The Charlotte News. EVERY AFTEBNOQN EXCEPT SUNDAY, j - ,t by " . ; WADE H, HARRIS, Ed. and Proprietor Subsobiptiojt: One Year, $4; Six Month, 2; Three Months, $1; Per ! Week 10 cents. Paper delivered In C .the city by carriers free of charge, .? Advertising .rates low ana liDerai. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 189a Representatives of nine of the -' American republics nave signed the. formal treaty of arbitration in ?ecre ; tary BlaineV office at the Depart ment of State, nunely, the United State, Guatemala, Nicaragua', '"Sal i vador, Honduras, Bolivia, .Ecuador Hayti, and the United States ol . Brazil." It is expected that three more signatures .and se'als will be .. added soon, and it is hoped that the signatures of ail the powers will be secured in the course of the summer ? and autumn. Several of the Minis ters remained over at great incon venience to complete their- adhesion to tht treaty. Great enthusiasm i felt at the Stte Dptrtmf ito-rer the rapid progress oi so important a measure. It U expUintl th it the International Conlerenc . could ml) recommend, and that it was the regularly accredred Mi mters Pleni potentiary wh signed the treaty for relereace to their rc-pective Governments Comment! on Sam Jones. Gastonia Gazette : Great numbers of people go to Charlotte every day to hear Sam Jones. We hod it impossible to form any denuate opinion of the ni in from the reports brought back. Some are enthusias tic in his favor, while oihers are dis gusted ; soma think he is a grand work tor the church, and others believe tile good he dots is largely counterbalanced by the ten dency to renutr people discontented with the simple gospel , some say it is the best ciicus they have ever seen, while others agree that Jones is an inimitable ciovrnjmr think a clear line of disunctioa should be drawn between hU and preaching. We have been swayed Irom one side to the o-.her by ihe conflicting opinions, ani now we don't know which way 10 swing. Statesville Landmark : That m tn of God, the Reverenu Samuel P. Jones, is in Charlotte ;.t this tune, justifying the ways of Gad to men Up to last evening he h:.d caikd tht people of that devoted c ty hound v lousy calves, dirty dogs. looU ai d contemptible poppies, mat had saio of the best people oi the city (who are as good peopje as dwell on earth) that they woilXj not be allow ed to sweep out the kltch.nn ot the bon-ton of Baltimore. II tie tilked that way on the strelt ii.jic-iJ ot id a "tabernacle" he vJbuli get txtli eyes blacked and tnen be sent tn the rock pile. . Greensboro Patriot : When Sam Joies asserted on Sunday that the "Mecklenburg Declaration ol lade pendence" was "a fraud and the freak of a few drunken vagabonds. " a . the hornets d jzzeu and no mis ae Sam didn't know that ine Mtcklcn burg people think tlmcst as much 1 the Mecklenburg Declaration as they do of the Ten Commandments, and besides, he was badly elf in hut h . tory, as he Irankly aoknoat'Ogcd Sunday night. j i -l-Jklonroe Enquirer : Lo k t him any way we will he is a wonder. Wi never heard anyone who wai to be compared with him the saml d,y. No newspaper report can giJL' any convct idea ol the ma.i. Ho inul be seen and heard to be appreciated. And everybody who c,u hear him oneMsttTao it.' We viu!d judge from reading the newsj.)er reports that he is a boor an i,;uorarnous but nothing is further Loin tht Met He is finely