THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 29, 1921. WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT LOST FOUNi The Pitllin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'Em ONE-CENT -A - WORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES BTYLB "A" Set this BtMe and type one cent per word each Insertion. STYLE "Tt" SET THIS STYLE AND TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Any style "slugged" either f op or Iwt torn, or between lines, at double the nhoTA rates. . nrd.jr butf or convenience' of Charlotte patrons, who are listed to the trAone rectory, or known In the newirtapr office, s memorandum chare will be made with the export atvn at the bill be paid when presented. Regular Classification of ads cannot be euaranteed after IS o'clock for Dally Edition r after 10 p. m. Saturday for Sunday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP vv A ntf.D Linotype operator. Armlv Foreman, Charlotte rrv News. tf "WANTED Woman for cook and gen eral housework. Must live on place; near country club. Phone 4031 -W. 27-3t tiptvft? WANTED with five bun "dred dollars. A man that is willing to work. This ia a grand business and can furnish best of references. Ad io.o TV S. care News. "R-3t tv a 'TED Bv Feb. f, a competent white woman to nurse and live- on minos vvione Mrs. Carson, ",0 - ... on iviMTKTi Two vouns men to run trains as news agents; $15.00 bond required. Union News Co., Southern Ototinti 29-2t SPECIAL NOTICES tpvt'S EYEGLASSES nt all eyes Nothing better; 7 East Trade. 11-23-tf t-UNO TUNING W. E. Senn. Char lotte. N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-t NEW MATTRESSES mad.3 out o your old ones.' Renovated. New ticks. It pays. It rids you of vermin. Cal' 1588-J for particulars. Lawing a XfnttrHa Factory. 212 North Long St. FOR RENT FOR RENT Office building, 20 offices wall located. J. H. McAden. Phone 860. 8-tf FOR RENT Office room, .well located. Apply aiertOU C. Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5 -tf FOR KENT To gentlemen, orni nicely furnished room, close in. Private fam ' ily. PJione 1156-W! 16-tf FOR RENT To gentlemen or couple, furnished room, heated private, Tam il v. in Dilworth. Phone 29S1. 17-tf FOR RENT To couple, nicely fur nished room; 313 East Seventh St. 20-tf FOR RENT Large, completely fur nished bedroom, close in. Phone 2671 -W. - 21-tf FOR RENT One furnished bedroom downstairs with heat; 223 S. Cedar. Phone 1104-W. 3Kt VOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE cheap; 804 79. N. Brevard St. IMPROVED MECKLENBURG FARMS I ONE HORSE and delivery wagon lou will find what you want in our detailed list of choice farm offerings. H. H.' THOMAS COMPANY 102 Trust Bldg. 15-tt Phone 17-tf FOR SALE Six-room house, West Trade street. Price $525. Can be handled on reasonably small cash pay ment. W. C. Harris & Co. 273t W. M. BELL, Notary Public, front of fice Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to 8 p. m. 9-tf FOR SALE Direct from owner, fur nished or unfurnished six-room bun galow -with all modern conveniences. Located in Third ward.- Pnoae 1423--J FUEL Don't- fool yourself by buying cheap fuel, the best is always the cheapest 20-tf I We weigh and fork every ton and guarantee satisfaction, jr'none us a trial FOR SALE Five-room bungalow, new order and be convinced. NICELY furnished heated room, close in- Phone 221-.T. 27 Zt FOR RENT CJoee in furnished rooms; 303 N. Church. ST-4t FOR RENT Nine-room house with furnace heat, suitable for two fami lies, rhone after 7 o'clock, county 4902. 27 .t ROOMS FOR RENT to couple without children or men in private family of two. Furnished or unfurnished; 603 N. Pine St. 27-3t FOR RENT Second floor of 311 East Trade St. Front street entrmeo Floor space 46x76 with two larg-2 offices cut off at front. Steel ceiling. Plentv of light with electric elevator. Phone 293. . 