B THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, FKUMX AFl'EKJNOOiN, UEUEM15EK 30, 1921. f VANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT LOST FOUND The Pullin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boasta Fact. Be Convinced, Try 9E m ONE - CENT - A - WORD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES FOR RENT STYLE "A" Set this style and type nne cent per word each Insertion. 8TYI.F "B" SET THIS STYLE AND TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each Insertion. Arv cfvl ln veetf pffher too or ot torn, or between line, at double the hoT rates. -.I -J J t-l tm aolil . aTl TVlttl nrdr bntf or ronvenlenerf of Charlotte . 1, A 3 ! At. tiil.rkAlia dretory, or known In the newspaper rmre. a mpmnranmiiii mis- T, .7,, made with th Trttkm that the bill . i - m ne nam wnen nrcseriTgn. Rrular Classification of ads cannot be .mmajJI mttom 1 n'rlnrlt for DaUV Edition or after 30 p. m. Saturday for Ptincay Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP WANTED Linotype operator. Apply Foreman, Charlotte Navvs. tf PARTNER WANTED with five hun dred dollars. A man that- is willmpr to work. This is a grand business and ran furnish bost'of references. Ad dress XV. R.. care News. 28-3t WANTED By Feb. 1. a competent white woman to nurse and live on the premises. Phone Mrs. Carson, 4030-W. 2!)-3t WANTED Two young men to run on . trains as news agents; $15.00 bond required. Union News Co., Southern Station. 29-2t TWO young lady canvassers for photo, jewelry and medallions. Experience not necessary. Address Crew .iana ger. care Charlotte. News. :!0-3i WANTED White lady for housekeep er in nice home. Address Route 4. Box 10 Charlotte. 30-3t YOUNG MEN, over 17, desiring gov ernment positions, $130 monthly, write for free list of positions now cpen. R. Terry, (former civil service examiner), 224 Continental Bids.. Washington. D. C. 30-5t WANTED Girl over 14 to work eve nings after school. Light, clean woik Apply at 17 East Trade St., room 8. 30-lt WANTED Dental assistant. Address . "Dentist." care News. 30-tf WANTED WOMAN COOK FOR CLUB: ONE WHO IS GOOD OX ROLES AND PIES, DESERTS. ETC. WAGES $12 WEEK TO START. ADDRESS WITH PARTICULARS ABOUT AGE. MARRIED OR SIN GLE AND WHERE EMPLOYED AND HOW LONG. ADDRESS POST OFFICE BOX 253, CHARLOTTE N. C. 30-:lt SPECIAL NOTICES LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all eyes. Nothing better; 7 -East Trade. 11-23-tf viANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Ch&r lotte. N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10.12-tf NEW MATTRESSES mada out of your old ones. Renovated. New ticks. I: pays. It rids you of vermin. CaT 15 8 8-J for particulars. Lawing's Mattre3 Factory. 212 North Long St. 28-tf WHEN visiting Concord stop at the Central Filling Station on East Oor bine St.. for gasoline, oils, auto laundering, tires, tubes and service. 24-7t WANTED To sand your floors with elect riii sanding machine. Phone 481 4-W. C. A. Mullis. 28 5t WE STILL have few tons steam coal at $6 per ton. This coal is fine for furnaces. Independence Coal Co Phono 4461. 28-6t Let Us STOP THE LEAKS in your ROOF AND GUTTERS Phone 3149 STRANGE & BRADY . 21-tf Learn telegraphy at night school. now open 27 1-2 w. fourth st., on monday, wed nesday or friday nights, call or phone 2968 or 246s. . 