?HF' H ARLOTffE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 20, 1922 21 Princess Mary Stars As Housekeeper, Friends Say Refuses to be cast aside like 'plaything," she avers. Says rich husband grew tired of her. Were happy for two years. fgel& x WCTfeftS ond whenever news is dull the "scan fal" is revived. . The most unconcerns! in, the matter is 'the Prime Minister. He goes on his way rejoicing, v;hil: his enemies continue to tear their hair end gr.ash their teeth. Conservative England is fearful of En invasion of lubber batning suits &ome of the more daring famale b;ith trs across Ihe Channel, at the Frcuh ICSortS. have ;mnearrl in me-.iiic-i. uits made of rubber. The effect i's aid to be vefv st&rtlinp- arri narti.-nlar. iy so when he suits nre made of flesh toiorea rubrer. Knglana is givinjr duf warning to importers that they wil' not tolerate this newest kink in feminine fashions. BV DAVID M. CHURCH. International News Staff Correspondent London, Sept. 20. Princess Mary is making an excellent housewife. That is what they are saying up in York shire, where the Princess and her Vis count husband have been spending tht late Summer weeks. Yorkshire stan dards are very high. too. The Princes has won the hearts of all the York shire country pec pie and is most popu lar in the villages surrounding her country home. She frequently goes in to the village to shop personally, and her tours are always the subject of much discussion. An old Yorkshire 3hopkeeper has giv en away one of the royal secrets. He is authority for the statement that the Prince has a weakness for royal pic tures. Whenever sho visits this old gentleman's shop she always spends a considerable amount of time looking over the photographs of the members of her own family. The Princess is a great seeker for antiques and never misses a cnanco to pick up an oia irwas ure from an old shop. The autumnal political activities in England thriaten to center around the alleged sale cf honors. Political oppon ents of Llovd Georare intimate that hi? administration has been guilty of trad ing titles for political contributions. The Prime Minister and his adherents deny all these intimations and the open charges as well. A royal commission has been established to investigate thi charges, and this body will get to woiU during the early Fall weeks, and rather stirring political times are promised The Duke of Northumberland and the 6ie-hard Morning Post are conducting the campaign against the Prime Mini ster. The "traffic in honors' headline seems to be standing in all of the anti George newspaper offices in London, "And tln-y. EhaH beat their sw.rds into ployshares." the scripture predict ed, but the British are. achieving p jace t yaaotber method British steamships and British-warships which were used curing the war Lut which have now become obsoluete or have fcaen ordered scrapped in accordance with the Wash ington treaties, will be broken up and turned into cheap safety razor blades No oneTias yet announced whether tin izor king of -.America. King Gilleftv. who was rsccntly in'"Er:r-.du:i, has con tracted to buy the old steel from thes discarded s! ips.v or whf ther he will be forced to mtet British competition. BOYS' NIGHT SCHOOL TO BE OPENED OCT. 2 With the opening of the boys school October 2, the Y. M. C. A. begins its thirty-fifth year of educational service in Charlotte. v The boys' night school is especially designed for boys who have found it impossible to continue their education al training in the public schools. It teaches only those . fundamental sub jects which the boy needs in order to succeed in the work he has chosen to follow. Apricationss are now being received and those planning to attend are urg ed to file their applications as only a limited number will be received. Reg istration cards may be secured from nny of the secretaries at the "Y" build ing. , PLAN EIGHT BIG FIELDS OF HONOR PAD ERE WSK I ENTERS FIGHT IN POLAND Warsaw, Sept. 20. (By The Associat ed Press.) The Presidential contest in Poland this coming Noverriber appar-cnt:y--,vill be between Marshal Jos. Pil sudski, the present chief of staff, and Ignace J. Paderewski. The candidacy of Padereswski has been announced by the national democrats and the party of former Premier Skulski, in disre gard of the pianist's declaration that he had retired from politics. The Pilsudski candidacy is sponsored by the peasant party, led by former Premier Witos, and by the socialists. Paderewski has several times re cently reiterated his declaration that he had retired from politics. At last advices he was in Switzerland practic ing assiduously in