27-tf FOR RENT One nicely furnsihed bed room within walking distance of square. Modern conveniences. Rant very reasonable; 607 South Tryon. O "7 if 4 -Li. FOR SALE Several brand new bunga lows ready to move into January x. Ouppii Citv Realtv Co.. Inc. 24-5t F'OR RENT 3000 feet floor space and two offices, located on Southern sid ing, close up town, an ideal location in many respects. Phone 364. Loca tion. 425 S. College. 23-tf FOR RENT One furnished bedroom to business girls. Phone 1757-J. 23-tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment, four rooms and bath on first floor. No children! 608 N. Poplar St. 23-tf FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms near Southern depot to men. Phone 2918 after 6 p. m. 28-tf FOR RENT Large furnished front room, porch and connecting bath, Morehead and S. Boulevard. Phone 951-J. ' 2S-2t 28-tf WHEN visiting Concord stop at the Central Filling Station on East Com bine St.. for gasoline, oils, auto laundering, tires, tubes and service. 24-t WANTED To sand your floors with electric sanding machine. Phone 4814-W. C. A. Mullis. 2S-ut "WE STILL -have few tons steam coal at $6 per ton. This coal is fine for furnaces. Independence Coal Co Phone 4461. 28-6t a 1921 OUT Midnight Barbecue Saturday Dec. 31st ALEX'S PLACE National Highway North 1922 IN Thos. J. Hunter in Charge. He Says Buy Your Tickets Early" 28-2t Let Us STOP THE LEAKS in your HEiOOF AND GUTTERS Phone 3149 STRANGE & BRADY 21-tf The best place to buy your groceries for 1922 is at B&yd-Garner Co. Hie best of everything to eat Phone 1159 29-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To make your mattresses and pads to order. Maciresses reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made. Hailey-Howard Co., zou i. jucuoweu t. .Phone 1127-L2 . 22-tf WANTED Your painting, calsomim- lng, refinlshlng floors. J. S. McCall Phone 40C9. 12-tf WANTED Used furniture. Phone 44as 505 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf WANTED Orders for cabbage. Read our ad In Farm Products column Myrtle Beach Farms Co., Myrtle Beach, S. C. 16-20t WANTED To buy $2000 worth of furnituro and stoves. Piedmont Fur niture Co. Phone 4344. . 12-23-30t WANTED Before .making: arrange ments on Business Course you to free us. Spencerian Shorthand (learned in from three to four months' time) Touch Typewriting, English, Twen tieth Century Bookkeeping, Spellin and Office Practice. Enter now anil be ready to accept position in April Write or call to see us at once Brown's Business College, 12 South Tryon St. Phone 2566. 27-2t-eod l.1,' . : ; AixjU j. wo norse larm. Kent on shares. J. C. Nimm, 18 W. Palmer St., Charlotte. ; 2.-4t WANTED To interview someone wit! couple of automobiles that interested in taxi business. "Experienced," care .News. 29-2 WANTED Music pupils by experienc ed teacher. Phone 523-W. 29-3t-thux-sun-mon FOR RENT Large nicely furnished front room with board in private home to business gins or coupie. furnace heat, all conveniences. Phone 3601-W. 28-4t FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, with con veniences, also garage. Phone 260S-L2 28-3t FOR RENT Four unfurnished steam heated rooms bath on floor, two blocks from square. Phone 2496-.T. 2S-3t FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. No children; 623 E. Fifth St. 28-lt FOR RENT Furnished rooms to gen tlemen only, hot and cold water, near good board; 509 West Seventh. Phone 2908-W.' ! 28-4t FOR RENT Three-room apartment for light housekeeping, unfurnished, upstairs, or two unfurnished rooms downstairs, all conveniences, on car lire, rent reasonable. Phone 1360-W. 2S-2t FOR RENT Nice furn-sned room to one or two gentlemen, convenient to bath; 202 Mint St. Phone 3815. 27-3T FOR RENT Two rooms for light hcusekepeing-, furnished; 501 We.jt Fourth, St. - 28-St FOR RENT Room, furnished for light housekeeping. Running water and lights free; $17 per month in ad vance. Apply room 10, 6 East Sev enth St. 29-lt FOR RENT A large store room cor ner Sixth and Tryon Sts. F. J. .Rob inson. 