5-tf-mon-we d- f ri WALL PAPER HANGING, house painting Call J. M. Muse. Phone 2962 or 2280-.T. 9 tf COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 25-7t 500 MEN'S FELT HATS, black and all colors; values up to $5.00; sale price $2.95. Belk Bros. Co. 30-2t FOR RENT Office building, 20 office ' well located. J. H. McAden. Phonr 860. 3-tX FOR RENT Office room, well located Apply Merton C, Propst. 28 W. Fifth St. 5.5-tt FOR RENT To gentlemen, one nicely .furnished room, close in.- Private fam ily. Phone 1156-W. 16-tf FOR RENT To couple, nicely fur nished room; 313 East Seventh St. 20-tf FOR RENT Large, completely fur nished bedroom, close in. Phone 2571-W. 2Ltf FOR RENT Close in furnished rooms; 303 N. Church. , 27-4t FOR RENT Second floor of 311 East Trade St. Front street entran Floor space 46x76 with two large offices cut off at front. Steel ceiling. Plenty of light with electric elevator. Phone 293. 27-tf FOR RENT One nicely furnsihed bed room within walking distance of square. Modern conveniences. Rent very reasonable; 607 South Tryon. 27-tf FOR RENT 3000 feet floor space and two offices, located on Southern sid ing, close up town, an ideal location in many respects. Phone 364. Loca tion. 4 25 S. College. 23-tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment, four rooms and bath on first floor. No children? 608 N. Poplar St. 23-tf FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms near Southern depot to men. Phone 291 S after 6 p. m. 28-tf FOR RENT Large nicely furnished front room with board in private home to business girls or couple, furnace heat, all conveniences. Phone 3601 -W. 28-4t FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping with con veniences, also garage. Phone 260S-L2 28-3t FOR RENT Four unfurnished steam heated rooms hath on floor, two tuocks from square. Phone 2496-J .'S-3t FOR RENT Furnished rooms to gen tlemen only, hot and cold water, near good board; 509 West Seventh. Phone 2908-W. 2S-4t FOR RENT Two rooms for light housekepeing, furnished; 501 We.t Fourth St. 2S-3t FOR RENT A large store room cor ner Sixth and Tryon Sts. F. J. Rob inson. 29-2t FOR RENT Nicely furnished down stairs front bedroom, eveuy home con venience, near good boarding house close in. Phone 3664. 29 4t OR SALE REAL ESTATE IMPROVED MECKLENBURG FARMS You will find what you want in our detailed list of choice farm offenngg. H. II. THOMAS COMPANY . 102 Trust Bldg. 15-tf FOR SALE Direct from rwnr. fur nished or unfurnished six-room bun galow with all modern conveniences Located in Third ward. Phone 1423-.T 20-tf FOR SALE By owner, five-room cot tage. Has bath and all conveniences. Lot 50x150. Garage. Fruit trees and garden; 411 East Oak St. Price 14850 and on terms. See Dr. S. Levy. 7 East Trad St. 29-3t NEW six-room bungalow, Colonial ave new, furnace heat. Hardwood floors in two rooms. This is a well built, roomy house. Price very reasonable F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. 30-lt COTTAGE, Graham avenue, 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Extra lot, $o2o0; 5(50 cash. F. s. Conrad, Trust Bias Phone 3682. . 30-lt FOR SALE BY OWNER, SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES. HARDWOOD FLOORS. NICE ELEC TRIC FIXTURES. CEMENT WALK AND DRIVE WITH GARAGE; $4300; TERMS IF DESIRED; 405 STATES VILLE AVE. PHONE 2005-W. 30-7 1 ELIZABETH BUNGALOW, corner V ourth and Polk avenue, six rooms, heated garage and barn, immediate possession. This is a good proposi tion for $6800. Thies-Smith Realty Co.. 200 Commercial Bldpr. 