COTTON GOWNS.' Winter la a ; thing of the past, , Spring nearly bo, and Summer, with its dust and heat, ia almost upon as. Cotton Goods are to the fore, and the feminine mind is busy planning and contriving; ravishing- costumes for the coming campaign. The cotton . brigade is now formed and Is on dross parade and yon are to review it. Full ranks, everywhere. India Pongee is ready for inspection and is certain to niet the approbation of many. Others may fancy the Ratines ' more and they've a hundred styles i from which to pick. Still there are ' some who desire the Outings. We present a line at 10 cents that cannot te equalled anywhere under 15 cents. Plenty styles. But our advertiser is . something of a Gingham gusher, but who could help gushing when such wonderful loom creations are re vealed to admiring orbs. Striped, ' checked and criscrossed with every - lovely blending color and such smooth elegant fabric, and one is ex cusable when they gusli h little. .However much we admire the Ging hams we must not forget the Prin- cess Cashmere at 12 cents, which ior style ana perfect printing are ex celled by none and seldom equalled anywhere. REV. MM. P. JONES. 0RIAT0B0WDS ATTEBMK8 HIS UEETIHOS.- T. L Seigle & Co. Iced Drinks. was Our Soda Water Foiintaio 18 OPEN FOR THE 8EABON. Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Lemon and, Limeade, Mai to, Oinger Ale and Mineral Waters. Cigars! ; We sell the best line of Domestic lid Imported Cigars in Charlotte. No. 511, Santa Clara, Samara, and Marie Antoinette. BURWELL & DUNN, WHOLESALE STORE, 8 and 6 West Trade street RETAIL STORE, ,..t Opposite Central Hotel. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND J EWELRY. Selling Out IT jlfflj MM COST. "As I wish to close my business in the next two or three months I offer geeat bargains. pSVERYTHINO OOES AT T BUTLERS. What He Had to Bay Last Kieht-His Sermon Tody Scenes in the Tab ernacle. There are possibly a few people who didn't think that Sam Jones would draw much of a crowd to Charlotte. After tho scenes of the past twenty four hours it Is safe to say that they have changed their minds. The like of it was never seen here before. It beats the old time muster days. The railroads empty hundreds of people Into the city by every train, while they come in along the public roads in all sorts of conveyances, from i fine carriages to an ordinary seventy five cents pair of brogans. To get an idea of a Sam Jones audience one will have to stand in the street and watch the people coming out of the tabernacle at the conclusion of the service. It is simply astonishing. Last night the big tabernacle almost filled. There were over 6,000 people present, and possibly 500 more eould have been seated. Mr. Jones, ;n beginning his sermon, said: Now we invite your attention to these words, in the 15th verse of the 24th chapter of the book of Joshua: 'Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my houso, we will serve the Lord." We have before us one of the grand ast declarations, one of the finest ex irtations that human ears ever lis tened to and human hearts ever pro nounced. "Choose you this day whom you will serve," is the exhortation, followed by this declaration, "but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Now we have to do first, with the exhortation of the text, 'Choose you this day whom you will serve." Christianity is simply and only a matter of choice ; it is not a desire simply, it is not a matter sim ply, or "I wish I was ;" but Christian ity Is simply and only a matter of choice. "Choose you this day whom you will serve." If everybody who desired to be good, was good, every body would be good ; if everybody (who purposes to be godd would be good, then everybody would be good. If everybody in this audience who wishes I was good, all would be good. But it is not a question of desire,pur pose, or I wish I was, but It isa ques tion of down right, square outchoice. Now I am ready to say in my place again, God himself cannot make a man a good man until a man intelli gently and deliberately chooses to be good. No man ever went to sleep a sinner and waked up a Christian. No man ever accidently fell over into Christianity. It Is a matter of delib erate, intelligent choice of the will. Now to illustrate what I mean by "choice." If you were to lay an ap ple or banana on the table and say Jones take your choice, I would take the apple and leave the banana, or I would take the banana and leave the apple. I have got seuse enough to know that you did not mean for rne to take them both. You