THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFJTERNOON, DECEMBER 29, 1921. FOR DEMOCRACY Chairman Democratic Na tional Committee Indulges in Some Plain Talk. Naj'livi!!e, Tenn., Dec. 29. Declaring "ihe time ha3 come when pa- ,7fl;c citizens and Democrats should in plain talking," Judge Cordell t c'ii'irman of the Democratic Na . jiii Committee, in his first public lV,cfs since election to that position, .' t ht reviewed the Republican v -nin isrriit i.n of national affairs since l1.1-!. ;,rul contrasted this with . .iripafjlleled achievement" o the ,.pm0,-c;ts in the previous eight years. 1 . tdarci's was delivered at a i...v:- eien by the State Democratic V&V'" i iW X.C'litive Committee in honor of n .11 i . . . i..i . lirnim Hull anil ciiieuueu uy yii iy i. . .. from every part of the State, v.". i.- u . rpted geneially as the open-t:-,e Congressional pre-electicn r,ivi;c:i i.y the new chairman, who 1 n I O lilt' w i I now faced the Government, ,ii!aiiii''tl the attitude which his ,'i t.. won!-1 take on them. ' Vnn :vr relief for farmers, adequate -;,! f.v, i (rans, reduction of taxes to ', nu1-': -sue for the "panic conditions" ,,'.-.V e'i't fining-, and a remedy for the . ; resulting from the flood of s'y-eNOinpt securities were among the V-ius outlined by the new chairman Democratic party. " ivmocrats are the loyal and consis .. at f: U'-mls of the ex-service man," "declared. Turning to the farmers' i-,nckuon. he added that, "ever solici ;;0ti; of his welfare, . '. . . the Peniocratic party when in power did mere to advance the interest of the fjvnif-:' than had been clone in all the previous history of the Nation and a,! planned to do much more, if it 'id remained in power." Tho burden of our public debt ciiouid be adjusted so as not to be -i.presive to the American tax-payer herring under panic conditions. The siaw. tather than the Federal Gov- n:n?nt. should be urged to deal by a ;ii.iform policy with the growing evil local tax-exempt securities." I.ECKLESS FALSEHOOD. Th? results of the last national Section, Judge Hull asserted, were se- i i : ed by "criminal malignity and reck -;.?. falsehood" on the part of the Republican leaders. I: was not so much the Democratic party; it was the American people wh'' have suffered the colossal and incalculable losses that resulted from :ra t defeat," he declared. "It is beyond the power of whole sale abuse, falsehood and detraction icnsr to dim the glory of the eight years unparelleled achievement of the rational democracy. The work of ??nstructive. patriotic statesmanship, vcoinplished l.iy that party will, stand i,; in clearer perspective during the .v-ming years. The Democratic party rftiscd from that almosi super-human deal with flag untarnished, with doc ::ines sound and pure with a record :i undying fame, and with cheerful .p.i for the future. "Fundamental principles cannot be SM?a.inated and a great historic rec y.i cannot long be falsified." "If wholesale breach of solemn and unqualified promises to the people con stituted a statutory crime," Judge Hull .kl, "every reactionary Republican Wader, state and national, would, under a I'loa of guilty, be in the custody of the law today. "The disappointed farmer now reads tho account of his industrial ruin by the light of his burning corn. Mil lions of laborers are frequently in the soup-houses, bread lines and the auc tion block as in the days of chatel 3'avery. Business lias discovered that it was crucified on the cross of poli tic?." Under Republican leadership, the :hairman said, American foreign com merce "has slumped six billion dollars in the last 12 months and an "almost vertical slump in prices in America of from i!0 to 50 per cent and, in purchasing power of farm products, of t'1' per cent quickly followed." For :to years prior to March, 1921, he said, tic only remedy offered by Republican leaders for post-war conditions was "an ?r.:i(iuatcd