BUIBTB j ;:: GARDEN - ' , . SEED. CROP OP 1889, AT- j V J, I. We have just received a large as sortmentof these seed, Including the standard and New Fancy Varieties, Which we offer to the trade with our guarontee to their being Fresh and Genuine. J. H. McADEN, No. 7 N. Tryon Street EASTER GREI STl NGS -TO KM FRIENDS. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL DE HION8 NEVER BEFORE ON m. m m a e- 4- a waa.: a J-ust Received. We luvite every one to come and eo them, especially the ladies. n -l 1 o rt 1 jjacuns ce uresaam. HOME INDUSTRIES, Producing goods that compete with the outide world, deserve home pat ronage. Hmokers of Martin's Bouquet are always willing to vouch for its superior quality for a 5c. Cigar. Man ufacturedjy; E. I MARTIN, Tobacconist, NexttoBuford Hotel, CharlotUN.C. Full line of Briar and Meerschaum floods, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. We have received a shipment of FINE WALL PAPERS, For the Spring Trade. CALL AND MAKE SELECTION before the skck is picked over. Charlotte Oil and Paint House. About Boiling Clothes -v v '!;; and Disease-Breeding Germs Sur. rt; jw. L.assing' in an article in American Analyst, says: "The dirt, and 'all .soap "must be entirely re-- h moved from the interstices . or the clothes, and aU mi-5'crobes-must be destroyed. i The only and easiest way to 1 - . 1 ' 1 I . ' . ao jnis is oy neating the water in which the clothes dre contained to the boiling Point. The boiling water. by constant self-agitation, is forced through the inter stices of the fabrics, and thus cleanses them from dirt and disease-breeding microbes as they can be cleansed in no otherway, and&7)binany manner injuring the fabric." james'Pyle's Pearline will wash in hot or cold, hard or soft water, and by any of the so-called " new labor-saving methods ; but for the easiest and best way , of washing, refer to the directions for washing by boil- . . 1 . r 1 ... . fi ir ng given on Dack ot eacn pacnage 01 1 earnne. Bewara of Imitations. I4 is' If . ' - y JAMES PYLE, New York. STATE PARAGRAPHS. Horth II (hrrent Events and Incidents in Carolina. High Point Enterprise: Mrs, Jos. daughter of J. It. Katrsdale died at Jamestown last Wedueaday. This is the second death which has oc curred in Mr. Karadale's family late ly. He lost another daugher about two months ago. Stanly Observer : The Railroad will come by liilesville that's settled the locating surveying corps is now there. We also learn that the con tract for grading from Halisbury to the county line has been let, and that the entire line will be let this mouth. Greensboro Workman: Judge Dick rendered his decision today in the case of the Htate against Kirk- patrlck and Patterson for the killing of the colored man McMannen in Orange county some time ago, dis charging the accused, on the grtund that as it was done in the line 01 otn- cial duty and in self-defence the act was justifiable in the eyes or the law. ureensboro ratrtot: Mr. 1 nomas C. Callum, son of Dr. J. K. Callum.of this city, died suddenly of heart dis ease in Baltimore, Tuesday night Mr. Callum had been out callingand singing. He was returning to his room and fell upon the street and died almost instantly. His aged mother, who was in feeble health, has been completely prostrated by the terrible blow, and fears are en tertained that she may not be able to survive it Durham Bun: A report comes from Raleigh that on last Saturday notice was served on the state tnat 1 in the United States Supreme Court Monday counsel for holders of Spe cial tax bonds in the Temple case would make a motion to so modify the judgment of the Court In that case that they might have a man damas to compel to compel the State Auditor to put a column in tne tax list for the iutorest In the special tax bonds. Attorney General Davidson Monday was at Washington, but the motion was not made, so he returned in Ualoiirh TiimmImv. Hp. however. saw Samuel F. Phillips, who Is asso ciated with Mr. Andrews, of New York, as counsel for bondholders. and Mr. Phillips promised that the motion should not bo called up be fore the 28th instant when it will probably be argued on printed briefs. The First 8tep. