples, oranges, -bananas, grapefruit, Brookfield creamery butter, fresh coun try butter, fresh eggs and chickens. In fact everything in fresh grocerien at all times. PHONE 4131. Watts Grocery Co. 813 K. Seventh St. GROCERIES DELICIOUS, ECO X O M H TiV and two pound boxes. in ten-pound kegs. .Mil.;i,..T 0D in 0n MILLER-VAN NFss ra "erndell Pure Food Disfribm,' Christmas Specialtie In Eats We have a choice assortment of the very best and freshest nuts, candies, oranges, apples, grapes, bananas, grapefruit, layer raisins, figs dates, cranberries, celery and lettuce, cit ron, pineapple, cherries, orange and K lemon peel, cocoanuts, shell almonds, walnuts, currants, seedjess raisins. Fresh country cjrgs. Country hams. New shipment Melrose- flour. Kiddenite watersrpund meal and Gra-. ham flour. Fresh treamery butter. - Phone us your orders in early and avoid the rush, and be assureel of prompt delivery. - SIGAIt! COFFEE! We are not giving it away you try it you will vvondoV van give such good'eoft'oo less than anyone tlse. lv.M, grade Known an over the Uni per lb Or 3 lbs. for Trinity Blend, lb Genuine Mocha & Java, ?! We have other grades Pet Milk, small sizo Or dozen Large size Or dozen Cocoa, lb Or 1-2 lb Chocolate, Yh Or 1-2 lb for . -Ucn 1c "Vooc . iHf 2)f ..10- ..Mt ..J2r -Mr Teas, Coffees. Sugars, Or-is fj. a a. Aryon c. We Deliver. FRESH STKINC; fi-;.s Okra, egg plant, spinadi, l,rn ions, mustard salad, carrot. berg lettuce. N. Y. snn- ( i. r cp.ooage, leil peppers, caulit!' Always call 101 or i u2. headquarters for good ihi'n-s S. Tt. LENTZ W. M. Sigmon, ',fffr 315 N. Try,n. Thones 101 or 101. FITE'S SPECIAL f'',r Porto Rico sweet potatoes By the bushel Fresh country eggs, dozen Kingan's sliced bacon, lb. . lvingan s Reliable hams 8 lbs. compound lard 1 lbs. compound lard Fresh shipment Melrose 11 size bags. Temple Garden-, the sel!'-ri flour. Every bag money refunded. :58c .$1.33 . .33r S1.9 dOt in lb. ua r ing l'u ten; CRAIG FITE The Cut-Price Casli C-roccr. Red Front 39 S. Collrji 1875 PHONES 18.6 We Deliver All Over the City. GULP BROS. We Are Se!li 225 E. Trade St. Thoncs 180G-1807 WULL START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. "LETSGO" IS AN ANTISEPTIC DEL1QLESCENT SOAP. Wherever applied, all dirts and stains of any character immediately LETS GO, whether it be hands, scalps, laundry, furniture, iron cr brass beds, walls, -doors, floors, carpets, kitchen equipments, alumi num ware, stoves, automobiles and places where dirts, greases, corro sions or any kind of filth accumulates. GET "LETS- WHERE YOU CAN GO." From your Grocerymen, Garage, Supply Stations, Hardware and Furniture Stores. If your Dealer does not have "LETSGO" in stock, send as his name and the price for tether size can, and same will be sent to you by parcel post. "LETSGO" IS PACKED IN THREE CONVENIENT FORMS 8-ounce Collapsible Tubes! price uc. uarry tins size m Automobile Dockets, suit cases, etc. Meets any dmergency ana cleanses with water. iu-uunee r ncuon xop Can, price -"!- individual and family size i gallon Friction Top Bucket, price $1.00. The economical laundry aim ictciory pacKage. Our satisfied customers are num bered among the private homes Factories, Cotton and Hosiery Mi'ls' stores. XJarPer Shops, Picture j-iouses, pressing Clubs. Printing- nouses, etc. ng re- Our Full Line of I serves, Jellies, Jams and Pure Honey at greatly re duced prices. This is your chance to fill the pantry at near half prices. All sizes. Don't overlook this. Economy Grocery 37 W. Fourth Si. riionr Phone 4090 Hospitals, Hotels, Cafes', and Mfg. Co. Hickory, N. C. CHARLOTTE DEALERS Southern Hardware Co. J. II. Hani T. F. Rogers Sixth nnrt f 'n!! ci c. . , Station s lm oprvice Carolinas Nash Jlotor Co Sehorn & Hipp Ko-.Mo Supply Co. Piggly-Wiggly Stores Koamer Sales Co. Gulf Service Station C. C. Coddington Dail-Overland Co. W. R. Stroupe Co. Standard Oil Co. Wilson Motor Co. Rust .Voter Co. Auto Service Cc. Duncan-Roark Oil Co Blake's .Auto Service. " Fitsh pork hams, lb. No 1 Irish Dotatoes. Our best chicken feed 100 lbs. our best chick 15 lbs. fine grnaulaled Fresh eggs, dozen . . 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour . 4S lbs. Elizabeth flour . 24 lbs. self-rising flour . 4S lbs. self-rising flour . No. 5 Snowdrift lard .. No. 10 Snowdrift lard . . peel' on fr..? S2..VI si.iw . ..wr SI S2.l .si.io .S;.I3 . .Sl.:;i PHONE US YOUR V'r- WE deli vp: r a n v v h k R K 1 N THE CITY. 1 -'.mSS&SJ Corner Eleventh and Gralwm 6"cet5' Phone 4090. CITY OF CHARLOT BULLETIN TE The City Commissioners to the people of Charlotte very slB cere wishes for a Merry ( hri"'1' and a Happy, Prosperous Nv

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