30-3t LOUISE AVENUE, eight-room bunga low, two baths, street assessment paid in full, house in first class con dition, this is one of the best medium priced homes in Charlotte, inspect it before you buy. Thies-Smith Realty Co. Phone 441o. 30-3 WANTED POSITION EXPERIENCED stenographer desires permanent position by January "! Address E. T., care News. 8-5t EXPERIENCED lady stenographer i:ow employed desires position. Ref erences furnished. Phone 36S6. 29-2t JUNIOR DRUG CLERK WANTS PLACE BY FIRST OF YEAR. "JUNIOR," CARE NEWS. 29-3t BURNISHED room with board, hot water and heat. Phone 4076. 23 Lf ""PUNISHED room for rent to gen tlemen only: 10 N. Graham. 29-3t FOR RENT To gentleman, nicely fur nished bedroom with board, all ecu veniences, close in, 311 N. Brevard Phone 4134. L't-il FOR RENT Four-room apartment pi i vate entrance, steam heated, frnr.f porch; 1521 East Fourth St. Phoi;e 2153. ' 20-tf FOR RENT Three unfurnished house keeping rooms, ground floor, $25 a month. Phone 1435-J. 9-2c FOR RENT Nicely furnished recti) adjoining bath. Will give meals. Phone44o2-J. 29 3t ''OR RENT Three unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. No children. Phone 1363-J. 29-tf FOR RENT Three large front room? unfurnished at 216 N. Brevard St. immediate possession, call at res: dence or phone 878. 29-3i FOR RENT One furnished room ad joining bath, steam heat, close in. ijnone 3314-J. 23-tf CICELY furnished front room to -.-; pie private home, breakfast if de sired, l-'lione 4320-J. 29-4 OR RENT Three unfurnished room water furnished. Apply 12 S. Bre- vara. rnone 4lJ54-L2. 29-4t FOR . RENT For boarding nouse, large close-in, fine con dition, best neighborhood, $125 month; 8-room, 5-acre grove, near car, Chatham Es tate, $50.00 month, Morris E Trotter. 30 tf eod. No Sunday FOR RENT' To congenial couple, two umurnisnea rooms and kitchenettf in Elizabeth section. Phone 1194-W. 30-2t FOR RENT UPSTAIRS ni? i'r. t.' MUiitoiiKAU. CALL MR. PERRY AT 3434 DURING OFFICE IIQURS 30-3t P'OR RENT Three unfurnished con- necting rooms. Oood location. Call 1663-J. in' FOR RENT Four connecting frnn rooms, third floor, Scott building, 20S South Tryon street. Light heat. ja::i tof service. Telephone already in. Prefer to rent en mnite in if will sider division of this smpf. nii-i... - f.iucKinann at iJrockmann's. 30-3 REDUCED PRICES STANDARD PRESSING CLUB Only forty cents a suit. Good steam press. Phone 2558 for information. We clean, dye and repair anything, including ladies' garments. All guar anteed. S3.lt GOOD TABLE BOARD at 216 North Brevard, close in, $6 per week. 30-3t COAL COAL $10.00 Best grade LUMP Every ton weighed. Free from dirt and slack. , WILLIAMS COAL CO. 1397 PHONES 1809-W 28-5t IF YOU WANT fresh milch right from the cows, phone 4498. W. C. Owens. 