educated :id at times uses the most elegant I i-gungp. Monroe Register : One mat i ea i his sermons, word for vord, yet one cannot understand th jsnarydous power of the man wi'hout hearing the sermons from his owu lips Ai an evidence of this many have gone to hear him since he has bten in Charlotte, believing h;ro to J be a fraud and a hwnbttg-, an 3 have Scorn? away believing him ti ts not1 only the greatest P'iactJhJtAba great est Aim on the Amef ti; -continent. While in CharUteTae$qr we heard a gentleman - Jbohr Wilningtol say that he came, t o ibarb"ite . tof hear j ones as ne woutq go Kf n theatre or a circu, and expressetiihe otifmon while on the tram that lVa milliner but a ranter After km j(ajg him he was thorougWycoii-iuced that he was the greatest and mobt wmlrrful preacher in America, and that be was filled with the-Hoty Spli it ; and en dowed, with power Iromton. high . THE TRIUMPHANT SONGS 4 v No. 2, used at the SAM JONES MEETINGS FOR BALE AT ; ROSS & ADAJIS' Hook and Stationary Store, 22 South Tryon St, Charlotte, N. C. ce Cream. U K CHKAM TO-DAY AND FOR THE BEASON at RIGLBR'S. :o :- Families and parties supplied at RHII.ERU Hr the plate or gallon at RKiLEIt'S. -:o:- HUKAI, CAKKS antl TIES and H(M)I frrsh ivery day ut RIGLER VS . The All HeaUng never; vxiui - Cures all $kia Diseases. Sold by all druggists.- Manufactured by ' EDWARD nOOPER, 607 W. Seventh 8t, Charlotte, N. C. aprlxulm ICECREAM! My lee Cream Parlors are now oppti, and I am ready to serve the puldie. Cream in any amount ' fur ni!heil to order and delivered. . My Kefttau rant is open for board en, and the table is always supplied with the best of the season. W. B. TAYLOR. Notioe ! I am now prepared to furnish Arst cIu.hs pine lumber lonp leaf or short leaf at lowest cash price, delivered promptly, direct from mills. lm. W.T. BEAMAN. BARGAINS ARE OFFEREDr r . x . n a t in jeweirv, uaicnes, nwcwrips ; and Kye-Ulasses, 218 V. Trade Ht, daily, ny w. ruwuivrA apza HUGH W. HARRIS ATTORN Y-AT-LAW, CIIAULOTTE, - - - - K. C. Offlce-First door west of Court House. DR. GEO.' W. GRAEAM. rractiee limited to diseases of THE EYE, EAR XtfD fllROAT & J' ("ft re--"- ;-gjbfarrior;m.:D Prsctlcinar : rhslcJan, and feir ,on. ' OfBeeT W. Trade Bt. ri.leiice No, W K' CoUof o etni C . i-1 to. N. , rrotnp't ntwndor i vVt & DULS. ' Counsellors and A.ttoleyHklLS)W, Office In Law Building. Prompt attention to all business. Claims collectecL PraAHco ,ln ,8UU and Federal Conrta, :-f JJj Jl-M dr. -iL iwiiilEl; .THICA.N AND BTlltaEO Office over BurweQ 4 Dunn's Drui ;do you. t " it If you do fro to the Mammoth Oar rlnge Repository of a ?. JIUTCHIi SON. 4. CO,? nfext; US ?Wadsor)b'S oiauien. vnariopwr xh. v wnera you can find the largest and best stock of Buggies. Carriages, Surreys, T Carts, Koad Carts, Spring Wagons, etc ever exhibited in North or South Carolina, from the best factories In the United States. Weiniy in larger quantities and can therefore sell cheaper and better goods for the money than can be bought elsewhere. arnessr A fine Bugiry or Carriage does not look well without fine Harness. We sell all kinds of Harness, but make a specialty of fine Harness, so We ask you for your own good as Well jls ours to examine our stock befrire you buy. Do you want' Farm or Dray Wairoii? If vou do yon will make a sad mistake if you do not buy the Old Reliable Studebaker Wagon, the best in the world. We have all sizes.