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat can't sleep, can t think, can t uo anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder 'what alls you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into Nervous prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Klectrie Rltters you will find the exact remedy for re storing your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition, wur prlsinar results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the wver ana mo neys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price SO cents at Uurweli A Dunn's Drug Store, Bank at Burlington News and Observer: The people of Burlington have subscribed $12,- 600 for stock in the Morehead Rank ing Company, aud a meeting of the Alamance stockholders haa been called for Saturday the 19th at 8 o'clock a. m. The Burlington News says it will be opened as soon at Mr. Oates, a Democratic Congress man from Alabama, replying to some questions propounded by the Alliance, says that he cannot vote for a bill for the Government to lend money to anybody, for he is sworn to support the Constitution and the Constitution does not give the Fed eral Government that power. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and ail skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun ded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Rurwell & Dunn. LEHWa ELIXIR. A PImmI Vmmmm Drlafc. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir For fevers, chills and malaria take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all oi which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Moxley, Atlanta, Ga. 50c. and 1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes: After ten years oi gTeat suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, bilionsness, disardered kidneys and constipation, I have been curj;d by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixia, and am now a new man. Rev. C C. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, 28 Tatnall St.. At lanta, Ga. Frrnna Prominent Lady. I have not been able in two years to walk or stand without suffering great pain. Since' taking Di. Moz ley's Lemon Elixir I can walk half a mile without suffering the least in convenience. Mrs R. H. Bloodworth, augo, Gritnn, Ga. HARNESS. -:o: If: Having established 4 branch office of our STEAM LAUNDRY. In Charlotte we respectfully solicit a trial of our work. Strictly first class service and satisfaction guar anteed. , '.. i- ' A specialty of treating lc Cur alus by the French ' process. The . best and safest method. , , -.; . ; - t . The Charlotte office, it fn charge ot Mr. George & Newcombl at N fi North Tryon street where prices and aU Information will be furnished. It is always economy to get GOOD II ARNF.SS. Experience teaches that no harness mada can excel for durabilitv. service and handsome Mulsh that made here in Charlotte by W. I SHAW S CO. We use only first-class material and employ none but skilled and eom(MtntvArkmrn. Everv set that house can be secured and says itfeels goes out of my shop is complete and like taking Its hat off to thdse who t perfect In all respects. Tlie True Baptist Special ATLANTA, GA4 T0 FORT WORTH TEXAS. , ; - ONLY ONE NIGHT OUT. To appropriately accommodate our large number of patrons the sched ule and route of the great Fort Worth Special will be via Birming ham ana Sbreveport, from Atlanta, Tuesday, May 6th. Leave Charlotte, via R. A