30-2t SALE OF MEN'S PANTS AT $2.951,000 pairs of Men's 1 XT -Mar ana loung Men's all ool blue serge, fancy worsted and cashmere Pants, values up to $5.00; sizes 28 to 50; choice $2.95. Belk Bros. Co 30-2t FOR RENT Two lurmsnea, nrst floor. Lights and wa- ter furnished. Phono 25 60-J. 30-31 FOR RENT $85 f)HrJ ros three months old. Price $40. Phone E'OR RENT Two unfurnished rooms ior usrnt nousekeernn . mmmium bath. Phone 2357-J. so.tf FORRENT, Offices pri- vate, light, ground floor, cheap. Morris E, Trotter 3U-tt JNo Sunday FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms iwi ugni Housekeeping, with con veniences, also garage. Phone 260S-L2 30-3t WANTED I want a young lady to board and room in private home References required. Address "Oasis," care News. 3d. it NICELY furnished front room, all conveniences, in private family, close in; C Jacks-on Terra,ce. an.st F9RRENTL,arSe front room. Eliza utun, not ana cold water. Phone 8S23. 30-3t Triangle Music Co.i FURNISHED rooms for light house keepmg, two or three, within walk ing distance of square; no small children. Phone 4957-J. so.o, FURNISHED rooms for Tenti to beds, well heated, hot. and cold wa ter and lights; 224 N. College. Phone 3785 and 3072. 30 "t FARM PRODUCTS WE NOW HAVE for sale several thou sand crats fresh, well headed cab bage, 2 c per pound f. o. b. Myrtlo Beach, S. C. Cash with order. Myrtle Beach Farms Co., Mvrtle Beach. S. C. ' 16-20fe CAPABLE OFFICE MANAGER OI'F.N FOR CONNECTION JANUARY 1 REFERENCES IF DESIRED. DO NOT ANSWER UNLESS YOU HAVE PROPOSITION FOR A MAN OF ABILITY WHO CAN DELIVER THE GOODS. ADDRESS "OFFICE MANAGER," CHARLOTTE NEWS 29-4 1 WANTED CONNECTION ON JANU ARY 1 BY THOROUGHLY EXPERI ENCED OFFICE MANAGER AND ACCOUNTANT. WOULD CONSIDER PROPOSITION OF LATER DATE REFERENCES. ADDRESS "AC COUNTANT," CARE CHARLOTTE NEWS. 29-4t 'ANTED By widow with child 6 po sition as cook and housekeeper. Wid ower's home preferred. Best of ref erence. Write particulars A. L., care News. 29 't WANTED Position as collector. Have car. Salary or commission. Q. S. T. care News. 2 9 -St WANTED Position by a reg istered druggist by about the 15th of January. Have had ten years' experience. Best of references. Address "RD," care News. 29-3t no sat kETAIL shoe man with ten years ex perience, capable of handling any class of trade, desires position witr good firm that can offer advancement to steady young married man. Ca;1 give best of references and will con sider an investment after a trial. Ad dress L. J. C, Box 511, Wilmington N- 28-3t-eod VANTED Position as billing clerk or general office work, five vcars experience. Address E. T., 'care News. 30-2t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To make your mattresse and pads, to order- M.t:res3es reno vated, box springs repaired, feather mattresses made, Hajley-Howard Co 250 N. McDowell St. Phone 1127-L2 22-tf vV ANTED Your paintine. paknmm ing, refinishing floors. J. S. AlcCall Phone 40C9. 12-tf anted used furniture. Phone 443i 505 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf WANTED Orders for cabbage. ReaiJ our ad in Farm Products column. Myrtlo Beach Farms Co., Mvrtle Beach, P. C. 16.20t WANTED To buy $2000 worth of furniture and stoves. Piedmont Fur niture Co. Phone 4344. 12-23-30t FOR SALE W. M. BELL, Notary Public, front of fice Charlotte News, Can be found most any hour to 8 p. m. 84f Fuel Don't fool yourself by buying cheap fuel, the best is always the cheapest, We weigh and fork every ton and guarantee satisfaction. Phone us a trial order and be convinced. PHONE 1216 Blue Gem $11.00 Per Ton Pocahontas Egg $11.00 Per Ton Pocahontas Rom $9.00 Per Ton Penn Anthracite $16.50 Per Ton Pry Stove Wood, $2.00 and $4.00 Loads WIGGINS FUEL CO. QUALITY ANP SERVICE. frOR SALE New, bungalow, Colonial Ave., furnace heat, hardwood floors 60 foot lot. $6500. Phone J. C. Harley. 