- Don't think we are j-assinp and f-tay away, but come afld cee and be convinced. A. C. HUTCHISON & CO., Next to Wadsworth's Stables, Charlotte, N. C. t i Racket Sore 1000 TTTJT Q . 2,000 BUS Ohoiee WJiite -Corn. fij f," f ;o? v .rifiM, BUSHELS if i n j CLEANED Gloria. Silk mmm 26 Inch 85c; Wort..25. 28 Iocli 95c; , Worth $1.50. GREAT BARGAIN I).' O'J)0N0OHUE,!;M. 1), PHYSICIAH AND 8UBOE0N,- 11am f sannrinnisai flStti i K.- w.rL sumed practice, and that all calls dowi way jam" wia, ceaiyeu prompt attention. : . ; montf A JusUce's Hardware Store. j For ROIiti Sis. room house on ' 11. street for rnK Apply to Mr8.Mrr.'TRTrow, or J. AsburyMirfcfr h y aplh. . r aim a secona-nanorvwo-uorss wagon anrja TIIISnOFKICR. Vt Trade Btfeet Hootn feetf Sec Them at Once. . i Davis & Ce, TOE SW1NS0N HOUSE, 222 N. Tbton Stbksjt, Opposite Tryon Street M. E. Church, CHARLOTTE, N. Cm Board by the day 75 cents. By the week or month on reasonable terms. rmhS-am Mrs. E. SWINBON. FEED OATS, BRAN, t " MILL FEED, COW FEED, MIMOTHY HAY, MIXED HAY CLOVER HAY. We hare one car load of genuine Early Rose Seed Potatoes E. F, YOUNG & CO. Provision and Grain Dealers. Telephone No. 27. BABY CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. BABY CARRIAGES. I HAVE .. THE CHEAPEST LOT OF CARRIAGES EVER BROUGHT INTO THE STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA. I AM SELLING THEM AT VERY SMALL PROFITS. IJHAVE THEMAT ALLfPRICEH. I CAN SUIT "AN Y.MAN'S PURSE. FROM THEJ RICHEST TO THE POOREST. I CAN AND WILL PLEA8E ' 5 YOU. FROM 75 TO 100 NEW STYLES TO SELECT JFROM, RANGING IN PRICE FROM 7.50 TO I3&.00. CALL AND SEE THEM. E. M. ANDREWS. E. M. ANDREWS F M ANDREWS. GREAJ I have recrnUy purchased Tfreamj n-..n.nh the milk and oreatn la accurately separated.T am now preparea w CREAlMatveryowproaKnja Street Railway Connections, Until further notice new cars No. t --a a n Trmn atreet. will Connect wlthcaraNos. S and a on Trade at, at Independence square. a w. 1 and 4 on Tryon street Hue do not connect with Trade street cars. apr? BRICKLAYER and CONTRACTOR Refers to Charlotte Oil and Fer till- iir Company and others for whom he w done work. Prompt, reliable and efficient Work guarantedi Address ' For the boat Korfolk Oysters to Hill! 10 fab, ,.'':v.,J:w'tV, THE BOT0BD HOTEL, .''"ft Oliarlotte, ; CAPACITY DOUBLED. THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS INTR02 TTTf,U,'n TWf!T TtTTWA A UTHTli1 TIUKtl A ITI r DtCP f IX" T ; AND BAGGAGE ELEVATOR 5 fe DectricCall and,' Autom atic CaU Dells. Lighted by Gas and Elec tricity. Batlis and Closets on every s .Floor. Twelve Elegantly ,- Fur n:shexT . Sample and Guest's Rooois on OflRoe Floor. Reading Room' Especially AT f!lMtf- ELEGANT AND BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED DINING-ROOM ? v "ON 4TH FLOOR, WHICH IS REACHED BY , . . - , f PASSENGER ELEVATOR. v EfcThe Hotel is furnished throughout in the best manner with Velvet ar.d russels Carpets. Solid Antique Oak Furniture, the very best Beds sr. J every appliance for the comfort of its euests. Table unsurpassed ior ex cellence. The patronage of visitors to the city and Cromercialjmen fs- peciauy sonaiea. "."T",. Mr. Conrad Lipscomb and Henry smith, so wcli.and la v.rnHt kiM' n, remain tn charge oi the office. . ' r -t i' ' TERMS: $2 oo, $2.50 and $3.00 per day. Special raeWi-erfr;ar-rt euests on application. GEORGE W. KrrTELl .E.Pnror INVEST YOUR . Surplus Dollars .7 i i i' 1 N BBAL ESTATE 1 ,V :o:- No. 5. No. . No. ia Kali. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 1". Na 21. No. 23. N. 2ow ! No. 27. LADIES' AND MISSES tt)UB BUTTON Ll8LETHRIJAn4ER- ;V6et gloves .t;. " " In black and assorted colors, In all lsea, regular 25a grade. Our. ' price a long as they last Is ( Only 10 Cents r TK.m'1 ktL Anlw on 1naen' Tndla Linen ft cent a yard. Very fine at 10 and Ji cents. Embroidery, full dress length for Ladies, S80 up. Thirty doxen Handkerebtefii Se op. Another lot or Utttae nueiuriain poles with fine brans trinimlngs, worth fiOc Our price is ohljSScta, , KHOES AND HATS V AT SPECIALLY LOW PRICJ-J. ' The verv Clfsfc Parlor .Matches made and warranted ft) in a box at Ton TTr'rr:nn Hi . . . . . v . it. - ? ; - One vacant lot corner Myers and Ninth streets. 20Q.0o " f Oue vacant lot North Myers street, good well water, $250.00. 8ix Room Cottage, East Morehead, lot 93xS feet, 2 room servants house, abundance of fruit on lot, improvements new. Price 3,MXl. 'onr Boom Cottage, North Collejre, letwee:i Heventh and Eighth streets, convenient to business. Can be secured on easy terms.;. Call at office. Price $1,100. ; Vacant lot IN' est Teuth street. Wide street, fine neighborhood and growing sect iv.u. Price S600. 87) acre Farm, 3 miles west of the city, pacing 15 percent rent on asking price- Call at office. ' " - , Kix Room Cottage on North Poplar, ttetween Seventh and Eighth street" (loot! neililMrhood,anl convenient to buslaeea. Cath pay ment, balance on time. Price il,90a Six Room, two-story Dwelling, North Poplnr, between Eighth; and Ninth streets. Price $1,850. Vacant lot. West Hfth street, 50x 170 feet. Price ittO. e , I Very desirable building property on Nortli College Street. Water and gas convenient and one of the best neighborhoods In the city. 240 acre Farm seven miles from the city on the Salisbury road. One hundred acres in cultivation, balance in pine growth and original forest. This place can be secured at astonishingly low figures and pasy terms, " "?.' ? v A nun-Ii. r of desirable buihling lots on Smith Ttyon Streetv. Price from $aoo to $8TA Terms easy. ' h : ! " t ' 1 , Desirable 9 room, two-story Dwelling In the southern Jwrt of the city, near the (iraded Hchool aud convenient to streetcars. Lot 140xlfi5. lfeautmil shale. mce"Z,)U f, :o: 1 FOR RENT. Seven-room two-story Dwelling ou South Tryon St. $15.00 per mouth. - :o:- IT WILL PAY PARTIES H AVINtl PROPERTY TO RENT OR FELL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR AGENCY. , ' IISBET & ALEXANDEB, Iteal EsteLto Brokers. i 9 W. TRADE STREET. Buy, sell and rent property, on HARNESS, Read! x Road ! It is always economy to get GOOD HARNESS. Experience teaches that no harness made can excel for durability, service and handsome finish that made here in Charlotte by., . I I.E. SHAW CO. I We use only first-class material and employ none: bat skilled .and competent workmen. Evry set thai goes out of my shop is complete and An Immense lln ot HAHNESH, i BRIDLES, ,v!v;ADDfiEK, BIANKETH, ' vmp8,c. Iitfstock. Call and see us before buy ing anytnuig in tne JttaraejN itne. 81XTOONK, by Edward Deilau.j, 55 cents, , , 1 . 1 J j ; jAciioo"i;DONr"t ELSIE VENNI'.R, by oilvrr dell Holmoa. AOtreutM. V. al-o carry a f . '1 i THE BIN 0 P J003T A V 1 : i i;bvMart. i f Tat' f

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