preparation for his concert tour in the United States, to begin in November. Complete prohibition of the. sale of all alcoholic drinks is to be enforced throughout Poland for six weeks pre ceding the election of members of the Diet and Senate. Washington, Sept. 20. Work of ar ranging eight American fields of honor in France, England and Belgium, as the final resting places of 40,000 Ameri can so'.diers who made the supreme sacrific-3 in the World War, will .be started next month on the basis of plans xvhich have been approved by the War Department and the Fine Arts Commission.; Mafor Henry L. Green was ordered to take charge of the work which will require about three years and consist Israel yin the planting of trees, shrubs and lawns. SCIENTISTS READY FOR SUN ECLIPSE FARMERS CARS ARE ' STOLEN AT MARKET Sydney, Australia, Sept. - 20. Ar rangements for observation on Septem ber 21 of the Solar Eclipse, which has attracted scientists from all corners of the Glebe, have been completed by Dr. W. W. Campbell, cf the Lick Observa tory of California. Wollal, West Australia, is the spot where the phenomenen is expected most easily .Mseernable. Dr. Campbell says that the party of scientists hope to secure- strong additional evidence bear ing upon the Einstein theory of tela-' tivity. Muriel MeCormick is going into the movies. The exciting adventures of her own family ought to furnish a se- rial. Winston-Salem, Sept. 20. Three far- j mers, Arthur Chap'.e, of Surry: R. S j Redding, of Stokes, and J. O. Witcher, of Guilford, had their cars stolen Tues- j day after they nad unleaded from them their offerings of tobacco for the opening sales in the warehouses here. Thus far the police have been unable to find t. trace of the' missing machines. A number of license plates also , wore taken from farmers' cars. SEASON TICKETS TO CAROLINAS ON Ivey's EXPOSITION SALE AT Little-Long's Trvon Drug Co. ONLY $3.50 G ME V D As Usual We Will Have reat oargains To Offer For OLLAR DAY 200 Pair Women's Oxfords and Pumps; patent and vici kid, with fine turned soles. $1 .00 100 pair Women's high grade rein skin boots with welt and turned soles. Most comfortable house shoe you could possibly buy. per pair 100 pair Men's Oxfords, sizes G to 7. Calfskin with welt soles. A good, serviceable Oxford. per shoe $1J2 DeLane's 36 E. Trade St. & 1 r- $1J2 per pair 1 MM 'it'. Ill JiWi per pair ' fTAJM 3 B - 100 Pair Women's Felt Bedroom Slippers in blue and gray. White buck soft soles. 1. i.r i Dollar Day 1 ! i ' II I I. J 1 -1 4 . I f i I ' .... -I Because of it? unequal suction, its pronounced mechanical superiority, its ease of operation, and the exceptional sim plicity .and efficiency of its attachments, the Eureka has won. More Awards of Merit Than Any Other Cleaner These awards are all gold medals, and grand prizes, taken In open competition at expositions such as the Pfaiama Facilc and those held in the leading capitols of Europe. On five different occasidns a jury of disinterested experts has judged the Eureka as the finest cleaner human skill can produce. Over 500,000 In Use More than half a million ' women have substan tiated these experts' opinion by purchasing the Eureka. On two continents the Eureka is looked, upon as woman's most efficient aid in keeping the whole house clean. 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL EASY PAYMENTS Telephone or call if 5'ou wish to use one of the new improved Eureka's in your home for ten days free. In ten days you can subject it to every conceivable cleaning test yourself and see why experts have so repeatedly honored the Eu reka. You will not be subjected to an embarrassing "canvas." But if you wish to keep the Eureka you can avail yourself of our convenient terms. PAGE ELECTRIC CO. Special Prices on All Fixtures and Appliances for Next 30 Days. 425 South 'Church Street, " Telephone 3722 We Of In Addition to Our Already Low Prices on High Grade Furniture and Stoves ferA10Discoiiiii For DAY (Kitchen Cabinets and Window Shades Excepted) ie Banner furniture Out of the High Rent District" v0 llfL 5 S 33 A He ingle No That's how contractors describe our Giant Weight Strip Shingle; the'biggest, thickest' and stiff est shingle ever made. When applied they lay like tile or slate. They are big and mas sive. The wind can't blow them up they are too heavy and stiff. ' Our Blue-Black Flint-kote Giant Strip Shingle , is the most beautiful and durable asphalt shingle ever made. 'I' THE FLINT-KOTE CO., Inc. Boston, Mass. L $ .. . . . - e. F. SHUMAN ROOFING COMPANY , Distributor Phones 611-1325 Phone 1530 For Job Printing i : v i I " I i t s V )!; ill 1. 1 -f.fr'' I If: !"