29-2t FOR RENT Nicely furnished down stairs tront bedroom, every home con venience, near good boarding house close in. Phone 3664. - 23-4t FURNISHED room with board, hot water and heat. Phone 4076. 29 FURNISHED room for rent to gen rlemen only; 10 N. Graham. 29-3t FOR RENT To gentleman, nicely fur nished bedroom with board, all ecu veniences, close in, 311 N. Brevard. Phone 4134.. 2- FOR RENT Four-room apartment prl vate entrance, steam heated, front porch; 1521 East Fourth St. Phoi:- 2153. ' 29-tf i' un utii r Two unrurni3hed rooms downstairs suitable light housekeep ing. References. Phone 2229-J. i:9-lt FOR RENT Three unfurnished house keeping rooms, ground floor, $25 a month. Phone 1435-.T. 29-2r I'uu Kis.M jNiceiy turnisned. room adjoining bath. "Will give meals, Phone 4452-J. 23 3t FOR RENT Three unfurnished room-: for housekeeping. No children. Phone J363-J. tQ-U FOR RENT Three large front rooms unfurnished at 216 N. Brevard St., immediate possession, call at res: dence or phone. 878 29-3t FOR RENT One furnished room ad joining bath, steam heat, close in Phone 3314-J. 23-tf NICELY furnished front room to cou- ple private home, breakfast it de fired. Phone 4320-J. 29-4t FOR RENT Three unfurnished roomj water furnished. Apply 12 S. Bre vard. , Phone 4954-L2. 29-4t FOR SALE STOVES! STOVES! STOVES Selling at cost plus hauling in our great sale on . new gas ranges, combination ranges and all the heaters in our store. During this sale we will take your old stove in exchange. You can't afford to miss this opportunity if money means anything; to you. CHARLOTTE STOVE CO. 233 East Trade St. Phone 477 22-7 FARM PRODUCTS WE NOW HAVE for sale several thou sand crats fresh, well headed cab bage, 2c per pound f. o. b. Myrtlo r.each, s. c. Cash with order Myrtle Beach Farms Co., Myrtle Beach, S. C 16-20t rdof. newly painted, nevly papered walls, one block from car line, walk ing distance of the square. Price $4250: $1200 cash payment. W. C. Harris & Co. 12 S. Tryon St. Phone 936 or 2749-W. . m I P. I 1 llll I. 'IIHJl ' FOR SALE Seven-room bungalow. Elizabeth section. A bargain, n ui aooept cconi kand automobile as initial paj-ment. No cash needed. Address Bungalow, P. O. Box 1347. 20-tf PHONE 1216 Blue Gem $11.00 Per Ton Pocahontas Egg $11.00 Per Ton Pocahontas Rom ....... $9.00 Per Ton ,I Penn Anthracite $16.50 Per Ton WIGGINS FUEL CO. QUALITY AND SERVICE. FOR SALE New five-room bungalow never been occupied, one block from car line and close in. Price $4950; $1000 cash, balance like rent. W.C. Harris & Co. 27-3t FOR SALE New bungalow. Colonial Ave., furnace heat, hardwood floors 60 foot lot. $6500. Phone J. C. Harley. 3022. F. C. Abbott & Co. 20-t.f FOR SALE Dry oak and pine wopd. Blue Qem lump coal. $10 per ton Fred N. Hall. Phone 3880. 22-7t FOR " SALE Piedmont bungalow, six large rooms. Lot 66-:25 reet. House one year old, street being paved. Price $5750. W. C. Harris & Co., 12 Soutli Tryon St., Garibaldi-Bruns Building. 27-3tl FOR SALE Dandy bareraln in Dil worth. two stories, heat. Yoilr own terms. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 24-5t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 25-7t FOR SALE Edge Myers Park, new bungalow. Possession January 1; $6500 with heat. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-ot FOR SALE MOVABLE PHONE 287. 20-tf FOR SALE If you could see yourself and family with your nice furniture arranged in the six-room Elizabeth bungalow on paved street, we would not have to hunt you. You would be hunting us to close the deal. The terms are easy. The price is right. Phone for an appointment. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936 or 2443. 27-3t COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 25-7t FOR SALE Eight-room bungalow, Myers Park. Now vacant. Heat wit.i coal in basement. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-5t FOR SALE Market and fix tures, 1508 South Tryon St. Phone 4197. 