see? Now listen: Before every intelligent per 6on in this audience Christ places purity, holiness and heaven here, every sinner In' this town' would be one. There is no doubt about that And if there Is anything that makes ine ashamed of humanity it is for one of you to say I am waiting the Lord's own good time. Now it is to that sortl have a good deal to say in this meeting. A Bister said to me: Brother Jones, you use more foolishness than any preacher I ever saw. Well, you know what foolishness is? It is stufl you rub on foolx: well, it takes a sight to go round as sure a you live, ii any oi are, Brother Pool? Do there are 100 there? there suppose nearly every body in Charlotte goes you ' Yes. to preaching. 4 Now. you take the churches of this town, do you reckon them ever? Now somebody told me tat was one thing about Charlotte they would go to cburoh. WelL'it is a terrible case, brethren. Lam sure. i you are not preaching Gospel . to them. You preachers are cutting It fine 'and warming it, and Just giving them a little at a time j and if anybody asks you if you endorse Sam Jones, you tell you get any rubbed on you you will I 0" J hi. t 6 With &Ul know your name atVr this. Now, . 2eJ m here' 1 won 4 n au intelligent I ""1 """J w "uuoree me. ad I believe my L.We not hunting endorsers. Vrir-8 waai 8ort or a member yon will be. Choose you this day whom you will serve, not only choose ; that you will choose God or not; but choose what kind of servant you will be. If you want to be a good man, pitch in. God will help you every step. If you want to be a truthful man, God will help you every step. If you all don't do better you will have to take down part of the church spires. You have already run them up higher than you own. You had better look out Consecrated, earn est, diligent, faithful Christians, these are what we want The saloon keeper is after our boys and the dancing master Is after oiir girls. Ain't that so? We can sort of back and give up our boys, but let us uie in our tracK ratlier than give up our girls. We get it in courses. hear me: I believe I choice of the right, and I believe my father in heaven approves and sec onds it. God will have all men to be saved and coiue to the knowledge of the truth. "In due time Christ tasted death for ever for every man," and I say to you if you want to be good now or over you nave got to choose to be. We look too much to the means nnd too little to the end; we look too much to the parnphenelia of the ends und too much of the deliberate CALL 01 US " -: . 1'.. ' FOB ANYTHING YOU NEED IN , THE LINE OF Boots 1 Shoes OUR STOCK IS rcsh, Desirable, Stylish AN DURABLE. "TtJooda and prices will please Sou.- lty A full line of Trunks, Valises and lub J la era. . :::..: .?.r."' " .""Orders by mall ,.nipt attention, v - ' will receive E Banldnf& BroJ and He places worldlness sin and death, and most of 3011 members of the church say, "I'll Just take them all." How many members of the church here ever came to the deliberate choice I'll take Christ and Christian ity, and you may take the rest Oh . j nroiner I'liristiau, when looked at I from a practical standpoint, eive me purity, holiness, happiness and there is not another thing this earth has that I would turn aside to take. "Choose you this day whom you will serve." With all of the light be fore you, with all of the facts staring you in me iace; witn tne past, pre sent and future, time, eternity, the grave and Judgment before you,come to the conclusion, which is the best, and conscientiously and deliberate ly choose the good the balance of your life. I repeat what I said, God himself cannot make a man good un til a man himself dell berately chooses to be good. If He can, how can He? Suppose I want to make a farmer out of my boy and he doesn't wan't to be one, but I'm going to make one. I go out here and buy 500 acres of land und stock it, while my boy is here in town drinking whiskey and playing billiards. I am going to make a far mer out of that boy with a vengeance. ain't 17 wnne 4 rauea on mm as a farmer, now I want to make him a lawyer. How shall I do it? I build him a law office, put all of the best law books in the office, such its Black stone, Greenleaf and others, and the boy driving around town with the girls and I cannot get him Inside of the office. Now, ain't I making a lawyer out or mm with a vensreance. Listen: If God Almlirh tv Mn't make, you a good man until von choose to La good, how can he? Til tell you bow: Now build him a ohurob, give him a Bible aud start him a Sunday school, and hire him a preacher: because thev all hva hoice of Christ, and the risrht means of salvation of the soul itself, and we preachers are sometimes to blame for it Listen: "As in Adam may all die; in Christ so shall we all be made alive." You talk about humanity Just no if TMiriaf nova? auffi.k? T .n " jk . ouurtou. uuit X lull you this much: when God wanted to become the Redeemer of man He took human naturejustlikemy own, and if it is good enough for God what are you growlingfor? I get disgusted 10 near people taia about humanity. I am nothing but an old worm of tho dust; an old worm with whiskers: an old worm with breeches; an old lady wormess with a dress on, and feathers in her hat I would he ishamed of myself. I tro around and say nothing, nothing, nothing, until it nas turned out to te the God's truth, and I am nothing, going no where, and old sister nothing with it wnat 00 you want to De nothlnarfor? How can God crown nothine? How can nothing play on the harp ; and if you get to- heaven nothing, they would be everlasting running over you, because they could not see you. I do not want to be nothing; I want to be something and somebody. Now let us quit being nothing, and let us be somebody. Unless you say broth er, I Just made him out of nothing. Now hear me: There is not a man of us but what can choose any min ute that be can be good or not and then in a minute can choose J ust how good we can be. I don't only choose whether I will be a Christian or not, t have got it in my hands Just what sort of a one I will be. If I choose to be a first-class one, thank God I can be and if I choose to be a -20th rate Christian, I can, can't I? can't I? can't I? Of course I can. One fellow said, Brother Jones you know more about backsliders than a.nv fellow I ever saw. I ought to begin to know something about them. I never associated with any other sort ince I came in the church. A fellow ought to begin to know something I about his gang, and these churches j are all about on a dead level. The Baptist church will not take a 1 fellow uiit'.l he gets experience, aj Presbyterian won't until he gets In- ' telligent experience and a Methodist ; will just slosh around and take any- : body, and we are Just as good as any body. Now that's about rieht Ain't '. it so? I do not say that because I'm a Methodist You know there is as much religion in the Methodist church in this town as there is in any church in town, and you know it Let me say to you you can choose what sort of a Christian vou will he. and if you choose to be a first-class Christian the devil cannot keep you from it It is "choose" all the way through. Now here; I want you to listen along here for this service is not all giggling. You can choose just what sort of a member of church you will be. Now let's look these pastors in the face, and I am sorry they are not all here. I was preach ing one day along this line aud said : , I wouldn't take a man la the church j who woldu't pray in his family or in me cnurcn, ana ao anything his pas i tad Display. A Great Stock. -sos- V. 1 Generous Bargains. ' Generous Brains. First thino- you know it is the skating rink, and everything in town is rolling on wheels; and the next thing you know it is cards, cards, cards, and evnrv- thlng in town is playing cards, and every little vagabond wlio can run after a horse is a wheel horse. Old married women dance and dance right up until your old figures get so stiff you cannot get around, and many a woman never quits dancing until she dances down with rheumatism or "swinney," or some thing else. "Swinney" is lameness in the fore shoulder. I don't know what that is. Now hear me: Choose what sort of a Christian you will be. nann uoo tie nas made it possi ble by His covenant grace and His omnipotent power for the last man of us to 00 as good as we want to be. You slip shod, wisby washy, dancing and card playing members of the church, suppose the salvation of the world was turned over to you. Where would the world be? Be it said, to the honor of Texas, when I was In Fort Worth preaching, I said I would ! give any man in that audience,-who ! was a Christian, $500 if he would get ! up uu uiui piauorm ana oeiend danc ing and give me 15 minutes in con clusion. A man in Dallas, Texas, took me up. I never pay a party for gathering a crowd together for a bus zard to spew on. He was a profes sional dancing- master and was go ing to defend dancing. Do you think I would irive $500 to have that don when I can hire a whole lot of them for $5? Beit said to the honor of i Texas, but one man in the Htate had I A.n.ii.. in ; nid icuieiuY or nara noon tn an- Wfl III VI LA VINILOTH Eft I11HT)MI,,C fllir nAV fkn1 ATtitnatVa atAAb A GJnJiL Summer Clothing, with the certainty that you have never yet seen Tany4.. thing that will compare with it for .variety or general excellence. The equal of the stock has never been seen In this neighborhood: it Is peerless , and perfect ' r " JUST WHAT Y0U:-ANTW' It has been our endeavor to provide; just what you want in quality and in price. We are prepared to suit any customer, however extravagant or extreme. If there's anybody dissatisfied with purchases In the past, now is their grand opportunity to get satisfaction.' Think WHAT WE OFFER YOU! Wm J ?ertie ,Vh6 , 5oIc9 Ojf ' fancy in Ready Made Clothing for Men, Boys and Children. We offer the newest styles and patterns in Straw Hats. We offer you the best values you ever received in the above goods and the lowest prices ever made. AGENUINI'.O1 i-'l:OFUENUl E V. l:: .s. a (iEM jFFEROF . in:: 1: im v : .-.MT1NK OFFER O ' 8 K 1" I N K I WU1AINH. a 8::vi in r (i i Ki: of;exi:i vk imixmivu A i;i:l INKOFFKH OF (8F.N1 INK MAKUAIX& In all your trnding eX,, von never had such a chance t..g. t fixed for Spring M M..-I .. don't nk you to take our nl but let the goods rfp-ii foi it. ( on. 1 and see th.1.1. W. KAUFMAN & CO., LEADING CLOTHIERS, GENTS FURNISHERS AND HATTERS, COKNHR CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. nounce to defend Mundell's celebrated Solar Tin 1 Shoes for Children. Always a lurire the world that he could i fltock of these popular Shoes. Gent' Leath er txTo ivr wauieu nim 10 ao. une or 011 merchants said I went today to Join the church but you shut the door In my face, and I said how did I? H said you made a remark in vour ser mon that any man who would not pray in his family or do any thing the pastor or church wanted him to do. Now that let's me out Well. you mean business. What sort of a member do you want to be. I want to be a (rood ono. Do vrm bnnu- Brother Green over here? he wouldn't dancinc. Mv! Mv! Mvt have danced a good deal lu my time. 1 tnius 1 nuve. 1 uuucea up 10 tne i time I got religion, but I say this much, I danced and frolicked with ; the girls until the time I wanted to marry, and I had to go for a woman I could call wife aud ono lit for the training of mv child run uiwl T n-ont 500 miles and I drove out in the coun try four miles and got one of the pray,er meeting girls, and I wouldn't give her for one of those dancing girls that ever danced. I am Just talking about my choice. around with them, but when you want to get a good wife go to the prayer meeting, hunt her up, she is worth the balance all put together. Now let me tell you another thlng.l and I haven't got time to fool away on that sortof thiutr. Home folks sav 'our church don't object to dancing' What church do you belong to. I)o you belong to the. Episcopal? Why that church denounces It Do von belong to the Baptist church? That church also denounces It Do you belontr to the Preshvirinn ,' It hurls its anathemas again&t it Do GILREATH A CO. New stock -of Slipper Soles. New stock of Trunks. New stock or Va lises and Club Bags. New stock of Sample Cases. Come and see our Goods. GILREATH & CO. For the best Blacking In the world use Miller's Improved French. Will soften and preserve the leather. Makes a lasting shine and the most economical. Costs no moro than common blacking GILREATH A CO. ugola and Patent ordS for dannlnir anri street wear, the most elegant goods ou the market and lowest prices. GILREATH A CO, tur Gent's fine hand made Shof. stand at the top, always the best nukes, best fitting, and luvet prlcos. Come and try them. GILREATH A CO. t. ?l CftL,,ttnd ee our celebrated Two Dollar Shoes by far the greatest value ever offered. We are having immense sale on them. GILREATH A CO. you belong to the Methodist church? She denounces It In verv unmistahle terms. Do you belong to the Roman Church? The Bishop of New York has said that two-thirds of the girls stated in the confessional that their downfall commenced In the ball room. When a pastor don't object he alut fit to be a pastor of a litter of puppies. I mean what 1 say. He win urjuK wine with you and piay carus witn you, and he will says 1 VI MMWJ TT 17 11 111 II I I.I ... . UH d pray in the church or family or an. I nat .notnlilP 18 ",ore delightful than thiug else. Lord, he says, that's an ! an5,nS- 1 ,,ore " ' a saloon keeper insult to ask me that Question. I ! hftt ever ours?d this town that Is do- would rather be like lam than to I mu&? na,rm ftS th,s P"aoher be like