A. VOLUME III. "V CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, APIL 18, 1890. tfMBER24. OUTINGS. ' Fifteen pieces Outing Cloth that aro reirularlv sold At Ifte,. co todav and as long as they will last at ten cents ier yard. Lovely quality and beau ul styles. "These are all new and are direct from the factory. We are saving you Ave cents on every yard of them. Beat come at once as fif teen pieces Outing won't last long when a third is knocked off the price. And at Kelpie's, too! The wonder of the country is the gigantic stride made by the manufacturers of Cot ton Fabrics, Ginghams, Satines, In dia Pongees and Challies that rival the finest Wool Fabrics of the French when you look at color and printing. We ore now showing over a hundred different patterns of Satine. But we roust speak of the famous Margue rite Mohairs. We brought this pop alar brand to this city. We offer complete lines of them in quality and shade. Success has crowned our efforts. Marguerite is, a tynonum bore for goodness, beauty and lustre. Remember the three grades are, 25c, 60c. and 87c. None better, few as good. Accor dean rieating 60c. per yard. T. L. 8EIGLE A CO. LOCAL EIPPLES, Iced Drinks. c Oiir Soda Water Fountain 18 OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Lemon and, Limeade, Malto. Ginger Ale and Mineral Water. Cigars! We sell the bent line of Domestic and Imported Cigars in Charlotte. No. 511, Santa Clara Samara, and Marie Antoinette. BUR WELL & DUNN, WHOLESALE STORE, 8 and 6 West Trade street RETAIL STORE, Opposite Central Hotel. WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELRY. Selling Out AT AND BELOW COST. As 1 wish to clone my business in the next two or three months I offer GREAT BARGAINS. EVERYTHING GOES AT J. T. BUTLERS. The weather cleared off beauti fully today, and all our people feel better. 4 The Criminal Court has been engaged today trying a couple of petty larceny cases. At the meeting of 20th May com mittee last night, it was resolved to invite the Farmers' Alliance to par ticipate in the 20th celebration. May 10th Is Memorial day. What steps are being taken for Its proper observance? This annual celebra tion is now in the hands of the Meck lenburg Hurvlvora Association. ? The June term of Mecklenburg Criminal court was abolished by an act of the last Legislature, so the court will not nguin convene in Char lotte until next August The Ashville Democrat says: "Mr. J. Harvey Wilson and wife, of Charlotte, have determined to locate in Buncombe, and will make their home at Hilt more. We cordially welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wilson." The Order Railway Conductors and the Brotherhood of Locomotive engineers have been at loggerheads for sometime, but the Indication now point to an amalgamation, as they have been recently meeting to gether. The lat Joint meeting was a most harmonious one. The tarred paper roofing for the Sam Jones tabernacle is being put on today, and the work will be com pleted by tonight The big taber nacle will then be ready for the use of the people. The union meeting will begin Sunday night Mr. Kobert Gray who has been very sick with catarrhal Jaun dice for several weeks, is yet no bet ter. His cane is a complicated one. He has had typhoid fever several times and on that account cannot THE MU8I0 FOR THE 20TH. Rales Regulating the Band Contest List of the Bands Invited to Partici pate. The indications are that there will be a great amount of grand music in Charlotte on May 20th. Mr. C. 0. Moore, secretary or the band com mittee, has not been idle, and has succeeded in stirring up an interest in the musical feature. The follow ing bauds have been invited: Charlotte Cornet Hand; If. M. O. Band of Hickory; Steel Creek Cor net Band ; 3rd Regiment Band, New ton ; Statesville Cornet Band; Lex ington Cornet Band; Greensboro Cornet Baud: Reidsville' Cornet Baud ; Salem Cornet Band ; Winston Cornet Band ; M u Airy Cornet Band ; Burlington Cornet Band ; Glen Coe Cornet Band; North State Cornet Band; Mebane Cornet Band; Bingham Cadet Cornet Baud; Dur ham Light Infantry Cornet Band; Germania Cornet Band (Wilming ton); Newbern Cornet Band; Golds boro Cornet Band; Granite Cornet Band (Haw River); Kernersville Cornet Band; Monroe Cornet Baud; Milton Cornet Band; Siler City Cor net Band; Davis Cadet Cornet Band (LaGrange); Citizens Cornet Band (Raleigh ) ; Fayetteville Cornet Band. Mr. Moore lias endeavored to invite every band in the State, but if any are omitted he will be glad to learn of it, so he can make the list of invi tations complete. The first prize w ill be 10t); second prize, fnO; third prize, 2Tall in gold. The rules and regulations governing the coutest are: The judges shall be three in number, se lected from amoTig gentlemen of known musical ability and familiar ity with bands and band music Con tent open to all bands in North Car take the necessary treatment for his ! 