I came, to this city (then a town) a poor, unknown, friendless boy to be a clerk in what was then the largest House in Charlotte. It was very large for those times, as its annual sales reached what then was a princely sum that o 60,000 per annum Friends I had none, nor had I much money. Saving the sum of $140 which 1 deposited in the State Bank, standing where now stands Dr. Mc Aden's drug store. It affords me much amusement now to look back with what solicitude I morning and evening looked at that Bank Building and its contents. I grew' restless, however, of th,e monotony of clerkship, and in 1856 commenced with my late lamented partner, Mr. Rintels, -a business for ourselves in the Mountains, with a joint CASH CAPITAL OF $550. My motto then as and ever will be,f the talismanic 1 .I. . .1 J y j ' - mSSSSmmamSSSSESSESSSSm VIZ: , t: r j t I i x 11 ""Nft ess t2n - Which, coupled with fair, honest, upright, business-like dealings, have been the SHIBBOLEIH OP MY SUCCESS, so that to-day I have reached a point of success never dreamed of either by myself or by Charlotte's most sanguine optimist lo-day I am on the vortex of such a successful business career that my friends and every honest lover of the CarolinasJ points to my establishment with honest pride, and makes every well wisher of successful effort say; "BEHOLD what with the talismanic 3 P's can be accomplished in good old North Carolina. In July, 1865, I rented as a Store what at one time was the Parlor of the residence of the late James Irvine,, of the dimensions of 21x21 feet, and a pitch of ceiling 9 feet, or 441 superficial flooring space, (and it was as large as I could fill with goods,) bought an old plank partition out of which I put up shelves and a counter (there was no lumber then to be had to make shelves), and advanced thus step by step until today, 1 have reached a point where it requires a building 50x92 feet, of POUR floors, and an annex of 75x92 feet to give me moderately sufficient space to do my busineess in ; and when my store now in course of enlargement will ba completed. I will have about 25,000 superficial feet of flooring space, and 1 16 counters of 46 feet long each, to hold the goods, which put lengthwise, one by the other, would reach the enormous -length of 5,336 feet, or about J8 of a mile. It requires 3 j Book Keepers, 2 Packers, 1 Shipping Clerk, 5 Stock Keepers, 2 House Salesmen, and 6 Traveling Salesmen to complete my force to keep business in motion. Such is a short: hjstory of my business m the past and present V v. Visitors would not be, true to'themselves, to Charlottei?to NorthCarolina, if they failed to visit and inspect my establishment, so that When they go. to .their respective homes they ' may return not only as BETTER, but WISER by reason of having seen my Mammoth "Wholesale House,,rand b enabled to say to their friends and 4 neighbors, that we have heard since our childhood day of the big concern of & Wittkowsky, but we can exclaim as did Queen Sheba of old, that "The half had not been told" pf the wonderful business and collossal prpppr-; tions of the house of the undersigned. : ; f a. " 3iSS