25-tf FOR SALE Best buy in Charlotte. Near playgrounds, Elizabeth; $1000 cash, balance like rent. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-3t FOR SALE Ten-room house close in, newly papered and painted, new roof. heating plant, front entrance, garage. Price $S250; $1000 will swing tu- FOR SALE One milk deal. W. C. Harris & Co. 2V-3t Phone County 4712. COAL COAL $10.00 Best grade LUMP Every ton weighed. Free from dirt and slack. WILLIAMS COAL CO. 1397 PHONES 1809-W 28-5t cow. Fresh 28-2t FOR SALE Two brand new homes, I FOR SALE Ten-piece Queen Anne Myers Park. Ready to move into. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-5t WILL give 30 to any one that wi'l handle $2000.00 real estate note, 12 months. Address W. A. is., care News. 24-3t solid walnut dining room suit. Been in use only short time. In perfect condition. Will sell for $250 cash: Address Queen Anne, care Charlotte News. 28-tf FOR SALE Five rooms Myers Park section. Gas, water and lights. Ce ment street; $4950. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. Phone 535 or 1262-J. 24-St INVEST in uptown business property. We have one of the best .propositions ! ever offered on market. Queen Citj Realtv Co., Inc. Phone 535. 24-5t WANTED Salesmarf to sell Real in state and Insurance on commission. Must be of good character, good mixer, a live wire and own a car. Address Dealer 48. care News. 27-3t COAL, BEST GRADE LUMP DELIVERED $10.00 WILLIAMS COAL CO. 1397 PHONES 1809-W 28-5t FOR SALE One1 Eclipse electric room heater, sxi dollars. Phone 591-J. 28-2t MISCELLANEOUS "WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Local Distance Hauling Moving Packing Storing VVE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO, 207 W. Fourth St. DAY PHONE 1166 NIGHT PHONE 5074 AUTOMOBILES MA TERNITT S ANITA RIUM Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 23 Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 12-26t-dailv LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S. Poplar 25-tf . BAJtSALNS We have several very good used cars that can be bought right and on easy terms USED CAR EXCHANGE, - 505 South -Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DIilVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 la-tf LOST OR FOUND LOST Friday in shopping disiH cameo brooch. Notify Airs Western- Union, city. Reward ' '- ': LIBERAL reward foFthr? turn' of Overcoat taken )n" mistake from the City Audi torium Wednesday nighl J American War Mothers' Ran" Phone 800. ofh --n FOUND writer v uui-lui ior uiat sif-k .uunc oioi. j ynowrii..,. i- change Co., 231 S. Tryon St. .-. ?' n'c-i,-,,,,. LOST Wednesday about on, in. Charlotte National Bank vmc BARCiAJ-NS IN USED CARS- More than ?0 used automobilea different models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipp. 211 N. College St. Phone 4050 7-tf FOR RALE One Ford .coupe, one Ford touring, one Chancier club roadster, all in good con dit k.m W. E. Bailey, Bailev Bros. Market, 513 W. Trade St. n-tt FOR SALE- Ford touring car, 1917 model, one Ford lignt delivery truck, chear Phone 346. U-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, good as new. Phone 158S-J. Lawings Mattress Factory. 10-tf WE BUY sharpen, sell safety razor blades, all makes. Charges, 1-2 your original price. Holbrook's, 32 SouU Tryon. 27-3t FURNACE SMOKING? We clean and repair Furnaces, Hot and Cold air pipes. Anything in sheet metal. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 ... 21-tf WALL PAPER HANGING, house painting. CaJi J. M. Muse. Phone 2962 or 2260-J. 9 tf J. LEE PHILLIPS. Auctioneer. Office with J. W. Cobb. Phone 3695. 8-tf-eao ELIZABETH home, 7 rooms, large lor. " has heating plant, oak floors, cn laved street, near churches and school, $7750. PIP:DMONT. 6 rooms, well located, near car line $5750. VACANT LOTS, list your Myers Park or Dilworth lots with us for sale. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 10-room house in Fourth Ward, on paved street. 