Tuesday, JMay 6, 2.05 a. m. Leavfe Atlanta via G. P. R. Tuesday, May 6, 1.10 p. m. Leave Annistonr via G. P. R., Tuesday, May , 4.45 p m. Arrive Birmingham, via G. P. R., Tuesday, May 6, 7.00 p. m. Leave Birmingham, via Q. A C. Tuesday, May 6, 7.20 p.m. Arrive Shreveport, via Q. A C. Wednesday, May 7, 11.80 a. m. Arrive Dallas, via T. A P., Wednesday, May 7, 6.00 p. m. Arrive Fort Worth, via T. A P., Wednesday, May 7, 7.10 p. m. This magnificent train will be com posed of Luxurious Pullman Palace and Mann Boudoir Buffet Bleeping Cars and best Coaches and Baggage Car. Pullman Sleeping Car will run from Raleigh. The entire train will be run solid from Atlanta to Fort Worth without change, affording the Southern Bap tist Convention Delegates and their friends the most delightful and eco nomical journey upon the fastest and best train ever run from Atlanta to Texas. Also presenting a great op portunity for visitors to attend the Texas Spring Palace, at Fort Worth. A thoroughly experienced and agreeable agent will accompany this train, and everything contributing to the comfort and pleasure or our patrons will be provided upon this personally conducted tour. Round trip rates only one fare good to return within thirty days. Note. Iron-clad signature tickets are NOT REQUIRED by this route on this great occasion. Send in your names early to secure good Sleeping Car reservations. Apply to DR. C. DURHAM, Raleigh, N. C. REV. A. G. McMANAWAY, Charlotte, N. C. A. a THWEATT, Gen'l Trav'l Pass Agt G. & P., Atlanta, Ga. H. 8, McCLESKEY, Passg'r Agent G. A. Pn Charlotte, N.C. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen'l Pass. Agt. G. A. P., Birmingham, AL FOR KENT. Four offices, two front and two rear, over G. 8. Read A Co.'s China and only to good parties. Apply to ap4dlm B A2LTJSK UA lUtHJSX. At the Bon Ton Bakery. Fitfe Fesh Bread Every Morning. Vienna Rolls, Vienna Bread, Gra ham Bread, Rye Bread, Lmon Cakes, Lemon Wafers. English Plum Cakes, Pound Cakes, Ginger Snaps. Ornamented Cakes to order. W. N. PRATHER, No. 216 E. Trade Street The All Healing Ointment NEVER FAILS. Cures all Skin Diseases. Sold by all druggists. Manufactured by EDWARD HOOPER, 607 W. Seventh St, Charlotte, N. C. apri2dlni Boll A, A. GATES, Proprietor, - ' Mansion Houb Steam Laundry, I 1 ,1 have shown so much interest In the matter, and that the best known man in the county is to oe tne casuier ana Burlington will grow apace. Th Hew DiMovery. f ; ' You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about It You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience Iust how good a thing it is. If you tave ever tried it, you are one of it staunch friends, because the wonder ful thing about it is. that when once given a trial. Dr. King's. New Dis covery ever after holds a place In the house. If you have never used It and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at onoe and give It a fair trial It Is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at Burwell A Dunn's Drugstore. , ; The West Xnd Railroad, ' News and Observer: A correspon dent writes from Troy that eight townships in Montgomery i county voted on Wednesday on the question of a subscription of f 29,000 to the West End Railroad. The proposi tion was defeated In aeven townships and in the eighth is said to be uncer tain. , ' , . ' .. -,. respects. An immense line of HARNESS, BRIDLES, SADDLES, BLANKETS, WHIPS, Ac Ingstock. Call and see us lefore buy ing anything in the Harness Hue. We also carry a full Hue of Carte aud Buggies. r W. E. SHAW A CO. Practical Photographer, N0.6 E. Trade St, Charlotte, N.C. Young men wanted to learn tle business. Full and omplete instruc tion given In Portrait View and Ferrotype work for 110.00 per month. Time required to learn 0 days. Board I&60 per- week. Come at once aud