him. There is Brother John- 1 vau . saioou Keeper is only siou, no win pray a revival and he Well, back re is Brother John- oan ??' ,.lV 8a,oou 1kHep' ,9 only ' a little Just after t?d f, ,ort Prg his shot and will nrav a littlfl in 8hell but ib a mftn 18 on the inside, the nKSohe T wVn. L Ain't that so, brethren? Well say STEAIGEKS:-:. VISITING OUE CITY. :o:- For the next thirty days thei win . n city. They would do well h t-nll n prent ninny strangers visiting our us and see on mammoth stock of GENT'S, LADIES'. MJrtsKH' AND CHILDREN' FINE SHOES! FINE SHOES! got Bibles, Sunday schools : and hymn books, and Umckmenld make A fellow ft Cbrlitj8n.rcry day and public 1( he likes the preacher. air. Jones, 1 never called you nere to insult me. There is Dr Watts, who prays in church, Sunday school and family. How would you like to be like Dr. Watts, said I? I like that Vou rascal, you want to live like old Green and be like Dr Watts. There are those in he Ah Just that sort They would live liko old Green and be like Dr. Watts. What sort of member are you goinr w &vu unto UlUtWlli JU You may talk about the sinners in this town as much as vou dIajuia h,, there is not a church Lu this city that aiStf nilAfl . 1 1 uui udou gvuu uiein oers. x ou want more to run your prayer-meet- t. uu wu't KHb will Ton n DVII got to attend the meetings. Ton have "WUl 10 or TOt WUO QOeS All tho nav- illg and half of them don't pay what You do not want more nrmKa nan as mucn as you need good members. Does Moody's crowd atinb? Sam Jones' converts stick? They maybe In the chain tramr. hut. can say one thing about Sam Jonou ne never preaouea nere Deiore and 11 I don't leave then better than I found them. I'll be sorrv I 1 mean the most of them. Yon ..., not lay them to Sam Jones or to Moody. I don't know whose thev are.. )":- You take the churches of this town, how many, do vou uth. pose ; there are at,., the Methodist prayer meeting every Wednesday C'2bt.ill0W many do ws annnnal "amen." Brethren I -Brethren I t woutdn't let a man come her o-nH clean out m,v ditches and never bring uiiu a uluum. iu water or uo anytning to help him. (Response. amen!) Now cnoose; choose what kind of Chris tjan you will be. Oh I listen: Now there )s a very serious side to this queston. I wpuld have called you a don't take any side at all I am on tne ience. You take a tooth pick and lay l( dv.wn, he will get astride 01 it, ana tie thinks he is on the fence, He Is a 11 ttl fellow, and his llttl feet hardly touched the ground strad dling a tooth pick. I like one of tnese fellows that walks up like Aa. . J MM At w ue man auu gays 11 mere is one Christian in Charlotte, I will be that one. 1 line a Christian that atanria ont like a man, whether anybody else uwi or not. -jam as ior me and my house we will serve the Lord." Thfa 1 is wnat l said 17 years ago last Autr uu join 11 was not 17 nours oerore me uevji wuu teiunir me 1 nau a hi Job, but for me I will serve God. If there is one man in the world to serve God and be true to him, I will bi that man. "But as for me and my house we will serve God.B Hut 1 have got a wfe-and : 8 children! 6 times 1 are ft. and 1 makes 7. and 1 makes 8. ; Now I have got 8 times as nig a loom wnen 1 started in, and as ior me i win serve tne ioru: as for tnv ...n ...ill n.j ' We purchased heavily, !, season and will be able to show a stock of BOOTS AID SIOES Seldom seen Jn any South, city. We are always the front rank, in thehandlhig of ALL KINPS OF FINK FOOTWEAR. Of Ladies' Hand-Sewed we have ever showit -We f II I BIJ II U AVk...." EV.-ahM 9 a - and Low Shoes excel' .7 - V,r", L n-.iued Button Boots 19 East Trade Street, &RAT & BAHNHAED'T" " 1 " " W9 ' ' " 1 I'.lt.L' lit - PARLOR SUITS. CQ What will become of my children? don't know, and I tell you what I ft -ft '.S r New Goods! New 8tvl! f . My stock of Parlor Goods la as near complete now as at any time In the his tory of my business, and the people of this community know that I LBAtj.fc the latest styles, knowing I have mid At SjSftriSdy for nearly a nuartnr of a. 'tun fen mL tk i AJrX -v. Solid Cherryram ;VphoIf 142.00. Remember thlala nollah framo a n u ... 1 . r i . . ysu wijnuoiu. vu Antique oak Suit nn h bolstered in fine quality, dlk plush, 6 piet est UuE? Everyone knows whaW Is, and knows fo be $mP A Ish and also durable, v I have a shk PluVfi r Hill Pk..' ..m. t..t,.l.i...J?. fABn F 4Jau oo.uu. Tins suit "t , is Ifl d clone. Mnnnmlur that -1 k.-.. ' aovciai ' , kiu(iv or nusn on n at can the ; same kind v of .frame.

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