3022. F. C. Abbott & Co. 20-tf COAL BLUE GEM LUMP $10.00 PER TON DELIVERED PHONE 2271 25-7t I OR SALE MOVABLE GARAGE. PHONE 287. 20-t FOR SALE Market and fix tures, 1508 South Tryon St. Phone 4197. 25-tf FOR SALE Ten-piece Queen Anne solid walnut dining room suit. Been in use only short time. In perfect condition. Will sell for $250 cash. A.ddress Queen Anne, care Charlotte News. 28-tf FOR QUALITY COAL WILLIAMS COAL CO. Lump $10,00 Egg $9.00 Every Ton weighed. 3very piece burns. The QUALITY the BEST. The PRICES are RIGHT. 1397 Phones 1809-W ' 28-5t FOR SALE Dry oak and pine wood Blue Gem lump coal, $9.50 per ton. Fred N. Hall. Phone 3880. 29-7t SLEEPING PORCH canvass curtain? for sale. Used two months. SplendiJ condition. Phone 436-J. C-2i SALE OF MEN'S PANTS AT $2.951,000 pairs of Men's and Young Men's all wool blue serge, fancy worsted and cashmere Pants, values up to $5.00; sizes 28 to 50; choice $2.95. Belk Bros. Co. 30-2t OR SALE Hartman wardrobe trunk in first class condition. Equipped with extra safety lock. Phone "T042-J. 29-21 FOR SALE Two fine pigs, flv months old. Phone 945-W. 29-tf MISCELLANEOUS "WE MOVE THINGS" LOCAL AND Local Distance Hauling Moving Packing Storing WE MAY NOT SAVE YOU MONEY BUT "WE SAVE YOUR FURNITURE" WARREN TRANSFER CO. 207 W. Fourth St. DAY PHONE 1166 NIGHT PHONE 5074 MATERNITY SANITARIUM Private, refined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell. 22 Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 12-36t-dallv LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND HAULING, PACKING AND STORING NICHOLS TRANSFER CO. Phone 705. 5 S. Poplar 25-tf GET YOUR MATTRESSES and box springs renovated, made over, good as new. Phone 1588-J. Lawing's Mattress Factory. 10-tf FURNACE SMOKING? We clean and repair Furnaces, Hot and Cold air pipes. Anything in sheet metal. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 21-tf ALWAYS REMEMBER where you get the best for less mon ey. Fourth Ward Shoe Shop. Phone 4402. We call for and deliver. 19-tf Wed Fri Sun 500 MEN'S FELT HATS, black and all colors; values up to $5.00; sale price $2.95. Belk Bros. Co. 30-2t AUTOMOBILES BARGAINS We have several very good used earn that can be bougrht right and on easy terms. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 505 South Tryon. Next to Catholic Church. 9-tf RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270 15-tf BARGAINS IN USED CARS More than 20 used automobiles different models $200.00 and up. Apply Sehorn and Hipp, 21X N. College St, Phone 4050- 7-tf FOR SALE One Ford coupe, one Ford touring, one Chanfller club roadster, all In good condition. W. E. Bailey, - Bailey Bros. Market, 519 W. Trade St. 11-tf FOR SALE Ford touring car, 1917 model, one Ford lignt delivery truck, cheap. Phone 346. 11-tf FORD CAR for sale, suitable for a, small truck. Call after 6 o'clock evening, 810 W. Trade St. 19-tf WANTED To pay you cash for your old wrecked or burned automobile. Address P. A. Prince, P. O. Box 63, Charlotte, N. C. 24-7t FOR SALE Will sacrifice .on Ste phens Salient Six automobile, fine condition. Price $450 cash. V. J. W., care News . 29-2t FOR SALE Ford sedan run less than one thousand miles. Perfect condi tion. Lots of extra equipment. Cali 291. 