join the class. !.,-,..,..,,, i ',); mn ..... s' Chemlcafand AaaljUcal Uberatories H.C.WOLTERECKiCO. OosftfttitCUaiiUeiBiiMSMlsMtt, AmItm of MUl,OrM,OMI M CakaTllliMMl Wtlcr. FirtiltMr. to. Mlnlnv btqiwHT loJtod. :-- "n " It wV 1 Office Of MECHAMCS PERPETUAL 1 Notice to Stockholders. A special meeting ot the Stock holders of the above-darned Associa tion 'is hereby called for Monday, April 21st, at 7.30 P. M at the of fice of this Association, to consider the advisability of changing Section t of Article IV of the Constitution, so as to read 10,000 Shares, instead ot S.000 Shares, as now. T bis change is made necessary by the great success and popularity ot this institution, as the whole author ized number of 5,000 shares will in the near future be taken up. S. WITTKOWSKY, Pres. R. E. Cochrane, Sec'y and Treas. mchio apai CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD CO Change ef Schedule. March), (890. Westb'ad Trains. L Wilmington. LvtUnlot. lit Wadosboto. Ar Ouuiott. ; Lv Charlotte ' Lv Uacolatoa, LvSadby. Ar Ruthmfcrdnw.1 No. 41 Daily Suedy. ItSpn 10 to pa No.it DaUy ex Sunday. 645 pm 00 am 3 99 sm y lotm No, Dull Sunday. EutbouadTraiaa. Lv Rutbeifordton Lv Shelby. LV Unoolntoa. Ar Charlotte. Lv Charlotte. Lv Wadeaboro. L Hamlet ' Ar Wllmtegtoay No.se DaUy m Sttaday. No. 54 Dally (Sunday ?SSSP T3P ijipm loo am est am 105 am I oopm 1114 pm t Mam , 1 00 am No. i DaUy x ISuaday. 039 am 11 00 am 11 aopm Trams No. 41 andjt make etom coanectioa at Hamlet, betvoea Charlotte and points North via RalelsQ, ' " Train No. 51 and 54 amake oonnectioa at Hamlet to and from Raleigh. Trams No, s and a make ckM connectioa both ways with CCta and Alr-Une train at Charlotte, atoo with Chaster and Lenoir Narrow Oauft at Unoolntoa. ' Tbroock SUMpui Cam between Wuminftoa aad Charlotte tad Wilmington and Raleigh. , v T.W. WH1SNANT, Suptf r.w.cjJUucar.A. S:: FINEIiY KQUIPPEDFOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. ' New Type, Fa?t Presses, Artistic uri,,.. 3 VVUffUUCU. THE NEWS does all kinds of Printlnir. from a dalntv vlsitlnir card or wedding' Invitation to the largest Diii-Doara poster. THE NEWS office encompasses the smallest and tha largest type in town,' and no establishment in the State can beat it on quality of work or on prices. All Kinds of Printing PONE PROMPTLY AND IN THE BEST STYLE. Tn atonlr. C!hn.ttfll Mnrtimran and Legal Blanks of all kinds. When you want Printing done neatly, cheaply 'and quickly, try the NEWS JOB OFFICE. Mall orders promptly attended to. Orders for work should be addressed to T3ae lSTevsrs, Charlotte, N. C. TAEDY & WALKER COMMISSION BROKERS, Office in Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. Bny and sell on commission, Stocks Bonds Oil and Cotton, Grain and Provisions, outrlarht or on martrin. From a speciol private wire In their omce tney jret continuous quotations of the New York and Chicago mar kets. They place deals in a few sec onds ana make cash settlements when deals are closed. apr6 Latest Novelties! YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR INTEREST TO BEE MY NEW SAMPLES AND GET MY PRICES BEFORE BUYING. A Suit. Fancy Vest or Trousers, I have the latest styles and you would be surprised to know how cheap I can nave you a cult maue to measure. Fit guaranteed. D. R. HARRY, 6 West Trade St L J. WALKER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Groeers, CORNEB FOtJKTH AND TRYON BT&, CHARLOTTE, N. C. nW:sar.ip.jQfJES REUB.HAVTHOMIE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT DR. KING'S w MB mm w Tha fnllawlnr U an axtract from a letter writ ten br the World Renowned STanceliat: -1 retnrned from Tyler, Texas, on the mh Ink I Sa4 my ertf haa bwn taktnjt Royal Oernetaer te the OBKAT I PBLULinNU of her ahreteal eyetem. Hhe ta aow almost free from the dint rami nf headachee