THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMIJEK 29, 1921.' u 1 ill , i? ' .1 The Better Man By MAY CHRISTIE Copyright, 1921, by The McCIure Newspaper Syndicate. III. FASCINATING DOLLY MORTIMER. Once tete-a-tete inside the taxi, Reg inald pursued his suit. He had the gift of wo-ds and plausibility. Friend ship was the great thing in married life. "Getting on" together. Why, they'd 'get on' like a house on fire. Hadn't they always done so? Compatibility of temperament? They had it. To a marked degree. And Camilla always had enjoyed her self with him. She couldn't possibly deny it? He would supply the loving. All of it. She needn't worry over that. The pleasure-loving side of Camilla's nature listened rather eagerly to Reg gie's wooing. The worldly sH.?. But a still, small voire t -ot asking her if this was all that life was .wide: t.i hold for her? Were the Reggi s of ih.s world capable of rousing uiu sus"ti; ing a 'grande pension' real roroa .x j . Vague longings had obsessed her late-; ly . . . longings that sue eouiaii . quae define. . . . And Reggie loved the social whirl cf London T- wn so much! Wnils she Camilla had begun to gang.; its sh.-l-lnwnpss! "Anyhow, you'll wear my ring for j just a week, say.' queried tne remoter, artfully. 'We'll bave a trial engage ment, and no one need know a thing about it? The sapphire looks so ripping cn your finger, darling. Do consent and bave a little secret between ourselves:' Camilla weakened. The ring was lovely, matched her frock, and fascinat ed her. Besides. Reggie was a dear. Unstable, maybe. And very likely not disinterest ed. (Camilla had a charming little in- 13 0 For Constipated Bowels Bilious Liver The nicest eathartio-laxatlve to physic your bowels when you have Headache CqJ3s Dirtiness Biliousness Indigestion Sour Stomach la candy-like Cascarets. One tonight will empty your bowels com pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They work while you eleep." Caecareta never stir you up or gripe like Salts. Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they coat only ten cents a box. or two Children love Cascarets too. One of our o vercoats will put your wardrobe in just the right shape for the New Year. Priced at a positive saving to you. H. C. Long Co. 33 East Trade. K?en All Evening. Since 1868 j The Home of Good Shoes WITH SKIRTS SO SHORT PRETTY HOSE IS ESSEN TIAL and pray tell, wnere will you find any newer hosiery modes, or any wider range f choice fabrics than right here in this shop? ' All Wool, Silk and Wool, Thread Silk, Glove Silk every shade imaginable. GILMER-MOORE CO. Shoes, Hosiery, Luggage, Lingerie MEL Don't Put Off Getting Your Overcoat You'll need it for some time. Winter has just started. We have a great showing here: Ulsters, Raglans, Mo tor Coats, Dress Coats, every kind of overcoat to keep you warm. Pick Yours out now. LON come, that operated much as fly-paper does to flies.) But then she seldom or' r.ever met disinterested men, these hard-up-daya. When they reached the smart, up-to the-minute dance club that was-their destination, the ring was still upon her fiinger. "Doily Mortimer is meeting us here for dinner, and bringing with her a chap who's just come home from Af rica a pa' of her husband's, I behave" said Reggie blithely, helping Camilla to descend, and paying the driver. "Come cn inside. W e're late." With a proprietary air, he marshalled the young girl through heavily-portal-led slass doors into a garishly illuml rated lounge that was gay with flowers and pretty frocks and laughter. The music of a band came throbbing ly across the heated air. . Regsie expanded as a sunflower does towards the sun. This was the life he loved his metier. His glance, questioning for Mrs. Mor timer and cavalier, went rapidly a-rov- mg. It would linger now ana men, ap preciatively, on some unknown but pretty face. "They aren't here," he said, at last. "They've probably gone on downstairs to book a table. Let's vamoose, Camilla." Ha led her down a thickly carpeted staircase into a glittering Bedlam thai was all gyrating couples, melody, per fume and color. "lion Homme" the latest song-hit to intrigue a fickle public was being ham mered out on cymbals, drums and saxa phones. and on a variety of instruments. And on a wide, highly-polished sur face that occupied the central portion of the hall, couples with a rapt look upon their faces glided, pirouetted, shimmied. A small, blonde woman, exquisitely dressed, rose from a table on the edge of the dance door and waved to them. "There's Dolly. All alone, too.' Camilla's escort steered the girl through a maze of little tables till they reached their goal. "Hello, there, Dolly. Where's your cavalier?" The small, blonde woman made a dainty "moue." Then she' favored Camilla with a brilliant smile, held out two fingers to Reggie, and said, in a high, plaintive voice: "The wretch has gone to telephone. As a matter of fact, I do believe it was just an excuse to get away from me. He disapproves of all this sort of thing." "And who is the mysterious 'he'?" Camilla asked. "Oh. Elliot Glyn. He's a pal of Jim my's fresh off the veldt." She giggled nauerhtilv. "Brought me a message an the way from Durban from my better half. Says it's my plain duty to go out and join him. Don't forget you're com ing too, Camilla. Tannine the floor restively witn ner high-heeled slipper, she added: "Take nitv on