0iina onlv. No band will be allowed present trouble. An interesting meeting of the to enter the contest with other than bona tide members. All bands in 20th May committee was held at the I tending to contest will be required Central Hotel last night The re-; to take part Iu the parade ports submitted were all encourging. j on tbe flrst dav 0f the tourna Mr. I. W. Durham was added to thejnient f:aoh panti will be required committee on Industrial display. I to I)Iav , the ,.ontest four Pieces of Messrs. John W. Wadsworth, J. M. Davis, LattaC. Johnston, and C. C. Mrore were appointed a committee to look after the cattle show. The Supreme Court. The cases argued in the Supreme Court yesterday were: McGee vs. Craven ; urgm-d ly H. W. Harris (by brief),G. F. Jtason for plaintiff, Jones A Tilh tt for defendant Helms vs. Green; argued by J. J. Vann for plaliitlif, Covington A Adams for defendant. Kecorered at Last. Sometime last summer while all the thieving was going on in Char lotte, Mr. II. M. Sossamon lost a set of burners. Later a bag containing a set of harness was left at the fair grounds, Nobody cUImlug It for a longtime, a darkey named Thornton Smith took the harness. Yesterday a son of Mr SoHsaiuoii identified the harness, ami Mr. Sossamon today secured. MtsM'snioii of liis stolen pro perty. Charlotte's Oolton. The cotton iitiitions in Char lotte lojay wre a little stiffer than usual, the best cotton bringing 11.21) cent. Only ten bales were brought in by wagon. The daily receipts from now on until May are expected to be better than usual. The lm prooriou seem to be that there is yet a good deal of cotton la the country. Eleven twenty outrht to fetch It CALL ON US FOR ANYTHING YOU NEED IK THE LINK OF Boots ! Shoes OUR STOCK 13 Ft AND DURABLE. Stylist jpflTGoods and prices will please, you. A fu'l !I'm of Trunks, Valises and Club Bat. Igyovdors by mail will reoelv prompt attention, , A. E. Rankin & Bro.f W. Tradf Html y' The 20th May Oattls Fair. hi) tries for the 20th May cattle fall are coming in lively, and the success of this feature of the celebration Is already secure. There will be a flue display of blooded horses and cattle. What is wanted now is a place In which to exhibit the live stock. If a suitable place van be secured the stock will be exhibited ftfter the pa rade; otherwise It .will be sent away immediately after the parade. Two Fapon. The Greensboro Patriot will shortly appear as an afternoon dally. The Patriot, under its present manage ment, Is a superb paper, and lt dally edition will be eagerly watched for. If the dally ia to be as good as. tha weokly, thou Greensboro Is surely tb be congratulated. The Salisbury Watchman, under Its uew management, Is so bright that it almost blluda us. It Is cer taiuly a lively paper, and Its original mi'tter shows the work of a nlmbio pen, We do , not know; who does It, bin it is well done there's no doubt about that, ? For Rochester or Milwaukee Boer go to Amdt'a music of their own selection of the following movements: I "Overture," "Andante," "Polka," or "Waits," "Quick Step," either 2-4 or fi-8 time. I An andante may be selected which j is followed by a polka. walU,or other j movement, as the director of the band ! may choose. and the"nndante" move j ment will only be considered in the ; contest, if the director so desires. ! Points to be considered: Attack, time, expression, harmony. The leader or director of each baud will we required to furnish a pro gramme of pieces, together with a copy of the leading cornet part, to be played on the day of the contest, to the judges. Not less than rive (5) entries required. - - - The Trades Parade. The Trade Display Committee for the 20th celebration is meeting with unexpected success. The committee has not made a complete canvass of the town, but will finish the rounds tomorrow, So far, the following i ... :.. 1 !..... ....... I ... . i up floats for the Trades Parade: I ('. Valer & Co., A. C. Hutchison, i John Kan lor, A. E. Rankin & Pro., II. Baruch, D. M. lUgler, Rarringer & Yates, Pharr & Iong, Burgess Nichols, H. Baumgarteii, K. M. An drews, S. Wittkowsky, Racket Store, Seigle & Co , 1. V. Durham, W. Kauf man & Co., Purwell & Dunn, It H. Jordan A Co., Tho. Garibaldi, J. N. McCuusIand, Gray A Barnhardt, Gil reath Co., Boyne A Badger, Port ner Brewing Company., 11. F. Rogers & Company, Julian S. Car (of Dur ham), M. C. Duffle, J. H. Vaunesa, Tiik Daily Nkws, Southern News paper Union, Piedmont Wagon Co., Talbot 8om, It- A- I A. Tompkins A Co. Twa professional float designers will lie here iu a few days to offer their services in getting up floats for the parade. 