FRIDAY THE CHARLOTTE NEWS DECEMBER 30, is2i. Union Nati mall ank Charlotte, N. C. Capital $200,000.00 Surplus, Profits and Reserves $245,000.00 Resources $3,000,000.00 OFFICERS: H. M. VICTOR President F. D. ALEXANDER Vice Pres. D. P. TILLETT Cashier A. G. TROTTER. ....... Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: F. D. Alexander C. C. Coddington Peter S. Gilchrist E. D. Latta, Jr. R. M. Miller H. M. Victor We cordially invite you to open an ac count with us with the beginning of '1922. You will receive a genuine wel come and if you are in doubt about coming to us we refer you to anyone of our present customers, who are our friends and we are their friends. We take this occasion to thank our good friends for their patronage and co-operation which has enabled us to make the past year a successful and happy one. We cannot face the year 1922 with out a word of caution. Condtions are more favorable here than in most parts of the United States and before 1922 is out we may feel the depression some what. So it will not be amiss to build up a cash reserve and keep it handy or else invest in high-grade easily convert ible bonds. Any waste or extravagance will likely come out of principal rather than profits; hence economy and care ful buying is in order. Savings Department Regular deposits in a Savings Fund beat any Christmas Club or Holiday Club and you can use your money any time or leave it on interest. There are no dues or fines nor loss of interest on account of withdrawals before a fixed maturity. A new quarter begins in this department January 1st. All deposits made on or before January 5th bear in terest from January 1st at 4 per cent compounded every three months. HANK YOU" "T 'CTTPitf r ' f 1 i fjllp W. H. WOOD. President T. K. Hemby, Vice Pres. George Stephens, Vice Pres. V. S. Lee, Vice Pres. John G. Nichols, Vic Pres. J. E. Davis, Sec. and Treas. H. Li. Davenport, Asst Sec. & Treas. R. D. Hawkins, Asst. Sec. and Treas. P. C. VVhitlock, Trust Officer. John Fox, Asst Trust Officer. Walter Lambeth & Bro., Mgr. Insurance Department Make 1922 Your Most Prosperous Year Make a part of next year's income work fo you by sys tematically depositing a portion of it each pay day in our Savings Department where it will earn for you 4 per cent compounded quarterly. Wouldn't it be a mighty fine feeling to have at the end of the year, -when you realize that you have really increased your own earnings by no effort other than of the will to do? A NEW INTEREST QUARTER BEGINS JANUARY FIRST American Trust Co. Member Federal Reserve System CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital, Surplus and Profits, $1,800,000.00 Resources $10,000,000.00 FOR RENT Five room apartment on North Myers street, $55 per month. Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Company PHONE 2; SOUTH TRYON STREET. undertakers have good year GRAIN OF WHEAT IS VERY PRODUCTIVE Bootlegger Liquor Will Be Getting in Its Effect About 1926. j Vallodolid, Spain, Dec. 30. An ex 'perminent to show fecundity of a grani of wheat ha just been concluded at the official school of agriculture here with the result that one grain produced in a year 322.000 grains. At the end of July 100 grains were Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 30. Undertak ers will have a prosperous year about 1926 in the opinion of analytic and I consulting chemists here, because, they ' claim, the Grim Reaper is whetting his, scythe for a harvest of prohibition liquor drinkers. J Hundreds of persons are slowly but ' surely asphyxiating themselves accord ing to J. M. Kovachy, assistant city chemist, by unsuspectingly assimilating the poisons found in almost every sample of what was believed to be "pure bonded" liquor. Hundreds of samples are brought to Kovachy each month for analysis, he said, and all thus far analyzed have contained u high percentage of fusel oil in the raw. In large quantities, consumed by steady drinking, fusel oil changes tlv; blood from oxyhemi-globin to methemig lohin he insists. In other words, Kovachy says, fusel oil removes the oxygen from the blood, causes the lips and body to turn blue and has the same effect as asphyxia tion. ; "Illicit ptddTers of whisky use ethly lacetate for- flavoring purposes in some cas-es, and ifhis is very injurious if tak en in any quantity, acting as a heart dtpressent," the chemist declared. M. E. Curtis, proprietor of the Chemical Laboratories, advises the present day drinker to "analyze well before using." Traces of adulteration that clip year after year from a life have been found in almost every bottle of alleged "bonded" liquor he nas analyzed, he asserted. "It is true a portion of the contents of most bottles is pure bonded whisky. That gives it the color, flavor and taste," Curtis added. "But the good liquor is mixed with ingredients tjat are harmful to the human system and the question uppermost in the minds ot those who come to me for analysis o2 their liquor is how to remove the ingredients and leave the bonded stuff." That "bonded" whisky is being gross ly misrepresented by bootleggers was revealed recently when a raid of a printing shop in the downtown section by federal and police officials uncovered a plant which is said to have been devoted exclusively to the manufacture of counterfeit labels and bottled-in-bond revenue stamps. The labels were similar to those used by prominent distillers on popular brands of intoxicating liquors previous to the becoming effective of the eigh teenth amendment. Ten thousand alleged counterfeit revenue stamps were confiscated. Fed eral secret service operatives declare . that statements made by some of the six prsons arrested in connection with the raid indicate that $50 000 had been "cleared" during the past year through sales of the labels to bootleggers in Kansas City, -New York, Chicago, De troit and other cities. Triangle Music Co. tawut lu it, Men sown separately. At the end of Sep tember the grains had developed an average of 12 shoots each. These were cut and transplanted and by the end of October each cutting furnished an average of eight shoots, which pro duced 65 ears each, and each ea.r gave an average of 50 grains. A simple multiplication sum shows that each of the original grains planted reproduced itself 12 by 8 by 65 by 50. making a total of 322,000 grains. &ktde$$ Service Our Foreman and Mechanics have had years of experience and ipecial training at the factory on Studebaker carr: they are capable md efficient We,' therefore, save you tim3 and money on repairs. A Dig Dollar's worth for .y.