me, Reggie, ana lets have a little whirl before old sobersides comes back!" NextThe "Chap From Africa." AMERICA'S VENUS" IS TITLE GIVEN HER AS WINNER IN PERFECT WOMAN CONTEST i J If I :- flSB I t School Shoes Friday and Saturday will be School Shoe Days at Thompson's We still have a good stock for the kiddies to select from 50c to ?5.00 This includes soft soles up to big misses. "Come in." Thompson's Phona 23. An interesting study of Miss Gertrude Eggert. Miss Gertrude Eggert of Fresno, Cal., has been adjudged America's most perfectly formed woman in a contest conducted by a well-known magazine. Her daily program, to which she attributes her perfect health and figure, consists of a cold bath, breakfast, aesthetic dancing, rest, a brief walk, lunch, ju jitsu or other exercise, shopping or visit ing, dinner and then a quiet evening at home. PROPOSED FREIGHT TARIFF IS OPPOSED GOOD GROOMING. Richmond Va., Dec. 29. Voicing op position to the proposed new tariffs of freight rates to Virginia and Caro lina cities, which the Interstate Com-j mtrce Commission has ordered in ef fect January 15, 1922, shippers and receivers of freight from various cities ot Virginia, at a meeting here yester clya, declared the proposed rates were not justified by any traffic or commer cial condition and unjustly discrimina tory. The new rates were proposed by the carriers and presented to the Interstate Commerce Commission. Resolutions were adopted asking the Interstate Commerce Commission to rescind the order putting the new rates into effect pending an investiga tion as to its reasonableness. A letter which will go to each member of the Commission, was drafted and reads m prt as follows: "In our opinion, the present freight rates are economically too high and, until they are lower, we cannot hope for business to return to conditions that are normal or near normal." CANNOT AGREE WITH THEORIES OF DARWIN Toronto, Dec. 29. Professor William Bateson, world famous English biolo gist, last night threw a bombshell into the convention of the American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science by declaring that it was impossible for scientists any longer to agree with Charles Darwin's theory of the origin of. species. He declared that, while forty years ago, the Darwin theory was accepted without question, today scientists had come to a point where they were un able to offer any explanation of the genesis of species. Professor Bateson admitted that his words marked him down as an agnos tic, but maintained there was nothing left for the scientists of today but agnosticism, or as he called it, "obscurantism." It is so important for a woman al- ways to look well-groomed, that I feel I cannot talk too much about it. It is not a question of money or time, it is only a matter of knowing what sort of clothes to wear and how to wear them. It she is careful and has the little knack of wearing her clothes well, the poorest girl will look better dressed than her wealthy and careless sister. Perhaps it will help if I gave a list of the things to be careful about. First, there is the hair. It is just as easy and just as quick to comb the hair neatly as it is to do it up in a slipshod fashion. If you have the sort of hair that runs to straggly ends, wear a hair net and learn to adjust it properly. Then vhen 5rou have finished combing your hair, take up the hand-mirror and look at the back of your head. nds that hang down the neck and hairpins that show will keep you from looking well groomed. Second in importance are the hands and gloves. Stained or soiled nails are never seen on the well-groomed woman. It takes less than two min utes every day to keep the nails nice looking. As for gloves a fresh, clean j pair of fabric gloves are better than an j old shabby pair of kid ones. Gloves i and shoes should always be immacu late. Third in importance is the way that the clothes are put on. The shirt waist must be tucked in neatly, the collar must r.Iways be immaculately fresh and dainty, vhe skirt must hang with an even hem and the petticoat should never show. These are . tiny matters and one might think them too obvious to mention. Yet in every crowd of girls in a homebound trolley at night, some need this advice. Black-eyed Susan: If your complex ion has even a few pimples it proves that the digestion is upset or else that the system is constipated. The yeast "! laxative and should clear the skin. However, if it does not seem to have this effect. upon you, take a table spoon of white mineral oil every day and be careful of your diet. Try not to eat foods that are badly cooked, or too rich or too sweet. Drink plenty water very day and get outdoors for, at least, two hours daily. If you follow these directions you will have a clear and healthy complex ion. The freckles are not a disfigure ment, but if you do no-: like them you can bleach some of them by using cu- 1 . 