1 1 is bel ieved that every business house iu Charlotte will be represented In the Tradts Display. - - - Cleveland Not Tet Heard From. Mr. Cleveland has not yet been heard from iu regard to the 20th of May, but it Is supposed that he Is too busily engaged iu working otf some Of that surplus fat the New York Bun credited him with to pay any attention to the invitation extended him. it Is believed, however, by those who have a tip or two, that. Senator Vance's letter will fetch him. If Mr. Cleveland accepts, he will bs litelat .Washington by a del cation from Charlouo and brought Knooked Off by the Train. The Charlotte bound freight train was flagged down by the section mas ter about two miles out from town, near the fair grounds, at 0 o'clock thia morning. The section master had found a negro who had been knocked from the track by the pas senger train, lying in the ditch. The wounded negro was put on the freight and brought to the city.when he was sent to the colored hospital. Dr. Gibbon, the railroad physician, found that the negro was very dan gerously injured. His recovery is doubtful. The negro gives his name as Squire Button, and says he is from Golds boro. He says that he was coming into town last night with a white man. When they reached a point near the fair grounds, the white man told him to wait .there for a few min utes. The white man went off and he sat down on the end of a crosstie and went to sleep. The next thing he knew, the passenger train came along ai three o'clock, and knocked him off. The white man came back shortly, but, on seeing his condition, at once deserted him. Sutton re mained in the ditch until about 8 o'clock, when he was discovered by the section master. He is badly buised, but his most serious injury is to his spine. The doctor thinks his chances of recovery very doubtful. Special Bailroad Bates. The Richmond and Danville com pany has placed on sale special round trip tickets for the following occa sions: Reunion of old soldiers at Atlanta, April 24th and 25th ; fare $K.85, good to return April 28th. Meeting of the Mecklenburg Pres bytery, Hopewell, N. C, April 22nd and 24th, fare to Huntersville 80 cents, good to return April 30th. Meeting of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. t Wilmington, N. O, May 12th and 13th; fare $7.80, good to return until and including May 20th. Meeting of Ministerial Association oi the Disciples, Kinston, N. C, May 12th, 13th, 14th and loth; fare to Goldsboro $9, good to return until and including May 19th. ou herein the finest actnt the Richmond & DanvJUe Company. ,.cau sacuro. :"'ff gjCT" Tub News telephone No. 80 W. KAUFMAN & CO., Leading Clothiers! The first blush of spring brought lots of customers for our newand beautiful Clothing. We never did better for you than now. Yesterday our establishment was crowded the entire day, especially our Juvenile Department We did triple the business yesterday than the same day any previous year. It's a source of gratification to us to have the public respond to our well-earned reputation, season LEADING CLOTHIEBS. We have cut a notch on our pole of am bit i n three grades above any ion's work we ever did before. That meat s April will see us sell more ME CL0T1ES Jack German? Presented with a Watch. Jack Germany, the popular en gineer of the C, C. A A. railroad, now sports a fine gold watch, of the most improved make. It was presented to him by the Brotherhood, in Colum bia last Sunday. It was bought from Boyne A Badger in Charlotte, and was engraved here, as nothing good enough for Jack w as to be found in Columbia. The watch cost $9a It bears the inscription. "Presented to W. J. Germany, C. E., by Palmetto Lodge, Division 85, B. & L. K." En gineer Germany Is Chief Eugineer of Palmetto Lodge, and has held that position for eleven years past He is a fine fellow, a superb engiueer, and is as popular with the public as he is with his associates. Transporting the Delegates. The railroad w ar for the Baptist Convention at Fort Worth waxes warm. Brother Thweatt had the floor yesterday, and Brother Gee conies to the front today. Brother Gee advertises the only original Baptist train, with sleepers and buf fet and quick travel. This competi tion will give the Baptist delegates some of the fastest aud most com fortable traveling that has ever been known in this country. Central Hotel Arrivals. J W Mullen, Huntersville, N C; I .1 Hyde. Richmond, Va; B F Town seud, F 8 Robinson, Davidson Col lego, X C; J K Owen, J G Loom Is, Brewer M Ine, 8 C ; J W Lin ley, S C ; W M Francis Atlanta; T M Cald well, Richmond; John Weddington and wife. Brewer Mine, 8 C; A L Hmlth, North