with whth ahe IMMMSMABTVEhr Inalr nut. fPHZ It has eone venders for her! I VlsH IVIRT POOR SCrFEJtlNO WIFE HAD ACCK88 TO THAT MRDICIKE." Rev, J. B. Hawthorne, Pastor First Baptist f hurra. AUanta.Oa., wss cured of a long stead tn oaae of Catarrh. Bis wife had been an la. valid from nervous headache, neoralfla, and rheomailam FOR THIRTY YEARS, scarrelr having a day's exemption from pain. After eking Royal Oermetoer two months, h writes: "A more complete transformation I have neve wltnemed. VBSV SVItnoa OF DntAsS BAS BUArrtAASa. Bhe anpeara to be twenty years K anger, and Is aa nepwy and playful as a alth y child. We have persuaded many of oar friend to take the medicine, and the testimony of all of them Is that It Is a great remedy." Dr. King's Royal Oermetuer la a boon to women. It build op the strength. Increases the appetite, aids digestion, relieves them of the eauas of disease, and Insures health. - It Is so Infallible cure for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Paralysis. Insomnia. Dyspepsia. Indl geaUon.PalpTtattoa. Liver, Bladder and Kldnev IMseases. ( bill and Fevers. Catarrh. all Blood and Skin Distaste. Female Trouble, eta Prompted by a desire to reach more u Bering people, the price haa been reduced from gtss to (l.W per concentrated botUe, which makes eae gallon et medicine aa per direction accompa nying each bottle, ror sale bv the ATLANTIC 6ERMETUCR CO. Atlanta, 6a. and by Dewrglsts, If your Druggist can not Hats of woaderful cures, ste. For sale by BURWELL A DUNN, Charlotte, N. C. JKrState jn what paper you saw this, when writing. Dissolution of Cocartcerstiip. Notice is hereby given that the firm of A. C Summerville & Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Joe H. Wearn purchasing A-C SummeiiUe'i . interest in said firm; . Joe H. Wearn will continue the business at the old stand and wfll assume all indebtedness of ' the old firm, and collect aU accounts ; due them. Those Indebted to said firm will please come forward and make prompt settlements. ' ' ,f .. A. C SUMMERVILLE, f" JOE H.:;WEARN.;:, 'i'i'- yv;!!' ' Ay . Thanking: the public for their gen erous patronage in the past, I hope by fair and honorable treatment, to receive a liberal share ol your 'pat ronage in the future. 'W'( ,;,m Very tTSpectfully: v , ' A " juisjiie.;wjuu::i: v , ' Are invited to join tub korth CAROLINA WATCIIZAMD JEW. " , ELR.Y . ASSOCIATION, 1 ' Aa aacocUtion is now being formed by Boyne A Badcor, Jewelers, Charlotte, N. C, with both lady and gentlemen members, for the parpose of easy and facilitated means of purchasing high clam Watches, Jewelry, Piamonds and Silver - Plate. V..-;'r4i- 11 ' Each club will consist of SO members, either ' ladies or genUemen. Now to enable the Quo to determine tne member wno anau wear tne . watch they place the member's name In s sealed envelope in a pox, ana auow tne aaciuucra w ent, or tome disinterested person to mix them ana draw one out, representing, as U aoes, a member s name: by reference to tMciuDiist, the name Is found and we deliver the watch ie--" lected to the member to designated by the , Club. No entrance fee, but by a- weekly . subscription of-Si.oo each, become entitled to nw urn or nrrwtmm n vnaw iMinigip reran wBiiiea of f6o.oo. Each member receives a number, f ranging from 1 to 50, and these nnmbert are put in sealed envelopes. Each week the 50 members pay f i.eo each and this 50.00 pays for one watch; Thus of course there am only 49 names for the neat week. a8 for the next. 47 ' for the next. 46 for the next, and to on until all , have been'drawn, and each member has . his At the time of the last payment we present to the Club a Solid Gold Chain, worth lao, which ukwudoui aeciae wno soau receive. riow , wuu y iuw ;uui wuui jvu i.uuu, w yJ your 1 1 x each week nntil the 50 weeks