2 baths. Price low. DILWORTH. corner lot, on Tremont avenue, $1500. t WANTED You to list your vacant lots with us for sale. BUILDING LOT. on East Seventh St., in pines, 75x175, a beauty at attrac tive price. VACANT LOT, near business centre, 45x210, at $3900. CRAIG-LITTLE REALTY & INSUR ANCE CO. Phone 1436. -6-i.L FOR SALE One folding davenport. cne Sellers' kitchen- cabinet one gas range practically new, one laundry heater, one crex rug and writing desk. Phone 1124-J. 28-2t FOR SALE By owner, five-room cot- A TX 1 1 , I 1 ' " . tape, nas uam itiia an conveniences. I -v -r TTm Lot 50x150. -Garage. Fruit trees and J KlVxti i . garcien; 41 1 n.ast uaK fct. JPrice $4sj0 and. on terms. See Dr. S. Levy, 7 East Trade St. 29-3t FOR QUALITY COAL WILLIAMS COAL CO. Lump $10.00 Egg $9.00 Every Ton weighed. Every piece burns. The QUALITY the BEST.- The PRICES are WANTED POSITION EXPERIENCED stenographer desires permanent position by January 1. Address E. T., care News. , 28-5t 1397 Phones 1809-W 28-5t FOR SALE Collie pups. - See E. R. Kirkman, Morton's Barber Shop 20 S. Tryon St., Charlotte. 2S-2t EXPERIENCED lady stenographer r:ow employe! desires position. Ref erences furnished. Phone 3686. 29-2t PROTECT YOUR HOME Mauser au tcmatic pistol, nine shot, 32, price $17. Money orders or collect. Norton Trading Co., 1987 E. Jefferson, Dc- troit. Mich. 29-1 JUNIOR DRUG CLERK WANTS PLACE BY FIRST OF YEAR. JUNIOR. CARE NEWS. 29-3t CAPABLE OFFICE MANAGER OPEN FOR CONNECTION JANUARY 1 REFERENCES IF DESIRED. DO NOT ANSWER UNLESS YOU HAVE PROPOSITION FOR A MAN OF ABILITY WHO CAN DELIVER THE GOODS. ADDRESS "OFFICE MANAGER," CHARLOTTE NEWS 29-4t bLli BALE Special six Studpha tor household furniture, baby carriage, nign cnair. etc. Must, sell quick. iri. Al. Mauldm. Phone 3202. 29-1 FOR SALE Dry oak and pine wood Blue Gem lump coal, $9.50 per ton Fred N. Hall. Phone 3880. 29-7t SLEEPING PORCH canvass curtains for sale. Used two months. Splendid condition. Phone 436-J. . LC-2t WANTED CONNECTION ON JANU ARY 1 BY THOROUGHLY EXPERI ENCED OFFICE MANAGER AND. ACCOUNTANT. WOULD CONSIDER PROPOSITION OF LATER DATE. REFERENCES. ADDRESS "AC COUNTANT," CARE charlott: NEWS. 29-4t FOR SALE Hartman wardrobe trunk m nrst class condition. Equipped witn extra safety lock. Phone 2042-J ' 29-2t FOR SALE Two fine pias. five months old. Phone 945-W. 29-tf FOR SALE Ivory baby carriage in good condition. Phone o9o-J. 2D-lt WANTED By widow with child 6 po sition as cook and housekeeper. Wid ower's home preferred. Best of ref erence. Write particulars A. L., care INews. 29 2t WANTED Position as collector. Have car. Salary or commission. Q. S. T. care iews. 29-3t BUSINESS OFORTUNITY WANTED Someone who wishes to in vest $1000 in a beautiful valuable diamond ring. One of the safest aid most useful investments. Address A. is. . C, care News. 2-tf WANTED Position by a rep: istered druggist by about the 15th ot January. Have had ten years' experience. Best of opportunity open for distributor- rPTPrpntPl ArlrlTPQ "Rn" Bmw"- uigu-sraus auiomoune, rang- care News. 29-3t no sat WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Exchange nice lot on Cecil street for lot on Plaza. Staples, phon 4461. , 2S-fit WANTED To buy 5 or 6 room house in Third ward from owner. Must be I reasonable. Phntio aQOfl :' ing in price from fifty-five hundred to eight thousand dollars. Applications will be accepted only from those fur nishing proper banking and business reierences. Answer to w. S. Eaton, this office. 29-3t-no sat BEN F. FAVELL The Best in Shoe Repairing Phone 247 215-217 N. Tryon Shoes Called for and Delivered. 