Carolina; W C Max well, North Carolina ; G J Coph, New York; F W Fllut, Atlanta, Ga; John Bradford, Atlanta. Ga; A T Usele, Baltimore; J A Hlggs, Sherwood Higgs, Raleigh, N C; W L Beery, Wilmington, N C; A The!, Concord N Oj J D Brown, J G Hood, county : 8 F New, Mt Airy, N C; Jas F Ta tern, Norfolk, Va; A P Craddook Lynchburg, Va; J A Pierce; Kern rravtllo, NC;8 fiS McClauley, Mis Belle McCauley, Monroe, N C; R M Mlxon, LKR R; T F Selgfrled, King Mountain, N C; C F Marshall. Atlanta, Ga; A P Rhyne, Mt Holly, N p J 8 Miller, wife aud 2 children, Statesville, N C; W If Williams, North Carolina; R II Fields, Hick. or, N.C tuther Niuia, Mt Holly, K( C ; J T Alderman, Wilmington, N C ; Johu II Gray, Washington, D C; W O Adams, Nashville, Tenu; 8 A Strauss,' Richmond, Va; II 8 -Mo-Cleakey, Athens Ga; Joho D Blythe, Philadelphia. ... Than our highest hopes anticipate. Twasn't necessary to put you In mind of buying your boy a Spring Suit last week. It was the first week of the year for that. Keing busy is no more than we expected, bat we ronsn't miss the chance or bringing you to us, however busy we are. If you haven't seen our BOYS and LITTLE BOYS CLOTHING, you'd better. A look to the n'npirmananin will aru.v.n . . .rut nnAs .A..r.A ctnAv. ...inn h.ammk& m customers w ho have seen It. It's the pretriest store full we've ever had. We can echo that truly. It is beautiful. With all that we are, shrewd merchants enough to be progressive, and add to this already myriod of Fine Clothing, ANOTHER LINE OF LILIPUTIAN OUTFITS AND SUCH ARE ONLY SOLD BY i ' W. ICALTFiMAJSr 8c CO, PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST, STYLES ARE THE BEST. An inspection is all we ask. Let that be the test , TXT TT A TTTllir A 1iT 0 fin " VV. AAUjjMAIN flf liV., LEADING CLOTHIERS, GENT'S FURNISHERS AND HATTERS, CTIARLOTTE, N. C. .?'.' Gent's Fine Kangaroo Gaud-made Shoe, in Lace and Congress. The softest, and most elegant t-hoes that are mane, i.nrge stock. All sizes. We can suit you. GILREATH A CO. Gent!en:en wanting the best $5.00 Haml-ii.ath Shoes they ever wore, will be well pleased w ith our line. We are far ahoud of all others. This Is our specialty. UILKKATH CU. For the best Blacking in the world use Miller's Improved French. Will soften and preserve the leather. Make a lasting shine and the most economical. Costs no more than common blacking GILREATH A CO. Graver's Soft Shoes for Ladles with tender feet. Lace and Button all hand-made. Have comfort as you go through life, you will be the better for it. GILREATH 4 CO. Raven Gloss Polish and Gilt E!ge Polish, 25c. Brown's French Dress ing, 10c French Glycerine Paste, 10c. Best dressings that are made for fine Leather. GILREATH A CO. Our Trunks and Valises are way ahead. Large stock of medium and fine grades. New goods ever- yv-k. Best line of Club Bags 'and bangle Cases in the city. GILREATH A CO. THE BEST AND MOST- RELIBALB MAKES I2T THE Ia-AJbTiD. For style and fit Jas. A. Hauister's Shoes have no eqnaL They am made of the very best stock, aud th shoeinaklng is the best to had. He has a national reputation for making the best and most stylish Shoe on the market We have a nice stock of these Shoes this season in different styles, both In calfskin and patent leather. We have an elegant stock of patent leathers; any wishing a nice stylish Shoe should see ours before purchasing- Our lin of Cordivan and Kangaroo Shoes are pretty and cheap. THE LADIES WILL FIND OUR LINE OF 0 0 THOS. BOLTOFS SHOE' Complete, aud trulv there is uo Shoe that will give so much wear. For fit they are perfect. We carry a full line of Blacking Brushes, Daubers an i Blacking all the time. Call aud see us. r:.H : ,,v -"... GRAY & BAKNHAKDT. Successors to Gray A Co. 19 East Trade Street BABY CARRIAGES. Now the heavy winds axe about ovwr and yo r wind turns to a Carriage for the baby. Ana there Is uolMng Improves a child so much as this healthful txerche. And w 'ten . you buy one you. want th best made for the money, . V Ahd when you get one of my CrrlagA70ti' get ifi p the.best manufactured, and here are foine of ; ' 1 -, the prices: Oue Carriage; wood ard wire ; w wheels, best ratu n tKHly. neatly npv bolstered, at $7.U0 You know tH's '1 V- :! cheaper than you' can' buy a fat- ' "Mfc . . tan CarriaKe ilsewhete; One rattan body Tery high back.nieely upholstered afl1 cheap 1 t. at,47,5fi One Carrjagsirajttnr wpboHtered In genuine fctllk VlJsh, with tine Satin parts d and la e fringe at $12JMX I have this Carriage in several cocr of Plush. 115.00 buys a beauty, handsomely upho!.te: 4 lt very best goods, j Satin parasol with deep lace border. Or. taluly I have Carriages at aln.ost any price fiom 7.oo to ;at o. r-'" j.... ; O B .NIOHOLS - ITurnituro U s