-ur dollar every day. A. E. Cameron, Service Manager; C- L. Taylor. Shop Foreman. RUST MOTOR COMPANY 514-516 S. Tryon. Distributer "THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR" Phones 218-210 The Art Of Savings i Saving is not a Science; it iis an Art. A science is something that can be taught from a book, ( an Art is something you can learn through practice. There is only one way to master this Art. Begin to Save, and keep it up. Open a Sav ings Account in this Bank. Security Savings Bank 4 South Tryon Street. Charlotte, N.' C. Greetings used ca: CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Reo 5-Passenger Touring, new paint $390.00 Reo. 3-passenger Roadster in good shape S39000 Reo 7-passenger touring, 6 cylinder $795.00 Foreman - King Motor Company Reo Distributors The Home of Good Used Cars. "We wish to thank our friends and patrons for the generous share of business given us during 1921. Our business, in Real Es tate Sales, Rentals, Fire Insurance, and Building Homes has been good. . For 1922 we offer courtesy, efficiency, and promptness and hope to merit a full share of your business in our line. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company J. ARTHUR HENDERSON, President. REALTORS 219 North Tryon St. Phone 589. Dr. H. C. Henderson. Dr. ft. B. Gaddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office Hunt Bldg, 2024 N. Tryon St. Phone 216 THREE MILLIONS in 1st mortgage loans and $75,000.00 going out right now, every penny at 6 per cent, some to wash women, day laborers, lawyers, doctors, clerks, book keepers and some to real estate developers and capitalists. Everybody wants our money. Everybody gets it, for everybody brings it here. 8 BUSY PEOPLE and we just eat it up. If a feller's been living in Charlotte very long with and we just eat it up. If a felterus been living in Charlotte very long with out shares in the MUTtJAL there's something wrong in his diet or compan ionship. AN EASTERN MAN saw our three cashiers raking in the cash from men, women and children and exclaimed, "My gracious, do all the yeople jeal here? Where does all that mon ey come from? I've been connected with B. & L. Associations all my life, but never saw anything like this before-." We told him our receipts that day would run about $40,000. Then we showed him the checks by mail from all over the country, some from his own town of Boston, Mass. "Well I'll be darned," he said. "I've heard of ffns thing and your man Keesler from my Boston mends, but l naa no laea or its magnitude ana universal use. YOU CAN'T DOWN the p6or man's friend. New series now humming, and Jno. Pharr will not be satisfied without another million. He furnishes the sunshine, Keesler the hot air and the people fill the hopper with smiles and money. Mutual Building & Loan Association THE GLAD HAND IS ALWAYS HELD OUT AT WALKER'S. Just a few days we were told the courtesy always extended to Walker's patrons is sincere, and, as a result, more appreciated by those with whom we are brought in contact in a business way. That friend told us aomething which we knew we always have tried to -lc BE COURTEOUS AND BE SIN CERE AND BE AS HONEST WITH OCR PATRONS AS WE WANT THE WORLD TO BE HONEST WITH US. If our policy is worth anything to you, assuring as it does satisfaction and confidence, we will be very glad to seive you. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. w alker's Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets NORRIS CANDY PARKER PENS AGENTS FOR KLIfo STARt THE BALL H01LIN&. CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB You M M ay Join One or ore of the Follow ing Classes CLASS 5 First week 5c, second week. 10c. increase each weekly payment 5c and receive in 50 tf0 7 weeks $UO CLASS 5-A First week $2.50, second week $2.45. De crease each weekly payment 5c and receive d0 7 in 50 weeks JpDO CLASS 25 Pay 25c straight each week for 50 weeks and receive CLASS 50 Pay 50c straight each week for 50 weeks and receive ; ... rr A ocj inn t mi rn i i . uaoo xw x-ay $i.uu straignt each week a ff A Art $121 $25S 0 straight each week rr f rv nn 50 weeks and receive n)ll $1001 CLASS 200 Pay $2.00 straight each week for 50 weeks and receive CLASS 500 Pay $5.00 straight each week (POETA 00 for 50 weeks and receive tPOu Plus 4 Per Cent Interest for Prompt Payment. Independence Trust Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C A Good Resolution For the New Year RESOLVED That I will open a Savings Account or add to In. one I now have. 5th SwlS 6 T SaVtaS8 Department on or before January 5th draw 4 interest from January 1st, compounded quarterly. "We appreciate your business." The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE STREET. CHARLOTTE, N. C. B uilding Lots nnJ??10 I106 ?g going on in Charlotte just now tl any time m the history of the city. for anlnvestme?. building site ls the first essential to building a Ho WTe can supply your need in the f line of Plaza Lots $850 to $1,250, Piedmont Lots $800 to $1,250, Colonial Heights Lots $1,200 to $3,000, Myers Park Lots $2,250 to $10,000, Mecklenburg Heights Lots $1,000 to $5,000 per acre, Wilmnnro I Ma SfiflO to Our office has long been headquarters for buildinc lots. Come a US. e haVfi OT1A fnr irrn a - .w& J WU. inn ftf ,.. or 1,500. r.-l F. C. Abbott & Company JNO. R. PHARR, Tres. E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. Trust Building 3023