1 w : : - ' M' ' " ' " Always A Better Bread MILLERS Butter-Nut Bread BODY OF AMERICAN DOCTOR IS HONORED Mexico City, Dec. 29. (By the Asso ciated Press) President Obregon has ordered official honors for the late Dr. Howard B. Cross, of the Rockefeller In stitute, who died at Vera Cruz from yellow fever, and theb ody will be brought to the capital today. In his orders to the Sanitary Department, the President referred to Dr. Cross as a martyr to science. From the time of its arrival here un til the afternoon, when the ceremony wll be held, the casket will be held under a guard of honor headed by Dr. Gabriel Malda and Dr. Alfonso Pru neda, president and secretary of the Sanitary Department. After the ceremony, the body will be placed on a train and started for Enid, Okla., where burial will take place. CUTICURA FOR HAIR AND SKIN For promotirfg and maintain ing beauty of skin and Hair Cuticura Soap and Ointment are unexcelled. Cuticura Tal cum is an ideal powder, re freshing and cooling to most delicate skins. SpU luk Ttm by Mil. Addreii: "OmnrXk. ratorlei, Dpt. lie Moldem !." Sold every where. Sep 36c Ointment 25 mnd 60c. Talcum 2Se. Sr. Caticwe. Soap sharea witkoat mat. HIS WISH GRATIFIED AND MULTIPLIED TOO Parry Sound, Ont., Dec. 29. Forty years in the penitentiary was the sen tence imposed by Police Magistrate Moore yesterday on Stephan Sowisluk, Who pleaded guilty to smashing twenty-one windows "in order to earn a term in a nice warm jail for the Winter." He was convicted of ten charges and sentenced to serve a term of four years on each, the sentences to run consecutively. You must look good from the back. cumber juice or peroxide of hydrogen. All inquiries addressed to Miss Forbea in care of the "Beauty Chats" depart ment will be answered in these columns in their turn. This requires consid erable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a per sonal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self -addressed enveloDe must be enclosed with the question. The Editor. CALOMEL GOOD BUT NEXT DOSE MAY SALIVATE It is Mercury, Quicksilver, Shocks Liver and Attacks Your Bones. WILL. INVESTIGATE. Toronto, Dec. 29. W. E. Rancy, Attorney General of Ontario, announc ed last night that he would conduct ar. investigation into the case cf Stephan . Sowisluk, sentenced at Parry Pound to serve forty years for window smashing. He described the penalty as "extraordinary for such an offense." CAUSEY FAMILY NOW SHOWS IMPROVEMENT Calomel salivation is horrible. It swells the tongue, loosens the teeth and starts rheumatism. There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents buys a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tore a perfect substiutte for calomel. In is a pleasant vegetable liquid which wil! start your liver just as surely as calomel, hut it aoesn t make your sick and can not salivate. Calomel is a dangerous drug, besides it may make you feel weak, sick and rauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a dav's work.' Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up teelmg great. ISio salts necessarv Your druggist says if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than treacherous calomel your money is waiting ior you. WHEN YOU BUY BREAD ALWAYS DEMAND THAT BETTER BREAD, IT IS WRAPPED HOT, DELIVERED HOT AND YOU CAN BUY IT HOT. It is all breacl nothing puffed about it and it's the best bread you . ever tasted. You will not be content with just one slice, but you will want another. It is delicious, appetizing and wholesome and every member of the family will enjoy it to the last crumb. DEMAND THAT FULL WEIGHT LOAF. One Pound Size, 10 Cents. One and One-Half Pound Size, 15 Cents. FRESH AT YOUR GROCER TWICE DAILY Carolina Baking Company Monument Sule Our entire stock of ready built Monuments being sold at greatly reduced prices. SkM Make your selections early. Piedmont 301 East Second St. Mil m aroie Co Phone 694 Mrs. G. L. Causey, whose leg was broken Monday night when f J. D. Paxton, game warden, ran into her with a motorcycle, was reported as resting satisfactorily 'Thursday morn ing. According to Mr. Causey, he, his wife and members of their family were walking along the highway near Ir win's Creek bridge on the Dowd road when Mr. Paxton dodged around from behind a Ford car they were following and ran into them. In addition to Mrs. Causey's injury, their four-year-old daughter had her collarbone broken and the little two-year-old son was badly bruised and scratched. Everyone in the party was struck except Mr. Causey, though none seriously injured. "IN THE COURSE OF DUTY." San Francisco, Dec. 29. Four United States prohibition enforcement as-pnts I have been poisoned in the last three wenea ii um uucu Dranay, wmcn tney consumed in the course of duty, but none was made seriously ill, it was announced yesterday from the office of E. Forrest Mitchell, district prohibition enforcement officer. DIAMONDS Our many years of experi ence in selling precious stonaa .is your warranty against mis takes in judging: quality 13 value. See our showings of gift suggestions in gems. Ift FROARi 1 Diamond Merchant, j Jeweler, Silversmith 16 N. Tryon St. i Closing Out A Special Purchase Of Glidden Mops At 89c Original Price $2.00 You know the Glidden an excellent, reversi ble Mop, light and flexible, and with no exposed metal - parts to mar ydur furniture. It picks up . the dust without scattering and, being reversible, polishes as well as "mops." Well, the factory has closed out a big lot of Glidden Mops to us at a price a very special price. So, instead of selling them at ?2 the Mop, as usual, we can offer this lot to you while they last at 89 cents. "Some" bargain, eh? Assuredly. And, no need to urge your early orders, surely. SMITH-WADSWORTH Hardware Company "The Quality Hardware Store" 29 East Trade Street Phones 64-65 4

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