high tariff nad the archaic uoctrinf; of commercial isolation." L-f veiopmont of a "sound public opin Wr; that will give intelligent and active fcjpport to Legislatures and Congresses i:i enactment of wise, remedial legis lation1' was declaredly the speaker to op "the first need' of the country' at this time. (0-OPhRATIOX NEEDED. "Tie? country is in sad and urgent f -fi." ... said, "of rrfKe education and tTiore co operation of uie part of indi uals and business with respect to ' public affairs. An intelligent un manilinc and whole-hearted co-oper-';cm on their part would soon improve '"Vtrnrnent one hundred per cent. Th" Democratic party is the only Kiitieal organization Judge Hull eon tuided, which today offers "a compre ssive, up-to-date national program of Nicies and principles." The party, he said, still holds to its r'lief in a tariff for revenue only, for ;ronnmy jn Governmental expencii (wes, fljr "equal rights to all and spe--ial privileges to none." 'The recent Democratic Administra--lfjn has not yet received credit for . its nniiy great accomplishments," he -said. Eiu whatever its defamers may say in future, even the school children l';i soon learn that in 1912 our na tional wealth was $187,000,000,000 and ',r' -'J. when the Republican admin - 'tr.-ttion was chosen, it was $330,000,- ' '),oiiO: in 1912 our foreign trade wa3 t-',i:j).W) 000 and in 1920 it was $13,--"O.O' A year after the war, the ;a,f of manufactured goods exported '' r''"''- month equalled the amount ex " i;1'tcd in an entire year under Taft's '"ii'iinration. WHEN HAIR THINS, FADES OR FALLS, USE "DANDERINE" 3a rerts buvB a bolt(, iJaMerine." Within j" minutes after the application you can fiM a single trace jV ndruff or falling Tjanderine is to '! hair what fresh ,m of rain and gnftiw are to vegeta t'h6 x got right to ir,i roots- invigorates J. lengthens them. Ping -"r . hair to ")nS. thick and -uriant ruur stay iire- km 1 ,-ur ri air sta.v 11 fft- tj , io!i.lolw,e,s' thin, ecracry. A single i, "i iieiientiui juanu?i in win e t u L . . -, ... .,. . . Si 'he ii'Auty and radiance of Ladies' Neckwear, 25c A ridiculous price for some in the Jot sold for $1.00 and $1.25. Vests, Sets, Colorsof Organdies, Nets, Laces. Ribbon Novelties Half of regular price. Show hand ling. Cap Bows, Lingerie Pins, Car riage Straps, Pillow Bows, Ribbon, Flowers, Etc. Original prices ranged from 30c to $3.00. Now 15c to $1.50 Ribbons for Hair Bows, 25c Plain and fancies. Every sort a color and combination ; widths range about 5 inches. Original prices from 40c to 69c. Narcissus Bulbs in Jars, 50c These sold from $1.25 to $2.00. Net Veilings, 25c Yard Blacks, Browns, Grays and Blues. Various size Nets with various size dots. Original prices to 50c. Lace Trimmed Scarfs, 50c Japanese blue print with lace edges. Size 18x36 and 18x45. Regu lar price $1.00. Sanitas Luncheon Sets, 75c Regularly $1.25 and $1.50. Some with 13 pieces, others are 5-piece breakfast sets. ! Indian Baby Blanket Robes $2.50 Strictly all wool in beautiful col orings and designs original prices were $4.50 arid $5.50. 4 Steamer Robes and Auto Blankets, Half Price Beautiful colorings and designs original prices from $10.00 to $22.00. Now .$5.00 to $11.00 Japanese Round Trays, 50c Large sizes that sold for $1.00 and $1.25. Gordon Round Ticked Hose 25c For boys or girls. Black only. Sizes .8 to 11. Children's Three-Quarter Length Hose, Wool or Cotton, 69c Black, Gray or Green. These sold from $1.50 to $2.00. aw "CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER" n WW . k-Era mm A BON MARCHE STORE" Pay gam Frida The last and most important Remnant Day of the year. Odds and ends have accumulated rapidly. In the rush of holiday shopping much desirable merchan- dise has become mussed and tossed. Inventory is disclosing items from all over the store that must be sold. ' . fjo Friday Cost Will Qe forgotten and the price fixed with the one object in view Sell Jell Jhe jfifier Christmas Sale of cfwfe, Coats and presses will continue through the week. It's a chance to buy. $100.00 Dresses $139.50 Coats $100.00 Suits $66.75 $89.50 $50.00 $ 75".00 Dresses for.. ,.: .