8-tf-thur-sat-mon-tu OUSES WANTED ROOM:- WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room houso at once. Phone 3093-J. 28-4t WANTED By a young couple with small boy, two or three rooms neatly furnished for light housekeeping. De sirable neighborhood. Place for car. R-30. care News. 58-2t WANTED To rent or buy 5 or 6-room house close in as possible. Could pay two hundred and fifty dollars down with reasonable monthly payments until November 1, 1922, then make payment sufficient to satisfy owner or as agreed upon. Price must be reasonable. Address J. S. F., car News. 28-2t WANTED Boarding places for students. Kings Business College. 28-tf WANTED To rent three connecting rooms for .light housekeeping or three-room apartment within walking distance of square References ex changed Will take possession t he- first. Phone 912-W. 29-3t WANTED At once, room and board by young couple in private family. References exchanged. J. C. II., care News. 29-2t WANTED Steam-heated room with kitchenette, furnished or unfurnished Phone 3261. 20-tf WANTED Good boarding places for students. Brown s Business College. 29-4t i i .I,!, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed prpoosals will be received by Ii. P. Harding, Secretary of the School Eoard, City of Charlotte, N. C, unti 8 p. m.. Tuesday, the 10th day of Janu ary, 1922, for additions to the Third Ward and Dilworth school building? The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals. A certified check in the sum of one thousand dollars must accompany each of the proposals as a guarantee that if awarded the contract or contracts the successful contractor will deliver to the Secretary of the Board a satis factory Surety Bond in the sum of three-fourths the amount of the con tract or contracts within ten days from date of award or forfeit the check or checks. The bond is to be condi tioned upon the faithful performance of the contract and guaranteeing the payment of all labor and material. The certified checks are to be madfi payable to the Treasurer of the School Eoard, City of Charlotte, N. C. Separate proposals are invited for the heating. Contractors will be supplied with draw ings and specifications after having deposited with the architect a check in fhfi sum of twenty-five dollars for set of drawings and specifications for each building, said check must eruar antee that the contractor will present a bona fide proposal and also return to the architect the drawings and specifications, otherwise the checks are to be forfeited after two days from date of opening the proposals. Drawings and specifications are on file at the ofnee of CHARLES CV HOOK, Architect. 207 Trust Bids., i.'-a-tue-thur-sat Charlotte, N. C. FORD CAR for sale, suitable for a small truck. Call after 6 o'clock evening, 810 W. iv-u WANTED To pay you cash for your old wrecked or burned automobile. Address P. A. Prince, P. O. Box 63, Charlotte. N. C. " 24-7t REAL VALUES IN USED CARS , HUPMOBILES Hupp Coupe, Ideal family car. Hupp Model R. Touring Hupp Model N. Touring Hupp Model K Touring Hupp Model 32 Touring OTHER MAKES Dodge Brothers Roadster v Stephens Salient Six Touring. New. Ford Light Ton Truck Federal S1 ton truck. CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. 209 S. Church St. Phone 961 25-3t eod FOR SALE Will sacrifice one Ste phens Salient Six automobile, fine condition. Price $450 cash. W. J. W., care News 29-2t ijwoi vji ouih i dim evart purse containing about Ss'and !- t-iiJio. .-.dine uij nap. Mi'ti, p JacKsQU. Return to News c!ni-e A. -ii-it 'UU:J LOST Brown kid glove for ion in business section. Phone -i'j. "9 I ( l2 T" DT TT rP . ' w-.kj i i III) JIUM S in ,7 WHITE WITH BLACK SPOT v i BLACK EARS. RETURN To "n ' STREET v. HAST SEVENTH RECEIVE REWARD. -'ft-!: FOR SALE Ford sedan run less than one thousand miles. Perfect condi tion. Lots of extra equipment. Call 291. ' 29-tf SALESMEN WANTED 57 MILES per gallon made with new patented gasoline vaporizer. Write for particulars. Stransky Vaporizer Co.. Pukwana. S. D. 28-lt LOST Wrist watch between Seiglc and Jackson on Tenth or on Tenth. En graved Peggy. Liberal reward. Phone 2534-W. 29 3t CONFESSION BARES WALL STREET BOMB OUTRAGE DETAILS : 4 v ' kXf STOLEN From lit ot Llayton Hotel WpH. nesday, Dec. 28th, about 5 o clock, Ford tourino- car, used about 5 mos. Dent m lett front fen der. Motor No. 5021273. License No. A46512, S50 reward for car and ssn reward for man. Notify Chief of Police Char lotte. 