29-tf FOR SALE 1 one-Ton truck; 1 2y2 ton truck. Prices right. Klutz Fur niture Co.28 4t No Thur FOR SALE One Hudson super-six coupe. Phone 4943, ask for P. A. Prince. 30-3t FOR SALE Ford sedan in A-l condi tion, 1920 model, at a bargain for quick sale. Can be seen at Motor Supply Co., North Tryon St. Phone 1270. 30-lt FOR SALE MOVING. PACKING AND STORING BY GOOD EXPERT MEN. WE GUAR ANTEE ALL WORK. LONG DIS TANCE MOVING A SPECIALTY. WE DO ALL KINDS OF HEAVY HAUI ING. I Bradfield v Moving Service Phone 37. Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts. Phone 980. 24-tf Mo We-Sa 500 MEN'S FELT HATS, black and all colors; values up to $5.00; sale price $2.95. Belk Bros. Co. 30-2t 500 MEN'S FELT HATS, black and all colors; values up to $5.00; sale price $2.95. Belk Bros. Co. . !?0-2t MONUMENTS See us before placing your order. W-? will save yuu money. PIEDMONT MARBLE CO. 301 East Second St. 4-tf-Sun Tu Fri SALE pF MEN'S PANTS AT eo ncr -i Ann -n- . tp..u i,uuu pairs oi Men s and Young Men's all wool blue serge, fancy worsted and cashmere Pants, values up to $5.00; sizes 28 to 50; choice $2.95. Belk Bros. Co. 30-2t WANTED To interview someone with couple of automobiles that interested in taxi business, "Experienced," care News. "t.9t PROFESSIONAL chimnev swwn .r pert draft men. Kane, Davis & Co Phono 1364-J. 30-7 1 WANTED You to know the BES'J place, to buy your groceries for 192 is from Bpyd-Garner Co. Tho BES1 of everything to eat at a litcli LOWER price. Phone 1139. 30 l: WANTED Carpenter work; jobs larg. or small. All work guaranteed. Cal 4340. -jrt.Q. WANTED Two horse farm. Rent or snares. J. c. Nivens, 18 W. Palmer St., Charlotte. sn.di WANTED You to get a football for mat ooy 53.50 and $6. Carolina Sporting Goods Co. 30-2t-eo BUSINESS OFORTUNITY WANTED Someone who wisties to in v-Bt inuuu in a beautiful valuable diamond ring. One of the safest aid most useful investments. Address A. B. C. care News. 2-tt OPPORTUNITY open for distributor- omi, ui iiisn-graae automobile, rang ing m price from fifty-five hundred to eight thousand dollars. Applications will be accepted only from those fur nishing proper banking and business references. Answer to W. S. Eaton this office. . 29-3t-nosat LARRO DAIRY FEED Larro, the guaranteed feed for milk cows, Ful-O-Pep dry nash laying grade, FuUO-Pep, jrowing mash, Ful-O-Pep scratch n-ain wheat for chickens. Mel rose flour, Occomeachee self-ris- ng flour, grass seed. Loaded shotgun shells. Lard, sugar and offee. SOUTHERN FEED CO. "Phone 1677. 43-45 S. College St. 18-tf. Sun Tue Fri 500 MEN'S FELT HATS, black and all colors; values up to $5.00; sale price $2.95. Belk Bros. Co. 30-2t' "-IME SULPHUR WASH for winter spraying against scale. Prices m application. Faris Seed Co., Green wood, S. C. 12-16-13t-we-fri-sun COAL BEST GRADE LUMP DELIVERED $10.00 WILLIAMS COAL CO. 1397 PHONES -1809-W 28-5t SALE OF MEN'S tANTg A"T $2;35 1,000 pairs of Men's and Young Men's all wool blue serge, fancy worsted and cashmere -Pants, values up to $5.00; sizes 28 to 50: wioice w,yo, jseiK tfros. Co. 30-2t i OUSES WANTED ROOM: WANTED To rent 6 or 6 room hous at once. Phone 3093-J. 2S-4t WANTED B"olrding "pla'cs for students. Kings Business College. 