have) run out. ' r 1 There is no lottery about it Don t join if you expect to get a watcn tot 11 or xa ana tnen stop payinc. The club is not an installment plan. Installment houses make yow pay for credit, bat our dub plan is cash, as you see we ' receive the money each week for the watch that ; goes out, representing as it does a wholesale - can aoora to sell tnem at least ixo cneaper, We guarantee to save you from S5 to f to over cash prices' offered by other houses. - ', join Watch club. You wiu probably spena the li a week foolishly, and have nothing to show for the money. Put it in a gold watch which will be of service to yon. li you want a higher priced watch, say a 65 one, yon pay i.3oa week; 75. -5 we: I10. I.00 week, you can pay montniy u more coavenient. This will result in a very perceptible gain to many, who by simply putting by a dollar a week (which everbody can spare) at the end of twelve months become possessed of a costly piece of Jewelry, that otherwise they would not have -: purchased. Amoacsttbe bona-nde articles usual price bo that members of the association can pur chase by virtue c4 their ssembershlp at $a SxaiKS I. Gents is or 16 sue. &obd 14 karat (warranted U. S., Hint Assay) gold bant ing case, over 4a dwts. Engine turned or par ually enrTaved, witu dUier waittuun. lugm or Columbuus Co's movement, full 15 Jewelled. Compensated Balance, Patent Brequet . Hair Spring patent, regulator guarantea ana Kepi in order (if no breakages) for 3 years. - aaaiES II. Ladies tine 14 Karat soua gota hunting. Diamond Jeweled case with fine extra jeweled Elgin or Waltham movement. ' This is a specialty or the Association and a marvel of fine value. Series III. Is for Diamonds, those who may prefer. Equally fair value in a Diamond Studd or. Ring, or a Ladies Diamond Ring, Lace Pin or Bracelet There is no clap trap nonsense about this As sociation, so pay no heed to slanderous and un truthful reports of vexed and jealous competitors BOYNE & BADGER, Leading Jewelers and Opticians, CHARLOTTE, N. C. w-k w-v wm. f "" awavjaHwjajfe.vda su.'.'."' We are now receiving our new . Spring Styles. All tfie Novelties of the season will be lound in our house as soon as they come out in North ; era cities. . .... Miss Houston, our trimmer, whe has Wen North lor several weeks getting up our styles, will be home in a tew days with all the latest touches in trimmino. Her taste in ' trimming, and superior work is too well known to need further comment. The latest styles always on hand in our dress making department. AU cutting, fitting and general super vision of this department by Mrs. Query herself.. Are now ready for aU r orders in our line. We cuarantee our patrons latest styles, first class work and- lowest pnecs. t , Kespecuuuy, MRS. P. QUERY & CO. JEWELS, JEWELS, JEWELS, GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS . JE1 . JEV SEWELS EWELS EWELS GEMS , GEMS GEMS . GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS GEMS EWELS, WELS. EWELS, it is well , known uYitafirst class jjweiry , store, where ev . erytuing. from a v cheap grade article to the finest ot Dia monds can be found, " is a b!eing to the city uhMS Such a store k lohn Par. GEMS rloc'. His stock of Silver GEMS GEMS4 Fnwaenroplcta, QEMS GEMS TnrriT Tii nntrtu GEMS g55iJUM i'AlullUB.glJlI GKMS THK JEWELER: - GEMS GEMS Yow can buy what yon want J?MS GEMSatFarrtor s m cheap, if not GL: !. GEMS .-"- w? rnw P GEUil .cue .the same in New York. GEMS - from plain to Bronso, GEMS ta lgn. Finn ? Strife Gold Watches m r ipeclaltv. Wa- GEMS jli" nonds in profit- , , sloevCaUand ; . - .aeemytplen- , dldstoca. It ',y 'a can't be, " beat GEMS GEMS 4 GEMS, GEMS, JEWELS, JEWELS, JEWELS, JEWELS, JEWELS, HILLS, GEMS GCM3 x uurii k GE5JS EWLIV3 IX"

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