29-2t CHEAP BOARDls BASIS OF ISSUE In Case Which Came to At tention of Recorder from Darktown Residents. The cheapest boarding house in town is probably run by Abraham Park Darktown landlord, who will give a fol! low a good room and splendid board fur the nominal sum of $4 a week. But Wallace Kelly, also a member of the charcoal clan, will tell of one that it is the most expensive place in the city for, according to his testimony in the recorder's court Thursday there is something strange in the house hold of Abraham. The locks have been broken off all the doors and in the sil ence of the dark nieht weird fnntstoni fall upon the creaking floors. Ghostly bnaaows nit past the door, and if one is brave enough to keep his heart from under the cover the presence of som unknown being can frequently be dis cerned in one's very rom. And worst of all personal belongincs disappear in the most alarming and pe culiar way. For instance, should on-j place one's watch upon the table near one's cranium and listen to the heetir ticks from its insides, why, suddenly the ticks will grow fainter and fainter and finally die out altogether. Then when one jumps out of the four-poster to ascertain the mystery the watch will have disappeared completely. Such is life with filthy lucres, clothes and other possessions, according to Wal lace, who recently packed his duds and with three skips and a hop put several leagues between the sack of Abrahalu and his remaining $7.35. But before he bade farewell. Wallace lost his timepiece through curiosity and decided to run down the ghost, rpiii hearing Strang sounds Wednesday niglu he reached for his trusty automatic t augment the noise. To his surprif , he pistol had vanished from his hed-ide-In terror, ho ran4 to Abraham's room for a witness to his will. There h stumbled on the ghost himself. It wa-' no other than Abraham depositing Hi1' lead heavd in his bureau drawer. "I thought dere Was some ketch i"da! cheap board an lodginY doctareri 'a! lace to Wade William-, recorder pr tern, Thursdav morning. But Abraham was there to bark i" his Bibical handle with the wisdom of a sage, and so adroitely did he bring out witenesses to testify that Walla' owed him a week's board, for which h" had taken the pistol for ser-urity. that fair of the haunted house by giving th pistol back to Wallace and f i n in er both defendant and plaintiff with the costs- At this point Wallace took the pisto: in his hands, walked up tr Slifitor Guthrie, and brandishing- it in the mos1 careless way, cried, "I don't owe him for dat board an--"I didn't eav you did.',' answered tn'J solicited, as he eyed the Aun. "but yotn better take that thing hbmr. Hold n in your hand all the way and don't con ceal it " And having the aspect of an e'1' Jesse James even without the gun, lace walked out of court and toward home, scattering the bewildered pa'" sby with the murderous lookiner weapon and declaring that he never did belie-e in ghosts anyway. Wolfe Lindenfeld, aliaa William Linde (above) and Sylrester Cosgrove. f The confession of Wolfe Linden feld, who was recently arrested in Warsaw by Sylvester Cosgrove, American aecret service agent, bares details of the red plot by which Wall street was bombed with a wagon load of dynamite on Sep tember 16, 1920. The confession frf&l.116 fact that communists of the Third Internationale- were re sponsible for the explosion, which killed thirty-eight persons and part ly wrecked the building of J. P. Morgan & Co. and the U. S. assay office. . CH CITY OF ARLOTTi BULLETIN The City Commissioners extend to the people of Charlotte very cere wishes for a Merry Chrisnnax and a Happy, Prosperous New -fa!'

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