28-tf WANTED To rent three connecting rooms for light housekeeping or three-room apartment within walking distance of squar References ex changed Will take possession ' the first. Phone 912-W. 20.?t WANTED At once, room and board juuiig juupie m private family References exchanged. J. C. H., care News. on WANTED St eam-h eated rorori with kitchenette, furnished or unfurnished Phone 3261. . GRANULATED SUGAR Wholesale onlyi American Brokerage & Warehouse Co. 30-14-t Fri Sun Tues ONE mission folding davenport, uphol setred in black leather, $15. Phone 1154-J. 30-lt FOR SALE One Eclipse electric room heater, six dollars. Phone 951-J. 30-2t FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE 100 fresh young Tennessae mules and horses, also a 100 medium price horses and mules. We have any grade you desire and attractive prices and terms. Wadsworth Sales Stables. 30-5t 'OR SALE Singer sewing machir.- drop Wad, six drawers. In best con dition. Cheap. Phone 1344-W. 30-3t FOR SALE Rain and briar -proof hunting pants at $5; hunting coats at $5 and $7. Smokeless shells, $1.10 a box. Carolina Sporting Goods Co. 30-2t-eod FiTE'S SPECIALS WANTED Good boarding places for muems. crown s .Business College. . 29-4t WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Exchange nice lot on Cecil street for lot on Plaza. Staples, phone 4461. ,r SALE OF MEN'S PANTS AT $2.951,000 pairs of Men's and Young Men's all wool blue serge, fancy worsted and cashmere - Pants, values up to $5.00; sizes 28 to 50; choice $2.95. Belk Bros. Co. - 30-2t OUR STORES ARE closed today, Friday, to finish taking inven tory. Will be open Saturday ready for business. Belk Bros. Co.. 30-lt FOR SALE OR TRADE Good seven- Ptt&senser auto. Tnis car looks and is in good shape. Has new tires tubes, battery and fan. Will trade for house and lot, or vacant lot Will pay cash for difference on propr'y Anyone needing a good car of this type will do well to investigate d dress "Big Bargain," care News.' 30-tf A BANK NOTICE. Monday, January 2, will be ob served as a holiday by the following CLarlotte banks: Charlotte National Bank. Commercial National Bank. First National Bank. Merchants & Farmers National Bank. Union National Dank. American Trust Co. Independence Trust Co Security Savings Bank. 23-2t 100 lbs. sugar $5.90 16 lbs. sugar jju.oo Porto Rieo sweet potatoes, peck . -40c By the, barrel $3.75 Fresh country eggs, dozen 65c Kingan's sliced bacon, lt. 45c Dold's bacon. 6 to 8 lb. strips, lb. 30 Kinsan's Reliable hams lb. 8 lbs. compound lard 1.20 4 lbs. compound -lard fin. Our coffees fresh roasted and ground to suit you. That's Avhy they are better. Our 25 cent coffee is a wonder. Everyone pleased .with Temple Garden nour. was no equal. Every bag guar anteed or money refunded. By the barrel sa on - - - - - - - IV v 9S lbs St4 M 4S lbs s 9 - - - - , -. . 24 Tbs . si is 12 K? - 60c aiso iresn shipment of Melrose flour. Nice sweet oranges, apples, raisins nice walnuts, pecans, peanuts and pure sugar candy. Eadan chicken feed 43.75 -By the peck 45c Hog feed .7.51.60 CRAIG FITE The Cut-Price Cash Grocer. Red Front 39 s. College 1875 PHONES 1876 We Deliver All Over the City LOST OR FOUND FOUND A doctor for thatiTTT writer. Phone 3767. TypnVrhL change Co., 231 S. Tryon "st. ' t rt:rrT3,.,.,T 1,:,, - - ' . LOST Brown kid sflove ivwr-- in business section. Phone 40:-o!j"'J STOLEN Froin froj of Clayton Hotel Wed nesday, Dec. 28th, about 5 o clock, Ford taurine car, used about 5 mos Dent in left front fen der. Motor No. 5021273 License No. A46512, 850 reward for car and $50 reward for man. Notify Chief of Police Chai' lotte. 