$49.50 $98.50 Coats and $100.00 Coats $100.00 Suits for $50.00 $ 49.50 Dresses for ..... .$32.75 ' 5rt " ' V " " f9Qfn ?75 00 Suits for"..... $37.50 o. .. - nn. $89.a0 Coats for ,$a9.50 $50.00 Suits for 823.00 $ 35.00 Dresses for 5j19.7a $69.50 Coats for $49.50 $39.50 Suits for $19.75 $125.00 Coats for ...$89.50 $59.50 Coats for $49.00 $39.50 Coats for ....... ..$27.50 Silk Waists i In This After-Christmas Sale Any Crepe de Chine or Georgette Waist in stock LESS 25 PER CENT. White, Flesh or Suit shades. Blouse or surplice effects. Tailored or trim med styles. Beaded Silk Nets, $1.00 Yd. Selling regularly for $1.50; 40 inches wide. White with green bead, white with silver bead, black with silver bead, black with black bead.' Wool Suiting Checks, $1.95 Yard 54 inches wide, selling regularly for $3.50. Checks or Plaids in smart color combinations. Wool Suitings and Coatings $2.95 Yard These sold to $7.50 a yard; 54 inches wide, in the prettiest color combinations or neat plaids for Skirts and Coats. All-Over Laces, 50c White and Cream; 18 inches wide; Venice and Irish. These sold to $4.00 yard. Boxed Writing Paper, 10c 24 sheets of paper with 24 envel opes. Colors only. All Fur Neckpieces Less 50 Per Cent Chokers or Scarfs. Animal or Round shapes. Every popular pelt. Made up in the smartest styles. - Ladies' Lisle Hose, 25c Browns or Grays, these sold for 50c. Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves 50c Grays or White, 2-button lengths' or gauntlets. These sold from $1.00 to $1.69. Silk Chiffon Velvets, $4.45 Our regular $6.00 quality. All 40 inches wide, in the following colors Navy, Copen, Brown, Taupe. Costume Velvets, $2.50 Yd. These sell regularly for $3.95. All 46 inches wide. Colors, Navy, Brown, Garnet, Myrtle, Taupe. Heavy Coating Plushes, $7.50 These sold for $15.00 a yard; 52 inches wide Black or Brown. Canton Crepes, $1.95 Yd. Silk mixed Cantons, 36 inches wide, that sell regularly at $2.75. Brown, Copen, African, Navy, Jade. Comfortable Shoes at Comfortable Prices in styles that you'll be proud to mar Black Suede, three-strap buckle, Brown Kid two-strap, Baby Louis high Louis heel Pump " heel Pump $12.50 $12.50 Black Kid Beaded one-strap Pump Brown Calf, Military heel Oxford $10.00 $12.00 Black Kid Oxford $10.00 Royal Society Packages, Half Price Selling now from $1.25 to $3.75. Friday 62c to $1.88. Dolls That Show Handling, $1.95 These are various kinds and sizes and sold from $4.50 to $5.95. Silk Caps for Babies, Half of Marked Price These show handling, but can be easily put in shape. Crepe de Chine and Bengaline, all silk lined. Were 75c to $2.50. Now ... .37c to $1.25 Hats for Boys or Girls, Less a Fourth Velvets, Kid or Serges, in many styles and many colors; original prices $2.00 to $13.50. Now .$1.50 to $9.00 Girls' Winter Dresses, Less 25 Per Cent Serges, Velvets and Tricotine for girls from 6 to 16 years old. Smart models in the most wanted colorings;' original prices $7.95 to $35.00. Now ' $6.00 to $26.25 Ladies' Muslin Gowns, 75c These were $1.25. Embroidery and Lace trimmed in neat styles. Ladies' Nainsook and Batiste Teddies and Gowns, $1.95 These sold to $3.75 show slight handling tailored or trimmed models; many hand-made. Lily of France Corsets that sold from $6.50 to $20.00 Friday.. .. $2.95 to $8.95 Many models. Sizes 25 to 34. Madam Lyra Corsets that sold from $8.00 to $15.00 Friday. ..,,$3.50 to $6.50 Not all sizes but if you can be fitted you buy a real bargain. Silk and Lace Trimmed Brassieres that sold from $2.00 to $7.50 Friday .$1.00 to . $3.50 White and Pink, in many clever styles. II I I I i i . . : -J ' : - 1 1 1 '

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