90 u LOfeT Marrow-Baii neckpiece fueE; morning in shopping distri-t mffl Phone 3163-J: 8 W. Tenth 7 T ,nsT nr ctr.ior, , :- "v.ii, ln u td.-ses HHm Ptnn Brown men's sample shoes for jl' foot, suitable reward for return V H. P. Shaw. 225 North CnilVl'" 0 FOUND Decmeber 24, Jerspv7T pwner can get same by describing Lee Alexander, Route , BoX ufv :tu: I i;AY ten dollars reward"; return of my billfolder lost at South ern station or on train 137 between Charlotte and Greenville Sunday n, cember 18, containing keys ana rrto, which will be of no value to anvnn but myself. B. F. Duncan, :;o iS Ave.. ' Atlanta Ga. L ,': FOUND Two bull dogs, one blaolTT white with long tail; one white if black spot over eye, short tail. Ami 821 West Sixth St. Aaron Davis SO-:'; T' A PTV ht1-.- tnr,l, last night is known. If returned ;, mediately to owner or News otlicl. all right. If not will be pro-seen tt..! FOUND Remington, Winchester, hw. age and Hamilton rifles at 19" prices. Get one now. Carolina Sport" ing Goods Co. 30 --cc Big Values For Saturday 16 lbs. fine granulated sugar .. No. 5 lard No. 10 Lard 10 lb. pails pure lard 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour 48 lbs. Elizabeth flour 98 lbs. Elizabeth flour 24 lbs. self-rising flour 48 lbs. self -rising flour Js lbs. self-rising floflur 1 lb. Rumford baking powder . 25c Davis powder . No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck .. 100 lbs. our best chicken feed 7 bars 10c Octagon soap 7 rolls 10c toilet paper 7 packages 10c starch 3 cans 25c tomatoes 3 cans 25c corn 3 cans 25c English peas Dozen small evaporated milk . Dozen large evaporated milk ... Swift's premium hams, lb Small pork hams lb Fresh country butter, lb Fresh eggs, dozen 3 coops fat chickens, lb Fresh lettuce, celery, cabbage. oranges, bananas, apples ami -fruit. ..$1.(10 ....65c . .SI.;; ..$1.75 ..$Ui .. $:.!!) . .SJ.flO ..il.lfl ..K.13 , .S1.13 -. .28c ...ifc ..50r O ... ...50c ....JOc . . .sflt ...i9c ..$1.58 . .32c ..lit . .50c ..55c . .30c sweet grape- WE SELL SAME GOODS Full LUSS MONEY. PHONE US TOIJP vt .WJCf DELIVER ANYWHERE IX THE CITY. Lrws0 ir i mm ri 1 1 t. . Qjf iww n-v ThaCASH gRCCER A Corner Eleventh and Graham Strtdi Phone 4090. Notice 15 oz. 23 oz. 10 lb. 1') lb. 10 lbs Large Libby 1 lb. 1 Hj. Fresh 4 lb. 8 lb. Onngton preserves ... Orington preserves ... pails peach jam pails strawberry jam pails cherrv inm cans apricots ...."7.Y. sliced pineapple," can cans red Alaska salmon' cake cod fish . . country eggs, dozen ." cans Cottolene .. cans Cottolene .. ' .. .15c . . .25c .$2.50 ..$2.90 .20c ...26c .17 He . .25c . .65c ..55c .$1.10 CULP BROS. 325 E. TraJe SU Phones 1806-1807 1 Xx SERVES HEARTY APPETITES 15 lbs. best sugar 'S!(l? 24 Iba. Elizabeth flour 24 lbs. Sunflower Kflf-risinir -S1.'J 100 lb. sack Edan chicken feed S Fresh pork sausage " ellriW Yam Kl'J-ii.'if nnlTtm.c MP Pure Georgia cane svrup, callon . Breakfast bacon, lb f 3 lbs. best vice 'f 6 lbs. fresh pearl grits Fresh fruits and vegetables. ME DEL1VEF(. OA1 2 ni 178 THE RED FRONT STOKP Corner Church and Fourth CITY OF CHARLOTTE BULLETIN The City Commissioners exc"j to the people of Charlotte vtrj cere wishes for a Merry ('liii'"" and a Happy, Prosperous f